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Suehs CM  Affre L  Médail F 《Heredity》2004,92(6):550-556
This study compares sexually and asexually produced fruit set, seed production, biomass, germination, and seedling size in Carpobrotus acinaciformis and C. edulis following controlled pollination experiments in order to evaluate the potential role of reproductive traits with respect to the invasive potential of these taxa. C. edulis is slightly agamospermic, completely self-fertile, slightly preferentially self-compatible, experiences no inbreeding depression, and has low hybrid vigour. In contrast, C. acinaciformis does not have reliable agamospermy, is only slightly self-fertile and self-compatible, experiences a slight inbreeding depression, and has a strong hybrid vigour. Both taxa have relatively low, although significantly different germination frequencies, and insignificantly different seedling sizes. Owing to the high performance in hybridisation as compared to all other controlled pollinations in C. acinaciformis, as well as a large amount of previously demonstrated introgression, we refer to the population studied on the island of Bagaud (France) as C. affine acinaciformis. We conclude that both C. edulis and C. affine acinaciformis should be considered as harmful invasive plants in the Mediterranean Basin, the former because of the flexibility of its mating system and high seed production, and the latter because of its strong clonality, high hybrid vigour, and potential for continued introgression from C. edulis genes. These differences require different control strategies, while the avoidance of sympatry is a distinct priority.  相似文献   

Individuals of the invasive non-native plant species Carpobrotus edulis, its native or naturalized congener C. chilensis, and putative hybrids are found throughout coastal California. This study characterized morphological variation within the genus and assessed the extent of hybridization and direction of introgression between C. edulis and C. chilensis. Twelve randomly selected Carpobrotus individuals from each of 49 sample locations were classified as "C. edulis," "C. chilensis," or one of three intermediate morphotype classes, and compared for clonal, vegetative, and fruit characters. Univariate comparisons showed that C. edulis individuals had deeper mats with more cover within the mat boundary, longer, wider, more serrate leaves, and wider fruits with more carpels than intermediate and C. chilensis morphotype classes. Carpobrotus edulis and intermediates had more lateral branches than did C. chilensis, suggesting that hybrids tend to vary toward C. edulis. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) identified the following characters as discriminating significantly among Carpobrotus groups: leaf length, leaf width, leaf length/width, number of lateral branches, number of carpels, and fruit diameter. Using these characters, DFA correctly classified 98% of apparently pure C. edulis and C. chilensis, but only 76% of all Carpobrotus individuals when putative hybrids were included. Principal components analysis showed that C. edulis and C. chilensis cluster into distinct morphotypes, but that hybrids overlap with both groups, particularly with C. edulis. The genus Carpobrotus in California resembles a large hybrid swarm, with putative hybrids forming a large portion of the overall population and tending to vary toward C. edulis.  相似文献   

Morphological evidence has indicated that hybridization and introgression are occurring between Carpobrotus edulis L., a nonindigenous, invasive species in California (Bolus), and its putative native congener, C. chilensis. The identification of allozyme markers has enabled us to quantify hybridization and the extent of introgression between these species. Samples from 20 individuals of each of five morphological types (both parent species and three hybrid phenotypes) were collected from 39 populations along the coast of California from the Mexico to Oregon borders. Ten enzyme systems revealed a total of 17 resolvable loci, eight of which were polymorphic for the genus. Five of the polymorphic loci easily differentiate C. edulis and C. chilensis. Allele frequencies among the morphologically defined types are consistent with estimations of allele frequency changes due to first- and second-generation backcrossing. In comparison to long-lived, herbaceous perennials and widespread species, C. edulis and intermediate types have more variation in their populations (P = 41.73, Ap = 2.11, Ho = 0.246, and P = 38.13, Ap = 2.06, Ho = 0.216, respectively) than C. chilensis (P = 11.76, Ap = 2.00, Ho = 0.082). Indirect estimates of gene flow indicate four of the five morphological types are outcrossing. Gene flow between previously allopatric species may have broad implications if it results in an increase in fitness; further experimentation is needed to determine the ultimate ecological consequences of this phenomenon and its possible threat to limited, remaining natural habitat in California.  相似文献   

Although biological invasions are currently recognized as being especially severe on islands, little attention has been given to detecting parameters influencing this pattern. This study tested the common perceptions that uniparental reproductive modes are associated with invasive and/or island plant populations due to a lack of pollinator vectors and/or small initial population sizes, and that pollinator services and biparental seed production modes will subsequently be associated with adjacent mainland sites. Using controlled pollination and germination experiments on invasive Carpobrotus edulis and C.  aff. acinaciformis populations in both island and mainland habitats in south-east France, we found no evidence to support these hypotheses. All significant mean differences found between locations for reproductive indices describing uniparental reproductive modes were significantly smaller in island populations. In contrast, seedling sizes issuing from manual outcrossing and manual hybridization experiments, regardless of taxon, as well as C.  aff.  acinaciformis hybridization indices, were larger in island populations. The presence of significant, though limited, pollinator service was detected for all populations, and stressed the importance of such mutualisms. We suggest that invasive plant reproductive traits could be highly contextual, and that islands may have a potential role in the acceleration of the invasion process through the production of highly variable populations.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 65–79.  相似文献   

This paper examines the phylogeny of Erodium subsect. Petraea, a group of six morphologically and genetically very similar species from the mountains of the western Mediterranean. Combined trnL-F-ITS analysis was unable to determine the phylogenetic relationships of these species owing to sequence similarity. AFLP fragment analysis showed different populations to cluster in six closely related phylogroups that partially coincided with morphological species. In the Iberian Peninsula, high temperatures during interstadial periods probably impeded the survival of these species at low altitudes, and their populations may have been forced to migrate northward within Iberia or remain isolated on high mountains. AFLP variation suggests that this might have led to their differentiation into groups and speciation during interglacials, but it probably also provided the basis for recurrent recolonisations and the mixing of neighbouring populations at the last glacial maxima. The genetic diversity of the two Erodium lineages suggests two migration episodes took place from southern Iberia towards the north, with one lineage migrating via western Iberia and the other via eastern Iberia. The patterns of genetic diversity observed in populations of 56 European species (27 genera) leads to the hypothesis that disparate proportions of unique polymorphic fragments are the result of the evolutionary histories of their mountain populations irrespective of the currently recognised species.  相似文献   

S. Saïd 《Plant Ecology》2002,162(1):67-76
The landscapes of the French island of Corsica are the result of thegrazing tradition which has always occupied a pivotal position in the island'seconomy. Furthermore, in the last fifty years, a reduction in the pressure fromhuman activity has lead to changes in plant cover. This article intends tostudythe evolution of dynamic mechanisms during the secondary successions and theeffect of changes in vegetation on plant diversity. Our study was based on asimultaneous study of 375 plots carried out between May and September from 1996to 1998. We studied the floristic composition of each stage both qualitatively(life form, adaptive strategy and seed dispersal mode) and quantitatively(species richness, equitability, Shannon index). The results show a change inspecies and environmental conditions, with a progressive move from heliophilicgrassland and low shrub species with an S or SR strategy, anemochoric and withahigh tolerance for soil quality to a final stage of dense forest composed ofcompetitive (C or CS) zoochoric or barochoric phanerophytes. Moreover, theturning point in Corsica in terms of floristic diversity lies between 20 and 55years after land abandonment. Successions are due to a series of rapidinteractions. Thus, when a site is given reserve or protected area status, weneed to take into account the fact that it will evolve according to thebiological traits of the species. From a research point of view, we need tolookat process diversity and the role of each of the species present during thesuccessions.  相似文献   

Germination, growth, and physiological responses of hybridizing Carpobrotus from coastal California to soil salinity were studied. Hybrids are presumably the result of hybridization and introgression between the exotic Carpobrotus edulis, a succulent perennial invading coastal habitats, and the native or long-naturalized C. chilensis. Germination responses were investigated at 0, 10, 20, and 50% seawater. Seedling growth and physiology were compared by irrigating seedlings with solutions of the same seawater concentrations and in low and high nutrients. Germination was inhibited in the presence of salt, but recovered after transferring the seeds to fresh water. Seeds exposed to salt had higher final germination rates than control. Growth of Carpobrotus was slightly enhanced by low seawater concentrations but reduced at high salinity at both nutrient regimes. Leaf cell sap osmolarity increased with increasing soil salinity, and taxa did not differ significantly in this physiological adjustment. Leaf carbon isotope ratios (∂13C) ranged from −28 to −22‰ and became less negative at higher salinities, indicating an improved water use efficiency in the seedlings at high salt concentrations. In addition, ∂13C values were generally less negative at high than at low nutrients. Differences among taxa were generally small. The results show that salinity affects both establishment and growth of hybridizing Carpobrotus. The overall weak species differences in salt tolerance indicate that the exotic C. edulis can occupy the same sites as C. chilensis in terms of salinity. The similarity of hybrids in their response to salinity suggests that they may contribute to the invasion by Carpobrotus.  相似文献   

Native vegetation is frequently replaced by alien plants on isolated oceanic islands. The effects of such replacements by invasive plants on the diversity and temporal dynamics of island-endemic insects remain unclear. We examined flying insect communities using Malaise traps on the small island of Nishi-jima in the oceanic Ogasawara Archipelago in the northwestern Pacific. On the island, an alien tree, Casuarina equisetifolia, has become dominant, occupying 57.3?% of the vegetation area. The species richness, composition, and abundance of pollinators (bees), predators (wasps), and wood-boring beetles (cerambycids, mordellids, and elaterids) were compared in each summer season of 4?years among three vegetation types: C. equisetifolia forest, natural forest, and grassland. In the traps, 82.3?% of species captured were endemic to the archipelago. The grassland harbored the highest species richness of native bees and wasps, whereas the natural forest had the highest species richness of native wood-boring beetles. The C. equisetifolia forest had the poorest species richness for most insect groups. Principal response curves indicated that differences in species composition among the three vegetation types were consistent through time for all insect groups. Most insect species were more abundant in natural forest or grassland than in C. equisetifolia forest. Standard deviations in both the numbers of individuals and species estimated under a Bayesian framework suggested that annual fluctuations of abundance and species density were similar among vegetation types (except for elaterid abundance). Therefore, replacement by C. equisetifolia has likely altered insect species composition but has not necessarily dramatically affected the temporal dynamics of insect assemblages on the island.  相似文献   

Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) R. King & H. Robinson (=Eupatorium adenophorum Sprengel) is one of the worst invasive alien species in China. Since A. adenophora was first noticed in Yunnan Province of China in the 1940s, its rapid spread has caused an ecological problem in south‐western China. Understanding its historical invasion pattern and its potential for further spread is needed to plan the management of the species. We reconstructed the historical process of its invasion and analysed its ecological preferences in the invaded region. After a lag phase of 20 years (1940–60), A. adenophora spread rapidly throughout the south and middle subtropical zones in Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Guangxi, China, with an average expansion rate of 20 km per year. It spread relatively slowly in north subtropical areas, with an average expansion rate of 6.8 km per year. It has not established in warm temperate areas within the invaded regions. Although range expansion in Yunnan stopped after 1990, the expansion of its range into neighbouring provinces indicates that A. adenophora has not reached the full potential of its distribution and its range is still rapidly expanding within China. We applied ecological niche modelling (GARP — Genetic Algorithm for Rule‐set Prediction) to predict potential invasion areas in mainland China on the basis of occurrence points within colonized areas where A. adenophora has reached equilibrium. The predictions, confirmed by the range of values of four key environmental parameters, generally match the parameters of the geography and ecology in the invaded region. Southern and south‐central China have climatic conditions suggestive of a high potential for invasion by A. adenophora. Climatic conditions in northern and western China appear unsuitable for A. adenophora. Urgent measures should be taken to prevent this species from further spreading into the vast areas of potential habitat in southern and south‐central China.  相似文献   

Since the first discovery along the Italian coasts in 2004 of the polychaete Branchiomma bairdi, it has spread very quickly, reaching some localities in very high densities. In order to monitor its colonization, recruitment was investigated by means of PVC panels immersed in the Mar Grande of Taranto (Ionian Sea). Panels were monitored every three months from April 2013 to January 2015. The species showed the ability to settle on bare panels as well as on panels with a developed fouling community. Two years of monitoring identified two different cohorts, with recruits appearing in both years on panels submersed from July to October. Based on these observations B. bairdi is a short-lived species (no more than one year), reproducing at a temperature ranging from 20 to 29°C and reaching sexual maturity three months after recruitment. Oocytes were found in the coelom only in the warmest months and oogenesis was not synchronous either within each individual or within the population. Total annual secondary production was estimated at 43.42?g?m?2?year?1. Annual mean biomass was 20.03?g?m?2. The corresponding P/B ratio was 2.1678. This study may explain the invasiveness of B. bairdi; indeed, a rapid generation turnover coupled with a short lifespan, rapid growth and early maturity are common traits in most invasive species.  相似文献   

Cyclamen balearicum is a self-compatible perennial herb endemic to the western Mediterranean Basin. This species occurs in five geographically isolated terrestrial islands in southern France and on four Balearic islands. In this study, we compare genetic variability and differentiation within and among 11 terrestrial island populations and 17 true island populations. Of nine readable enzyme loci, five were polymorphic in both terrestrial and true islands. F statistics showed a significant heterozygote deficiency in all populations, probably due to high levels of autonomous selfing, restricted gene flow, and subsequent genetic drift. Genetic diversity was higher in terrestrial islands than on the Balearic islands, suggesting that the Balearic islands were colonized when they were in contact with the continent. Population differentiation was greater among terrestrial islands (Fst = 0.417 and Gst = 0.344) than among true islands (Fst = 0.112 and Gst = 0.093). Furthermore, differentiation among populations on the Basses Cévennes terrestrial island was greater (Fst = 0.254) than among populations on the true island of Mallorca (Fst = 0.163). The greater genetic differentiation among terrestrial islands could have been caused by genetic bottlenecks associated with changes in climate and human land use that may have reduced population sizes more severely in terrestrial islands in southern France than on the Balearic islands.  相似文献   

Patterns of variation in chromosomes, mitochondrial DNA and allozymes were assessed for two parthenogenetic (Lepidodactylus lugubris and Hemidactylus garnotii) and one sexual (H. frenatus) species of house gecko that have colonized remote Pacific Ocean islands. The aims were to test the assumed recency of colonization and to provide information on the amount and distribution of genetic variation. Lepidodactylus lugubris was found to have diploid and triploid clones, high heterozygosity and moderate diversity for allozymes, and only two common types of mtDNA. The common clones distinguished by genetic analysis were geographically widespread. Together the genetic data suggest multiple origins of L. lugubris , with multiple recent invasions of the Pacific Ocean islands. Hemidactylus garnotii had low genetic diversity for chromosomes, mtDNA and allozymes. In contrast, its sexual congener, H. frenalus , had unusually high levels of mtDNA diversity, with some widespread variants. The low level of mtDNA diversity in the parthogenetic species provides strong support for the assumption that these are recent colonists of Pacific Islands.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity and differentiation of four landraces of Fritillaria thunbergii Miq. and two congeners Fritillaria cirrhosa D. Don and Fritillaria anhuiensis S. C. Chen et S. F. Yin were evaluated using ISSR markers. The results showed that the genetic diversity of F. thunbergii was high at the specie level but relatively lower at the landrace level. A high level of genetic differentiation among four F. thunbergii landraces was detected based on the gene differentiation coefficient and the AMOVA, in line with the low inter-landrace gene flow. MS-tree analysis showed that the four F. thunbergii landraces were clustered on adjacent positions of the tree, and that Kuanye (Ft-KY) landrace was relatively distantly related to other landraces. In line with the MS-tree analysis, PCoA revealed that the three species of Fritillaria can be divided into two groups and three subgroups, among which there occurred a remarkable genetic differentiation.  相似文献   

This is the first comprehensive study to evaluate the relationships between the western palearctic harvestman families Dicranolasmatidae, Trogulidae and Nemastomatidae with focus on the phylogeny and systematics of Trogulidae, using combined sequence data of the nuclear 28S rRNA and the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Bayesian analysis and Maximum parsimony do not reliably resolve Dicranolasma as distinct family but place it on a similar phylogenetic level as several lineages of Trogulidae. Nemastomatidae and Trogulidae turned out to be monophyletic, as did genera Anelasmocephalus and Trogulus within the Trogulidae. The genera Calathocratus, Platybessobius and Trogulocratus each appeared para or polyphyletic, respectively and are synonymized with Calathocratus. The monotypic genus Kofiniotis is well supported. We show molecular data to be in general concordance with taxa characterized by morphology. Molecular data are especially useful to calibrate morphological characters for systematic purposes within homogeneous taxa. In the majority of closely related valid species we show the lowest level of genetic distance to be not lower than 5%. By this threshold in terms of traditionally accepted species the estimated number of species turns out to be 1.5–2.4 times higher than previously believed. With respect to European fauna cryptic diversity in Trogulidae is obviously extraordinarily high and hitherto largely underestimated.  相似文献   


Islands crucially contribute to the Mediterranean Basin’s high floristic diversity, which, however, is at risk facing climate and land-use changes. Besides the identification of highly diverse areas, the knowledge about factors favouring diversity is of great importance. We analysed plant species diversity and composition related to environmental factors over varied vegetation units on a former Italian prison island in the northwest of Sardinia. Due to a long history of land use with grazing and later abandonment the nowadays protected island features a semi-natural landscape and can serve as an example for strongly anthropogenic altered insular ecosystems. Floristic composition, soil properties, microclimate and ungulate abundance were assessed. Relationships of vegetation composition and diversity with abiotic variables were examined by Canonical Correspondence Analysis, which indicated the importance of air temperature, soil moisture, slope gradient and C/N ratio for floristic differentiation. Most important abiotic factors for plant species richness were relative air humidity and soil moisture, while floristic diversity was mainly determined by air temperature and pH. Furthermore, observation data pointed to an adverse influence of ungulate abundance for plant species diversity. Regarding nature conservation, grazing intensity thus must be critically taken into account, especially for sensitive vegetation units like the coastal garrigue.  相似文献   

Broadhurst L  Coates D 《Heredity》2002,88(4):250-257
The Acacia acuminata complex is a group of woody shrubs and small trees comprised of three formally described taxa (A. oldfieldii, A. acuminata ssp. acuminata and ssp. burkittii) and two informal taxa ("small seed" and "narrow phyllode") with contrasting geographical distributions within the south-west of Western Australia. In addition, a series of variant populations of possible hybrid origin exist. Population genetic structure was investigated in 25 populations representing the taxa and variants using 16 polymorphic allozyme loci. All taxa and variants exhibited relatively high levels of genetic variation compared with other woody angiosperms with similar geographic distributions. Levels of genetic diversity in the widely distributed ssp. burkittii and "narrow phyllode" taxon were considerably higher (H(e), 0.311 and 0.319, respectively) than expected for widespread woody shrubs. In contrast, the rare and highly restricted A. oldfieldii exhibited significantly lower levels of genetic diversity (H(e), 0.173) compared with the other taxa in the complex, but higher than other rare woody shrubs. Although morphologically close, associations based on genetic distance showed A. oldfieldii was highly divergent from the other taxa (D = 0.85) while including variant populations confused systematic alliances. The unusual placement of some of these populations and high degree of population differentiation (G(ST), 12.7%) supports the suggestion that these may represent a series of hybridisation events between the various taxa.  相似文献   

Several Abies species are currently present in the Mediterranean region and most of them are endemic taxa and tertiary relicts. Using six nuclear microsatellites, we studied the genetic structure and inter-specific relationships among West Mediterranean firs, A. pinsapo (Spain), A. maroccana and A. tazaotana (Morocco). Based on the hypothesis that A. pinsapo could historically exchange genes with A. alba growing in the Pyrenees via secondary contact, we investigated the level of genetic admixture between these species using a Bayesian approach. The studied populations showed moderate genetic diversity (mean HE = 0.598) and a high level of genetic differentiation (FST = 0.225) that was especially pronounced between A. alba and the African firs. All populations experienced a strong bottleneck effect that was likely induced by climatic changes occurring in the West Mediterranean during the last glacial cycle and the Holocene. According to Bayesian clustering, both African taxa grouped together in a single cluster, the two A. pinsapo populations formed a second cluster, and two additional clusters were detected within A. alba. Our results indicate that A. tazaotana is genetically very close to A. maroccana, and hence these two taxa should probably not be considered as separate species. We found no genetic admixture between A. pinsapo and A. alba and only minor between A. pinsapo and the African fir populations suggesting an isolation effect of the Gibraltar Strait. Current limited distributions of firs in the Mediterranean region together with changing climate may lead to further deterioration of the genetic diversity levels. Hence, future efforts should focus on monitoring the demography and genetic threats to existing populations.  相似文献   

Tropical plant species have been the focus of considerable attention in regard to their potential economic and social importance in the face of rapidly diminishing biodiversity in the tropics. Pacific Island species represent an even more fragile resource because different island populations are widely scattered and overall population sizes are small. We examined the distribution of genetic variation in Campnosperma brevipetiolata (Anacardiaceae), an upland rainforest tree species that is of potential use for both lumber and reforestation efforts in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). Seeds were collected from multiple populations on four island groups in the Caroline Islands (Kosrae, Pohnpei, and Yap in the FSM; and the Republic of Palau) and subjected to an electrophoretic analysis involving four polymorphic genetic loci. We hypothesized that variation on these islands would decrease with increasing distance from the presumed Indo-Malayan source of these island floras. Indeed, we found a trend of decreasing variation from west to east indicated by the mean number of alleles per locus (A = 1.50-1.33), effective number of alleles per locus (Ae = 1.14-1.12) and mean genetic diversity (He = 0.123-0.107). We also found little genetic differentiation among the islands (Fpt = 0.174) and among subpopulations within islands (Fsp = 0.047), indicating that either there are high levels of gene flow among the islands by seed dispersal or that these populations have not been established long enough for divergence to have occurred. The lack of divergence among islands observed for Campnosperma brevipetiolata suggests that germplasm sampled from any one island population would be a suitable starting point for plant breeding or reforestation efforts.  相似文献   

The European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is a widely distributed mammal with an often contradictory ecological role, imposing the need for population management. Sound management requires an in-depth understanding of the complex species–habitat relationships. In this study, CART analysis was employed to identify the most important environmental and anthropogenic factors affecting the spatial distribution of wild rabbit on Lemnos Island, northeastern Aegean Sea in Greece. On Lemnos, this species is considered an agricultural pest due to its overabundance resulting from the long-term absence of viral diseases, limited predation pressure, and lack of effective management. The study was carried out during the summer of 2008 by surveying rabbit densities in 181 2 × 2-km squares. Seven environmental and 14 anthropogenic variables, measured at two spatial scales, were used as explanatory variables. Soil hardness was the most influential variable, dividing the island into two distinct areas, namely the rabbit-poor areas with hard rocky soils and the rabbit-rich areas where soft soils prevail. In the former, the presence of a sharp relief can lead to complete absence of the species, while a combination of gentle relief, low altitudes, and low presence of arable land can lead to moderate rabbit density. In the latter, human-caused disturbance can reduce the number of rabbits, while a high density of ecotones and streams and a high presence of riparian vegetation can increase population densities to its highest levels observed. Our findings can formulate a scientific basis for the development of an effective management strategy for its population control.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity was estimated by allozyme analysis at 26 loci in black rat populations (Rattus rattus) from 15 western Mediterranean islands (Hyéres, Corsica, Sardinia and related islets). Although overall variability levels were low (H = 0.025), the mean heterozygosity values for the islands were similar to those for three reference mainland populations. Within the islands, however, genetic diversity varied in relation to island size and geographic isolation. In particular, most small insular populations were significantly more variable than those on both large and isolated islands. The generic relationships between island populations were established by FST analyses indicating possible geographic origins and patterns of colonization. The maintenance of unexpectedly high levels of variability in the small island populations is discussed in relation to changes in the demographic and social structure observed in these populations. These island populations of black rat illustrate how genetic diversity may be efficiently maintained in a series of interconnected spatially fragmented populations.  相似文献   

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