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Quantitative trait loci for phyllochron and tillering in rice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Morphogenetic processes in sequentially growing leaves and tiller buds are highly synchronized in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Consequently, the appearance of successive leaves in the main tiller acts as the pacemaker for the whole shoot system development. The time interval between the appearance of successive leaves (days/leaf) in the main tiller is called the phyllochron. The objectives of the investigation reported here were: (1) to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that control rice phyllochron and (2) to understand the roles of phyllochron QTLs as an underlying developmental factor for rice tillering. For this purpose we developed a set of recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between IR36 (indica) and Genjah Wangkal (tropical japonica). Composite interval mapping detected three phyllochron QTLs located on chromosomes 4, 10 and 11, where the presence of a Genjah Wangkal allele increased phyllochron. The largest QTL (on chromosome 4) was located on the genomic region syntenic to the vicinity of the maize Teopod 2 mutation, while the QTL on chromosome 10 was close to the rice plastochron 1 mutation. These three phyllochron QTLs failed to coincide with major tiller number QTLs. However, one tiller number QTL was associated with small LOD peaks for phyllochron and tiller-bud dormancy that were linked in coupling phase, suggesting that linked small effects of phyllochron and tiller-bud dormancy might result in a multiplicative effect on tiller number.  相似文献   

To clarify the genetic basis of extremely early heading in rice, we conducted quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses using F2 populations from two genetically wide cross combinations, Hayamasari/Kasalath (HaF2) and Hoshinoyume/Kasalath (HoF2). Hayamasari and Hoshinoyume are extremely early-heading japonica cultivars. Photoperiod sensitivity is completely lost in Hayamasari and weak in Hoshinoyume. Three QTLs, QTL(chr6), QTL(chr7), and QTL(chr8), for days-to-heading (DTH) in HaF2 were detected on chromosomes 6, 7, and 8, respectively, and QTL(chr6) and QTL(chr7) were detected in HoF2. On the basis of the chromosomal locations, QTL(chr6), QTL(chr7), and QTL(chr8) may be likely to be Hd1, Hd4, and Hd5, respectively, which had been detected previously as QTLs for DTH in an F2 population of Nipponbare × Kasalath. Alleles of QTL(chr7) decreased DTH dramatically in both Hayamasari and Hoshinoyume, suggesting that QTL(chr7) has a major role in determining extremely early heading. In addition, allele-specific interactions were detected between QTL(chr6), QTL(chr7) and QTL(chr8). This result suggests that not only allelic differences but also epistatic interactions contribute to extremely early heading. QTL(chr8) was detected in HaF2, but not in HoF2, suggesting that it determines the difference in DTH between Hayamasari and Hoshinoyume. A major QTL was also detected in the region of QTL(chr8) in QTL analysis using an F2 population of Hayamasari × Hoshinoyume. This result supports the idea that QTL(chr8) is a major factor that determines the difference in DTH between Hayamasari and Hoshinoyume, and is involved in photoperiod sensitivity.  相似文献   

Glucosinolates and their breakdown products have been recognized for their effects on plant defense, human health, flavor and taste of cruciferous vegetables. Despite this importance, little is known about the regulation of the biosynthesis and degradation in Brassica rapa. Here, the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) for glucosinolate accumulation in B. rapa leaves in two novel segregating double haploid (DH) populations is reported: DH38, derived from a cross between yellow sarson R500 and pak choi variety HK Naibaicai; and DH30, from a cross between yellow sarson R500 and Kairyou Hakata, a Japanese vegetable turnip variety. An integrated map of 1068 cM with 10 linkage groups, assigned to the international agreed nomenclature, is developed based on the two individual DH maps with the common parent using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and single sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Eight different glucosinolate compounds were detected in parents and F(1)s of the DH populations and found to segregate quantitatively in the DH populations. QTL analysis identified 16 loci controlling aliphatic glucosinolate accumulation, three loci controlling total indolic glucosinolate concentration and three loci regulating aromatic glucosinolate concentrations. Both comparative genomic analyses based on Arabidopsis-Brassica rapa synteny and mapping of candidate orthologous genes in B. rapa allowed the selection of genes involved in the glucosinolate biosynthesis pathway that may account for the identified QTL.  相似文献   

Five rices (Oryza sativa L.) differing in final grain size were studied at the midmilky stage to determine if any factor could be identified which might limit rate of starch accumulation. Only UDP glucose pyrophosphorylase activity increased with increasing grain size. Detached rice panicles incubated in liquid medium containing 1% sucrose and 0.1% glutamine, in addition to minerals and vitamins, produced grains similar to those on intact plants. Sucrose level (0–1.5%) in the medium determined the extent of dry matter and starch accumulation and influenced physiological development of the ripening grains. Chemical and enzymic composition of the grain were similar to previously reported levels in grains of intact panicles analysed at regular intervals after anthesis. Addition of 3-P glycerate or K+ to the medium did not improve dry matter accumulation in the developing grain.  相似文献   

In the present study, leaves of different plant species were girdled by the hot wax collar method to prevent export of assimilates. Photosynthetic activity of girdled and control leaves was evaluated 3 to 7 days later by two methods: (a) carbon exchange rate (CER) of attached leaves was determined under ambient CO2 concentrations using a closed gas system, and (b) maximum photosynthetic capacity (Amax) was determined under 3% CO2 with a leaf disc O2 electrode. Starch, hexoses, and sucrose were determined enzymically. Typical starch storers like soybean (Glycine max L.) (up to 87.5 milligrams of starch per square decimeter in girdled leaves), cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) responded to 7 days of girdling by increased (80-100%) stomatal resistance (rs) and decreased Amax (>50%). On the other hand, spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), a typical sucrose storer (up to 160 milligrams of sucrose per square decimeter in girdled leaves), showed only a slight reduction in CER and almost no change in Amax. Intermediate plants like tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), broad bean (Vicia faba L.), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), and pea (Pisum sativum L.), which upon girdling store both starch and sucrose, responded to the girdle by a considerable reduction in CER but only moderate inhibition of Amax, indicating that the observed reduction in CER was primarily a stomatal response. Both the wild-type tobacco (Nicotiana sylvestris) (which upon girdling stored starch and hexoses) and the starchless mutant (which stored only hexoses, up to 90 milligrams per square decimeter) showed 90 to 100% inhibition of CER and approximately 50% inhibition of Amax. In general, excised leaves (6 days) behaved like girdled leaves of the respective species, showing 50% reduction of Amax in wild-type and starchless N. sylvestris but only slight decline of Amax in spinach. The results of the present study demonstrate the possibility of the occurrence of end-product inhibition of photosynthesis in a large number of crop plants. The long-term inhibition of photosynthesis in girdled leaves is not confined to stomatal responses since the Amax declined up to 50%. The inhibition of Amax by girdling was strongest in starch storers, but starch itself cannot be directly responsible, because the starchless mutant of N. sylvestris was also strongly inhibited. Similarly, the inhibition cannot be attributed to hexose sugars either, because soybean, cotton, and cucumber are among the plants most strongly inhibited although they do not maintain a large hexose pool. Spinach, a sucrose storer, showed the least inhibition in both girdled and excised leaf systems, which indicates that sucrose is probably not directly responsible for the end-product inhibition of photosynthesis. The occurrence of strong end-product inhibition appears to be correlated with high acid-invertase activity in fully expanded leaves. The inhibition may be related to the nature of soluble sugar metabolism in the extrachloroplastic compartment and may be caused by a metabolite that has different rates of accumulation and turnover in sucrose storers and other plants.  相似文献   

Appropriate heading date and plant height are prerequisites for attaining the desired yield level in rice breeding programs. In this study, we analyzed the genetic bases of heading date and plant height at both single- locus and two-locus levels, using a population of 240 F2:3 families derived from a cross between two elite rice lines. Measurements for the traits were obtained over 2 years in replicated field trials. A linkage map was constructed with 151 polymorphic marker loci, based on which interval mapping was performed using Mapmaker/QTL. The analyses detected six QTLs for plant height and six QTLs for heading date; collectively the QTLs for heading date accounted for a much greater amount of phenotypic variation than did the QTLs for plant height. Two-way analyses of variance, with all possible two-locus combinations, detected large numbers (from 101 to 257) of significant digenic interactions in the 2 years for both traits involving markers distributed in the entire genome; 22 and 39 were simultaneously detected in both years for plant height and heading date, respectively. Each of the interactions individually accounted for only a very small portion of the phenotypic variation. The majority of the significant interactions involved marker loci that did not detect significant effects by single-locus analyses, and many of the QTLs detected by single-locus analyses were involved in epistatic interactions. The results clearly demonstrated the importance of epistatic interactions in the genetic bases of heading date and plant height. Received: 5 May 2001 / Accepted: 3 August 2001  相似文献   

Near-isogenic lines (NILs) are ideal materials for precise estimation of quantitative trait loci (QTL) effects and map-based gene isolation. With the completion of the rice genome sequence, QTL isolation based on NILs is becoming a routine. In this study, a trait-performance derived NIL strategy was adopted to develop NILs. Two plants were identified within one inbred line of recombinant inbred lines (RILs, F7 generation), exhibiting a significant difference in panicle size. By marker screening of the whole genome the genetic background of the two plants was estimated to be 98.7% identical. These two plants were selected as parents to produce a near-isogenic F2 (NIL-F2) population, consisting of 125 individuals, in which spikelets per panicle (SPP), grains per panicle (GPP), heading date (HD) and plant height (PH) were recorded. These four traits expressed discontinuous or bimodal distribution in the NIL-F2 population and followed the expected segregation ratios for a single Mendelian factor by progeny tests. A partial dominant QTL for the four traits was mapped to the same interval flanked by RM310 and RM126 on chromosome 8. The QTL region explained 83.0, 80.2, 94.9 and 93.8% of trait variation of SPP, GPP, HD and PH in the progenies, respectively. Progeny tests also confirmed co-segregation of QTL for the four traits, tall plants consistently flowering late and carrying large panicles. Different NILs development strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin produced by Aspergillus flavus in corn poses significant health risks to both humans and livestock. Exploitation of host-plant resistance in breeding programs is a sustainable way to minimize aflatoxin contamination. Identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with resistance to aflatoxin accumulation in kernels can accelerate development of aflatoxin-resistant corn using marker-assisted selection. An F2:3 mapping population, developed from a cross involving a resistant inbred Mp715 and a susceptible inbred B73, was evaluated in replicated field trials with developing ears artificially inoculated with A. flavus for 2 years to identify QTL for reduced aflatoxin accumulation. Using composite interval mapping, 6 to 7 QTL for aflatoxin content were identified in both years with contribution of individual QTL ranging from <1 to 10% of phenotypic variation. More QTL were detected for husk coverage with phenotypic variance range of <1 to 16% explained by individual QTL. Both B73 and Mp715 alleles at these QTL loci contributed toward resistance. Husk coverage and aflatoxin levels were significantly correlated in both years. Our findings were further supported by overlapping of QTL for husk coverage ratings in four genomic regions on chromosomes 4, 8, and 10, where aflatoxin resistance QTL were reported in previous studies. Since most of the QTL were of low to moderate effects, pyramiding of these QTL may lead to enhanced resistance to aflatoxin accumulation in corn.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa) is sensitive to salinity, which affects one-fifth of irrigated land worldwide. Reducing sodium and chloride uptake into rice while maintaining potassium uptake are characteristics that would aid growth under saline conditions. We describe genetic determinants of the net quantity of ions transported to the shoot, clearly distinguishing between quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the quantity of ions in a shoot and for those that affect the concentration of an ion in the shoot. The latter coincide with QTL for vegetative growth (vigor) and their interpretation is therefore ambiguous. We distinguished those QTL that are independent of vigor and thus directly indicate quantitative variation in the underlying mechanisms of ion uptake. These QTL independently govern sodium uptake, potassium uptake, and sodium:potassium selectivity. The QTL for sodium and potassium uptake are on different linkage groups (chromosomes). This is consistent with the independent inheritance of sodium and potassium uptake in the mapping population and with the mechanistically different uptake pathways for sodium and potassium in rice under saline conditions (apoplastic leakage and membrane transport, respectively). We report the chromosomal location of ion transport and selectivity traits that are compatible with agronomic needs and we indicate markers to assist selection in a breeding program. Based upon knowledge of the underlying mechanisms of ion uptake in rice, we argue that QTL for sodium transport are likely to act through the control of root development, whereas QTL for potassium uptake are likely to act through the structure or regulation of membrane-sited transport components.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was simultaneously to map two genetic loci which, collectively, have a large effect on intake of sucrose, saccharin and quinine solutions in mice. These loci had been previously identified using long-term measurements with the traditional two-bottle test, but the present study used a short-term, one-bottle test. Intake of distilled water, 100 mM sucrose, 10 mM sodium saccharin and 1.1 mM quinine HCl over 6 h was measured on two occasions from a non-deprived group of 61 male and 72 female F2 mice derived from a cross of the C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mouse strains and used to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL). DNA from each animal was typed for polymorphisms in anonymous microsatellite markers on mouse chromosomes 4 and 6. Saccharin and sucrose relevant QTL were detected on distal chromosome 4 and a quinine relevant QTL was detected on medial/distal chromosome 6 in the region of Prp. The location of these QTL and the proportion of phenotypic variance they accounted for were similar to those arrived at following previous determinations using the two-bottle test. Measurement stability for the three gustatory phenotypes was high, product-moment correlation coefficients between first and second determinations varying between approximately 0.80 for sucrose and saccharin and 0.73 for quinine. QTL parameters assessed independently for first and second presentations of sucrose and saccharin were stable, but the location of the quinine QTL differed between presentations. The present experiment illustrates the utility of a 6 h fluid intake test in the mapping of Sac and Qui loci. The short duration of the test provides a simple means of measuring variation in gustatory processes and the discovery that these loci influence short-term as well as long-term fluid intake extends understanding of the mechanism of gene action.  相似文献   

The loci explaining the variability of quantitative traits related to starch content and composition (amylose, amylopectin and water soluble fraction) were searched for in maize kernels. Multifactorial genetic methods were used to detect and locate QTLs (quantitative trait loci) on a genetic map consisting mainly of RFLP markers for genes with known function. The genetic material was recombinant inbred lines originating from parents differing in starch structure (dent vs. flint). Kernels were harvested from field grown plants for two successive years and under two pollination systems. Main effect and epistasis QTLs were detected using two methods, composite interval mapping (MQTL) and ANOVA. Despite large year-to-year differences, physiologically meaningful co-locations were observed between trait QTLs. Moreover, the number of expressed sequences on our map allowed the search for co-locations between QTLs and genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. The main co-location was between an amylose QTL and Shrunken 2 (SH2) locus, on chromosome 3 (SH2 encoding for the large subunit of ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase). The importance of this locus as a candidate gene for a starch QTL is in agreement with previous studies based either on QTL co-locations or on revertant analysis. Other co-locations were observed between amylose and amylopectin QTLs and the two loci of IVR1 invertase genes on chromosomes 2 and 10. Further comparison with previously detected QTLs for carbohydrate metabolism in maize leaves showed consistent co-location in map regions devoid of candidate genes, such as near chromosome 1S telomere. The possible contribution of regulatory genes in this region is discussed.  相似文献   

 Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis has been carried out to identify genes conferring heading date in rice. One hundred and eighty six F2 plants derived from a cross between a japonica variety, Nipponbare, and an indica variety, Kasalath, were used as a segregating population for QTL mapping and more than 850 markers were employed to identify QTLs. Scan-analysis revealed the existence of two QTLs with large effects, Hd-1 and Hd-2, one in the middle of chromosome 6 and one at the end of chromosome 7, respectively. For both loci, the Kasalath alleles reduced days-to-heading. In addition, three QTLs with minor effects, Hd-3, Hd-4 and Hd-5, were found to be located on chromosomes 6, 7 and 8 based on a secondary scan analysis which was carried out by removing the phenotypic effects of Hd-1 and Hd-2. For the three secondary loci, the Nipponbare alleles reduced days-to-heading. The five QTLs explained 84% of the total phenotypic variation in the F2 population based on a multiple-QTL model. The presence of a digenic interaction between Hd-1 and Hd-2 was clearly suggested. Received: 18 March 1997 / Accepted: 24 June 1997  相似文献   

During monocarpic senescence in higher plants, functional stay-green delays leaf yellowing, maintaining photosynthetic competence, whereas nonfunctional stay-green retains leaf greenness without sustaining photosynthetic activity. Thus, functional stay-green is considered a beneficial trait that can increase grain yield in cereal crops. A stay-green japonica rice 'SNU-SG1' had a good seed-setting rate and grain yield, indicating the presence of a functional stay-green genotype. SNU-SG1 was crossed with two regular cultivars to determine the inheritance mode and identify major QTLs conferring stay-green in SNU-SG1. For QTL analysis, linkage maps with 100 and 116 DNA marker loci were constructed using selective genotyping with F2 and RIL (recombinant inbred line) populations, respectively. Molecular marker-based QTL analyses with both populations revealed that the functional stay-green phenotype of SNU-SG1 is regulated by several major QTLs accounting for a large portion of the genetic variation. Three main-effect QTLs located on chromosomes 7 and 9 were detected in both populations and a number of epistatic-effect QTLs were also found. The amount of variation explained by several digenic interactions was larger than that explained by main-effect QTLs. Two main-effect QTLs on chromosome 9 can be considered the target loci that most influence the functional stay-green in SNU-SG1. The functional stay-green QTLs may help develop low-input high-yielding rice cultivars by QTL-marker-assisted breeding with SNU-SG1.  相似文献   

Two quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for seed dormancy (tentatively designated Sdr1) and heading date (Hd8) have been mapped to approximately the same region on chromosome 3 by interval mapping of backcross inbred lines derived from crosses between the rice cultivars Nipponbare (japonica) and Kasalath (indica). To clarify whether Sdr1 and Hd8 could be dissected genetically, we carried out fine-scale mapping with an advanced backcross progeny. We selected a BC4F1 plant, in which a small chromosomal region including Sdr1 and Hd8, on the short arm of chromosome 3, remained heterozygous, whereas all the other chromosomal regions were homozygous for Nipponbare. Days-to-heading and seed germination rate in the BC4F2 plants showed continuous variation. Ten BC4F2 plants with recombination in the vicinity of Sdr1 and Hd8 were selected on the basis of the genotypes of the restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers flanking both QTLs. Genotypes of those plants for Sdr1 and Hd8 were determined by advanced progeny testing of BC4F4 families. Sdr1 was mapped between the RFLP markers R10942 and C2045, and co-segregated with C1488. Hd8 was also mapped between C12534S and R10942. Six recombination events were detected between Sdr1 and Hd8. These results clearly demonstrate that Sdr1 and Hd8 were tightly linked. Nearly isogenic lines for Sdr1 and Hd8 were selected by marker-assisted selection.Communicated by D. Mackill  相似文献   

Drought is the major abiotic stress limiting rice (Oryza sativa) production and yield stability in rainfed lowland and upland ecosystems. Root systems play an important role in drought resistance. Incorporation of root selection criteria in drought resistance improvement is difficult due to lack of reliable and efficient screening techniques. Using a wax-petrolatum layer system simulated to compacted soil layers, root traits were evaluated in a doubled haploid (DH) population derived from the cross between 'IR64' and 'Azucena'. Twelve putative QTLs (quantitative trait loci) were detected by interval mapping comprising four QTLs for root-penetration ability, four QTLs for root thickness, two QTLs for penetrated root number, and two QTLs for total root number. These QTLs individually explained 8.4% to 16.4% of the phenotypic variation. No QTL was detected for maximum penetrated root length by interval mapping. One QTL located between RG104 and RG348 was found to influence both root-penetration ability and root thickness. QTLs for root-penetration ability and root thickness were compared across two populations, 'IR64'-'Azucena' and 'CO39'-'Moroberekan', and different testing conditions. The identified consistent QTLs could be used for marker-assisted selection for deep and thick roots with high root-penetration ability in rice.  相似文献   

Quantitative trait loci in Drosophila   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phenotypic variation for quantitative traits results from the simultaneous segregation of alleles at multiple quantitative trait loci. Understanding the genetic architecture of quantitative traits begins with mapping quantitative trait loci to broad genomic regions and ends with the molecular definition of quantitative trait loci alleles. This has been accomplished for some quantitative trait loci in Drosophila. Drosophila quantitative trait loci have sex-, environment- and genotype-specific effects, and are often associated with molecular polymorphisms in non-coding regions of candidate genes. These observations offer valuable lessons to those seeking to understand quantitative traits in other organisms, including humans.  相似文献   

The genomic locations and identities of the genes that regulate voluntary physical activity are presently unknown. The purpose of this study was to search for quantitative trait loci (QTL) that are linked with daily mouse running wheel distance, duration, and speed of exercise. F(2) animals (n = 310) derived from high active C57L/J and low active C3H/HeJ inbred strains were phenotyped for 21 days. After phenotyping, genotyping with a fully informative single-nucleotide polymorphism panel with an average intermarker interval of 13.7 cM was used. On all three activity indexes, sex and strain were significant factors, with the F(2) animals similar to the high active C57L/J mice in both daily exercise distance and duration of exercise. In the F(2) cohort, female mice ran significantly farther, longer, and faster than male mice. QTL analysis revealed no sex-specific QTL but at the 5% experimentwise significance level did identify one QTL for duration, one QTL for distance, and two QTL for speed. The QTL for duration (DUR13.1) and distance (DIST13.1) colocalized with the QTL for speed (SPD13.1). Each of these QTL accounted for approximately 6% of the phenotypic variance, whereas SPD9.1 (chromosome 9, 7 cM) accounted for 11.3% of the phenotypic variation. DUR13.1, DIST13.1, SPD13.1, and SPD9.1 were subsequently replicated by haplotype association mapping. The results of this study suggest a genetic basis of voluntary activity in mice and provide a foundation for future candidate gene studies.  相似文献   

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