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Liu W  Yang H  Li L 《Oecologia》2006,150(2):330-338
Stable hydrogen isotopic compositions (δD) of compound-specific biomarkers, such as n-alkanes from plant leaf waxes, can be used as a proxy for paleoclimatic change. However, the relationship between hydrogen isotopes of plant leaf wax and plant ecological life forms is not well understood. Here, we report the δD of n-alkanes from 34 modern terrestrial plants, including twenty-one C3 plants and thirteen C4 plants from northwestern China, determined using gas chromatography/thermal conversion/isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Our data show that the stable hydrogen isotopes are poorly correlated with the plant photosynthetic pathway (C3 vs. C4) and that they do not give clear regional precipitation signals. Together with a comparative analysis of published δD values from plant leaf waxes in other regions, we believe that the stable hydrogen isotope of plant leaf waxes is more closely related to ecological life forms of these terrestrial plants (i.e. tree, shrub, and grass). In general, the grasses have more negative δD values than the co-occurring trees and shrubs. Our findings suggest that the δD values of sedimentary leaf waxes from higher plants may record changes of a plant ecosystem under the influence of environmental alteration and imply that reconstruction of the paleoclimate using δD values from plant n-alkanes should be based upon specific plant taxa, and comparison should be made among plants with similar ecological life forms.  相似文献   

稳定氢氧同位素技术能有效计算植物根系水分吸收量,确定植物水分来源贡献,评估植物水分利用策略,是生态水文学探究大气-植被-土壤系统水分传输过程机制的有效工具。然而土壤与木质部水稳定氢氧同位素比值(δ2H和δ18O)偏移造成植物水分来源贡献率计算偏差,引起氢氧同位素结果差异的原因尚不明晰。该文首先简要介绍氢氧稳定同位素比值偏移现象,其次沿水分在土壤-植物-大气连续体中的传输路径构建梳理框架,系统阐述了3个界面(植物-大气界面、土壤-大气界面和根系-土壤界面)与2个空间(植物体和土壤层)中引起δ2H与δ18O偏移的自然效应,同时概述了土壤与木质部样品提取与测定技术中引起δ2H与δ18O偏差的人为效应。最后,根据现有研究进展提出主要问题,从获取同位素时空数据,微尺度同位素偏移原因,提取与测定技术的优化三方面指出未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

A study of the isotopic composition of organic matter was conducted in a freshwater marsh over seasonal and diel time scales to determine the sources of dissolved organic matter (DOM) and the processes leading to its formation. Bulk C and N isotopic compositions of the bacterial fraction (0.2–0.7 m) and particulate organic matter (POM; 0.7–10 m) were compared on a seasonal basis with the change in 13C of DOM. The bulk isotopic data support the idea that DOM was, in part, derived from the breakdown of larger organic matter fractions. The bacterial fraction and POM were compositionally similar throughout the year, based on a comparison of the 13C of individual amino acids in each fraction. Annual variation in the 13C of amino acids in DOM was greater relative to the variation in larger fractions indicating that microbial reworking was an important factor determining the proteinaceous component of DOM. The 13C enrichment of serine and leucine in each organic matter fraction suggested microbial reworking was an important factor determining organic matter composition during the most productive times of year. Changes in the bulk 13C of DOM were more significant over daily, relative to seasonal, time scales where values ranged by 6 and followed changes in chlorophyll a concentrations. Although bulk 13C values for POM ranged only from –29 to –28 during the same diel period, the 13C of alanine in POM ranged from –30 to –22. Alanine is directly synthesized from pyruvate and is therefore a good metabolic indicator. The 13C of individual amino acids in DOM revealed the diel change in the importance of autotrophic versus heterotrophic activity in influencing DOM composition. Diel changes in the 13C of phenylalanine, synthesized by common pathways in phytoplankton and bacteria, were similar in both DOM and POM. The diel change in 13C of isoleucine and valine, synthesized through different pathways in phytoplankton and bacteria, were distinctly different in DOM versus POM. This disparity indicated a decoupling of the POM and DOM pools, which suggests a greater source of bacterial-derived organic matter at night. The results of this study demonstrate the use of the isotopic composition of individual amino acids in determining the importance of microbial reworking and autotrophic versus heterotrophic contributions to DOM over both diel and seasonal time scales.  相似文献   

于静洁  李亚飞 《生态学报》2018,38(22):7942-7949
稳定氢氧同位素技术被广泛运用于生态系统、特别是干旱区生态系统中植物水分来源的研究,其理论假设为"水分被植物根系吸收并向木质部运输过程中不发生氢氧同位素分馏"。生态系统中不同水源的氢氧同位素组成普遍存在显著差异,为从水源混合体中区分出各水源的贡献率提供了前提条件。但在实际应用过程中,诸多因素导致稳定氢氧同位素技术定量植物水分来源的结果具有不确定性。综合已有研究并加以分析,举证说明植物吸收水分相对于水源同位素变化的滞后性、水源同位素的季节性变化、蒸发作用和水源之间的混合作用对水源同位素的影响等导致植物水分来源定量结果不确定性的几个因素,以期为今后稳定氢氧同位素技术在植物水分来源领域的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The involvement of hydrogen peroxide in plant responses to stresses   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The role of reactive oxygen species, especially H2O2, in plant response to stresses has been the focus of much attention. Hydrogen peroxide has been postulated to play multiple functions in plant defence against pathogens. (1) H2O2 may possess direct microbicidal activity at the sites of pathogen invasion. (2) It is used for cell-wall reinforcing processes: lignification and oxidative cross-linking of hydroxyproline-rich proteins and other cell-wall polymers. (3) It was found to be necessary for phytoalexin synthesis. (4) H2O2 may trigger programmed plant cell death during the hypersensitive response that restricts the spread of infection. (5) H2O2 has been suggested to act as a signal in the induction of systemic acquired resistance and (6) it induces defence genes. Recently H2O2 has been proposed to be involved in the signal transduction pathways leading to acclimation and protection from abiotic stresses. The present review discusses new insights into the function of H2O2 in plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses.  相似文献   

MixSIAR和IsoSource模型解析植物水分来源的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选取西南喀斯特地区次生林中主要优势植物刺楸(Kalopanax septemlobus(Thunb.)Koidz.)、香椿(Toona sinensis)和化香(Platycarya strobilacea Sieb.et Zucc.)为研究对象,通过对不同土壤深度的土壤水、泉水、雨水和植物采样,利用氢氧稳定同位素技术,借助IsoSource和MixSIAR两种模型分析植物水分来源,通过直接相关法判断植物主要吸水源来衡量两种模型的适用性。结果表明,降雨δ18O值在3月—6月偏正,在6月—8月数据偏负,存在明显的季节变化。在春季不同土壤层土壤水δ18O值土壤深度增加而降低,夏季呈现相反的规律。基于IsoSource和MixSIAR模型计算植物不同水分来源比例时存在一定差异。基于直接相关法定性分析植物水分来源表明MixSIAR模型计算结果可靠性高于IsoSource模型。基于均方根误差(Root Mean Square Error,RMSE)进行模型评价,结果显示出MixSIAR模型的RMSE结果小于IsoSource模型,表明利用MixSIAR...  相似文献   

A semimechanistic model has recently been proposed to explain observed correlations between the H and O isotopic composition of hair from modern residents of the USA and the isotopic composition of drinking water, but the applicability of this model to hair from non‐USA and preglobalization populations is unknown. Here we test the model against data from hair samples collected during the 1930s–1950s from populations of five continents. Although C and N isotopes confirm that the samples represent a much larger range of dietary “space” than the modern USA residents, the model is able to reproduce the observed δ2H and δ18O values given reasonable adjustments to 2 model parameters: the fraction of dietary intake derived from locally produced foods and the fraction of keratin H fixed during the in vivo synthesis of amino acids. The model is most sensitive to the local dietary intake, which appears to constitute between 60% and 80% of diet among the groups sampled. The isotopic data are consistent with a trophic‐level effect on protein H isotopes, which we suggest primarily reflects mixing of 2H‐enriched water and 2H‐depleted food H in the body rather than fractionation during biosynthesis. Samples from Inuit groups suggest that humans with marine‐dominated diets can be identified on the basis of coupled δ2H and δ18O values of hair. These results indicate a dual role for H and O isotopic measurements of keratin, including both biological (diet, physiology) and environmental (geographic movement, paleoclimate) reconstruction. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In addition to well-known cell wall peroxidases, there is now evidence for the presence of this enzyme at the plasma membrane of the plant cells (surface peroxidase). Both are able to catalyze, through a chain of reactions involving the superoxide anion, the oxidation of NADH to generate hydrogen peroxide. The latter is oxidized by other wall-bound peroxidases to convert cinnamoyl alcohols into radical forms, which, then polymerize to generate lignin. However, there are other enzymes at the surface of plasma membranes capable of generating hydrogen peroxide (cell wall polyamine oxidase), superoxide anion (plasma membrane Turbo reductase), or both (plasma membrane flavoprotein?). These enzymes utilize NAD(P)H as a substrate. The Turbo reductase and the flavoprotein catalyze the univalent reduction of Fe3+ and then of O2 to produce Fe2+ and \(O_2^{\bar \cdot } \) , respectively. The superoxide anion, in the acidic environment of the cell wall, may then dismutate to H2O2. These superoxide anion- and hydrogen peroxide-generating systems are discussed in relation to their possible involvement in physiological and pathological processes in the apoplast of plant cells.  相似文献   

人类活动输入影响河流水体化学组成,增加经河流体系向海洋输出物质的通量,影响全球物质循环过程.有效识别人为输入的影响途径和范围对于量化人类活动对全球物质循环的影响具有重要作用.沙颍河是淮河上游最大支流,流域水体受人为输入影响严重,通过研究沙颍河流域强人为输入对河水水化学组成的影响过程,有利于弄清楚强烈人为活动干扰下河流输...  相似文献   

土壤-植物-大气连续体(SPAC)中水循环是水文学和生态学研究的重要内容,氢氧稳定同位素在不同水体中组成特征的差异可以指示水分循环过程.本研究通过分析成都平原区亚热带常绿阔叶林中降水、土壤水、植物水的同位素组成,探讨SPAC系统中水分的氢氧稳定同位素演化特征,揭示区域水循环不同界面过程.结果 表明:研究区雨季大气降水线...  相似文献   

In perennially ice-covered lakes of Taylor Valley, Antarctica, “legacy”, a carryover of past ecosystem events, has primarily been discussed in terms of nutrient and salinity concentrations and its effect on the current ecology of the lakes. In this study, we determine how residual pools of ancient carbon affect the modern carbon abundance and character in the water columns of Lakes Fryxell, Hoare, and Bonney. We measure the stable carbon isotopic compositions and concentrations of particulate organic carbon (POC) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the water column of these lakes over four seasons (1999–2002). These data are presented and compared with all the previously published Taylor Valley lacustrine carbon stable isotopic data. Our results show that the carbon concentrations and isotopic compositions of the upper water columns of those lakes are controlled by modern processes, while the lower water columns are controlled to varying degrees by inherited carbon pools. The water column of the west lobe of Lake Bonney is dominated by exceptionally high concentrations of DIC (55,000–75,000 μmol l−1) reflecting the long period of ice-cover on this lake. The east lobe of Lake Bonney has highly enriched δ13CDIC values resulting from paleo-brine evaporation effects in its bottom waters, while its high DIC concentrations provide geochemical evidence that its middle depth waters are derived from West Lake Bonney during a hydrologically connected past. Although ancient carbon is present in both Lake Hoare and Lake Fryxell, the δ13CDIC values in bottom waters suggest dominance by modern primary productivity-related processes. Anaerobic methanogenesis and methanotrophy are also taking place in the lower water column of Lake Fryxell with enough methane, oxidized anaerobically, to contribute to the DIC pool. We also show how stream proximity and high flood years are only a minor influence on the carbon isotopic values of both POC and DIC. The Taylor Valley lake system is remarkably stable in both inter-lake and intra-lake carbon dynamics. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

Coral colonies of Porites lutea and P. lobata were collected from areas to the east and south offshore of Hainan Island, South China Sea. Oxygen isotope ratios, 18O/16O, were analyzed along the major axis of growth at a resolution of 25–28 samples within an annual band from three colonies, giving data series lengths of 15, 20 and 30 years. Coral δ18O correlates well with sea surface temperature (SST) throughout most years, particularly when the Asian winter monsoon prevails over the region. Due to the same seasonal phases of SST and sea surface salinity (SSS), it is estimated that most of the seasonal features of coral δ18O are controlled by changes in SST with a significant contribution of SSS. This indicates the importance of temperature, as determined by the Asian winter monsoon, as a control on seasonal coral δ18O variations in the South China Sea. Given the fact that annual SSS maxima show minor inter-annual changes, the inter-annual change of annual coral δ18O maximum mainly reflects the SST induced by the winter monsoon. While the coral δ18O is mainly controlled by SST, deviations of the δ18O from SST correlate statistically with sea surface salinity, particularly for summer extreme events when SST reaches its annual maximum with minor inter-annual change. Therefore, we suggest that the inter-annual variation of the annual coral δ18O minima is mainly controlled by seawater composition. Seawater composition analysis indicates that its δ18O and salinity are simultaneously affected by freshwater inputs primarily from precipitation, which is mainly supplied by the Asian summer monsoon. Thus seasonal alternations of the winter and summer monsoon mainly control the coral δ18O, thereby allowing reconstruction of these monsoonal variables. The three coral records consistently reveal clear inter-decadal trends in δ18O — a gradual increase from 1968 to 1987, and a subsequent decrease from 1987 to 2003. These inter-decadal trends are roughly consistent with salinity changes — but not with temperature and precipitation, suggesting that seawater composition controlled by freshwater inputs from distant source areas, rather than from local precipitation, is responsible for the trends in seawater composition and coral δ18O over the last 30 years. Comparison of the three coral records indicates that spatial variations in coral δ18O coincide with variations in seawater salinity and local precipitation, but not with temperature. This confirms the dominant role of seawater composition, mainly controlled by monsoonal precipitation, on the spatial variability of coral δ18O in the South China Sea.  相似文献   

Different species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) alter plant growth and affect plant coexistence and diversity. Effects of within-AMF species or within-population variation on plant growth have received less attention. High genetic variation exists within AMF populations. However, it is unknown whether genetic variation contributes to differences in plant growth. In our study, a population of AMF was cultivated under identical conditions for several generations prior to the experiments thus avoiding environmental maternal effects. We show that genetically different Glomus intraradices isolates from one AMF population significantly alter plant growth in an axenic system and in greenhouse experiments. Isolates increased or reduced plant growth meaning that plants potentially receive benefits or are subject to costs by forming associations with different individuals in the AMF population. This shows that genetic variability in AMF populations could affect host-plant fitness and should be considered in future research to understand these important soil organisms.  相似文献   

Stable isotope analyses of fossil teeth and other authigenic minerals have been used to reconstruct the paleoenvironment and paleoelevation of the Tibetan Plateau. The accuracy of such reconstructions is limited by the lack of a comprehensive modern comparative database from the region. We analyzed the carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions (δ13C and δ18O values) of tooth enamel from modern herbivores, the δ13C values of grasses and the δ18O values of water samples collected from various elevations within the Tibetan Plateau to examine their relationships with modern environment/elevation. The δ13C values of enamel samples from horses, yaks and goats display a narrow range of variation, with a mean of − 10.7 ± 1.4‰ (n = 301), indicating that these modern herbivores were feeding predominantly on C3 plants, consistent with the current dominance of C3 vegetation in the region. Some of the samples have δ13C values between − 7.3 and − 10‰. Although these higher δ13C values could suggest consumption of some C4 plants by the animals, the lack of significant seasonal δ13C variations within individual teeth indicates that these higher enamel δ13C values are due to consumption of C3 plants experiencing water stress and/or some CAM plants rather than C4 plants. Our data show that the conservative “cut-off” δ13C value for a pure C3 diet within the Tibetan Plateau should be − 8‰ for modern herbivores and − 7‰ (or even − 6.5‰) for fossils if the region was as arid in the past as today. In contrast to the small intra-tooth δ13C variations within individual teeth, serial enamel samples display large intra-tooth δ18O variations, reflecting seasonal variations in the δ18O of meteoric water. The mean δ18O values of tooth enamel from yaks and horses show a strong correlation with water δ18O values, confirming that the δ18O of tooth enamel from obligate drinker generally tracks the δ18O of meteoric water. Unfortunately, elevation alone cannot explain most of the variance in the δ18O of precipitation and tooth enamel, suggesting that quantitative reconstruction of the paleoelevation of the Tibetan Plateau using re-constructed δ18O values of paleo-meteoric water from fossil enamel or other oxygen-bearing minerals is not warranted. For a given environment, horses have the lowest enamel–δ18O values while goats display the highest enamel–δ18O values among the species studied. The large inter-species δ18O variations are likely due to differences in physiology and diet/drinking behavior of the animals. This underscores the importance of species-specific studies when interpreting δ18O data of fossil mammalian teeth in a stratigraphic sequence as a record of paleoclimate changes.  相似文献   

In this study, the chemical composition of essential oils (EOs) from different vegetative parts from P. mollicomum was evaluated. In addition, the EOs from leaves collected every 3 h in a period of 24 h, in the dry and rainy seasons were also analyzed to establish the circadian rhythm of P. mollicomum from a natural population in the Atlantic Forest. The EOs were obtained by hydrodistillation and the chemical composition and quantification were achieved by GC-MS and GC-FID, respectively. The main compounds identified in the main stems and branches were α-phellandrene, linalool and β-phellandrene. Arylpropanoids myristicin, dillapiole and apiole were identified as main compounds in the roots. Inflorescences and infructescences showed to be rich in linalool, eupatoriocromene and E-nerolidol. In the circardian rhythm study, EOs showed to be rich in 1,8-cienol and/or linalool in accordance with season and phenology. The chemometric analyzes made it possible to register sample variations in the EOs compositions, being linalool as major compound attributed to the rainy and vegetative phase periods. Monoterpene 1,8-cineole was characterized as the main compound in the dry and reproductive phase periods. The same chemometric features allowed to stablished differences considering vegetative parts as a clear grouping of the EOs by biosynthetic pathway. In summary, there are great differences in the EOs composition, considering phenology, seasonality and vegetative parts. These results are very important since P. mollicomum has been used as medicinal plant for many years.  相似文献   

气候变化背景下1964-2015年秦岭植物物候变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1964-2015年物候观测数据为基础,选取17种含乔木、灌木及藤本树种为研究对象,分析探讨了气候变化背景下秦岭地区植物物候变化规律及其差异性。结果表明:(1)52年来,秦岭地区物候始期普遍呈提前趋势,提前速率1.2d/10a,物候末期普遍呈推迟趋势,推迟速率3.5d/10a,物候生长期普遍延长;(2)秦岭地区物候突变发生于20世纪80年代,始期于1985年,末期于1984年。突变后,物候特征发生了显著变化,始期的提前速率较突变前显著加快,末期由突变前的提前趋势转变为极显著的推迟趋势,且变化速率和显著性均高于始期;始期与末期变化均表现出"趋同效应";物候年代际变化趋势显示,始期自2001-2005年起提前速率减缓,植物对气候变化的响应表现出适应性及滞后性。(3)秦岭物候变化存在树种差异,3大类树种始期的提前速率呈藤本、乔木、灌木依次增大,而末期的推迟速率则呈藤本、灌木、乔木依次减小。(4)秦岭物候变化存在南北差异,北坡始期的提前速率均高于南坡,而南坡末期的推迟速率均高于北坡。  相似文献   

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