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Sperm ultrastructure of five teiid lizards (Callopistes flavipunctatus, Crocodilurus amazonicus, Dicrodon guttulatum, Dracaena guianensis, and Teius oculatus), and the gymnophthalmid Cercosaura ocellata is described for the first time. Comparisons of sperm ultrastructure among these species and with those of previously examined teiids and gymnophthalmids revealed that the two groups of Teiioidea (Gymnophthalmidae and Teiidae), and the two subfamilies of Teiidae (Teiinae and Tupinambinae) could be distinguished on the basis of sperm ultrastructure data. Significant differences in sperm dimensions between Cnemidophorus and Aspidoscelis support the recent splitting of these two lineages into different genera. Our results revealed high levels of inter-generic variability in sperm ultrastructure within Teiidae, which produces a data set useful in analyzing relationships between genera and families. In phylogenetic analyses, however, sampling multiple species within teiid genera is essential and recording sperm measurements may profitably complement qualitative ultrastructural characters, maximizing the information content of these structures.  相似文献   

本文对已有的蛙科精子形态结构的研究进行总结,归纳了蛙科精子形态结构及量度的特征和类型,以及蛙科精子结构与其它两栖类精子结构的异同,探讨蛙科精子形态结构研究中存在和亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

Microhylid spermatozoa show the autapomorphic condition of possessing a thin post-mitochondrial cytoplasmic collar. Their spermatozoa are apomorphic in several respects. They have lost the distinct nuclear shoulder, endonuclear canal and axial perforatorium observed in urodeles, caecilians and primitive frogs, possess a conical perforatorium and apomorphically lack any fibres associated with the axoneme. The spermatozoa of Cophixalus , however, differ in several respects from those of the other microhylids examined. Cophixalus spermatozoa are longer in almost all measurements, the acrosome vesicle is cylindrical and does not completely cover the putative perforatorium, the perforatorium is asymmetrical and composed of fine fibres, the nucleus is strongly attenuated and narrower, and the mitochondria are elongate. The absence of fibres associated with the axoneme is an apomorphic condition shared with the Ranidae, Rhacophoridae and Pipidae.  相似文献   

Vertebral and cranial remains of elapid snakes have been collected from fossil assemblages at Riversleigh, north-west Queensland, Australia; most are Miocene but one may be late Oligocene and another as young as Pliocene. The oldest specimen (probably the oldest elapid yet known anywhere) is a vertebra that can be referred provisionally to the extant taxon Laticauda (Hydrophiinae, sensu Slowinski and Keogh, 2000), implying that the basal divergences among Australasian hydrophiine lineages had occurred by the early Miocene, in contrast to most previous estimates for the age of this geographically isolated adaptive radiation. Associated vertebrae and jaw elements from a Late Miocene deposit are described as Incongruelaps iteratus nov. gen. et sp., which has a unique combination of unusual derived characters otherwise found separately in several extant hydrophiine taxa that are only distantly related. Associated vertebrae from other sites, and two parietals from a possibly Pliocene deposit, suggest the presence of several other taxa distinct from extant forms, but the amount of material (and knowledge of variation in extant taxa) is currently insufficient to diagnose these forms. The Tertiary elapids of Riversleigh thus appear to be relatively diverse taxonomically, but low in abundance and, with one exception, not referable to extant taxa below the level of Hydrophiinae. This implies that the present diversity of hydrophiine elapids (31 recognized terrestrial genera, and approximately 16 marine) represents the result of substantial extinction as well as the “cone of increasing diversity” that could be inferred from phylogenetic studies on extant forms.  相似文献   


Comparative data on the ultrastructure of spermiogenesis and spermatozoa of the Polyplacophora Acanthochitona crinita, Chaetopleura angulata and Callochiton septemvalvis are presented in this study. In contrast to what has been described for this and other classes of Mollusca, no acrosome is present in the spermatozoa of these Polyplacophora. The nucleus is extended by a long, thin apical point. In A. crinita and C. angulata the mitochondria are situated at the basal and lateral regions of the nucleus. They do not present a typical middle piece. These species present a pericentriolar process. In C. septemvalvis the mitochondria are situated at the base of the nucleus, surrounding the centrioles, which are orthogonally positioned in all species. The ultrastructural development during spermiogenesis is similar. In middle spermatids of A. crinita, the chromatin is arranged in fine filaments. In C. septemvalvis and C. angulata the chromatin filaments are thicker, forming coarse bands. In late spermatids elongation of the nucleus continues, it becomes rather electron-dense and the chromatin filaments are more condensed. Finally, the nucleus has a uniformly electron-dense appearance, with no signs of filamentous organization. Considering the ultrastructural modifications observed, the Polyplacophora spermatozoa could be included in a modified type.  相似文献   

To date multiple studies exist that examine the morphology of spermatozoa. However, there are limited numbers of data detailing the ontogenic characters of spermiogenesis within squamates. Testicular tissues were collected from Cottonmouths (Agkistrodon piscivorus) and tissues from spermiogenically active months were analyzed ultrastructurally to detail the cellular changes that occur during spermiogenesis. The major events of spermiogenesis (acrosome formation, nuclear elongation/DNA condensation, and flagellar development) resemble that of other squamates; however, specific ultrastructural differences can be observed between Cottonmouths and other squamates studied to date. During acrosome formation vesicles from the Golgi apparatus fuse at the apical surface of the nuclear membrane prior to making nuclear contact. At this stage, the acrosome granule can be observed in a centralized location within the vesicle. As elongation commences the acrosome complex becomes highly compartmentalized and migrates laterally along the nucleus. Parallel and circum‐cylindrical microtubules (components of the manchette) are observed with parallel microtubules outnumbering the circum‐cylindrical microtubules. Flagella, displaying the conserved 9 + 2 microtubule arrangement, sit in nuclear fossae that have electron lucent shoulders juxtaposed on either side of the spermatids basal plates. This study aims to provide developmental characters for squamates in the subfamily Crotalinae, family Viperidae, which may be useful for histopathological studies on spermatogenesis in semi‐aquatic species exposed to pesticides. Furthermore, these data in the near future may provide morphological characters for spermiogenesis that can be added to morphological data matrices that may be used in phylogenetic analyses. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The spermatogenesis, the spermiogenetic process and the structure of the mature spermatozoon of Acanthodasys aculeatus (Gastrotricha, Macrodasyida) are described from an ultrastructural point of view. Several spermatogonia in mitotic divisions were seen, proving that euthely of gastrotrichs does not concern gonads. Spermiogenesis is characterized by the early formation of both the acrosome and the axoneme, by the subsequent appearances of a perinuclear helix and of a complex axial tubular structure in the acrosome and by the late development of the peraxonemal striated cylinder. The mature spermatozoon is filiform, and composed of a spiralized acrosome, a helical nuclear–mitochondrial complex and a long flagellum. The acrosome contains an axial tubular structure and the spring-shaped nucleus delimits a single, long mitochondrion. A perinuclear helix formed by the pro-acrosome surrounds the nuclear–mitochondrial complex extending for its whole length. A monolayered, obliquely striated cylinder encloses the 9 × 2 + 2 axoneme; its terminal part is empty because of the shortness of the axoneme.  相似文献   

Unlike the primitive type of spermatozoon found in most polychaetes, the spermatozoon of Autolytus has a bilateral symmetry with elongated nucleus, and the mitochondria surround the posterior part of the nucleus. A rather large disk-shaped acrosome is situated along one side of the anterior part of the nucleus. From the anterior margin of the distal centriole emerge long striated rootlets, which run along the nuclear envelope to the anterior part of the nucleus. The spermatozoon of Chitinopoma serrula has an elongated, slightly bent nucleus, a thimble-like acrosome apically on the anterior surface of the nucleus, and an elongated middle piece containing 4 rod-like mitochondria developed from spherical mitochondria surrounding the basal part of the tail flagellum. In the spermatozoon of Capitella capitata, both nucleus and middle piece are elongated compared to the primitive type. The large and conical acrosome is placed asymmetrically at the nucleus and consists of an acrosomal vesicle and subacrosomal substance. The greater part of the middle piece forms a collar around the initial part of the tail flagellum. The cytoplasm of the collar contains granular material. One or two small mitochondria lie around the 2 centrioles at the base of the nucleus.

These types of spermatozoa represent early steps in the evolution of modified spermatozoa combined with changed biology of reproduction. The modified spermatozoa are larger than the primitive ones.  相似文献   

We describe, for the first time, the ultrastructure of the spermatozoa of four species of the genus Tupinambis (Squamata, Teiidae). We identified seven polymorphic characters within this genus: the presence and shape of the perforatorial base plate, the presence of the epinuclear lucent zone, the presence of a unilateral ridge in the acrosome, the presence of a central density within the proximal centriole, the number of mitochondria and dense-bodies sets, and the shape of mitochondria. We analysed the evolution of the seven polymorphic characters by mapping them onto a current phylogeny of the species of Tupinambis , using the teiids Ameiva ameiva and Cnemidophorus sexlineatus as outgroups. Our results indicate that sperm ultrastucture characters, although of great value for phylogeny at higher taxonomic levels in reptiles and other groups, are poor predictors of phylogeny when considering the species of Tupinambis studied here. We failed to identify evidences that homoplasy in sperm ultrastructure among the species of Tupinambis is due to convergent adaptation, suggesting that the polymorphism may be selectively neutral in this group.  相似文献   


Mature sperm of Prorhynchus sp. have an elongated nucleus, multiple mitochondria and dense bodies, and two free axonemes which are located in grooves of the main shaft for much of their length. The axonemes are subterminally inserted and have the typical 9+ ‘1’ arrangement unique to Platyhelminthes and synapomorphic for taxa of Trepaxonemata. The testis follicles examined had small numbers of developing spermatids and very few mature sperm were present. During spermiogenesis, spermatids remain joined in clusters by distinctive bridges. In each spermatid two centrioles (with an intercentriolar body between them) give rise to free axonemes which grow out in opposite directions from each other. Indistinct ciliary rootlets are present. The axonemes are carried distally from the main spermatid mass on an elongating process and turn back towards the main spermatid mass. Nucleus, mitochondria and dense bodies move into the shaft, and the spermatid elongates before detaching from others in the cluster. This is the first detailed study of sperm and spermiogenesis in Lecithoepitheliata. Mature sperm are distinctly different from those of prolecithophorans, to which they are reputedly related, the latter having aflagellate sperm without dense bodies.  相似文献   

The spermatozoa of Gymnophiona show the following autapomorphies: 1) penetration of the distal centriole by the axial fiber; 2) presence of an acrosomal baseplate; 3) presence of an acrosome seat (flattened apical end of nucleus); and 4) absence of juxta-axonemal fibers. The wide separation of the plasma membrane bounding the undulating membrane is here also considered to be apomorphic. Three plesiomorphic spermatozoal characters are recognized that are not seen in other Amphibia but occur in basal amniotes: 1) presence of mitochondria with a delicate array of concentric cristae (concentric cristae of salamander spermatozoa differ in lacking the delicate array); 2) presence of peripheral dense fibers associated with the triplets of the distal centriole; and 3) presence of a simple annulus (a highly modified, elongate annulus is present in salamander sperm). The presence of an endonuclear canal containing a perforatorium is a plesiomorphic feature of caecilian spermatozoa that is shared with urodeles, some basal anurans, sarcopterygian fish, and some amniotes. Spermatozoal synapomorphies are identified for 1) the Uraeotyphlidae and Ichthyophiidae, and 2) the Caeciliidae and Typhlonectidae, suggesting that the members of each pair of families are more closely related to each other than to other caecilians. Although caecilian spermatozoa exhibit the clear amphibian synapomorphy of the unilateral location of the undulating membrane and its axial fiber, they have no apomorphic characters that suggest a closer relationship to either the Urodela or Anura.  相似文献   

Abstract. The spermatozoa of two species of Macrodasyida (Gastrotricha), Urodasys anorektoxys and U. acanthostylis , show an ultrastructural organization diverging from one another and from other gastrotrichs: their main peculiarity is in the absence of mitochondria. In U. anorektoxys , the acrosome is a long, twisted column inserted into the nucleus, which is basally cylindrical, and the flagellum shows rows of peculiar, large globules parallel to the axonemal doublets. In U. acanthostylis , the acrosome is completely cork-screwed and surrounds the nucleus, and the tail shows columnar accessory fibers. At present, the absence of mitochondria in the mature sperm, and the peculiar fingerprint aspect of condensed chromatin are the only traits shared by the two species. The features of the spermatozoa of these two species of Urodasys widen the range of different models of gastrotrich spermatozoa, and place the genus in a peculiar position, from the spermatological point of view, within the Macrodasyida. The loss of mitochondria in mature spermatozoa is possibly related to either the dysoxic habitat of the two species or a peculiar fertilization mechanism.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of sperm pairing is known from some species of the apterygotan insect order Zygentoma, and has been described as the close apposition of two sperm cells. When released from the testes, they are single cells; pairing taking place in the deferent ducts. In a study of the relic species Tricholepidion gertschi, Zygentoma, sperm pairing was found to be due to a true fusion of two partners along their entire sperm head regions. The spermatozoon thus formed has two acrosomes, two nuclei and two separate sperm tails. The biflagellate spermatozoon swims with coordinated movements of its two flagella only when the two flagella lie close together but is totally uncoordinated when separate. The spermatozoon is about 50 microm long, thus much shorter than those of related apterygotan species. The mechanism of sperm cell fusion is unclear, although it appears that a 55-nm wide layer of electron dense substance, here termed the peripheral lamina, may play a role in delimiting the extent of sperm fusion.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to analyse the ultrastructure of storage crypts and stored spermatozoa, and to describe changes during the annual reproductive cycle of the bluemouth Helicolenus dactylopterus dactylopterus , which has internal fertilization and a zygoparous mode of reproduction. Spermatozoa had elongated heads and long midpieces, two characteristics which are thought to be fairly advanced and correlated with internal fertilization, as is the case of the bluemouth. A remarkable spermatozoon feature was the retention of a significant quantity of cytoplasm around the head, a condition that appeared to be related to nourishment during the long storage period, up to 10 months in the intraovarian crystal structures of the female. Male sex cells' protection against the female immune system was ensured by junctional complexes between the crypt cells composed of tight junctions and desmosomes.  相似文献   

We used transmission electron microscopy to study the pancreatic main endocrine cell types in the embryos of the grass snake Natrix natrix L. with focus on the morphology of their secretory granules. The embryonic endocrine part of the pancreas in the grass snake contains four main types of cells (A, B, D, and PP), which is similar to other vertebrates. The B granules contained a moderately electron‐dense crystalline‐like core that was polygonal in shape and an electron‐dense outer zone. The A granules had a spherical electron‐dense eccentrically located core and a moderately electron‐dense outer zone. The D granules were filled with a moderately electron‐dense non‐homogeneous content. The PP granules had a spherical electron‐dense core with an electron translucent outer zone. Within the main types of granules (A, B, D, PP), different morphological subtypes were recognized that indicated their maturity, which may be related to the different content of these granules during the process of maturation. The sequence of pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation in grass snake embryos differs from that in many vertebrates. In the grass snake embryos, the B and D cells differentiated earlier than A and PP cells. The different sequence of endocrine cell differentiation in snakes and other vertebrates has been related to phylogenetic position and nutrition during early developmental stages.  相似文献   

Observations are reported on the ultrastructure of the buccal cavity, body cuticle, spermatids, spermatozoa, male genitalia, and caudal glands of Gonionchus australis. The buccal cuticle is a continuation of the pharyngeal cuticle. Anteriorly it is secreted by arcade tissue and overlaps the mouth rim; laterally it forms longitudinal tooth ridges. The non-annulated cephalic cuticle differs sharply from the remainder of the body wall cuticle. The cortical and basal zones become much thinner, while a largely structureless, lucent median zone expands to fill the bulk of the lips and lip flaps. Spermatids possess fibrous bodies, multimembrane organelles, mitochondria, and compact chromatin. The spermatozoa of G. australis resemble those of most other nematodes by the absence of the nuclear envelope and presence of fibrous bodies, mitochondria, and compact chromafin. The ejaculatory duct possesses microvilli. Two ejaculatory glands lie beside the duct. Two neurons are located within each spicule and each part of the paired gubernaculum. Caudal gland nuclei are large, with dispersed chromatin. The ducts of all three caudal glands are filled with secretory vesicles.  相似文献   

Lino‐Neto, J., Báo, S. N. and Dolder, H. 2000. Structure and Ultrastructure of the Spermatozoa of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley and Trichogramma atopovirilia Oatman and Platner (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 205–211 Spermatozoa of the Trichogramma pretiosum and T. atopovirilia are very slender and long, about 0.35 µm in diameter and 283 µm and 106 µm in length, respectively. Under light microscopy, they appear wavy along their entire length. The head contains a small acrosome which, together with the initial nuclear region is surrounded by an ‘extracellular sheath’, from which innumerable filaments irradiate. The nucleus is filled with homogeneous, compact chromatin and is attached to the flagellum by an electron dense centriolar adjunct, which extends anteriorly from the nuclear base. The flagellum consists of an axoneme with the 9 + 9 + 2 microtubule arrangement pitched in a long helix, as well as a pair of spiralling mitochondrial derivatives which coil around the axoneme. Based on these characteristics, the sperm of these Trichogramma are very similar to the chalcidoids studied to date and differ from non‐chalcidoid Hymenoptera. They differ widely from the sperm of T. dendrolimi and T. ostriniae studied, where no helically twisted structure is shown. However, based on these results we argue that the spiralling of the flagellar structures is a synapomorphy for Trichogrammatidae as well as for Eulophidae + Eurytomidae + Pteromalidae.  相似文献   

In Salminus, spermiogenesis is cystic and gives origin to a type I aquasperm. Spermatid differentiation is characterized by chromatin condensed into thick fibres, nuclear rotation, nuclear fossa formation, cytoplasmic channel formation, mitochondrial fusion producing long and ramified mitochondria, and the presence of several membranous concentric rings around the plasma membrane that encircles the cytoplasmic channel. In Salminus and Brycon, spermatozoa are very similar. They exhibit a spherical nucleus and chromatin condensed into fibre clusters, and a deep nuclear fossa. They show a long midpiece with few elongate mitochondria at the initial region and a cytoplasmic channel completely encircled by one or two membranous concentric rings. The flagellar axis is perpendicular to the nucleus and exhibits the classic axoneme (9 + 2). The very strong similarity observed between Salminus and Brycon spermatozoa supports the hypothesis that these subfamilies are likely to have a monophyletic origin.  相似文献   

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