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Euptychiina is the most species‐rich subtribe of Neotropical Satyrinae, with over 450 known species in 47 genera (14 monotypic). Here, we use morphological characters to examine the phylogenetic relationships within Euptychiina. Taxonomic sampling included 105 species representing the majority of the genera, as well as five outgroups. A total of 103 characters were obtained: 45 from wing pattern, 48 from genitalia and 10 from wing venation. The data matrix was analysed using maximum parsimony under both equal and extended implied weights. Euptychiina was recovered as monophyletic with ten monophyletic genera, contrasting previous DNA sequence‐based phylogenies that did not recover the monophyly of the group. In agreement with sequence‐based hypotheses, however, three main clades were recognized: the ‘Megisto clade’ with six monophyletic and three polyphyletic genera, the ‘Taygetis clade’ with nine genera of which three were monophyletic, and the ‘Pareuptyhia clade’ with four monophyletic and two polyphyletic genera. This is the first morphology‐based phylogenetic hypothesis for Euptychiina and the results will be used to complement molecular data in a combined analysis and to provide critical synapomorphies for clades and genera in this taxonomically confused group.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new genus and a new species of Euptychiina from open grassland habitats (campos de cima da serra) in southern Brazil. The systematic position of this new taxon is discussed based on morphological and molecular data, and it is considered sister to Taydebis Freitas. Since the campos vegetation is considered endangered due to anthropogenic activities, this butterfly species deserves attention and should be included in future conservation plans for this biome.  相似文献   

Peña, C., Nylin, S., Freitas, A. V. L. & Wahlberg, N. (2010). Biogeographic history of the butterfly subtribe Euptychiina (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae, Satyrinae).—Zoologica Scripta, 39, 243–258. The diverse butterfly subtribe Euptychiina was thought to be restricted to the Americas. However, there is mounting evidence for the Oriental Palaeonympha opalina being part of Euptychiina and thus a disjunct distribution between it (in eastern Asia) and its sister taxon (in eastern North America). Such a disjunct distribution in both eastern Asia and eastern North America has never been reported for any butterfly taxon. We used 4447 bp of DNA sequences from one mitochondrial gene and four nuclear genes for 102 Euptychiina taxa to obtain a phylogenetic hypothesis of the subtribe, estimate dates of origin and diversification for major clades and perform a biogeographic analysis. Euptychiina originated 31 Ma in South America. Early Euptychiina dispersed from North to South America via the temporary connection known as GAARlandia during Eocene–Oligocene times. The current disjunct distribution of the Oriental Palaeonympha opalina is the result of a northbound dispersal of a lineage from South America into eastern Asia via North America. The common ancestor of Palaeonympha and its sister taxon Megisto inhabited the continuous forest belt across North Asia and North America, which was connected by Beringia. The closure of this connection caused the split between Palaeonympha and Megisto around 13 Ma and the severe extinctions in western North America because of the climatic changes of the Late Miocene (from 13.5 Ma onwards) resulted in the classic ‘eastern Asia and eastern North America’ disjunct distribution.  相似文献   

The satyrine butterfly subtribe Mycalesina has undergone one of the more spectacular evolutionary radiations of butterflies in the Old World tropics. Perhaps the most phenotypically pronounced diversification of the group has occurred in the Malagasy region, where 68 currently recognized species are divided among five genera. Here, we report the results of phylogenetic analyses of sequence data from the cytochrome c oxidase II and cytochrome b mitochondrial genes, for a total of 54 mycalesine taxa, mostly from Madagascar. These molecular data complement an existing data set based on male morphological characters. The molecular results support the suggestion from morphology that three of the five Malagasy genera are paraphyletic and support the monophyly of at least three major morphological clades. Novel hypotheses of terminal taxon pairs are generated by the molecular data. Dense taxon sampling appears to be crucial for elucidating phylogenetic relationships within this large radiation. A potentially complex scenario for the origin of Malagasy mycalesines is proposed.  相似文献   

The interspecific relationships between egg size and female size, sexual size dimorphism, latitude, preoviposition and egg-laying behaviour, was investigated in European Satyrine butterflies by controlling for taxonomic relatedness and by simple cross-species comparisons. Egg size scales positively to female size, although the relationship is not significant (but nearly so) when taxonomic effects are controlled for. Egg size is correlated with latitude. When the effects of latitude are removed, the relationship between egg and female size becomes more evident. Sexual size dimorphism is negatively correlated with egg size, but the effect disappears when adult size is controlled for. Small egg size is related to long preoviposition. No relationship between egg laying mode and egg size appears. The results are interpreted as evidence for positive scaling of egg to female size, with superimposed effects of egg size radiation. The correlation of egg size with latitude suggests that temperature, or season length, is likely to have made an important contribution to egg size selection within this geographic area.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new species of Moneuptychia Forster from the summits of the Mantiqueira and Espinha?o mountain ranges in southeastern Brazil, details the morphology of adults and immatures of this species, and discusses the definition of the genus Moneuptychia.  相似文献   

We have inferred the first empirically supported hypothesis of relationships for the cosmopolitan butterfly subfamily Satyrinae. We used 3090 base pairs of DNA from the mitochondrial gene COI and the nuclear genes EF-1alpha and wingless for 165 Satyrinae taxa representing 4 tribes and 15 subtribes, and 26 outgroups, in order to test the monophyly of the subfamily and elucidate phylogenetic relationships of its major lineages. In a combined analysis, the three gene regions supported an almost fully resolved topology, which recovered Satyrinae as polyphyletic, and revealed that the current classification of suprageneric taxa within the subfamily is comprised almost completely of unnatural assemblages. The most noteworthy findings are that Manataria is closely related to Melanitini; Palaeonympha belongs to Euptychiina; Oressinoma, Orsotriaena and Coenonympha group with the Hypocystina; Miller's (1968). Parargina is polyphyletic and its components group with multiple distantly related lineages; and the subtribes Elymniina and Zetherina fall outside the Satyrinae. The three gene regions used in a combined analysis prove to be very effective in resolving relationships of Satyrinae at the subtribal and tribal levels. Further sampling of the taxa closely related to Satyrinae, as well as more extensive sampling of genera within the tribes and subtribes for this group will be critical to test the monophyly of the subfamily and establish a stronger basis for future biogeographical and evolutionary studies.  相似文献   

We review the various proposals of evolutionary and classification schemes for Satyrinae and particularly Euptychiina butterflies, assessing progress and prospects of research for the group. Among the highlights is the proposal to include Morphini, Brassolini and Amathusiini as part of Satyrinae. Although it is clear that this hypothesis requires further investigation, phylogenetic studies recently conducted recover this clade as part of Satyrinae with high support. The phylogenetic analyses for Euptychiina carried out to date recover the monophyly of the group and have identified a variety of genera as non-monophyletic. Further work is necessary to resolve the position of the subtribe and the evolutionary relationships of several genera.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean islands of Sardinia and Corsica are known for their multitude of endemics. Butterflies in particular have received much attention. However, no comprehensive studies aiming to compare populations of butterflies from Sardinia and Corsica with those from the neighbouring mainland and Sicily have been carried out. In the present study, the eleven Satyrinae species inhabiting Sardinia and Corsica islands were examined and compared with continental and Sicilian populations by means of geometric morphometrics of male genitalia. Relative warp computation, discriminant analyses, hierarchical clustering, and cross‐validation tests were used to identify coherent distributional patterns including both islands and mainland populations. The eleven species showed multifaceted distributional patterns, although three main conclusions can be drawn: (1) populations from North Africa and Spain are generally different from those belonging to the Italian Peninsula; (2) populations from Sardinia and Sicily often resemble the North Africa/Spain ones; Corsica shows transitional populations similar to those from France; and (3) sea barriers represent filters to dispersal, although their efficacy appears to be unrelated to their extension. Indeed, the short sea straits between Sardinia and Corsica and between Sicily and the Italian Peninsula revealed a strong effectiveness with respect to preventing faunal exchanges; populations giving onto sea channels between Corsica and Northern Italy and between Sicily and Tunisia showed a higher similarity. A comparison of island and mainland distributions of the eleven taxa have helped to unravel the complex co‐occurrence of historical factors, refugial dynamics, and recent (post‐glacial) dispersal with respect to shaping the populations of Mediterranean island butterflies. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 195–212.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) can help us understand the phylogenetic relationships within the genus Lethe and the subfamily Satyrinae. In this study, we sequenced the complete mitogenomes of 14 Lethe species, which range in size from 15,225 to 15,271 bp, with both 37 genes (13 PCGs, 22 tRNAs, 2 rRNAs) and a noncoding A + T-rich region. The gene arrangement and orientation is similar to typical mitogenomes of Lepidoptera. The Ka/Ks ratio shows that cox1 has the slowest evolutionary rate. The secondary structure of trnN lacks the Pseudouracil loop (TψC loop) in most Lethe species. The inferred phylogenetic analyses show that Lethe is a well-supported monophyletic group, and reveal 2 major clades within the genus Lethe, which is consistent with previous morphological classifications.  相似文献   

The selection of exemplars has been shown both theoretically and empirically to affect tree topology, but the importance of the number and nature of taxa used to represent higher taxonomic lineages in molecular studies is rarely stressed. In our rRNA study of higher moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera: Ditrysia), the selection of different exemplars and outgroups caused major tree rearrangements. We also examined the effectiveness with which conserved rRNA regions track the diversification of Lepidoptera. Homoplasy is as prevalent at the few variable sites of conserved regions (18E, 18J, 28F) as at the many variable sites of a more rapidly evolving region (28B). Finally, 28B sequence variation differs qualitatively among lepidopteran superfamilies of presumed comparable age, the Papilionoidea (true butterflies) and Noctuoidea (cutworm moths and relatives).  相似文献   

A new genus and species of Euptychiina (Satyrinae), Cristalinaia vitoria Mota, Zacca & Freitas gen. et sp. nov., is described based on three specimens collected in the region of the Cristalino River, Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil. This rare species is known only from this region, where it flies inside the dense bamboo patches typical of that area. The last instar larva and the pupa are described; the larva was observed feeding on mature leaves of the common bamboo Guadua aff. paniculata Munro.urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D61EDE8D-CAE9-41C6-B24D-BB789873566E  相似文献   

The Euptychiina is one of the more diverse lineages of satyrine butterflies, represented by over 300 species. The first phylogenetic analyses of the subtribe is presented based on 2506 aligned nucleotide sequences obtained from 69 individuals spanning 28 ingroup genera and nine outgroup genera. Two genes were used, the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase 1 (1268 bp) and the nuclear gene elongation factor-1alpha (1238 bp). The subtribe is never recovered as monophyletic in analyses using parsimony, maximum likelihood, or Bayesian inference. Several euptychiine genera are placed basal to the ingroup, but support is found only for Euptychia and Oressinoma. Three main lineages within the ingroup were clearly defined and many taxonomic groupings within the clades strongly supported. The majority of genera tested were paraphyletic or polyphyletic. Based on results presented here and novel host use, a close relationship of Euptychia to the Indo-Australian tribe Ragadiini is hypothesized. Origins of the group remain unclear, but the basal position of most of the Nearctic genera is discussed.  相似文献   

Melanin is a widespread pigment causing variation in skin darkness, with darker phenotypes typically reaching higher equilibrium temperatures than lighter ones. Therefore, selection is expected to favour darker phenotypes in colder environments. In the present study, we show intraspecific variation in pupal (and wing) melanization along an altitudinal gradient in two species of copper butterflies. Both, pupal and wing melanization increased with increasing altitude. Consistent with the thermal melanism hypothesis, darker (high-altitude) pupae reached higher equilibrium temperatures than paler (low-altitude) ones. However, as temperature differences were rather small despite pronounced differences in melanization, we cannot rule out that factors (e.g. ultraviolet protection, disease resistance) other than temperature comprise the principal selective agents. Mechanistically, variation in melanization might be related to variation in hormone titres, as demonstrated by low-altitude pupae showing higher ecdysteroid and juvenile hormone titres compared to high-altitude ones. Furthermore, we report sex differences in wing melanization, with males being darker than females, which is potentially related to a higher flight activity of males.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 301–312.  相似文献   

The haploid chromosome number of the South American butterfly Philaethria dido varies from 12 to 88. Eight different numbers have been found in this species complex. The related Ph. pygmalion and Ph. wernickei usually show only n=29, a very frequent number in the Lepidoptera; numbers of n=15 and n=21 for these species need confirmation. The most common chromosome number for Ph. dido is also the highest, n=88, and is found in many parts of northern and central Brazil on the Amazon river and its tributaries, as well as adjacent parts of other countries. The other numbers were observed mainly in northern South America and along the east coast. Two very different numbers were found together in four localities. We did not find specimens with meiotic features suggesting hybridization between individuals with different chromosome numbers. The diverse numbers in Ph. dido may belong to good sibling species, distinguishable externally by very minor characters. Since Ph. dido is a very primitive species in the tribe Heliconiini, dating probably from the early Tertiary, it probably has had many opportunities to undergo divergent chromosome evolution in isolation. Its strong, high flight and broad ecological valence would then permit rapid spreading out and coexistence of different chromosome forms, which in some cases have been noted to show diverse behaviour in the field.Dedicated to Professor Hans Bauer on the occasion of his eightieth birthday  相似文献   

The names of all the species of butterflies described by Linnaeus under "Papilio" are researched. Of the 305 names treated, 243 (c. 80%) are currently valid as specific (241) or subspecific (2), 29 are junior synonyms, 14 are invalid (one of these applying to a fake), and for 13 the identity is unknown or uncertain. Six species of moths misidentified by Linnaeus as butterflies are cited in the study, but details are not included. One hundred and fifty-two lectotypes have been designated, representing about 56% of the sum of the valid names and junior synonyms. Of these, 99 were selected from specimens in the Linnean Society of London, 52 from Queen Ludovica Ulrica's collection, Uppsala, and one lectotype is a Petiver specimen from the collection of Sir Hans Sloane. Linnaeus described at least five species, possibly eight, from the literature alone. All Linnaean material examined is documented, as are 'subsequent' specimens that are associated with Linnaean material. Synonymy and homonymy are discussed and presented, as are the identities of type localities. Care has been taken to achieve a practical balance between Linnaean and current species identities. Linnaean material studied included specimens from The Linnean Society of London, Museum Ludovicae Ulricae (Uppsala University), the Clerck and De Geer collections in the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, and the collection of James Petiver, now part of the collection of Sir Hans Sloane housed in The Natural History Museum, London.  相似文献   

Bovine mitochondrial tRNA(Ser) (UCN) has been thought to have two U-U mismatches at the top of the acceptor stem, as inferred from its gene sequence. However, this unusual structure has not been confirmed at the RNA level. In the course of investigating the structure and function of mitochondrial tRNAs, we have isolated the bovine liver mitochondrial tRNA(Ser) (UCN) and determined its complete sequence including the modified nucleotides. Analysis of the 5'-terminal nucleotide and enzymatic determination of the whole sequence of tRNA(Ser) (UCN) revealed that the tRNA started from the third nucleotide of the putative tRNA(Ser) (UCN) gene, which had formerly been supposed. Enzymatic probing of tRNA(Ser) (UCN) suggests that the tRNA possesses an unusual cloverleaf structure with the following characteristics. (1) There exists only one nucleotide between the acceptor stem with 7 base pairs and the D stem with 4 base pairs. (2) The anticodon stem seems to consist of 6 base pairs. Since the same type of cloverleaf structure as above could be constructed only for mitochondrial tRNA(Ser) (UCN) genes of mammals such as human, rat and mouse, but not for those of non-mammals such as chicken and frog, this unusual secondary structure seems to be conserved only in mammalian mitochondria.  相似文献   

The skipping flight patterns of three species of Ypthima (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) were analyzed using high‐speed video recordings to clarify how wings move and how driving forces are produced. All three species showed a flight pattern that includes a pause that accounts for about 50% of a flap cycle when their wings completely close after each upstroke. The observed pause causes the “skipping” flight trajectory based on the clap–fling mechanism. Pause duration was correlated with upstroke wing motion, suggesting the contribution of the latter to a long pause duration. This is also supported by the temporal relationship between the wing and body motions. The aerodynamic power necessary for the pause flight was calculated for the three species.  相似文献   

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