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The diagnosis of non-classical 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency (NC-3BHSD) is made either on the basis of significantly elevated serum levels of basal and post-ACTH 5-ene-steroids or by the presence of elevated urinary 5-ene-steroid metabolites. There has been only one report to date describing a single patient where the diagnosis was based on both serum and urinary 5-ene-steroid levels. We, therefore, measured both serum 5-ene-steroid responses to ACTH 1-24 (by RIA) and urinary 5-ene-steroid metabolites (GC-MS) in 42 hirsute premenopausal women. While the serum 5-ene-steroid profile was consistent with NC-3BHSD in 5 women, only 2 of them had increased excretion of 5-ene-steroid metabolites. Elevated 5-ene-steroid excretion was also observed in several patients with normal serum 5-ene-steroids. Detection of NC-3BHSD by either elevated serum 5-ene-steroids or increased urinary excretion of their metabolites in isolation may not therefore be reliable.  相似文献   

Two young girls with hirsutism and premature pubarche showed nonclassical 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD) deficiency. Post-ACTH increased serum delta 5-17-hydroxypregnenolone and increased ratio of delta 5-17-hydroxypregnenolone/17-hydroxyprogesterone are the most sensitive indicators of nonclassical 3 beta-HSD deficiency. Nonclassical 3 beta-HSD deficiency may not be uncommon, but most cases may have gone unrecognized. Routine assay of delta 5-17-hydroxypregnenolone should be made generally available.  相似文献   

After solubilization of rat adrenal microsomes with sodium cholate, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase with steroid 5-ene-4-ene isomerase (abbreviated as steroid isomerase) activity was purified to a homogeneous state. The following characteristics of the enzyme were obtained: 3 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase together with steroid isomerase was detected as a single protein band in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, where its mol. wt was estimated as 46,500. Either NAD+ or NADH was required for demonstration of steroid isomerase activity. Treatment of the enzyme with 5'-p-fluorosulfonylbenzoyladenosine, an affinity labeling reagent for NAD+-dependent enzyme, diminished both the enzyme activities.  相似文献   

Treatment of adult male rats with estradiol-17 beta for 7 days results in adrenal hyperplasia, increased level of serum ACTH along with reduction in serum level of alpha 2u-globulin and inhibition of adrenal 5-ene-3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (5-ene-3 beta-HSD) activity. Administration of corticosterone in estrogen-treated rats reverses the effects of estrogen while in normal rats corticosterone treatment reduces adrenal weight, serum ACTH and adrenal 5-ene-3 beta-HSD activity. In vitro experiments show that alpha 2u-globulin fails to change adrenal 5-ene-3 beta-HSD activity in corticosterone pretreated rats while in normal and estrogen pretreated rats alpha 2u-globulin increases 5-ene-3 beta-HSD activity.  相似文献   

Follow-up data on a girl with 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency at a pubertal bone age are presented. On examination at age 14.7 years (bone age 12 years), there was no spontaneous breast development. On treatment with hydrocortisone and fludrocortisone, most steroids with the exception of increased 17OH-pregnenolone in plasma and delta 5-pregnenetriol and pregnanetriol in urine, were normal. After 1 week off hydrocortisone, plasma 17OH-pregnenolone, DHA and delta5-androstenediol and urinary delta 5-pregnenetriol and pregnanetriol increased markedly, while plasma 17OH-progesterone increased only slightly. On increased hydrocortisone medication, there was no response of plasma estradiol to HMG. This first observation of a pubertal girl with 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency indicates that in this patient, the defect persists at a pubertal bone age and that it is not limited to the adrenals, but also affects the ovaries. Girls with this type of defect thus require estrogen replacement at a bone age of about 12 years. The large quantities of pregnanetriol in the urine are not due to an incomplete defect or an additional 21-hydroxylase deficiency, but most likely to the peripheral or hepatic conversion of 17OH-pregnenolone or delta 5-pregnenetriol.  相似文献   

Fibroblasts of the adult adrenal cortex are considered to be nonsteroidogenic connective-tissue cells. However, it has been reported that in response to regenerative stimuli, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and transformation to malignancy, these cells acquire characteristics of parenchymal cells, which includes delta 5, 3 beta-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase (delta 5, 3 beta-HSD) activity. To determine whether such delta 5, 3 beta-HSD activity in adult adrenocortical fibroblasts was due to the activation or augmentation of gene expression normally occurring during embryogenesis, a histochemical study of adrenocortical development, with particular attention to the connective-tissue capsule, was undertaken. Cryostat sections of rat embryos, from 14-days postconception (PC) to birth, and of adrenal glands 1-8, 44 and 90 days after birth were tested histochemically for delta 5, 3 beta-HSD. The same or adjacent sections were stained for PAS-positive material and reticulin, and with hematoxylin and eosin. delta 5, 3 beta-HSD activity overlapped with fibroblast-like cells and with extracellular connective-tissue components in the periphery of the glands from day-17 PC onward. delta 5, 3 beta-HSD activity over the capsule diminished shortly after birth and was absent in the adult. Appropriate controls showed that the staining within the capsule was specific and not an artifact. 3 beta-HSD activity in the capsule was more intensive when dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) was replaced by etiocholan-3 beta-ol-17-one (ETIO) as the steroid substrate. Furthermore, the spatial distribution of 3 beta-HSD activity in the cortex differed depending on the substrate used, and the distribution patterns changed with developmental age. (ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The distribution of 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase in the subcellular fractions of rat adrenal gland has been determined. Based on the total activity found, 55% was in the microsomal fraction, 10% in the heavy-mitochondrial fraction, 3% in the light-mitochondrial fraction and 26% in the fraction consisting of cell-debris plus nuclei. Ninety-five percent of the total activity was recovered in the fractions. Approximately half the activity in the heavy-mitochondrial fraction could be accounted for by microsomal contamination.  相似文献   

A human fecal isolate, characterized by morphological, physiological and biochemical data as a strain of Peptostreptococcus roductus, was shown to contain NAD-dependent 3 alpha- and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases and a NADP-dependent 7 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. All enzyme activities could be demonstrated in crude extracts and in membrane fractions. The 3 alpha- and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were synthesized constitutively. Specific enzymatic activities were significantly reduced when bacteria were grown in the presence of 3-keto bile acids, while other bile acids were ineffective. For the 3 alpha (3 beta)-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, a pH optimum of 8.5 (9.5) and a molecular weight of 95,000 (132,000) was estimated. 3 alpha- and 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were heat-sensitive (about 75% inactivation at 50 degrees C for 10 min). The 7 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was already present in uninduced cells, but specific activity could be enhanced up to more than 2.5-fold when bacteria were grown in the presence of 7-keto bile acids. Disubstituted bile acids were more effective than trisubstituted ones, ursodeoxycholic acid was ineffective as an inducer. A pH optimum of 10.0 and a molecular weight of about 82,000 were shown for the 7 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. The enzyme preparation reduced the 7-keto group of corresponding bile acids. Again the affinities of disubstituted bile acids for the enzyme were higher than those of the trisubstituted bile acids, but no significant differences between conjugated and free bile acids were observed. The 7 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase was heat-sensitive (72% inactivation at 50 degrees C for 10 min), but was detectable at 4 degrees C for at least 48 h.  相似文献   

3 beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase has been purified to homogeneity from bovine adrenal glands. A single protein of molecular weight 42,090 +/- 40 containing both enzyme activities has been isolated. Approximately 86% of the amino acid sequence of the bovine adrenal 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase has been obtained by sequencing peptides isolated from digests with trypsin and lysyl endopeptidase and by chemical cleavage with CNBr. The sequence obtained is identical with that of the deduced amino acid sequence of the bovine ovarian 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase [Zhao et al. (1989) FEBS Lett. 259, 153-157], with the exception that the N-terminal methionine residue found in the bovine ovarian sequence is not present in the mature bovine adrenal enzyme. On the basis of the primary structure and comparisons with other NAD+ binding proteins, we propose a structural model of the bovine adrenal 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase localizing the NAD+ binding site as well as the membrane-anchoring segment.  相似文献   

Preimplantation golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) embryos were recovered on days 1 (= day of finding spermatozoa in the vagina) through 4 of pregnancy. Postimplantation embryos were studied in sectioned gestation sacs excised on days 5 and 6. Δ5-3β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) activity in embryos was determined histochemically. There was no enzyme activity on days 1 and 2. Weak activity was first observed at 08:00–09:00 hr on day 3, the activity then increased, peaked at 01:00–03:00 hr on day 4, considerably declined by 08:00–09:00 hr (day 4), and was absent on days 5 and 6. These results suggest that the preimplantation embryos synthesize steroid hormones. It was previously hypothesized (Dickmann and Dey, 1973, Dickmann and Dey, 1974) that, hormones synthesized by the preimplantation rat embryo participate in the regulation of morula to blastocyst transformation and implantation of the blastocyst. This hypothesis is applicable to the hamster.In addition to 3βHSD, estradiol-17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity was observed in day 3 embryos, suggesting that the embryo synthesizes estrogen.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected intraoperatorily from inferior vena cava (VC) and adrenal vein (AV) of 8 male and 9 female consenting adult patients undergoing unilateral nephrectomy with ipsilateral adrenalectomy for kidney cancer, and steroid-hormone concentrations were assayed by quantitative HPLC. Hormonal concentrations were significantly higher in AV than in VC (systemic) blood and did not display significant differences between males and females. Higher levels not only of the main glucocorticoids cortisol and corticosterone, but also of their inactive oxidized forms corticosterone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone (DH-B), respectively, were detected in AV than in VC blood. Highly significant inverse correlations between cortisol and cortisone, and corticosterone and DH-B concentrations were observed in AV, but not in VC blood. Moreover, in AV blood the concentration of the main cortisol precursor 11-deoxycortisol correlated inversely with those of both cortisone and DH-B. Taken together, these findings are in keeping with previous in vitro evidence that human adrenal glands possess 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity, which is engaged in the inactivation of newly formed glucocorticoids and is probably negatively regulated by the local concentrations of non-11beta-hydroxylated steroid-hormone precursors.  相似文献   

The effect of dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHA-S) and its metabolites dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA) and 5-androstene-3 beta, 17 beta-diol (ADIOL) on the activity of 17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in human endometrial tissue was investigated by an isotope ratio technique. The apparent KM for oestradiol was 1.59 X 10(-6) M. All three androgens inhibited the metabolism of oestradiol and the apparent Ki values were: ADIOL, 2.05 X 10(-6) M; DHA-S and DHA, 1.59 X 10(-6) M. However, ADIOL acted by direct competition with oestradiol for the active enzyme site whereas inhibition by DHA and its sulphate was non-competitive. DHA-S and DHA were more potent inhibitors of oestradiol metabolism than was ADIOL. These results support the hypothesis that adrenal androgens could be involved in the development of endometrial hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma. Inhibition of oestradiol metabolism could increase the concentration of oestradiol in endometrial tissue and if unopposed by progesterone, e.g. after the menopause or in subjects with ovulatory defects, could stimulate abnormal endometrial growth.  相似文献   

Immunolocalization of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase in human ovary   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunohistochemical localization of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3 beta-HSD) was performed in 55 cases of morphologically normal human ovaries by using a specific polyclonal antibody against purified human placental 3 beta-HSD. In small developing follicles, immunoreactivity was observed only in the theca interna but also became recognizable in the membrana granulosa with development of the follicle. At a late stage of folliculogenesis, the intensity of the 3 beta-HSD activity in the membrana granulosa was nearly equal to that of theca interna in 2 or 3 large follicles examined. One to several layers of theca interna cells just beneath membrana granulosa did not demonstrate any immunoreactivity of 3 beta-HSD or that of cytochrome P-450 17 alpha-hydroxylase. These unstained theca interna cells did not appear to be directly involved in ovarian steroidogenesis and might be designated as 'enzymically inactive theca interna cells.' Marked immunoreactivity was observed in luteinized theca and granulosa cells of the corpus luteum.  相似文献   

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