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浙江茶尺蠖地理种群已分化成为不同种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
席羽  殷坤山  唐美君  肖强 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1117-1122
【目的】明确茶尺蠖Ectropis obliqua Prout不同地理种群的种群分化和生殖隔离程度。【方法】对分别在浙江杭州和衢州两地田间采集的茶尺蠖杭州种群(H)和衢州种群(Q)两个种群,进行形态学鉴定、生物学特征观察以及正反交试验。【结果】形态学与生物学观察结果表明,除Q种群的体形较大和体翅颜色略深外,两个种群的外部形态、生殖器解剖结构和雌蛾产卵量等基本相同。遗传杂交试验结果表明,无论是正交还是反交,杂交后均能获得子一代(F1);与种群内自交相比,杂交后雌成虫的产卵量下降,卵的孵化率显著降低;幼虫的历期明显缩短且化蛹时间分布不规则,蛹重变轻;蛹的羽化率降低,羽化的成虫雌雄性比严重失调。【结论】茶尺蠖杭州种群(H)和衢州种群(Q)两个种群存在生殖隔离,有明显的种群分化,应属于不同种。  相似文献   

为了明确茶园暴食性害虫灰茶尺蠖Ectropis grisescens和茶尺蠖E. obliqua抗药性现状,制定有效的防治措施,本研究采用浸叶法分别测定了5种茶园常用杀虫剂对5个地理种群灰茶尺蠖和2个地理种群茶尺蠖的抗药性。结果表明,不同茶园灰茶尺蠖和茶尺蠖对供试药剂的抗性水平存在差异:浙江兰溪、浙江金华、河南南阳地区的灰茶尺蠖种群和浙江杭州、浙江安吉的茶尺蠖种群对联苯菊酯产生了中高等抗性;浙江杭州的茶尺蠖种群对苦参碱的抗性达到中等水平,其余供试种群对苦参碱抗性处于敏感水平;所有供试种群对虫螨腈、甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐和茚虫威这3种药剂的抗性均处于敏感水平。从化学防治的角度来看,目前茶园灰茶尺蠖和茶尺蠖对虫螨腈、甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐和茚虫威敏感性高,抗性低,推荐合理科学使用,并避免长期使用单一农药。  相似文献   

高温条件下茶尺蠖核型多角体病毒对茶尺蠖繁殖的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文报告了高温季节茶尺蠖核型多角体病毒对其宿主繁殖的影响。结果表明,免于病死的雌性蛹、成虫的卵巢发育进度与对照相比,无显著性差异;3龄末和4、5龄初饲毒后,化蛹率与羽化率极显著下降,交配率一股明显下降,而羽化成虫的产卵前期、寿命、产卵量、总怀卵量及卵孵化率与对照相比并无显著差异。成虫饲毒后,繁殖力不受影响。  相似文献   

【目的】对茶尺蠖Ectropis obliqua及其近缘种灰茶尺蠖E.grisescens体内共生菌Wolbachia进行分子鉴定,确定两者体内Wolbachia的感染率及其进化地位,为进一步探讨其对茶尺蠖和灰茶尺蠖的潜在影响提供科学依据。【方法】采用Wolbachia的16S r RNA、fts Z和wsp基因特异性引物,通过PCR扩增法检测了我国3个茶尺蠖地理种群(浙江杭州、余杭和江苏无锡)和3个灰茶尺蠖地理种群(浙江新昌、湖北浠水和江西南昌)中Wolbachia的感染情况,并进行测序和序列分析。【结果】茶尺蠖和灰茶尺蠖都感染了Wolbachia,灰茶尺蠖的Wolbachia感染率为100%,但茶尺蠖的Wolbachia感染率在22%~95%,且PCR产物电泳得到的条带微弱。wsp序列在茶尺蠖和灰茶尺蠖种间、种内无差异;但16S r RNA序列在茶尺蠖和灰茶尺蠖种间、种内差异为0.362%~0.727%之间;茶尺蠖样本未成功扩增出fts Z序列,灰茶尺蠖样本获得2条fts Z基因序列差异为1.647%。基于Wolbachia的16S r RNA和wsp基因构建的系统发育树表明,本研究中茶尺蠖和灰茶尺蠖种群所感染的Wolbachia全部属于B组的Pip亚组。【结论】茶尺蠖和灰茶尺蠖均被B组Pip亚组的Wolbachia感染,但感染率相差很大,这为研究Wolbachia对茶尺蠖和灰茶尺蠖生物学及生态学的影响奠定了基础。  相似文献   

四个猕猴地理种群惊叫行为的比较   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
冯敏  江海声 《兽类学报》1997,17(1):24-30
对华南地区4个猕猴种群惊叫行为的比较表明:叫声发生时,发声猴的行为在地理种群间的差异不明显。在叫声的频谱结构方面,个体间的差异不明显;湖南索溪峪、广西龙虎山、海南南湾种群间差异不明显,但深圳内伶仃岛种群与上述3个地理群间有明显差异。判别分析表明,基频频率(F1)是区分猕猴上述各地理种群间异同的重要参数。这些结果为研究猕猴的分类及演化提供了基础资料。对上述的猕猴地理种群,惊叫声传输性较好和“符号”较专一而有效与群体大、生境降雨量小的相关,本质上是惊叫声对内陆、热带地区、小海岛不同环境的适应  相似文献   

本报道了以菊花叶片饲养茶尺蠖获得成功的试验结果.经连续三代饲养表明:以菊花叶片为饲料。幼虫取食量、蛹期、蛹重、成虫寿命、产卵置、种群特征参数与以茶树叶片为饲料的相比均无显性差异,但其幼虫历期延长1-2天.用它作饲料,饲养茶尺蠖增殖其核型多角体病毒,产量也不受显影响.故可用于茶尺蠖的大量饲养及其病毒的增殖.  相似文献   

【目的】基于mtDNA COI和COⅡ的联合序列,探讨中国南方茶棍蓟马Dendrothrips minowai地理种群的遗传多样性与遗传分化。【方法】利用MEGA 6.0, DnaSP 5.10和Arlequin等软件对中国南方茶棍蓟马8个地理种群遗传多样性、遗传分化、基因流、分子变异及地理距离与遗传距离的相关性进行分析,并推断群体演化历史。【结果】茶棍蓟马mtDNA COI和COⅡ序列均具有明显的AT偏好性,COI和COⅡ联合序列的长度为1 146 bp,共有22个单倍型。中国南方茶棍蓟马总群体遗传多样性较高,表现出高单倍型多样性(Hd=0.924)和低核苷酸多样性(π=0.00600)。8个地理种群总群体的遗传分化程度高(FST=0.84830),基因交流水平低(Nm=0.040),群体可能由于遗传漂变而发生明显分化。AMOVA分析显示,茶棍蓟马种群的遗传变异主要来自组间种群(FCT=0.84922);Mantel检测显示地理距离与遗传距离存在显著的正相关(r=0.5029, P<0.01)。中性检验结果表明,除云南两个地理种群外的其他地理种群近期可能经历了种群扩张。【结论】中国南方茶棍蓟马地理种群遗传多样性较高,具有明显的遗传分化,基因交流较少;地理距离可能是影响茶棍蓟马地理种群遗传分化的主要因素之一。  相似文献   

采取室内毒力测定和田间防效调查相结合的方法,对灰茶尺蠖核型多角体病毒(Ectropis grisescensnucleopolyhedrovir-us)的致病力进行了研究。毒力测定结果表明,该病毒对2龄灰茶尺蠖幼虫的剂量对数-死亡机率值回归方程为y=-0.8774 0.9498x,LC50=1.5417×106PIB.mL-1;田间用浓度为1×107、1.5×107和2×107PIB.mL-1的EgNPV防治灰茶尺蠖,防效分别达58.81%、89.51%和94.81%。  相似文献   

在(25±1)℃条件下比较了5种寄主植物上瓜蚜实验种群生命表参数.结果表明:在不同寄主植物上,瓜蚜各龄历期、成蚜寿命、日均产仔量、净增殖率、内禀增长率、周限增长率、平均世代历期和种群加倍时间等均存在显著差异.瓜蚜完成1代所需时间在瓢葫芦上最长,为5.84 d,其他4种供试植物上差异不显著(5.24~5.45 d).成蚜寿命在黄瓜上最长,为20.04 d,其他4种供试植物上差异不显著(14.76 ~ 16.03 d).瓜蚜种群存活曲线在所有供试寄主植物上均为Ⅰ型,即死亡主要发生在后期,而且在黄瓜上的存活率高于其他4种供试植物.根据瓜蚜内禀增长率大小排序,寄主适合性依次为哈密瓜>瓢葫芦>南瓜>黄瓜>茭瓜.  相似文献   

【目的】茶尺蠖是茶园中的重要害虫。研究茶尺蠖寄主食物-肠道菌群-茶尺蠖生长发育三者之间的关系对于茶尺蠖的防治具有重要的理论指导价值。【方法】分析不添加茶叶因子的纯人工饲料和茶树鲜叶对茶尺蠖幼虫的存活影响;用高通量测序技术分析不同饲料饲喂的茶尺蠖幼虫的肠道菌群异同。【结果】取食人工饲料的幼虫死亡率远远高于取食茶树鲜叶的幼虫;取食人工饲料的幼虫肠道细菌多样性和丰富度高于取食茶树鲜叶的幼虫;茶尺蠖幼虫肠道中存在很多促进宿主生长的细菌。【结论】饲料类型影响茶尺蠖幼虫的存活;饲料类型影响茶尺蠖幼虫肠道菌群结构。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to relate the temperature response of all developmental stages and reproductive biology of two congener copepod pairs inhabiting different biogeographic regions to their geographic distribution patterns. Survival of adult females and egg production, embryonic development and hatching success of the genera Centropages and Temora from two stations, in the North Sea and the Mediterranean, were studied in laboratory experiments in a temperature range from 2 to 35 °C. Postembryonic development was determined from cohorts raised at temperatures between 10 and 20 °C with surplus food. Tolerance limits and optima of female survival, reproduction and development distinguished the northern species Centropages hamatus and Temora longicornis from the southern T. stylifera, while C. typicus, which is found in both regions, was intermediate. Thus, thermal preferences could in part explain distribution patterns of these species. While C. hamatus and the two Temora species showed distinct temperature ranges, C. typicus was able to tolerate different temperature conditions, resulting in its wide distribution range from the subarctic to the tropics. However, the thermal range of a species did not necessarily correlate with the optimal temperatures in the experiments. Optima of egg production and stage development were surprisingly low in T. stylifera, which has a mere southern distribution.  相似文献   

为了初步研究茶尺蠖小RNA病毒(Ectropis oblique picorna-like virus, EoPV)的复制机制,从被EoPV感染致死的茶尺蠖幼虫中分离并纯化病毒粒子,提取病毒RNA,根据已公布的EoPV核苷酸序列,利用基因组上单一的酶切位点,设计特异性引物,应用RT-PCR扩增出5个覆盖全长的片段。 随后采用融合PCR将5个片段拼接,最终将全长定向克隆到低拷贝质粒载体上,成功构建cDNA全长克隆p-EoPV。 双酶切及测序鉴定证明全长克隆构建成功。 与原序列比较发现,该克隆在氨基酸水平上有8个突变和1个缺失。 本研究为深入探讨EoPV病毒生物学特性、病毒复制机理等奠定了基础  相似文献   

林娴  韩博平 《生态科学》2006,25(2):116-121
以广东省流溪河水库中分离驯化的透明溞为研究对象,通过喂养来自富营养化湖泊(暨南大学明湖)的自然食物,探讨富营养化水体中的食物对透明溞生长与繁殖的影响。来自明湖的4种自然食物分别由2个网孔为38μm和110μm的浮游生物网过滤所得的,并将这2种过滤水稀释3倍后得到另外2种食物。在4种明湖自然食物培养条件下,透明溞最大体长、体长生长率和寿命均随食物浓度的稀释而下降,最大体长为2.63mm,最高体长生长率为0.0314mm·d-1,最长寿命为65d。稀释后食物培养的透明溞,首次怀卵个体体长为1.46mm,大于非稀释食物条件下首次怀卵个体体长1.28mm;在110μm过滤的非稀释食物条件下,内禀增长率达到最大值为0.42。本实验结果表明,冬季富营养水体中食物对透明溞生长与繁殖没有产生抑制作用,食物浓度对透明溞的生长与繁殖的影响高于食物大小的影响。  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of nutritional quality on reproduction in the rose-grain aphid (Metopolophium dirhodum, Wlk.), it was reared on barley seedlings of different nutritional quality or starved either during the last instar or the first few days of adulthood. Their reproductive performance was studied by analysing the gonadal status of teneral adults and by scoring the number of offspring. Metopolophium dirhodum was very tolerant of starvation in the fourth instar with most surviving (97%) to adulthood. During starvation the embryos continued to grow but the fat content of the soma declined by nearly 50%. Aphids starved in the fourth instar and control animals matured at the same time and produced a similar number of offspring in the first three weeks. However, the fecundity of aphids reared throughout their larval development on a plant of low nutritional quality was significantly lower. Aphids starved during the fourth instar were able to compensate for their loss in weight by an increased growth rate relative to the controls after transfer to a high quality plant. Early experience of nutritional stress is more important in determining reproductive performance than nutritional stress in the last larval instar. Aphids transferred from a high to a low quality plant showed a high mortality and a lower reproductive output. Thus fecundity was not always correlated with teneral weight but with host plant condition during larviposition. Metopolophium dirhodum showed a very flexible reproductive strategy when subjected to nutritional stress.
Zusammenfassung Für Untersuchungen über den Einfluß von Nahrungsqualität auf die Reproduktion wurde die Bleiche Getreideblattlaus, Metopolophium dirhodum (Wlk.), auf jungen Gerstenpflanzen verschiedener Qualität bzw. ohne Nahrung während des letzten Larvenstadiums oder in den ersten Tagen als Imagines gehalten. Als Maß für die Reproduktionsfähigkeit wurden die Gonaden von frischgehäuteten L4-Larven und Adulten analysiert und die Zahl der Nachkommen bestimmt. Metopolophium dirhodum erwies sich als sehr widerstandsfähig gegenüber Nahrungsentzug während des vierten Larvenstadiums, da die meisten Tiere (97%) diese Behandlung bis zum Adultstadium überlebten. Die Embryos wuchsen und entwickelten sich, während der Fettgehalt des Somas um fast 50% abnahm. Tiere, die gehungert hatten und Kontrolltiere führten die Imaginalhäutung zum gleichen Zeitpunkt durch und produzierten gleich viele Nachkommen in den ersten drei Wochen. Larven, die gehungert hatten, konnten ihren Gewichtsverlust durch eine verstärkte Nahrungsaufnahme nach der Übertragung auf eine kräftige Pflanze ausgleichen. Die Wirkung von Nahrungsstreß auf die Reproduktion ist am Anfang der Larvalentwicklung höher als im letzten Larvenstadium, denn die Reproduktionsrate von Blattläusen, die während der gesamten Larvalentwicklung auf Pflanzen niedriger Qualität gehalten worden waren, war signifikant geringer. Blattläuse, die von einer Pflanze hoher auf eine niedriger Qualität umgesetzt wurden, hatten eine hohe Mortalitätsrate und genauso viele Nachkommen wie Tiere, deren Nahrungsqualität gleichbleibend gering war. Die Reproduktionsrate war also nicht immer mit dem Gewicht von frischgehäuteten Müttern korreliert, sondern im wesentlichen von der Qualität der Wirtspflanze während der Reproduktionsphase abhängig. Metopolophium dirhodum zeigte unter Nahrungsstreß eine sehr flexible Reproduktionsstrategie.

Variation of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was examined in nine populations from three lake-river systems of Chukotka and Kamchatka. Significant differences were found between most of the sockeye salmon samples studied. The genetic differences among populations were not high and often did not correlate with the geographical distances between them. The low population divergence is explained by a short time of existence of most of them, having been formed after the recession of the upper Pleistocene glacier. When the populations were grouped according to their spawning biotopes (river or lake), they in general appeared more genetically similar than upon their grouping by geographical location (the lake-river systems). The differences between the river and lake populations in the lake--river systems increased from north to south.  相似文献   

The effects of ethanol upon the development of two strains of D. melanogaster (France and tropical Africa) were studied using two different methods; either the feeding medium containing ethanol was not renewed, or it was changed daily to keep the concentration stable. Toxic effects were much more obvious with the stabilized concentration. The difference in tolerance, already known for the adults of the two populations, was also observed for larvae; the French strain was much more tolerant. Ethanol slowed down larval development but adult weight at emergence could be increased. Lipid content of adults was increased by larval ethanol feeding while water content decreased. Two populations did not react exactly in the same way and an interaction was observed between genotype and experimental technique. The results should help to clarify the role of alcoholic fermentation upon D. melanogaster under natural conditions.  相似文献   

The present paper offers data to suggest an effect of geographic latitude in regard to the frequency of conception in human populations. The birth statistics from eight countries in different parts of the world have been evaluated. A particularly strong minimum appears to occur in almost all regions but is shifted in time with changing latitude.  相似文献   

研究了四川大头萘6个分布地,7个地理种群种子大小变异特征、种子萌发及幼苗发育特征。结果表明,种子大小地理变异,南方种群种子变异较大,北方种上对较小,云南文山的种子最大最重,广西阳塑最轻最小,且最重约为最轻的2~3倍,不同种群种子萌发率也存在差异。南方种子差异较大,北方种子差异较小,大种子普遍有较高萌发率。种子太小小对苗生长速率、苗高、生物量(鲜重)有明显影响。  相似文献   

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