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版纳鱼螈侧线系统的结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李桂芬  许崇任 《动物学报》2007,53(2):346-353
版纳鱼螈(Ichthyophis bannanica)是我国无足目的仅有代表,应用光镜和扫描电镜对版纳鱼螈的侧线系统进行形态学和组织学观察的研究表明:版纳鱼螈幼体表皮中的侧线器官有接受机械刺激的神经丘和电接受壶腹器官两种,神经丘包括表面神经丘和陷神经丘。侧线分布主要包括:头部的鼻侧线、眶上线、眶下线、眶后线、口侧线、下颌线、咽侧线、鳃孔上线和身体上的背侧线。侧线器官的分布密度、大小和凹陷深度明显与周围表皮的厚度和不同部位有关。幼体的侧线器官退化与鳃孔的退化同步,亚成体以后不保留侧线系统。版纳鱼螈的侧线分布和器官结构与其它无足类的大致相似,仅在眶上线和眶下线的器官分布上存在微小的差别  相似文献   

为揭示Hedgehog(Hh)信号与神经丘和壶腹器官分化的关系,研究以西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii Brandt)为模型,首先对再生过程中的神经丘和壶腹器官的转录组进行比较分析,发现Hh信号通路关键基因(Shh、Patched 1)在两类感受器中差异表达,且它们的表达在再生过程中呈现动态性。然后用环巴胺(Cyclopamine,Hh信号抑制剂)处理西伯利亚鲟胚胎(st29),用扫描电镜和FM1-43荧光染色对西伯利亚鲟仔鱼(st43-st44)分析发现环巴胺显著抑制了壶腹器官的发育。整体原位杂交表明,Shh、Patched1、Smoothened、Gli2在腹面侧线区域的表达受到了环巴胺的抑制。以上结果暗示Hh信号通路与神经丘和壶腹器官的发育有关,推测Hh信号在神经丘和壶腹器官的分化过程中起到了重要作用。  相似文献   

研究对西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii)的胚后幼鱼进行石蜡切片HE染色,同时利用荧光染料DiA4-(4-Diethylaminostyryl)-1-methylpyridinium iodide对侧线管中侧线神经丘毛细胞特异性标记的特点,示踪了西伯利亚鲟胚后仔鱼各个时期侧线神经丘分化发育的过程。结果显示,西伯利亚鲟侧线管内侧线神经丘毛细胞如纤毛状,呈竖立紧密排列。出膜3d仔鱼眼眶后神经基板发育分化活动剧烈,出膜10d的仔鱼眼眶后方的神经基板分化出眼眶上下侧线神经丘的两个分支,同时眼眶后神经基板进一步向后分化发育在眼眶后部形成躯干侧线神经丘,但整个侧线神经丘还未完全发育完成,待出膜15d时,眼眶上下和躯干侧线神经丘已基本发育完全,出膜22d的仔鱼侧线神经丘发育基本完成。研究为今后深入研究西伯利亚鲟侧线发育过程中的神经分化发育、细胞迁移奠定了初步形态学基础。    相似文献   

研究利用人工偶极子电场来模拟生物电场刺激, 对西伯利亚幼鲟的电感受能力进行了行为探究。结果显示西伯利亚幼鲟对本实验中的偶极子电场产生躲避行为, 其平均感受阈值在2月龄为(457.532.5) V/cm,3月龄为(29.52.5) V/cm, 7月龄为(101.0) V/cm。这表明西伯利亚鲟鱼的电感受敏感性随个体的发育而增强, 而这可能与电感受器官数量的增加有关(2月龄为2234470, 7月龄为5273523)。  相似文献   

暗纹东方鲀侧线系统早期形态和生长发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过光镜和扫描电镜对暗纹东方鲀(Takifugu obscurus)的侧线系统进行形态学及组织学的研究。研究结果首次揭示了暗纹东方鲀侧线系统除了主侧线外还包括辅助侧线和辅助神经丘。主侧线分布主要包括眶上线、眶下线、耳后侧线、下颌线、前鳃盖线、上颞线、背侧线、腹侧线。辅助侧线和辅助神经丘分布主要包括口部辅助侧线、眶下辅助侧线、下颌前辅助侧线、下颌后辅助侧线、眶上后辅助侧线、上颞腹辅助神经丘、上颞背辅助神经丘、前鳃盖后辅助神经丘、背部辅助神经丘、尾部辅助神经丘。暗纹东方鲀侧线器官为接受机械刺激的神经丘,数目上千,神经丘分布在体表的凹槽里,且位于高低不同突起顶端。神经丘由套细胞、支持细胞和感觉毛细胞组成。感觉毛细胞呈圆形排列,并且每个细胞的游离面均有一根动纤毛和几十根静纤毛。据本研究对暗纹东方鲀侧线分布特征和神经丘的生长特征等的观察结果,认为尽管暗纹东方鲀侧线系统没有如其他真骨鱼类的管道系统,但是依然具有两套不同生理机能的机械感受系统,符合七管模式的主侧线神经丘与管道神经丘同源,而辅助侧线和辅助神经丘才是真正的表面神经丘。  相似文献   

中国大鲵机械感受器的超微结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨国华  程红  付宏兰  马淑芳  白焕红 《动物学报》2001,47(5):587-592,T001
首次以透射电镜研究了大鲵成体(实验材料共两条)皮肤侧线器官中机械受器即表面神经丘和陷器官的超微结构,并在这两种感受器官之间进行了比较。它们都由三种细胞组成:周围的套细胞,底部的支持细胞以及中央的感觉细胞;且感觉细胞的游离面均有一根动纤毛和几十根静纤毛。但这两种器官在大小、各种细胞的数量、形状和排列上下不同,尤其是表面神经丘感觉细胞游离面纤毛具有双向极性,而陷器官体现为多向极性;表面神经丘的突触球集中分布于一个特殊的感觉细胞,而陷器官的每个感觉细胞基部都有一个突触球。  相似文献   

本文对盔甲鱼类的侧线系统作了系统的描述;盔甲鱼类与异甲鱼类、骨甲鱼类和七鳃鳗在侧线系统方面可作相近的对比;盔甲鱼类众多的横行感觉管暗示在原始脊椎动物里,横行感觉管按节排列、由前而后分布整个头区;在盔甲鱼类中侧线系统存在多鳃鱼型和真盔甲鱼型,两者的分化至迟在早志留世已经完成.  相似文献   

全人工繁殖西伯利亚鲟仔稚鱼发育的异速生长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baeri)是中国主要的淡水养殖对象之一,目前已经实现了苗种的全人工繁殖,为了改善西伯利亚鲟苗种培育技术,采用Image-Pro Plus 5.1软件显微拍照并对仔稚鱼的可量性状进行测量和数据处理,研究了全人工繁殖西伯利亚鲟仔稚鱼(0~53日龄)发育的异速生长及器官优先发育在早期生存和环境适应性上的意义。结果表明:在9、28、37日龄时分别出现3个全长生长拐点。因此,全长的生长可以分为4个阶段,每个阶段的平均增长率分别为0.83、0.79、2.68和1.71 mm·d-1,其中第3个阶段的生长率明显高于其他阶段;体质量的增长可以用Gaussion方程进行拟合,相关系数R2=0.99;全长(FL)与体质量(BW)的关系为BW=0.2×10-5(FL)2.72,为负异速生长;在早期发育过程中,仔鱼的许多关键器官的大小均存在异速生长现象,眼径在3~4日龄时,最先达到生长拐点,这意味着眼部是优先发育的,使其在出膜后就能有效地躲避敌害;口宽在17~18日龄时出现拐点,此时随着感觉器官和各鳍的不断完善,主动摄食能力不断加强;胸鳍、背鳍、臀鳍的长度也分别在16~17、13~14、21~22日龄时出现生长拐点,标志着其游泳能力已比较完善,可以有效地躲避敌害和获得食物,为其早期的生存提供了保障。在育苗生产实践中,可以根据生长和发育的阶段性和优先性,适时地和针对性地创造必要的生长发育条件,保证其重要器官得到优先发育,提高早期的成活率。  相似文献   

鱼类侧线系统的分布随其分类地位和不同的生存环境呈现多样性,这种多样性与侧线系统的胚后发育密切相关,但对于侧线系统胚后发育调控研究较少.本研究利用CRISPR/Cas9敲除斑马鱼(Brachydanio rerio var)edar基因,获得皮骨缺陷的突变体,进而利用染色技术分析鳞片和侧线管道在侧线胚后发育中的作用.利用...  相似文献   

半滑舌鳎侧线器官和无眼侧皮肤表面的特殊结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马爱军  王新安  庄志猛 《动物学报》2007,53(6):1113-1120
为了解决半滑舌鳎的摄食难题,探讨其摄食机理,本文采用光镜和扫描电镜手段对半滑舌鳎有眼侧侧线管和无眼侧皮肤表面的特殊结构进行了研究。结果表明(1)有眼侧:半滑舌鳎侧线孔圆形,孔径与所在部位侧线管径相同,孔上并连有一胶质管,这种特殊结构既可以提高管道内感觉器官(管道神经丘)的敏感性,又可阻止外界异物进入侧线管内部,具有保护作用;半滑舌鳎口腔附近的侧线管管径及侧线孔孔径较其它部位大,侧线孔密度高,认为口腔附近侧线管道内的感觉器官(管道神经丘)的敏感性较其它部位高,在鱼类捕食行为中具有重要作用;(2)无眼侧:躯干部表面覆盖圆鳞,头部皮肤无鳞,表面被覆相互连结的黏液管,形成黏液管皮肤;极其发达的黏液管构成管状黏液分泌系统。扫描电镜观察发现,在头部黏液管皮肤表面镶嵌着一种乳头状突起(Pailla),其典型特征是在表面被覆一盾牌状结构,一般多个簇生在一起,很少单独存在,其分布密度是从吻端向内逐渐减少,组织切片显示内部结构周边是套细胞,中央是感觉细胞,具一柄或两柄。根据其外部形态和内部结构,作者推测,这可能是半滑舌鳎特有的一种触觉器官,并在其摄食行为中起重要作用。半滑舌鳎极其发达的黏液分泌系统对于裸露的乳头状突起(Pailla)具有相当重要的保护作用。  相似文献   

Chen XW  Jiang S  Shi ZY  Li Q  Xun XR  Guo da Q 《Mitochondrial DNA》2012,23(2):120-122
The complete mitochondrial genome of Siberian sturgeon Acipenser baerii had been determined. The total length of the mitogenome was 16,763?bp and had 13 protein-coding, 22 tRNA, and 2 rRNA genes. Except for the eight tRNA and Nd6 genes, all other mitochondrial genes are encoded on the heavy strand. The overall base composition of the heavy strand is 30.3% A, 24.3% T, 29.1% C, 16.3% G, with an AT content of 54.6%. The DNA sequence of A. baerii shared 97.8, 97.6, 93.5, 91.6, 93.6, and 87.1% sequence homology with that of Acipenser sinensis, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, Acipenser transmontanus, Acipenser dabryanus, Acipenser stellatus, and Polyodon spathula. Molecular data presented here provide a useful tool for evolutionary as well as population genetics studied.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(3):418-442
The head is considered the major novelty of the vertebrates and directly linked to their evolutionary success. Its form and development as well as its function, for example in feeding, is of major interest for evolutionary biologists. In this study, we describe the skeletal development of the cranium and pectoral girdle in Siberian (Acipenser baerii ) and Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii ), two species that are commonly farmed in aquaculture and increasingly important in developmental studies. This study comprises the development of the neuro‐, viscero‐ and dermatocranium and the dermal and chondral components of the pectoral girdle, from first condensation of chondrocytes in prehatchlings to the early juvenile stage and reveals a clear pattern in formation. The otic capsules, the parachordal cartilages, and the trabeculae cranii are the first centers of chondrification, at 8.4mm TL. These are followed by the mandibular, then the hyoid, and later the branchial arches. Teeth form early on the dentary, dermopalatine, and palatopterygoid, and then appear later in the buccal cavity as dorsal and ventral toothplates. With ongoing chondrification in the neurocranium a capsule around the brain and a strong rostrum are formed. Dermal ossifications start to form before closure of the dorsal neurocranial fenestrae. Perichondral ossification of cartilage bones occurs much later in ontogeny. Our results contribute data bearing on the homology of elements such as the lateral rostral canal bone that we regard homologous to the antorbital of other actinopterygians based on its sequence of formation, position and form. We further raise doubts on the homology of the posterior ceratobranchial among Actinopteri based on the formation of the hyoid arch elements. We also investigate the basibranchials and the closely associated unidentified gill‐arch elements and show that they are not homologous. J. Morphol. 278:418–442, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(10):1438-1449
Ovaries of Acipenser baerii are of an alimentary type and probably are meroistic. They contain ovarian nests, individual follicles, inner germinal ovarian epithelium, and fat tissue. Nests comprise cystoblasts, germline cysts, numerous early previtellogenic oocytes, and somatic cells. Cysts are composed of cystocytes, which are connected by intercellular bridges and are in the pachytene stage of the first meiotic prophase. They contain bivalents, finely granular, medium electron dense material, and nucleoli in the nucleoplasm. Many cystocytes degenerate. Oocytes differ in size and structure. Most oocytes are in the pachytene and early diplotene stages and are referred to as the PACH oocytes. Oocytes in more advanced diplotene stage are referred to as the DIP oocytes. Nuclei in the PACH oocytes contain bivalents and irregularly shaped accumulation of DNA (DNA‐body), most probably corresponding to the rDNA‐body. The DNA‐body is composed of loose, fine granular material, and comprises multiple nucleoli. At peripheries, it is fragmented into blocks that remain in contact with the inner nuclear membrane. In the ooplasm, there is the rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complexes, free ribosomes, complexes of mitochondria with cement, fine fibrillar material containing granules, and lipid droplets. The organelles and material of nuclear origin form a distinct accumulation (a granular ooplasm) in the vicinity of the nucleus. Some of the PACH oocytes are surrounded by flat somatic cells. There are lampbrush chromosomes and multiple nucleoli present (early diplotene stage) in the nucleoplasm. These PACH oocytes and neighboring somatic cells have initiated the formation of ovarian follicles. The remaining PACH oocytes transform to the DIP oocytes. The DIP oocytes contain lampbrush chromosomes and a DNA‐body is absent in nuclei. Multiple nucleoli are numerous in the nucleoplasm and granular ooplasm is present at the vegetal region of the oocyte.  相似文献   

Urocortin-3 (UCN3), one of the corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) family peptides, which was discovered in 2001, has a variety of biological functions. However, the researches of UCN3 in fish were scarce. In order to understand whether UCN3 play a role in regulating food intake in fish, we first cloned the ucn3 cDNAs sequence of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt), and investigated the ucn3 mRNA levels in 11 tissues. The Siberian sturgeon ucn3 cDNA sequence was 1044 bp, including an open reading frame (ORF) of 447 bp that encoded 148 amino acids with a mature peptide of 40 amino acids, a 5ʹ-terminal untranslated region (5ʹ-UTR) of 162 bp and a 3ʹ-terminal untranslated region (3ʹ-UTR) of 435 bp. The result of tissue distribution showed that ucn3 widely distributed in 11 tissues with highest expression in brain. We also assessed the effects of periprandial (pre- and post-feeding), fasting and re-feeding on ucn3 mRNAs abundance in brain. The results showed the expression of ucn3 mRNA in brain was significantly elevated after feeding, decreased after fasting 17 days and increased after re-feeding. To further investigate the food intake role of UCN3 in Siberian sturgeon, we performed intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of Siberian sturgeon UCN3 (SsUCN3) with three doses (60, 120 or 240 ng/g) and recorded the food intake. Acute and chronic i.p. injection SsUCN3 reduced the food intake in a dose-dependent pattern. In conclusion, this study indicates that SsUCN3 acts as a satiety factor to inhibit the food intake of Siberian sturgeon.  相似文献   

A study of motility was carried out on spermatozoa of the Siberian sturgeon ( Acipenser baerii Brandt) reared at the Cemagref experimental research station, St Seurin sur l'Isle, France. About 90% spermatozoa are activated within a few seconds after a double step dilution (final dilution 1/600) and the number of motile cells declines regularly to 10–20% after 2 mn. During the same period of time, the flagellum beat frequency remains stable at about 50 Hz for 30 sec and drops to 30 Hz after 60 sec. A morphological analysis of the movement of the flagellum shows that during the first 20 sec, waves are distributed on the entire length of the flagellum; later, they disappear progressively from the distal part within 1 mn in the case of 90% of the spermatozoa. Finally after 2 mn, most of the flagella are straight and devoid of wave. The ATP content declines very rapidly after activation from 7.58 ± 1.85 to 4.05 ± 1.51 nmol/108 spermatozoa within 5 sec (P=0.004). Spermatozoa left in the genital tract of the males over a period of 24 hrs (in vivo survival) do not show significant change in the percentage of motile cells (82 ± 14 vs 74 ± 15) nor in the ATP content (6.13 ± 2.37 vs 4.59 ± 1.42 nmoles/108 spermatozoa). An aliquot of these spermatozoa stripped from testis and stored during the same period of 24 hrs at 4°C shows a significant decrease in the percentage of motile cells from 82 ± 14 to 59 ± 30 (P<0.01) and in the ATP content from 6.15 ± 2.4 to 1.95 ± 1.37 nmoles/108 spermatozoa (P=0.001).  相似文献   

Behavioural modifications of Acipenser baeri were studied during early ontogeny at 18 °C by means of specific tests and general observations. During A. baeri ontogeny, several different periods could be clearly distinguished by behavioural patterns. From hatching to 3 days post hatch (p.h.), specimens exhibited swimming-up and drift behaviour. A transition from a pelagic to benthic behaviour occurred between 4–5 days p.h. and specimens were positively rheotactic. At 7–8 days p.h., prelarvae aggregated into schools of different shapes. During prelarval development, specimens were positively phototactic, preferred white bottoms and did not show any preference for bottom concealment. Between 9–10 days p.h. coinciding with the onset of the exogenous feeding, larvae were active bottom swimmers, schooling behaviour disappeared and larvae dispersed. During early ontogeny, changes in body coloration were observed among those specimens who swam over bottoms of different brightness and during the day/night cycle. From 9 to 12 days p.h., larvae were positively phototactic, denied bottom cover and showed preference for white substrates. At 13 days p.h., the percentage of fish exhibiting positive phototactism, preferring open to concealed bottom habitats and white bottoms started to decrease, while at 20 days p.h. specimens showed a clear preference for bottom concealment and black and greyish bottoms. The significance, use and evolution of the former behavioural patterns is deeply discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1586-1597
In a study aiming to improve knowledge on the mineralization of the axial skeleton in reared Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869), we discovered a new mineralized tissue within the notochord. To our knowledge, such a structure has never been reported in any vertebrate species with the exception of the pathological mineralization of the notochord remains in degenerative intervertebral disks of mammals. Here, we describe this enigmatic tissue using X‐ray microtomography, histological analyses and solid state NMR‐spectroscopy. We also performed a 1‐year monitoring of the mineral content (MC) of the notochord in relation with seasonal variations of temperature. In all specimens studied from 2‐year‐old juveniles onwards, this mineralized structure was found within a particular region of the notochord called funiculus . This feature first appears in the abdominal region then extends posteriorly with ageing, while the notochord MC also increases. The mineral phase is mainly composed of amorphous calcium phosphate, a small amount of which changes into hydroxyapatite with ageing. The putative role of this structure is discussed as either a store of minerals available for the phosphocalcic metabolism, or a mechanical support in a species with a poorly mineralized axial skeleton. A pathological feature putatively related to rearing conditions is also discussed.  相似文献   

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