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The Stuttgart Formation (Schilfsandstein) is approximately 50 m thick in Thuringia, representing deposition during the “Mid-Carnian Wet Intermezzo”. Stratigraphically it occurs between the Grabfeld and Weser formations, which formed under arid conditions. It comprises NNE-SSW-trending elongate, anastomosing channelized sand-rich bodies with erosional bases (channel belts) that are several kilometres wide and pass laterally into predominantly mudstones deposited in interfluve areas. The source area of these clastics was the uplifted Norwegian Caledonides. Muddy interfluve facies is dominant in exposures in Thuringia, Central Germany.The Lower Stuttgart Formation has an unconformable base that is locally overlain by metre-thick “Basal Beds”. These consist of grey mudstones and thin sandstones deposited under humid conditions in predominantly shallow brackish water environments after a marine ingression via the Eastern Carpathian/Upper Silesian Gate. The following 30-40 m-grey, fine-grained sandstones, siltstones and mudstones were deposited in fluvial environments in channel belts and interfluve areas under humid conditions. These are followed by predominantly reddish mudstones and sandstones of mainly fluvial origin, deposited under somewhat drier conditions with seasonal droughts. The Upper Stuttgart Formation may be more than 16 m thick; it comprises reddish and grey sandstones and mudstones that were mostly deposited in lake delta settings by recurring flash floods. During the deposition of this unit climate was weakly humid with less prominent seasonal draughts.The modern Ganga Plain of India is an analogue for the depositional setting of the Stuttgart Formation. Climatic conditions in Ganga Plain are humid monsoonal with seasonal droughts and roughly comparable with those interpreted for Mid-Carnian times in Germany. The sandy deposits of incised channel belts and channels and muddy deposits of interfluve areas in the Ganga Plain are comparable with the sandstone-dominated channelized facies and mudstone dominated interfluve facies of the Stuttgart Formation, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The object of this paper is to provide a facies guide that helps subsequent workers recognizing different facies and palaeoenvironments of the terrestrial old Red Sandstone exposed in central N Spitsbergen. Sediments of the Early Devonian Wood Bay Formation represent continental molasse deposition under arid to semi-arid climatic conditions in three main depositional environments (rivers, alluvial plains, perennial lakes) represented by characteristic lithologies, sedimentary structures and microfacies. River channel deposits, consisting of conglomerates, very coarse-to very fine-grained sandstones and sandy siltstones are generally arranged in successive fining-upward sequences marked by specific sedimentary structures in a particular order. The sediments reflect the bed, mixed and suspended load of low sinuosity braided to high sinuosity meandering rivers. Adjacent overbank areas (levees, crevasse splays) and extensive alluvial plains are represented by reddish-brown, fine-grained sandstones to sandy siltstones and silty mudstones. The sediments are the accumulated, mixed and suspended load of floodwaters, which recurrently inundated the lowlands. Various lithofacies types, facies associations and sequences reflect the local formation of palaeosols, ephemeral flood lakes and boggy areas with persistent high water tables. Multicoloured, calcareous successions and single lime-stone beds intercalated in the red beds represent the depositional products of perennial, low relief, low-energy lakes, which developed in topographic depressions of the alluvial plains. The sediments reflect deposition in deep-water, littoral and palustrine sub-environments, forming regressive, shallowing-upward sequences in the central lake areas. The overall arrangement of the various facies reflects a terrestrial basin that developed from a steep-sloped, high-energy, river-dominated molasse trough into a level, lowenergy coastal plain, marked by broad mud flats and the formation of extensive perennial lakes.  相似文献   

Texture is an important influence on organic matter (SOM) dynamics in upland soils but little is known about its role in riverine soils. We hypothesized that texture might be especially important to SOM accumulation in young alluvial soils. We combined the soil component of the CENTURY ecosystem model, which uses sand, silt, and clay concentration as primary variables, with a simple simulation model of fluvial deposition, and forest production to predict changes in soil carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) during primary succession on floodplains and terraces of the Queets River, Washington. Simulated soil C accumulated to a plateau of about 4000 g m−2 at 110 years, closely matching observed patterns in an empirical chronosequence. Although direct fluvial OM deposition had only a small and short-lived influence on soil C, fluvial silt and clay deposition were an important influence on equilibrium C. The model underestimated soil N by about 35%, which appears to be due to failure of the model to account for N enrichment of an OM pool after its initial formation. These results suggest that basic influences on SOM retention in these young soils are not functionally different than those that apply to upland soils, but occur within highly dynamic physical contexts. Overbank deposition of silt and clay establishes a basic capacity for SOM retention. SOM, in turn, facilitates N retention. In this way, silt and clay are instrumental in propagating N forward from N-fixing red alder (Alnus rubra) stands to mature conifer forests that are frequently N-limited.  相似文献   

The Channel Country, a region of wide fluvial plains criss-crossed by a reticulate pattern of anastomosing channels, and the adjacent sand dunes and clay pans of the Lake Eyre drainage basin occupy an area of 1.3 × 106 km2 of internal drainage in the arid east-central part of Australia. Beneath a surface of skin of mud, the sediment of the Channel Country is sand and some mud in the floodplain, as well as in levees and channels. The surface mud represents the overbank deposits of meandering channels that are superimposed on sheet sands of a relict braided system.With the other sediments (aeolian sand and lacustrine mud) of the Lake Eyre drainage basin, the Channel Country sediments represent the latest phase of deposition of the Cainozoic Birdsville Basin, which was initiated as an interior basin behind the dismembered rifted arch of the divergent Pacific margin. In their depositional and tectonic setting, the arid sediments of central-eastern Australia are modern analogues of the Mesozoic desert sands and other non-marine sediments that were deposited behind the pre-breakup arch and post-breakup half-arch of South America. The preceding Mesozoic Great Artesian Basin of central-eastern Australia contains volcanogenic sediment and was covered for a short time by an epeiric sea; its deposition was influenced by an uplift along the convergent Pacific margin, and it is analogous to other Gondwana basins in Antarctica, southern Africa, and South America that were yoked to the convergent Pacific margin.  相似文献   

On a regional scale, Longgupo is found within a karstic landscape of fenglin-ouvala developed in the Triassic limestones of the Yangtze platform. After several seasons, it is now possible to define and propose a scenario for the formation of the site. During one of the intense karstification phases during the Cretaceous or early Tertiary, karstic conduits were created deep in the substratum. In concert with these deep flows and by karstic collapse, a cave was created. With the start of Himalayan uplift during the Oligocene and Miocene, the beginning of fluvial cutting was reflected by the partial erosion of the upper sandstone formations and the creation of the Miaoyu Valley. This action opened the cave, which would later be occupied by the hominid groups that interest us here. Probably at the end of the Tertiary, the cave, open at the bottom of the valley slope and facing upstream, began to be filled with alluvial deposits from the valley. The basal deposits (C III 10 of the current stratigraphic sequence, levels 20-13 of the first sequence) begin with black clays; at the Plio-Pleistocene transition, deposits become clearly alluvial, increasingly marked by reworking of surface and karstic clays and by systematically coarser contributions. During the deposition period of archaeological complexes III/III’ (previously levels 12-6), karstic collapse appears to have still been active. During the Lower Pleistocene sensu lato, the coarse nature of the deposits becomes accentuated. The material of complex II (previously levels 5-2) is a deposit that is clearly heterometric and coarse, composed at the end mainly of gravels, pebbles and more or less rounded blocks in a clayey matrix. At the conclusion of this new stage, the cave was entirely filled and, purely and simply, disappeared from the landscape. As the valley deepened during the Middle and Upper Pleistocene, the Longgupo slope underwent profound changes, the last of the limestone blocks disappeared from the slope limit and the archaeological site was protected by the coarse breccias that carpeted the slope. The main cause for the sedimentation processes at the site of Longgupo is the hydrosystem of the Miaoyu he, although injections of karstic type sensu stricto cannot be excluded. All of the arguments effectively support alluvial deposition: pebbles, an alternation of coarse and clayey beds, systematic and repeated granulometric decrease. But the stratigraphic disposition was disturbed by deformations due to gravity and karstic origins; the alluvial sediments, rendered plastic by the high proportion of clayey beds, were deformed by gravity (deformation of beds, faults, slopes) following the direction of the slope and by karstic collapse along the two limestone walls north and south of the sites (in sub-parallel faults to the south and by circular aspiration to the north). To this is added a calcitic consolidation of the upper levels that made it difficult to excavate complex C II. The stratigraphic disposition of the archaeological levels at Longgupo is now well understood. It has thus been possible to collect samples for absolute dating, to be published soon.  相似文献   

The three main Lena Delta terraces were formed during different stages of the late Quaternary. While only the first floodplain terrace is connected with active deltaic processes, the second and third terraces, which dominate the western part of the delta, are erosional remnants of arctic paleolandscapes affected by periglacial processes. The landscape dynamics of the second and the third terraces, and their relationship to each other, are of particular importance in any effort to elucidate the late Quaternary paleoenvironment of western Beringia.Multidisciplinary studies of permafrost deposits on the second terrace were carried out at several sites of the Arga Complex, named after the largest delta island, Arga–Muora–Sise. The frozen sediments predominantly consist of fluvial sands several tens of meters thick, radiocarbon-dated from > 52 to 16 kyr BP. These sands were deposited under changing fluvial conditions in a dynamic system of shifting river channels, and have been additionally modified by synsedimentary and postsedimentary cryogenesis. Later thermokarst processes affected this late Pleistocene fluvial landscape during the Lateglacial and the Holocene. In addition, eolian activity reworked the fluvial sands on exposed surfaces at least since the Lateglacial, resulting in dune formation in some areas. Contrary to the Arga Complex, the third terrace is mainly composed of polygenetic alluvial and proluvial ice-rich permafrost sequences (Ice Complex deposits) radiocarbon-dated from 50 to 17 kyr BP which cover older fluvial sand units luminescence-dated to about 100–50 kyr BP. Paleoecological records reflect tundra-steppe conditions that varied locally, depending on landscape dynamics, during the Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4 and 3 periods, and a persistent change to shrub and arctic tundra during Lateglacial and Holocene periods.The study results indicate a continuous fluvial sedimentation environment for the Laptev Sea shelf in the region of the second Lena Delta terrace during the late Pleistocene, and confirm the presence of a dynamic channel system of the paleo-Lena River that flowed at the same time as the nearby subaerial Ice Complex deposits were being formed.  相似文献   

In the study area at Senjogahara, there are 13 vegetational groups forming a space-time continuum in response to alluvial deposition from the River Sakasagawa. The pattern of deposition changes markedly from time to time, and the vegetation is thus a mosaic of recovery phases in different stages of development. There is marked zonation of layers of gravel, silt and organic matter in the soil profile, running sequentially from the mouth of the river back to the moor. Furthermore, there is a decrease in the depth of the water table with distance from the river mouth. The growth increment ofMalus Toringo is poor under the canopy ofUlmus Davidiana var.japonica forest, with maximum growth occurring in the areas of active alluvial deposition. The changing patterns ofMalus growth have been used to approximate the dates of major changes in the erosion channels and areas of alluvial deposition. There were five main channels in the study area. The oldest was on the west side and active ca. 35–40 yr prior to 1984, the year of sampling. Subsequently, adjacent areas further east became major drainage and erosion channels about 25–30 yr before 1984. However, after 1985 the erosion channels again showed a marked change in pattern, and currently flow into an entirely different sector, being responsible for the continuous dynamic patterns of vegetational change in this area.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. The stratigraphy, radiocarbon chronology, sedimentary pigment, and cation records of sediment cores from four lakes in the Ecuadorian rain forest show that regional flooding occurred from about 1300 to 800 'BP. Each core contains a stratum of alluvial clay, silt and sand overlain by lacustrine deposits of peat, gyttja or clayey gyttja. Radiocarbon dates show that the onset and termination of the alluvial event was synchronous across the sites. Short-term, possibly regional, flooding occurred at each of the sites at least once since the major flood.
2. A core from Anangucocha, a black-water lake, records the geoche- mical signature of white-water incursion during this flooding interval. Sedimentary pigments show that aquatic production at Anañgucocha was low during the lotic interval but rose sharply and remained high within the modern lake period.
3. The Amazon's dynamic river system may have been an important force in promoting and maintaining high floral and faunal diversity.  相似文献   

Two slow flowing former channels of the Rhône River, which are supplied by nutrient-poor groundwater and subject to backflows of nutrient-rich water from the Rhone, were studied in order to demonstrate the occurrence of an ecotone located upstream to their confluences with the main channel. In one of the channels, the long-term stability of the boundary zone compared to the other sections was investigated by examining floristic changes over the period of a decade, demonstrating its high temporal stability compared to the adjacent systems. This stability is seen to be a result of both external and internal processes: backflows of river water rich in suspended sediment favour alluvial deposition of silt in the ecotone area, which in turn allows the growth of numerous hydrophyte species, many of which have specific environmental requirements. These macrophytes promote sediment retention and deposition (a positive feed-back mechanism), thus acting as a filter for the surface water flow. Finally, flash floods regularly scour fine sediment deposits and rejuvenate these areas on a patch by patch basis. The occurrence of boundary zones is demonstrated in the areas located upstream from the confluence in both channels under study. The seasonal chemical variability of the channels and the Rhone itself, as compared to the backflow area, was analysed using chemical variables that are influenced by water fluxes. The fluctuations of the chemical parameters of the boundaries are seen to be intermediate between those of the adjacent systems in one case and higher in the other. With reference to recent definitions in the scientific literature, the overall characteristics of these boundary areas lead us to conclude that they can be considered as ecotones between two water fluxes.  相似文献   

The Early to Middle Pleistocene Dandiero rift basin is located near the Buia village, 110 km south of Massawa (Eritrea), and is filled by about 1000 m of continental deposits bearing 1 My erectus-like human remains. The basin fill consists of six formations (from bottom up): Bukra sand and gravels (fluvial), Alat formation (fluvio-lacustrine), Wara sand and gravel (fluvial), Goreya formation (lacustrine), Aro sand (fluvio-deltaic) and Addai fanglomerate (alluvial fan). This paper is focused on the Homo-bearing deposits of the Alat formation. The Alat formation records several episodes of changing accommodation space, with repeated shifts from fluvial to lacustrine conditions. The first episode points to rapid lake formation followed by a progressive shallowing. The second episode records fluvial aggradation above a sequence boundary, followed by the development and progressive infill of a second lake. The third episode points to a rapid lake formation followed by deposition of deltaic and fluvial sediments. The last episode is characterised by fluvial deposition under low-accommodation conditions. The development of the lacustrine environments was probably controlled by tectonics, in accordance with its formation during regionally dry climatic conditions, although minor shifts toward wetter conditions cannot be excluded. Human remains occur in the upper Alat formation, where the transition from a deltaic to alluvial setting is characterised by high frequency, potentially millennial-scale, lake-level oscillations. The palaeoanthropological record in the Buia area seems to be correlated with water availability (lacustrine coastal plains and floodplains) in a relatively open and grassy environment (grassland- and savannah-dominated). The increase in fluvial discharge that occurred at the top of the Alat formation led to erosion and winnowing of the underlying fossil-bearing, fluvio-deltaic deposits. A large number of bones and artefacts were consequently accumulated at the base of channel fills, which represent a preferential horizon for fossil searching.  相似文献   

Samples of alluvial and colluvial deposits from the coastal plain and coastal valleys north and south of Cairns (17°S) have been dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) protocols, with additional thermoluminescence (TL) and Radiocarbon assays. Coarse fanglomerates from elevated coastal terraces date back to 81 ka, but most are clustered in oxygen isotope stage three (OIS3, 64-28 ka), indicating high-energy conditions during this period. Extensive fans and terraces of finer calibre sediments are widely represented grading from coarse gravels and cobbles in proximal zones fine sand and silt in distal areas. Dates show that vertical accumulation of 10-15 m of sediment occurred between ∼ 28 and 14 ka (OIS2), after which the fans were dissected and Holocene deposits become fragmentary. A number of deposits indicating hillslope instability were successfully dated and these fall mainly into OIS3 and post 12 ka. These results are interpreted as catchment responses to Late Pleistocene climate and vegetation changes, documented elsewhere from local pollen and ocean drilling sites. Correlation with these records and with evidence for regional climate change from the Austral-Asian region is good and indicates that these changes were sufficient to transform fluvial activity and slope processes.  相似文献   

Riverine landscape diversity   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
1. This review is presented as a broad synthesis of riverine landscape diversity, beginning with an account of the variety of landscape elements contained within river corridors. Landscape dynamics within river corridors are then examined in the context of landscape evolution, ecological succession and turnover rates of landscape elements. This is followed by an overview of the role of connectivity and ends with a riverine landscape perspective of biodiversity. 2. River corridors in the natural state are characterised by a diverse array of landscape elements, including surface waters (a gradient of lotic and lentic waterbodies), the fluvial stygoscape (alluvial aquifers), riparian systems (alluvial forests, marshes, meadows) and geomorphic features (bars and islands, ridges and swales, levees and terraces, fans and deltas, fringing floodplains, wood debris deposits and channel networks). 3. Fluvial action (erosion, transport, deposition) is the predominant agent of landscape evolution and also constitutes the natural disturbance regime primarily responsible for sustaining a high level of landscape diversity in river corridors. Although individual landscape features may exhibit high turnover, largely as a function of the interactions between fluvial dynamics and successional phenomena, their relative abundance in the river corridor tends to remain constant over ecological time. 4. Hydrological connectivity, the exchange of matter, energy and biota via the aqueous medium, plays a major though poorly understood role in sustaining riverine landscape diversity. Rigorous investigations of connectivity in diverse river systems should provide considerable insight into landscape‐level functional processes. 5. The species pool in riverine landscapes is derived from terrestrial and aquatic communities inhabiting diverse lotic, lentic, riparian and groundwater habitats arrayed across spatio‐temporal gradients. Natural disturbance regimes are responsible for both expanding the resource gradient in riverine landscapes as well as for constraining competitive exclusion. 6. Riverine landscapes provide an ideal setting for investigating how complex interactions between disturbance and productivity structure species diversity patterns.  相似文献   

干旱区石羊河流域河水孢粉组合特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石羊河流域初春和仲夏两季不同地点 ,洪水期、平水期 30个河水样孢粉分析显示 ,没有人类影响的情况下 ,河水样孢粉组合是由河流上游径流区的植物孢粉和采样点附近植被孢粉组成的 ,前者在孢粉组合中至少占30 %~ 6 0 %。河水搬运孢粉的能力非常强 ,可长距离、大量地搬运孢粉。孢粉组合中河水贡献孢粉的含量较高 ,如 :云杉属 (PiceaDietr.)花粉河水的贡献率在中下游可达 16 .5 %和 7.7%。采样时间、地点影响河水的孢粉组合和浓度 ,洪水期是孢粉搬运的主要时期。河水经过水库后 ,其中孢粉绝大多数沉积在水库中。  相似文献   

Summary A sequence of late Pliocene sediments (Qaret El-Muluk Formation) covers large areas within Wadi El-Natrun depression; at the western periphery of the Nile Delta. The exposed sequence is composed of friable sands. mudstones, shales and minor limestones with combined total thickness of approximately 50 m. The fossil content consists of fresh and brackish water elements; charophytes, ostracods, gastropods, oysters and benthonic foraminifera. Planktonic forams which suggest marine influence have been also recorded. Terrestrial and aquatic continental vertebrate fauna includes mammals, reptiles, fish and aves. Several subtypes of ichthyoliths have been discovered in this study. Both lithological and paleontological data testify to a depositional environment which belongs to a marginal region where fluvial and marine deposition meet in shallow brackish lagoons. The sediments display changes from channelled fluvial sands to deltaic interbedded sands and mudstones to lagoonal shales and limestones to lacustrine chara limestones. Vertical stacking of facies is indicative of a series of transgressive-regressive events. The transgression brought shallow lagoonal conditions to the area. The transgressions were incomplete due to high rate of fluvial input. The lagoon dried up intermittently and calcretes and red brown soils were formed. Each regression is indicated by river generated clastic influx. During periods of active fluvial input, fluvial sediments prograded lagoonward. The clastic material was probably a mixture of reworked detritus from older sediments. An admixture of first cycle material from the basement rocks of the Red Sea hills cannot be ruled out. The diversity of provenance argues for several channels of a large river which existed during the late Pliocene.  相似文献   

Rooting structures preserved as casts in alluvial deposits of the Lower Devonian Lower Old Red Sandstone occur more extensively than previously thought in the Anglo-Welsh Basin. Two rooting structure morphotypes are identified: morphotype 1 being predominantly horizontal, and morphotype 2 comprising vertical forms. Both morphotypes taper along their length, are oval in cross-section, branch, and can be linear or sinuous. Fills are heterolithic in nature. The rooting structures are observed in sediments deposited in a wide variety of environments including both low-sinuosity within-channel bar-tops and accretionary bar surfaces (inclined-heterolithic stratification); accretionary banks of sinuous ephemeral channels (inclined-heterolithic stratification); floodplains (including margins of shallow floodplain ponds) of both ephemeral and perennial river channels, and well-developed calcic Vertisols. Although a vascular plant origin to the rooting structures cannot be discounted, there is circumstantial evidence that the structures were produced by the enigmatic Prototaxites, recently reinterpreted as a giant fungus. It is possible that they represent underground aggregates (rhizomorphs or cords) of hyphae involved in anchorage and nutrient foraging. Organic matter associated with biofilms and crusts is hypothesized as a source of nutrients for the presumed saprotroph.  相似文献   

In Korea, Quaternary deposits are characterized by marine and fluvial terrace deposits, commonly found in the coastal areas and at the sides of river valleys. The major terraces are classified into 5 different levels, i.e., alluvial plain (3-5 m asl), lower terrace (10-25 m asl), middle terrace (33-50 m asl), high terrace (55-85 m asl), and highest terrace (90-160 m asl). They were formed by the repetition of sedimentation and erosion due to sea level fluctuation and uplifting along the coastal areas during Quaternary period. The formation age of the lower marine terraces at the level of 10-20 m is interpreted to be the last interglacial (75-125 Ka, MIS = 5a-5e). The middle coastal terrace gravels distributed at the level of about 33-45 m above mean sea level and are to be formed before the last interglacial. Above coastal terrace deposits, slope deposits and paleosol layers are overlain and freezing and thawing crackings were developed in them. Major prehistory archaeological sites in the coastal areas are found in the slope deposits formed during last glaciations. The upper parts of the slope deposits are typified by paleosol layers with typical frost cracks (soil wedges) and frangipanes. As geochronological bases for subdividing Paleolithic cultures, two typical paleosol layers are useful because they are mostly found and imprinted with several horizons of frost cracks or soil wedges. The uppermost crack structures were formed under the boreal-periglacial climatic regime during the last glacial period of extremely cold-dry climate in Korea. The upper pedogenetic sediments containing frost cracks or soil wedges were formed between 24 and 17 Ka in many Paleolithic profiles. The lowermost paleosol layer with frost cracks (soil wedge), strongly attacked into hillslope sediments or last interglacial saprolite layers on the weathered basement rocks, were detected at least as old as 59-74,000 Ka. Lastly upper Paleolithic cultural layers were found in the young fluvial deposits, which had been formed since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Some of them were particularly continued as late as the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition Period.  相似文献   

Zhoukoudian is often cited for its human remains and the early evidence of fire. Yet, since its first excavations over 70 years ago, detailed studies of processes responsible for the accumulation of anthropogenic and geogenic sediments in the site have been sparse. This paper provides some details of site formation processes mainly through field observations of the extant section at Locality 1, and the use of soil micromorphology and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometry (FTIR) analyses of the sediments. Samples from Layers 10 through 3 show extensive water deposition of fine silt-sized material (reworked loess), including fine-grained organic matter. The dark organic-rich unit in Layer 10--often cited as one of the earliest evidence of fire--is a water-laid accumulation. Much of the fine-grained sediment was derived from outside Locality 1, implying that the site was open to varying extents throughout most of its depositional history. The 4-6 m accumulation of "ashes" in Layer 4 represents subaerial water-laid silt deposits derived from the loess-covered hillslopes surrounding the site. They presumably accumulated in an open depression that formed after the collapse of the brecciated roof deposits represented by Layer 6. Diagenesis is present in many of the Layers, and is exemplified by calcite precipitation and dissolution, and localized apatite (dahllite) replacement of calcite. In Layer 4 diagenesis is more advanced, including calcite/dahllite precipitation, subaerial weathering of the loess and associated precipitation of hematite, alteration of clay and the neoformation of quartz. Many of our conclusions concur with those of Teilhard de Chardin & Young published over 70 years ago.  相似文献   

Forest vegetation patterns alongside the Poerua River, south Westland, were studied to determine whether a distinct riparian community could be defined either immediately adjacent to the river, or out to the limit of overbank flooding. Ten randomly located 100 m transects were established perpendicular to the river at each of two sites. Ground cover of alluvial sediment indicated that annual overbank flooding occurred up to 20 m into the forest (the flood zone). No significant difference in vascular plant species richness was found between the flood zone and non-flood zone at either site, however a significant difference in species richness was found between sites, and this was attributed to recent disturbance at the edge of one site. Detrended correspondence analysis separated plots by site and indicated a gradient of species change from the river’s edge to the ends of the transects. There were inconsistent differences in the densities and/or basal areas of trees and shrubs between sites and zones. No distinct band of vegetation was recognizable as a riparian zone alongside the Poerua River. Instead, there was evidence that edge processes had influenced vegetation patterns on a gradient away from the river, fluvial processes had eroded into, and influenced the vegetated edge, and historical disturbance events had had strong effects on vascular plant community composition. The riparian zone incorporates the whole floodplain and environmental management needs to take this into consideration.  相似文献   

百色旧石器遗址的若干地貌演化问题   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
百色盆地形成于第三纪初期, 并沉积湖相含煤建造。早第三纪末在喜马拉雅运动主幕作用下, 盆地上升, 早第三纪沉积出现错断和挤压, 并遭受剥蚀。上新世末至第四纪时期, 构造运动表现为间歇式抬升,盆地中形成七级阶地。第Ⅳ级阶地沉积中多处发现旧石器遗址,在相同层位还一起发现埋藏的玻璃陨石, 说明旧石器遗址的地质年龄大致在距今73万年左右。有时在第Ⅳ级阶地沉积的不同岩石地层单元中都发现有旧石器, 根据地层穿时性分析, 推测它们可能形成于同一时期。此外, 第Ⅳ级阶地形成后, 受构造运动影响, 该阶地被错断、抬升, 有时形成多级台地, 但通过野外调查可以确定它们属于同一阶地。  相似文献   

燕山南部花粉散布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
燕山南部花9粉用布特性研究表明,空气中的花粉反映的是植物花期的季节性变化,表 粉是植物多年花粉散布的混合,冲积物花粉与空气中和表土花粉显著不同,是取样点上游表土花粉的混合,与取样点周围植被关系较小。因此,根据冲积物花粉恢复古植被,反映的是整个流域的植被面貌,而不是某一点的植被特征。  相似文献   

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