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The ability of water preparations of different composition to affect the generation of superoxide radicals has been compared. The superoxide-generating reaction of adrenaline autooxidation with some modifications was used as a model system, which makes it possible to reveal the pro/antioxidant properties of materials being tested. It was shown that samples of water from sources having different specific electroconductivity and, accordingly, ionic composition differ in the ability to affect reactions proceeding with the participation of ROS. The parameter measured, the pro/antioxidant activity of water, is a new informative indicator, and the approach proposed enables one to perform a comparative estimation of the quality of water and aqueous solutions.  相似文献   

The reaction of adrenaline autooxidation in an alkaline carbonate buffer followed by formation of superoxide radicals and the product of its oxidation, adrenochrome, which models the quinone pathway of adrenaline metabolism in the body, is accompanied by oxygen consumption. A study of this process by the polarographic method enabled one to apply this reaction to determine the activity of superoxide dismutase and antioxidant properties of biological and chemical compounds; it is based on evaluation of a latent period and the rate of oxygen consumption, which are measured in the presence of examined compounds. It was suggested that known neuroand cardiotoxicity of the quinone products of adrenaline oxidation may be associated not only to their intrinsic properties and reactive oxygen species formed but also local hypoxia of those regions of the cell and tissue where the quinone oxidation of adrenaline occurs.  相似文献   

Resistance to spontaneous oxidation of oxymyoglobin of man and semi-aquatic animals (beaver, otter, musk-rat) was studied as well as the effect of 2.3-diphosphoglycerate (2.3-DPG) and carnosine on this process. The revealed differences in the autooxidation rate of the studied myoglobins are explained by differences in the conformational state of a protein globule, which more actively protects a heme (in semi-aquatic animals) from spontaneous oxidation under conditions of muscular saturation of cells with oxygen, which is confirmed by the results obtained from the analysis of the universal links of pair amino acid residues which stabilize the protein molecule, 2,3-DPG and carnosine decrease the resistance of myoglobin to autooxidation.  相似文献   

The aims of our study were to assess the redox state of adolescent athletes and non-athletes both at rest and after acute exposure to physical load and to find relations between parameters of redox state and morphofunctional characteristics of subjects. 58 young handball players and 37 non-athletes were subjected to body composition analysis, measuring of maximal oxygen consumption and blood sampling immediately before and after a maximal progressive exercise test. At rest, athletes had significantly higher superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) activity, higher levels of glutathione (GSH) and nitric oxide (NO) and lower levels of lipid peroxidation (TBARS) compared with non-athletes. A maximal exercise test induced statistically significant rise of superoxide anion radical (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and NO levels in non-athletes, while TBARS levels decreased. Athletes experienced the fall in NO levels and the fall in CAT activity. After exercise, athletes had significantly lower levels of O2- compared with non-athletes. Two way repeated measures ANOVA showed that the response of O2-, NO and TBARS to the exercise test was dependent on the sports engagement (training experience) of subjects. Significant correlations between morphofunctional and redox parameters were found. These results suggest that physical fitness affects redox homeostasis.  相似文献   

Embryo transfer units use a wide variety of materials that come in contact with embryos. Studies were conducted to evaluate procedures that could be utilized to determine the toxicity of some commonly used materials in embryo collection, culture and transfer. Forty-five female mice were sacrificed on Day 3 or 4 of gestation (Day 1 = vaginal plug), and the uterus and oviducts were removed and minced. A total of 522 embryos was collected (4-cell to blastocyst stages). Four to 16 cell embryos were cultured in Phosphate Buffered Saline (PBS) plus 20% fetal bovine serum. Morula to blastocyst stage embryos were cultured in Nutrient Mixture F10 (HAM) plus 20% fetal bovine serum gassed with 5% CO(2), 5% O(2) and 90% N(2). In Experiment I, embryos and culture media were placed in a covered embryological watch glass (EWG, control) or sealed in the lumen of a siliconized Foley catheter or a section of 1) latex tubing, 2) tygon tubing or 3) silastic tubing. In Experiment II, embryos were placed in EWG and cultured alone (control) or cocultured with sections of 1) tygon tubing, 2) silastic tubing or 3) latex tubing. In Experiment III, embryos were cultured in covered plastic petri dishes containing 15 ml of media, alone (control) or co-cultured with two new plunger tips from sterile Monoject syringes. All embryos were cultured at 32 to 34 degrees C for 24 h. The Criterion used for development was two or more cellular divisions within the 24-h period. Embryo development in Experiment I was lower (P<0.05) in latex (0%) and tygon (24%) tubing and in the siliconized Foley catheter (2%) than in silastic tubing (51%) and the EWG (46%), which did not differ. Experiment II embryos that were co-cultured with latex tubing (5%) showed very little development as compared with those co-cultured with tygon tubing (76%), silastic tubing (76%) and EWG (93%), the last of which were not significantly different. Embryos co-cultured with Monoject syringe plunger tips had a reduced embryo development rate compared to embryos in the control group (0% vs 52%). Although the embryos did not remain in contact with these seemingly toxic materials for prolonged periods, our results indicate that a significant reduction in embryo viability may occur due to this exposure.  相似文献   

New silibinin glyco-conjugates have been synthesized by efficient method and in short time. Exploiting our solution phase strategy, several structurally diverse silibinin glyco-conjugates (gluco, manno, galacto, and lacto-) were successfully realized in very good yields and in short time. In preliminary study to evaluate their antioxidant and neuroprotective activities new derivatives were subjected to DPPH free radical scavenging assay and the Xanthine oxidase (XO) inhibition models assay. Irrespective of the sugar moiety examined, new glyco-conjugates are more than 50 times water-soluble of silibinin. In the other hand they exhibit a radical scavenging activities slightly higher than to silibinin and XO inhibition at least as silibinin.  相似文献   

The antioxidant capacity of thyroid hormones and the antithyroid drug propylthiouracil was studied in three model systems, namely, autoxidation of rat brain homogenates and oxidation of rat erythrocyte plasma membranes (EPM) induced by either 2,2'-azobis-(2-amidinopropane) (AAP) thermolysis or by gamma irradiation. Thyroid hormones significantly inhibited the development of lipid peroxidation in these systems at micromolar concentrations, as assessed either by visible light emission, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances accumulation or oxygen uptake. This behaviour was not observed when L-3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T3) and L-thyroxine (T4) were assayed at nanomolar concentrations. In EPM exposed to AAP or gamma irradiation, propylthiouracil inhibited the induced lipid peroxidation, with Q1/2 values of 112-150 microM. It is concluded that the antioxidant capacity of thyroid hormones found in vitro may not be of relevance in physiological conditions, which exhibit variations of T3 and T4 levels in the nanomolar range. On the other hand, the behaviour of propylthiouracil as an inhibitor of EPM lipid peroxidation is observed at concentrations close to the therapeutic levels, thus representing a possible complementary action to its antithyroid activity.  相似文献   

The reaction between allicin (diallylthiosulfinate), the active component of garlic and reduced glutathione was investigated. The product of this reaction, mixed disulfide S-allylmercaptoglutathione (GSSA) was separated by high performance liquid chromatography and identified by 1H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectroscopy. The reaction is fast (with an apparent bimolecular reaction rate constant of 3.0 M(-1) s(-1)). It is pH-dependent, which reveals a direct correlation to the actual concentration of mercaptide ion (GS(-)). Both GSSA and S-allylmercaptocysteine (prepared from allicin and cysteine) reacted with SH-containing enzymes, papain and alcohol dehydrogenase from Thermoanaerobium brockii yielding the corresponding S-allylmercapto proteins, and caused inactivation of the enzymes. The activity was restored with dithiothreitol or 2-mercaptoethanol. In addition, GSSA also exhibited high antioxidant properties. It showed significant inhibition of the reaction between OH radicals and the spin trap 5,5'-dimethyl-1-pyroline N-oxide in the Fenton system as well as in the UV photolysis of H2O2. In ex vivo experiments done with fetal brain slices under iron-induced oxidative stress, GSSA significantly lowered the production levels of lipid peroxides. The similar activity of GSSA and allicin as SH-modifiers and antioxidants suggests that the thioallyl moiety has a key role in the biological activity of allicin and its derivatives.  相似文献   

The vibrating reed method is a recognized technique for the mechanical analysis of materials and offers a number of advantages over other types of test. However, little detailed evaluation of the method has been reported, particularly those aspects which affect accuracy and reproducibility.In this investigation, a vibrating reed apparatus was constructed which incorporated automatic detection of the reed displacement. A number of clamp designs were assessed and a range of materials, including some of biomedical interest, was examined.It was found that significant experimental inaccuracies were present and that these led to errors of approximately 15% in the measured properties. The most important contribution to this error arose from the clamping mechanism.  相似文献   

Some insects have a globin exclusively in their fast-growing larval stage. This is the case in the 4th-instar larva of Tokunagayusurika akamusi, a common midge found in Japan. In the polymorphic hemoglobin comprised of 11 separable components, hemoglobin VII (Ta-VII Hb) was of particular interest. When its ferric met-form was exposed to pH 5.0 from 7.2, the distal histidine was found to swing away from the E7 position. As a result, the iron(III) was converted from a hexacoordinate to a pentacoordinate form by a concomitant loss of the axial water ligand. The corresponding spectral changes in the Soret band were therefore followed by stopped-flow and rapid-scan techniques, and the observed first-order rate constants of k(out) = 25 s(-1) and kin = 128 s(-1) were obtained for the outward and inward movements, respectively, of the distal histidine residue in 0.1 m buffer at 25 degrees C. For O2 affinity, Ta-VII Hb showed a value of P50 = 1.7 Torr at pH 7.4, accompanied with a remarkable Bohr effect (deltaH+ = -0.58) almost equal to that of mammalian hemoglobins. We have also investigated the stability property of Ta-VII HbO2 in terms of the autoxidation rate over a wide range of pH from 4 to 11. The resulting pH-dependence curve was compared with those of another component Ta-V HbO2 and sperm whale MbO2, and described based on a nucleophilic displacement mechanism. In light of the O2 binding affinity, Bohr effect and considerable stability of the bound O2 against acidic autoxidation, we conclude that T. akamusi Hb VII can play an important role in O2 transport and storage as the major component in the larval hemolymph.  相似文献   

Genistein-modified poly(amide):poly(vinyl pyrrolidone) (PA:PVP/G) hemodialysis membranes have been fabricated by coagulation via solvent (dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO)/nonsolvent (water) exchange. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the unmodified PA:PVP membranes were evaluated in vitro using human blood. It was found that these unmodified PA:PVP membranes were noncytotoxic to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) but raised intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels. Pure genistein (in DMSO solution) was not only nontoxic to PBMC, but also suppressed the ROS levels in a manner dependent on genistein dosage. A similar dose-dependent suppression of ROS was found in genistein-modified PA (i.e., PA/G) membranes. However, the PVP addition had little or no effect in the suppression of ROS levels for the ternary PA:PVP/G system; the membrane ROS suppression was largely controlled by the genistein dosage. The levels of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β), and interleukin (IL-6) in whole blood were measured by ex vivo stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The unmodified PA:PVP membranes drastically increased the level of TNF-α; however, the concentration of IL-1β and IL-6 remained almost the same. The PA/G membranes reduced the concentration of IL-1β and TNF-α even at very low genistein loadings, but it required a higher genistein loading to realize a similar effect in the case of IL-6. Of particular importance is that the genistein-modified blend membranes (PA:PVP/G) showed greater suppression of the concentrations of all three cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6) in comparison with those of the PA/G membranes, signifying the role of PVP in the enhanced anti-inflammatory properties of these genistein-modified membranes. Ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) spectroscopy was employed to quantify any genistein leaching during the in vitro testing.  相似文献   


Samples of floor materials used at present in different types of food plants were studied for their sensitivity to fouling and for their cleaning properties. A cleaning procedure close to that used in industry was carried out on seven different floor samples fouled with six industrial soils (e.g. green salad soil, reconstituted milk, and meat) and inoculated with spores of Bacillus stearothermophilus var. calidolactis as tracer. Sensitivity to fouling and the cleanability of the different floor materials were measured, and the results showed a significant difference between them. These differences were dependent upon the type of soil. Sensitivity to fouling and cleanability were not correlated with their slipping resistance characteristics.  相似文献   

The influences of buffers and iron chelators on the rate of autoxidation of Fe2+ were examined in the pH range 6.0–7.4. The catalysis by Fe2+ and Fe3+ of the autoxidation of dithiothreitol was also investigated. In buffers which are non- or poor chelators of iron, 0.25 mM Fe2+, and 0.3 mM dithiothreitol when present with iron, oxidize within minutes at pH 7.4 and 30°C. The stability of each increases as the pH is decreased and more than 90% of each remains after 1 h at pH 6.0. In the presence of buffers or oxy-ligands which preferentially and strongly chelate Fe3+ over Fe2+, Fe2+ autoxidizes rapidly in the pH range 6.0–7.4 while dithiothreitol is protected. Ligands which preferentially bind strongly to Fe2+ stabilize both Fe2+ and dithiothreitol at pH 7.4. Dithiothreitol readily reduces Fe3+ in non-chelating buffers or in the presence of strong chelators of Fe2+, however, the ferrous ions produced are prone to reoxidation at higher pH values. These results show that Fe2+ and dithiothreitol are very susceptible to autoxidation in the neutral pH range, and that the rates are strongly influenced by the presence of chelators of Fe2+ and Fe3+. The rapid autoxidations of these species need to be taken into account when designing and interpreting experiments involving Fe2+ or both dithiothreitol and iron.  相似文献   

The effects of salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA) on plant defense responses were studied with aseptic potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plantlets infected with Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary. Plant treatment with 10−6 M SA or 10−7 M JA induced plant resistance; the mixture of these acids was most efficient. After treatment with these compounds, phenolic compounds were accumulated and peroxidase was activated in the sites of pathogen localization, and this might be the reason of resistance enhancement. In addition, more H2O2 was accumulated in infected plants treated with JA or its mixture with SA but not in plants treated with SA alone. It might occur because of observed inhibition of catalase and activation of isoperoxidase with the isoelectric point (pI) of ∼9.3, which manifests an affinity for the pathogen cell wall. The data obtained allow us to recommend the application of these compounds for potato plant protection against late blight.  相似文献   

The experiments on alert rats have shown that dissociation in opioid regulation of behavioural and hemodynamic pain manifestations is determined at a spinal opiate receptor level. Opiates and opioids suppress blood pressure nociceptive reactions to mu-opiate receptors, while sigma-opiate receptors are involved into the generation of autonomic activating effect in opiate analgesia.  相似文献   

Different static properties have been calculated with COMPASS force field for polyacrylamide, poly(2-hydroxyethylacrylate) (HEA), poly(2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate) (HEMA), poly(glycidylmethacrylate) (GMA), polyethylene glycol (PEG), and poly(2,2,2-trifluoroethylmethacrylate) (TFEM). For each polymers, the calculated values were averaged on five equilibrated configurations of amorphous cell composed of one atactic chain containing 100 repeat units. The ranking obtained from the densities calculated at 300 K is TFEM?>?HEA?≈?xpolycrylamide?>?HEMA?≈?GMA?>?PEG. Concerning the glass transition temperature we have obtained polyacrylamide?>?HEMA?≈?GMA?≈?HEA?>?PEG, and polyacrylamide?>?HEMA?≈?HEA?>?GMA?≈?PEG?>?TFEM for the bulk modulus. The calculated results, when available, have been compared with experimental data coming from literature.  相似文献   

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