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Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), field collected from central Greece and reared in cages during 1990–1991 and in vials during 1994–1995 outdoors at Kifissia, Athens, developed 4 complete and a 5th partial generations per year. In both cases, only adults of the 1st generation reproduced within the year they emerged; 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation adults reproduced partly in the year they emerged and partly in the following year; 5th generation adults did not reproduce at all in 1990, and eggs/larvae produced by 4th generation females in 1994 died before developing into adults. Adults of the 1 st and 5th generations died before winter; those of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations overwintered successfully. The greatest numbers of eggs were laid by females of the 1st and 2nd generations. Visual counts made in the open field at Kopais plain in central Greece (1990–1992) and on the summit of the adjacent Mount Kitheron (1990–1994) indicate that allC. septempunctata instars were abundant in the plain between April and June, becoming scarce from July until the end of the warm period of the year following spring. NoC. septempunctata individuals were found in the plain in winter. On the summit of the mountain,C. septempunctata adults were present all year round, singly and in aggregations, except for the month of May. The most numerous arrivals of adults were noticed on the mountain in June. Emigrations of adults from there were noticed from March until the end of April.  相似文献   

In central Japan, females ofCoccinella septempunctata brucki laid eggs preferably on the under side of metal cans, wood and other materials, and the walls of a concrete gutter in sunny grasslands with colonies of aphids, in winter and spring. These materials have a high thermal conductivity, and are warmed readily by solar radiation. The development of eggs attached to these materials was accelerated by the heart from the materials. Most eggs attached to the upper surface of such materials did not hatch because they were either desiccated by direct solar radiation or eaten by predators. The under surface of metals is heated on sunny days by solar radiation, and the eggs are protected from desiccation and cannibalism. The shortening of incubation may be an adaptation to the rapid growth of aphid populations in early spring, and may reduce the chance of cannibalism.  相似文献   

H. Triltsch 《BioControl》1997,42(1-2):125-131
During two years adultCoccinella septempunctata L. were sampled at two localities in cereals and at another location throughout the whole year in different habitats. Frequency of different food types was recorded using gut dissection. Food remains were classified into aphids, other arthropods, fungal spores, pollen, soil particles. Soil particles were relatively frequent only in early spring and pollen in late summer, whereas fungal spores were most frequent in both these periods. During ladybird reproduction in winter wheat, aphid remains were present in 76.9–91.7% of all individuals and surprisingly spores were again more frequent than remains of other arthropods. Cannibalism was rare. Food ofC. septempunctata was very uniform, because nearly always the same spores (Alternaria sp.) and other arthropods (Thysanoptera) were found. Additionally a semiquantitative analysis was performed with a simple scale of gut fullness. Only in certain cases significant positive correlation were determined between aphid density in the field and the calculated “feeding state” as well as frequency of aphid remains.  相似文献   

A. Honěk 《BioControl》1997,42(1-2):119-124
In 1993–1995, adultCoccinella septempunctata L. were sampled at several hibernation sites in the western Czech Republic. The beetles were sexed, assorted into three body size classes and exposed in artificial hibernacula to outdoor conditions, from November to April. Average survival rate was 48.4%. Winter survival was not significantly affected by year, gender or body size. However, there were significant differences between adults from different populations (hibernation sites).  相似文献   

S. Kawauchi 《BioControl》1997,42(1-2):41-47
There are seven species of coccinellids known predators of aphids infesting on field crops in Japan. In Fukuoka Prefecture, three of them,Coccinella septempunctata brucki, Propylea japonica andScymnus hoffmanni are known to occur, appearing from spring to autumn. Present study was carried out in the field to clarify the life histories of tree species of aphidophagous coccinellids.  相似文献   

Development times at constant temperatures were determined for the egg, larval and pupal stages ofCoccinella 7-punctata L., recently introduced to U.S.A. Males and females developed at the same rate. The egg stage lasted from 2.3 to 13.0 days at 30° and 15°C, respectively. Larvae feeding onAcyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), pea aphids, required from 6.2 to 31.1 days at 32.5°, and 17.0°C, respectively. These development rates are similar to those reported in the European literature.
Résumé Les durées de développement à températures constantes ont été déterminées pour l'œuf, les stades larvaires et l'imago deCoccinella 7-punctate récemment introduit aux états-Unis. Les males et les femelles se développent au même rythme. Le stade œuf dure de 2,3 à, 13,0 j à 30° et 15°C, respectivement. L'alimentation des larves avec le puceron du poisAcyrtosiphon pisum (Harris) dure 6,2 et 31,1 j à 32,5 et 17,0°C, respectivement. Le stade nymphal est observé pendant 2,8 et 13,0 j à ces mêmes températures. Ces vitesses de développement sont les mêmes que celles données dans la littérature européenne.

Hippodamia (Semiadalia) undecimnotata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), collected from central Greece and reared in cages during 1993–1994 and in vials during 1994–1995 outdoors at Kifissia, Athens, completed 5 generations per year. In both cases, adults of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations reproduced, completing their egg laying in the same year; 4th and 5th generation adults reproduced both in the year they emerged and the following year. In both cases, adults of the 1st and 2nd generations died before winter; in 1993, adults of the 3rd generation died before winter, in 1994, they survived until April 1995. Adults of the 4th and 5th generations overwintered successfully. The greatest numbers of eggs were laid by females of the 1st and 2nd generations. Field observations and timed counts of specimens (30 minutes per location) made on the tops of Mounts Chlomo and Kitheron and on the neighboring plain of Kopais between 1991 and 1994 revealed that most adults arrived on the mountains between late June and early September and left between the end of March and beginning of May.H. undecimnotata were not found on the plain of Kopais during the winter. Overwintered adults arrived between the end of March and beginning of May; 1st generation adults emerged in June. The presence of a few eggs, larvae, pupae and newly-emerged adults observed on the plain during August-September 1993 suggests that at least a portion of theH. undecimnotata population in central Greece completes 2 or more overlapping generations per year.  相似文献   

Temperature-dependent development ofCoccinella trifasciata LeConte from Corvallis, Oregon, was assessed for the general population and compared among a subset of isofemale lines. All eggs died at 10 and 34°C. Survival ranged between 63.3–96.7% from 18–34°C. Development from oviposition to adult ranged from 44.2 days at 18°C to 11.1 days at 34°C. Mean adult weight did not differ among temperatures, and was 15.2 mg overall. For the species, heat-unit requirements for development from egg to adult were 227 degree-days above a developmental threshold of 12.7°C. Values for the developmental threshold differed among isofemale lines, and ranged from 11.4–14.5°C with heat-unit requirements ranging from 186–260 degree-days above their respective threshold. The isofemale line producing the fastest rate of immature development at 18°C was characterized by a heat-unit requirement of 260 degree-days above a developmental threshold of 11.4°C. The isofemale line producing the slowest rate of immature development at 18°C was characterized by a heat-unit requirement of 186 degree-days above a developmental threshold of 14.5°C. Implications of using isofemale lines in culturing biological control agents are discussed.
Résumé L'effet de la température sur le développement deCoccinella trifasciata (provenant de Corvallis, Oregon) a été étudié pour la population générale et comparé entre lignées isofemelles. Aucum œuf ne survit à 10 et 34°C. Le taux de survie est compris entre 63,3% et 96,7% pour des températures situées entre 18 et 34°C. La durée du développement, de la ponte à l'état adulte, dure de 44,2 jours à 18°C à 11,1 jours pour une température de 34°C. Le poids moyen de l'adulte ne change pas en fonction de la température et il est de 15,2 mg. Pour l'espèce, les besoins pour le développement complet de l'œuf à l'adulte, sont de 227 degrés-jour au-dessus du seuil de développement de 12,7°C. Les valeurs de ce seuil diffèrent entre les lignées isofemelles et sont comprises entre 11,4 et 14,5°C pour des durées se situant entre 186 et 260 degrés-jour au-dessus des seuils respectifs. La lignée isofemelle ayant la vitesse de développement larvaire la plus rapide à 18°C est caractérisée par un besoin de 260 degrés-jour au-dessus du seuil de 11,4°C. Celle ayant la vitesse de développement la plus lente à 18°C est caractérisée par un besoin de 186 degrés-jour au-dessus du seuil de 14,5°C. L'intérêt de l'utilisation de lignées isofemelles dans l'élevage d'agents de lutte biologique est discuté.

Zusammenfassung Coccinella septempunctata hat in Norwegen eine Generation pro Jahr. Die überwinterten Imagines haben in den ersten Wochen einen hohen Nahrungsbedarf (fig. 1). Das Ablegen der Eier erstreckt sich über mehrere Monate und man kann Larven fast über den ganzen Sommer finden. Die neu geschlüpften K?fer ben?tigen Nahrung, jedoch nimmt der Nahrungsbedarf nach den ersten Wochen ab. Der gesamte Nahrungsbedarf einer Population steigt w?hrend der gesamten Saison an. Die K?fer k?nnen mit künstlichen Nahrungsstoffen gefüttert werden; sie leben mehrere Monate, doch legen sie dann keine Eier ab. Gibt man ihnen jedoch in einem solchen zustand Blattl?use zu fressen, so beginnt die Eiproduktion nach etwa einer Wochen wieder. Weibchen, welche im Felde überwinterten, übertrafen die Laboratoriumstiere sowohl bezüglich der Eizahl als auch der Schlüpfprozente. Es wird die Schlussfolgerung gezogen, dassC. septempunctata geeignet ist, die Fluktuation der Blattlauspopulationen im Felde zu regulieren. Das Ausschlüpfen der K?fer sollte, damit die Blattlauspopulation klein gehalten werden kann, am besten zu einem frühen Zeitpunkt der Saison geschehen.   相似文献   

J. L. Hemptinne 《BioControl》1988,33(4):505-515
During 3 successive winters, we studied the dormancy sites ofPropylea quatuordecimpunctata (L.) andCoccinella septempunctata L., 2 species of ladybirds which hibernate in leaf litter. Samples of litter were taken from several kinds of forest to study the influence of 3 variables (exposure; altitude; sampling place: edge or inner wood) on the abundance of ladybirds. We found the ecological requirements of the 2 species of coccinellids to be quite different:C. septempunctata prefers forest edges orientated towards the South and the West.P. quatuordecimpunctata prefers the inner wood and does not show a preference for station exposure. For each species, the number of ladybirds collected in the samples is positively correlated with station altitude. In addition, some observations were carried out to examine the main mortality factors just before and during dormancy. In maize fields near dormancy sites, the harvest is very harmful forC. septempunctata. During the winter,P. quatuordecimpunctata andC. septempunctata suffer fromBeauveria ssp. and some ladybirds have parasitoïds.  相似文献   

Excess food, long photoperiod, and high temperature prevents diapause in Coccinella septempunctata L. after the beetles had been reared through several generations under these conditions. These is an interaction between photoperiod and temperature in induction of diapause, photoperiod being the more important factor. A long photoperiod inhibits diapause even at a low temperature. The proportion of diapausing females in later generations varies inversely with the temperature if the photoperiod is short. Which factor induces diapause in adults of the first generation is not yet known.The physiological condition of beetles artificially induced to enter diapause is apparently similar to that of beetles in diapause in the field.
Zusammenfassung Die Aufzucht des Marienkäfers Coccinella septempunctata L. unter optimalen Laborbedingungen (Langtag, erhöhte Temperatur, Futterüberfluss) bewirkte eine stufenweise Unterdrückung der Diapause. Demzufolge konnten dann diapausefreie Generationen in lückenloser Folge herangezogen werden. Wenn es aber zu irgendeiner Abweichung von den optimalen Bedingungen kommt (z.B. vom Futterüberfluss), entwickelt sich auch in den nachfolgenden Generationen ein gewisser Anteil inaktiver Käfer.Nach einer mehr als einjährigen Zucht (etwa in der elften oder zwölften Generation) wurde eine erhöhte Mortalität beobachtet. Die Zuchten würden deshalb in jedem Frühjahr durch im Freien gesammelten Imagines erneuert.Versuche mit künstlich aufgezogenen Marienkäfern der späteren Generationen zeigten, dass bei der Diapause-Auslösung die Tageslänge eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Diesem Befund zufolge verhindern Langtagbedingungen die Auslösung der Diapause sogar bei relativ niedrigen Temperaturen. Durch Kurztagbedingungen wird die Diapause ausgelöst, aber der Anteil der diapausierenden Weibchen steht in direkter Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur, indem dieser bei niedriger Temperatur erhöht, bei höherer Temperatur herabgesetzt ist.Auf Grund vergleichender Sektionen und insbesondere biochemischer Analysen kann man vermuten, dass die physiologischen Verhältnisse bei den künstlich diapausierenden Marienkäfern denen der natürlich überwinternden ähneln.Es fällt auf, dass im Freien bei dem überwiegenden Teile der ersten Generation die Diapause unter allen Bedingungen ausgelöst wird, die sich experimentell als optimal diapausehemmend erwiesen haben. Analoge Resultate haben wir auch in unseren Labor-Versuchen bei den ersten Generationen erhalten. Es ist bisher nicht klar, ob dieser Unterschied durch variable Sensibilität zu den Aussenbedingungen oder eher durch innere genetische Unterschiedlichkeit verursacht ist. Bei der letztgenannten Möglichkeit könnte eine Erklärung darin gesucht werden, dass man für die zentraleuropäischen Populationen von Coccinella septempunctata L. eine heterogene Zusammensetzung annimmt, die zum überwiegenden Teil von Monovoltinen und nur zu einem kleineren von Polyvoltinen gebildet wird.Es zeigt sich, dass man durch präzise experimentelle Zuchten monovoltiner Insekten des gemässigten Klimas unter eindeutig optimalen Bedingungen latente Voltinismus-Tendenzen — wie z.B. potentiellen Polyvoltinismus, obligatorischen Monovoltinismus (verschiedenartig fixiert), bzw. ein Gemisch beider Typen —, welche in der Natur durch die Uniformität des Monovoltinismus verdeckt sind, aufklären könnte.

I. Hodek  Z. Ruzicka 《BioControl》1977,22(2):169-174
To check the sensitivity to photoperiod inSemiadalia undecimnotata Schneider the beetles were transferred to laboratory short day (12 L: 12 D) and long day (18 L : 6 D) both during diapause (mid-November) and after diapause (in mid-May, when most females were still in their hibernation quarters and when the outdoor photoperiod was 16 hr 40 min.). After diapause, most parameters of reproductive activity (fecundity, oviposition intensity, duration of pre- and post-oviposition periods) were identical at both photoperiods, indicating thus insensitivity to photoperiod. Only the incidence and duration of ovipositional arrests were higher under short-day conditions. In the middle of diapause the sensitivity to photoperiod was still high, so that reproduction was inhibited under short day and 20°–24°C.
Résumé Au cours de ce travail on a cherché à établir la sensibilité à la photopériode chezSemiadalia undecimnotata Schneider. Les insectes furent récoltés sur les lieux d'estivo-hibernation pendant (minovembre) et après la diapause (mi-mai) et placés au laboratoire sous une photopériode courte (12 J: 12 N) ou longue (18 J : 6 N). Après la diapause, la plupart des caractères de l'activité reproductrice (fécondité, intensité de l'oviposition, durée des périodes des pré-et post-oviposition) sont identiques sous les 2 photopériodes et montrent une insensibilité des insectes à la photopériode. Seulement les arrêts de l'oviposition sont sensiblement plus fréquents et plus allongés sous la photopériode courte. Au milieu de la diapause, la sensibilité à la photopériode est encore assez élevée et empêche la ponte sous une photopériode courte et à 20°–24°C.

Abstract: Three questions regarding possible benefits of mixed diets for the specialist aphid predator, Coccinella septempunctata larvae were investigated. (1) Do aphids species from different host plants complement each other nutritionally? (2) Is a mixed diet of high‐quality aphids beneficial? (3) How does the quality of mixed diets depend on the quality of constituent species? All mix‐combinations of aphid species of high (Metopolophium dirhodum), intermediate (Myzus persicae), and poor food quality (Aphis sambuci), and the three single‐species diets were compared. A mixed diet of two high‐quality species (Sitobion avenae and M. dirhodum) was also compared with single‐species diets. Larvae that were given pure A. sambuci and a mixed diet of A. sambuci + M. persicae died within 18 days and none of the larvae developed to fourth instar. Metopolophium dirhodum was generally of higher quality as food than M. persicae, whereas the mixed diet of M. dirhodum + M. persicae was intermediate. Sitobion avenae and M. dirhodum were found to have approximately the same food value. Coccinella septempunctatam larvae that were offered a mixed diet of these two high‐quality aphids gained no extra advantage. Overall, no benefit from mixing of aphid species was found. The quality of mixed diets depended on the quality of the constituent species.  相似文献   

A. Honěk 《BioControl》1978,23(3):213-216
In 1977 the vernal maturation ofCoccinella septempunctata L. females was investigated in relation to the variation in aphid population density on alfalfa and cereals in central Bohemia. The ovarioles do not ripen unless the aphid population density reaches a certain threshold. This leads to considerable variability in the time of vernal reproductive activity (up to 1.5 months in the same geographic locality) among subpopulations living on crops with different aphid densities. This mechanism enables the reproduction of the aphidophagous insect to synchronize with the population development of the aphid.  相似文献   

I. Hodek  T. Okuda 《BioControl》1997,42(1-2):139-144
In similar climatic conditions of central/northern Europe and Hokkaido, Japan, both subspecies ofCoccinella septempunctata L. have similar life-cycles: long-day photoperiodic response ensures the induction of winter diapause. In the mild climate of Honshu, Japan,C. s. brucki Mulsant shows a different life cycle: short-day photoperiodic response leads to the induction of summer diapause while overwintering is quiescence. All populations show an important variation in photoperiodic response.  相似文献   

After a 24 h period of starvation the Coccinella septempunctata grub satiated in 85 min after eating 31.57 ± 7.12 prey (aphids). After 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 h of prey deprivation, the grub consumed 14.31 ± 5.67, 22.05 ± 5.39, 27.10 ± 6.49, 31.57 + 7.12, 33.76 + 6.52, and 36.98 ± 8.56 prey, respectively. The voluntary intake (appetite) shows a sigmoid relationship with the time since the last meal, with an upper limit of 44.30 prey irrespective of the prey deprivation period. As maximum appetite was attained after 24–36 h of deprivation, it is recommended that C. septempunctata grubs should be starved for 24 h prior to release in the biological control programme of Lipaphis erysimi.  相似文献   

Parasitism ofCoccinella septempunctata L. byPerilitus coccinellae (Schrank) varies seasonally with an 11% overall rate among beetles overwintering in the Hackensack Meadowlands, which is less than that reported in Europe.P. coccinellae may parasitizeC. 7-punctata twice yearly. FemaleC. 7-punctata were parasitized more heavily than males. Although parasitism byP. coccinellae varied significantly among host species, it was not significantly different among 3 habitats. High host density favored greater parasitism in 3 coccinellid species. Rearing for parasite cocoons, consistently showed lower parasitism rates than did dissection for parasitized larvae. Overwintering survival of cagedC. 7-punctata near Stillwater, OK, varied between years averaging 53,5%. Infection of overwinteringC. 7-punctata byBeauveria bassiana (Balsamo) was 1,6% in 1978–1979.  相似文献   

A new method for the quantification of insect movements on leaves is presented and applied to larvae of a wheat aphid predator, C. septempunctata. The method results from behavioral definition of positions adopted by this predator during its advance along the wheat leaf. Through a factor analysis of multiple correspondences, the method allowed specification of some aspects of predator movements on plants, especially the frequency of position associations, to give a new definition of local search and to describe some behavioral interactions with aphids. The consequences for predator efficiency are discussed.  相似文献   

A. Honěk 《BioControl》1980,25(4):427-430
In 1978 and 1979 in Central Bohemia the census of aphid populations on bean, sugar beet, cereals, maize, and alfalfa were taken at the time when overwinteredCoccinella septempunctata L. (1) settled and (2) the ovarioles of females ripened. Settling occurred immediately after aphid immigration. Minimum aphid density required for settling was estimated to about 10 aphids per 1 m2 of field area. The aphid density at the time of ovariole ripening equaled 1 aphid per 200–400 cm2 of leaf area.  相似文献   

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