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P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) and E-selectin ligand-1 (ESL-1) are the two major selectin ligands on mouse neutrophils. Transfection experiments demonstrate that each ligand requires alpha1,3-fucosylation for selectin-binding. However, the relative contributions made by the two known myeloid alpha1, 3-fucosyltransferases Fuc-TVII or Fuc-TIV to this alpha1, 3-fucosylation are not yet clear. To address this issue, we have used mice deficient in Fuc-TIV and/or Fuc-TVII to examine how these enzymes generate selectin-binding glycoforms of PSGL-1 and ESL-1 in mouse neutrophils. Selectin binding was analyzed by affinity isolation experiments using recombinant, antibody-like forms of the respective endothelial selectins. We observe essentially normal binding of E- or P-selectin to PSGL-1 expressed by Fuc-TIV-deficient neutrophils but find that PSGL-1 expressed by Fuc-TVII-deficient neutrophils is not bound by E- or P-selectin. By contrast, E-selectin binds with normal efficiency to ESL-1 on Fuc-TVII-deficient neutrophils but exhibits an 80% reduction in its ability to bind ESL-1 isolated from Fuc-TIV-deficient neutrophils. The same specificity with which Fuc-TVII and Fuc-TIV generate selectin-binding forms of PSGL-1 and ESL-1 was found in transfection experiments with CHO-Pro(-)5 cells. In contrast, each fucosyltransferase alone could generate selectin-binding glycoforms of each of the two ligands in CHO-DUKX-B1 cells. Our data imply that in mouse neutrophils and their precursors, Fuc-TVII exclusively directs expression of PSGL-1 glycoforms bound with high affinity by P-selectin. By contrast, Fuc-TIV preferentially directs expression of ESL-1 glycoforms that exhibit high affinity for E-selectin. This substrate specificity can be mimicked in CHO-Pro(-)5 cells.  相似文献   

LC8 dynein light chain (DYNLL) is a highly conserved eukaryotic hub protein with dozens of binding partners and various functions beyond being a subunit of dynein and myosin Va motor proteins. Here, we compared the kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of binding of both mammalian isoforms, DYNLL1 and DYNLL2, to two putative consensus binding motifs (KXTQTX and XG(I/V)QVD) and report only subtle differences. Peptides containing either of the above motifs bind to DYNLL2 with micromolar affinity, whereas a myosin Va peptide (lacking the conserved Gln) and the noncanonical Pak1 peptide bind with K(d) values of 9 and 40 μM, respectively. Binding of the KXTQTX motif is enthalpy-driven, although that of all other peptides is both enthalpy- and entropy-driven. Moreover, the KXTQTX motif shows strikingly slower off-rate constant than the other motifs. As most DYNLL partners are homodimeric, we also assessed the binding of bivalent ligands to DYNLL2. Compared with monovalent ligands, a significant avidity effect was found as follows: K(d) values of 37 and 3.5 nM for a dimeric myosin Va fragment and a Leu zipper dimerized KXTQTX motif, respectively. Ligand binding kinetics of DYNLL can best be described by a conformational selection model consisting of a slow isomerization and a rapid binding step. We also studied the binding of the phosphomimetic S88E mutant of DYNLL2 to the dimeric myosin Va fragment, and we found a significantly lower apparent K(d) value (3 μM). We conclude that the thermodynamic and kinetic fine-tuning of binding of various ligands to DYNLL could have physiological relevance in its interaction network.  相似文献   

P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) is a disulfide-bonded, homodimeric mucin ( approximately 250 kDa) on leukocytes that binds to P-selectin on platelets and endothelial cells during the initial steps in inflammation. Because it has been proposed that only covalently dimerized PSGL-1 can bind P-selectin, we investigated the factors controlling dimerization of PSGL-1 and re-examined whether covalent dimers are required for binding its P-selectin. Recombinant forms of PSGL-1 were created in which the single extracellular Cys (Cys(320)) was replaced with either Ser (C320S-PSGL-1) or Ala (C320A-PSGL-1). Both recombinants migrated as monomeric species of approximately 120 kDa under both nonreducing and reducing conditions on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. P-selectin bound similarly to cells expressing either wild type or mutated forms of PSGL-1 in both flow cytometric and rolling adhesion assays. Unexpectedly, chemical cross-linking studies revealed that both C320S- and C320A-PSGL-1 noncovalently associate in the plasma membrane and cross-linking generates dimeric species. Chimeric recombinants of PSGL-1 in which the transmembrane domain in PSGL-1 was replaced with the transmembrane domain of CD43 (CD43TMD-PSGL-1) could not be chemically cross-linked, suggesting that residues within the transmembrane domain of PSGL-1 are required for noncovalent association. Cells expressing CD43TMD-PSGL-1 bound P-selectin. To further address the ability of P-selectin to bind monomeric derivatives of PSGL-1, intact HL-60 cells were trypsin-treated, which generated a soluble approximately 25-kDa NH(2)-terminal fragment of PSGL-1 that bound to immobilized P-selectin. Because N-glycosylation of PSGL-1 hinders trypsin cleavage, a recombinant form of PSGL-1 was generated in which all three potential N-glycosylation sites were mutated (DeltaN-PSGL-1). Cells expressing DeltaN-PSGL-1 bound P-selectin, and trypsin treatment of the cells generated NH(2)-terminal monomeric fragments (<10 kDa) of PSGL-1 that bound to P-selectin. These results demonstrate that Cys(320)-dependent dimerization of PSGL-1 is not required for binding to P-selectin and that a small monomeric fragment of PSGL-1 is sufficient for P-selectin recognition.  相似文献   

Soluble oligosaccharide mimetics of natural selectin ligands act as competitive inhibitors of leukocyte adhesion in models of inflammation. We quantified the binding of simple oligosaccharides based on sialyl Lewis-X (sLe(X)) and complex molecules with the core-2 structure to L- and P-selectin, under both static and fluid flow conditions. Isolated human neutrophils were employed to mimic the physiological valency of selectins and selectin ligands. Surface plasmon resonance studies quantified binding kinetics. We observed the following: (i) The functional group at the anomeric position of carbohydrates plays an important role during selectin recognition, since sLe(X) and sialyl Lewis-a (sLe(a)) were approximately 5-7-fold poorer inhibitors of L-selectin mediated cell adhesion compared to their methyl glycosides. (ii) Despite their homology to physiological glycans, the putative carbohydrate epitopes of GlyCAM-1 and PSGL-1 bound selectins with low affinity comparable to that of sLe(X)-selectin interactions. Thus, besides the carbohydrate portion, the protein core of GlyCAM-1 or the presentation of carbohydrates in clusters on this glycoprotein may contribute to selectin recognition. (iii) A compound Galbeta1,4(Fucalpha1,3)GlcNAcbeta1,6(GalNAcbeta1,3)GalNAcalpha-OMe was identified which blocked L- and P-selectin binding at 30-100-fold lower doses than sLe(X). (iv) Surface plasmon resonance experiments determined that an sLe(X) analogue (TBC1269) competitively inhibited, via steric/allosteric mechanisms, the binding of two anti-P-selectin function blocking antibodies that recognized different epitopes of P-selectin. (v) TBC1269 bound P-selectin via both calcium-dependent and -independent mechanisms, with K(D) of approximately 111.4 microM. The measured on- and off-rates were high (k(off) > 3 s(-)(1), k(on) > 27,000 M(-)(1) s(-)(1)). Similar binding kinetics are expected for sLe(X)-selectin interactions. Taken together, our study provides new insight into the kinetics and mechanisms of carbohydrate interaction with selectins.  相似文献   

Activated T cells migrate from the blood into nonlymphoid tissues through a multistep process that involves cell rolling, arrest, and transmigration. P-Selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) is a major ligand for P-selectin expressed on subsets of activated T cells such as Th1 cells and mediates cell rolling on vascular endothelium. Rolling cells are arrested through a firm adhesion step mediated by integrins. Although chemokines presented on the endothelium trigger integrin activation, a second mechanism has been proposed where signaling via rolling receptors directly activates integrins. In this study, we show that Ab-mediated cross-linking of the PSGL-1 on Th1 cells enhances LFA-1-dependent cell binding to ICAM-1. PSGL-1 cross-linking did not enhance soluble ICAM-1 binding but induced clustering of LFA-1 on the cell surface, suggesting that an increase in LFA-1 avidity may account for the enhanced binding to ICAM-1. Combined stimulation by PSGL-1 cross-linking and the Th1-stimulating chemokine CXCL10 or CCL5 showed a more than additive effect on LFA-1-mediated Th1 cell adhesion as well as on LFA-1 redistribution on the cell surface. Moreover, PSGL-1-mediated rolling on P-selectin enhanced the Th1 cell accumulation on ICAM-1 under flow conditions. PSGL-1 cross-linking induced activation of protein kinase C isoforms, and the increased Th1 cell adhesion observed under flow and also static conditions was strongly inhibited by calphostin C, implicating protein kinase C in the intracellular signaling in PSGL-1-mediated LFA-1 activation. These results support the idea that PSGL-1-mediated rolling interactions induce intracellular signals leading to integrin activation, facilitating Th1 cell arrest and subsequent migration into target tissues.  相似文献   

Here, we study microscopic mechanism of complex formation between Ca2+-bound calmodulin (holoCaM) and Orai1 that regulates Ca2+-dependent inactivation process in eukaryotic cells. We compute conformational thermodynamic changes in holoCaM with respect to complex of Orai1 bound to C-terminal domain of holoCaM using histograms of dihedral angles of the proteins over trajectories from molecular dynamics simulations. Our analysis shows that the N-terminal domain residues L4, T5, Q41, N42, T44 and E67 of holoCaM get destabilized and disordered due to Orai1 binding to C-terminal domain of calmodulin affect the N-terminal domain residues. Among these residues, polar T44, having maximum destabilization and disorder via backbone fluctuations, shows the largest change in solvent exposure. This suggests that N-terminal domain is allosterically regulated via T44 by the binding of Orai1 to the C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

Calcium binding isotherms were determined for thermolysin in the range pH 5.6-10.5, and from 5 to 45 degrees C. An extensive statistical analysis of the binding data suggests that at least two of the four binding sites bind Ca2+ with complete positive cooperativity and independently of the other two. Nonlinear regression analysis of the binding data was used to calculate cooperative (K1) and independent (K2) binding constants for the four calcium sites. Thermodynamic parameters obtained from a van't Hoff analysis indicate that calcium binding to both cooperative and independent sites is an entropy-driven process. At pH 7.0, delta H1 = 90.4 kJ/mol; delta H2 = 97.5 kJ/mol; delta S1 = 456 J K-1 mol-1; delta S2 = 262 J K-1 mol-1. These results are compared to those obtained for other calcium-binding proteins. An analysis of the pH dependence of the calcium binding constants indicates that the binding of four protons at the cooperative site and one to two protons at the independent sites, modulates the calcium affinity. This confirms an earlier structural assignment of the double-site as the locus of the two cooperatively binding Ca2+. Calcium binding to thermolysin is enhanced in the presence of an active site directed inhibitor, suggesting that there may be positive cooperativity between substrate and calcium binding.  相似文献   

Affinity grids (AG) are specialized EM grids that bind macromolecular complexes containing tagged proteins to obtain maximum occupancy for structural analysis through single-particle EM. In this study, utilizing AG, we show that His-tagged activated PKC βII binds to the small ribosomal subunit (40S). We reconstructed a cryo-EM map which shows that PKC βII interacts with RACK1, a seven-bladed β-propeller protein present on the 40S and binds in two different regions close to blades 3 and 4 of RACK1. This study is a first step in understanding the molecular framework of PKC βII/RACK1 interaction and its role in translation.  相似文献   

Silkworms and spiders generate fibers that exhibit high strength and extensibility. The underlying mechanisms involved in processing silk proteins into fiber form remain incompletely understood, resulting in the failure to fully recapitulate the remarkable properties of native fibers in vitro from regenerated silk solutions. In the present study, the extensibility and high strength of regenerated silks were achieved by mimicking the natural spinning process. Conformational transitions inside micelles, followed by aggregation of micelles and their stabilization as they relate to the metastable structure of silk are described. Subsequently, the mechanisms to control the formation of nanofibrous structures were elucidated. The results clarify that the self-assembly of silk in aqueous solution is a thermodynamically driven process where kinetics also play a key role. Four key factors, molecular mobility, charge, hydrophilic interactions, and concentration underlie the process. Adjusting these factors can balance nanostructure and conformational composition, and be used to achieve silk-based materials with properties comparable to native fibers. These mechanisms suggest new directions to design silk-based multifunctional materials.  相似文献   

The role of electrostatic interactions in the assembly of a native protein structure was studied using fragment complementation. Contributions of salt, pH, or surface charges to the kinetics and equilibrium of calbindin D(9k) reconstitution was measured in the presence of Ca(2+) using surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry. Whereas surface charge substitutions primarily affect the dissociation rate constant, the association rates are correlated with subdomain net charge in a way expected for Coulomb interactions. The affinity is reduced in all mutants, with the largest effect (260-fold) observed for the double mutant K25E+K29E. At low net charge, detailed charge distribution is important, and charges remote from the partner EF-hand have less influence than close ones. The effects of salt and pH on the reconstitution are smaller than mutational effects. The interaction between the wild-type EF-hands occurs with high affinity (K(A) = 1.3 x 10(10) M(-1); K(D) = 80 pM). The enthalpy of association is overall favorable and there appears to be a very large favorable entropic contribution from the desolvation of hydrophobic surfaces that become buried in the complex. Electrostatic interactions contribute significantly to the affinity between the subdomains, but other factors, such as hydrophobic interactions, dominate.  相似文献   

Colonization of neutrophils by the bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum causes the disease human granulocytic ehrlichiosis. The pathogen also infects mice, its natural host. Like binding of P-selectin, binding of A. phagocytophilum to human neutrophils requires expression of P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) and alpha1-3-fucosyltransferases that construct the glycan determinant sialyl Lewis x (sLex). Binding of A. phagocytophilum to murine neutrophils, however, requires expression of alpha1-3-fucosyltransferases but not PSGL-1. To further characterize the molecular features that A. phagocytophilum recognizes, we measured bacterial binding to microspheres bearing specific glycoconjugates or to cells expressing human PSGL-1 and particular glycosyltransferases. Like P-selectin, A. phagocytophilum bound to purified human PSGL-1 and to glycopeptides modeled after the N terminus of human PSGL-1 that presented sLex on an O-glycan. Unlike P-selectin, A. phagocytophilum bound to glycopeptides that contained sLex but lacked tyrosine sulfation or a specific core-2 orientation of sLex on the O-glycan. A. phagocytophilum bound only to glycopeptides that contained a short amino acid sequence found in the N-terminal region of human but not murine PSGL-1. Unlike P-selectin, A. phagocytophilum bound to cells expressing PSGL-1 in cooperation with sLex on both N-and O-glycans. Moreover, bacteria bound to microspheres coupled independently with glycopeptide lacking sLex and with sLex lacking peptide. These results demonstrate that, unlike P-selectin, A. phagocytophilum binds cooperatively to a nonsulfated N-terminal peptide in human PSGL-1 and to sLex expressed on PSGL-1 or other glycoproteins. Distinct bacterial adhesins may mediate these cooperative interactions.  相似文献   

Human endothelial cells were transiently transfected with E-Selectin which enabled us to study tumor cell/endothelial interactions following engagement of E-Selectin without the added complications of metabolic stimulation, morphological changes, and/or up regulation of other adhesion molecules due to cytokine induction. Similar results were received from in vitro binding studies and FACS analyses on both Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha activated and E-Selectin transfected endothelial cells. These data suggest that this methodology is appropriate for dissecting the individual activities of E-selectin while minimizing the participation of other adhesion molecules, thereby allowing us to develop a better understanding of the role of E-Selectin and endothelia in metastatic disease.  相似文献   

We have examined the thermodynamics of lanthanide ion binding to adriamycin by monitoring the effects of variations in temperature on the dissociation constants of various lanthanide ion complexes of the drug. These constants were obtained by analyzing the extent of quenching of the fluorecence of adriamycin in the presence of lanthanide ions in terms of an equilibrium binding process. Our binding model included the following features, all of which are supported by evidence derived from previous published reports, vide infra. The lanthanides form 1:1 complexes with adriamycin. The binding is dependent on the pH of the solution, indicating that only the nonprotonated amine form of the drug participates in lanthanide ion binding. And finally the drug self-associates in solution to for a dimeric species. Our present results indicate that the binding process is almost completely independent of temperature, indicating that the enthalpy of complex formation is extremely small. The entropy terms are consistent with the formation of a complex in which the adriamycin acts as a bidentate ligand. Our results suggest that the lanthanide complexes are isostructural, at least as far as the adriamycin is concerned, throughout the lanthanide series.  相似文献   

The 30 S ribosomal subunit assembles in vitro through the hierarchical binding of 21 ribosomal proteins to 16 S rRNA. The central domain of 16 S rRNA becomes the platform of the 30 S subunit upon binding of ribosomal proteins S6, S8, S11, S15, S18 and S21. The assembly of the platform is nucleated by binding of S15 to 16 S rRNA, followed by the cooperative binding of S6 and S18. The prior binding of S6 and S18 is required for binding of S11 and S21. We have studied the mechanism of the cooperative binding of S6 and S18 to the S15-rRNA complex by isothermal titration calorimetry and gel mobility shift assays with rRNA and proteins from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Aquifex aeolicus. S6 and S18 form a stable heterodimer in solution with an apparent dissociation constant of 8.7 nM at 40 degrees C. The S6:S18 heterodimer binds to the S15-rRNA complex with an equilibrium dissociation constant of 2.7 nM at 40 degrees C. Consistent with previous studies using rRNA and proteins from Escherichia coli, we observed no binding of S6 or S18 in the absence of the other protein or S15. The presence of S15 increases the affinity of S6:S18 for the RNA by at least four orders of magnitude. The kinetics of S6:S18 binding to the S15-rRNA complex are slow, with an apparent bimolecular rate constant of 8.0 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) and an apparent unimolecular dissociation rate of 1.6 x 10(-4) s(-1). These results, which are consistent with a model in which S6 and S18 bind as a heterodimer to the S15-rRNA complex, provide a mechanistic framework to describe the previously observed S15-mediated cooperative binding of S6 and S18 in the ordered assembly of a multi-protein ribonucleoprotein complex.  相似文献   

The polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) is involved in many physiological processes, including alternative splicing, internal ribosomal entry side (IRES)-mediated initiation of translation, and polyadenylation, as well as in ensuring mRNA stability. However, the role of PTB in these processes is not fully understood, and this has motivated us to undertake a computational study of the protein. PTB RNA binding domains (RBDs) 3 and 4 and their complexes with oligopyrimidine RNAs were simulated using the GROMOS simulation software using the GROMOS 45A4 force field. First, the stability and fluctuations of the tertiary fold and of the secondary structural elements in individual domains, the combined RBD34 domain, and their complexes with RNA were studied. Second, the simulation results were validated against the experimental NMR NOE data. The analysis of hydrogen bonding patterns, salt bridge networks, and stacking interactions of the RNA to the binding pockets of the protein domains showed that binding is not sequence-specific and that many RNA fragments can bind to them successfully. Further calculations of the relative free energy of binding for different polypyrimidine sequences were carried out using the thermodynamic integration (TI) and single-step perturbation (SSP) methods. It is was not possible to calculate the relative free energies with high accuracy, but the obtained results do give qualitative insights into PTB's affinity for different RNA sequences. Furthermore, the low-energy conformations of the complexes that were found provided additional information about the mechanism of binding.  相似文献   

Hybridization kinetics and thermodynamics of molecular beacons   总被引:10,自引:6,他引:4  
Molecular beacons are increasingly being used in many applications involving nucleic acid detection and quantification. The stem–loop structure of molecular beacons provides a competing reaction for probe–target hybridization that serves to increase probe specificity, which is particularly useful when single-base discrimination is desired. To fully realize the potential of molecular beacons, it is necessary to optimize their structure. Here we report a systematic study of the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters that describe the molecular beacon structure–function relationship. Both probe and stem lengths are shown to have a significant impact on the binding specificity and hybridization kinetic rates of molecular beacons. Specifically, molecular beacons with longer stem lengths have an improved ability to discriminate between targets over a broader range of temperatures. However, this is accompanied by a decrease in the rate of molecular beacon–target hybridization. Molecular beacons with longer probe lengths tend to have lower dissociation constants, increased kinetic rate constants, and decreased specificity. Molecular beacons with very short stems have a lower signal-to-background ratio than molecular beacons with longer stems. These features have significant implications for the design of molecular beacons for various applications.  相似文献   

Kastl K  Ross M  Gerke V  Steinem C 《Biochemistry》2002,41(31):10087-10094
By means of the quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) technique, the interaction of annexin A1 with lipid membranes was quantified using solid-supported bilayers immobilized on gold electrodes deposited on 5 MHz quartz plates. Solid-supported lipid bilayers were composed of a first octanethiol monolayer chemisorbed on gold and a physisorbed phospholipid monolayer obtained from vesicle fusion. This experimental setup enabled us to determine for the first time rate constants and affinity constants of annexin A1 binding to phosphatidylserine-containing layers as a function of the calcium ion concentration in solution and the cholesterol content within the outer leaflet of the solid-supported bilayer. The results reveal that a decrease in Ca(2+) concentration from 1 mM to 100 microM significantly increases the rate of annexin A1 binding to the membrane independent of the cholesterol content. However, the presence of cholesterol in the membrane altered the affinity constants considerably. While the association constant decreases with decreasing Ca(2+) concentration in the case of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (POPC)/1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoserine (POPS) membranes lacking cholesterol, it remains high in the presence of cholesterol.  相似文献   

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