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Relationships between weather parameters andairborne pollen loads of Pinus inBrisbane, Australia have been investigated overthe five-year period, June 1994–May 1999.Pinus pollen accounts for 4.5% of the annualairborne pollen load in Brisbane where thePinus season is confined to the winter months,July–early September. During the samplingperiod loads of 11–>100 grains m3 wererecorded on 24 days and 1–10 grains m3 on204 days. The onset and peak dates wereconsistent across each season, whereas the enddates varied. The onset of the Pinuspollen season coincided with the coolestaverage monthly temperatures (< 22°C),lowest rainfall (< 7mm), and four weeks afterdaily minimum temperatures fell to 5–9°Cin late autumn. Correlations obtained betweendaily airborne Pinus pollen counts andtemperature/rainfall parameters show thatdensities of airborne Pinus pollen arenegatively correlated with maximum temperature(p < 0.0001), minimum temperature (p < 0.0001)and rainfall (p < 0.05) during the mainpollination period. The mean duration of eachpollen season was 52 days; longer seasons wereshown to be directly related to lower averageseasonal maximum temperatures (r2 = 0.85,p = 0.025). These results signify that maximumand minimum temperatures are the majorparameters that influence the onset andduration of the Pinus pollen season inthe environs of Brisbane. Respiratory allergyis an important health issue in Brisbane,Australia, but it remains unknown whether ornot airborne Pinus pollen is acontributing factor.  相似文献   

The effects of climate change on the birch pollen season in Denmark   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Alix Rasmussen 《Aerobiologia》2002,18(3-4):253-265
During the last two decades the climate inDenmark has become warmer and in climatescenarios (IPCC, 2001) it is foreseen that thetemperature will increase in the comingdecades. This predicted future increase intemperature will probably affect both theflowering of plants and the dispersion ofpollen in the air. In this study the alreadyobserved effects on the birch pollen season arestudied.Trend analyses of the birch pollen seasonfor two stations in Denmark more than 200 kmapart give similar results. In Copenhagen thereis a marked shift to an earlier season – itstarts about 14 days earlier in year 2000 thanin 1977, the peak-date is 17 days earlier andthe season-end is 9 days earlier. For Viborgthe trend to an earlier season is in generalthe same, but slightly smaller.During the same period there has also beena distinct rise in the annual-total amount ofbirch pollen, peak-values and days withconcentrations above zero.Rising mean temperatures during winter andspring can explain the calculated trends towardearlier pollen season. Models for estimation ofthe starting date based on Growing Degree Hours(GDH's) give very fine results with acorrelation coefficient around 0.90 and rmserror around 4.2 days.For annual-total there is a significantpositive correlation with the mean temperaturein the growing season the previous year.  相似文献   

The variation in airborne pollen concentrationof the Braga region (Portugal) was studied inspringtime, during the flowering of Vitisvinifera. The data set was obtained for twoconsecutive years (1999 and 2000), using aCour-type sampler.During this period, thirty-six taxa wereobserved in a total of 3,200 pollengrains m-3 of air (CPA). The main pollentypes observed were Olea, Poaceaea,nd Castanea, representing 74% of thepollen spectrum.The airborne pollen concentration (CPA) wassignificantly correlated with certainmeteorological parameters. Pollen concentrationwas positively correlated with temperature andwind direction (East and Northeast) andnegatively correlated with rainfall and numberof rainy days.  相似文献   

Recent changes in weather in North-West Europehave been reflected in the start dates ofpollen seasons. It is therefore necessary toupdate previous models, such as the oneproduced by Jones (1995), so that the modelwill be weighted by current weather patterns. Birch pollen data, collected over a period ofeleven years (1987 to 1997 inclusive) fromthree pollen counting stations in the UK,London, Derby and Cardiff, were analysed todetermine the start dates using the Sum75method. The start dates of the birch pollenseasons of the eleven-year period were thentested for significance against ten-dayaggregated variables of temperature andrainfall for each site. The significantvariables were entered into multiple regressionmodels until the most valid equation for eachsite was found. The models were then tested onthree years not included in their data sets. The models showed mean differences betweenactual and predicted start dates, for theeleven years used, of 1.5, 3 and 5 days atDerby, Cardiff and London respectively. Forthe test years the mean difference was 1, 4.5and 7.5 days at Derby, Cardiff and Londonrespectively. The most powerful model was forDerby where the corresponding meteorologicalstation is at 0.5 km distance and the weakestwas for London where the correspondingmeteorological station is much further away at21 km distance. Weather variables from earlyFebruary to mid March were found to be the mostinfluential on the start dates of the birchpollen season at the three sites.  相似文献   

A record-breaking heat wave affected the European continent in summer 2003. In Switzerland, the temperature in June, July and August exceeded the 1961–1990 mean by about 5 °C. These extreme temperatures had significant effects on the pollen production and on the airborne pollen loads. Especially affected was the grass pollen season, which started 1–2 weeks earlier than in the mean. During May and the first part of June the grass pollen production and dispersion was favoured by the warm and dry weather and many days with high pollen concentrations were registered. First water deficiencies occurred in June so that the grasses ceased to grow. The grass pollen season ended 7–33 days earlier than normal. For many of our stations of the Swiss pollen network this had never occurred as early as in 2003. The other herbaceous plants were not affected as much as the grasses. We measured very high Chenopodium and Plantago pollen concentrations, about normal concentrations of Urtica and Rumex and slightly lower Artemisia pollen concentrations than normal. The summer 2003 was exceptional and its reoccurrence is at the moment statistically extremely unlikely. But models of climatologists show that in the future, climate variations will increase and that in the period 2071–2100 about every second summer could be as warm or warmer and as dry or dryer than 2003.  相似文献   

The long-term, 26 years’ data set of observations on daily concentrations of airborne grass pollen in Leiden is analyzed to present the variations and trends in quantities, and season starting dates. Monitoring of airborne pollen has been done continuously at one location, with a volumetric pollen trap. Annual totals of daily average grass-pollen concentrations are within a normal range of an urban site between 3690 and 9277, averagely 5510. The annual totals are irregularly fluctuating from year to year, and show no increasing or decreasing trend. Each year’s seasonal fluctuation is different, probably under the influence of changing weather conditions. The typical grass-pollen month is June. Using the Σ 75 criterium, the average starting date is on 16 May, whereas with the 1% threshold criterium the start of the grass-pollen season averagely is on 3 June. The mean air temperature in the preceding period is taken as the main factor for the timing of the season start. Analyzing the relationships of the two different criteria for the season starts with a number of temperature observation periods, the best relations were found between the mean air temperature in the period 11 April to 20 May and the Σ 75 criterium season start on 16 May (r=−0.78); and between the mean air temperature in May and the 1% threshold criterium season start on 3 June (r=−0.76). Forecasts of the season start which are significantly better than the average starting date are only possible with the mean air temperature up to a few days before the actual start. This limits the practical usefulness of the forecasting system.  相似文献   

Alder pollen seasons and the effect of meteorological conditions on daily average pollen counts in the air of Lublin (Poland) were analysed. Alnus pollen grains reach very high concentrations in the atmosphere of this city during the early spring period and the parameters of pollen seasons were very different in the particular years studied. The pollen season lasted on average one month. The highest variation was observed for the peak value and the Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI). The pollen seasons, which started later, had shorter duration. Peak daily average pollen counts and SPI value were higher during the shorter seasons. Similarities in the stages of pollen seasons designated by the percentage method depended on the start date of the pollen season. Season parameters were mainly correlated with thermal conditions at the beginning of the year. Regression analysis was used to predict certain characteristics of the alder pollen season. The highest level of explanation of the variation in Alnus pollen season start and peak dates was obtained in the model using mean temperature in February. The obtained regression models may predict 82% of the variation in the pollen season start date, 73% of the variation in the duration, and 62% in the peak date.  相似文献   

A pollen calendar has been constructed for the area of Thessaloniki and relationships between pollen transport and meteorological parameters have been assessed. Daily airborne pollen records were collected over a 15-year period (1987-2001), using a Burkard continuous volumetric pollen trap, located in the centre of the city. Sixteen allergenic pollen types were identified. Simultaneously, daily records of five main meteorological parameters (mean air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, sunshine, wind speed) were made, and then correlated with fluctuations of the airborne pollen concentrations. For the first time in Greece, a pollen calendar has been constructed for 16 pollen types, from which it appears that 24.9% of the total pollen recorded belong to Cupressaceae, 20.8% to Quercus spp., 13.6% to Urticaceae, 9.1% to Oleaceae, 8.9% to Pinaceae, 6.3% to Poaceae, 5.4% to Platanaceae, 3.0% to Corylus spp., 2.5% to Chenopodiaceae and 1.4% to Populus spp. The percentages of Betula spp., Asteraceae (Artemisia spp. and Ambrosia spp.), Salix spp., Ulmaceae and Alnus spp. were each lower than 1%. A positive correlation between pollen transport and both mean temperature and sunshine was observed, whereas usually no correlation was found between pollen and relative humidity or rainfall. Finally, wind speed was generally found to have a significant positive correlation with the concentrations of 8 pollen types. For the first time in the area of Thessaloniki, and more generally in Greece, 15-year allergenic pollen records have been collected and meteorological parameters have been recorded. The airborne pollen concentration is strongly influenced by mean air temperature and sunshine duration. The highest concentrations of pollen grains are observed during spring (May).  相似文献   

Pollen loads in the atmosphere of Darwin, a city located in the wet‐dry tropics of Australia, have been monitored for the period March 2004 to November 2005 as part of a large research program looking at atmospheric particles and human health. Seven pollen types dominate the pollen spectrum, the herbaceous families of Poaceae (grasses) and Cyperaceae (sedges), as well as several native tree and shrub taxa, Acacia, Callitris, Casuarina, Arecaceae and Myrtaceae. The pollen loads were found to have a strong seasonal component associated with the alternating wet (November to March) and dry (April to October) seasons of the region. Seventy percent of the yearly pollen load is captured during the dry season, with the peak pollen period occurring at the onset of the dry season (April–May) when most grasses are in flower. The daily pollen concentration decreases as the dry season progresses, accompanied by a change in composition; fewer herbaceous but increasing woody taxa. Preliminary health outcomes reveal a positive association between hay fever, Poaceae and Acacia pollen, as well as a significant association between total fungal spore concentrations and asthma. The Darwin record contrasts significantly with surveys conducted in the subtropical and temperate cities of Australia where temperature as opposed to rainfall and the prevalence of northern hemisphere exotic tree species have a greater influence over the seasonality and composition of the pollen loads.  相似文献   

For calculating the total annual Olea pollen concentration, the onset of the main pollen season and the peak pollen concentration dates, using data from 1998 to 2004, predictive models were developed using multiple regression analysis. Four Portuguese regions were studied: Reguengos de Monsaraz, Valença do Douro, Braga and Elvas. The effect of some meteorological parameters such as temperature and precipitation on Olea spatial and temporal airborne pollen distribution was studied. The best correlations were found when only the pre‐peak period was used, with thermal parameters (maximum temperature) showing the highest correlation with airborne pollen distribution. Independent variables, selected by regression analysis for the predictive models, with the greatest influence on the Olea main pollen season features were accumulated number of days with rain and rainfall in the previous autumn, and temperatures (average and minimum) from January through March. The models predict 59 to 99% of the total airborne pollen concentration recorded and the initial and peak concentration dates of the main Olea pollen season.  相似文献   

Aim The objective of this paper is to explore the relationships that exist between vegetation and modern pollen rain in the open, largely treeless landscape of subarctic Greenland. The implications of these results for the interpretation of fossil pollen assemblages from the time of the Norse landnám are then examined. Location The study area is the sheep farming district of Qassiarsuk in the subarctic, subcontinental vegetational and climatic zone of southern Greenland (61° N, 45° W). Between c.ad 1000–1500 this region was contained within the Norse Eastern Settlement. Methods Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) of harmonized plant–pollen data sets is used to compare plant cover in 64 vegetation quadrats with pollen assemblages obtained from moss polsters at matching locations. Presence/absence data are also used to calculate indices of association, over‐ and under‐representation for pollen types. Results Good correspondence between paired vegetation–pollen samples occurs in many cases, particularly in locations where Salix glaucaBetula glandulosa dwarf shrub heath is dominant, and across herbaceous field boundaries and meadows. Pollen samples are found to be poor at reflecting actual ground cover where ericales or Juniperus communis are the locally dominant shrubs. Dominant or ubiquitous taxa within this landscape (Betula, Salix and Poaceae) are found to be over‐represented in pollen assemblages, as are several of the ‘weeds’ generally accepted as introduced by the Norse settlers. Main conclusions Due to their over‐representation in the pollen rain, many of the Norse apophytes and introductions (e.g. Rumex acetosa and R. acetosella) traditionally used to infer human activity in Greenland should be particularly sensitive indicators for landnám, allowing early detection of Norse activity in fossil assemblages. Pteridophyte spores are found to be disassociated with the ground cover of ferns and clubmosses, but are over‐represented in pollen assemblages, indicating extra‐local or regional sources and long residence times in soil/sediment profiles for these microfossils. A pollen record for Hordeum‐type registered in close proximity to a field containing barley suggests that summer temperatures under the current climatic regime are, at least on occasion, sufficient to allow flowering.  相似文献   

The phenophases first greening (bud burst) and yellowing of Nordic mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp.tortuosa, also called B. p. ssp. czerepanovii) were observed at three sites on the Kola Peninsula in northernmost Europe during the period 1964–2003, and at two sites in the trans-boundary Pasvik-Enare region during 1994–2003. The field observations were compared with satellite images based on the GIMMS-NDVI dataset covering 1982–2002 at the start and end of the growing season. A trend for a delay of first greening was observed at only one of the sites (Kandalaksha) over the 40 year period. This fits well with the delayed onset of the growing season for that site based on satellite images. No significant changes in time of greening at the other sites were found with either field observations or satellite analyses throughout the study period. These results differ from the earlier spring generally observed in other parts of Europe in recent decades. In the coldest regions of Europe, e.g. in northern high mountains and the northernmost continental areas, increased precipitation associated with the generally positive North Atlantic Oscillation in the last few decades has often fallen as snow. Increased snow may delay the time of onset of the growing season, although increased temperature generally causes earlier spring phenophases. Autumn yellowing of birch leaves tends towards an earlier date at all sites. Due to both later birch greening and earlier yellowing at the Kandalaksha site, the growing season there has also become significantly shorter during the years observed. The sites showing the most advanced yellowing in the field throughout the study period fit well with areas showing an earlier end of the growing season from satellite images covering 1982–2002. The earlier yellowing is highly correlated with a trend at the sites in autumn for earlier decreasing air temperature over the study period, indicating that this environmental factor is important also for autumn phenophases.  相似文献   

The major allergenic pollen prevalent in the Derby air in May is Quercus pollen which has been monitored volumetrically from 1970–1997. Quercus pollen levels in Derby are increasing, showing an established long term trend, with 1995 being an exceptionally high year. There is now an earlier start date and a longer seasonal duration. The mean Quercus diurnal periodicity for 1991–1997 shows a peak at 15.00 hours.A detailed study of the 1990–1997 seasons established that a maximum temperature of 20 °C or above, at the usual time of flowering, occasions the start of the Quercus pollen season. Average May temperature and drought in the previous June and July are important factors in determining Quercus pollen totals. Predictions for the forthcoming seasons were produced which compared favourably with the actual pollen totals.  相似文献   

Coastal and offshore waters of Southwest Greenland are internationally important wintering areas for king eiders (Somateria spectabilis) breeding in eastern Canadian Arctic and in northwestern Greenland. This paper presents the first assessment of their winter diet. Based on esophageal-proventricular samples from 26 females (13 juveniles and 13 older birds) and 15 males (11 juveniles and four older birds) collected in 2000–2002 (November–May) in coastal waters of Nuuk, we identified 28 prey species. The diet consisted of almost equal proportions (aggregate fresh mass) of polychaetes, echinoderms, crustaceans and molluscs. The dominant prey species were Pectinaria spp. (26.8%), Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (18.4%), Mya eideri (11.2%) and Hyas araneus (9.7%). The polychaetes have previously been identified as important prey for eiders in Greenland, but apparently not outside Greenland. Compared with a diet study of common eiders Somateria mollissima from the same wintering area, the king eiders consumed significantly less bivalves and significantly more echinoderms. This difference corresponded with observations that common eiders were feeding in shallow waters, while king eiders were feeding in deeper waters farther from the shore. Benthic surveys are needed to confirm that diet corresponds with prey availability.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the identification and quantification of airborne pollen grains from allergenic plant species and their relationship with meteorological factors, i.e. maximum and minimum daily temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed in the city of Islamabad, Pakistan. An aerobiological data set (2010–2012), collected using rotorod samplers in five different sectors of the city, was supplied by the Pakistan Meteorological Department. Pollen of eight allergenic species was identified amongst which Broussonetia papyrifera exceeded the highest pollen level and, therefore, likely played a key role in aggravating the symptoms of pollen allergy in the city. The mean weekly pollen counts were next correlated with the weekly number of allergic patients visiting hospitals during 2010–2011. Clinical data were acquired from the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. The highest number of allergic patients visiting hospital was usually observed during weeks with high pollen level. These results suggest a close relationship between the pollen concentration in the air and the allergy symptoms. Spearman’s rank correlation analysis was performed to establish the relationships between meteorological parameters and daily average pollen counts. A pollen calendar for the Islamabad city was also prepared to provide a guide for the timing and duration of season for all encountered pollen types.  相似文献   

A.H. Munshi 《Aerobiologia》2000,16(3-4):449-452
Several grass pollens are important environmental bio-pollutants, causing various allergic disorders in susceptible persons. Therefore, it is essential to study the period and duration of the flowering of the plants growing in a particular region/area. For the area Srinagar (Kashmir Himalaya), a flowering calendar of grasses consisting of 57 species which fall under 35 genera has been compiled in order to provide an understanding of habit, period of pollen release and their dispersal from the flowers, pollen load in the atmosphere and the influence of meterological parameters. The main object of this research work is to provide an information regarding the frequency of grass pollen in atmosphere to the physicians, or medical practitioners. The maximum flowering period is recorded from July to September. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Ragweed (genus Ambrosia) and mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) pollen grains are known to be very potent aeroallergens, often noted to enter into cross reactions. The aim of the study was to analyse ragweed and mugwort pollen release in Szczecin (western Poland) during the period 2000–2003. Measurements were performed by the volumetric and gravimetric method. Pollen seasons were defined as the periods of 90% of the total catch. Of the 4 years studied, the lowest concentration of ragweed pollen was observed in 2000. In 2000, the annual ragweed pollen count was very high, threefold higher than in 2001. There was a high Ambrosia pollen count in 2003, with the highest daily value of 84 grains/m3. The mugwort pollen season started in the third 10-day period of July and lasted to the end of August in all of the years studied. Analysis of pollen deposition from different Szczecin city’s districts showed that the highest exposure to ragweed pollen allergens occurred in the Majowe district, which is related to the presence of numerous plants of Ambrosia in that district. The mugwort pollen deposition was more abundant in the Żelechowa district, which is an area with villas and gardens. Statistically significant correlations were found between the ragweed pollen count in the air and the maximum wind speed, air temperature and relative humidity and between the mugwort pollen count in the air and air temperature and relative humidity.  相似文献   

Presence of pollen in the atmosphere was determined inTartu in 1989–1997, in Kuressaare in 1996–1997 and iniauliai in 1997. Ragweed airpollen was found in latesummer in three years. The distribution, abundance andflowering of local ragweed plants were estimated. Itappeared that the number of local sources did notexceed twenty per country per year. Majority of thesesources consisted of a small number of pollinating A. artemisiifolia individuals. The largest localsources, consisting of several hundreds ofindividuals, were exclusively rare. Transport ofragweed pollen by air masses from distant sources wasstudied. It was found that incursions of ragweedpollen were determined by air fluxes originating fromthe Ukraine as well as from the southeastern andsouthern regions of the European part of Russia. Theseincursions occurred in extensive high-pressure areaswhose centre was located in the central region of theEuropean part of Russia with a periphery extending tothe Baltic countries.  相似文献   

Hornbeam (Carpinus sp.) flowering occurs generallysimultaneously with birch anthesis. While birch pollenis known as the major tree-allergen in central andnorthern Europe, the quantitative and qualitative roleof hornbeam pollen in allergy has not been evaluated.In some regions of Switzerland, the annual ratiohornbeam SPI / birch SPI reaches 20–30% on average,and 50–180% some years. The relative importance ofhornbeam pollen hypersensitivity has been evaluated inmore than 200 patients suffering from spring allergiesto pollen during the last five years (1993–1997) inthe region of Geneva. Among symptomatic patientsduring the March-April period, 73.5% werehypersensitive to Betulaceae pollen. Overall, 71.7%of the patients allergic to Betulaceae pollen werefound to be sensitive to hornbeam, and 12.5% of thesame group of patients were sensitive to hornbeampollen only. Among this last group, half of thepatients, besides allergic rhino-conjunctivitis, werealso suffering from asthma. Hornbeam pollen isabundant and appears to have a significativeimportance in spring allergies. In some cases,specific immunotherapy to hornbeam pollen shouldperhaps be considered.  相似文献   

Female sexual maturation cycle and the main spawning time of Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in the Davis Strait were studied through regularly collected samples during 1 year starting in spring 2003. Samples were collected from the southern slope of the Davis Strait Ridge between Canada and Greenland in the depth range 1000–1500 m. Female sexual maturation was described using different approaches: gonado‐somatic index, visual macroscopic maturity stage index, histological microscopic maturity index and oocyte diameter measurements. A significant increase in the gonado‐somatic index was seen from September onwards until February with a maximum estimated value of 18%. The proportion of mature fish increased from December until March. At the same time, the proportion of females with a low gonado‐somatic index also increased from February, indicating that spawning had occurred and females were recovering. Oocyte diameter distribution revealed a leading cohort development during autumn through to December to February. A coupling between sexual maturity and fish condition was seen for females in maturing condition indicating a steady build up of stored energy in the liver from June to November.  相似文献   

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