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于2011年5月至2012年4月逐月采集标本, 对黄山九龙峰保护区尖头 (Phoxinus oxycephalus)的年龄、生长和繁殖等生活史特征进行了研究. 尖头 雌、雄鱼性比为0.77:1, 与1:1差异显著. 根据体长频率分布来确定年龄组成,结果显示雌鱼和雄鱼的最大寿命分别为3龄和2龄, 均以1龄和2龄为优势年龄组. 1龄时的体长生长速度最大, 至2龄或3龄逐渐变缓. 雌、雄鱼的初次性成熟年龄均为2龄, 对应体长分别为93.0 mm和76.9 mm. 尖头 繁殖时间为4-7月; 绝对繁殖力较低(174-2151卵粒), 且在2、3年龄组间显著差异, 但相对繁殖力无显著的年龄组间差异. 尖头 的上述生活史特征, 可能体现了对局域环境条件(如营养贫乏、环境动荡及水文周期等)的生态适应性. 尖头 在我国东南部的高海拔地区呈零星分布, 种群数量小, 加之繁殖投入低下, 因此该物种在面临人类干扰和环境变化时极易濒危和灭绝.    相似文献   

Age, growth and reproduction of Cobitis paludica in a seasonal stream   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In the Iberian endemic loach Cobitis paludica , in a small seasonal tributary of the Guadalquivir River, 65–70% of the total growth in length occurred in the first year of life. The maximum ages observed were 3+ years in males and 4+ years in females. Both sexes matured at the beginning of their second year of life. There was a significant difference from 1: 1 in the overall sex ratio of 412 males to 674 females. Spawning began in late March and ended in July. Cobitis paludica is a multiple spawner that releases a minimum of two batches of eggs per female each year. Once spawning had started, however, there was no recruitment from the stock of transparent oocytes to the mature stock. The number of eggs decreased from the first batch to the second, but there was no significant difference in the mean egg diameter between batches. Compared with other populations of this species, the present population, from a low latitude, is characterized by a low number of age groups, fast growth, early maturity and high fecundity in multiple spawnings. These life-history characteristics are typical of species in unstable environments, where adult mortality is high, variable or unpredictable.  相似文献   

The cutlassfish is one of the most commercially important continental fishes in the East China Sea. However, the current classification of cutlassfishes is suboptimal and complicates fisheries management. This study investigated the growth and reproduction of three cutlassfish species in the southern East China Sea. Between August 2002 and September 2003, a total of 2717 specimens of Trichiurus japonicus, T. sp.2 (likely synonymous for T. nanhaiensis) and T. lepturus were collected monthly from Daxi, Anping, Nanfangao, Donggang and Xingang fishing ports. The von Bertalanffy growth model in preanal length (PL) resulted in PL (mm) for T. japonicus, PL(mm) for T. sp.2 and PL (mm) for T. lepturus. Their growths were significantly different between sexes for T. japonicus and T. sp.2 and among the three species. From macroscopic examination of ovaries, histological inspection of oocytes, and analyses of gonosomatic and hepatosomatic indices, T. japonicus was likely to spawn all year round, with two peaks in February–July and November–December. T. sp.2 spawned relatively later, between April and August. The length at sexual maturity of T. japonicus females was 264 mm PL or 746 mm total length. The sex ratios of T. japonicus and T. sp.2 were significantly different from 1 : 1 whereas T. lepturus showed no significant difference. The three species of trichiurids have different geographical distributions in this region.  相似文献   

The humpback red snapper Lutjanus gibbus (Lutjanidae) is an important species for fisheries in the Kagoshima and Okinawan region of Japan. The present study estimated the age, growth and reproduction of this lutjanid species in the waters around Ishigaki Island, southern part of Okinawa. An opaque zone was formed on the otolith every year, and this formation correlated with their spawning season; these zones were identified as annual rings. Maximum ages of 21 and 24 years were observed for males and females, respectively. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters clarifying the age–fork length relationship were as follows: L  = 390.5 mm, K = 0.210 year−1 and t 0 = −1.88 year for males, and L  = 303.4, K = 0.256 year−1 and t 0 = −3.05 year for females. The main spawning season was estimated as between May and October, since greater values of gonadosomatic index for females as well as maturation oocytes and/or postovulatory follicles were observed during those six months.  相似文献   

Otoliths ( n = 847) and gonads ( n = 817) were collected from barrelfish Hyperoglyphe perciformis that were captured by commercial fishermen in the waters off South Carolina and Georgia in 1995, 1997 and 2001–2006. Of the otoliths collected, 97% were aged successfully, and specimens sampled ranged from 5 to 85 years, with a median age of 12 years. The von Bertalanffy growth parameters yielded the equation: Lt = 857·8{1 − e−0·0985[ t −(−8·95)]}, where Lt is fork length ( L F) at time t . Through histological examination, 94% of the gonads assessed were assigned to a sex and reproductive class. Females spawned from September to May with a peak from November to January. Males spawned year round, but had a peak from September to April. The sex ratio (M:F) for this population was 1:1·34. The smallest mature female was 605 mm L F and the youngest immature female was 697 mm L F. Estimates of L F and age at 50% maturity ( L 50 and A 50) for females were 660 mm L F (95% CI = 633–667 mm L F) and 6·08 years (95% CI = 3·50–7·27 years), respectively. The youngest mature male was 575 mm L F and the oldest immature male was 762 mm L F, and no estimates of L 50 or A 50 were made for males. It was determined that barrelfish exhibit the typical characteristics of long life span, slow growth and high age at maturity seen in other deepwater fishes, and that care should be taken to manage this species accordingly.  相似文献   

Age, growth and reproductive characteristics of creole perch, Percichthys trucha, were investigated in the Negro River, southern Argentina from samples collected seasonally, December 1994–December 1995. Age was estimated via scale and whole otolith reading methods. Total length (n = 413) ranged from 103 to 432 mm, and weight from 12 to 1042 g. Significant differences between the length‐weight relationships of males and females were detected (P < 0.05). Isometric growth was observed in juveniles and males, whereas total population and females exhibited positive allometric growth. The marking pattern in scales and otoliths followed an annual rhythm, with the formation of only one annulus in scales and only one hyaline band in otoliths during autumn‐winter. The oldest males were 5 years old whereas maximum age in females was 12 years from scales and 15 years from otoliths. Because scales were found to underestimate age in individuals older than 4 years, otoliths were considered to be the best structures for creole perch age determination. Gompertz growth parameters based on otolith data were L∞: 428.0 mm, k = 0.46 and t0 = 0.43 for total population (r = 0.90), L∞: 410.7 mm, k = 0.42 and t0 = 0.46 for males (r = 0.91), and L∞: 434.1 mm, and k = 0.49 and t0 = 0.43 for females (r = 0.91). Lengths at first maturity (TL50) were 260 and 241 mm in males and females, respectively, both of which corresponded to ages between 1 and 2 years. Macroscopic gonad inspection and the high percentage of juveniles captured during summer indicated that spawning begins at the end of spring.  相似文献   

Life-history traits of Acrossocheilus fasciatus were examined using 384 specimens collected monthly during May 2009 and April 2010 in the Huishui Stream of the Qingyi watershed, China. Using scales for age determination, female and male fish comprised five and four age groups, respectively. The monthly changes in marginal increment ratio suggested that annuli on scales were formed during March through May. Total lengths back-calculated significantly increased with age for both sexes and varied significantly between the two sexes at each age. The fact that females had larger body size and grew faster than males indicated the sexual size dimorphism for this species. Both sexes got their 50% maturity at age 3, when females and males were 105.3 and 112.1?mm total length, respectively. Based on the monthly changes in the gonado-somatic index and egg-development process, fish spawned from April through August. Absolute fecundity ranged from 295 to 3,573 eggs per fish and increased significantly with age. But relative fecundity, ranging from 11.77 to 69.96?eggs/g, was not significantly different among age groups. Compared with the life-history traits of an upstream population in the Puxi Stream (a headwater stream within this study watershed), the downstream population of A. fasciatus in the Huishui Stream (a 4th-order stream) exhibits larger body size, faster somatic growth, later sexual maturity, and lower reproductive investment. These variations in life-history strategies between the two populations could perhaps be explained by the spatial heterogeneity in habitat environment along the upstream–downstream gradient in this watershed.  相似文献   

就取食过程中惯用左手还是右手的问题,我们对安徽省黄山的一群短尾猴进行了研究。结果发现在调查的33只个体中,9只惯用右手取食,11只惯用左手取食,另外13只对左右手的使用没有偏好。而且短尾猴在左右手的偏好方面也没有性别或年龄的差异。以往的一些研究表明猕猴类动物习惯于用左手取食,但是研究群的短尾猴并没有表现出这种倾向。我们将短尾猴的研究结果与猕猴属其它种类进行了比较,并讨论了猕猴属在这一行为上的多样性。  相似文献   

A total sample of 99 specimens of the vulnerable fish species Cobitis paludica(de Buen, 1930), was collected on a monthly basis from a tributary of the River Guadalquivir between September 1990 and September 1991. Female longevity was 1 year longer than that of males, the former reaching age-class 5+. The diet of C. paludicaconsisted mainly of Ostracoda and chironomid larvae, benthic prey of small size and occasionally other resources, such as Macrobiotid eggs spawned during winter. Detritus in gastrointestinal content was scarce, which differs from other populations. Back-calculations of length were performed from scale annuli measurements. The relationship between standard length and scale radius was different for males and females. Females were larger than males of the same age. Both back-calculated length and theoretical length, calculated by applying von Bertalanffy's model, were larger for females. The relationship between female standard length (SL) and fecundity (F) was log F= –7.465 + 5.5753 log SL.  相似文献   

The age, growth and reproduction ofRutilus lemmingii (Steindachner, 1866), an endemic cyprinid from the Iberian Peninsula, was studied for over a period of two years in a small seasonal tributary of the Guadalquivir river basin. Approximately 65 % of the total growth in length occured in the first year of life. Males reached a maximum age of 3+ yr (Fork Length, F.L. = 114 mm) and females 4+ yr (F.L. = 144 mm). Both sexes matured during their second year of life (1 +). The overall sex ratio (334 males to 389 females) differed significantly from unity. Somatic condition decreased markedly during the reproductive period of March to May.R. lemmingii is a multiple spawner and releases two batches of eggs per female each year. Mean egg diameter of the first batch was larger than the second one. The regression between fecundity and Fork Length (mm) was: Fec = 0.014 F.L.Z.2.858 Compared with available information, thisR. lemmingii population, located at a lower latitude, is characterized by fast growth, early maturity, high level of reproductive effort, and a short life-span. These life-history characteristices are typical of species in unstable environments, where adult mortality is high, variable or unpredictable.  相似文献   

Breeding strategies of Acrossocheilus fasciatus were studied from 592 specimens collected monthly during May 2007 and April 2008 in the Puxi Stream of the Huangshan Mountain.Sex ratio of the studied population was 0.90∶1(♀∶♂),not significantly different from 1∶1.Both sexes reached their first sexual maturity at age 2(the second calendar year of their birth).Fifty percent of females and males reached maturity at a total length of 69.75 mm and 69.36 mm respectively,and the minimum total length was 61.54 mm an...  相似文献   

Age, growth and reproduction of the R. lemmingii population of the River Huebra, Duero basin are analysed. Females dominated older age classes and lived up to 6 years (5+) while males only reached 5 years (4+). The growing season extended from April to September; growth rates were similar for both sexes. 0+ fish condition increased during their first summer and spring. In older fish, condition cycle was related to gonad development and showed some differences between sexes. The number of females reaching maturity at age 1 + almost doubled that of males; females also matured at smaller size. Both fecundity and egg size increased with female length: mean egg counts varied between 974 for 1 + individuals and an estimated 10491 for 5+ fish. Eggs were produced as a single batch, but were released fractionally during April and May.  相似文献   

751 specimens of spined loach, Cobitis taenia (L.), were collected and studied over the period October 1972–October 1974. The majority of the males were found to die at the end of the 2+ season and the majority of the females at the end of the 3+ season. Back calculations for length at age were carried out from otolith measurements and found to correspond closely to actual measurements. Males and females grew similarly up until the end of their 1+ year of life, with most rapid growth occurring in the first year. Females continued to grow rapidly up to 2+, the rate then being reduced; the males showed an increasingly reduced rate of growth after the 1+ year. Ford Walford plots gave L∞ results which corresponded closely in most cases with the largest observed specimens. Gonad development and maturation of males and females followed different patterns. Males matured during the 1 + year at a length of approximately 40 mm from which point their dry gonad weight remained at a steady 0.02–0.03% of the body weight. Females appeared to mature a year later and their ovary weight and oocyte diameter increased with fish age. A seasonal cycle in gonad development was evident in females. There was a greater proportion of females to males, especially in the older age group. Spawning time was estimated to be between June and July.  相似文献   

The age, growth and reproduction of Leuciscus pyrenaicus (Günther, 1868), an endemic cyprinid from the Iberian Peninsula, was studied from November 1987 to September 1989 in a small seasonal tributary of the Guadalquivir river basin. Maximum fork lengths observed were a 160 mm male with six scale annuli and a 171 mm female aged 7 +. Maximum ages observed were 7 + in males and 8 + in females. There were no significant differences in the annual growth increments between sexes. Seasonal growth period started in March and continued for 5 to 6 months. Mean lengths of 1 + specimens onwards diminished during summer and/or autumn. Males and females matured in their third and fourth year of life respectively. The overall sex ratio (272 males: 310 females) differed significantly from equality. Spawning began in May and ended in July. L. pyrenaicus is a multiple spawner that releases a minimum of two batches of eggs per female each year. Eggs in each batch were similar in both size (egg diameter) and number released. The relationship between fecundity (Fee) and fork length (mm) was represented by the formula: Fec=1.96 10−3 L2.50.  相似文献   

Age, growth, length-weight relationship, sex ratio, stages of maturity and fecundity of the greenback mullet in Shatt Al-Basrah Canal, an estuary in Southern Iraq, were studied from February 1985 to January 1986. Age and growth determinations were made from scales from 538 fish ranging from 145 to 310 mm total length. Females (age groups I to VI) were slightly longer than males (age groups I to IV) and their growth, analysed by length-weight relationship, followed very closely the cubic-law for isometric growth, but males grew more slowly. The annual average male: female sex ratio was 1.0: 1.4. Monthly examinations of stages of maturity produced abundant gravid fish in February. The maximum values for the gonadosomatic index were obtained in February and March. The smallest mature male and female were respectively 137 and 142mm long. The fecundity ranged between 133 224–295 065 for fish ranging from 182 to 243 mm total length. Although eggs or newly hatched larvae were not found in the Canal, fry 27–40 mm in length were captured from April to June. Spawning appears to occur in the Arabian Gulf, not far from Shatt Al-Basrah Canal.  相似文献   

The age, growth and reproductive biology of Marcusenius pongolensis, Oreochromis mossambicus and Schilbe intermedius were investigated in the Mnjoli Dam, Swaziland. Otolith annulus formation occurred in winter for M. pongolensis, and in spring/summer for O. mossambicus and S. intermedius. Maximum ages of 8, 6 and 8 years were recorded for M. pongolensis, O. mossambicus and S. intermedius, respectively. Growth was described by the von Bertalanffy growth model as Lt = 238.73(1 − exp−0.27(t+2.27) mm fork length (FL) for M. pongolensis, Lt = 226.83(1 − exp−0.45(t+2.02)) mm total length (TL) for O. mossambicus, and Lt = 214.59(1 − exp−0.60(t+1.20)) mm FL for S. intermedius. Sexual maturity was estimated for male and female M. pongolensis at 134 mm FL and 119 mm FL, respectively. Marcusenius pongolensis matured within their first year. Female O. mossambicus and S. intermedius matured at 239 mm TL and 205 mm FL, corresponding to 2 and 4 years of age, respectively. Extended spawning periods, with two spawning peaks was observed for M. pongolensis, one in spring (September) and the second in autumn (March) and one peak over late‐summer for S. intermedius.  相似文献   

This aim of this paper was the study of the reproductive biology and growth of the sand smelt, Atherina boyeri, in Mellah Lagoon (Algeria). These data are important for the sustainable exploitation of the stocks of this species. Examined was a total of 1402 Atherina boyeri specimens captured monthly from March 2010 to March 2011, in a population with a 3‐year life cycle. Length–weight relationship was estimated as W = 0.0047 L3.077 (r2 = 0.935) for males and W = 0.0047 L3.176 (r2 = 0.935) for females. Using scales, the von Bertalanffy growth function fitted to back‐calculated size‐at‐age data was Lt = 9.49 [1 ? e?0.316 (t + 0.928)] for males, and Lt = 11.67 [1 ? e?0.179 (t + 1.514)] for females; using otoliths this was Lt = 9.68 [1 ? e?0.3 (t + 1.02)] for males, and Lt = 11.93 [1 ? e?0.171 (t + 1.55)] for females. The growth performance index (Φ) indicated that males (Φscales = 3.34, Φotoliths = 3.33) grew at the same rate as females (Φscales = 3.19, Φotoliths = 3.24), with a sex ratio of 1 : 1.6 in favor of females. The reproductive season extended from February to June. Individual length at first sexual maturity was 4.20 cm for 1‐year‐old males and 4.35 cm for 1‐year‐old females.  相似文献   

黄山濒危植物小花木兰生态位与年龄结构研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
基于对黄山风景区濒危植物小花木兰(Magnolia seiboldii)分布群落的样地调查,采用定量分析的方法,研究了小花木兰群落中主要种群的生态位宽度、生态位重叠和小花木兰种群的年龄结构.结果表明:(1)分别用Levins和Shannon weiner两指数测得的主要优势种群的生态位宽度结果基本一致;重要值大的种群一般具有较宽的生态位。生态位重叠与生态位宽度有关,具较宽生态位的种群一般与其他种群具有较高的生态位重叠,另外,具有相似生境要求和相似生物学特征的种群间也具有较大的生态位重叠,如都是耐萌种的小花木兰与四照花(Dendrobenthamia japonica)的生态位重叠值较高。种群间生态位重叠程度较高,物种间关系复杂,对资源共享趋势明显。(2)小花木兰为星散间断分布,在群落中处于伴生从属地位,生存易受群落变化的影响。对生境要求相似的种群在同一生境下当资源充分时能形成良好的共生关系,支持林思祖等人的生态位重叠与竞争不成相关关系的学说。(3)通过对小花木兰年龄结构的统计发现,小花木兰年龄结构不完整,属于衰退型,幼苗储备严重不足,成为该种群更新的一大瓶颈。(4)它的高海拔分布显示了低温是它生存的一个重要保证;水分也是影响小花木兰种群动态的重要因子。散花坞生境中小花木兰生长良好,呈增长趋势,而清凉台生境小花木兰则表现为年龄老化,呈衰退趋势。散花坞和清凉台可视为重点保护生境,其间生境差异导致的种群动态差异有待于进一步探讨。  相似文献   

The hypothesis of environmentally related life history variations between two Rutilus rutilus caspicus populations was investigated by comparing Gomishan and Anzali populations along the southern shores of the Caspian Sea. The roach growth rate in the Anzali wetland was higher than in the Gomishan wetland. There were significant differences in growth patterns between males and females from both wetlands, however the sex ratios were not significantly different. Fecundity or reproductive investment (Gonadosomatic index – GSI) of the Gomishan roach was significantly more than the Anzali roach. In both areas the absolute fecundity was significantly positive correlated to age and total length.  相似文献   

1987年开始,我们对中国黄山的短尾猴(Macaca thibetana)的性和繁殖行为进行了研究。本文根据1992年全年野外观察,对黄山短尾猴的繁殖季节性和雌性性活动方式进行深入研究,以揭示短尾猴繁殖方式和雌性性行为如何影响雄性性行为。研究采用全事件取样和目标动物取样法。结果表明,短尾猴黄山种群的交配和产仔是季节性的:交配季节发生在7月至12月,其特征是交配频率高并伴有射精;产仔季节为1月至4月。交配季节之外的交配虽有少量发生.但交配频率很低且几乎不射精。成年雌性的会阴部有轻微肿胀的性皮,但性皮的大小和颜色既不随猴群繁殖季节变化,也不随雌性个体生理周期变化。同时,雌性缺乏典型的性要求的行为——发情。因此,我们认为雌性短尾猴倾向于隐蔽自己的排卵。对46个连续观察日中成年雄性对雌性的性行为分析还表明:雄性能够区别潜在繁殖和不繁殖的雌性但不能对同一雌性的生理状况做出准确判断。隐蔽排卵是雌性在性接受期间接受大量交配的主要原因。本研究否定了短尾猴的交配是非季节性的假设(Wadaand Xicmg,1996)[动物学报51(3):365—375,2005]。  相似文献   

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