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In Lactococcus lactis excision of Tn916 is limited by the concentration of integrase and is increased by providing more excisionase. However, even with increased excision of Tn916 in L. lactis, no conjugative transfer is detectable. This suggests that L. lactis is deficient in a host factor(s) required for conjugative transposition.  相似文献   

In Lactococcus lactis excision of Tn916 is limited by the concentration of integrase and is increased by providing more excisionase. However, even with increased excision of Tn916 in L. lactis, no conjugative transfer is detectable. This suggests that L. lactis is deficient in a host factor(s) required for conjugative transposition.  相似文献   

Food-borne antibiotic-resistant lactic acid bacteria have received growing attention in the past few years. We have recently identified tetracycline-resistant Lactobacillus paracasei in samples of milk and natural whey starter cultures employed in the manufacturing process of a typical Italian fermented dairy product, Mozzarella di Bufala Campana. In the present study, we have characterized at the molecular level the genetic context of tetracycline resistance determinants in these natural strains, which we have identified as tet(M). This gene was present in 21 independent isolates, whose fingerprinting profiles were distributed into eight different repetitive extragenic palindromic groups by cluster analysis. We provide evidence that the gene is associated with the broad-host, conjugative transposon Tn916, which had never before been described to occur in L. paracasei. PCR analysis of four independent isolates by use of specifically designed primer pairs detected the presence of a circular intermediate form of the transposon, carrying a coupling sequence (GGCAAA) located between the two termini of Tn916. This novel coupling sequence conferred low conjugation frequency in mating experiments with the recipient strain JH2-2 of Enterococcus faecalis.Several genetic determinants conferring tetracycline resistance have been described to occur in gram-positive, nonpathogenic bacteria (2, 20). Among them, tet(M), encoding a ribosomal protection protein, is most commonly found in lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The issue of antibiotic resistance spreading among commensal bacteria has received great interest in recent years, and the presence of antibiotic-resistant species in the environment, including food products, has been extensively reported (reviewed in references 2 and 20). Conjugative transposons represent important vehicles for dissemination of antimicrobial resistance within gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (23). These elements can move from the genome of a donor bacterium to that of a recipient by conjugation (6). Tn916, an 18-kb element containing the genetic determinant for tetracycline resistance, was the first conjugative transposon to be identified. It carries the tet(M) gene and has a broad host range, comprising both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (7). Along with the tetracycline resistance gene, Tn916 carries the genes responsible for its own excision (xis) and integration (int) as well as the mob genes, which mediate conjugal transfer (4). The transposition process starts with excision of the transposon, mediated by the Int and Xis proteins, leading to the formation of a nonreplicative circular intermediate which is transferred to the recipient and integrates into a new target site. Excision represents the rate-limiting step and occurs through reciprocal, site-specific recombination between the nonhomologous regions located at the two termini of the integrated transposon, known as coupling sequences, which are retained in the circular intermediate (17).Lactobacillus paracasei belongs to the microbial group of LAB and represents, along with the closely related species Lactobacillus casei, one of the most common bacterial species employed in the food industry. It is naturally present in raw milk and in dairy products, such as typical cheeses obtained by traditional manufacturing procedures in different Mediterranean countries (1, 11, 18, 26). Moreover, due to its probiotic functions, it is also employed as food additive (3, 5). Among its beneficial properties for human health, a recent study suggested that L. paracasei can be considered a potential enhancer of systemic immunity (22). However, only a few studies analyzed antibiotic resistance in L. paracasei (15, 19).In the past few years, our studies have focused on the identification of genes responsible for antibiotic resistance in LAB isolated from traditional dairy foods manufactured without employing commercial starter cultures. Fermentation in such products is therefore carried out by natural starters, mostly reflecting the microbiological composition of raw milk, which is affected in turn by the environment in which the animals live. Moreover, selective pressure exerted by technological steps along the manufacturing procedure often has a deep impact on bacterial composition in the final product. The widespread use and misuse of antibiotics have applied strong selective pressure in the environment, favoring survival and spread of antibiotic-resistant species. It is therefore of special relevance to identify antibiotic resistance determinants in food-borne bacteria, their persistence along the production line of specific products, and their capability of horizontal transfer to those species that can colonize the human gut.In the present study, we have characterized at the molecular level a group of tetracycline-resistant L. paracasei isolates, previously identified in raw milk and natural whey starter cultures employed in the manufacture of the Italian traditional cheese Mozzarella di Bufala Campana (9). We provide evidence that in these isolates, tetracycline resistance is due to the presence of the conjugative transposon Tn916, carrying the tet(M) gene and capable of horizontal, interspecies transfer to the opportunistic pathogen Enterococcus faecalis via a circular intermediate containing a novel coupling sequence that confers a low-frequency-conjugation phenotype. Molecular analysis of the resulting primary E. faecalis transconjugants revealed the presence of a circular intermediate of Tn916 carrying the same coupling sequence found in the L. paracasei donor strains.  相似文献   

Transposon Tn916 is a 16.4-kb broad-host-range conjugative transposon originally detected in the chromosome of Enterococcus faecalis DS16. Transposition of Tn916 and related transposons involves excision of a free, nonreplicative, covalently closed circular intermediate that is substrate for integration. Excisive recombination requires two transposon-encoded proteins, Xis-Tn and Int-Tn, whereas the latter protein alone is sufficient for integration. Here we report that conjugative transposition of Tn916 requires the presence of a functional integrase in both donor and recipient strains. We have constructed a mutant, designated Tn916-int1, by replacing the gene directing synthesis of Int-Tn by an allele inactivated in vitro. In mating experiments, transfer of Tn916-int1 from Bacillus subtilis to E. faecalis was detected only when the transposon-encoded integrase was supplied by trans-complementation in both the donor and the recipient. These results suggest that conjugative transposition of Tn916 requires circularization of the element in the donor followed by transfer and integration of the nonreplicative intermediate in the recipient.  相似文献   

Tn916 [carries tet(M)] is a 16.4-kb conjugative transposon that can establish itself in multiple copies in Enterococcus faecalis. To study the interaction of coresident homologous transposons during conjugation, an E. faecalis mutant defective in homologous recombination was utilized for construction of strains harboring Tn916 delta E (a derivative in which erm is substituted for tet) on the chromosome and Tn916 on a nonconjugative plasmid. When these strains were used as donors, the two transposons were able to transfer independently; however, they were found to transfer and become coestablished in the recipient up to 50% of the time. In contrast, cotransfer of a plasmid marker located outside the transposon occurred at a frequency of no greater than 0.5%. Separate experiments showed that mobilization of the nonconjugative plasmids pAM401 and pVA749 by chromosome-borne copies of Tn916 occurred only at low frequencies (generally less than 2% cotransfer). The data imply that the initiation of transposition of Tn916 results in a trans activation that is specific for homologous transposons present in the same cell.  相似文献   

The binding of two chimeric proteins, consisting of the N-terminal or C-terminal DNA binding domain of Tn916 Int fused to maltose binding protein, to specific oligonucleotide substrates was analyzed by gel mobility shift assay. The chimeric protein with the N-terminal domain formed two complexes of different electrophoretic mobilities. The faster-moving complex, whose formation displayed no cooperativity, contained two protein monomers bound to a single DNA molecule. The slower-moving complex, whose formation involved cooperative binding (Hill coefficient > 1.0), contained four protein monomers bound to a single DNA molecule. Methylation interference experiments coupled with the analysis of protein binding to mutant oligonucleotide substrates showed that formation of the faster-moving complex containing two protein monomers required the presence of two 11-bp direct repeats (called DR2) in direct orientation. Formation of the slower-moving complex required only a single DR2 repeat. Binding of the N-terminal domains in vivo could serve to position two Int monomers on the DNA near each end of the transposon and assist in bringing together the ends of the transposon so that excision can occur. The chimeric protein with the C-terminal domain of Int also formed two complexes of different electrophoretic mobilities. The major, slower-moving complex, whose formation involved cooperative binding, contained two protein molecules bound to one DNA molecule. This finding suggested that while the C-terminal domain of Int can bind DNA as a monomer, a cooperative interaction between two monomers of the C-terminal domain may help to bring the ends of the transposon together during excision.  相似文献   

M G Caparon  J R Scott 《Cell》1989,59(6):1027-1034
The covalently closed circular form of the conjugative transposon Tn916, which acts as an intermediate in transposition, is produced by a novel type of recombination. Excision of the element pairs noncomplementary base pairs, which flank the transposon in a heteroduplex, at the joint of a circular form. By a reversal of the excision process, the base pairs from the heteroduplex are inserted into the next target. We present a detailed molecular model for the movement of conjugative transposons that involves the initial formation of staggered nicks in the "coupling regions" that flank the inserted element. The different products of excision and insertion of Tn916 can be explained by this model.  相似文献   

R Manganelli  S Ricci    G Pozzi 《Journal of bacteriology》1996,178(19):5813-5816
Conjugative transposons are genetic elements able to promote their own intracellular transposition and intercellular conjugal transfer. They move by an excision-integration system related to that of lambdoid phages, in which the first step is the excision of the transposon from the donor replicon to form a covalently closed circular intermediate which contains a heteroduplex joint. In this work, sequencing both strands of the circular intermediate heteroduplex joint, it was found that, as during lambda phage excision, Tn916 excises from the host DNA by 5'-protruding staggered endonucleolytic cleavages.  相似文献   

The roles of purified Int and Xis proteins of the conjugative transposon Tn 916 in excision of a deletion derivative of the closely related element Tn 1545 were investigated. At a low salt concentration (37.5 mM NaCl), Int alone was able to promote limited excision to produce a covalently closed circular form of the transposon, showing that Tn 916 Int can catalyze both DNA cleavage and strand exchange. This reaction was stimulated by Xis. At higher salt concentrations (150 mM NaCl), excision by Int alone was reduced to barely detectable levels and Xis was required for excision. The low salt, Xis-stimulated reaction was approximately 8-fold more efficient than the high salt, Xis-dependent reaction. These results reflect in vivo requirements for Int and Xis in excision.  相似文献   

Conjugative transposition of transposon Tn916 has been shown to proceed by excision of the transposon in the donor strain and insertion of this element in the recipient. This process requires the product of the transposon int gene. We report here the surprising finding that the int gene is required only in the donor during conjugative transposition. We find that Tn916 int-1, whose int gene has been inactivated by an insertion mutation, transposes when a complementing wild-type int gene is present only in the donor during mating. When the int+ gene is present in a plasmid and is expressed from the spac promoter, conjugative transposition is very inefficient. However, when the Int+ function is supplied from a coresident distantly linked Tn916 tra-641 mutant, which is defective in a function required for conjugation, efficient conjugative transposition of Tn916 int-1 occurs. This suggests either that Int is not required for integration of Tn916 in gram-positive bacteria or that the protein is transferred from the donor to the transconjugant during the mating event. When the nonconjugative plasmid pAT145 was present in the donor, it was rarely cotransferred with Tn916. This suggests that complete fusion of mating cells is not common during conjugative transposition.  相似文献   

In recent work, we described the excision of a large genomic region from Enterococcus faecium D344R in which the sequence from "joint" regions suggested that excision resulted from the interaction of conjugative transposon Tn916 and the related mobile element Tn5386. In the present study, we examined the ability of integrases and integrase-excisase combinations from Tn916 and Tn5386 to promote the excision of constructs consisting of the termini of Tn916, Tn5386, and the VanB mobile element Tn5382. Integrases alone from either Tn916 or Tn5386 promoted the circularization of constructs from the three different transposons, even when the different termini used in the constructs were discordant in their transposon of origin. The termini of Tn916 and Tn5382 found in all joints were consistent with previously identified Tn916 and Tn5382 termini. Substantial variation was seen in the integrase terminus of Tn5386 used to form joints, regardless of the integrase that was responsible for circularization. Variability was observed in joints formed from Tn5386 constructs, in contrast to joints observed with the termini of Tn916 or Tn5382. The coexpression of excisase yielded some variability in the joint regions observed. These data confirm that integrases from some Tn916-like elements can promote circularization with termini derived from heterologous transposons and, as such, could promote excision of large genomic regions flanked by such elements. These findings also raise interesting questions about the sequence specificities of the C terminals of Tn916-like integrases, which bind to the ends and facilitate strand exchange.  相似文献   

C. T. Kuan  S. K. Liu    I. Tessman 《Genetics》1991,128(1):45-57
Excision and transposition of the Tn5 element in Escherichia coli ordinarily appear to occur by recA-independent mechanisms. However, recA(Prtc) genes, which encode RecA proteins that are constitutively activated to the protease state, greatly enhanced excision and transposition; both events appeared to occur concomitantly and without destruction of the donor DNA. The recombinase function of the RecA protein was not required. Transposition was accompanied by partial, and occasionally full, restoration of the functional integrity of the gene vacated by the excised Tn5. The stimulation of transposition was inhibited by an uncleavable LexA protein and was strongly enhanced by an additional role of the RecA(Prtc) protein besides its mediation of LexA cleavage. To account for the enhanced transposition, we suggest that (i) there may be a LexA binding site within the promoter for the IS50 transposase, (ii) activated RecA may cleave the IS50 transposition inhibitor, and (iii) the transposase may be formed by RecA cleavage of a precursor molecule.  相似文献   

J. C. Way  N. Kleckner 《Genetics》1985,111(4):705-713
The transposition frequencies of Tn10 elements from the bacterial chromosome to an F epitome decrease 40% for every kilobase increase in transposon length. The basis for this relationship is not known. We have now examined complemented transposition of defective Tn10 elements off small multicopy plasmids. We find that length dependence in this situation is either reduced or absent, depending on the specific class of transposition events involved. These observations can be interpreted as evidence against the model that chromosomal length dependence occurs because of decay of a transposition-associated replicative complex. This interpretation is consistent with unrelated experiments suggesting that Tn10 transposition is normally nonreplicative. Alternative explanations of length dependence phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

The rumen bacterium Butyrivibrio proteoclasticus B316(T) has a 4.4-Mb genome composed of four replicons (approximately 3.55 Mb, 361, 302 and 186 kb). Mutagenesis of B316(T) was performed with the broad host-range conjugative transposon Tn916 to screen for functionally important characteristics. The insertion sites of 123 mutants containing a single copy of Tn916 were identified and corresponded to 53 different insertion points, of which 18 (34.0%), representing 39 mutants (31.7%), were in ORFs and 12 were where transposition occurred in both directions (top and bottom DNA strand). Up to eight mutants from several independent conjugation experiments were found to have the same integration site. Although transposition occurred in all four replicons, the number of specific insertion sites, transposition frequency and the average intertransposon distance between insertions varied between the four replicons. In silico analysis of the 53 insertion sites was used to model a target consensus sequence for Tn916 integration into B316(T) . A search of the B316(T) genome using the modelled target consensus sequence (up to two mismatches) identified 39 theoretical Tn916 insertion sites (19 coding, 20 noncoding), of which nine corresponded to Tn916 insertions identified in B316(T) mutants during our conjugation experiments.  相似文献   

F Lu  G Churchward 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(7):1541-1548
Transposition of the conjugative transposon Tn916 requires the activity of a protein, called Int, which is related to members of the integrase family of site-specific recombinases. This family includes phage lambda integrase as well as the Cre, FLP and XerC/XerD recombinases. Different proteins, consisting of fragments of Tn916 Int protein fused to the C-terminal end of maltose binding protein (MBP) were purified from Escherichia coli. DNase I protection experiments showed that MBP-INT proteins containing the C-terminal end of Int bound to the ends of the transposon and adjacent plasmid DNA. MBP-INT proteins containing the N-terminal end of Int bound to sequences within the transposon close to each end. Competition binding experiments showed that the sites recognized by the C- and N-terminal regions of Int did not compete with each other for binding to MBP-INT. We suggest that Tn916 and related conjugative transposons are unique among members of the integrase family of site-specific recombination systems because the presence of two DNA binding domains in the Int protein might allow Int to bridge recombining sites, and this bridging seems to be the sole mechanism ensuring that only correctly aligned molecules undergo recombination.  相似文献   

Loss of the PTEN tumor suppressor is a common occurrence in human prostate cancer, particularly in advanced disease. In keeping with its role as a pivotal upstream regulator of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling pathway, experimentally-induced deletion of Pten in the murine prostate invariably results in neoplasia. However, and unlike humans where prostate tumorigenesis likely evolves over decades, disease progression in the constitutively Pten deficient mouse prostate is relatively rapid, culminating in invasive cancer within several weeks post-puberty. Given that the prostate undergoes rapid androgen-dependent growth at puberty, and that Pten excisions during this time might be especially tumorigenic, we hypothesized that delaying prostate-specific Pten deletions until immediately after puberty might alter the pace of tumorigenesis. To this end we generated mice with a tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase transgene enabling temporal control over prostate-specific gene alterations. This line was then interbred with mice carrying floxed Pten alleles. Despite evidence of increased Akt/mTOR/S6K axis activity at early time points in Pten-deficient epithelial cells, excisions induced in the post-pubertal (6 wk-old) prostate yielded gradual acquisition of a range of lesions. These progressed from pre-malignant changes (nuclear atypia, focal hyperplasia) and low grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN) at 16–20 wks post-tamoxifen exposure, to overtly malignant lesions by ∼1 yr of age, characterized by high-grade PIN and microinvasive carcinoma. In contrast, when Pten excisions were triggered in the pre-pubertal (2 week-old) prostate, neoplasia evolved over a more abbreviated time-frame, with a spectrum of premalignant lesions, as well as overt PIN and microinvasive carcinoma by 10–12 wks post-tamoxifen exposure. These results indicate that the developmental stage at which Pten deletions are induced dictates the pace of PIN development.  相似文献   

Transfer of Tn1545 and Tn916 to Clostridium acetobutylicum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tn1545, a conjugative transposon originally discovered in Streptococcus pneumoniae, has been transferred from Enterococcus faecalis and Bacillus subtilis to Clostridium acetobutylicum NCIB 8052. Transfer between different strains of C. acetobutylicum has also been observed. Insertion of Tn1545 into the C. acetobutylicum chromosome occurred at multiple sites, as shown by Southern hybridization. Although ermAM (erythromycin-resistance) was the most satisfactory marker for primary selection of transconjugants, all three Tn1545-encoded antibiotic resistance genes (aphA-3, ermAM, and tetM) were apparently expressed in C. acetobutylicum. Our results indicate that Tn1545 is potentially useful for undertaking mutagenesis and mutational cloning in this industrially important organism. Transfer of another conjugative transposon, Tn916, from E. faecalis to C. acetobutylicum NCIB 8052 was also apparently detected. Circumstantial evidence suggests that there may be a hot spot for Tn916 insertion in the C. acetobutylicum NCIB 8052 chromosome.  相似文献   

The integrase protein catalyzes the excision and integration of the Tn916 conjugative transposon, a promiscuous genetic element that spreads antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria. The solution structure of the N-terminal domain of the Tn916 integrase protein bound to its DNA-binding site within the transposon arm has been determined. The structure reveals an interesting mode of DNA recognition, in which the face of a three-stranded antiparallel beta-sheet is positioned within the major groove. A comparison to the structure of the homing endonuclease I-Ppol-DNA complex suggests that the three-stranded sheet may represent a new DNA-binding motif whose residue composition and position within the major groove are varied to alter specificity. The structure also provides insights into the mechanism of conjugative transposition. The DNA in the complex is bent approximately 35 degrees and may, together with potential interactions between bound integrase proteins at directly repeated sites, significantly bend the arms of the transposon.  相似文献   

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