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Halothane suppresses slow inward currents in hippocampal slices   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Single-electrode voltage-clamp experiments were made on CA1 neurons in the presence of tetrodotoxin and K channel blockers. Applications of halothane (1-3% v/v) for 3-10 min caused a similar marked and reversible depression of slow inward currents (probably Ca currents) evoked by depolarizing pulses from a holding potential near -80 or near -40 mV. The peak amplitudes of the inward currents were much reduced, in a concentration-dependent manner, and they decayed more rapidly (half-decay time was shortened by a quarter). In most cases, leak conductances were diminished by halothane, making it unlikely that the suppression of inward currents was primarily caused by enhancement of outward currents. A similar inactivation of Ca currents in presynaptic terminals would explain why halothane depresses synaptic transmission.  相似文献   

Membrane slow inward currents of 3-day-old embryonic chick single heart cells were investigated using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. In a solution containing only Na+ ions and in the presence of tetrodotoxin and Mn2+, the inward current-voltage relationship presented two maxima, confirming the existence of two different voltage-dependent slow inward currents. The first type, a fast transient slow inward current (Isi (ft], was activated from a holding potential of -80 mV and showed fast activation and inactivation. This current was highly sensitive to melittin (10(-8) M) and insensitive to low concentrations of desmethoxyverapamil [-)D888, 10(-9)-10(-6) M). Depolarizing voltage steps from a holding a potential of -50 mV activated two components of the slow inward current, i.e., a slow and a sustained current (Isi(sts] that showed a slow inactivation followed by a slow inactivation and a sustained component. Melittin at a high concentration (10(-4)M) completely blocked the slow transient component (Isi(st] and left unblocked the sustained component (Isi(s]. Both components (Isi(st) and Isi(s] were blocked by verapamil (10(-5)M) and low concentrations of (-)D888 (10(-8)-10(-6)M).  相似文献   

The mechanical waves which may occur in or on a nerve axon are considered. It is shown that under rather general assumptions mechanical waves with phase velocities corresponding to nerve impulse propagation velocities belong to the natural modes of the axon membrane. This means that the mechanical disturbances which are connected with almost all models of nerve impulse propagation are readily supported by the axon, suggesting a possibility of interaction between electrical and mechanical events in the axon.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of the stochastic nature of ion channels on the faithfulness, precision and reproducibility of electrical signal transmission in weakly active, dendritic membrane under in vitro conditions. The properties of forward and backpropagating action potentials (BPAPs) in the dendritic tree of pyramidal cells are the subject of intense empirical work and theoretical speculation (Larkum et al., 1999; Zhu, 2000; Larkum et al., 2001; Larkum and Zhu, 2002; Schaefer et al., 2003; Williams, 2004; Waters et al., 2005). We numerically simulate the effects of stochastic ion channels on the forward and backward propagation of dendritic spikes in Monte-Carlo simulations on a reconstructed layer 5 pyramidal neuron. We report that in most instances there is little variation in timing or amplitude for a single BPAP, while variable backpropagation can occur for trains of action potentials. Additionally, we find that the generation and forward propagation of dendritic Ca2+ spikes are susceptible to channel variability. This indicates limitations on computations that depend on the precise timing of Ca2+ spikes. Action Editor : Alain Destexhe  相似文献   

Slow inward currents (SICs) are known as excitatory events of neurons elicited by astrocytic glutamate via activation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors. By using slice electrophysiology, we tried to provide evidence that SICs can elicit synaptic plasticity. Age dependence of SICs and their impact on synaptic plasticity was also investigated in both on murine and human cortical slices. It was found that SICs can induce a moderate synaptic plasticity, with features similar to spike timing-dependent plasticity. Overall SIC activity showed a clear decline with aging in humans and completely disappeared above a cutoff age. In conclusion, while SICs contribute to a form of astrocyte-dependent synaptic plasticity both in mice and humans, this plasticity is differentially affected by aging. Thus, SICs are likely to play an important role in age-dependent physiological and pathological alterations of synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

Asymmetry currents and admittance in squid axons.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The complex admittance of squid (Loligo pealei) axon was measured rapidly (within 1 s) with pseudo-random small signals and discrete Fourier transform techniques under guarded, "space-clamp" conditions and during suppression of ion conduction. Asymmetry currents were measured by paired step clam pulses of +/-70 mV from a holding potential of -97 mV and gave an apparent capacitance of 0.36 muF/cm2. However, the admittance data showed no change in capacitance at holding potentials from -97 to -67 mV and gave a decrease of 0.07 of 0.15 muF/cm2 at -37 mV. The failure to observe a capacitance increase at low membrane potentials suggests the following possibilities: (a) the asymmetry current is a displacement current that inactivates completely with time, and (b) the asymmetry current is not a displacement current and arises from large signal effects (i.e., delayed nonlinearity in ionic current) on the membrane.  相似文献   

Sodium currents after repolarization to more negative potentials after initial activation were digitally recorded in voltage-clamped Myxicola axons compensated for series resistance. The results are inconsistent with a Hodgkin-Huxley-type kinetic scheme. At potentials more negative than -50 mV, the Na+ tails show two distinct time constants, while at more positive potentials only a single exponential process can be resolved. The time-course of the tail currents was totally unaffected when tetrodotoxin (TTX) was added to reduce gNa to low values, demonstrating the absence of any artifact dependent on membrane current. Tail currents were altered by [Ca++] in a manner consistent with a simple alteration in surface potential. Asymmetry current "off" responses are well described by a single exponential. The time constant for this response averaged 2.3 times larger than that for the rapid component of the Na+ repolarization current and was not sensitive to pulse amplitude or duration, although it did vary with holding potential. Other asymmetry current observations confirm previous reports on Myxicola.  相似文献   

Slow inward and outward currents of rat ventricular fibers under anoxia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Voltage and current clamp experiments were performed on rat ventricular strips under anoxia. 1. Under the influence of anoxia the membrane depolarized by 5 to 10 mV and the action potential amplitude decreased by 15 mV. The plateau disappeared and the duration of the action potential was shortened. 2. The slow inward current was reduced by 50 to 80% and its reversal potential became more negative by about 31 mV. The conductance of the slow inward channel decreased by 26%. 3. The net outward current was slightly depressed.  相似文献   

In order to properly capture spike-frequency adaptation with a simplified point-neuron model, we study approximations of Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) models including slow currents by exponential integrate-and-fire (EIF) models that incorporate the same types of currents. We optimize the parameters of the EIF models under the external drive consisting of AMPA-type conductance pulses using the current-voltage curves and the van Rossum metric to best capture the subthreshold membrane potential, firing rate, and jump size of the slow current at the neuron’s spike times. Our numerical simulations demonstrate that, in addition to these quantities, the approximate EIF-type models faithfully reproduce bifurcation properties of the HH neurons with slow currents, which include spike-frequency adaptation, phase-response curves, critical exponents at the transition between a finite and infinite number of spikes with increasing constant external drive, and bifurcation diagrams of interspike intervals in time-periodically forced models. Dynamics of networks of HH neurons with slow currents can also be approximated by corresponding EIF-type networks, with the approximation being at least statistically accurate over a broad range of Poisson rates of the external drive. For the form of external drive resembling realistic, AMPA-like synaptic conductance response to incoming action potentials, the EIF model affords great savings of computation time as compared with the corresponding HH-type model. Our work shows that the EIF model with additional slow currents is well suited for use in large-scale, point-neuron models in which spike-frequency adaptation is important.  相似文献   

Diadenosine polyphosphates are now considered a novel class of endogenous paracrine signal compounds. The putative role of these compounds in pathogenesis of myocardial infarction was proposed, since the concentration of diadenosine polyphosphates increases in the cardiac tissue following the ischemic lesion and myocardial necrosis. Therefore, possible effects of diadenosine polyphosphates on cardiac electrical activity and their ionic mechanisms are of considerable interest.  相似文献   

Voltage clamp experiments, which determine the kinetic parameters of calcium conductance of cardiac muscle, (d ,f , τ d and τ f ) are analyzed with a generally accepted expression for slow inward currentI s=g sdf (E-E R). Activation (d) and inactivation (f) reach the final valuesd andf with time constants τ d and τ f respectively. The analysis indicates that the measuredf agrees with the theoreticalf , but the measuredd differs from the theoreticald by a factor which depends on τ d . The peak tension can be made to correlate closely with the theoreticald after a correction factor is applied to the raw measurements of activation. It can be shown that experiments designed to measure τ f can also be used to determine τ d with greater accuracy.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2023,33(9):1818-1824.e3
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We analyzed the noise of the inward currents induced by stimulation of rat peritoneal mast cells with compound 48/80 (48/80), a secretagogue, and examined the role of extracellular Ca2+ in generation of the large noise. In the presence of 2 mM Ca2+ in the external solution, the power density spectra of the 48/80-induced inward currents in most cells were fitted with the sum of two Lorentzian functions. The cut-off frequencies (fc) at -50 mV for the low and high frequency components were 16.3 +/- 7.3 (n = 10) and 180 +/- 95 (n = 9) Hz. Involvement of a cation-selective channel in the large noise was identified in some cells, but the single channel current amplitude estimated from parameters of the noise varied among cells (0.20-2.47 pA at -50 mV), thereby indicating that the currents were mediated by more than two classes of channel. The low frequency component of the 48/80-induced currents was suppressed by lowering the extracellular Ca2+ concentration to 1 microM with the addition of EGTA, without appreciable changes in the high frequency component. When the extracellular Ca2+ was reduced to 1 microM by EGTA 1 min prior to stimulation, 48/80 induced little or no currents in most cells and small currents in some cells. The power density spectra of the small currents were fitted mainly by a single Lorentzian curve with an fc of 150 +/- 5.8 Hz (n = 3). Re-admission of 1.3 mM Ca2+ produced a low frequency part of current noise with an fc of 18.8 (n = 2) Hz.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neural tissue injuries render voltage-gated Na+ channels (Nav) leaky, thereby altering excitability, disrupting propagation and causing neuropathic pain related ectopic activity. In both recombinant systems and native excitable membranes, membrane damage causes the kinetically-coupled activation and inactivation processes of Nav channels to undergo hyperpolarizing shifts. This damage-intensity dependent change, called coupled left-shift (CLS), yields a persistent or “subthreshold” Nav window conductance. Nodes of Ranvier simulations involving various degrees of mild CLS showed that, as the system’s channel/pump fluxes attempt to re-establish ion homeostasis, the CLS elicits hyperexcitability, subthreshold oscillations and neuropathic type action potential (AP) bursts. CLS-induced intermittent propagation failure was studied in simulations of stimulated axons, but pump contributions were ignored, leaving open an important question: does mild-injury (small CLS values, pumps functioning well) render propagation-competent but still quiescent axons vulnerable to further impairments as the system attempts to cope with its normal excitatory inputs? We probe this incipient diffuse axonal injury scenario using a 10-node myelinated axon model. Fully restabilized nodes with mild damage can, we show, become ectopic signal generators (“ectopic nodes”) because incoming APs stress Na+/K+ gradients, thereby altering spike thresholds. Comparable changes could contribute to acquired sodium channelopathies as diverse as epileptic phenomena and to the neuropathic amplification of normally benign sensory inputs. Input spike patterns, we found, propagate with good fidelity through an ectopically firing site only when their frequencies exceed the ectopic frequency. This “propagation window” is a robust phenomenon, occurring despite Gaussian noise, large jitter and the presence of several consecutive ectopic nodes.  相似文献   

《Life sciences》1996,59(12):PL179-PL184
Ionic currents evoked by α,ω-adenine dinucleotides (ApXA; X = 2–6) in follicular oocytes of Xenopus laevis were studied under voltage-clamp conditions. Dinucleotides evoked inward and outward currents in Xenopus oocytes by activating native P1 and P2 purinoceptors known to be present on the follicle cell monolayer enveloping oocytes. Inward currents were mediated by a suramin-sen skive P2 purinoceptor which showed an agonist potency order (at 10μM): Ap4A>ATP>Ap3A>Ap5A, while Ap2A and Ap6A were inactive. Outward currents were mediated by a novel theophylline-sensitive P1 purinoceptor which showed an agonist potency order (at 10μM): Ap2A>ATP>Ap4A=Ap5A=Ap6A>Ap3A. Chromatographic analysis confirmed ectonucleotidase activity at the follicle cell layer of oocytes but at a very low rate of dinucleotide cleavage, indicating that currents evoked by dinucleotides resulted from a direct activation of oocyte P1 and P2 purinoceptors and not through their breakdown to ATP, ADP and AMP. There was no evidence for specific receptors (i.e., P4 purinoceptors) for diadenosine polyphosphates in Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of external cesium and rubidium on potassium conductance of voltage clamped squid axons over a broad range of concentrations of these ions relative to the external potassium concentration. Our primary novel finding concerning cesium is that relatively large concentrations of this ion are able to block a small, but statistically significant fraction of outward potassium current for potentials less than approximately 50 mV positive to reversal potential. This effect is relieved at more positive potentials. We have also found that external rubidium blocks outward current with a qualitatively similar voltage dependence. This effect is more readily apparent than the cesium blockade, occurring even for concentrations less than that of external potassium. Rubidium also has a blocking effect on inward current, which is relieved for potentials more than 20-40 mV negative to reversal, thereby allowing both potassium and rubidium ions to cross the membrane. We have described these results with a single-file diffusion model of ion permeation through potassium channels. The model analysis suggests that both rubidium and cesium ions exert their blocking effects at the innermost site of a two-site channel, and that rubidium competes with potassium ions for entry into the channel more effectively than does cesium under comparable conditions.  相似文献   

Phasic or tonic nerves transplanted onto a denervated slow superficial flexor muscle in adult crayfish regenerated synaptic connections that displayed large or small excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), respectively, suggesting that the neuron specifies the type of synapse that forms (Krause et al., J Neurophysiol 80:994-997, 1998). To test the hypothesis that such neuronal specification would extend to the synaptic structure as well, we examined the regenerated synaptic terminals with thin serial section electron microscopy. There are distinct differences in structure between regenerated phasic and tonic innervation. The phasic nerve provides more profuse innervation because innervation sites occurred more frequently and contained larger numbers of synaptic terminals than the tonic nerve. Preterminal axons of the phasic nerve also had many more sprouts than those of the tonic nerve. Phasic terminals were thinner and had a lower mitochondrial volume than their tonic counterparts. Phasic synapses were half the size of tonic ones, although their active zone-dense bars were similar in length. The density of active zones was higher in the phasic compared with the tonic innervation, based on estimates of the number of dense bars per synapse, per synaptic area, and per nerve terminal volume. Because these differences mirror those seen between phasic and tonic axons in crayfish muscle in situ, we conclude that the structure of the regenerated synaptic terminals identify with their transplanted axons rather than with their target muscle. Therefore, during neuromuscular regeneration in adult crayfish, the motoneuron appears to specify the identity of synaptic connections.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of pressure overload hypertrophy on inward sodium (I Na) and calcium currents (I Ca) in single left ventricular myocytes to determine whether changes in these current systems could account for the observed prolongation of the action potential. Hypertrophy was induced by pressure overload caused by banding of the abdominal aorta. Whole-cell patch clamp experiments were used to measure tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive inward currents. The main findings were that I Ca density was unchanged whereas I Na density after stepping from -80 to -30 mV was decreased by 30% (-9.0 +/- 1.16 pA pF(-1) in control and -6.31 +/- 0.67 pA pF(-1) in hypertrophy, p < 0.05, n = 6). Steady-state activation/inactivation variables of I Na, determined by using double-pulse protocols, were similar in control and hypertrophied myocytes, whereas the time course of fast inactivation of I Na was slowed (p < 0.05) in hypertrophied myocytes. In addition, action potential clamp experiments were carried out in the absence and presence of TTX under conditions where only Ca2+ was likely to enter the cell via TTX-sensitive channels. We show for the first time that a TTX-sensitive inward current was present during the plateau phase of the action potential in hypertrophied but not control myocytes. The observed decrease in I Na density is likely to abbreviate rather than prolong the action potential. Delayed fast inactivation of Na+ channels was not sustained throughout the voltage pulse and may therefore merely counteract the effect of decreased I Na density so that net Na+ influx remains unaltered. Changes in the fast I Na do not therefore appear to contribute to lengthening of the action potential in this model of hypertrophy. However, the presence of a TTX-sensitive current during the plateau could potentially contribute to the prolongation of the action potential in hypertrophied cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

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