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We have determined the nucleotide and amino acid sequences of mouse alpha 2(IV) collagen which is 1707 amino acids long. The primary structure includes a putative 28-residue signal peptide and contains three distinct domains: 1) the 7 S domain (residues 29-171), which contains 5 cysteine and 8 lysine residues, is involved in the cross-linking and assembly of four collagen IV molecules; 2) the triple-helical domain (residues 172-1480), which has 24 sequence interruptions in the Gly-X-Y repeat up to 24 residues in length; and 3) the NC1 domain (residues 1481-1707), which is involved in the end-to-end assembly of collagen IV and is the most highly conserved domain of the protein. Alignment of the primary structure of the alpha 2(IV) chain with that of the alpha 1(IV) chain reported in the accompanying paper (Muthukumaran, G., Blumberg, B., and Kurkinen, M. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 6310-6317) suggests that a heterotrimeric collagen IV molecule contains 26 imperfections in the triple-helical domain. The proposed alignment is consistent with the physical data on the length and flexibility of collagen IV.  相似文献   

Each type of basement membrane in man contains between two and five genetically distinct type IV collagens: alpha 1(IV)-alpha 5(IV). Genes for alpha 1(IV), alpha 2(IV), alpha 3(IV), and alpha 5(IV) have been isolated. We have recently isolated partial cDNAs for the fifth member of the family, designated alpha 4(IV). On the basis of comparison of the deduced peptide sequences of all five chains, the type IV collagens can be divided into two families: alpha 1-like, comprising alpha 1(IV), alpha 3(IV), and alpha 5(IV); and alpha 2-like, comprising alpha 2(IV) and alpha 4(IV). Genes encoding the alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains (COL4A1 and COL4A2) both map to human chromosome 13q34 and have been shown to be transcribed from opposite DNA strands using a common bidirectional promoter that allows coordinate regulation of the two chains. Indeed, these two chains are commonly found together in basement membrane and form [alpha 1]2.[alpha 2] heterotrimers. Whereas alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) have been found in all basement membranes studied hitherto, it has been shown that alpha 3(IV) and alpha 4(IV) are found in only a subset of basement membranes. In basement membranes where either of these molecules is present, however, they are found together. In view of this relationship and the structural similarities between alpha 1(IV) and alpha 3(IV) and between alpha 2(IV) and alpha 4(IV), we hypothesized that COL4A3 and COL4A4, the genes encoding alpha 3(IV) and alpha 4(IV), respectively, have a genomic organization similar to that of COL4A1 and COL4A2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The present work investigates the protective effects of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on carbofuran-induced alterations in lipid composition and activity of membrane bound enzymes (Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase) in the rat brain. Animals were exposed to carbofuran at a dose of 1 mg/kg body weight, orally, for a period of 28 days. A significant increase in lipid peroxidation in terms of TBARS was observed in brain after carbofuran exposure. NAC administration (200 mg/kg body weight) on the other hand lowered the carbofuran-induced lipid peroxidation to near normal. The increased lipid peroxidation following carbofuran exposure was accompanied by a significant decrease in the levels of total lipids, which is attributed to the reduction in phospholipid levels. Furthermore, NAC administration had a beneficial effect on carbofuran-induced alterations in lipid composition. The ratio of cholesterol to phospholipid, a major determinant of membrane fluidity, was increased in response to carbofuran exposure. This was associated with decreased activity of Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase. NAC was observed to offer protection by restoring the cholesterol to phospholipid ratio along with the activity of Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase. The results clearly suggest that carbofuran exerts its neurotoxic effects by increasing lipid peroxidation, altering lipid composition and activity of membrane bound enzymes. NAC administration ameliorated the effects of carbofuran suggesting its potential therapeutic effects in carbofuran neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Renal basement membranes are believed to contain five distinct type IV collagens. An understanding of the specific roles of these collagens and the specificities of their interactions will be aided by knowledge of their comparative structures. Genes for alpha 1(IV), alpha 2(IV), alpha 3(IV), and alpha 5(IV) have been cloned and the deduced peptide sequences compared. A fifth chain, alpha 4(IV), has been identified in glomerular and other basement membranes. Using a polymerase chain reaction-based strategy and short known peptide sequences from the noncollagenous domain (NC1), we have cloned and characterized partial bovine cDNAs of alpha 4(IV). Sequence analysis shows that this molecule has characteristic features of type IV collagens including an NH2-terminal Gly-X-Y domain which is interrupted at several points and a COOH-terminal NC1 domain with 12 cysteine residues in positions identical to those of other type IV collagens. Within the NC1 domain bovine alpha 4(IV) has 70, 59, 58, and 53% amino acid identity with human alpha 2(IV), alpha 1(IV), alpha 5(IV), and alpha 3(IV), respectively. Alignment of the peptides also shows that alpha 4(IV) is most closely related to alpha 2(IV). Nevertheless, in the extreme COOH-terminal region of the NC1 domain there are structural features that are unique to alpha 4(IV). Cloning of the region of alpha 4(IV) that encodes the NC1 domain allows comparison of all five type IV collagens and highlights certain regions that are likely to be important in the specificities of NC1-NC1 interactions and in other discriminant functions of these molecules.  相似文献   

To determine whether native bovine type XI collagen (BXI) is arthritogenic, five strains of inbred mice were immunized with BXI/CFA. Arthritis was not observed in any of these strains, though it was prevalent in DBA/1 and B10.RIII controls immunized with bovine type II collagen (BII). Antisera from BXI-immunized mice reacted with mouse type XI collagen (MsXI), weakly with the alpha-chains of BXI, and minimally with mouse type II collagen (MsII). However, antisera to BII reacted with MsII and MsXI, indicating antibodies to conformation-independent epitopes shared by alpha 1(II) and alpha 3(XI). Mice immunized with BXI containing a small amount of BII developed arthritis much like those immunized with BII; sera from these mice reacted with MsXI and MsII. Delayed-type hypersensitivity responses differed from IgG responses, i.e., BXI elicited responses to alpha 1(XI), alpha 2(XI), alpha 3(XI), and alpha 1(II); BII, to alpha 3(XI) and alpha 1(II) exclusively. To determine whether alpha 1(XI), alpha 2(XI), alpha 3(XI), and alpha 1(II) are arthritogenic, DBA/1J mice were immunized with each alpha-chain. Arthritis was seen in mice injected with alpha 3(XI) or alpha 1(II). Sera to both alpha-chains reacted similarly with MsII and peptide fragment alpha 1(II)-CB11. Epitope mapping using polyclonal and mAb to type II collagen revealed that all polyclonal and 11 of 14 mAb reacted with alpha 3(XI) and alpha 1(II), whereas three mAb reacted only with alpha 1(II). In conclusion, BXI is immunogenic but not arthritogenic in five strains of mice, whereas alpha 3(XI) and alpha 1(II) are arthritogenic and immunogenic in DBA/1 mice and share greater than or equal to 11 epitopes recognized by autoantibody.  相似文献   

The organizational relationship between the recently identified alpha 3 chain of basement membrane collagen (Butkowski, R.J., Langeveld, J.P.M., Wieslander, J., Hamilton, J., and Hudson, B.G. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 7874-7877) and collagen IV was determined. This was accomplished by the identification of subunits in hexamers of the NC1 domain of collagen IV that were immunoprecipitated with antibodies prepared against subunits M1, corresponding to alpha 1(IV)NC1 and alpha 2(IV)NC1, and M2, corresponding to alpha 3NC1, and by amino acid sequence analysis. The presence of at least two distinct types of hexamers was revealed, one enriched in M1 and the other enriched in M2, but in both types, M1 and M2 coexist. Evidence was also obtained for the existence of heterodimers comprised of M1 and M2. These results indicate that M2 is an integral component of the NC1 hexamer of collagen IV. The amino acid sequence of the NH2-terminal region of M2 was found to be highly related to the collagenous-NC1 junctional region of the alpha 1 chain of collagen IV. Therefore, M2 is designated alpha 3(IV)NC1 and its parent chain alpha 3(IV). These findings lead to a new concept about the structure of collagen IV: namely, 1) collagen IV is comprised of a third chain (alpha 3) together with the two classical ones (alpha 1 and alpha 2); the alpha 3(IV) chain exists within the same triple-helical molecule together with the alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains and/or within a separate triple-helical molecule, exclusive of alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains, but connected through the NC1 domains to the classical triple-helical molecule comprised of alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains. Additionally, a portion of those triple-helical molecules exclusive of alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains may be connected to each other through their NC1 domains; and 3) the epitope to which the major reactivity of autoantibodies are targeted in glomerular basement membrane in patients with Goodpasture syndrome is localized to the NC1 domain of the alpha 3(IV) chain.  相似文献   

Tumor progression may be controlled by various fragments derived from noncollagenous 1 (NC1) C-terminal domains of type IV collagen. We demonstrated previously that a peptide sequence from the NC1 domain of the alpha3(IV) collagen chain inhibits the in vitro expression of matrix metalloproteinases in human melanoma cells through RGD-independent binding to alpha(v)beta(3) integrin. In the present paper, we demonstrate that in a mouse melanoma model, the NC1 alpha3(IV)-(185-203) peptide inhibits in vivo tumor growth in a conformation-dependent manner. The decrease of tumor growth is the result of an inhibition of cell proliferation and a decrease of cell invasive properties by down-regulation of proteolytic cascades, mainly matrix metalloproteinases and the plasminogen activation system. A shorter peptide comprising the seven N-terminal residues 185-191 (CNYYSNS) shares the same inhibitory profile. The three-dimensional structures of the CNYYSNS and NC1 alpha3(IV)-(185-203) peptides show a beta-turn at the YSNS (188-191) sequence level, which is crucial for biological activity. As well, the homologous MNYYSNS heptapeptide keeps the beta-turn and the inhibitory activity. In contrast, the DNYYSNS heptapeptide, which does not form the beta-turn at the YSNS level, is devoid of inhibitory activity. Structural studies indicate a strong structure-function relationship of the peptides and point to the YSNS turn as necessary for biological activity. These peptides could act as potent and specific antitumor antagonists of alpha(v)beta(3) integrin in melanoma progression.  相似文献   

Three distinctive heparin-binding sites were observed in type IV collagen by the use of rotary shadowing: in the NC1 domain and at distances 100 and 300 nm from the NC1 domain. Scatchard analysis indicated different affinities for these sites. Electron microscopic analysis of heparin-type IV collagen interaction with increasing salt concentrations showed the different affinities to be NC1 greater than 100 nm greater than 300 nm. The NC1 domain bound specifically to chondroitin/dermatan sulfate side chains as well. This binding was observed at the electron microscope and in solid-phase binding assays (where chondroitin sulfate could compete for the binding of [3H]heparin to NC1-coated substrata). The triple helix-rich, rod-like domain of type IV collagen did not bind to chondroitin/dermatan sulfate side chains. In solid-phase binding assays only heparin could compete for the binding of [3H]heparin to this domain. In order to more precisely map potential heparin-binding sites in type IV collagen, we chemically synthesized 17 arginine- and lysine-containing peptides from the alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains. Three peptides from the known sequence of the alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chains were shown to specifically bind heparin: peptide Hep-I (TAGSCLRKFSTM), from the alpha 1(NC1) chain, peptide Hep-II (LAGSCLARFSTM), a peptide corresponding to the same sequence in peptide Hep-I from the alpha 2 (NC1) chain, and peptide Hep-III (GEFYFDLRLKGDK) which contained an interruption of the triple helical sequence of the alpha 1(IV) chain at about 300 nm from the NC1 domain, were demonstrated to bind heparin in solid-phase binding assays and compete for the binding of [3H]heparin to type IV collagen-coated substrata. Therefore, each of these peptides may represent a potential heparin-binding site in type IV collagen. The mapping of the binding of heparin or related structures, such as heparan sulfate proteoglycan, to specific sequences of type IV collagen could help the understanding of several structural and functional properties of this basement membrane protein as well as interactions with other basement membrane and/or cell surface-associated macromolecules.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(5):1403-1413
Collagen IV is a major structural component of all basal laminae (BLs). Six collagen IV alpha chains are present in mammals; alpha 1 and alpha 2(IV) are broadly expressed in embryos and adults, whereas alpha 3- 6(IV) are restricted to a defined subset of BLs. In the glomerular BL of the kidney, the alpha 1 and alpha 2(IV) chains are replaced by the alpha 3-5(IV) chains as development proceeds. In humans, mutation of the collagen alpha 3, alpha 4, or alpha 5(IV) chain genes results in a delayed onset renal disease called Alport syndrome. We show here that mice lacking collagen alpha 3(IV) display a renal phenotype strikingly similar to Alport syndrome: decreased glomerular filtration (leading to uremia), compromised glomerular integrity (leading to proteinuria), structural changes in glomerular BL, and glomerulonephritis. Interestingly, numerous changes in the molecular composition of glomerular BL precede the onset of renal dysfunction; these include loss of collagens alpha 4 and alpha 5(IV), retention of collagen alpha 1/2(IV), appearance of fibronectin and collagen VI, and increased levels of perlecan. We suggest that these alterations contribute, along with loss of collagen IV isoforms per se, to renal pathology.  相似文献   

The cDNA and protein sequences of the N-terminal 60% of the alpha 2(IV) chain of human basement membrane collagen have been determined. By repeated primer extension with synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides and mRNA from either HT1080 cells or human placenta overlapping clones were obtained which cover 3414 bp. The derived protein sequence allows for the first time a comparison and alignment of both alpha chains of type IV collagen from the N terminus. This alignment reveals an additional 43 amino acid residues in the alpha 2(IV) chain as compared to the alpha 1(IV) chain. 21 of these additional residues form a disulfide-bridged loop within the triple helix which is unique among all known collagens.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete primary structure for the carboxyl-terminal peptides of mouse alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) collagen; which have 229 and 227 amino acids, respectively. The amino acid sequences are 63% identical and conservatively substituted in 28 positions. A striking feature of these peptides is that the first half of each sequence is homologous with the second half, 37% in alpha 1(IV) and 36% in alpha 2(IV). These results suggest that the carboxyl-terminal peptides of type IV collagen are closely related in their structure and evolution. Presumably, they were first derived by internal duplication of a common ancestral DNA sequence which later, by gene duplication, gave rise to the two different but homologous carboxyl-terminal peptides of type IV collagen.  相似文献   

Hepatic sinusoidal membranes isolated from adult rats were extracted with detergent and fractionated on a wheat germ agglutinin affinity column. Bound glycoproteins were eluted with N-acetyl glucosamine and chromatographed on a type IV collagen affinity column. Recovery of the bound fraction by EDTA and analysis by SDS-PAGE revealed two glycoproteins with apparent molecular weights of 180,000 and 117,000. These were identified immunologically by Western blotting as the alpha and beta subunits of integrin alpha 1 beta 1.  相似文献   

The complete primary structure of the human type IV collagen alpha 2(IV) chain has been determined by nucleotide sequencing of cDNA clones. The overlapping cDNA clones cover 6,257 base pairs with a 5'-untranslated region of 283 base pairs, the 5,136-base pair open reading frame, and the 3'-untranslated region of 838 base pairs. The predicted amino acid sequence demonstrates that the complete translation product consists of 1,712 residues corresponding in molecular weight to 167,560. The translated polypeptide has a signal peptide of 36 amino acids, an amino-terminal noncollagenous part of 21 residues, a 1,428-residue collagenous domain with 23 interruptions, and a carboxyl-terminal noncollagenous (NC) domain of 227 residues. The calculated molecular mass of the mature human alpha 2(IV) chain is 163,774 Da.  相似文献   

The subunit compositions of skin and muscle type I collagens from rainbow trout were found to be alpha1(I)alpha2(I)alpha3(I) and [alpha1(I)](2)alpha2(I), respectively. The occurrence of alpha3(I) has been observed only for bonyfish. The skin collagen exhibited more susceptibility to both heat denaturation and MMP-13 digestion than the muscle counterpart; the former had a lower denaturation temperature by about 0.5 degrees C than the latter. The lower stability of skin collagen, however, is not due to the low levels of imino acids because the contents of Pro and Hyp were almost constant in both collagens. On the other hand, some cDNAs coding for the N-terminal and/or a part of triple-helical domains of proalpha(I) chains were cloned from the cDNA library of rainbow trout fibroblasts. These cDNAs together with the previously cloned collagen cDNAs gave information about the complete primary structure of type I procollagen. The main triple-helical domain of each proalpha(I) chain had 338 uninterrupted Gly-X-Y triplets consisting of 1014 amino acids and was unique in its high content of Gly-Gly doublets. In particular, the bonyfish-specific alpha(I) chain, proalpha3(I) was characterized by the small number of Gly-Pro-Pro triplets, 19, and the large number of Gly-Gly doublets, 38, in the triple-helical domain, compared to 23 and 22, respectively, for proalpha1(I). The small number of Gly-Pro-Pro and the large number of Gly-Gly in proalpha3(I) was assumed to partially loosen the triple-helical structure of skin collagen, leading to the lower stability of skin collagen mentioned above. Finally, phylogenetic analyses revealed that proalpha3(I) had diverged from proalpha1(I). This study is the first report of the complete primary structure of fish type I procollagen.  相似文献   

The sequence of 511 residues from the C-terminal portion of the triple helix of mouse alpha 2(IV) chain was determined by using the pepsin fragment P2 of collagen IV and two cDNA clones selected from an Engelbreth-Holm-Swarm (EHS) tumor library. The sequence contains nine interruptions of the triplet repeat Gly-Xaa-Yaa ranging in size from single insertions or deletions up to stretches of eleven amino acid residues. Five of these interruptions match those present in the homologous segment of the alpha 1(IV) chain but are otherwise different in length and/or sequence. A low homology was found for the triplet regions of the alpha 1(IV) and alpha 2(IV) chain which constitute more than 90% of the sequence. The data indicate a remote evolutionary relationship of the triple-helical sequences of the two constituent chains of basement membrane collagen.  相似文献   

We have determined the primary structure of the alpha 1(IV)-chain of human type IV collagen by nucleotide sequencing of overlapping cDNA clones that were isolated from a human placental cDNA library. The present data provide the sequence of 295 amino acids not previously determined. Altogether, the alpha 1(IV)-chain contains 1642 amino acids and has a molecular mass of 157625 Da. There are 1413 residues in the collagenous domain and 229 amino acids in the carboxy-terminal globular domain. The human alpha 1(IV)-chain contains a total of 21 interruptions in the collagenous Gly-X-Y repeat sequence. These interruptions vary in length between two and eleven residues. The alpha 1(IV)-chain contains four cysteine residues in the triple-helical domain, four cysteines in the 15-residue long noncollagenous sequence at the amino-terminus and 12 cysteines in the carboxy-terminal NC-domain.  相似文献   

We first completed the primary structure of the mouse alpha5(IV) and alpha6(IV) chains, from which synthetic peptides were produced and a chain-specific monoclonal antibodies were raised. Expression of collagen IV genes in various basement membranes underlying specific organ epithelia was analyzed by immunohistochemical staining using these monoclonal antibodies and other antibodies from human and bovine sequences. It was possible to predict the presence of the three collagen IV molecules: [alpha1(IV)](2) alpha2(IV), alpha3(IV)alpha4(IV)alpha5(IV), and [alpha5(IV)](2)alpha6(IV). In skin basement membrane two of the three forms, [alpha1(IV)](2)alpha2(IV) and [alpha5(IV)](2)alpha6(IV), were detected. The alpha3(IV)alpha4(IV)alpha5(IV) molecule was observed as the major form in glomerulus, alveolus, and choroid plexus, where basement membranes function as filtering units. The molecular form [alpha5(IV)](2)alpha6(IV) was present in basement membranes in tubular organs such as the epididymis, where the tubes need to expand in diameter. Thus, the distribution of the basement membranes with different molecular composition is consistent with tissue-specific function.  相似文献   

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