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Abstract. 1. Discrete patches of aphids were artificially created in winter wheat fields in 1982 and in 1983 using field cages.
2. Aggregation by polyphagous predators at these patches following cage removal was measured using pitfall traps in patch and control areas.
3. Several species of polyphagous beetle (Carabidae and Staphylinidae) aggregated in these patches while other species did not.
4. The consequences of aggregation by polyphagous predators to a single prey species are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract 1 The feeding responses of Pterostichus madidus Fab., P. melanarius Illiger and Nebria brevicollis Fab. (Coleoptera: Carabidae) to dimethoate‐contaminated prey were investigated in ‘no‐choice’ and ‘choice’ feeding tests. 2 In the no‐choice tests, starved beetles were presented with aphid prey treated with four concentrations of dimethoate. In the choice tests, treated and untreated prey were presented together and the feeding preferences of the starved beetles observed. 3 No avoidance or rejection behaviour was seen in any of the carabids in either of the tests, i.e. no discrimination of the treated and untreated prey was observed. 4 Sufficient dimethoate was consumed with the aphid prey to cause significant mortality levels in the carabids. 5 The concentrations of dimethoate used in these experiments are comparable to field exposure, so carabids feeding in treated fields and field margins could potentially suffer lethal effects via the indirect exposure route of consuming contaminated prey.  相似文献   

The influence of tillage, gender, and microclimate on capture rates of pitfall traps for the beetles Poecilus scitulus LeConte, Poecilus lucublandus (Say), and Pterostichus melanarius Illiger (Coleoptera: Carabidae) were assessed in mark–release–recapture experiments in spring pea and spring wheat. Experiments were conducted during June, July, and August of 2003 in the Palouse region of northern Idaho, USA. Rates of capture in pitfall traps for the three carabid species were differentially affected by crop‐tillage systems. Capture rates for P. scitulus and P. lucublandus were higher in no‐till (NT) than in conventional tillage (CT) peas, whereas capture rates for P. scitulus and Pt. melanarius were higher in CT than in NT wheat. Ground‐level temperatures and relative humidity (r.h.) differed little among tillage systems. Nevertheless, capture rates were generally positively correlated with ground‐level temperature and negatively correlated with r.h., with correlations more often significant in NT than in CT systems. The response of the thermophilic Poecilus spp. to temperature provides a possible mechanistic explanation for capture rate patterns in legumes during June, but not in other months for peas or any month in wheat during the experiments. Movement impedance due to residue could explain lower capture rates of P. scitulus and Pt. melanarius in NT than in CT spring wheat. These results suggest that researchers using pitfall trapping for carabid populations should take into account potential capture biases their treatments can introduce.  相似文献   

The value of three cereal aphid species as food for a generalist predator   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The value of the cereal aphid species Metopolophium dirhodum (Wlk.), Sitobion avenae (F.) and Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) as prey for the linyphiid spider Erigone atra (Bl.) was assessed. Fecundity of females was determined for spiders fed on eight experimental diets: three single‐species aphid diets, a mixed diet of all three aphid species, three mixed diets with each aphid species in combination with fruit flies Drosophila melanogaster (Meig.), and pure D. melanogaster as a high quality comparison diet. The development and survival of first‐instar juveniles fed on three diets of single aphid species, and on a diet of Collembola were compared with those subjected to starvation. Prey value for adult females was assessed by egg production, hatching success and offspring size. In pure diets all three aphid species were of low value to the spiders, causing a rapid decline in egg production and supporting no growth of significance of first‐instar juveniles. No difference in value of aphid species of single‐species aphid diets was found in the fecundity experiment, while a ranking of aphid species of M. dirhodum > R. padi > S. avenae was revealed in the survivorship experiment. A mixed‐aphid diet was not found to be advantageous compared with single‐species aphid diets, and no advantage of including aphids in mixed diets with fruit flies was found. Metopolophium dirhodum and R. padi were neutral in mixed diets, while a diet of S. avenae and fruit flies caused reduced egg production compared with the pure diet of fruit flies, revealing a toxic effect of S. avenae on the spider. The value‐ranking of aphid species in mixed diets was similar to that of single‐species diets. A similar ranking of aphid species was found for different fitness parameters (fecundity of adult females and development of juveniles). A ranking of aphids by offspring size of mothers on aphid‐only diets was S. avenae > M. dirhodum > R. padi. All aphid‐fruit fly diets resulted in larger offspring than a diet of only D. melanogaster, with the overall largest offspring being produced on the diet of M. dirhodum and fruit flies.  相似文献   

Abstract In the present study, the importance of diet in terms of fecundity is compared for three species of the carabid genus Amara (Coleoptera: Carabidae), using an insect diet, two types of seed diet (Capsella bursa‐pastoris, Stellaria media) and a mixed diet. It is expected that the species of carabid studied have different food requirements for reproduction. Diet affects reproduction performance and egg production significantly. A mixed diet and both single‐seed diets are suitable for reproduction in Amara aenea (DeGeer) because a higher proportion of the females reproduce and lay significantly more eggs than on a purely insect diet. Females of Amara familiaris (Duftschmid) do not reproduce unless provided with seeds of S. media. Seeds of C. bursa‐pastoris or a mixed diet are equally suitable diets for reproduction of Amara similata (Gyllenhal); a diet of insects or seeds of S. media is unsuitable. The results support the hypothesis that the species under investigation have specific food requirements, suggesting that seed feeding has evolved to different degrees in particular species: A. aenea is omnivorous, whereas A. familiaris and A. similata specialize on the seed of a particular plant species or family. This resource partitioning facilitates co‐occurrence of carabid species.  相似文献   

Environment-friendly farming techniques seek to increase invertebrate biodiversity in part with the intention of encouraging greater numbers of predators that will help to control crop pests. However, in theory, this effect may be negated if the availability of a greater abundance and diversity of alternative prey diverts predators away from feeding on pests. The hypothesis that access to alternative prey can lead to reduced pest suppression under semi-field conditions was tested. Alternative prey type and diversity were manipulated in 70 mesocosms over 7+ weeks in the presence of the carabid Pterostichus melanarius (Illiger), a known predator of slugs, and reproducing populations of the slug Deroceras reticulatum (Müller). Significantly fewer slugs survived where no alternative prey were provided. Maximum slug numbers and biomass were found in treatments containing either carabids plus a high diversity of alternative prey (many species of earthworm and three of Diptera larvae) or a single additional prey (blowfly larvae, Calliphora vomitoria Linnaeus). In these treatments slug numbers and biomass were as high as in plots lacking predators. The effects of alternative prey were taxon-specific. Alternative prey strongly affected carabid fitness in terms of biomass and egg load. The fittest predators (those with access to high alternative prey diversity or C. vomitoria larvae) reduced slug numbers the least. The mean individual slug weights were greater in treatments with alternative prey than where no alternative prey were provided to the carabids. These results suggest that pests may survive and reproduce more rapidly in patches where predators have access to alternative prey.  相似文献   

Summary The individual movements of four carabid species were investigated by tracing beetles in the field using a portable radar system (harmonic radar). The field-inhabiting a Pterostichus melanarius Illiger, P. niger Schaller and Harpalus rufipes De Geer were traced in cereal fields. The movements of P. melanarius Mnd P. niger were also tracked in a wood and then compared with the movements of the forest-species Carabus nemoralis Müller. P. melanarius and P. niger displayed directed movements in cereal fields, although P. niger moved faster than P. melanarius. The movement pattern of H. rufipes in the field, and C. nemoralis and P. malanarius in the wood can be described as a c correlated random walk. In cereal fields, P. melanarius burrowed actively into the soil, and P. niger searched out crevices. In contrast, none of these two carabids burrowed in the forest soil, whereas C. nemoralis did. No statistically significant difference was observed between the movements of hungry and satiated beetles, although starved beetles tended to disperse shorter distances per move and turned back more often (especially P. niger). The significance of the various movement patterns exhibited by the species studied for their reproduction and survival on arable land is discussed.  相似文献   

J. Serrano 《Genetica》1986,69(2):133-142
The chromosome number of 20 Spanish species of carabid beetles belonging to 12 tribes varies between 2n=20 and 59. Results corroborate that many tribes of Carabidae have a peculiar pattern of karyotypic evolution, causing a great diversity of chromosome number and/or chromosome morphology. Together with numberically stable groups (Carabini, Bembidiini) others like Nebriini and Licinini are found in which there are marked karyotypic differences even between related species. Trends towards packing the genetic material may become extreme in groups such as Brachinini, whereas dissociations lead to marked numerical increases in groups such as Zabrini. A number of these karyotypic conclusions are of great interest for the systematics of Carabidae.  相似文献   

Inheritance of the two main types of the plant resistance to insects was investigated in the sorghum-greenbug (Schizaphis graminum Rond.) and wheat-bird cherry-oat aphid (Rhopalosiphon padi L.) interaction systems. The data obtained support the hypothesis that antixenosis (avoiding of the plant by the insect, given a choice) and antibiosis (adverse effect of the plant on the insect feeding on it) are pleiotropic manifestations of the same genes. This is confirmed by the following facts. (1) Identical patterns of segregation for antixenosis and antibiosis in different cases of sorghum resistance to the greenbug: monogenic control (gene Sgr4), digenic control (Sgr1, Sgr2 and Sgr7, Sgr8), and complementary action of the genes (Sgr9 and Sgr10). (2) Correlated changes in the levels of antibiosis and antixenosis during long-term reproduction of a greenbug clone on the resistant sorghum variety k-1206 (resistance controlled by one gene). (3) Simultaneous expression of antixenosis and antibiosis in F3 wheat hybrid families to the bird cherry-oat aphid.  相似文献   

Maximum consumption rates were determined for two carabids, Bembidion lampros Herbst. and Pterostichus cupreus L., feeding on the cereal aphid Rhopalosiphum padi L. at different temperatures in the laboratory. Mean daily consumption increased with increasing temperature for both species, B. lampros consuming a maximum of 16 1–3 instar nymphs and 9 apterous adult aphids at 25°C. P. cupreus was particularly voracious and consumed 125 apterous adult R. padi per day at 20°C. The behaviour of both species was analysed by video filming starved beetles, maintained at different constant temperatures, in arenas sown with spring barley. The behavioural components (1) still; (2) run/walk; (3) search and (4) confrontation were identified and were common to both species. P. cupreus was more active over the temperature range tested; B. lampros was inactive under 10°C. The proportion of time spent searching, number of plants searched, and velocity increased with increasing temperature for both species. When observed in similar arenas seeded with R. padi colonies, individuals of P. cupreus significantly increased their time spent searching in arenas with increasing aphid density. Following discovery of an aphid colony, individuals climbed and searched the host plant and its nearest neighbours. Plants in aphid free arenas were rarely climbed. B. lampros was not observed climbing in either aphid free arenas or in arenas with increasing aphid densities, and did not significantly increase its time spent searching in response to increased prey density. The few B. lampros that found aphids caught them walking on the soil surface. The relative efficiences of these two carabids as predators of R. padi are discussed, and the results are compared with similar studies elsewhere with predators of Sitobion avenae on winter wheat.
Résumé Les taux maximum de consommation de R. padi L. à différentes températures ont été déterminés au laboratoire chez deux carabes, B. lampros Herbstet P. cupreus L. La consommation moyenne a augmenté avec la température chez les deux espèces, B. lampros consommant un maximum de 15,9 larves des stades 1 à 3 et 9,1 pucerons adultes aptères, à 25°C. P. cupreus a été particulièrement vorace et a consommé 125,3 adultes aptères par jour à 20°C. Le comportement des deux espèces a été observé en filmant en vidéo des carabes à jeun, maintenus à différentes températures constantes, dans des enceintes semées en orge de printemps. Des éléments du comportement, communs aux deux espèces, ont été définis: 1) immabilité, 2) marche et course, 3) recherche, 4) affrontement. P. cupreus a été plus actif à toutes les températures, B. lamprosa été inactif au-dessous de 10°C. La part de temps consacrée à la recherche, le nombre de plantes prospectées, et la vitesse ont augmenté avec la température chez les deux espèces. Dans des enceintes similaires colonisées par R. padi, P. cupreus a significativement augmenté le temps consacré à la recherche dans les enceintes, parallèlement à l'augmentation de la densité des pucerons. Après la découverte d'une colonie de pucerons, P. cupreus escalade et prospecte la plante et ses voisines immédiates; tandis que les plantes des enceintes sans pucerons sont rarement escaladées. B. lampros n'a pas été observé escaladant des plantes d'enceintes avec ou sans pucerons, et il n'a pas accru son temps de prospection en fonction de la densité de pucerons. Les quelques B. lampros qui ont capturé des pucerons l'ont fait lorsque ceux-ci marchaient sur la surface du sol. La discussion a porté sur l'efficacité relative des deux carabes comme prédateurs de R. padi, et les résultats ont été comparés à ceux d'études du même type, menées ailleurs, avec des prédateurs de Sitobion avenae sur blé d'hiver.

Summary Pitfall trapping was carried out in a field of winter wheat in the Vale of York to determine the levels of abundance of adult carabid and staphylinid beetles, (which formed the bulk of the natural predator complex) in the field. A point quadrat survey was carried out at the same time to assess the vegetation cover round each trap. Predation pressure by the beetles in the field was monitored using fruit fly (Drosophila) pupae as artificial prey. These artificial prey were attached to small cards inserted in the field adjacent to the pitfall traps.The numbers of beetles caught were found to be directly related to the frequency and density of Poa annua L. (annual meadow grass) the only abundant non-crop plant present at the time. More beetles were caught in areas where Poa was abundant than where Poa was scarce. This was probably related to the more suitable environmental factors offered by these of the wheat itself was found to be unrelated to captures.The number of fruit fly pupae taken was shown to be related to the numbers of carabid and staphylinid beetles present, and also to the type of vegetation occuring around each card.The implication of these results for the effects of predation on potential pest-outbreaks in the crop are discussed.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Hemolymph osmoregulation was examined in Chrysochus auratus, Tetraopes tetrophthalmus and Tenebrio molitor. These beetles differed in their water loss rates and in the availability of free water in their habitats.
  • 2.2. During dehydration at comparable rates, osmotic responses were similar in these species. Osmoregulation after rehydration was better in C. auratus.
  • 3.3. Osmoregulation ability was not significantly affected by the beetle's rate of dehydration.

1 Slugs are important pests in many agricultural crops but molluscicides commonly used to control slugs affect non‐target organisms. Encouraging biological control may help to reduce molluscicide use, but the efficiency of potential natural enemies needs to be investigated. 2 Serological tests have shown that certain carabid species consume slugs. These techniques, however, do not distinguish between scavenging and true predation, nor do they provide information on the size or other characteristics of the prey consumed. The study reported here was undertaken to establish whether scavenging of dead slugs might be an important factor contributing to positive serological test results. 3 Both Pterostichus madidus (Fabricius) and Nebria brevicollis (Fabricius) consumed Deroceras reticulatum (Müller) under laboratory conditions. Dead slugs were scavenged in preference to injured or healthy slugs. 4 Only small, live slugs (< 0.11 g) were killed by both beetle species, which may, therefore, be incapable of killing larger slugs. 5 These generalist beetle species appeared unable to overcome the defence mucus produced by slugs. The data suggest that positive serological results from field collected beetles may reflect scavenging rather than predation on live or injured slugs.  相似文献   

A method is presented for the estimation of nucleotide diversity and genetic structure of populations from RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) data. It involves a modification of the technique developed by Lynch and Crease (1990) for the case of restriction sites as survey data. As new elements the method incorporates (i) dominance correction, (ii) values of asexual reproduction of the populations sampled, and (iii) an analytical variance of the number of nucleotide substitutions per site. Sampling was carried out at two geographic scales for three aphid species. At a macrogeographic scale, populations of Rhopalosiphum padi did not show statistical genetic differentiation. Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae, which were sampled at a microgeographic scale, showed a higher genetic differentiation than R. padi, it being statistically significant in M. persicae. The major sources of sampling variance within- and between-populations were found to be nucleotide (i.e., the number of alleles used as a function of the number of primers used) and population (i.e., sample size) sampling. Extremely low estimates of nucleotide diversity were obtained for the species studied here. This result is consistent with previous reports on genetic diversity for the same or other aphid species which were based on allozyme polymorphism, mitochondrial DNA variation and qualitative analyses of RAPDs.  相似文献   

卢聪聪  刘倩  黄晓磊 《生物多样性》2022,30(7):22204-216
完整的线粒体基因组已被广泛应用于分子进化、基因组学、系统发育等方面的研究。蚜虫是一类重要的农林业害虫, 但目前公开报道的蚜虫完整线粒体基因组非常有限, 因此获得更多的基因组数据对相关研究具有重要价值。本文报道了榕毛管蚜(Greenidea ficicola)、橘二叉蚜(Aphis aurantia)和油杉纩蚜(Mindarus keteleerifoliae) 3种蚜虫的完整线粒体基因组的序列、详细注释信息、基因结构图、密码子使用情况等。该数据集可为昆虫系统发育关系、种群分化格局、害虫防治等方面的工作提供帮助。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine if coccinellids adjusted their distribution within spring wheat fields in response to spatial variation cereal aphid density in the fields and to describe the patterns of cereal aphid population growth that resulted. Field experiments were completed in which the physical dimensions of patches infested with cereal aphids, cereal aphid density, and access to patches by coccinellids were varied. Aphid infestations consisted of naturally occurring densities (natural patches) and much greater densities created by supplementing patches with aphids (supplemented patches). Coccinellids were denied access to some supplemented patches (exclusion patches) but allowed unlimited access to others. Densities of adult Hippodamia convergens and Coccinella septempunctata were correlated with aphid density in patches whereas density of Coleomegilla maculata was not. Aggregation by coccinellids was independent of patch area. The realized aphid population growth rate (r) was lower in supplemented than natural patches in all four trials but was significantly lower in only one trial. The lower r in supplemented patches was not exclusively caused by coccinellid predation, and emigration of aphids from patches probably also contributed. r was significantly greater in exclusion patches than supplemented and natural patches, indicating that coccinellids markedly reduced aphid numbers in patches even when aphid density was extremely high. Received: February 17, 1999 / Accepted: February 1, 2000  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,Aphids(Hemiptera:Aphididae)are economically important pests that are distributed worldwide and cause serious economic losses through direct feeding on plant,plant virus transmission,and honeydew production(Zhang and Zhong,1983;Blackman and Eastop,2000).Control of these aphid species relies almost exclusively on the use of chemical insecticides,such as organophosphates,carbamates,pyrethroids,cyclodienes,and neonicotinods.A number of aphid species have become resistant to at least  相似文献   

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