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The characteristics of cell-associated proteoglycans were studied and compared with those from the medium in suspension cultures of calf articular-cartilage chondrocytes. By including hyaluronic acid or proteoglycan in the medium during [35S]sulphate labelling the proportion of cell-surface-associated proteoglycans could be decreased from 34% to about 15% of all incorporated label. A pulse-chase experiment indicated that this decrease was probably due to blocking of the reassociation with the cells of proteoglycans exported to the medium. Three peaks of [35S]sulphate-labelled proteoglycans from cell extracts and two from the medium were isolated by gel chromatography on Sephacryl S-500. These were characterized by agarose/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis, by SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis of core proteins, by glycosaminoglycan composition and chain size as well as by distribution of glycosaminoglycans in proteolytic fragments. The results showed that associated with the cells were (a) large proteoglycans, typical for cartilage, apparently bound to hyaluronic acid at the cell surface, (b) an intermediate-size proteoglycan with chondroitin sulphate side chains (this proteoglycan, which had a large core protein, was only found associated with the cells and is apparently not related to the large proteoglycans), (c) a small proteoglycan with dermatan sulphate side chains with a low degree of epimerization, and (d) a somewhat smaller proteoglycan containing heparan sulphate side chains. The medium contained a large aggregating proteoglycan of similar nature to the large cell-associated proteoglycan and small proteoglycans with dermatan sulphate side chains with a higher degree of epimerization than those of the cells, i.e. containing some 20% iduronic acid.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were prepared that recognize different age-related epitopes on proteoglycan subunits of high buoyant density isolated from human epiphysial and articular cartilages. Antibody EFG-4 (IgG1) recognizes a proteinase-sensitive segment associated with the core protein. Antibody BCD-4 (IgG1) reacts with keratan sulphate bound to core protein. Both epitopes are minimally expressed in foetal cartilage and increase with age after birth to become maximally expressed in adult cartilage by about 30 years of age. In contrast, monoclonal antibody alpha HFPG-846 (IgM) recognizes a core-protein-related epitope that is maximally expressed in young foetal cartilage, declines up to birth and thereafter and is almost absent after about 30 years of age. Antibody alpha HFPG-846 was used to isolate by immuno-affinity chromatography two subpopulations of proteoglycan subunits from a 16-year-old-human cartilage proteoglycan subunit preparation. Only the antibody-unbound population showed a significant reaction with antibodies EGF-4 and BCD-4. The amino acid and carbohydrate compositions of these proteoglycan fractions were different, and one (antibody-bound) resembled those of foetal and the other (antibody-unbound) resembled those of adult proteoglycans isolated from 24-27-week-old-foetal and 52-56-year-old-adult cartilage respectively. These observations demonstrate that human cartilages contain at least two chemically and immunochemically distinct populations of proteoglycans, the proportions and content of which are age-dependent. It is likely that these populations represent the products of different genes, though their heterogeneity may be compounded by the result of different post-translation modifications.  相似文献   

Turnover of proteoglycans in cultures of bovine articular cartilage   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Proteoglycans in cultures of adult bovine articular cartilage labeled with [35S]sulfate after 5 days in culture and maintained in medium containing 20% fetal calf X serum had longer half-lives (average 11 days) compared with those of the same tissue maintained in medium alone (average 6 days). The half-lives of proteoglycans in cultures of calf cartilage labeled after 5 days in culture and maintained in medium with serum were considerably longer (average 21 days) compared to adult cartilage. If 0.5 mM cycloheximide was added to the medium of cultures of adult cartilage, or the tissue was maintained at 4 degrees C after labeling, the half-lives of the proteoglycans were greater, 24 and greater than 300 days, respectively. Analyses of the radiolabeled proteoglycans remaining in the matrix of the tissue immediately after labeling the tissue and at various times in culture revealed two main populations of proteoglycans; a large species eluting with Kav of 0.21-0.24 on Sepharose CL-2B, of high bouyant density and able to form aggregates with hyaluronate, and a small species eluting with a Kav of 0.63-0.70 on Sepharose CL-2B, of low buoyant density, containing only chondroitin sulfate chains, and unable to form aggregates with hyaluronate. The larger proteoglycan had shorter half-lives than the smaller proteoglycan; in cartilage maintained with serum, the half-lives were 9.8 and 14.5 days, respectively. Labeling cartilage with both [3H]leucine and [35S]sulfate showed the small proteoglycan to be a separate synthetic product. The size distribution of 35S-labeled proteoglycans lost into the medium was shown to be polydisperse on Sepharose CL-2B, the majority eluting with a Kav of 0.27 to 0.35, of high buoyant density, and unable to aggregate with hyaluronate. The size distribution of glycosaminoglycans from 35S-labeled proteoglycans appearing in the medium did not differ from that associated with labeled proteoglycans remaining in the matrix.  相似文献   

We report here the presence of a 58-kDa protein in the cells of Daucus carota L. cultivated in vitro. Two lines of carrot cells are used: wild-type line (wt) and mutant line (ts11). We describe here also presence of this protein in the media of cultured cells. Strong reaction of this intracellular and extracellular protein with an anti-calreticulin antiserum indicates that it is a major high capacity, low affinity Ca2+-binding reticuloplasmin–calreticulin. No differences in biochemical characterization is found between calreticulin purified from the wild-type line and the mutant line. Moreover molecular mass, type of glycosylation and the ability of extracellular protein to bind calcium is found to be indistinguishable from those of the purified intracellular calreticulin. Calreticulin release is attributed to some stress imposed on cultured cells by growth conditions. It is shown that this process can be also induced in CR-non-releasing systems such as carrot somatic embryos by applying a high-cell-density stress.  相似文献   

1. Analysis of the purified proteoglycans extracted from normal human articular cartilage with 4M-guanidinium chloride showed that there was an age-related increase in their content of protein and keratan sulphate. 2. The hydrodynamic size of the dissociated proteoglycans also decreased with advancing age, but there was little change in the proportion that could aggregate. 3. Results suggested that some extracts of aged-human cartilage had an increased content of hyaluronic acid compared with specimens from younger patients. 4. Dissociated proteoglycans, from cartilage of all age groups, bind to hyaluronic acid and form aggregates in direct proportion to the hyaluronic acid concentration. 5. Electrophoretic heterogeneity of the dissociated proteoglycans was demonstrated on polyacrylamide/agarose gels. The number of proteoglycan species observed was also dependent on the age of the patient.  相似文献   

The turnover of proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix was studied in fibroblasts cultures derived from patients with mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) and healthy donors. The cells were labelled with 35S-sulfate and 14C-glucosamine and it was found that in MPS-fibroblasts the rate of extracellular matrix turnover was hardly affected, where as the intracellular turnover was severely inhibited. Similar results were obtained with normal fibroblasts treated with 20 mM ammonia. Autoradiography revealed that MPS fibroblasts have a preferential accumulation of 35S-sulfate labelled material in the nuclear area, indicating that the nucleus may also be affected in MPS pathology. It is suggested that, although lysosomal enzymes are an important factor in intracellular proteoglycan turnover, they do not play a crucial role in the turnover of extracellular matrix proteoglycans.  相似文献   

Conversion of whole cells of Micrococcus lysodeikticus to protoplasts allowed the release of a soluble form of a D-alanine carboxypeptidase into the protoplasting medium. The enzyme cleaves the terminal D-alanine from the radioactively labelled UDP-N-acetylmuramyl-pentapeptide containing L-lysine as the diamino acid. However, the enzyme is only minimally active in this fraction so that it had to be enriched and partially purified before its properties could be studied. Chromatography on carboxymethyl-Sephadex removed the lysozyme used in the protoplasting of the cells. The material which was unadsorbed to the column was applied to an affinity chromatography column of Ampicillin-Sepharose. Most of the contaminating protein was washed from the column while the D-alanine carboxypeptidase adhered to the resin and could be eluted with 0.5 M Tris-HCl buffer pH 8.6. Some of the properties of the enzymic activity were studied using this preparation. The enzyme was activated by Mg2+ ions with a broad optimum from 15--35 mM. It was maximally active when NaCl at a concentrations of 0.06--0.08 M was added to the assay, and the pH curve was biphasic with an alkaline optimum. The Km for substrate was found to be 0.118 mM. Enzymic activity was completely inhibited by low concentrations of Ampicillin and penicillin G.  相似文献   

C-1300 murine neuroblastoma cells release glycoproteins into the culture medium. The process was studied by prelabeling spinner cultures for 12 to 60 hours with [3H]glucosamine. Then, the medium was removed and replaced with fresh medium lacking radioactive isotope. Soluble material released into the medium during the subsequent 2-hour incubation was collected by trichloroacetic acid precipitation. The released proteins were then separated by discontinuous polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in buffers containing sodium dodecyl sulfate. The electrophoretograms of glycoproteins obtained from cultures labeled for different lengths of time were very similar; three major radioactive regions centered about molecular weights 87,000, 66,000, and 55,000 were present. When spinner cells were transferred to monolayer culture in the presence of N6,O2' dibutyryl adenosine 3':5'-monophosphate (Bt2cAMP), differentiation (extension of neurites twice the diameter of the perikaryon) was observed. Monolayer cultures grown in the presence of Bt2cAMP and [3H]glucosamine for 12 hours released glycoproteins which gave a gel electrophoresis pattern similar to that obtained using spinner cultures. However, after 60 hours in the presence of Bt2cAMP and [3H]glucosamine, the released radioactive material consisted almost exclusively of glycoproteins of the 66,000 molecular weight class. Similar results were obtained if [3H]fucose was substituted for [3H]glucosamine, or if bromodeoxyuridine (which also induced differentiation) was substituted for Bt2cAMP. Similar experiments using radioactive amino acids were conducted with both spinner and monolayer cultures. Much of the released radioactive material was contained in the same three molecular weight classes as the glycoproteins released by spinner cells prelabeled with [3H]glucosamine, and this pattern did not vary with length of labeling period or type of culture. These results may imply that the glycosylation of released proteins is influenced by agents which can induce differentiation. The origin of this released material is discussed. [3H]Glucosamine-labeled glycoproteins of the molecular weight class centered about 55,000 (discussed above) were isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis. They co-migrated with authentic mouse brain microtubular protein as two closely spaced bands on a number of different electrophoretic systems. This protein fraction was also characterized as complexing with a monospecific antitubulin antibody.  相似文献   

The turnover in vivo of proteoglycans of guinea pig costal cartilage was investigated using Na235SO4 as precursor. Proteoglycans were extracted with guanidine · HCl, at both low and high ionic strength, and purified and fractionated by ultracentrifugation in CsCl gradients under associative and dissociative conditions. The results suggest that the sulfate is incorporated into macromolecules of at least two major metabolic pools with half-lives of about 3 days and about 60–70 days, respectively. Molecules with a fast turnover were enriched in the low ionic strength extracts and in fractions containing small, nonaggregated proteoglycans. No substantial evidence was found for a precursor-product relationship between different fractions.  相似文献   

Cultured chondrocytes from the Swarm rat chondrosarcoma incorporate [35S]sulfate into proteoglycans typical of hyaline cartilage. The movement of newly synthesized proteoglycans from inside the cells into the extracellular matrix and, finally, into the culture medium was examined by measuring the distribution of 35S-labeled proteoglycans in the medium, a 4 M guanidine HCl extract of the cell layer, and in the remaining residue for a number of chase times following a 5-min pulse with [35S]sulfate. When hyaluronate oligosaccharides containing greater than or equal to 10 monosaccharides were included in the chase media, a proportion of newly synthesized proteoglycans were displaced from the matrix (4 M extract) into the culture medium. This displacement was greatest when oligomers were in the chase media between 10 and 20 min after the pulse, approximately the time when the molecules are being secreted from the cells. The proportion of link-stabilized aggregate in the medium was examined by Sepharose 2B chromatography after adding an excess of unlabeled monomer which displaces labeled monomer from complexes with hyaluronate which are not link-stabilized. The proportion of link-stabilized aggregate increased from 12% to about 70% between 12 and 120 min of chase. The presence of 40 micron hyaluronate oligosaccharides of 16 monosaccharides in the chase media retarded but did not prevent aggregate formation. Oligomers of about 50 monosaccharides, which are large enough to bind both a monomer proteoglycan and a link protein, almost completely prevented the formation of the large link-stabilized aggregates. The results suggest: (a) newly synthesized proteoglycans are not bound into link-stabilized aggregates at the time of secretion; (b) hyaluronic acid oligomers which are long enough to interact only with the hyaluronic acid-binding site of proteoglycans will retard but not prevent link-stabilized aggregation; and (c) hyaluronic acid oligomers long enough to accommodate additionally a link protein form a link-stabilized ternary complex and prevent aggregation with larger hyaluronic acid molecules.  相似文献   

Extracellular particles, with a density of 1.18-1.22 g/cm3 in sucrose, were detected in the culture medium of a continuous cell line (JIII) derived from a patient with monocytic leukemia. These particles contained RNA, DNA, and a DNA polymerase. They synthesized DNA with endogenous templates and primers and also used exogenous DNA but not poly(rC) oligo(dG) as a template. Pretreatment with Nonidet P-40 stimulated DNA polymerase activity while treatment with ribonuclease partially inhibited the enzyme activity. Fluorescent antibodies made to the particles stained both JIII and Z-597 cells derived from human leukemias but not other types of human or nonhuman cultured cells tested. The particles do not appear to be oncornaviruses but may be a particulate antigen associated with malignant cells of hemopoietic and lymphoid origin.  相似文献   

(1) Determinations were carried out on the incorporation of fucose-6-(3H) and glucosamine-6-(3H) into trichloracetic acid insoluble macromolecules which remained bound to the cells or were released into the medium of chick embryo muscle cell cultures. The radioactivity determined in the medium was corrected for unspecific binding of label to components of the medium. (2) During an incorporation period of six hours the incorporation per microgram DNA with fucose as label into cell bound macromolecules is about twice as high as the incorporation into macromolecules released into medium. With glucosamine about twice as much is incorporated into medium released into the cell bound macromolecules. (3) The incorporation per microgram DNA increased during a culture period of three days but the increase ceases at different times during this culture period when determined with fucose or glucosamine or for cell bound and medium released material. (4) An increase in cell density increases the incorporation per DNA of fucose and to a much slighter extent that of glucosamine. Reduction of cell density by addition of cytosine arabinoside to the medium does not increase the incorporation per microgram DNA. (5) The effect of changes of fibroblast/myoblast ratios on the incorporation of fucose and glucosamine were examined. No significant effect was observed for a ratio of 10-30% fibroblasts when control cultures or cultures after cell sedimentation were maintained in complete medium. Marked changes were observed after culture in medium without protein components. Under these conditions an increase in the fibroblast/myoblast ratios were observed as well as an increase in the incorporation of label into medium released and a decrease into cell bound macromolecules.  相似文献   

Materials released into culture medium by transformed and untransformed baby hamster kidney cells labelled with glucosamine, sulfate, fucose or leucine were characterized. Some of the components could also be labelled by iodination of intact cells, indicating their surface origin. Analysis on gradient polyacrylamide sodium lauryl sulfate gels demonstrated that a group of high apparent molecular weight glucosamine-labelled components were more abundant in materials released from Rous sarcoma virus-transformed baby hamster kidney cells than from baby hamster kidney cells or polyoma virus-transformed baby hamster kidney cells. The relative rates of release of glucosamine-labelled components from transformed and untransformed cells were similar except that the transformed baby hamster kidney cells released some large molecular weight components slightly more rapidly than baby hamster kidney cells. Treatment of labelled medium materials with testicular hyaluronidase removed much glucosamine label from the materials but did not affect the amounts of other labels. After treatment with hyaluronidase, the patterns of labelled conditioned media from both transformed and untransformed baby hamster kidney cells were qualitatively and quantitatively very similar, suggesting that the differences seen in untreated labelled conditioned media were due to the presence of hyaluronidase-sensitive materials associated with medium materials rather than to actual differences in glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Skin fibroblasts lines established from patients with Alzheimer's disease and old normal individuals were cultured with 35S-sodium sulfate and 3H-glucosamine. Proteoglycans were isolated and characterized. Sulfate incorporation into proteoglycans increased in Alzheimer's disease fibroblasts relative to normal controls. These increases changed the ratio of chondroitin sulfate to heparan sulfate proteoglycan from 1.4 to 1.7 (p = 0.0012) and decreased the ratio of cell to medium proteoglycans from 0.32 to 0.26 in normal and Alzheimer fibroblasts (p = 0.006), respectively. HPLC analysis of the disaccharides produced by chondroitinase ABC revealed no differences in composition between proteoglycans of Alzheimer and normal fibroblasts in either the cell or medium fraction. However, analysis of disaccharides produced by heparinase plus heparitinase showed differences in composition in the medium but not the cell fraction. delta UA-GlcNS was increased by 30% while delta UA-GlcNS-6S was reduced by 40% in Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Eight strains of Neisseria meningitidis belonging to different serogroups were analysed for their virulence in mice and their release of outer membrane proteins into the medium during growth. All strains released proteins. No detectable lipopolysaccharide was observed. However, SDS-PAGE showed a heterogenicity in the protein number and profile among the different strains of N. meningitidis tested.  相似文献   

Abstract— An enzymic activity which catalyses the deamidation of nicotinamide to nicotinic acid has been found in the growth media of neuroblasts and glioblasts cultivated in vitro. Some properties of the crude nicotinamide deamidase from the growth medium of neuroblastoma M1 cells have been studied.  相似文献   

Inhibition of murein biosynthesis in Streptococcus pneumoniae by either penicillin or bacitracin leads to an increase in the amount of protein secreted into the medium. This process was studied in wild-type cells grown under lysis-permissive conditions as well as in an autolysin-deficient mutant. The time course of secretion did not follow cellular lysis but commenced immediately after the addition of the cell wall inhibitor in a manner similar to that described recently for cell wall and membrane components in various tolerant streptococci. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that this increase was not due to the stimulation of release of three protein components which are secreted under normal growth conditions; rather, a complex set of cellular proteins escaped from the antibiotic-treated pneumococci. The proteins released during bacitracin treatment was slightly different from those observed when penicillin was used. Analysis on sucrose gradients indicated that the secreted proteins were membrane bound rather than soluble. Membrane vesicles could indeed be detected by electron microscopy of negative-stained secreted material.  相似文献   

The culture medium of growing Chlamydomonas reinhardii cells contains hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins, which are mainly liberated during release of the zoospores from the mother-cell wall. Pulse-labelling studies with [3H]proline and [35S]methionine have been performed in order to detect the protein components released by synchronously growing cells at different stages of the cell cycle. When either [3H]proline or [35S]methionine were applied during the phase of cell growth, radioactive label appeared in the released macromolecules after a lag period of 40 min, whereas incorporation into the insoluble part of the cell wall was delayed only by 20 min. When applied at the end of the growth phase, e.g. 13 h after beginning of the illumination period, the radioactive amino acids were incorporated into the cell wall, but radioactive labelling of macromolecules released into the culture medium could not be detected before the zoospores were liberated from the mother-cell wall. Maximal incorporation of [3H]proline and [35S]methionine into the insoluble part of the cell wall was observed during cell division, but essentially no radioactively-labelled macromolecules were released into the culture medium during this time period. Analysis of the macromolecules, which were liberated during cell enlargement, by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis revealed distinct radioactive bands, which were differentially labelled with [3H]proline and [35S]methionine. Among the macromolecules released into the culture medium during cell growth, a component of an apparent Mr 35 000 was preferentially labelled with [3H]proline. This component was also detected after labelling with [35S]methionine, but components of an apparently higher Mr were more prominent after labelling with [35S]methionine. Macromolecules released during the cell-enlargement period of synchronously growing cultures in the presence of [3H]proline contained radioactively-labelled hydroxyproline in addition to proline. These results show that, during cell-wall growth, specific protein components are released into the culture medium and that at least one of these components contains large amounts of proline and hydroxyproline. At least some of these macromolecules seem to be constituents of the cell wall, because during pulse-chase experiments radioactively-labelled macromolecules appeared in the culture medium mainly during the time period when the specific radioactivity of the insoluble inner-cell-wall layer decreased.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a causal agent of the chronic liver infection. To understand HCV morphogenesis, we studied the assembly of HCV structural proteins in insect cells. We constructed recombinant baculovirus expression vectors consisting of either HCV core alone, core-E1, or core-E1-E2. These structural proteins were expressed in insect cells and were examined to assemble into particles. Neither core-E1 nor core-E1-E2 was capable of assembling into virus-like particles (VLPs). It was surprising that the core protein alone was assembled into core-like particles. These particles were released into the culture medium as early as 2 days after infection. In our system, HCV structural proteins including envelope proteins did not assemble into VLPs. Instead, the core protein itself has the intrinsic capacity to assemble into amorphous core-like particles. Furthermore, released core particles were associated with HCV RNA, indicating that core proteins were assembled into nucleocapsids. These results suggest that HCV may utilize a unique core release mechanism to evade the hosts defense mechanism, thus contributing to the persistence of HCV infection.  相似文献   

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