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Bioclastic accumulations often occur on top of Tethysian carbonate platforms and crinoids are a common constituent of these bioclastic deposits on Lower and Middle Liassic carbonate platforms. In contrast, the relevant literature contains few examples in which the main constituent of the lumachels is thin-shelled bivalves (filaments). This paper presents a study of a filament lumachelle cropping out on top of a Middle Jurassic carbonate platform. The carbonate platform is represented by the Jabalcuz Formation, found in one of the northernmost Subbetic units (south of Jaén city). The lumachelle marks the demise of the carbonate platform and has special features that characterize the drowning phase. This process has been related with the syn-rift extensional tectonics associated to the opening of the Tethys westwards. Stratigraphically, the lumachelle occurs on top of shallow-water oolite limestones (Middle Jurassic) and is overlain by radiolarian-rich pelagic and resedimented deposits (Latest Callovian–Oxfordian). It occurs as a body (about 1.5 km wide and up to 8 m thick) made up entirely of densely packed thin bivalve shells. A remarkable feature of the bivalve shell beds is stromatolite-like crumpled lamination at the outcrop. The observations made at the outcrop scale, by microscope under transmitted light, and by cathodoluminiscence favor a diagenetic origin for this striking structure. Other hypotheses, such as its possible relation with seismicity, cannot be confirmed. The filaments would have filled one of the former basins that originated in relation with syn-rift fault-block tectonics leading to the demise of the carbonate platform. Tectonics was one of the main factors setting in motion a carbonate productivity crisis and the inhibition of a diverse benthic community. Once production failed in the carbonate factory, storms and probably hurricanes as well, swept shell deposits from the shallowest areas of the shallow-water carbonate platform and accumulated them in a coevally formed small half-graben basin. At least three main depositional stages can be differentiated in the fill of this half-graben basin, which was a sediment trap for the accumulation and preservation of the tiny bivalve shells against ebb surges. The massive accumulation of valves, the shortage of micrite around the filaments, outcrop morphology and facies relationships, along with regional geology, are among the arguments supporting this interpretation.  相似文献   

Bottom deposits were collected from six Egyptian brackishwater lakes in order to estimate the amounts of calcareous materials accumulated. The calcium carbonate content of the sediments was determined by means of a chemical method. The calcareous materials of the Egyptian lake sediments gave variable amounts. The absolute maximum and minimum values of 86.20 and 14.66%, respectively, were found in Lake Manzalah sediments. The highest average value of the carbonate content of 63.29% was found in Lake Mariut sediments. The lowest average of 40.20%, on the other hand, was obtained from Lake Edku. The sediments of Lake Brollus had also a lower average of 41.70%. The calcareous materials of the Hydrodrome and Lake Manzalah sediments gave nearly the same average values. The high amounts of calcareous materials found in the bottom deposits reflect mainly the richness of these deposits with calcareous shells and shell fragments. The low values of calcium carbonate content, on the other hand, are found in sediments poor in calcareous shells. The scarcity of these shells at certain stations of the lake bottom is attributed mainly to: 1. the unfavourable ecological conditions necessary for the growth of calcareous organisms at these localities; 2. the continual covering of these shells with minerogenic matter carried out to the lakes by drains, and with sand transported to the lakes through the lake-sea connection; 3. the solution of calcium carbonate which may occur after the death of organisms.  相似文献   

Certain carbonate deposits in the Upper Jurassic succession of the western High Atlas mountains of Morocco are interpreted as having resulted from periodic storms operating on very shallow marine or supratidal sediments. Such storm deposits or “tempestites” are thought to be much more common than is usually recognized, and in certain climatic situations they are likely to be the rule rather than the exception.  相似文献   

Coastal mixed carbonate-siliciclastic and carbonate deposits of Late Barremian to Early Aptian age from the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) are compared with a deep-sea succession (ODP 641) off the coast of Portugal. The coastal deposits show an abrupt cessation of rudist-dominated carbonate deposition marked by an emersion horizon and followed by the deposition of orbitolinid-rich marls during the Early Aptian. The subsequent development of the carbonate platform during the Late Aptian is masked by a hiatus. For this time interval shallow-water debris deposits of the deep-sea succession ODP 641 indicate that carbonate production in shallow-water areas resume in the early Late Aptian. Carbon-isotope stratigraphy in combination with available biostratigraphic data is used for intrabasinal correlation and for the correlation of the Portuguese with shallow-water successions from Switzerland, France, Oman and the Pacific. The correlation reveals that during the Early Aptian similar changes in their sedimentary patterns occur at the beginning of a marked negative shift of carbon-isotope values associated with the global deposition of organic rich black shales in the deep sea (OAE 1a). In all compared sections rudist-dominated carbonate deposition is stopped and followed either by orbitolinid-rich deposits, the deposition of microbial carbonates or by the drowning of the carbonate platform. The comparison shows that the deterioration for carbonate platform growth conditions during the Early Aptian occurred essentially simultaneously at the various localities. During this episode the ocean waters were in a preconditioned state of acidification stressing biocalcifying organisms. Sea level change combined with local effects like elevated nutrient levels and higher temperatures, were probably determining the nature of sedimentary change in shallow-water environments during the carbonate crisis. In the sections studied in Portugal the high abundance of orbitolinids overlying rudist limestones indicates that increased nutrient input may have played an important local role among the factors that caused an overall deterioration for carbonate producers during the late Early Aptian.  相似文献   

Summary The high-plateau of the Jbel Bou Dahar, situated in the Central and Eastern High Atlas of Morocco, represents a Lower Jurassic carbonate platform that drowned at the beginning of the Toarcian. Three phases of platform evolution can be distinguished: During thepre-drowning phase (upper Sinemurian— upper Pliensbachian) the platform interior facies reflects a restricted-marine lagoonal environment, protected by scattered buildups and cemented debris at the platform margin. Upper and mid-slope are dominated by coarse-grained, poorly sorted limestones, deposited through debris flows during sea-level lowstands. Sea-level highstand deposits occur at the toe of slope and are formed by an alternation of fine-grained litho- and bioclastic pack- to grainstones (turbidites), marls and mud- to wackestones (hemipelagic oozes). A condensed section, reflecting an abrupt and fundamental environmental change along the entire platform, characterises thedrowning phase (upper Pliensbachian— lower Toarcian). Within the platform interior densely packed biosparites represent the switch to high-energy environments, causing erosion of the former pre-drowning lagoonal sediments. These erosional products were redeposited on the platform slope, leading to the formation of coarse-grained non-skeletal sparites and micrites. Both platform interior and slope successions show a series of cyclic variations in sediment composition that could have been triggered by small-scale sea-level fluctuations. In contrast to the abrupt facies change at the pre-drowning —drowning boundary, the transition to thepost-drowning phase (lower Toarcian—Aalenian) is gradual. During this phase, biopelmicrites and pure micrites were deposited in all platform sections, followed by the deposition of calcistiltites. The facies point to quiet-water conditions below storm-wave base and display a uniform deep-marine sedimentation. This analysis shows that the drowning of the Jbel Bou Dahar carbonate platform was caused by abrupt and fundamental changes in the shallow-water realm. After exposure of the platform, these changes prevented the carbonate factory from re-establishing itself and made it impossible for the platform to keep up with the subsequent rise in sea level. These local changes were probably triggered by high-frequency sealevel variations in combination with regional or even worldwide changes in ocean circulation patterns.  相似文献   

Andrea Cozzi 《Facies》2002,47(1):151-178
Summary Upper Triassic (Middle-Upper Norian) shallow-water carbonates of the Dolomia Principale and its deep-water counterparts (Forni Dolomite) have been studied in the Carnian Prealps (northeastern Italy). The Dolomia Principale was a storm-dominated carbonate platform; in the Mt. Pramaggiore area, along a well-preserved 3.5 km-long platform-to-basin transition, the inner platform facies of the Dolomia Principale, characterized by m-scale shallowing upward cycles, give way seaward to open marine storm-dominated shallow subtidal lagoon deposits with frequent hardgrounds and evidence of microbial stabilization of the bottom sediment. The margin of the Dolomia Principale platform was colonized by meter-scale stromatolites and serpulid-microbial mounds that thrived due to the local highly stressed environment, characterized by drastic salinity fluctuations and turbid waters, that excluded the Upper Triassic coral-sponge communities. The Forni Dolomite slope-basin complex was characterized by an upper slope facies with debris flows, megabreccias, turbidites and serpulid-microbial mounds. The lower slope and basinal facies show thinning and fining trends. After restoring the original geometry of the slope, the depositional angles of the clinoforms range between 11 and 36 degrees, reflecting closely the coarse-grained character of the Forni Dolomite slope complex, which can be interpreted as a slope apron that, as a model, can be extended to steeply inclined carbonate slopes. The onset of synsedimentary extensional tectonics at the Middle-Late Norian boundary affected the platform-slope depositional system via: 1) localized inner platform collapses and the formation of an intraplatform anoxic depression at Mt. Valmenone, 2) a switch from platform lateral progradation during the Middle Norian to vertical aggradation in the Late Norian, reflected in an increase in platform relief, steeper foreslope angles and coarser-grained slope facies, and 3) controlling the spatial orientation of the margin of the Dolomia Principale.  相似文献   

Sedimentary environment of Devonian pelagic limestones in the Southern Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Primary sedimentary structures combined with the geometry of Devonian and Lower Palaeozoic lithosomes in the Southern Alps (Austria and Italy) suggest many doubts about the published environmental and bathymetric interpretation of some Lower to Middle Devonian pelagic nodular limestones as 'deep-water' abyssal deposits. Every graded bed is not necessarily aturbidite; a single or some turbiditic beds are not necessarily deep-water or abyssal deposits; carbonate dissolution does not necessarily take place only below the carbonate compensation depth (CCD). Data show that graded allodapic beds, like those of the Lower to Middle Devonian of the Alps, may have been deposited as storm layers at a depth not exceeding some hundreds of metres. Accordingly the margins between Lower Devonian shallow-water platform and basins were characterized by low gradient and transitional sedimentary conditions. They became very steep only at the Devonian–Carboniferous transition because of synsedimentary block faulting.  相似文献   

The oldest occurrences of the monothalamous foraminifer species Amphitremoida longa Nestell and Tolmacheva and A. laevis Nestell and Tolmacheva are found in the San Juan Formation together with conodonts of the Oepikodus evae Zone of the Floian (Lower Ordovician), in the Salagasta 2 section, southern Precordillera, Argentina. These discoveries represent the oldest record for foraminifers in South America. The foraminifers, species of which were originally described from the Lower Ordovician of northwestern Russia, are found in shallow high energy carbonate platform deposits in the Precordillera, together with a North Atlantic province conodont fauna. The carbonate sequence of the San Juan Formation in the Salagasta region is interpreted as a succession ranging from shallower tidal deposits to carbonate crinoidal shoaling bar deposits.  相似文献   

  • 1 We studied the lime deposits on Gammarus fossarum from a tufa brook in Southern Germany. Between 20 and 75% of the gammarids collected carried calcium carbonate deposits at the dorsal part of the pleon segments. Average weight of deposits ranged between 0.6 mg on small and 1.7 mg on large specimens and constituted 60–20% of specimens' dry weights.
  • 2 Predator‐prey experiments with salamander larvae and gammarids showed that significantly fewer prey with deposits were eaten than without deposits and that the differences in predation risks between prey with vs. prey without deposits were greatest in small and medium sized specimens.
  • 3 Lime deposits changed the feel or taste and the activity patterns of gammarids. Gammarids with deposits were rejected significantly more often by the predators than gammarids without deposits. Medium sized specimens with deposits, which suffered a great predation risk, were significantly less active than specimens of the same size category without deposits.
  • 4 Lime deposits did not increase conspicousness or decrease escape ability of prey. Prey with deposits were attacked by predators with the same frequency and captured with the same success as prey without deposits.
  • 5 Lime deposits may afford effective protection from salamander predation in some natural habitats. Predation impact on gammarids by salamander larvae may be low, however, because larval density was very low in most places (< 1 m‐2) and because larvae are only present for a limited time until they start metamorphosis.

Inorganic deposits in the wall of human and animal arteries and in experimental tumor (Morris hepatoma 7777) were examined using proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) and PIXE in combination with proton microprobe (micro-PIXE) techniques. The sections adjacent to the irradiated ones part were submitted to histological investigations and one part of the material was additionally investigated by infrared (IR) spectroscopy. For identification of mineral deposits, the micro-PIXE method appeared the most sensitive. The mineral deposits were detected in the artery samples, even in those without visible morphological changes, as well as in tumor samples. The deposites showed different localization and composition, depending on age and type of vessel. There were also differences between human and animal arteries. IR spectroscopy revealed the presence of carbonate apatite within the artery samples from old individuals. Matching of histological observations with data obtained by micro-PIXE method allows a better correlation of morphological and analytical results.  相似文献   

The compositional variation of Pleistocene carbonate gravity deposits from the Exuma Sound Basin, Bahamas, was determined. Two types of gravity deposit were present in the cores of ODP Leg 101, Site 632A, i.e., calciturbidites and calcidebrites. In analogy with earlier studies, the compositional variations in the calciturbidites could be linked to different sources on the carbonate margin, i.e., platform interior, platform edge, and platform slope. Calciturbidites deposited during interglacial, sea-level highstands show a dominance of non-skeletal grains, largely derived from the platform interior, while calciturbidites of glacial, sea-level lowstands, show a dominance of skeletal platform-edge to platform-slope-derived grains. Thus, the calciturbidite composition can be used to reconstruct the position of absolute sea level. In addition, the mud content of the calciturbidites increased after Marine Isotope Stage 11. In contrast, the composition of the calcidebrites remained unaltered through time and showed a clear dominance of platform-edge-derived sediments during varying sea-level positions. The Bahamian carbonate platform is located in a tectonically stable passive-margin setting and the gravity-flow deposits were laid down in an environment exclusively controlled by eustatic sea-level fluctuations. This study shows that all types of gravity-induced carbonate deposits, calciturbidites, and calcidebrites, were deposited in response to global eustatic sea-level variations. The sediment composition could be linked directly to sediment input from specific facies realms along the carbonate platform margin. Hence, sediment composition analysis is a strong tool that may be used to discriminate between gravity-induced deposition triggered by eustatic sea-level changes and that related to tectonic events, when analyzing resedimentation processes in sedimentary basins.  相似文献   


The present study is based on the analysis of thalli of Lithophyllum byssoides (Lamarck) Foslie (Corallinales, Rhodophyta) collected from the Island of Ustica (southern Tyrrhenian Sea). Both the composition of mineral deposits, and the morphology of the thallus were examined. Chemical-mineralogical analyses (by energy dispersive spectrometry, X-ray diffractometry and atomic absorption spectrophotometry) revealed the structure and organisation of the mineral deposits, mainly calcium carbonate, present within the cell wall. Calcium carbonate was mainly deposited as calcite with 15% of magnesium carbonate, but aragonite was also detected. A comparison with data referring to thalli collected from two localities along the north-western coast of Sicily (Mannino, 1992, 1994) highlighted some differences, among the three populations, relative to composition of mineral deposits and population structure. Results from the present study also point to a relationship between composition of mineral deposits and environmental factors.  相似文献   

In the Galala Mountains of the Eastern Desert, Egypt, carbonate platform and basin deposits have excellent exposure. These exposures show a late Campanian–early Paleocene rimmed platform evolving into a late Paleocene distally steepened ramp. We modelled the evolution of the platform–basin transition from the Maastrichtian to Selandian (68.7–59 Ma) with the 2-D stratigraphic simulation program PHIL and compared the modelled results with outcrop sections. Stratigraphic, facies, and environmental data are summarized and operate as input and control parameters for the computer simulation. The most important parameters that control the depositional geometries of the late Cretaceous mixed carbonate siliciclastic platform and the Paleogene carbonate platform are changes in relative sea level, sediment flux and initial topography. The simulation provides an understanding of platform growth and slope to basin deposition, particularly in areas of the platform that are poorly exposed or have been eroded. Moreover, the simulated geologic parameters like lithology, overall thickness and palaeowater depth closely resemble field and laboratory measurements of the individual sections. In an earlier study, the Maastrichtian slope angle was calculated to be 5–8° and this was confirmed in this study. In this earlier study also the timing of the transition from a rimmed platform to a distally steepened ramp was established to be during latest Maastrichtian–early Paleocene. The present study shows that the rimmed platform persisted at least until the late Paleocene (59 Ma), as indicated by the relatively high slope angle of 6°.  相似文献   

This study analyses the rhodolith-bearing deposits in the largest and most rhodolith-rich outcrop of the Polish Outer Carpathian flysch, located in the Silesian Nappe, at the village of Melsztyn. The rhodoliths and sparse associated biota occur as resedimented components in a deep-marine succession of siliciclastic conglomerates and coarse-grained sandstones, deposited by high-density turbidity currents and debris flows. The sediment was derived from a fan-delta system located at the southern margin of the Silesian flysch basin. Stratigraphic data indicate that the succession represents the Upper Istebna Sandstone deposited during the Late Paleocene. The rhodoliths are composed mostly of coralline red algae with seven genera and eight species representing the family Sporolithaceae and the subfamilies Mastophoroideae and Melobesioideae. Rhodoliths show sub-spheroidal and sub-ellipsoidal shapes with encrusting, warty and lumpy growth forms. Lumpy growth forms show massive inner arrangements, whereas the encrusting growth forms are usually made of thin thalli and show more loosely packed inner arrangements. The rhodoliths grew on a moderately mobile siliciclastic substrate in a shallow-marine environment with a low net sedimentation rate. It is inferred that the growth of rhodoliths was favored during a relative sea-level rise. During the subsequent sea-level fall, the rhodoliths and associated siliciclastic deposits were resedimented by gravity flows into the deep-sea setting. The analyzed deposits, like other Paleocene–Eocene deposits of the Polish Outer Carpathians, provide no evidence of coeval widespread shallow-marine carbonate sedimentation along the margins of the Outer Carpathian flysch basins.  相似文献   

The Triassic sediments of the External Zones of the Betic Cordillera were deposited on the Southern Iberian Continental Palaeomargin. Two coeval Ladinian formations, namely the Siles Formation and the Cehegín Formation, are described to illustrate the facies and lithostratigraphic variability in the Muschelkalk carbonates. There has been some dispute over the number of carbonate units present in the Siles Formation. Our studies assign a tectonic origin to these recurrent carbonate units. Both formations comprise only one carbonate unit, which is correlated to the Upper Muschelkalk of the Catalan and Germanic basins and some Iberian Range sections. To characterize the sedimentological features of these formations, 14 facies were defined. The most widespread sediment was originally lime mud, although bioclastic deposits are also common. In the facies succession, a main transgressive-regressive sequence could be identified. According to the facies model proposed here, a muddy coastal and shallow-water platform prograded over mid ramp deposits. There is no evidence for a seawards reefal or oolitic-bioclastic sandy barrier. The most significant feature of this sedimentary interpretation is that these carbonate facies show clear characteristics of an epicontinental platform.  相似文献   

The disjunction of ecological and socioeconomic sciences is one of the main obstructions in current human–natural integrated systems research. Therefore, gridded GIS technology is introduced in an attempt to achieve the spatial flow analysis of water pollution in eco-natural systems. With this unified GIS platform, an input–output table and one-dimensional water quality model are chosen to manifest the spatial economic flows and spatial natural flows of water pollution separately. Finally, the comprehensive effect of the spatial circulation of water pollution in eco-natural systems is assessed. A case study of the framework is carried out in the Changzhou District of Taihu Lake, China, and the main results show the following: (1) COD (chemical oxygen demand) direct emissions represent the characteristics of high intensity and clustering in industrial regions; control unit 8 is the largest secondary emissions unit, representing up to 41.79% of the total, whereas the emissions of the primary industry tend to be low intensity and widespread. (2) The gray virtual water flow from the primary industry to other heavy industries (except the chemical industry) is the main flow type; the transfer amount adds up to 2512 t, and the inter-units with the largest occupation of water environment capacity (WEC) upstream to downstream are 8–9, nearly up to 1548 t. (3) Under the interaction of positive and negative functions of economic flows and natural flows, the final effect of pollution transfer may be offset, environmental degradation or environmental improvement. This study could provide a basis for ecological compensation, environmental exteriority and optimization of industrial structure layouts.  相似文献   

The Asmari Formation, a thick carbonate succession of the Oligo-Miocene in Zagros Mountains (southwest Iran), has been studied to determine its microfacies, paleoenvironments and sedimentary sequences. Detailed petrographic analysis of the deposits led to the recognition of 10 microfacies types. In addition, five major depositional environments were identified in the Asmari Formation. These include tidal flat, shelf lagoon, shoal, slope and basin environmental settings and are interpreted as a carbonate platform developed in an open shelf situation but without effective barriers separating the platform from the open ocean. The Asmari carbonate succession consists of four, thick shallowing-upward sequences (third-order cycles). No major hiatuses were recognized between these cycles. Therefore, the contacts are interpreted as SB2 sequence boundary types. The Pabdeh Formation, the deeper marine facies equivalent of the Asmari Limestone is interpreted to be deposited in an outer slope-basin environment. The microfacies of the Pabdeh Formation shows similarities to the Asmari Formation.  相似文献   

Summary The development of carbonate ramp depositional systems in the Neogene of the Mediterranean Region represents a widespread feature so far analysed in several papers. It is striking to note that the evolution of upper Miocene carbonate ramps, characterized by the presence of coralgal bioherms, highlights the events leading to the Messinian salinity crisis. The coralgal bioherms of preevaporite Messinian age exhibit fossil assemblages indicating marine waters with normal salinity, whereas stromatolitic and microbial encrustations underline the deterioration of the environment during the Messinian salinity crisis. Maiella Mountain is a broad carbonate massif located in Abruzzo (Central Italy). The late lower Oligocene-Messinian part of its stratigraphic succession consists of stacked non-tropical carbonate ramp deposits related to third and higher order sequences. The investigations performed in the southernmost portion of the massif allowed to recognize a complete fourth order carbonate depositional sequence on a homoclinal ramp of pre-evaporite Messinian age. The presence of small coralgal patch reefs and overlaying microbial encrustations is significant. A transect exhibits the stratigraphic framework of the area. The data show how local parameters play a notable role in the development of these deposits.  相似文献   

The kilometer-sized and 100-meter-thick carbonate platforms of the Escalada Fm. I and II (Middle Pennsylvanian) accumulated in the foredeep of a marine foreland basin during the transgressive phases of 3rd-order sequences and were buried by prograding siliciclastic deltaic systems in the course of the subsequent highstand. The carbonate successions show a general upward trend from grain- to mud-supported carbonates, interfingering landwards with siliciclastic deposits of a mixed siliciclastic-carbonate shelf (Fito Fm.) adjacent to deltaic systems. The spatial variability of the carbonate facies and the high-frequency (4th–5th order) cycles, from the platform margin-outer platform to the deltaic systems, has been interpreted from basin reconstruction. Carbonate facies include skeletal grainstone to packstone, ooidal grainstone, burrowed skeletal wackestone, microbial and algal boundstone to wackestone forming mounds, various algal bafflestone and coral biostromes in areas with siliciclastic input. These high-frequency transgressive–regressive cycles are interpreted to record allocyclic forcing of high-amplitude glacioeustasy because they show characteristic features of icehouse cycles: thickness >5 m, absence of peritidal facies, and in some cases, subaerial exposure surfaces capping the cycles. In the mixed cycles, siliciclastics are interpreted as late highstand to lowstand regressive deposits, whereas carbonates as transgressive-early highstand deposition. The lateral and vertical variability of the facies in the glacioeustatic cycles was a response to deposition in a rapidly subsiding, active foreland basin subjected to siliciclastic input, conditions that might be detrimental to the growth of high-relief carbonate systems.  相似文献   

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