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We studied adaptation to spectral light distribution in undisturbed benthic communities of cyanobacterial mats growing in hypersaline ponds at Guerrero Negro, Baja California, Mexico. Microscale measurements of oxygen photosynthesis and action spectra were performed with microelectrodes; spectral radiance was measured with fiber-optic microprobes. The spatial resolution of all measurements was 0.1 mm, and the spectral resolution was 10 to 15 nm. Light attenuation spectra showed absorption predominantly by chlorophyll a (Chl a) (430 and 670 nm), phycocyanin (620 nm), and carotenoids (440 to 500 nm). Blue light (450 nm) was attenuated 10-fold more strongly than red light (600 nm). The action spectra of the surface film of diatoms accordingly showed activity over the whole spectrum, with maxima for Chl a and carotenoids. The underlying dense Microcoleus population showed almost exclusively activity dependent upon light harvesting by phycobilins at 550 to 660 nm. Maximum activity was at 580 and 650 nm, indicating absorption by phycoerythrin and phycocyanin as well as by allophycocyanin. Very little Chl a-dependent activity could be detected in the cyanobacterial action spectrum, even with additional 600-nm light to excite photosystem II. The depth distribution of photosynthesis showed detectable activity down to a depth of 0.8 to 2.5 mm, where the downwelling radiant flux at 600 nm was reduced to 0.2 to 0.6% of the surface flux.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial 16S ribosomal RNA gene diversity was examined in a benthic mat on Fildes Peninsula of King George Island (62o09′54.4′′S, 58o57′20.9′′W), maritime Antarctica. Environmental DNA was isolated from the mat, a clone library of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments was prepared, and amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) was done to assign clones to seven groups. Low cyanobacterial diversity in the mat was suggested in that 83% of the clones were represented by one ARDRA group. DNA sequences from this group had high similarity with 16S rRNA genes of Tychonema bourrellyi and T. bornetii isolates, whose geographic origins were southern Norway and Northern Ireland. Cyanobacterial morphotypes corresponding to Tychonema have not been reported in Antarctica, however, this morphotype was previously found at Ward Hunt Lake (83oN), and in western Europe (52oN). DNA sequences of three of the ARDRA groups had highest similarity with 16S rDNA sequences of the Tychonema group accounting for 9.4% of the clones. Sequences of the remaining three groups (7.6%) had highest similarity with 16S rRNA genes of uncultured cyanobacteria clones from benthic mats of Lake Fryxell and fresh meltwater on the McMurdo Ice Shelf.  相似文献   

The fine-scale depth distribution of major carbon pools and their stable carbon isotopic signatures (delta(13)C) were determined in a cyanobacterial mat (Salin-de-Giraud, Camargue, France) to study early diagenetic alterations and the carbon preservation potential in hypersaline mat ecosystems. Particular emphasis was placed on the geochemical role of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Total carbon (C(tot)), organic carbon (C(org)), total nitrogen (N(tot)), total hydrolysable amino acids (THAA), carbohydrates, cyanobacteria-derived hydrocarbons (8-methylhexadecane, n-heptadec-5-ene, n-heptadecane) and EPS showed highest concentrations in the top millimetre of the mat and decreased with depth. The hydrocarbons attributed to cyanobacteria showed the strongest decrease in concentration with depth. This correlated well with the depth profiles of oxygenic photosynthesis and oxygen, which were detected in the top 0.6 and 1.05 mm, respectively, at a high down-welling irradiance (1441 micromol photons m(-2) s(-1)). At depths beneath the surface layer, the C(org) was composed mainly of amino acids and carbohydrates. A resistance towards microbial degradation could have resulted from interactions with diverse functional groups present in biopolymers (EPS) and with minerals deposited in the mat. A (13)C enrichment with depth for the total carbon pool (C(tot)) was observed, with delta(13)C values ranging from -16.3 per thousand at the surface to -11.3 per thousand at 9-10 mm depth. Total lipids depicted a delta(13)C value of -17.2 per thousand in the top millimetre and then became depleted in (13)C with depth (-21.7 to -23.3 per thousand). The delta(13)C value of EPS varied only slightly with depth (-16.1 to -17.3 per thousand) and closely followed the delta(13)C value of C(org) at depths beneath 4 mm. The EPS represents an organic carbon pool of preservation potential during early stages of diagenesis in recent cyanobacterial mats as a result of a variety of possible interactions. Their analyses might improve our understanding of fossilized microbial remains from mat ecosystems.  相似文献   

Structure and development of a benthic marine microbial mat   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Abstract Vertically stratified microbial communities of phototrophic bacteria in the upper intertidal zones of the North Sea island of Mellum were investigated. Growth and population dynamics of the cyanobacterial mat were followed over three successive years. It was concluded that the initial colonization of the sandy sediments was by the cyanobacterium Oscillatoria . In well-established mats, however, the dominant organism was Microcoleus chthonoplastes . The observed succession of cyanobacteria during mat development is correlated with nitrogen fixation. Nitrogen fixation is necessary in this low-nutrient environment to ensure colonization by mat-constructing cyanobacteria. Under certain conditions, a red layer of purple sulfur bacteria developed underneath the cyanobacterial mat in which Chromatium and Thiocapsa spp. dominated, but Thiopedia and Ectothiorhodospira spp. have also been observed. Measurements of light penetrating the cyanobacterial mat indicated that sufficient light is available for the photosynthetic growth of purple sulfur bacteria. Profiles of oxygen, sulfide and redox potential within the microbial mat were measured using microelectrodes. Maximum oxygen concentrations, measured at a depth of 0.7 mm, reached levels more than twice the normal air saturation. Dissolved sulfide was not detected by the microelectrodes. Determination of acid-distilled sulfide, however, revealed appreciable amounts of bound sulfide in the mat. Redox profiles measured in the mat led to the conclusion that the upper 10 mm of the sedimentary sequence is in a relatively oxidized state.  相似文献   

Abstract Cyanobacterial mats developed on fine sandy sediments of the upper littoral of the island of Mellum (North Sea). Freshly colonized sediment was dominated by the non-heterocystous, nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium Oscillatoria limosa . Well established mats in which the cosmopolitan cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes was the dominant organism also usually contained O. limosa as a minor component. This mat was about 1 mm thick and contained high biomass. Photosynthesis was maximal at about 150 μm depth and reached values of 280 μmol oxygen. 1−1 · min−1. On the other hand, in the dark, high respiratory activity turned the mat anaerobic within minutes. Freshly colonized sediment consisted of low cyanobacterial biomass loosely attached to the sand grains and present up to a depth of 2.5 mm. Respiratory activity was low and the sediment remained aerobic to a depth of 2 mm throughout the night. Nitrogen fixation (acetylene reduction) was measured during 24-h periods in both types of mats in order to elucidate interactions with oxygenic photosynthesis and oxygen concentration. Acetylene reduction in the mats showed very different diurnal patterns which depended on the type of mat investigated and the time of year. The results indicated that a temporary separation of oxygenic photosynthesis and nitrogen fixation occurred in the mat. Established mats fixed nitrogen predominantly during the transition from dark to light and vice versa, when oxygenic photosynthesis was reduced or absent. Freshly colonized sediment-fixed nitrogen throughout the night but often a stimulation was seen at dawn. The latter showed much higher specific activities than the established type. Also in spring, specific activities were much higher.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial mats along a small stream receiving thermal wastewater from an artificial hot spring in the mid-upper part of the Mankyeong River system, Korea, were studied during the winter of 1995-1996. In the cyanobacterium, Oscillatoria terebriformiscomprised >95% of total biomass. Ash-free dry-weight (AFDW) and chlorophyll a in the cyanobacterial mats decreased significantly (r2= 0.78 and 0.83, respectively) with distance downstream from the thermal water outlet, while primary productivity increased slightly. The concentrations of the majority of ions sharply decreased with distance downstream, although they were not markedly related with spatial changes in AFDW, Chl a and primary productivity. O. terebriformis appeared to have a tremendous potential in wastewater treatment because of its marked ability to glean ions.  相似文献   

The complex polar lipids of the hot spring cyanobacterial mat in the 50 to 55 degrees C region of Octopus Spring, Yellowstone National Park, and of thermophilic bacteria cultivated from this or similar habitats, were compared in an attempt to understand the microbial sources of the major lipid biomarkers in this community. Intact complex lipids were analyzed directly by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS), two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and combined TLC-FAB-MS. FAB-MS and TLC gave qualitatively similar results, suggesting that the mat contains major lipids most like those of the cyanobacterial isolate we studied, Synechococcus sp. strain Y-7c-s. These include monoglycosyl, diglycosyl, and sulfoquinosovyl diglycerides (MG, DG, and SQ, respectively) and phosphatidyl glycerol (PG). Though Chloroflexus aurantiacus also contains MG, DG, and PG, the fatty acid chain lengths of mat MGs, DGs, and PGs resemble more those of cyanobacterial than green nonsulfur bacterial lipids. FAB-MS spectra of the lipids of nonphototrophic bacterial isolates were distinctively different from those of the mat and phototrophic isolates. The lipids of these nonphototrophic isolates were not detected in the mat, but most could be detected when added to mat samples. The mat also contains major glycolipids and aminophospholipids of unknown structure and origin. FAB-MS and TLC did not always give quantitatively similar results. In particular, PG and SQ may give disproportionately high FAB-MS responses.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the supposed vertical diel migration and the accompanying physiology of Beggiatoa bacteria from hypersaline microbial mats. We combined microsensor, stable-isotope, and molecular techniques to clarify the phylogeny and physiology of the most dominant species inhabiting mats of the natural hypersaline Lake Chiprana, Spain. The most dominant morphotype had a filament diameter of 6 to 8 microm and a length varying from 1 to >10 mm. Phylogenetic analysis by 16S rRNA gene comparison revealed that this type appeared to be most closely related (91% sequence identity) to the narrow (4-microm diameter) nonvacuolated marine strain MS-81-6. Stable-isotope analysis showed that the Lake Chiprana species could store nitrate intracellularly to 40 mM. The presence of large intracellular vacuoles was confirmed by fluorescein isothiocyanate staining and subsequent confocal microscopy. In illuminated mats, their highest abundance was found at a depth of 8 mm, where oxygen and sulfide co-occurred. However, in the dark, the highest Beggiatoa densities occurred at 7 mm, and the whole population was present in the anoxic zone of the mat. Our findings suggest that hypersaline Beggiatoa bacteria oxidize sulfide with oxygen under light conditions and with internally stored nitrate under dark conditions. It was concluded that nitrate storage by Beggiatoa is an optimal strategy to both occupy the suboxic zones in sulfidic sediments and survive the dark periods in phototrophic mats.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in light and physicochemical conditions have strong impacts on cyanobacteria, but how they affect community structure, metabolism, and biogeochemistry of cyanobacterial mats remains unclear. Light may be particularly influential for cyanobacterial mats exposed to sulphide by altering the balance of oxygenic photosynthesis and sulphide-driven anoxygenic photosynthesis. We studied temporal shifts in irradiance, water chemistry, and community structure and function of microbial mats in the Middle Island Sinkhole (MIS), where anoxic and sulphate-rich groundwater provides habitat for cyanobacteria that conduct both oxygenic and anoxygenic photosynthesis. Seasonal changes in light and groundwater chemistry were accompanied by shifts in bacterial community composition, with a succession of dominant cyanobacteria from Phormidium to Planktothrix, and an increase in diatoms, sulphur-oxidizing bacteria, and sulphate-reducing bacteria from summer to autumn. Differential abundance of cyanobacterial light-harvesting proteins likely reflects a physiological response of cyanobacteria to light level. Beggiatoa sulphur oxidation proteins were more abundant in autumn. Correlated abundances of taxa through time suggest interactions between sulphur oxidizers and sulphate reducers, sulphate reducers and heterotrophs, and cyanobacteria and heterotrophs. These results support the conclusion that seasonal change, including light availability, has a strong influence on community composition and biogeochemical cycling of sulphur and O2 in cyanobacterial mats.  相似文献   

Abstract Bacterial sulfate reduction and transformations of thiosulfate were studied with radiotracers in a Microcoleus chthonoplastes -dominated microbial mat growing in a hypersaline pond at the Red Sea. The study showed how a diel cycle of oxygen evolution affected respiration by sulfate-reducing bacteria and the metabolism of thiosulfate through oxidative and reductive pathways. Sulfate reduction occurred in both oxic and anoxic layers of the mat and varied diurnally, apparently according to temperature rather than to oxygen. Time course experiments showed that the radiotracer method underestimated sulfate reduction in the oxic zone due to rapid reoxidation of the produced sulfide. Extremely high reduction rates of up to 10 μmol cm−3 d−1 were measured just below the euphotic zone. Although thiosulfate was simultaneously oxidized, reduced and disproportionated by bacteria in all layers of the mat, there was a shift from predominant oxidation in the oxic zone to predominant reduction below. Concurrent disproportionation of thiosulfate to sulfate and sulfide occurred in all zones and was an important pathway of the sulfur cycle in the mat.  相似文献   

Action spectra for delayed light production by several algae were determined from 250 to 750 mµ incident light. In the visible portion of the spectrum the action spectra resemble those reported by previous workers for photosynthesis and light emission. Blue-green algae had a maximum at 620 mµ, red algae at 550 mµ, whereas green and brown algae have action spectra corresponding to chlorophyll and carotenoid absorption. In the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum delayed light is emitted by algae down to 250 mµ incident light. The action spectra of the different algae are not alike in the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum. This indicates that pigments other than chlorophyll must be sensitizing or shielding the algae in the ultraviolet region.  相似文献   

Benthic nitrogen fixation has been estimated to contribute 15 Tg N year(-1) to the marine nitrogen budget. With benthic marine nitrogen fixation being largely overlooked in more recent surveys, a refocus on benthic diazotrophy was considered important. Variations in nitrogenase activity (acetylene reduction-gas chromatography) in a tropical lagoon in the western Indian Ocean (Zanzibar, Tanzania) were monitored over a 3-year period (2003-2005) and related to cyanobacterial and diazotrophic microbial diversity using a polyphasic approach. Different nitrogenase activity patterns were discerned, with the predominant pattern being high daytime activities combined with low nighttime activities. Analyses of the morphological and 16S rRNA gene diversity among cyanobacteria revealed filamentous nonheterocystous (Oscillatoriales) and unicellular (Chroococcales) representatives to be predominant. Analyses of the nifH gene diversity showed that the major phylotypes belonged to noncyanobacterial prokaryotes. However, as shown by cyanobacterial selective nifH-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis, cyanobacterial nifH gene sequences were present at all sites. Several nifH and 16S rRNA gene phylotypes were related to uncultured cyanobacteria or bacteria of geographically distant habitats, stressing the widespread occurrence of still poorly characterized microorganisms in tropical benthic marine communities.  相似文献   

Comparative isoenergetic action spectra of net photosynthesis for intact, current year foliage of five tree species were determined from 400 to 710 nm by CO2 exchange analysis. The blue (400 to 500 nm) peak of net photosynthetic activity for the green broadleaves of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong.) was reduced to a plateau for the green needle-leaves of Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii [Mirb.] Franco) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis [Bong.] Carr.), a shoulder for the blue-green needles of Colorado spruce (Picea pungens Engelm.), and a reduced shoulder for the blue-white needles of Blue spruce (Picea pungens var. hoospii). These differences were attributable neither to a differential blue light stimulation of photorespiration nor to a differential presence of a nonplastid screening pigment. The conifers all had similar carotenoid-chlorophyll ratios, with approximately 50% more carotenoid relative to chlorophyll as compared to red alder. Blue light absorption and low efficiency of energy transfer by the carotenoids probably accounts for the low net photosynthetic activity of the green conifers in blue light as compared to red alder. Leaf form per se (broad versus needle) had no distinguishable influence on these results.  相似文献   

The complex polar lipids of the hot spring cyanobacterial mat in the 50 to 55 degrees C region of Octopus Spring, Yellowstone National Park, and of thermophilic bacteria cultivated from this or similar habitats, were compared in an attempt to understand the microbial sources of the major lipid biomarkers in this community. Intact complex lipids were analyzed directly by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS), two-dimensional thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and combined TLC-FAB-MS. FAB-MS and TLC gave qualitatively similar results, suggesting that the mat contains major lipids most like those of the cyanobacterial isolate we studied, Synechococcus sp. strain Y-7c-s. These include monoglycosyl, diglycosyl, and sulfoquinosovyl diglycerides (MG, DG, and SQ, respectively) and phosphatidyl glycerol (PG). Though Chloroflexus aurantiacus also contains MG, DG, and PG, the fatty acid chain lengths of mat MGs, DGs, and PGs resemble more those of cyanobacterial than green nonsulfur bacterial lipids. FAB-MS spectra of the lipids of nonphototrophic bacterial isolates were distinctively different from those of the mat and phototrophic isolates. The lipids of these nonphototrophic isolates were not detected in the mat, but most could be detected when added to mat samples. The mat also contains major glycolipids and aminophospholipids of unknown structure and origin. FAB-MS and TLC did not always give quantitatively similar results. In particular, PG and SQ may give disproportionately high FAB-MS responses.  相似文献   

I. Hawes 《Hydrobiologia》1993,252(3):203-209
Annual and perennial cyanobacterial mats from streams on Signy Island, Antarctica, show similar areal concentrations of chlorophyll-a and areal rates of photosynthesis. Maximum rates of photosynthesis were temperature dependant over the range 0–14 C, with a Q10 of approximately 2.5. Rates of photosynthesis per unit chlorophyll-a were comparable to other Antarctic mat communities but low compared to phytoplankton from upstream lakes. Areal rates of photosynthesis were however much higher than for phytoplankton. Low chlorophyll-specific rates of photosynthesis are interpreted as the effect of self shading within the mats. It is hypothesised that these mats rapidly attenuate incoming radiation and that photosynthesis in most of the mat is effectively light-limited. This situation is likely to occur in all thick periphyton films.  相似文献   

The poorly understood filamentous cyanobacterium Pseudanabaena is commonly epiphytic on Microcystis colonies and their abundances are often highly correlated during blooms. The response and adaptation of Microcystis to iron limitation have been extensively studied, but the strategies Pseudanabaena uses to respond to iron limitation are largely unknown. Here, physiological responses to iron limitation were compared between one Pseudanabaena and two Microcystis strains grown under different light intensities. The results showed that low-intensity light exacerbated, but high-intensity light alleviated, the negative effect of iron limitation on Pseudanabaena growth relative to two Microcystis strains. It was found that robust light-harvesting and photosynthetic efficiency allowed adaptation of Pseudanabaena to low light availability relative to two Microcystis strains only during iron sufficiency. The results also indicated that a larger investment in the photosynthetic antenna probably contributed to light/iron co-limitation of Pseudanabaena relative to two Microcystis strains under both light and iron limitation. Furthermore, the lower antenna pigments/chlorophyll a ratio and photosynthetic efficiency, and higher nonphotochemical quenching and saturation irradiance provided Pseudanabaena photoadaptation and photoprotection advantages over the two Microcystis strains under the high-light condition. The lower investment in antenna pigments of Pseudanabaena than the two Microcystis strains under high-light intensity is likely an efficient strategy for both saving iron quotas and decreasing photosensitivity. Therefore, when compared with Microcystis, the high plasticity of antenna pigments, along with the excellent photoadaptation and photoprotection ability of Pseudanabaena, probably ensures its ecological success under iron limitation when light is sufficient.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial mats of the Arabian Gulf coast of Saudi Arabia experience extreme conditions of temperature and salinity. Because they are exposed to continuous oil pollution, they form ideal models for biodegradation under extreme conditions. We investigated the bacterial diversity of these mats using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and 16S rRNA cloning, and tested their potential to degrade petroleum compounds at various salinities (fresh water to 16%) and temperatures (5 to 50 degrees C). Cloning revealed that c. 15% of the obtained sequences were related to unknown, possibly novel bacteria. Bacteria belonging to Beta-, Gamma- and Deltaproteobacteria, Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides group and Spirochetes, were detected. The biodegradation of petroleum compounds at different salinities by mat microorganisms showed that pristine and n-octadecane were optimally degraded at salinities between 5 and 12% (weight per volume NaCl) whereas the optimum degradation of phenanthrene and dibenzothiophene was at 3.5% salinity. The latter compounds were also degradable at 8% salinity. The same compounds were degraded at temperatures between 15 and 40 degrees C but not at 5 and 50 degrees C. The optimum temperature of degradation was 28-40 degrees C for both aliphatics and aromatics. We conclude that the studied microbial mats from Saudi Arabia are rich in novel halotolerant and thermotolerant microorganisms with the potential to degrade petroleum compounds at elevated salinities and temperatures.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic activities of benthic diatoms in response to temperature changes were assessed by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics. Small benthic diatom species with large surface area to volume (SA/V) ratios responded to increasing temperature differently from large diatoms, since larger ratios caused lower photosynthetic activity under high-temperature conditions. The small SA/V ratios of large cells may be advantageous in benthic environments under adverse conditions such as high temperature and/or strong light. A size-dependent differential response of benthic diatoms to changes in environmental factors such as temperature may result in an altered distribution of the different diatom communities.  相似文献   

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