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Microbial symbionts of the newly described rare, biochemically active Dictyoceratid sponge, Candidaspongia flabellata (Very White Fan) found in the Australian Great Barrier Reef, are being studied in detail. The chemistry of this sponge species is distinctive, and includes a previously undescribed compound, fanolide as well as homosesterterpene and bishomoscalarane secondary metabolites (Bergquist et al., 1999). Current research is focused on assessing the diversity of the microbial community associated with this sponge. The entire culturable community of this sponge has been studied in detail. A total of 228 bacteria, 25 fungi, 3 actinomycetes and 9 cyanobacteria were isolated from 10 individuals of this sponge. Eight eubacteria (designated AB001–AB008), along with seven cyanobacteria were consistently found associated with C. flabellata and absent from the surrounding water column, suggesting that these bacteria have a specific association with the sponge. Partial 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing of these isolates was done for phylogenetic characterisation. Electron microscopy was also used to confirm the presence of many morphotypes of bacteria and indicated spatial arrangements of particular morphotypes.  相似文献   

The developmental cycle of the obligate marine antibiotic producer actinobacterium Salinispora arenicola isolated from a Great Barrier Reef marine sponge was investigated in relation to mycelium and spore ultrastructure, synthesis of rifamycin antibiotic compounds, and expression of genes correlated with spore formation and with rifamycin precursor synthesis. The developmental cycle of S. arenicola M413 on solid agar medium was characterized by substrate mycelium growth, change of colony color, and spore formation; spore formation occurred quite early in colony growth but development of black colonies occurred only at late stages, correlated with a change in spore maturity in relation to cell wall layers. Rifamycins were detected throughout the growth cycle, but changed in relative quantity at particular phases in the cycle, with a marked increase after 32 days. Expression of the spore division gene ssgA and the rifK gene for 3-amino-5-hydroxybenzoate synthase responsible for rifamycin precursor synthesis was seen even at early stages of the growth cycle. ssgA expression significantly increased between days 26 and 31, but rifK expression effectively remained constant throughout the growth cycle, consistent with the early synthesis of rifamycin. Factors other than precursor synthesis may be responsible for an observed late increase in rifamycin production. A useful approach for measuring and exploring the regulation of antibiotic synthesis and gene expression in the marine natural product producer S. arenicola has been established.  相似文献   

Isolates from the marine actinobacterial genus Salinispora were cultured from marine sponges collected from along the length of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Queensland, Australia. Strains of two species of Salinispora, Salinispora arenicola and “Salinispora pacifica”, were isolated from GBR sponges Dercitus xanthus, Cinachyrella australiensis and Hyattella intestinalis. Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rRNA gene sequences of representative strains, selected via BOX-PCR screening, identified previously unreported phylotypes of the species “S. pacifica”. The classification of these microdiverse 16S rRNA groups was further confirmed by analysis of the ribonuclease P RNA (RNase P RNA) gene through both phylogenetic and secondary structure analysis. The use of RNase P RNA sequences combined with 16S rRNA sequences allowed distinction of six new intraspecies phylotypes of “S. pacifica” within the geographical area of the GBR alone. One of these new phylotypes possessed a localised regional distribution within the GBR.  相似文献   

Reproductive development of three species of the Haplosclerida, Haliclona amboinensis (Lévi 1961), Haliclona cymiformis (Esper 1794) and Niphates nitida Fromont (1993), was monitored for three years on a fringing reef in the central section of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. All species are viviparous, and gonochoric. Haliclona amboinensis and N. nitida incubated eggs, embryos and larvae in brood chambers. The branching sponge. H. cymiformis, incubated eggs, embryos, and larvae along the central axis of branches. In all species, sperm cysts in high densities are evenly distributed throughout the mesohyl. Mature larvae of all species are creamy white, oval, parenchymella, with a dark coloured ring at the posterior pole. Eggs, embryos and larvae are present contemporaneously for periods of two consecutive months in individuals of H. cymiformis and seven months in H. amboinensis and N. nitida. The first observation of female reproductive products in H. amboinensis and N. nitida coincided with an increase in water temperature, while cessation of reproductive activity was associated with decreasing water temperature. Onset of reproduction in H. cymiformis coincided with peak sexual and vegetative reproductive activity of its algal symbiont, Ceratodictyon spongiosum.  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic impacts such as terrestrial runoff, influence the water quality along the coast of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and may in turn affect coral reef communities. Associated bacterial biofilms respond rapidly to environmental conditions and are potential bioindicators for changes in water quality. As a prerequisite to study the effects of water quality on biofilm communities, appropriate biofilm substrates for deployment in the field must be developed and evaluated. This study investigates the effect of different settlement substrates (i.e. glass slides, ceramic tiles, coral skeletons and reef sediments) on bacterial biofilm communities grown in situ for 48 days at two locations in the Whitsunday Island Group (Central GBR) during two sampling times. Bacterial communities associated with the biofilms were analysed using terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and clone library analyses of 16S rRNA genes. Findings revealed that substrate type had little influence on bacterial community composition. Of particular relevance, glass slides and coral skeletons exhibited very similar communities during both sampling times, suggesting the suitability of standardized glass slides for long-term biofilm indicator studies in tropical coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

Halimeda bioherms of the northern Great Barrier Reef   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The reefless tract directly behind the ribbon reefs on the outer shelf off Cooktown supports a luxuriant growth of Halimeda that, during the Holocene, has developed into bioherms. These mounded biodies of unconsolidated sediment have formed banks that vary in height between 2 and 20 m. Combined shallow, high-resolution seismic reflection profiles and side-scan sonar have diferentiated three areas of biohermal complexes behind the ribbon reefs of Cooktown. Observations by SCUBA and submersible plus the sedimentology of the bioherms indicate that they are in situ accumulations. Evidence from dating of cores suggests that the Halimeda bioherms began to grow about 10 000 years B.P. and their growth has continued to the present time, even though their tops are presently restricted to a depth of -20 m. It is suggested that the origin and morphology of the bioherms are related to a specific hydrodynamic phenomenon, involving jets of nutrient-rich, upwelled oceanic water intruding onto the outer shelf via the narrow passes between the ribbon reefs, and forming eddies behind the ribbons.  相似文献   

Dynamics of phytoplankton in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The characteristics of the phytoplankton crop in the centralregion of the Great Barrier Reef were analyzed through two annualcycles together with basic oceanographic parameters. Chlorophylla standing crop and primary production were size fractionatedinto nanoplankton and microplankton components. Community compositionwas determined using the Utermöhl settling technique andcommunity diversities estimated by the Shannon-Weaver equation.The data and analysis are the most comprehensive in existencefor the region, and the first detailed study since the 1928–29Great Barrier Reef expedition. A marked seasonal cycle was identified,contrary to most assumptions, closely associated with precipitationpatterns and nutrients introduced by land drainage. The regionwould rank as mesotrophic with some eutrophic areas in the innerreaches of the Lagoon. Oscillatoria spp. accounted for a largefraction of the majority of phytoplankton maxima and were inverselyrelated to diatom crop densities even under conditions favoringdiatom growth. Microplankton crop species diversities usuallydecreased during extended Oscillatoria blooms. The reduced diversitypersisted after the bloom suggesting that Oscillatoria spp.were the source of extracellular metabolites and/or decompositionproducts adversely influencing diatom microplankton.  相似文献   

Marine sponges are diverse, abundant and provide a crucial coupling point between benthic and pelagic habitats due to their high filtration rates. They also harbour extensive microbial communities, with many microbial phylotypes found exclusively in sponge hosts and not in the seawater or surrounding environment, i.e. so‐called sponge‐specific clusters (SCs) or sponge‐ and coral‐specific clusters (SCCs). We employed DNA (16S rRNA gene) and RNA (16S rRNA)‐based amplicon pyrosequencing to investigate the effects of sublethal thermal stress on the bacterial biosphere of the Great Barrier Reef sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile. A total of 8381 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) (97% sequence similarity) were identified, affiliated with 32 bacterial phyla from seawater samples, 23 bacterial phyla from sponge DNA extracts and 18 bacterial phyla from sponge RNA extracts. Sublethal thermal stress (31°C) had no effect on the present and/or active portions of the R. odorabile bacterial community but a shift in the bacterial assemblage was observed in necrotic sponges. Over two‐thirds of DNA and RNA sequences could be assigned to previously defined SCs/SCCs in healthy sponges whereas only 12% of reads from necrotic sponges could be assigned to SCs/SCCs. A rapid decline in host health over a 1°C temperature increment suggests that sponges such as R. odorabile may be highly vulnerable to the effects of global climate change.  相似文献   

Marine sponges contain complex assemblages of bacterial symbionts, the roles of which remain largely unknown. We identified diverse bacterial nifH genes within sponges and found that nifH genes are expressed in sponges. This is the first demonstration of the expression of any protein-coding bacterial gene within a sponge. Two sponges Ircinia strobilina and Mycale laxissima were collected from Key Largo, Florida and had delta(15)N values of c. 0-1 per thousand and 3-4 per thousand respectively. The potential for nitrogen fixation by symbionts was assessed by amplification of nifH genes. Diverse nifH genes affiliated with Proteobacteria and Cyanobacteria were detected, and expression of nifH genes affiliated with those from cyanobacteria was detected. The nifH genes from surrounding seawater were similar to those of Trichodesmium and clearly different from the cyanobacterial nifH genes detected in the two sponges. This study advances understanding of the role of bacterial symbionts in sponges and suggests that provision of fixed nitrogen is a means whereby symbionts benefit sponges in nutrient-limited reef environments. Nitrogen fixation by sponge symbionts is possibly an important source of new nitrogen to the reef environment that heretofore has been neglected and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Marine sponges can host in their tissues abundant and diverse bacterial communities. Lack of truly quantitative data on bacterial abundance and dynamics limits our understanding of the organization and functioning of these endobiotic communities. In this technical note, we describe a quantitative polymerase chain reaction approach to quantify the relative abundance of multiple clades of three major sponge-associated bacterial phyla: Chloroflexi, Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria. To test our approach we used the Mediterranean sponges Spongia lamella and Aplysina aerophoba. We designed five out of the six primer sets used in our study. We tested the new primer sets for specificity and optimized their conditions. Our preliminary data showed that Spongia lamella had larger bacterial abundance than Aplysina aerophoba, except for one clade of Chloroflexi. The two Chloroflexi clades investigated in our study amplified a fraction of the Chloroflexi present in Spongia lamella and most of what is present in Aplysina aerophoba, suggesting a more diverse Chloroflexi population in Spongia lamella than in Aplysina aerophoba. This quantitative technique has a great potential to provide a rapid and robust assessment of sponge microbial target and could contribute to deciphering the complexity of these largely unknown host-symbiont interactions.  相似文献   

The diel variations in abundance and frequency of dividing cells(FDC) of coccoid cyanobacteria in a coral reef lagoon were investigatedin June, September and December 1989, and April 1990. Cyanobacteriaand picoplanktonic eukaryotes (<3 µm) were sampledmonthly from January to December 1990. The average abundancesof cyanobacteria and eukaryotes ranged between 1.17–10.06104cells ml–1 and 0.16–2.41104 cells ml–1, respectively,with abundances of both being higher in summer (November-April)than in winter (May-October). The ratio of cyanobacteria toeukaryotes fluctuated from 1.93 to 8.67, independent of theseasonal variation in their abundances. The instantaneous growthrate of cyanobacteria, which was estimated from the daytimeabundance increment, ranged between 0.430 and 3.144 day–1The estimated daily specific growth rate of cyanobacteria bythe FDC method ranged between 0.231 and 0.966 day–1. InApril, despite the high specific growth rate and low flushingconditions. cyanobacterial abundance showed a cyclic diel pattern,suggesting a strong grazing impact on their population.  相似文献   

A vertically integrated numerical model of wind-driven circulation at One Tree Reef is presented. The model is the numerical model SURGE developed originally to study tropical cyclone surge. Current data collected in the reef lagoon and over the reef flats is used to test the model's applicability. The reef topography has been modelled explicitly, rather than using an assumed reef shape, with a grid spacing of 150 m. The model corresponds well to the measured current behaviour. The greatest drawback to use of the model is that, at low tide, currents reverse with depth due to lagoon enclosure and a depth integrated model cannot produce water velocity depth profiles. The model can be used to predict current behaviour in strong wind conditions, such as during a cyclone, and to estimate net flows into and out of the lagoon.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of core from six drill holes and ten vibrocores from One Tree Reef has delineated five major biosedimentological facies: algal pavement, coral head facies, branching coral facies, reef flat rubble facies and sand facies. Holocene growth began around 8,000 years B.P. with a high energy coral head facies on windward margins and a lower energy branching coral facies on patch reefs and on leeward margins. Vertical accumulation rates for these two principal facies are not greatly different; the coral head facies grew at 1.8–7.3 m/1,000 years and the branching coral facies at 0.6–8.3 m/1,000 years. Growth was initially much slower than the rate of sea level rise, a situation which changed only after sea level stabilized around 6,200 years B.P. A facies evolution model with rigidly imposed time constraints divides growth into three phases, i.e. vertical growth to sea level, transitional adjustment of biofacies at sea level, and leeward progradative phases.  相似文献   

Large-scale bleaching of corals on the Great Barrier Reef   总被引:20,自引:10,他引:10  
 The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) experienced its most intensive and extensive coral bleaching event on record in early 1998. Mild bleaching commenced in late January and intensified by late February/early March 1998. Broad-scale aerial surveys conducted of 654 reefs (∼23% of reefs on the GBR) in March and April 1998, showed that 87% of inshore reefs were bleached at least to some extent (>1% of coral cover) compared to 28% of offshore (mid- and outer-shelf) reefs. Of inshore reefs 67% had high levels of bleaching (>10% of coral) and 25% of inshore reefs had extreme levels of bleaching (>60% of coral). Fewer offshore reefs (14%) showed high levels of bleaching while none showed extreme levels of bleaching. Ground-truth surveys of 23 reefs, which experienced bleaching in intensities ranging from none to extreme, showed that the aerial survey data are likely to be underestimates of the true extent and intensity of bleaching on the GBR. The primary cause of this bleaching event is likely to be elevated sea temperature and solar radiation, exacerbated by lowered salinity on inshore and some offshore reefs in the central GBR. Accepted: 30 July 1998  相似文献   

 Fringing reef development is limited around 22° S along the inner Great Barrier Reef, although there is substantial development north and south of this latitude. This study examined the relationships among coral communities and the extent of reef development. Reefs were examined to determine coral composition, colony abundance, colony size and growth form between the latitudes 20°S and 23°S. Major reef framework builders (scler- actinian genus Acropora and families Faviidae and Poritidae) dominated reefs north and south of 22°S, but declined significantly at 22°S where foliose and encrusting corals (Turbinaria and Montipora spp.) were most common. Porites spp. were present at 22° S but had encrusting morphologies. Consistently high turbidity at this latitude, caused by a 10 m tidal range and strong tidal flows, resuspends silts from the shallow shelf, and appears to have precluded reef development throughout the Holocene, by limiting the abundance, stunting the growth, and shortening the life expectancies of reef framework corals. The distinctions between ‘natural’ and ‘human-induced’ degradation may be interpreted on the basis of the relationship between Holocene development and current benthic community longevity. A mismatch between substantial past reef building capacity (a broad and/or thick reef) and non-existent or limited present reef-building capacity could signify anything from a long-period, natural cycle to an unprecedented deterioration in ecosystem function caused by human influence. Accepted: 29 July 1996  相似文献   

Herbivory is widely accepted as a key process determining the structure and resilience of coral reefs, with regional reductions in herbivores often being related to shifts from dominance by coral to leathery macroalgae. The removal of leathery macroalgae may therefore be viewed as a critical process on coral reefs. However, few studies have examined this process beyond a within-reef scale. Here, browsing activity was examined across the entire Great Barrier Reef shelf using bioassays of the leathery macroalga Sargassum to directly quantify algal removal. The assays revealed marked cross-shelf variation in browsing intensity, with the highest rates recorded on mid-shelf reefs (55.2–79.9% day−1) and decreasing significantly on inner- (10.8–17.0% day−1) and outer-shelf (10.1–10.4% day−1) reefs. Surprisingly, the variation in browsing intensity was not directly related to estimates of macroalgal browser biomass; rather, it appears to be shaped primarily by the local environment and behaviour of the component species. Removal rates across the inner- and mid-shelf reefs appear to be related to the attractiveness of the assays relative to the resident algal communities. Controlling for the influence of the resident algal communities revealed a positive relationship between removal rates and the biomass of a single macroalgal browsing species, Naso unicornis. In contrast, the low removal rates on the outer-shelf reefs displayed no relationship to algal or herbivore communities and appeared to reflect a negative behavioural response by the resident fishes to a novel, or unfamiliar, alga. These findings not only highlight the complexities of the relationship between fish presence and ecological function, but also the value of examining ecological processes across broader spatial scales.  相似文献   

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