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In the type III secretory system of bacterial pathogens, a large number of sequence-divergent but characteristically small (approximately 14-19 kDa), acidic (pI approximately 4-5) chaperone proteins have been identified. We present the 1.74 A resolution crystal structure of the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis chaperone SycE, whose action in promoting translocation of YopE into host macrophages is essential to Yersinia pathogenesis. SycE, a compact, globular dimer with a novel fold, has two large hydrophobic surface patches that may form binding sites for YopE or other type III components. These patches are formed by structurally key residues that are conserved among many chaperones, suggesting shared structural and functional relationships. A negative electrostatic potential covers almost the entire surface of SycE and is likely conserved in character, but not in detail, among chaperones. The structure provides the first structural insights into possible modes of action of SycE and type III chaperones in general.  相似文献   

Yersinia enterocolitica inject toxic proteins (effector Yops) into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells by a mechanism requiring the type III machinery. Previous work mapped a signal sufficient for the targeting of fused reporter proteins to amino acids 1-100 of YopE. Targeting requires the binding of SycE to YopE residues 15-100 in the bacterial cytoplasm. We asked whether SycE functions only to stabilize YopE in the bacterial cytoplasm, or whether the secretion chaperone itself contributes to substrate recognition by the type III machinery. Fusions of glutathione S-transferase to either the N or C terminus of SycE resulted in hybrid proteins that bound YopE but prevented targeting of the export substrate into HeLa cells. As compared with wild-type SycE, glutathione S-transferase-SycE bound and stabilized YopE in the bacterial cytoplasm but failed to release the polypeptide for export by the type III machinery. Thus, it appears that SycE functions to deliver YopE to the type III secretion machinery. A model is presented that accounts for substrate recognition of effector Yops, a group of proteins that do not share amino acid sequence or physical similarities.  相似文献   

Yersinia adhering at the surface of eukaryotic cells secrete a set of proteins called Yops. This secretion which occurs via a type III secretion pathway is immediately followed by the injection of some Yops into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Translocation of YopE and YopH across the eukaryotic cell membranes requires the presence of the translocators YopB and YopD. YopE and YopH are modular proteins composed of an N-terminal secretion signal, an internalization domain, and an effector domain. Secretion of YopE and YopH requires the presence of the specific cytosolic chaperones SycE and SycH, respectively. In this work, we have mapped the regions of YopE and YopH that are involved in binding of their cognate chaperone. There is only one Syc-binding domain in YopE (residues 15–50) and YopH (residues 20–70). This domain is localized immediately after the secretion signal and it corresponds to the internalization domain. Removal of this bifunctional domain did not affect secretion of YopE and YopH and even suppressed the need for the chaperone in the secretion process. Thus SycE and SycH are not secretion pilots. Instead, we propose that they prevent intrabacterial interaction of YopE and YopH with proteins involved in translocation of these Yops across eukaryotic cell membranes.  相似文献   

Most effector proteins of bacterial type III secretion (T3S) systems require chaperone proteins for translocation into host cells. Such effectors are bound by chaperones in a conserved and characteristic manner, with the chaperone-binding (Cb) region of the effector wound around the chaperone in a highly extended conformation. This conformation has been suggested to serve as a translocation signal in promoting the association between the chaperone-effector complex and a bacterial component required for translocation. We sought to test a prediction of this model by identifying a potential association site for the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis chaperone-effector pair SycE-YopE. We identified a set of residues in the YopE Cb region that are required for translocation but are dispensable for expression, SycE binding, secretion into the extrabacterial milieu, and stability in mammalian cells. These residues form a solvent-exposed patch on the surface of the chaperone-bound Cb region, and thus their effect on translocation is consistent with the structure of the chaperone-bound Cb region serving as a signal for translocation.The type III secretion (T3S) system is crucial to the virulence of many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens (14, 18). These pathogens use the T3S system to translocate effector proteins from the bacterial cytosol directly into the interior of host cells. Typically, effectors contribute to the virulence of the pathogen by modifying or interacting with specific host cell targets. Effector proteins are arranged in a modular fashion, with sequence elements required for translocation located within their N-terminal ∼100 to 150 residues and with domains that interact with host components following (20, 49). For most effectors, including the extensively characterized Yersinia effector YopE (23 kDa), two different N-terminal sequence elements are required for translocation into host cells. The first, termed signal 1 (S1), occurs at the very N terminus and spans ∼10 to 15 residues (Fig. (Fig.1A).1A). The S1 element is highly degenerate in sequence (29, 36), and in YopE the S1 region has been shown to be structurally disordered (37). While the S1 element is sufficient for the nonphysiological process of secretion of effectors into the extrabacterial milieu, it is not sufficient for translocation into host cells (41, 44).Open in a separate windowFIG. 1.The SycE-YopE chaperone-effector complex. (A) Schematic of YopE domains. S1, signal 1; Cb, chaperone-binding region; RhoGAP, Rho GTPase activating protein domain. Residue numbers for domain boundaries are indicated. (B) Structure of the SycE-YopE(Cb) complex. The Cb region of YopE (red) and the SycE dimer (gray) are shown in C-α stick representation. Side chains that were mutated in the YopE Cb region are depicted for the following residues: V23 (green), E25 (blue), S27 (yellow), R29 (cyan), and S32 (magenta). Molecular figures were made with PyMol (http://pymol.sourceforge.net). (C) Enlarged view of boxed region in panel B. (D) Molecular surface representation of the SycE-YopE(Cb) complex. The YopE(Cb) surface is shown in red, except for surfaces formed by V23 (green), E25 (blue), S27 (yellow), R29 (cyan), and S32 (magenta). The SycE homodimer is shown in gray.For translocation, a second sequence element, termed the chaperone-binding (Cb) region, is required (Fig. (Fig.1A)1A) (44). The Cb region, which consists of ∼50 to 100 residues downstream of S1, promotes translocation only when bound by a member of the effector-dedicated chaperone protein family (49). The chaperone protein is dissociated from the effector by a T3S ATPase (2), as shown in Salmonella, and remains in the bacterial cytosol upon transport of the effector (17). There are a large number of such effector-dedicated chaperones, as each individual chaperone protein binds just a single effector, or in some cases a few effectors. These chaperones are divergent in sequence (≤20% identity) but have similar protein folds, dimeric oligomerization states, and effector-binding modes (4, 5, 10, 28, 30, 31, 35, 42, 43, 46, 47). In the binding mode, the Cb region of the effector winds around the surface of the dimeric chaperone in a highly extended fashion (Fig. 1B and C). The chaperone-bound Cb region lacks independent tertiary structure but has short α-helical, β-strand, and random coil stretches that contact the chaperone. This mode has been observed for the Cb region of YopE (residues 23 to 78) bound to its homodimeric chaperone, SycE (29 kDa per dimer) (5), as well as for a number of other chaperone-effector complexes (28, 35, 42, 46). The structural conservation among these chaperone-effector pairs is especially striking because the various effectors have no obvious sequence relationship to one another in their Cb regions. However, recent work showed that the chaperone-Cb-region binding mode can be predicted from de novo models (22).The functional significance of the conserved chaperone-Cb-region structure is not yet clear, but this structure has been suggested to constitute a translocation signal (5). It has been proposed that the conformation of the chaperone-bound Cb region promotes association between the chaperone-effector complex and a bacterial component required for translocation, i.e., a receptor that recognizes this three-dimensional translocation signal. Consistent with this hypothesis, recent evidence indicated that the chaperone SycE brings about the structuring of an otherwise unstructured Cb region in YopE (37). Nuclear magnetic resonance studies demonstrated that the Cb region of YopE in its free state is unstructured and flexible and that it undergoes a pronounced disorder-to-order transition upon SycE binding. The effect of SycE was strictly localized to the Cb region, while other portions of YopE, including the S1 region and the C-terminal RhoGAP domain, were impervious to SycE binding. Additional lines of evidence also support the translocation signal model of chaperone action (8, 13, 50).We sought here to test a prediction of the translocation signal model. This is the prediction that the surface of the chaperone-Cb-region complex ought to provide a receptor-binding site. We surmised that mutation of such a solvent-exposed site in the Cb region of YopE would affect translocation but not chaperone binding. Mutations of residues in the Cb region that contact the chaperone have already been shown to reduce translocation (5, 28, 41). These are simple to explain, as they diminish the affinity of the effector for the chaperone. In contrast, residues in the Cb region that are exposed in the chaperone-Cb-region complex, and hence available to form a receptor-binding site, have not yet been shown to be important for translocation. We now report the identification of such residues in the YopE Cb region. These residues are crucial for translocation but not for other aspects of YopE function, including steady-state expression, binding to SycE, secretion, and stability in mammalian cells. These results are consistent with a translocation signal model of action for the chaperone-bound Cb region and identify a potential receptor-binding site.  相似文献   

The Ysc type III secretion system allows Yersinia enterocolitica to translocate virulence proteins, called Yop effectors, into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Some of the Yop effectors possess an individual chaperone called a Syc protein. The first 15 amino acids of the YopE effector constitute a secretion signal that is sufficient to promote secretion of several reporter proteins. Residues 15-50 of YopE comprise the minimal binding domain for the SycE chaperone. In this study, we investigated the secretion by the Ysc system of several YopE-DHFR hybrid proteins with different folding properties, and evaluated the role of SycE, the cognate chaperone of YopE, in this context. We have analysed the secretion of hybrids containing 16 (YopE16), 52 (YopE52) and 80 (the complete region covered by the chaperone, YopE80) amino acids of YopE or full-length YopE (YopEFL) with wild-type DHFR and two mutants with altered folding properties. The hybrids containing DHFR delta77, the mutant whose folding properties are the most drastically affected, could be secreted in all the conditions tested, even in the absence of the chaperone SycE. In contrast, DHFRwt could only be secreted fused to the first 52 amino acids of YopE, and its secretion was strictly dependent on SycE. The hybrids YopE80-DHFRwt and YopEFL-DHFRwt were not secreted. YopEFL-DHFRwt completely jammed the channel in an SycE-dependent fashion. Our experiments indicate that, in order to be secreted, proteins must be unfolded or only partially folded, and that TSS chaperones could keep their substrates in a secretion-competent conformation, probably by preventing their folding. In addition, they show that the secretion apparatus can reject folded proteins if they are not deeply engaged into the injectisome.  相似文献   

A type III secretion-translocation system allows Yersinia adhering at the surface of animal cells to deliver a cocktail of effector Yops (YopH, -O, -P, -E, -M, and -T) into the cytosol of these cells. Residues or codons 1 to 77 contain all the information required for the complete delivery of YopE into the target cell (release from the bacterium and translocation across the eukaryotic cell membrane). Residues or codons 1 to 15 are sufficient for release from the wild-type bacterium under Ca(2+)-chelating conditions but not for delivery into target cells. Residues 15 to 50 comprise the binding domain for SycE, a chaperone specific for YopE that is necessary for release and translocation of full-length YopE. To understand the role of this chaperone, we studied the delivery of YopE-Cya reporter proteins and YopE deletants by polymutant Yersinia devoid of most of the Yop effectors (delta HOPEM and delta THE strains). We first tested YopE-Cya hybrid proteins and YopE proteins deleted of the SycE-binding site. In contrast to wild-type strains, these mutants delivered YopE(15)-Cya as efficiently as YopE(130)-Cya. They were also able to deliver YopE(delta 17-77). SycE was dispensable for these deliveries. These results show that residues or codons 1 to 15 are sufficient for delivery into eukaryotic cells and that there is no specific translocation signal in Yops. However, the fact that the SycE-binding site and SycE were necessary for delivery of YopE by wild-type Yersinia suggests that they could introduce hierarchy among the effectors to be delivered. We then tested a YopE-Cya hybrid and YopE proteins deleted of amino acids 2 to 15 but containing the SycE-binding domain. These constructs were neither released in vitro upon Ca(2+) chelation nor delivered into cells by wild-type or polymutant bacteria, casting doubts on the hypothesis that SycE could be a secretion pilot. Finally, it appeared that residues 50 to 77 are inhibitory to YopE release and that binding of SycE overcomes this inhibitory effect. Removal of this domain allowed in vitro release and delivery in cells in the absence as well as in the presence of SycE.  相似文献   

Bacterial injectisomes deliver effector proteins straight into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells (type III secretion, T3S). Many effectors are associated with a specific chaperone that remains inside the bacterium when the effector is delivered. The structure of such chaperones and the way they interact with their substrate is well characterized but their main function remains elusive. Here, we describe and characterize SycO, a new chaperone for the Yersinia effector kinase YopO. The chaperone-binding domain (CBD) within YopO coincides with the membrane localization domain (MLD) targeting YopO to the host cell membrane. The CBD/MLD causes intrabacterial YopO insolubility and the binding of SycO prevents this insolubility but not folding and activity of the kinase. Similarly, SycE masks the MLD of YopE and SycT covers an aggregation-prone domain of YopT, presumably corresponding to its MLD. Thus, SycO, SycE and most likely SycT mask, inside the bacterium, a domain needed for proper localization of their cognate effector in the host cell. We propose that covering an MLD might be an essential function of T3S effector chaperones.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species use a type III secretion (TTS) system to deliver a number of cytotoxic effector proteins directly into the mammalian host cell. To ensure effective translocation, several such effector proteins transiently bind to specific chaperones in the bacterial cytoplasm. Correspondingly, SycT is the chaperone of YopT, a cysteine protease that cleaves the membrane-anchor of Rho-GTPases in the host. We have analyzed the complex between YopT and SycT and determined the structure of SycT in three crystal forms. Biochemical studies indicate a stoichometric effector/chaperone ratio of 1:2 and the chaperone-binding site contains at least residues 52-103 of YopT. The crystal structures reveal a SycT homodimer with an overall fold similar to that of other TTS effector chaperones. In contrast to the canonical five-stranded anti-parallel beta-sheet flanked by three alpha-helices, SycT lacks the dimerization alpha-helix and has an additional beta-strand capable of undergoing a conformational change. The dimer interface consists of two beta-strands and the connecting loops. Two hydrophobic patches involved in effector binding in other TTS effector chaperones are also found in SycT. The structural similarity of SycT to other chaperones and the spatial conservation of effector-binding sites support the idea that TTS effector chaperones form a single functional and structural group.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersiniae adhere to and kill macrophages by targeting some of their Yop proteins into the eukaryotic cytosol. There is debate about whether YopE targeting proceeds as a direct translocation of polypeptide between cells or in two distinct steps, each requiring specific signals for YopE secretion across the bacterial envelope and for translocation into the eukaryotic cytosol. Here, we used the selective solubilization of the eukaryotic plasma membrane with digitonin to measure Yop targeting during Yersinia infections of HeLa cells. YopE, YopH, YopM and YopN were found in the eukaryotic cytosol but not in the extracellular medium. When bound to SycE chaperone in the Yersinia cytoplasm, YopE residues 1–100 are necessary and sufficient for the targeting of hybrid neomycin phosphotransferase. Electron microscopic analysis failed to detect an extracellular intermediate of YopE targeting, suggesting a one-step translocation mechanism.  相似文献   

Extracellular Yersinia disarm the immune system of their host by injecting effector Yop proteins into the cytosol of target cells. Five effectors have been described: YopE, YopH, YpkA/YopO, YopP and YopM. Delivery of these effectors by Yersinia adhering at the cell surface requires other Yops (translocators) including YopB. Effector and translocator Yops are secreted by the type III Ysc secretion apparatus, and some Yops also need a specific cytosolic chaperone, called Syc. In this paper, we describe a new Yop, which we have called YopT (35.5 kDa). Its secretion required an intact Ysc apparatus and SycT (15.0 kDa, pI 4.4), a new chaperone resembling SycE. Infection of macrophages with a Yersinia , producing a hybrid YopT–adenylate cyclase, led to the accumulation of intracellular cAMP, indicating that YopT is delivered into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. Infection of HeLa cells with a mutant strain devoid of the five known Yop effectors (ΔHOPEM strain) but producing YopT resulted in the alteration of the cell cytoskeleton and the disruption of the actin filament structure. This cytotoxic effect was caused by YopT and dependent on YopB. YopT is thus a new effector Yop and a new bacterial toxin affecting the cytoskeleton of eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

The type III secretion system (TTSS) of Gram-negative bacterial pathogens delivers effector proteins required for virulence directly into the cytosol of host cells. Delivery of many effectors depends on association with specific cognate chaperones in the bacterial cytosol. The mechanism of chaperone action is not understood. Here we present biochemical and crystallographic results on the Yersinia SycE-YopE chaperone-effector complex that contradict previous models of chaperone function and demonstrate that chaperone action is isolated to only a small portion of the effector. This, together with evidence for stereochemical conservation between chaperone-effector complexes, which are otherwise unrelated in sequence, indicates that these complexes function as general, three-dimensional TTSS secretion signals and may endow a temporal order to secretion.  相似文献   

Bacterial virulence is typically initiated by translocation of effector or toxic proteins across host cell membranes. A class of gram-negative pathogenic bacteria including Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and Yersinia pestis accomplishes this objective with a protein assembly called the type III secretion system. Yersinia effector proteins (Yop) are presented to the translocation apparatus through formation of specific complexes with their cognate chaperones (Syc). In the complexes where the structure is available, the Yops are extended and wrap around their cognate chaperone. This structural architecture enables secretion of the Yop from the bacterium in early stages of translocation. It has been shown previously that the chaperone-binding domain of YopE is disordered in its isolation but becomes substantially more ordered in its wrap-around complex with its chaperone SycE. Here, by means of NMR spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering and molecular modeling, we demonstrate that while the free chaperone-binding domain of YopH (YopHCBD) adopts a fully ordered and globular fold, it populates an elongated, wrap-around conformation when it engages in a specific complex with its chaperone SycH2. Hence, in contrast to YopE that is unstructured in its free state, YopH transits from a globular free state to an elongated chaperone-bound state. We demonstrate that a sparsely populated YopHCBD state has an elevated affinity for SycH2 and represents an intermediate in the formation of the protein complex. Our results suggest that Yersinia has evolved a binding mechanism where SycH2 passively stimulates an elongated YopH conformation that is presented to the type III secretion system in a secretion-competent conformation.  相似文献   

In many Gram-negative bacteria, a key indicator of pathogenic potential is the possession of a specialized type III secretion system, which is utilized to deliver virulence effector proteins directly into the host cell cytosol. Many of the proteins secreted from such systems require small cytosolic chaperones to maintain the secreted substrates in a secretion-competent state. One such protein, CesT, serves a chaperone function for the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) translocated intimin receptor (Tir) protein, which confers upon EPEC the ability to alter host cell morphology following intimate bacterial attachment. Using a combination of complementary biochemical approaches, functional domains of CesT that mediate intermolecular interactions, involved in both chaperone-chaperone and chaperone-substrate associations, were determined. The CesT N-terminal is implicated in chaperone dimerization, whereas the amphipathic alpha-helical region of the C-terminal, is intimately involved in substrate binding. By functional complementation of chaperone domains using the Salmonella SicA chaperone to generate chaperone chimeras, we show that CesT-Tir interaction proceeds by a mechanism potentially common to other type III secretion system chaperones.  相似文献   

The Gram-negative plant pathogenic bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria translocates effector proteins via a specialized type III secretion (TTS) system into the host cell cytosol. The efficient secretion of many effector proteins depends on the global TTS chaperone HpaB. Here, we identified a novel export control protein, HpaC, which significantly contributes to bacterial pathogenicity. Deletion of hpaC leads to a severe reduction in secretion of effector proteins and the putative type III translocon proteins HrpF and XopA. By contrast, secretion of the TTS pilus protein HrpE is not affected. We provide experimental evidence that HpaC differentiates between two classes of effector proteins. Using an in vivo reporter assay, we found that HpaC specifically promotes the translocation of the effector proteins XopJ and XopF1 into the plant cell, whereas AvrBs3 and XopC are efficiently translocated even in the absence of HpaC. Similar findings were obtained for HpaB. Inhibition of protein synthesis suggests that HpaB is involved in the secretion of stored effector proteins. Furthermore, protein-protein interaction studies revealed that HpaB and HpaC form an oligomeric protein complex and that they interact with members of both effector protein classes and the conserved TTS system component HrcV. Taken together, our data indicate that HpaB and HpaC play a central role in recruiting TTS substrates to the secretion apparatus.  相似文献   

Map is an enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) protein that is translocated into eukaryotic cells by a type III secretion system. Although not required for the induction of attaching and effacing (A/E) lesion formation characteristic of EPEC infection, translocated Map is suggested to disrupt mitochondrial membrane potential, which may impact upon subsequent functions of the organelle such as control of cell death. Before secretion, many effector proteins are maintained in the bacterial cytosol by association with a specific chaperone. In EPEC, chaperones have been identified for the effector proteins translocated intimin receptor (Tir) and EspF, and for the translocator proteins EspB and EspD. In this study, we present evidence that the Tir-specific chaperone, CesT, also performs a chaperone function for Map. Using a combination of biochemical approaches, we demonstrate specific interaction between CesT and Map. Similar to other chaperone-effector pairings, binding is apparent at the amino-terminus of Map and is indicated to proceed by a similar mechanism to CesT:Tir interaction. Map secretion from a cesT mutant strain (SE884) is shown to be reduced and, importantly, its translocation from this strain after infection of HEp-2 cells is almost totally abrogated. Although other chaperones are reported to have a bivalent binding specificity, CesT is the first member of its family that chaperones more than one protein for translocation.  相似文献   

Several Gram-negative bacterial pathogens have evolved a type III secretion system to deliver virulence effector proteins directly into eukaryotic cells, a process essential for disease. This specialized secretion process requires customized chaperones specific for particular effector proteins. The crystal structures of the enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 Tir-specific chaperone CesT and the Salmonella enterica SigD-specific chaperone SigE reveal a common overall fold and formation of homodimers. Site-directed mutagenesis suggests that variable, delocalized hydrophobic surfaces observed on the chaperone homodimers are responsible for specific binding to a particular effector protein. Isothermal titration calorimetry studies of Tir-CesT and enzymatic activity profiles of SigD-SigE indicate that the effector proteins are not globally unfolded in the presence of their cognate chaperones.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Yersinia species inject virulence proteins, known as Yops, into the cytosol of eukaryotic cells. The injection of Yops is mediated via a type III secretion system. Previous studies have suggested that YopE is targeted for secretion by two signals. One is mediated by its cognate chaperone YerA, whereas the other consists of either the 5' end of yopE mRNA or the N-terminus of YopE. In order to characterize the YopE N-terminal/5' mRNA secretion signal, the first 11 codons of yopE were systematically mutagenized. Frameshift mutations, which completely alter the amino acid sequence of residues 2-11 but leave the mRNA sequence essentially intact, drastically reduce the secretion of YopE in a yerA mutant. In contrast, a mutation that alters the yopE mRNA sequence, while leaving the amino acid sequence of YopE unchanged, does not impair the secretion of YopE. Therefore, the N-terminus of YopE, and not the 5' end of yopE mRNA, serves as a targeting signal for type III secretion. In addition, the chaperone YerA can target YopE for type III secretion in the absence of a functional N-terminal signal. Mutational analysis of the YopE N-terminus revealed that a synthetic amphipathic sequence of eight residues is sufficient to serve as a targeting signal. YopE is also secreted rapidly upon a shift to secretion-permissive conditions. This 'rapid secretion' of YopE does not require de novo protein synthesis and is dependent upon YerA. Furthermore, this burst of YopE secretion can induce a cytotoxic response in infected HeLa cells.  相似文献   

Bacterial type III secretion system (T3SS) chaperones pilot substrates to the export apparatus in a secretion‐competent state, and are consequently central to the translocation of effectors into target cells. Chlamydia trachomatis is a genetically intractable obligate intracellular pathogen that utilizes T3SS effectors to trigger its entry into mammalian cells. The only well‐characterized T3SS effector is TARP (translocated actin recruitment protein), but its chaperone is unknown. Here we exploited a known structural signature to screen for putative type III secretion chaperones encoded within the C. trachomatis genome. Using bacterial two‐hybrid, co‐precipitation, cross‐linking and size exclusion chromatography we show that Slc1 (SycE‐like chaperone 1; CT043) specifically interacts with a 200‐amino‐acid residue N‐terminal region of TARP (TARP1–200). Slc1 formed homodimers in vitro, as shown in cross‐linking and gel filtration experiments. Biochemical analysis of an isolated Slc1–TARP1–200 complex was consistent with a characteristic 2:1 chaperone–effector stoichiometry. Furthermore, Slc1 was co‐immunoprecipitated with TARP from C. trachomatis elementary bodies. Also, coexpression of Slc1 specifically enhanced host cell translocation of TARP by a heterologous Yersinia enterocolitica T3SS. Taken together, we propose Slc1 as a chaperone of the C. trachomatis T3SS effector TARP.  相似文献   



Type III secretion systems are a common virulence mechanism in many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. These systems use a nanomachine resembling a molecular needle and syringe to provide an energized conduit for the translocation of effector proteins from the bacterial cytoplasm to the host cell cytoplasm for the benefit of the pathogen. Prior to translocation specialized chaperones maintain proper effector protein conformation. The class II chaperone, Invasion plasmid gene (Ipg) C, stabilizes two pore forming translocator proteins. IpgC exists as a functional dimer to facilitate the mutually exclusive binding of both translocators.  相似文献   

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