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传统公园评价的研究大多集中在单个公园使用满意度方面,存在问卷样本量小、采集时间较集中等缺陷。大数据相关研究的快速发展为公园系统评价提供了新的契机。基于对社交媒体数据的文本分析,研究对比广州市 50 个公园的评价结果,同时探究公园评价与人口统计学特征、地理区位、评价时间以及公园属性之间的关系。研究发现, 1)公园正面评价主要集中在免费设施、环境和特色等方面,而负面评价多集中于公园卫生、交通成本、停车等管理服务方面,广州公园的管理服务水平亟待提升。 2)女性较男性更关注公园能否满足其对社交场所的需求,本地游客较外地游客更关注公园本身的服务质量而非公园的外部属性。 3)基干公园应更侧重其可达性和基本的服务功能,承担大众日常活动;特色公园应更注重满足特定人群的需求及特色打造;自然公园应更关注公园生态质量并能够承担需要较大场地的活动。 4) 2010—2018 年,人们越来越关注公园特色的打造,在公园中的活动类型也越来越多样,现代公园建设更应着力于文化服务质量的提升。研究突破传统公园研究方法的局限,将大数据的手段运用到多个公园的整体评价当中,有助于建立更普适、更有针对性的公园评价指标体系,具有较高的实践价值。  相似文献   

This paper explores local perceptions of internationally financed conservation and development projects in Madagascar and the success of these projects at influencing perceptions. Interviews, surveys, and focus group sessions were conducted in the peripheral zones of three Malagasy national parks: Ranomafana, Andohahela, and Masoala. Relevant questions explored community demographics, socioeconomic status, and local perceptions of the parks. The principal finding is that while a majority of people living in the peripheral zones do find conservation a valuable goal, they see it as a luxury they cannot afford. Despite their efforts and innovation, conservation and development projects have had a minimal impact on socioeconomic or associational life in the Ranomafana and Andohahela peripheral zones, and a significant but modest impact in the Masoala peripheral zone, by providing economic alternatives to destructive resource use. As a result, they are limited in their success at promoting conservation outcomes.  相似文献   

杨静  成玉宁   《生物信息学》2019,26(10):113-118
遗址公园作为遗址保护、展示教育与考古研究的有效途径,在世界范围内得以广泛推广与发展。意大利在文化遗产保护领域走在世界前列,其完备的法律保护制度、成熟的遗产保护理念和文物保护技术都有一定的借鉴意义。以罗马图拉真遗址公园为例,通过对其历史沿革的梳理,从遗址的空间结构和历史时序性上解读遗址时空特性,探讨其在坚持遗址原真性的基础上,如何从遗址保护理念、规划设计策略和实施技术路径3个层面对遗址进行保护与阐释,旨在解析意大利在遗址公园规划设计中的理念与方法,探讨其对于遗址公园建设实践的价值。  相似文献   

李飞飞  罗斌圣  崔夏  龙春林 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1383-1391
生物文化对生物多样性保护具有重要意义,植物园的形成和发展在历史长河中处处体现着人类因物质和精神需求而形成的植物文化。现代植物园在植物迁地保护上虽然做出了卓越贡献,但其植物文化的建设稍显滞后。在全球生物多样性保护工作的开展过程中,传统文化对生物多样性保护和生物资源可持续利用的重要作用越来越被重视。在此背景下,该文探讨了生物文化多样性和生物多样性之间紧密联系、共同演化的关系,回顾了早期植物园和我国古典园林中植物文化的体现; 通过对全球3 085个现代植物园主要功能的分析,发现开展了民族植物学研究的植物园占比7.36%,开展了保护生物学研究的植物园占比11.18%,制定了植物保护计划的占比17.18%,从而揭示了现代植物园保护功能的提升和文化功能的弱化。基于当前植物园植物多样性有效保护中对植物文化建设的需求,该文进一步分析了我国植物园植物文化建设的不足,主要包括:(1)植物物种多样性信息中植物文化信息数据不足;(2)对生物多样性保护中传统知识惠益分享的考虑欠缺;(3)缺少以文化展现植物多样性的主题园。在此基础上,该文聚焦国家植物园植物多样性保护和管理的目标,从植物多样性保护和利用、惠益共享、公众参与3个层面对国家植物园体系中的植物文化建设提出了建议,以期为我国建设具有中国生态文明特色的国家植物园体系提供参考。  相似文献   

"Land, Water, and Truth": San Identity and Global Indigenism   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
San peoples of southern Africa followed two very different trajectories through the 20th century. For some groups, colonial rule and apartheid meant segregation on geographically remote homelands (or in game parks); for the majority of San, however, they meant incorporation as a landless underclass of farm laborers, domestic servants, and squatters. This bifurcated history now presents obstacles to the recognition of a nascent pan–San identity as the contemporary San join other indigenous peoples in struggles over land rights, control over natural resources, and political voice in national and international arenas. This article discusses some of the ways in which international models of indigenism have colluded with essentialist conceptions of culture and ethnicity to (1) prevent the recognition of the San peoples' cultural identity, as it is shaped by their various historical experiences and socioeconomic conditions, and (2) distort the understanding of San claims for land and natural resources by transforming San struggles for social and economic justice into demands for "cultural preservation." [Keywords: indigenous peoples, San, southern Africa, social movements, cultural politics]  相似文献   

景感生态学以可持续发展为目标,契合了新型城镇化和人居环境科学的思想,强调以人为本,关注人的感知与环境的关系,为理解城市景观与人群活动的关系提供了一个崭新的视角。基于景感生态学视角,对城市公园常见的景感要素进行归纳分类,探讨城市公园景感要素对不同人群活动的作用途径;然后选择厦门市滨海、滨湖、山体、老城区和文化等五类典型城市公园的代表作为研究对象,实证分析和比较五类公园景感要素组成和民众感知评价的差异,并以此尝试解释不同类型公园吸引不同人群(访客密度、访问时间)及其在公园活动方式上的差异。研究结果表明,公园景感要素通过多层次关联对人群活动产生作用,即景感要素作用影响人的感觉类型,产生多样景感效果,满足民众由愿景产生的需求,进而影响其活动意愿和方式;各景感要素综合作用,共同对公园活动产生影响;当公园景感要素承载的设计愿景与民众愿景产生共鸣,才能产生良好景感效果,促进游园人群活动热情;公园景感要素和人群活动的关系侧重体现暴露性的生态系统服务。该论文研究结果希望为深入研究城市公园服务人群机制拓展一个自然与人文融合的崭新视角,同时为城市公园设计和运营提供有效的科技支撑。  相似文献   

北京城市公园湿地休憩功能的利用及其社会人口学因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李芬  孙然好  陈利顶 《生态学报》2012,32(11):3565-3576
城市公园湿地是城市重要的生态基础设施,是城市居民休闲游憩的重要场所,具有重要的生态、社会文化服务功能。以北京地区20个典型的公园湿地为研究对象,采用问卷调查方法,将定性指标和定量指标相结合,用统计学方法分析了休憩者对公园湿地的使用情况,并采用Logistic回归方法揭示了影响城市公园湿地利用的社会人口学因素。结果表明:(1)休憩者到访公园湿地的距离与使用频率密切相关,43.4%的休憩者到达公园湿地的行程时间<1 h,这其中34.1%的休憩者使用公园湿地的频率每年在12次以上;仅有17.4%的休憩者每年使用各公园湿地频率为12次以上,这其中85%到达各公园湿地的行程时间<1h;(2)影响休憩者对公园湿地使用频率为每年12次以上的因素依次为行程时间、个人月收入、有无私家车、文化程度、职业、年龄。另外,性别与年龄的交互作用也有一定的影响;(3)愉悦身心是休憩者使用各公园湿地的最主要原因。研究旨在为城市公园湿地的合理优化与配置、城市绿地系统规划及城市的可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

边谦 《生物信息学》2018,25(3):112-116
在上海迪士尼乐园项目中,风景园林师所供职的专业被称作场地开发(Area Development)。作为承担迪士尼乐园景观设计任务的重要专业,理解其内涵及运作方式对了解迪士尼乐园的景观营造有着十分重要的意义。本文着重通过比较分析场地开发专业与风景园林专业之间的异同来明确其概念范畴与核心诉求,从而总结出该专业在营造迪士尼乐园景观方面的特色之处,以期对中国主题公园乃至其他类型的公园绿地建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

段廷璐  李娜  黄志旁  李延鹏  沐远  肖文 《生态学报》2024,44(12):4964-4972
中国国家公园是指在具有显著自然生态价值、文化价值和科学研究价值的区域内,通过完善自然保护与利用体系,实现保护物种、维护生态系统完整性、保障基本生态需求、实现可持续利用等目的,逐步形成具有国际水平的大型自然保护地并发挥其积极作用的区域。中国国家公园建设是实践生态文明思想的有效途径,是中国自然保护地体系建设最重要的组成部分。自2015年发布《建立国家公园体制试点方案》以来,中国政府陆续开展了10个国家公园体制试点,最终在2021年正式建立了5个国家公园。收集了2015年以来国家公园相关政策资料,对中国国家公园建设现状进行深入分析。我们发现中国国家公园较好的实现了初始建设目标,但也有需要完善的地方。针对未来国家公园的建设,我们提出了以下建议:1)完善国家公园空间布局规划;2)以流域为单元进行规划整合;3)确定东部和西部国家公园最小面积;4)确定国家公园数量上限;5)建立跨境国家公园;6)将文化保护纳入国家公园;7)统一管理体制;8)统一国家公园内部管控区划;9)形成三类保护地差异化可持续发展模式。未来随着中国国家公园顶层设计的逐步完善,中国自然保护地体系体制建设将能提供更加全面、系统的生态保护和资源管理,推动生态文明建设的不断发展;实现生态保护、可持续利用和人与自然的和谐共生的目标。  相似文献   

颜金珊  祝薇  王保盛  唐立娜 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8921-8930
作为城市重要的生态空间,公园绿地为城市提供环境基础及景观保障,其资源的合理分配是社会公平的重要体现。提出公园绿地社会公平性新的内涵,即无论个体所处的人居环境条件如何,其获得的城市公园绿地质量应该平等。工业城市向服务型、创新型城市的转变是中国城镇发展的典型趋势,研究其公园绿地的社会公平性为城市更新改造与公共资源分配提供重要的科学依据。以东莞市东城街道为例,构建社会-经济-自然复合人居指标体系与公园质量评价体系,基于可达性模型与Pearson相关性系数对公平性进行测度。结果表明:由于区域更新强度及顺序不同,研究区的绿地布局存在不公平现象,居民享受的公园质量与小区的自然、经济要素具有一定的关联。转型中的工业城市高质量公园聚集于风景资源优越的高端居住区,其他公园质量普遍不佳。工业园区以及旧城区为公园服务盲区的主要聚集地。  相似文献   

National parks have been the centre piece of international conservation strategies in developing countries. The expansion in the network of national parks has enabled the conservation of biodiversity and habitats but the acquisition of vast areas into the park system has often been achieved through the displacement of resident local communities. Displaced people are exposed to a variety of impoverishment risks and this stokes up animosity towards parks. The research reported here seeks to understand the key issues involved in the occupation of a section of Gonarezhou National Park by Headman Chitsa’s people. The paper examines how the interplay between the history of displacement and dispossession, demographic pressures, limited economic opportunities, the ‘fast track’ land reform programme and dynastic politics are fomenting the land conflict between Gonarezhou and Chitsa community. Secondary actors with diverse interests have also come into the fold. Official efforts to resolve the conflict using a top-down approach have yielded little success. This culminated in a shift towards the use of traditional mechanisms of resolving a chieftaincy dispute as a step towards addressing the broader parks-people land conflict. Lessons from the case study are, inter alia, that interventions aimed at resolving parks-people conflicts should be alive to local culture, livelihood needs and power dynamics and, to the extent possible, eschew forcible relocations. Finally, we draw attention to the need to address the wider contradiction between policies promoting wildlife conservation and those promoting agriculture. The article is written to share lessons with readers interested in parks-people conflicts.  相似文献   

G. Montell 《Ethnos》2013,78(1-2):5-11
Anthropological work in South Asia has been dominated by cultural approaches which emphasise pan‐Indian cultural categories. Such cultural categories, particularly those pertaining to caste and kinship, it has been claimed, explain adequately the working and reproduction of caste society. Few anthropologists have considered agrarian and tenurial relationships and their representation or the economic processes which ensue from such relationships. An analysis of agricultural relations of production in a Himalayan community is presented here. It is suggested that although people present an idealised picture in which caste and economic position coincide, in reality ownership of means of production depends on control of the labour of others. Labour relations and processes of economic differentiation are shown to be crucial for the maintenance of caste hierarchy.  相似文献   

中国生态工业园区发展的环境绩效指数构建方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赖玢洁  田金平  刘巍  刘婷  陈吕军 《生态学报》2014,34(22):6745-6755
运用多目标排序方法构建了中国生态工业园区发展环境绩效指数,以量化比较生态工业园区间的环境绩效。首先基于《综合类生态工业园区标准》筛选构建环境绩效评价指标体系,包括经济发展、资源能源消耗、污染排放3个准则层;其次应用标准化方法和正态分布的累积分布函数NORMDIST依次对各项指标原始数据进行2次数据处理;最后准则层、指标层均等权重进行归一化得到环境绩效指数。应用所构建的环境绩效指数方法以2010年为基准年,分析了24家综合类国家生态工业示范园区的绩效,并将《综合类生态工业园区标准》作为虚拟的"标准园区"进行比较。分析了环境绩效指数的影响因素,并基于环境绩效指数方法对中国生态工业示范园区发展的管理决策提出了建议。  相似文献   

The cognitive rhetoricians have introduced the idea of cognitive domains into literary theory, but they have not yet developed a model for a comprehensive, species-typical structure of human motives. Evolutionary psychology can provide this model. Elemental human motives and basic emotions provide the deep structure of literary representations, and this deep structure serves to organize the particularities of circumstance and individual identity. Personal power and reproductive success are governing purposes in life and in literary representations. The concept of individual identity is necessary to literary representation, and a theory of literature based in evolutionary psychology has to incorporate models of personality. Literature and its oral antecedents organize experience in personally meaningful ways. They provide models of behavior and help regulate the complex cognitive machinery through which humans negotiate their social and cultural environments.  相似文献   

论生态保护红线的类型划分与管控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态保护红线划定的目的是为了保护支撑人类经济社会可持续发展的自然生态系统, 实施最为严格的管控措施, 不断改善生态系统服务功能。本文根据《环境保护法》规定和国内相关研究与实践积累, 明确了生态保护红线的概念, 提出了以重点生态功能区保护红线、生态敏感区/脆弱区保护红线、禁止开发区保护红线为核心的生态保护红线体系构成。并进一步将重点生态功能区保护红线区分为陆地重点功能区(包括水源涵养区、水土保持区、防风固沙区和生物多样性维护区)和海洋重点功能区(包括海洋水产种质资源保护区、重要滨海湿地、特殊保护海岛、珍稀濒危物种集中分布区、重要渔业水域等); 将生态敏感区/脆弱区保护红线区分为陆地生态敏感区/脆弱区(土地沙化区、水土流失区、石漠化区、盐渍化区)和海洋生态敏感/脆弱区(海岸带自然岸线、红树林、重要河口、重要砂质岸线、沙源保护海域、珊瑚礁及海草床等); 禁止开发区则包含了自然保护区、世界自然文化遗产地、风景名胜区、森林公园、地质公园、湿地公园、饮用水水源地等类型。基于国家关于生态保护红线管控的最新要求, 提出了分级划定、分类管理的生态保护红线基本管控思路与措施, 按照管理分级和围绕生态功能保护来确定具体管控措施, 旨在为增强生态保护效果, 优化国土空间开发格局, 促进生态文明建设提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Neglect of biological riches: the economics of nature tourism in Nepal   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nepal's spectacular parks and reserves have attracted dramatically increasing numbers of foreign visitors. It might be expected that these protected areas would be nurtured as valuable and irreplaceable economic assets. However they are becoming seriously degraded and the financial resources provided for their management have been inadequate. This paper explores why — starting with the hypothesis that so little of the economic value of protected area tourism in Nepal is captured through fees and other charges assessed on foreign visitors that the protected areas are perceived as being of inconsequential value. It is conservatively estimated that $27 million of tourists' total expenditure in Nepal were attributable to the protected area network in 1988, when the costs of managing the parks were less than $5 million but direct fees colleeted from tourists visiting the protected areas amounted to less than $1 million. These figures suggest the parks are a good investment. But it could also be argued that the costs of park management were more than five times the revenues collected by the government from park tourists. Policy measures are identified which could help Nepal increase the economic as well as environmental benefits from nature tourism.Case studies of Nepal's most-visited protected areas emphasize that the lack of funds for protected area management is not the only constraint on effective management. Some important economic and institutional interests have yet to be effectively reconciled with conservation in the protected areas. Most problematic are local people's economic aspirations and the operating practices of the principal government agencies involved — the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation and the Ministry of Tourism. Fortunately there have recently been some encouraging signs of change within both of these agencies.  相似文献   

Interoception refers to the sensing of the internal state of one''s body. Interoception is distinct from the processing of sensory information concerning external (non-self) stimuli (e.g. vision, hearing, touch and smell) and is the afferent axis to internal (autonomic and hormonal) physiological control. However, the impact of interoception extends beyond homeostatic/allostatic reflexes: it is proposed to be fundamental to motivation, emotion (affective feelings and behaviours), social cognition and self-awareness. This view is supported by a growing body of experimental evidence that links peripheral physiological states to mental processes. Within this framework, the representation of self is constructed from early development through continuous integrative representation of biological data from the body, to form the basis for those aspects of conscious awareness grounded on the subjective sense of being a unique individual. This theme issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B draws together state-of-the-art knowledge concerning theoretical, experimental and clinical facets of interoception with the emphasis on cognitive and affective neuroscience. The multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary perspectives represented in this theme issue disseminate and entrench knowledge about interoception across the scientific community and provide a reference for the conceptualization and further study of interoception across behavioural sciences.  相似文献   

湿地公园研究体系构建   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
王立龙  陆林 《生态学报》2011,31(17):5081-5095
湿地公园是湿地保护性利用新方式,也是生态旅游和生态文明建设新载体,目前国内外兴起湿地公园建设热潮,为湿地保护性利用带来了新机遇。但作为新兴研究领域,目前湿地公园专题研究滞后于其建设与发展,研究基础理论薄弱、研究内容系统性不强、研究方法简单、研究体系不完整,对公园建设的实践指导不足。构建湿地公园研究体系具有重大的理论意义和实践价值。 在对国内外研究总结分析的基础上,力图从研究理论体系、研究内容指标体系和研究方法体系等层面对湿地公园研究体系进行初步构建。提出湿地公园生态系统的概念,并将其组成结构研究体系、功能研究体系、影响评价体系和管理体系等作为研究内容的指标体系;对现有研究方法述评分析,构建了以基础理论探讨、规划研究、试验研究和空间分析为主的研究方法体系;指出了未来应注重的研究方法及发展趋势;最后结合部分实证研究对体系进行了充实完善。以望为推动湿地公园专题研究进程做出贡献,为湿地公园科学管理提供参考。  相似文献   

A variety of human activities have detrimental impacts on populations of species the park is designed to protect. These impacts range from direct hunting for trophy or subsistence needs, through vehicular collisions, to the direct loss of habitat due to forestry and agricultural activity. These impacts reduce the effective size of the parks and require changes in management policy that deal both with the direct cause of the problem and the underlying social conflicts that the presence of parks can place on humans in the surrounding communities. Recent studies from the Serengeti illustrate that increases in anti-poaching patrols increase the risk of poacher detection and lead to dramatic declines in levels of poaching. The economic arguments that support investment in anti-poaching patrols, rather than increased sentences for poachers who are caught, can be generalized to examine the costs and benefits of other changes in natural resource management that arise when attempting to manage the impact of anthropogenic activities in and around national parks.  相似文献   

国家公园保护管理的首要目的是有效保护国家重要自然生态系统原真性和完整性。我们提出了面向管理的中国国家公园原真性与完整性概念, 国家公园原真性是指国家公园内生态系统及构成国家公园价值或与国家公园价值紧密联系的自然与文化要素保持在原生状态, 强调“不受损”; 国家公园完整性是指国家公园具有足够面积和充分的组成要素, 以维持生态系统的结构、功能与过程, 维持自然区域的价值与特征, 强调“不缺失”。我们还提出了国家公园原真性和完整性评价框架, 从自然度、气候变化强度、传统文化及其载体的真实性、人类干扰程度、人与自然和谐关系的原真性5个方面评价国家公园原真性; 从生态系统组成完整性、生态系统结构完整性、生态系统功能完整性、景观组成要素完整性和文化景观的完整性5个层面评价国家公园完整性。此外, 我们还提出了国家公园原真性与完整性保护的建议, 包括重塑保护管理目标、更新保护管理理念与提升保护管理技术3个方面。国家公园原真性与完整性的讨论尚未成熟, 对评价指标设定、指标间的相互关系、保护管理技术等的研究均尚待深入。  相似文献   

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