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To study the microevolutionary processes shaping the evolution of the segmentation gene hunchback (hb) from Drosophila melanogaster, we cloned and sequenced the gene from 12 isofemale lines representing wild-type populations of D. melanogaster, as well as from the closely related species Drosophila sechellia, Drosophila orena, and Drosophila yakuba. We find a relatively low degree of sequence variation in D. melanogaster (theta = 0.0017), which is, however, consistent with its chromosomal location in a region of low recombination. Tests of neutrality do not reject a neutral-evolution model for the whole region. However, pairwise tests with different subregions indicate that there is a relative excess of polymorphic sites in the leader and the intron. Codon usage pattern analysis shows a particularly biased codon usage in the highly conserved regions, which is in line with the hypothesis that selection on translational accuracy is the driving force behind such a bias. A comparison of the expression pattern of hb in different sibling species of D. melanogaster reveals some regulatory changes in D. yakuba, which could be interpreted as changes in the timing of secondary expression domains. 相似文献
Comparison of the gap segmentation gene hunchback between Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila virilis reveals novel modes of evolutionary change. 总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16

We have cloned and sequenced a large portion of the hunchback (hb) locus from Drosophila virilis. Comparison with the Drosophila melanogaster hb sequence shows multiple strong homologies in the upstream and downstream regions of the gene, including most of the known functional parts. The coding sequence is highly conserved within the presumptive DNA-binding finger regions, but more diverged outside of them. The regions of high divergence are correlated with regions which are rich in short direct repeats (regions of high 'cryptic simplicity'), suggesting a significant influence of slippage-like mechanisms in the evolutionary divergence of the two genes. Staining of early D.virilis embryos with an hb antibody reveals conserved and divergent features of the spatial expression pattern at blastoderm stage. It appears that the basic expression pattern, which serves as the gap gene function of hb, is conserved, while certain secondary expression patterns, which have separate functions for the segmentation process, are partly diverged. Thus, both slippage driven mutations in the coding region, which are likely to occur at higher rates than point mutations and the evolutionary divergence of secondary expression patterns may contribute to the evolution of regulatory genes. 相似文献
We describe the regulated expression of the segmentation gene giant (gt) during early embryogenesis. The gt protein is expressed in two broad gradients in precellular embryos, one in anterior regions and the other in posterior regions. Double immunolocalization studies show that the gt patterns overlap with protein gradients specified by the gap genes hunchback (hb) and knirps (kni). Analysis of all known gap mutants, as well as mutations that disrupt each of the maternal organizing centers, indicate that maternal factors are responsible for initiating gt expression, while gap genes participate in the subsequent refinement of the pattern. The maternal morphogen bicoid (bcd) initiates the anterior gt pattern, while nanos (nos) plays a role in the posterior pattern. Gene dosage studies indicate that different thresholds of the bcd gradient might trigger hb and gt expression, resulting in overlapping but noncoincident patterns of expression. We also present evidence that different concentrations of hb protein are instructive in defining the limits of kni and gt expression within the presumptive abdomen. These results suggest that gt is a bona fide gap gene, which acts with hb, Krüppel and kni to initiate striped patterns of gene expression in the early embryo. 相似文献
The bx region enhancer, a distant cis-control element of the Drosophila Ubx gene and its regulation by hunchback and other segmentation genes. 总被引:11,自引:11,他引:11

The Drosophila homeotic gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) is regulated by complex mechanisms that specify the spatial domain, the timing and the activity of the gene in individual tissues and in individual cells. In early embryonic development, Ubx expression is controlled by segmentation genes turned on earlier in the developmental hierarchy. Correct Ubx expression depends on multiple regulatory sequences located outside the basal promoter. Here we report that a 500 bp DNA fragment from the bx region of the Ubx unit, approximately 30 kb away from the promoter, contains one of the distant regulatory elements (bx region enhancer, BRE). During early embryogenesis, this enhancer element activates the Ubx promoter in parasegments (PS) 6, 8, 10, and 12 and represses it in the anterior half of the embryo. The repressor of the anterior Ubx expression is the gap gene hunchback (hb). We show that the hb protein binds to the BRE element and that such binding is essential for hb repression in vivo, hb protein also binds to DNA fragments from abx and bxd, two other regulatory regions of the Ubx gene. We conclude that hb represses Ubx expression directly by binding to BRE and probably other Ubx regulatory elements. In addition, the BRE pattern requires input from other segmentation genes, among them tailless and fushi tarazu but not Krüppel and knirps. 相似文献
The homeotic gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) is expressed in specific parts of Drosophila embryos: in a single metamer in the visceral mesoderm and forming a complex pattern limited to a broad domain in the ectoderm and in the somatic mesoderm. Here we use a linked beta-galactosidase gene to identify cis-acting regulatory sequences. In the visceral mesoderm, correct expression of Ubx depends on localized upstream sequences. In the ectoderm, all galactosidase-positive transformants show the same characteristic pattern. The repeated elements of this basal pattern appear to be a sub-pattern of engrailed (en) expression; they depend on en function as well as on sequences in the Ubx RNA leader. We use a mutant (Haltere-mimic) to show that sequences that normally restrict segmental expression of Ubx in the ectoderm are located downstream from the RNA leader. 相似文献
A non-radioactive in situ hybridization method for the localization of specific RNAs in Drosophila embryos reveals translational control of the segmentation gene hunchback 总被引:174,自引:0,他引:174
We have developed a non-radioactive in situ hybridization technique for the localization of RNA in whole mount Drosophila embryos. After fixation, whole embryos are hybridized in situ with a DNA probe which has been labeled with digoxygenin. The hybridization products are detected by using a phosphatase-coupled antibody against digoxygenin. In parallel experiments, embryos can be treated with an antibody directed against the corresponding protein product to allow the detection of its distribution using standard immunochemical techniques. We have used this approach to compare the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of the RNA and protein products of the segmentation gene hunchback (hb) during the early stages of embryogenesis. This comparison revealed translational control of the maternally derived hb mRNA, which was difficult to detect by conventional techniques. The non-radioactive in situ hybridization method is as sensitive as conventional methods, but is faster and easier to perform. This may make it a useful tool for a variety of other systems. 相似文献
Drosophila "gap" genes provide the first response to maternal gradients in the early fly embryo. Gap genes are expressed in a series of broad bands across the embryo during first hours of development. The gene network controlling the gap gene expression patterns includes inputs from maternal gradients and mutual repression between the gap genes themselves. In this study we propose a modular design for the gap gene network, involving two relatively independent network domains. The core of each network domain includes a toggle switch corresponding to a pair of mutually repressive gap genes, operated in space by maternal inputs. The toggle switches present in the gap network are evocative of the phage lambda switch, but they are operated positionally (in space) by the maternal gradients, so the synthesis rates for the competing components change along the embryo anterior-posterior axis. Dynamic model, constructed based on the proposed principle, with elements of fractional site occupancy, required 5-7 parameters to fit quantitative spatial expression data for gap gradients. The identified model solutions (parameter combinations) reproduced major dynamic features of the gap gradient system and explained gap expression in a variety of segmentation mutants. 相似文献
The axial bodyplan of Drosophila melanogaster is determined during a process called morphogenesis. Shortly after fertilization, maternal bicoid mRNA is translated into Bicoid (Bcd). This protein establishes a spatially graded morphogen distribution along the anterior-posterior (AP) axis of the embryo. Bcd initiates AP axis determination by triggering expression of gap genes that subsequently regulate each other's expression to form a precisely controlled spatial distribution of gene products. Reaction-diffusion models of gap gene expression on a 1D domain have previously been used to infer complex genetic regulatory network (GRN) interactions by optimizing model parameters with respect to 1D gap gene expression data. Here we construct a finite element reaction-diffusion model with a realistic 3D geometry fit to full 3D gap gene expression data. Though gap gene products exhibit dorsal-ventral asymmetries, we discover that previously inferred gap GRNs yield qualitatively correct AP distributions on the 3D domain only when DV-symmetric initial conditions are employed. Model patterning loses qualitative agreement with experimental data when we incorporate a realistic DV-asymmetric distribution of Bcd. Further, we find that geometry alone is insufficient to account for DV-asymmetries in the final gap gene distribution. Additional GRN optimization confirms that the 3D model remains sensitive to GRN parameter perturbations. Finally, we find that incorporation of 3D data in simulation and optimization does not constrain the search space or improve optimization results. 相似文献