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The system of concepts used when estimating the rarity of plants is analyzed and the basic categories of rarity are defined, namely: true, diffuse, peripheral and temporal. The insufficiency of scientific information on ecological and coenotic relationships of rare plants is demonstrated and the necessity of a complex assessment of population system of a rare plant species is substantiated. The importance and limitations of the information on rare plants contained in the Red Books and the Red Lists for phytosozological practice is discussed.  相似文献   

曹丽娟  何萍  王汨  徐杰  任颖 《应用生态学报》2018,29(4):1367-1372
植物区系质量评价法(FQA)是一种利用植物物种对特定生境的保守性和植物群落的物种丰富度快速评估栖息地质量的方法.基于样方物种组成和专家赋值的植物物种保守系数,运用简单的公式即可计算出样方的植物区系质量指数(FQI).该指数能够反映植被的完整性和退化程度,可以用于对栖息地质量进行时空对比,已经在美国、加拿大等十余个国家广泛应用.本文介绍该方法的原理、计算公式和应用案例,为生态管理工作者和研究人员提供一种简单、可重复、可对比的生境质量评估工具.  相似文献   

Species richness in the alpine zone varies dramatically when communities are compared. We explored (i) which stress and disturbance factors were highly correlated with species richness, (ii) whether the intermediate stress hypothesis (ISH) and the intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) can be applied to alpine ecosystems, and (iii) whether standing crop can be used as an easily measurable surrogate for causal factors determining species richness in the alpine zone. Species numbers and standing crop were determined in 14 alpine plant communities in the Swiss Alps. To quantify the stress and disturbance factors in each community, air temperature, relative air humidity, wind speed, global radiation, UV-B radiation, length of the growing season, soil suction, pH, main soil nutrients, waterlogging, soil movement, number of avalanches, level of denudation, winter dieback, herbivory, wind damage, and days with frost were measured or observed. The present study revealed that 82% of the variance in␣vascular species richness among sites could be explained by just two abiotic factors, daily maximum temperature and soil pH. Daily maximum temperature and pH affect species richness both directly and via their effects on other environmental variables. Some stress and disturbance factors were related to species richness in a monotonic way, others in an unimodal way. Monotonic relationships suggest that the harsher the environment is, the fewer species can survive in such habitats. In cases of unimodal relationships (ISH and IDH) species richness decreases at both ends of the gradients due to the harsh environment and/or the interaction of other environmental factors. Competition and disturbance seemed only to play a secondary role in the form of fine-tuning species richness in specific communities. Thus, we concluded that neither the ISH nor the IDH can be considered useful conceptual models for the alpine zone. Furthermore, we found that standing crop can be used as an easily measurable surrogate for causal factors determining species richness in the alpine zone, even though there is no direct causality.  相似文献   

We examined the capability of hyperspectral imagery to map habitat types of under-storey plants in a moist tall grassland dominated by Phragmites australis and Miscanthus sacchariflorus, using hyperspectral remotely-sensed shoot densities of the two grasses. Our procedure (1) grouped the species using multivariate analysis and discriminated habitat types (species groups) based on P. australis and M. sacchariflorus shoot densities, (2) used estimated shoot densities from hyperspectral data to draw a habitat type map, and (3) analyzed the association of threatened species with habitat types. Our identification of four habitat types, using cluster analysis of the vegetation survey coverage data, was based on P. australis and M. sacchariflorus shoot density ratios and had an overall accuracy of 77.1% (kappa coefficient = 0.71). Linear regression models based on hyperspectral imagery band data had good accuracy in estimating P. australis and M. sacchariflorus shoot densities (adjusted R 2 = 0.686 and 0.708, respectively). These results enabled us to map under-storey plant habitat types to an approximate prediction accuracy of 0.537. Among the eight threatened species we examined, four exhibited a significantly biased distribution among habitat types, indicating species-specific habitat use. These results suggest that this procedure can provide useful information on the status of potential habitats of threatened species.  相似文献   

In the area of Piz Corvatsch (Upper Engadin, Grisons, Switzerland), the actual vegetation on active and inactive rock glacier surfaces has been mapped. The floristic composition (vascular plants and lichens) of the different rock glacier surfaces has been mapped and compared with photogrammetrical measurements of surface movements of the active rock glaciers. In general, the active rock glacier surfaces show a very low cover of vascular plants. Most of them are located at the edge and at the front of the rock glacier where fine-grained soil material occurs in small pokkets.

Lichenometry has been used as an additional method on Murtèl rock glacier and on the protalus rampart. Measurements of Rhizocarpon geographicum thalli revealed increasing sizes from the root zone of the rock glacier to its front. On the Murtèl rock glacier, Rhizocarpon geographicum thalli with a diameter >4cm occur on surfaces with ages between 5000 and 6000 years B.P.

The statistical analysis (MULVA-5) of the dense vegetation cover of the inactive and relict rock glaciers revealed four plant sociological groups, which are composed of species reflecting well consolidated sites: alpine grassland, subalpine dwarf shrubs and small patches with single small trees of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) and larch (Larix decidua).  相似文献   

Aim Quaternary palaeopalynological records collected throughout the Iberian Peninsula and species distribution models (SDMs) were integrated to gain a better understanding of the historical biogeography of the Iberian Abies species (i.e. Abies pinsapo and Abies alba). We hypothesize that SDMs and Abies palaeorecords are closely correlated, assuming a certain stasis in climatic and topographic ecological niche dimensions. In addition, the modelling results were used to assign the fossil records to A. alba or A. pinsapo, to identify environmental variables affecting their distribution, and to evaluate the ecological segregation between the two taxa. Location The Iberian Peninsula. Methods For the estimation of past Abies distributions, a hindcasting process was used. Abies pinsapo and A. alba were modelled individually, first calibrating the model for their current distributions in relation to the present climate, and then projecting it into the past—the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Middle Holocene periods—in relation to palaeoclimate simulations. The resulting models were compared with Iberian‐wide fossil pollen records to detect areas of overlap. Results The overlap observed between past Abies refugia—inferred from fossil pollen records—and the SDMs helped to construct the Quaternary distribution of the Iberian Abies species. SDMs yielded two well‐differentiated potential distributions: A. pinsapo throughout the Baetic mountain Range and A. alba along the Pyrenees and Cantabrian Range. These results propose that the two taxa remained isolated throughout the Quaternary, indicating a significant geographical and ecological segregation. In addition, no significant differences were detected comparing the three projections (present‐day, Mid‐Holocene and LGM), suggesting a relative climate stasis in the refuge areas during the Quaternary. Main conclusions Our results confirm that SDM projections can provide a useful complement to palaeoecological studies, offering a less subjective and spatially explicit hypothesis concerning past geographic patterns of Iberian Abies species. The integration of ecological‐niche characteristics from known occurrences of Abies species in conjunction with palaeoecological studies could constitute a suitable tool to define appropriate areas in which to focus proactive conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract. 358 vascular plant species occurring in the deciduous oak woods of Italy were subdivided into 18 phytogeographical groups (chorotypes) through a numerical classification of their total ranges. The distribution patterns of the chorotypes are illustrated by chorograms, i.e. isopleth maps showing the joint distribution of species in Europe and surroundings regions. Except for Mediterranean species, which occur only occasionally in deciduous forests, the oak-wood flora of Italy consists of four main phytogeographical elements, which have a similar incidence (ca. 25 % each): (a) narrow-ranging, southern European species, (b) southeastern European species of submediterranean woodlands, (c) central-European species, (d) widely distributed European species. The oak woods of Italy differ from their central-European counterparts as to the relatively high floristic diversity, and in the presence of several narrow-ranging taxa, centred in different refugial areas for forest vegetation during the glacial period. There is a relation between the distribution patterns of the chorotypes and their relative frequencies in different communities; the latitudinal and longitudinal extensions of the ranges reflect the thermic and hygric conditions of the communities. The oak woods of northern and southern Italy are phytogeographically well-characterized; the former have a maximum of wide-ranging, central European species, the latter host several narrow-ranging taxa. The woodlands of central Italy have intermediate phytogeographical features, which is one of the main reasons for the difficulties in their syntaxonomical arrangement.  相似文献   

根据对生物分布地预测模型和软件发展现状的分析和总结, 本研究在PSDS 1.0的基础上提出并实现一个基于GIS且具有多个代表性模型的生物分布地预测系统(PSDS 2.0)。PSDS 2.0系统继承了1.0的环境包络和聚类包络模型, 进一步引入了限制因子包络、马氏距离、支持向量机等新模型, 并针对本领域中模型比较与选择的难点增加了迭代交叉验证的多模型选择功能。系统还实现了灵活定制和评估伪负样本的功能, 通过用只需要正样本的I类模型预测的结果对随机产生的伪负样本进行评估, 减小其落入适宜地区的概率, 进一步提高需要正负样本的II类模型的准确率。GIS功能在PSDS 2.0中也得到加强, 被应用于数据准备及结果分析等重要环节。文章最后以白冠长尾雉(Syrmaticus reevesii)为例, 运用PSDS 2.0系统预测其在中国范围内的潜在分布地, 并对各种模型的预测结果进行评估和比较。  相似文献   

Questions: 1. What are the distribution and habitat associations of non‐native (neophyte) species in riparian zones? 2. Are there significant differences, in terms of plant species diversity, composition, habitat condition and species attributes, between plant communities where non‐natives are present or abundant and those where non‐natives are absent or infrequent? 3. Are the observed differences generic to non‐natives or do individual non‐native species differ in their vegetation associations? Location: West Midlands Conurbation (WMC), UK. Methods: 56 sites were located randomly on four rivers across the WMC. Ten 2 m × 2 m quadrats were placed within 15 m of the river to sample vegetation within the floodplain at each site. All vascular plants were recorded along with site information such as surrounding land use and habitat types. Results: Non‐native species were found in many vegetation types and on all rivers in the WMC. There were higher numbers of non‐natives on more degraded, human‐modified rivers. More non‐native species were found in woodland, scrub and tall herb habitats than in grasslands. We distinguish two types of communities with non‐natives. In communities colonized following disturbance, in comparison to quadrats containing no non‐native species, those with non‐natives had higher species diversity and more forbs, annuals and shortlived monocarpic perennials. Native species in quadrats containing non‐natives were characteristic of conditions of higher fertility and pH, had a larger specific leaf area and were less stress tolerant or competitive. In later successional communities dominated by particular non‐natives, native diversity declined with increasing cover of non‐natives. Associated native species were characteristic of low light conditions. Conclusions: Communities containing non‐natives can be associated with particular types of native species. Extrinsic factors (disturbance, eutrophication) affected both native and non‐native species. In disturbed riparian habitats the key determinant of diversity is dominance by competitive invasive species regardless of their native or non‐native origin.  相似文献   

Mayberry RJ  Elle E 《Oecologia》2010,164(4):1121-1130
Understanding species decline and conserving endangered species requires demographic information, and variation in the environment may affect demography. Actaea elata is a globally rare, perennial herb found in a range of Pacific Northwest forest stand types that differ in canopy openness. Canopy openness increases reproductive output in this species and so was expected to have demographic impact. We performed a demographic analysis of A. elata in contrasting forest stands (broadleaved vs. coniferous) over two annual intervals, and predicted that population growth rate would be higher in the open-canopy broadleaved stand. Population growth was determined using stage-based matrix models, and the most influential transitions were identified using elasticity analyses. The finite rate of population increase (λ) was lower for the two transition periods at the broadleaved stand than at the coniferous stand (λ = 0.86 and 0.87 vs. 0.94 and 0.98), even though the former population was more fecund. The decline in the broadleaved stand reflects greater mortality and retrogression to previous stages, partly as a consequence of herbivory. In contrast, lower recruitment occurred in the coniferous stand, but there was also less mortality and retrogression. Our results suggest that management decisions for conservation of A. elata should be tailored to differing habitats, with a focus on preventing mortality in some populations and increasing recruitment in others.  相似文献   

Abstract. We studied distribution patterns of vascular plant species and environmental variables for three years along a permanent transect traversing a closed-drainage watershed in the northern Chihuahuan Desert of south-central New Mexico, USA. The transect extended for 2.7 km from a basin floor playa (1310 m elevation, fine-textured soil), across a piedmont slope, and onto the base of a granitic mountain (1410 m elevation, coarse-textured soil). The gradients in elevation and soils across our transect, along with variable seasonal rainfall, downslope redistribution of water and organic matter, and soil texture-related variation in infiltration, water holding capacity, and moisture release characteristics, interact to generate a complex spatial and temporal gradient of available soil water and nitrogen. We grouped plant species into guilds according to growth form and photo synthetic pathway type. These guilds are spatially and temporally differentiated along the transect such that particular groups utilize particular seasonal phases or spatial regions of the gradient. We identified six distinct plant communities along the transect. C4 perennial grasses dominated the mesic/high nitrogen portion of the gradient, which occurred at the highest (upper piedmont grassland, dominated by Bouteloua eriopoda) and lowest (playa, dominated by Panicum obtusum) elevations along the transect. C3 shrubs were dominant in the xeric/low nitrogen portion of the gradient located near the middle of the transect (bajada shrubland, dominated by Larrea tridentata). C3 shrubs also dominated a narrow zone of vegetation located adjacent to the playa (playa fringe, dominated by Prosopisglandulosa). C4 perennial grasses, C3 subshrubs, and C3 and C4 perennial forbs and annuals were co-dominant in the intermediate locations along the gradient, which occurred below (mixed basin slopes) and above (lower piedmont grassland) the bajada shrubland. Life-form distribution patterns at the small scale of our study reflect some of the patterning that occurs at larger scales in response to climate gradients. The distributions of some species and guilds along the transect are apparently modified by competitive interactions.  相似文献   

海南岛维管植物物种多样性的现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带岛屿的植物多样性一直是全球生物多样性保护的重点和热点。海南岛地处热带北缘, 是中国的第二大岛屿, 具有丰富的植物多样性。经过近几十年的考察研究, 关于海南岛的植物物种数量出现了多个版本。本文通过文献梳理和野外考证的方法进行了全面的植物多样性调查, 以确定其维管植物种数。结果表明: 截止到2015年12月, 海南岛记录并能考证实物或标本的维管植物共有6,036种, 包括野生种4,579种(含特有植物483种和珍稀濒危植物512种)、外来逸生及归化植物163种(含外来入侵种57种)、外来引种的纯栽培植物1,294种。自1964-1977年《海南植物志》出版至今, 新增野生及引种的栽培植物所占的比例均较大, 分别占海南岛野生和栽培植物总种数的35.9%和75.9%。本文还对其中1,220种的拉丁学名进行了异名处理等的订正。  相似文献   

Many plants from Mediterranean-type ecosystems show enhanced germination when exposed to heat and other fire-related cues. Whether Mediterranean-type plants are fire recruiters and need fire to germinate is subject of discussion. In the present work, we tested the above hypothesis by subjecting seeds from 57 species representative of a recently burned plant community to various heat pulses. Differences in germination among species, taking into account their phylogeny, were studied by dividing them according to their life-form (chamaephytes, hemicryptophytes), regeneration strategy (non-sprouters, sprouters) and geographical distribution range (Iberian Peninsula endemics, Mediterranean, widely distributed species). Seeds were exposed to 80, 100 and 120 °C during 10 min, and then, incubated at 17.5 °C for 6 weeks in darkness. Maximum germination was reached at 80 °C and control treatments and minimum germination was at 120 °C. Most species were tolerant to heat-shocks, only a few of them were stimulated by heat, and around 20% suffered a reduction in germination with heat. The germination response to heat-shock differed according to regenerative strategy and distribution range, but not to life-form. These results were supported independently of phylogeny. As expected, sprouters and Iberian endemics were more sensitive to heat-shock than non-sprouters and widely distributed species, respectively. As a conclusion, the studied plant group appears to exhibit resistance to heat but not dependence on it for germination. Therefore, recruitment could be high after low intensity fires, but might be significantly reduced for most species after more intense fires.  相似文献   

Aim  Models of the potential distributions of invading species have to deal with a number of issues. The key one is the high likelihood that the absence of an invading species in an area is a false absence because it may not have invaded that area yet, or that it may not have been detected. This paper develops an approach for screening pseudo-absences in a way that is logical and defensible.
Innovation  The step-wise approach involves: (1) screening environmental variables to identify those most likely to indicate conditions where the species cannot invade; (2) identifying and selecting the most likely limiting variables; (3) using these to define the limits of its invasion potential; and (4) selecting points outside these limits as true absence records for input into species distribution models.
This approach was adopted and used for the study of three prominent Hakea species in South Africa. Models with and without the false absence records were compared. Two rainfall variables and the mean minimum temperature of the coldest month were the strongest predictors of potential distributions. Models which excluded false absences predicted that more of the potential distribution would have a high invasion potential than those which included them.
Main conclusions  The approach of applying a priori knowledge can be useful in refining the potential distribution of a species by excluding pseudo-absence records which are likely to be due to the species not having invaded an area yet or being undetected. The differences between the potential distributions predicted by the different models convey more information than making a single prediction, albeit a consensus model. The robustness of this approach depends strongly on an adequate knowledge of the ecology, invasion history and current distribution of that species.  相似文献   

Invasive alien plant species threaten agriculture and biodiversity globally and require ongoing management to minimise impacts. However, the large number of invasive species means that a risk‐based approach to prioritisation is needed, taking into account the spatial scale of management decisions and myriad of available information. Here, we developed a risk‐based inventory of invasive plants in Queensland, Australia, using both current species distribution/abundance and the severity of their impacts. Our assessment followed a comprehensive data collection process including a scoping of local government pest management plans, herbarium records, the published literature and structured elicitation of expert knowledge during a series of regional stakeholder workshops. From ~300 plant species that were identified as established and/or emerging invaders in the State, only one‐third were considered by practitioners to pose significant risks across regions to be considered management priorities. We aggregated regional species lists into a statewide priority list and analysed the data set (107 species) for historical, geographical, floristic and ecological patterns. Regions on the mainland eastern seaboard of the State share similar invasive plant communities, suggesting that these regions may form a single management unit, unlike the western/inland and the extreme far north (Torres Strait Islands) regions, which share fewer invasive plant species. Positive correlations were detected between invasiveness and time since introduction for some but not all plant life forms. Stakeholders identified research and management priorities for the invasive plant list, including biological control options, public awareness/education, effective herbicide use, ecology/taxonomy and risk analysis. In the course of the exercise, a statewide invasive plant priority list of high‐, medium‐ and low‐impact scores for policy, research and management was compiled. Finally, our approach to invasive plant species prioritisation highlighted that planning and policy documents are not necessarily reflected at the grass‐root level in terms of species identity and management priorities.  相似文献   

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