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Although messenger RNAs encoding the histone proteins are among the most abundant in mammalian oocytes, the mechanism regulating their translation has not been identified. The stem-loop binding protein (SLBP) binds to a highly conserved sequence in the 3'-untranslated region (utr) of the non-polyadenylated histone mRNAs in somatic cells and mediates their stabilization and translation. We previously showed that SLBP, which is expressed only during S-phase of proliferating cells, is expressed in growing oocytes at G2 of the cell cycle and accumulates substantially during meiotic maturation. We report here that elevating the amount of SLBP in immature (G2) oocytes is sufficient to increase translation of a reporter mRNA bearing the histone 3'-utr and endogenous histone synthesis and that this effect is not mediated through increased stability of the encoding mRNAs. We further report that translation of the reporter mRNA increases dramatically during meiotic maturation coincident with the accumulation of SLBP. Conversely, when SLBP accumulation during maturation is prevented using RNA interference, both translation of the reporter mRNA and synthesis of endogenous histones are significantly reduced. This effect is not mediated by a loss of the encoding mRNAs. Moreover, following fertilization, SLBP-depleted oocytes also show a significant decrease in pronuclear size and in the amount of acetylated histone detectable on the chromatin. These results demonstrate that histone synthesis in immature and maturing oocytes is governed by a translational control mechanism that is directly regulated by changes in the amount of SLBP.  相似文献   

A cDNA library was constructed from the mRNA of the ZR-75 oestrogen responsive human breast cancer cell line and screened for oestrogen regulated mRNA sequences. Of the recombinants isolated, 30 contained cDNA that corresponded to a single mRNA species of 2.1 kb that was induced between 10 and 15 fold by oestradiol treatment. The sequence of the entire open reading frame and 3' non-coding region of the mRNA was determined and shown to encode the aspartyl protease cathepsin D. The induction of cathepsin D mRNA is specific for oestrogen and is maximal at 3 X 10(-10) M. Cathepsin D mRNA levels were increased by oestrogen in 3 oestrogen responsive breast cancer cell lines. Cathepsin D mRNA was expressed but not regulated in an oestrogen receptor negative breast tumour cell line, BT 20, and in 2 other malignant cell lines, Hela and A431.  相似文献   

The 3' end of replication-dependent histone mRNAs terminate in a conserved sequence containing a stem-loop. This 26-nt sequence is the binding site for a protein, stem-loop binding protein (SLBP), that is involved in multiple aspects of histone mRNA metabolism and regulation. We have determined the structure of the 26-nt sequence by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. There is a 16-nt stem-loop motif, with a conserved 6-bp stem and a 4-nt loop. The loop is closed by a conserved U.A base pair that terminates the canonical A-form stem. The pyrimidine-rich 4-nt loop, UUUC, is well organized with the three uridines stacking on the helix, and the fourth base extending across the major groove into the solvent. The flanking nucleotides at the base of the hairpin stem do not assume a unique conformation, despite the fact that the 5' flanking nucleotides are a critical component of the SLBP binding site.  相似文献   

The 5' end of porcine mitochondrial aconitase mRNA contains an iron responsive element (IRE)-like secondary structure (T. Dandekar, R. Stripecke, N. K. Gray, B. Goosen, A. Constable, H. E. Johansson, and M. W. Hentze (1991) EMBO J. 10, 1903-1909). A protein from a liver extract binds to a mitochondrial aconitase RNA probe and supports the identification of this sequence as an IRE. Purified cytosolic aconitase but not the mitochondrial enzyme binds to this IRE as well as to a ferritin IRE. All forms of cytosolic aconitase, [4Fe-4S] enzyme, [3Fe-4S] enzyme and apoenzyme bind with similar affinity. A Kd of 0.25 nM was calculated for the apoaconitase-IRE interaction from Scatchard analysis. These results support the conclusion that cytosolic aconitase is an IRE-binding protein which may regulate translation of mitochondrial aconitase mRNA.  相似文献   

Replication-dependent histone mRNAs are the only eukaryotic cellular mRNAs that are not polyadenylated, ending instead in a conserved stem-loop. The 3′ end of histone mRNA is required for histone mRNA translation, as is the stem-loop binding protein (SLBP), which binds the 3′ end of histone mRNA. We have identified five conserved residues in a 15-amino-acid region in the amino-terminal portion of SLBP, each of which is required for translation. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen, we identified a novel protein, SLBP-interacting protein 1 (SLIP1), that specifically interacts with this region. Mutations in any of the residues required for translation reduces SLIP1 binding to SLBP. The expression of SLIP1 in Xenopus oocytes together with human SLBP stimulates translation of a reporter mRNA ending in the stem-loop but not a reporter with a poly(A) tail. The expression of SLIP1 in HeLa cells also stimulates the expression of a green fluorescent protein reporter mRNA ending in a stem-loop. RNA interference-mediated downregulation of endogenous SLIP1 reduces the rate of translation of endogenous histone mRNA and also reduces cell viability. SLIP1 may function by bridging the 3′ end of the histone mRNA with the 5′ end of the mRNA, similar to the mechanism of translation of polyadenylated mRNAs.  相似文献   

Metazoan replication-dependent histone mRNAs end in a conserved stem-loop rather than in the poly(A) tail found on all other mRNAs. The 3' end of histone mRNA binds a single class of proteins, the stem-loop binding proteins (SLBP). In Xenopus, there are two SLBPs: xSLBP1, the homologue of the mammalian SLBP, which is required for processing of histone pre-mRNA, and xSLBP2, which is expressed only during oogenesis and is bound to the stored histone mRNA in Xenopus oocytes. The stem-loop is required for efficient translation of histone mRNAs and substitutes for the poly(A) tail, which is required for efficient translation of other eucaryotic mRNAs. When a rabbit reticulocyte lysate is programmed with uncapped luciferase mRNA ending in the histone stem-loop, there is a three- to sixfold increase in translation in the presence of xSLBP1 while xSLBP2 has no effect on translation. Neither SLBP affected the translation of a luciferase mRNA ending in a mutant stem-loop that does not bind SLBP. Capped luciferase mRNAs ending in the stem-loop were injected into Xenopus oocytes after overexpression of either xSLBP1 or xSLBP2. Overexpression of xSLBP1 in the oocytes stimulated translation, while overexpression of xSLBP2 reduced translation of the luciferase mRNA ending in the histone stem-loop. A small region in the N-terminal portion of xSLBP1 is required to stimulate translation both in vivo and in vitro. An MS2-human SLBP1 fusion protein can activate translation of a reporter mRNA ending in an MS2 binding site, indicating that xSLBP1 only needs to be recruited to the 3' end of the mRNA but does not need to be directly bound to the histone stem-loop to activate translation.  相似文献   

The teleost gill carries out NaCl uptake in freshwater (FW) and NaCl excretion in seawater (SW). This transformation with salinity requires close regulation of ion transporter capacity and epithelial permeability. This study investigates the regulation of tight-junctional claudins during salinity acclimation in fish. We identified claudin 3- and claudin 4-like immunoreactive proteins and examined their expression and that of select ion transporters by performing Western blot in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) gill during FW and SW acclimation. Transfer of FW tilapia to SW increased plasma osmolality, which was corrected after 4 days, coinciding with increased gill Na+-K+-ATPase and Na+-K+-2Cl(-) cotransporter expression. Gill claudin 3- and claudin 4-like proteins were reduced with exposure to SW. Transfer to FW increased both claudin-like proteins. Immunohistochemistry shows that claudin 3-like protein was localized deep in the FW gill filament, whereas staining was found apically in SW gill. Claudin 4-like proteins are localized predominantly in the filament outer epithelial layer, and staining appears more intense in the gill of FW versus SW fish. In addition, tilapia claudin 28a and 30 genes were characterized, and mRNA expression was found to increase during FW acclimation. These studies are the first to detect putative claudin proteins in teleosts and show their localization and regulation with salinity in gill epithelium. The data indicate that claudins may be important in permeability changes associated with salinity acclimation and possibly the formation of deeper tight junctions in FW gill. This may reduce ion permeability, which is a critical facet of FW osmoregulation.  相似文献   

Souichi Oe 《FEBS letters》2010,584(15):3424-9455
Several mRNAs are known to be targeted to dendrites in hippocampal neurons. In this study, we show that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA has two distinct cis-acting dendritic targeting elements in the short 3′ untranslated region (UTR): a constitutive element and an activity-dependent one. Moreover, deletion of serial cytoplasmic polyadenylation element (CPE)-like sequences in the short 3′UTR suppressed both constitutive and activity-dependent dendritic targeting. In addition to the interaction with cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding protein-1 (CPEB-1), depolarization enhanced CPEB-1 recruitment to the activity-dependent targeting element. These results suggest that CPE-like sequences are involved in the activity-dependent as well as constitutive dendritic targeting of BDNF mRNA.  相似文献   

The stability of collagen α1(I) mRNA is regulated by its 5′ stem–loop, which binds a cytoplasmic protein in a cap-dependent manner, and its 3′-untranslated region (UTR), which binds αCP. When cultured in a three-dimensional gel composed of type I collagen, mouse fibroblasts had decreased collagen α1(I) mRNA steady-state levels, which resulted from a decreased mRNA half-life. In cells cultured in gel, hybrid mousehuman collagen α1(I) mRNA with a wild-type 5′ stemloop decayed faster than the same mRNA with a mutated stem–loop. When the 5′ stem–loop was placed in a heterologous mRNA, the mRNA accumulated to a lower level in cells grown in gel than in cells grown on plastic. This suggests that the 5′ stem–loop down-regulates collagen α1(I) mRNA. Protein binding to the 5′ stem–loop was reduced in cells grown in gel, which was associated with destabilization of the collagen α1(I) mRNA. In addition to the binding of a cytoplasmic protein, there was also a nuclear binding activity directed to the collagen α1(I) 5′ stem–loop. The nuclear binding was increased in cells grown in gel, suggesting that it may negatively regulate expression of collagen α1(I) mRNA. Binding of αCP, a protein involved in stabilization of collagen α1(I) mRNA, was unchanged by the culture conditions.  相似文献   

Corticosterone was administered to normal and bilaterally adrenalectomized rats (250-300 g), and hormonal regulation of brain calbindin-D28k (CaBP28k) levels was investigated by radioimmunoassay for CaBP28k protein and by slot and Northern blot analyses for CaBP28k mRNA. The specificity of the changes observed in CaBP28k mRNA levels was tested by reprobing blots with calmodulin and B-actin cDNAs. Rats were either adrenalectomized, adrenalectomized treated with corticosterone, intact, or intact treated with corticosterone. Chronic corticosterone administration (subcutaneous injection for 7 days, 10 mg/day) to normal intact rats significantly increased levels of CaBP28k immunoreactivity (43%) and mRNA (125%) in the hippocampus. Adrenalectomy (animals were killed 7 days after adrenalectomy) produced a significant decrease in hippocampal CaBP28k immunoreactivity (85%) and mRNA (80%) compared with intact controls. Immunocytochemical analysis of tissue sections inducated a marked depletion of CaBP28k immunoreactivity in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus 2 weeks after adrenalectomy. When adrenalectomized rats were treated with corticosterone (10 mg/day for 7 days), CaBP28k protein and mRNA levels in hippocampus were restored to levels observed in intact controls. No changes in CaBP28k protein and mRNA in kidney, cerebellum, striatum, or cerebral cortex were noted in adrenalectomized rats or in intact rats treated with corticosterone when compared with controls, indicating the specificity of the effect on CaBP28k for the hippocampus. These studies present the first evidence of a regulator of CaBP28k gene expression in the brain.  相似文献   

Stem-loop binding protein (SLBP) is an essential component of the histone pre-mRNA processing machinery. SLBP protein expression was examined during Drosophila development by using transgenes expressing hemagglutinin (HA) epitope-tagged proteins expressed from the endogenous Slbp promoter. Full-length HA-dSLBP complemented a Slbp null mutation, demonstrating that it was fully functional. dSLBP protein accumulates throughout the cell cycle, in contrast to the observed restriction of mammalian SLBP to S phase. dSLBP is located in both nucleus and cytoplasm in replicating cells, but it becomes predominantly nuclear during G2. dSLBP is present in mitotic cells and is down-regulated in G1 when cells exit the cell cycle. We determined whether mutation at previously identified phosphorylation sites, T120 and T230, affected the ability of the protein to restore viability and histone mRNA processing to dSLBP null mutants. The T120A SLBP restored viability and histone pre-mRNA processing. However, the T230A mutant, located in a conserved TPNK sequence in the RNA binding domain, did not restore viability and histone mRNA processing in vivo, although it had full activity in histone mRNA processing in vitro. The T230A protein is concentrated in the cytoplasm, suggesting that it is defective in nuclear targeting, and accounting for its failure to function in histone pre-mRNA processing in vivo.  相似文献   

The attachment of the SUMO modifier to proteins controls cellular signaling pathways through noncovalent binding to SUMO-interaction motifs (SIMs). Canonical SIMs contain a core of hydrophobic residues that bind to a hydrophobic pocket on SUMO. Negatively charged residues of SIMs frequently contribute to binding by interacting with a basic surface on SUMO. Here we define acetylation within this basic interface as a central mechanism for the control of SUMO-mediated interactions. The acetyl-mediated neutralization of basic charges on SUMO prevents binding to SIMs in PML, Daxx, and PIAS family members but does not affect the interaction between RanBP2 and SUMO. Acetylation is controlled by HDACs and attenuates SUMO- and PIAS-mediated gene silencing. Moreover, it affects the assembly of PML nuclear bodies and restrains the recruitment of the corepressor Daxx to these structures. This acetyl-dependent switch thus expands the regulatory repertoire of SUMO signaling and determines the selectivity and dynamics of SUMO-SIM interactions.  相似文献   

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