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蚊胃血血源鉴定是蚊媒病流行病学调查的重要内容。鉴定方法以往多采用沉淀试验,近10年来在方法学上有许多发展和改进。一、琼脂双向扩散试验法:该法根据蚊胃血与抗血清在琼脂平板上相向扩散形成的白色沉淀线判定结果,敏感性较环状沉淀法差,但简单易行,对多重食性蚊虫胃血的鉴别有价值,并可提供永久记录。二、醋酸纤维膜微量免疫扩散法:原理与琼脂双向扩散试验相似,结果判断需经染色,其敏感性和特异性高于沉淀法。三、血红蛋白结晶法:该法以待鉴定蚊胃血的血红蛋白结晶与实验室制备的人及动物血红蛋白结晶进行形态比较而判别血源。对不溶性血…  相似文献   

【目的】蚊虫的行为在很大程度上依赖于嗅觉系统, 例如寻找宿主和产卵场所等。中华按蚊Anopheles sinensis是我国最重要的传疟媒介之一, 但有关中华按蚊嗅觉信号传递过程的研究甚少。本研究旨在克隆和表达分析中华按蚊的气味结合蛋白(odorant binding proteins, OBPs)基因, 为进一步研究中华按蚊嗅觉传递的分子机制奠定基础。【方法】通过分析中华按蚊的转录组数据克隆气味结合蛋白基因, 采用RT-PCR和实时定量PCR技术分析该基因在成虫不同组织和在吸血前后的表达模式。【结果】克隆到一个气味结合蛋白基因, 命名为AsinOBP1 (GenBank登录号为KJ958382)。AsinOBP1基因开放阅读框长435 bp, 编码144个氨基酸, 具有典型的6个半胱氨酸位点。RT-PCR组织表达谱分析发现, AsinOBP1在检测的所有成虫触角、下颚须、喙和头部组织中都有表达, 而在足和去掉头部以外的躯体组织中不表达。定量分析发现AsinOBP1在雌蚊触角中的表达水平最高, 吸食血液后, AsinOBP1的表达水平显著下降; 仅用小鼠气味处理后, AsinOBP1的表达水平也显著下降。【结论】研究结果说明AsinOBP1可能是嗅觉组织特异性表达的基因, 与雌蚊寻找宿主等行为有关, 其功能还需深入研究。  相似文献   

测定并分析了我国多斑按蚊复合体5个成员种(多斑按蚊、威氏按蚊、伪威氏按蚊、达罗毗按蚊和塞沃按蚊)核糖体DNA 28S-D3序列,应用PCR-SSCP技术对该复合体成员种进行分子鉴别。结果显示:我国多斑按蚊复合体5个成员种的D3序列长度范围为388-394bp,GC含量为58.12%—59.79%,D3序列在种内保守,在种间存在差异,种间差异最大的是达罗毗按蚊与伪威氏按蚊为6.55%,最小的是达罗毗按蚊与多斑按蚊为2.58%,平均差异率为4.59%。用SSCP分析多斑按蚊复合体5个成员种的28S-D3扩增产物,结果显示电泳条带具种特异性,可用于鉴别各蚊种。  相似文献   

本文用PCR对116份胃活检标本进行幽门螺杜菌(HeticobacterPyloriHp)检测,总阳性率71.55%(83/116),胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡和胃炎的阳性率分别为87.5%(14/16)、86.96%(20/23)和63.51%(47/74),同时用尿素酶法作参照,其总阳性率为58.62%(68/116),上述疾病分别为43.75%(7/16)、56.52%(13/23)和62.16(46/74)。结果表明PCR能快速、敏感特异地检出HP,这对研究HP在胃、十二指肠疾病中的致病作用、传播途径及疗效观察具有重要意义。  相似文献   

针对猴泡沫病毒SFV(Simian FoamyVirus)多聚酶区(pol区)设计两对引物,以猴血DNA为模板进行嵌套式PCR扩增,得到500bp左右基因片段,克隆进入pUC-19载体,经测序鉴定为SFV465bp的pol区基因片段。将此段序列与SFV各型425bp的pol区基因片段进行同源性比较,它与SFV-1型的同源性最高,为92.00%。在此基础上,用这两对引物对158例猴血DNA进行检测,阳性54例,阳性率为34.2%。发现在猴群中有较高的SFV病毒的感染。  相似文献   

针对猴泡沫病毒SFV(Simian Foany Virus)多聚酶区(pol区)设计两对引物,以猴血DNA为模板者嵌套式PCR扩增,得到500bp左右基因片段,克隆进入pUC-19载体,经测序鉴定为SFV465bp的pol区基因片段,将此段序列与SFV各型425bp的pol区基因片段进行同源性比较,它与SFV-1型的同源性最高,为92.00%。在此基础上,用这两对引物对158例猴血DNA进行检测,阳性54例,阳性率为34.2%,发现猴群中有较高的SFV病毒的感染。  相似文献   

【目的】雌蚊需要吸食血液以完成营养生殖循环,血液蛋白的消化会释放大量的游离血红素。血红素是促氧化剂,必须严格调控血红素的动态平衡。血红素加氧酶 (heme oxygenase, HO) 在血红素的动态平衡调控中起着关键的作用,但不同昆虫HO代谢血红素的途径有差异。本研究旨在鉴定和表达分析中华按蚊 Anopheles sinensis 的 HO-1基因,研究HO-1和血红素在血餐后的动态变化过程,为进一步研究中华按蚊血红素的动态平衡调控机制奠定基础。【方法】通过分析中华按蚊的转录组数据鉴定HO-1基因,采用实时定量PCR技术分析该基因在不同组织和在取食血液、葡萄糖前后的表达谱,并测定取食血液后中肠中不同时间的血红素浓度。【结果】鉴定到中华按蚊血红素加氧酶1基因,命名为 AsHO-1(GenBank登录号为KP994552)。AsHO-1开放阅读框长729 bp,编码242个氨基酸。定量PCR表达分析发现,AsHO-1在幼虫和成虫的中肠和中肠外组织(仅去掉中肠的虫体)中都有表达,中肠外组织中的表达水平显著高于中肠中的表达水平。AsHO-1在吸食血液后的中肠中上调明显,而在中肠外组织中的表达变化较小。吸食葡萄糖后,中肠中AsHO-1在6-12 h表达上升,最高上升了4.2倍,而在吸食血液后AsHO-1在12-24 h表达上升,最高上升了11.67倍。中肠中的血红素含量在吸食血液后的3 h即开始迅速上升,6 h达到最高,18 h开始下降。【结论】研究结果说明AsHO-1在血餐后表达水平显著上调,有可能与血红素的动态调节有关,但有待进一步验证。除中肠外,AsHO-1基因还在幼虫期和在成蚊的中肠外组织中高表达,说明AsHO-1基因还可能参与中华按蚊的其他多种生理过程。  相似文献   

串珠镰刀菌(Fusarium moniliform)是一种危害严重、在世界各地广泛流行的植物病原真菌,当前对串珠镰刀菌的鉴定主要根据其菌丝体及再生菌丝的形态结构学特征及染病作物的病害症状来进行鉴定。这些鉴定方法相对简单并在很大程度上依赖于经验,受主观因素影响较大。采用串珠镰刀菌种特异性的寡聚核苷酸为引物,运用PCR技术对串珠镶刀菌进行检测是一种快速可靠的检测鉴定方法,它无需病原菌的分离培养纯化,能从感病的玉米组织中直接实现对串珠镰刀菌的快速检测。经对霉变玉米样品和玉米穗腐病组织的检测,证明该方法是一种快建、有效的方法,具有重要的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

大劣按蚊(Anopheles dirus)是一种重要的虫媒,尤其是对疟原虫的传播流行起着重要的作用,为东南亚地区和我国疟疾的重要传播媒介。黄复生等研究发现,对人疟原虫敏感的大劣按蚊可以通过卵囊黑化包被反应,阻断对鼠疟原虫——约氏疟原虫(Plasmodium yoelii)的传播。因此,大劣按蚊约氏疟原虫是研究昆虫先天性免疫和蚊与疟原虫相互关系的理想模型。我室对大劣按蚊已开展了系列的研究。为能更加深入地开展对大劣按蚊的研究,尤其是对其传疟相关蛋白的研究,本研究拟对大劣按蚊的血淋巴进行初步的分析,提供一些基本知识和数据,为今后更深入地开展大劣按蚊的蛋白研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

多重PCR检测技术在食品微生物检测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代食品行业,有很多有害的微生物严重危害食品的品质和人们的健康,甚至会引起一些严重的疾病。食品安全是对食品按其原定用途进行制作和(或)食用时不会使消费者受到伤害的一种担保。食品安全急需一些快速、敏感、特异的检测方法,以及时发现致病菌,控制污染及其可能对人体健康产生的危害。多重PCR检测技术具有快速、简便微量等优点,克服了传统检测方法操作繁琐,检测时间较长等缺点,目前正在被应用于微生物致病菌,转基因产品以及肉类品种的鉴定上,具有广阔的发展前景。本文主要是介绍了多重PCR检测技术在食品微生物检测中的原理和应用,以期望在食品微生物检测方面做出贡献。  相似文献   

Anopheles darlingi is an important vector of human malaria in the Amazon. Adult females of this mosquito species require a blood meal to develop eggs, preferring humans to other blood sources. Although gonotrophic concordance has been described as the norm for An. darlingi, here we report An. darlingi female mosquitoes taking two or more blood meals within their first gonotrophic cycle. Only half of field‐captured adult females fed one blood meal developed follicles to Christophers' stage V. This outcome is dependent on larval nutrition, as 88% of laboratory‐raised well‐nourished females completed the first gonotrophic cycle with only one blood meal, while less nourished females needed additional blood meals. Half of the field‐captured blood‐seeking An. darlingi females had follicles in intermediate (IIIa and IIIb) and final (V) stages of the gonotrophic cycle, supporting the conclusion that An. darlingi blood feed more than once during a gonotrophic cycle. Additionally, we observed females attempting to blood feed a second time during the same day. Additional studies of An. darlingi biting behavior are necessary to accurately estimate Plasmodium sp. entomologic inoculation rates throughout the An. darlingi vast geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were to (1) determine the susceptibility of Anopheles sinensis to Korean isolates of Plasmodium vivax, (2) establish a method to collect large quantities of P. vivax sporozoites for use as antigen in seroepidemiological studies, and (3) investigate the characteristics of Korean isolates of P. vivax sporozoites. Females of Anopheles sinensis were collected at non-epidemic area, Seokwha-ri, Cheongwon-gun and Chungcheongbuk-do using tent-trap methods coupled with dry ice. The females were artificially infected with gametocytes of P. vivax using blood obtained from P. vivax malaria patients. Individual mosquitoes were infected using either a parafilm-covered glass feeding apparatus or were allowed to feed on naturally infected volunteers. Mosquitoes were sacrificed between 16 and 18 days post-feeding and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was used to detect sporozoites. Four (33.4%) of 12 mosquitoes, which were fed on naturally infected volunteers directly, were positive for sporozoites. In cases, the mosquitoes allowed to feed on whole blood which were extract from three different patients with heparin treated vacuutainers using a parafilm-covered glass apparatus. Two of 55 (3.6%) were positive which blood sample was maintained at room temperature for 8 hours, 1 of 68 (1.5%) was positive which blood was maintained at 4 degrees C for 24 hours and 1 of 47 (2.3%) was positive at 4 degrees C for 48 hours. The mean number of sporozoites was estimated about 818 (n = 8; range of 648-1,056) based on optical density values of ELISA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT To figure out how far spread the malaria parasite infected mosquitoes from Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). We investigated the sporozoite-infected mosquitoes in Chosan-ri and Hajiseok-ri of Paju-shi, Tonae-dong of Koyang-shi, Mudeung-ri of Yonchon-gun, Soyo-dong of Tongduchon-shi, and Tukjeong-ri of Yangju-gun, Kyonggi-do province in 1998. They were known as highly epidemic areas in the Republic of Korea. Anopheline mosquitoes were collected by human biting collection method from the 2nd week of June to the 5th week of August. A total of 3,256 anopheles mosquitoes were captured in these areas. A sandwich enzyme-linked immununosorbent assay (ELISA) for identifying Plasmodium vivax sporozoites in mosquitoes was used in this survey. Only one mosquito which was captured in Chosan-ri, on 2nd week of July showed positive reaction in this test. This mosquito was identified as Anopheles sinensis. This showed a 0.068% (1/1,465) positive rate in Chosan-ri on 2nd week of July. We could not detect positive mosquitoes the other areas. So we concluded the parasite infected mosquitoes may be highly limited near the DMZ.  相似文献   

The success of distinguishing blood meal sources of Anopheles gambiae Giles through deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) profiling was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification at the TC-11 and VWA human short tandem repeats (STR) loci. Blood meal size and locus had no significant effect on the success of amplifying human DNA from blood meals digested for 0, 8, 16, 24 and 32 h (P = 0.85 and 0.26 respectively). However, logistic regression found a significant negative relationship between time since ingestion and the success probability of obtaining positive PCR products among meals digested for between 8 and 32 h (P = 0.001). Approximately 80% of fresh blood meals were successfully profiled. After 8 h, the proportion of blood meals that could be successfully profiled decreased slowly with time after ingestion, dropping to below 50% after approximately 15 h. There was no significant difference in the success of amplifying human DNA from blood meals of mosquitoes killed at time 0 and 8 h after ingestion (P = 0.272).  相似文献   

中华按蚊全基因组微卫星的鉴定、特征及分布规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王小婷  张玉娟  何秀  梅婷  陈斌 《昆虫学报》2016,(10):1058-1068
【目的】中华按蚊Anopheles sinensis是我国及东南亚重要的传疟媒介。本研究在全基因组上鉴定和分析中华按蚊微卫星并注释微卫星相关基因的功能,为遗传分子标记的筛选提供依据,也为昆虫微卫星比较基因组学进一步研究提供基础。【方法】用MISA程序鉴定中华按蚊基因组微卫星;用Excel 2010统计微卫星长度,结合微卫星序列信息编写Perl脚本计算微卫星碱基含量;结合微卫星位置信息编写Perl脚本定位微卫星出现的基因区域,并对基因区的微卫星进行GO功能注释;运用WEGO比较中华按蚊和冈比亚按蚊An.gambiae含微卫星相关基因功能注释。【结果】共鉴定出105 981个微卫星,出现的密度是365.5个/Mb。其中100 391个(94.7%)微卫星是完整型微卫星,其余5 590个(5.3%)是复合型微卫星。单碱基微卫星最为丰富,共58 837个,占总微卫星数量的55.5%,其余依次是二碱基(30 345个,占28.6%)、三碱基(15 104个,占14.3%)、四碱基(1 530个,占1.4%)、五碱基(121个,占0.1%)和六碱基(44个,少于0.1%)微卫星。(A)n为最主要的微卫星,其次是(AC)n,(AG)n,(C)n,(AGC)n,(ATC)n,(ACG)n和(ACC)n,数量都在2 000个以上。中华按蚊基因组微卫星长度以10~20 bp为主(87.1%)。这些微卫星的AT含量(63%)明显高于GC含量(37%),仅三碱基微卫星的GC含量(53%)略高于AT含量(47%)。90 632个微卫星(85%)分布在基因间区,15 349个(15%)微卫星分布在基因区。在基因区,2 782个(3%)微卫星分布在外显子区,12 567个(12%)分布在内含子区。GO注释比较中华按蚊和冈比亚按蚊含微卫星的基因,发现这两个物种各小类基因所占总基因数的百分比基本一致,但电子传递类(electron carrier)基因在中华按蚊所占百分比(0.9%)明显高于冈比亚按蚊(0.1%)。【结论】这是蚊虫中首个在全基因组上系统的微卫星研究工作,为进一步通过微卫星作为分子标记开展中华按蚊种群遗传学、遗传变异、功能基因的遗传定位和调控机制研究奠定了基础,也为昆虫微卫星的多样性和进化研究积累了科学素材。  相似文献   

In order to study the range of flight and feeding activity of Anopheles sinensis, the dispersal experiment was conducted in Paju city, located in the northern part of Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea, during the period of 7th to 28th September 1998. Unfed females An. sinensis were collected in cowshed and released after being marked with fluorescent dye at 23:00 hours on the same day. Released female mosquitoes were recaptured everyday during 21 days using light traps, which were set at 10 sites in the cowsheds located 1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 km north-northwest and north-northeast and at 3 sites located 1, 6 and 9 km toward south-west from the release point. In addition, to study the longest flight distance in one night, we set the light traps at 16 and 20 km toward north-northeast from the release site. All the collected mosquitoes were placed on filter papers and observed on UV transilluminator after treatment with one drop of 100% ethanol. Out of 12,773 females of An. sinensis released, 194 marked females mosquitoes were recaptured, giving 1.52% recapture rate. Of 194, 72 mosquitoes (37.1%) were recaptured in light traps from three places set at 1 km from the release point, 57 mosquitoes (29.4%) from two places at 1-3 km, 41 mosquitoes (21.1%) from three places at 3-6 km, 20 mosquitoes (10.3%) from three places at 6-9 km, and 4 mosquitoes (2.1%) from two places at 9-12 km. Since 170 female mosquitoes (87.6%) out of 194 marked mosquitoes were captured within 6 km from the release point, this flight radius represents the main activity area. An sinensis was found to be able to fly at least 12 km during one night.  相似文献   

Elucidating feeding relationships between hosts and parasites remains a significant challenge in studies of the ecology of infectious diseases, especially those involving small or cryptic vectors. Black‐tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) are a species of conservation importance in the North American Great Plains whose populations are extirpated by plague, a flea‐vectored, bacterial disease. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays, we determined that fleas (Oropsylla hirsuta) associated with prairie dogs feed upon northern grasshopper mice (Onychomys leucogaster), a rodent that has been implicated in the transmission and maintenance of plague in prairie‐dog colonies. Our results definitively show that grasshopper mice not only share fleas with prairie dogs during plague epizootics, but also provide them with blood meals, offering a mechanism by which the pathogen, Yersinia pestis, may be transmitted between host species and maintained between epizootics. The lack of identifiable host DNA in a significant fraction of engorged Oropsylla hirsuta collected from animals (47%) and prairie‐dog burrows (100%) suggests a rapid rate of digestion and feeding that may facilitate disease transmission during epizootics but also complicate efforts to detect feeding on alternative hosts. Combined with other analytical approaches, e.g., stable isotope analysis, molecular genetic techniques can provide novel insights into host‐parasite feeding relationships and improve our understanding of the role of alternative hosts in the transmission and maintenance of disease.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Many Korean entomologists have attempted to colonize Anopheles sinensis Korean strain, a primary malaria vector in Korea, previous efforts, however, were unsuccessful. Only a study that a successful colonization of An. sinensis Korean strain over 5 generations was recently reported. Recently we obtained a self-mating colony from this mosquito strain. The original colony was established from progenies obtained from females collected from So-Rae District, Incheon, Republic of Korea (ROK), and was maintained for 23 successive generations. While the adult females of first five generations were fed on humans as a source of blood, those of the subsequent 18 generations were fed on white rats as a source of blood. A self-mating colony was initiated from the 9th generation by rearing 200 and 300 newly emerged females and males, respectively, in a 30x30x30 cm cage. The insemination rates increased from approximately 40% to 81% by the 20th generation. Comparisons of biological aspects between artificial mating and self-mating colonies are reported.  相似文献   

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