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By starch-gel electrophoresis and a staining method that is highly sensitive for argininyl residues, adenovirus type 5 was found to contain two minor basic polypeptides of extreme cathodic mobility in addition to the two known core proteins. The fastest-migrating polypeptide, named mu protein, and the second fastest polypeptide are found in adenovirions and virus-infected KB cells but not in top components or in uninfected cells. The top components and infected cells contain an additional basic polypeptide, presumably P-VII, that migrates slightly slower than polypeptide VII. None of the basic polypeptides of adenovirions was electrophoretically identical to the host histone. The basic proteins of adenovirions were purified by urea phosphocellulose column chromatography and characterized by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The two minor basic core proteins, mu and another component, have similar mobilities in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels as a complex of polypeptides X-XII. After further purification on a Sephadex G-75 column, the mu protein was found to have a molecular weight of about 4,000. Amino acid analysis showed that the mu protein lacks tryptophan and 69% of the total amino acid residues are basic, that is, 54% arginine, 13% histidine, and 2% lysine. Only eight amino acids seem to contribute to make the mu polypeptide. There are 125 copies of the mu polypeptide per 1,000 copies of polypeptide VII in a virion.  相似文献   

Isolation of deletion and substitution mutants of adenovirus type 5   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
N Jones  T Shenk 《Cell》1978,13(1):181-188
The infectivity of adenovirus type 5 DNA can be increased to about 5 x 103 plaque-forming units per μg DNA if the DNA is isolated as a DNA-protein complex. Utilizing this improved infectivity, a method was developed for the selection of mutants lacking restriction endonuclease cleavage sites. The procedure involves three steps. First, the DNA-protein complex is cleaved with a restriction endonuclease. The Eco RI restriction endonuclease was used here. It cleaves adenovirus type 5 DNA to produce three fragments: fragment A (1–76 map units), fragment C (76–83 map units) and fragment B (10–83 map units). Second, the mixture of fragments is rejoined by incubating with DNA ligase, and, third, the modified DNA is used to infect cells in a DNA plaque assay. Mutants were obtained which lacked the endonuclease cleavage site at 0.83 map units. Such mutant DNAs were selected by this procedure because they were cleaved by the Eco RI endonuclease to produce only two fragments: a normal A fragment and a fused B/C fragment. These two fragments could be rejoined to produce a viable DNA molecule as a result of a bimolecular reaction with one ligation event; this exerted a strong selection for such molecules since a trimolecular reaction (keeping the C fragment in its proper orientation) and two ligation events were required to regenerate a wild-type molecule. The alterations resulting in the loss of the Eco RI endonuclease cleavage site at 0.83 map units include both deletion and substitution mutations. The inserted sequences in the substitution mutations are cellular in origin.  相似文献   

A nondefective recombinant between adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) and type 12 (Ad12), rc-1 (Ad5 dl312, carrying the Ad12 E1A gene), was isolated from hamster cell foci transformed by a defective recombinant, rcB-1 (dl312, carrying the Ad12 E1 gene). The recombinant rc-1 grew in human embryo kidney and KB cells in the absence of helper and synthesized Ad12 T antigen g, the product of the E1A gene. The genome of rc-1 has a deletion between 79.9 and 82.5 map units of Ad5 dl312 DNA with an insertion of 0.1 to 5.5 map units of Ad12 DNA at the deletion site. The mRNAs of Ad12 E1A were transcribed from the Ad12 E1A promoter, and unusual RNAs were abundantly transcribed from the Ad5 E3 promoter on the opposite strand. The frequency of cell transformation with rc-1 was lower than those with Ad5 and Ad12 wild types.  相似文献   

Antibodies against hexon, the major coat protein of adenovirus (Ad), are an important component of the neutralizing activity in serum from naturally infected humans and experimentally infected animals. The mechanisms by which antihexon antibodies neutralize the virus have not been defined. As a model system, murine monoclonal antibodies raised against Ad type 5 (Ad5) were screened for antihexon binding and neutralization activity; one monoclonal antibody, designated 9C12, was selected for further characterization. The minimum ratio of 9C12 to Ad5 required for neutralization was 240 antibody molecules per virus particle, or 1 antibody per hexon trimer. Analysis of antibody-virus complexes by dynamic light scattering and negative-stain electron microscopy (EM) showed that the virus particles were coated with electron-dense material but not aggregated at neutralizing ratios. Cryo-EM image reconstruction of the antibody-virus complex showed that the surface of the virus particle was covered by a meshwork of 9C12 antibody density, consistent with bivalent binding at multiple sites. Confocal analysis revealed that viral attachment, cell entry, and intracellular transport to the nuclear periphery still occur in the presence of neutralizing levels of 9C12. A model is presented for neutralization of Ad by an antihexon antibody in which the hexon capsid is cross-linked by antibodies, thus preventing virus uncoating and nuclear entry of viral DNA.  相似文献   

Physical properties of nucleoprotein cores from adenovirus type 5.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Analytical ultracentrifugation, thermal denaturation, and electron microscopy have been used to study nucleoprotein core particles, obtained from disrupted type 5 adenovirus and partially purified on glycerol density gradients. Electron microscopy at low salt concentrations has shown that the cores are homogeneous particles with characteristic structures, which vary with conditions of observation from a fairly loose network of fibers to a highly condensed, compact particle. Sedimentation measurements in the analytical ultracentrifuge, both by boundary and by band techniques, show that the cores are relatively homogeneous in solution and have sedimentation coefficients near 185 S at low salt concentrations, about 243 S in 1 or 2 M NaCl, and 376 S in 1 mM MgCl2. Correlation of sedimentation data with electron microscopic observations suggests that the 185 S particle has a loose, fibrous structure, while the faster species are more highly condensed particles. The melting temperature of the cores in 5 mM Tris/HCl is 79 degrees C, which is 10 degrees C higher than the Tm for purified, viral DNA. This indicates that the protein enhances the stability of DNA in the nucleoprotein complex.  相似文献   

Usefulness of adenoviral vectors derived from human adenovirus (HAd) type 5 (HAd5) is mainly limited by wide prevalence of preexisting anti-HAd5 immunity as well as non-specific tissue tropism of these vectors. As an alternative, non-human adenoviral vectors including bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAd3) are currently being investigated. Non-prevalence of BAd3 in humans and its ability to evade preexisting HAd immunity are some of the features that make BAd3 a promising vector for human gene delivery. BAd3 appears to have a tissue tropism distinct from that of HAd5 and also the repertoire of cells efficiently transduced by BAd3 is different. We performed antibody-mediated receptor blocking experiments to show that BAd3 internalization was independent of coxsackievirus-adenovirus receptor, the primary determinant of HAd5 tropism, or integrin alpha(v)beta3, a secondary molecule involved in HAd5 entry. Using homologous and heterologous knob-mediated competition assays with recombinant knobs of HAd5, porcine adenovirus type 3 (PAd3), or BAd3, we observed that BAd3 internalization was independent of the primary receptors of HAd5 and PAd3. These results provide support for further exploration of BAd3 vectors for designing targeted vectors for human gene therapy.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive mutants of type 5 adenovirus belonging to eight complementation groups were complemented in mixed infection by type 12 adenovirus, whereas mutants of 7 other groups were not enhanced. In some crosses, phenotypic mixing took place. No evidence of recombination between type 5 ts mutants and type 12 was found.  相似文献   

Adenovirus shows significant promise as a vehicle for transfer of therapeutic genes into humans. Based on the importance of this viral vector, it is critical that adequate decontamination procedures are implemented during its large-scale production in multiproduct manufacturing facilities to prevent cross-product contamination and to reduce the risk of personnel exposure. Liquid decontamination procedures based on caustics are easily implemented in a manufacturing setting and are not corrosive to stainless steel surfaces at the concentrations found to inactivate viral proteins and nucleic acids. In this study, we have conducted small-scale experiments to determine the effectiveness of caustic inactivation procedures on adenovirus type 5 and have evaluated the robustness of the process to different sample matrices and adenovirus constructs. We find that the pH of a sample post-addition of caustic solution is a more accurate indicator of the effectiveness of the caustic than its concentration. We have demonstrated that a greater than 6 log reduction in the potency of adenovirus type 5 may be obtained upon exposure of the sample to sodium hydroxide and CIP-100 at concentrations greater than 0.09 M and 0.9%, respectively, at times greater than 10 min.  相似文献   

Adenovirus empty capsids are immature intermediates that lack DNA and viral core proteins. Highly purified preparations of empty and full capsids were generated by subjecting purified adenovirus preparations to repeated cesium chloride gradient separations. PAGE results revealed that empty capsids contain at least five bands that correspond to proteins absent from the mature virus proteome. Peptide mapping by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight MS revealed that three of these bands correspond to varying forms of L1 52/55kDa, a protein involved in the encapsidation of the viral DNA. One band at around 31kDa was found to include precursors to proteins VI and VIII. These precursors correspond to proteins that have not been cleaved by the adenovirus-encoded protease and are not present in the mature full capsids. The precursor to protein VIII (pVIII), a capsid cement protein, is used in this study as a marker in reverse-phased HPLC (RP-HPLC) analyses of adenovirus for the quantitation of empty capsids. A novel calculation method applied to the integration of RP-HPLC chromatograms allowed for the generation of a percentage empty capsid value in a given adenovirus preparation. The percentage empty capsid values generated to date by this method show a high degree of precision and good agreement with a cesium chloride gradient/SDS-PAGE quantitation method of empty capsids. The advantage of this method lies in the accurate, precise, and rapid generation of the percentage of empty capsids in a given purified virus preparation without relying on tedious and time-consuming cesium chloride gradient separations and extractions.  相似文献   

Characterization of crystals of type 5 adenovirus hexon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The E1A gene of highly oncogenic type 12 adenovirus (Ad12) possesses a segment unique to this serotype and comprising 60 base pairs contiguous with and separating conserved regions 2 and 3 in the gene. A similar but slightly longer segment is also present in the E1A gene of highly oncogenic simian adenovirus type 7 (D. Kimelman, J. S. Miller, D. Porter, and B. E. Roberts, J. Virol. 53:399-409, 1985). This segment is missing entirely from the E1A gene of type 5 adenovirus, which is nononcogenic. To test the hypothesis that this unique separating or "spacer" region influences the oncogenicity of Ad12, we constructed ClaI and SmaI restriction sites on either side of it, which allowed reciprocal exchange between this and the equivalent cassette from type 5 adenovirus E1A, bounded by the same restriction sites intrinsic to that gene. The resultant Ad12-based chimeric viruses, ch702 and ch704, in which the spacer region is replaced with (in-frame) type 5 sequence, grow normally on human A549 cells and display wild-type transformation frequencies on baby rat and mouse kidney cells. In contrast, the oncogenic capacity of these chimeric viruses, as measured by tumor induction following virus inoculation in Hooded Lister rats, is greatly reduced. Likewise, cells transformed by ch702 and ch704 display reduced tumorigenicity compared with wild-type transformants in syngeneic rats. These results, coupled with recent preliminary tests using a mutant with a point mutation in this region, support the view that the unique spacer region of type 12 is an oncogenic determinant of this virus.  相似文献   

Characterization of type 5 adenovirus fiber protein.   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Type 5 adenovirus fiber protein was purified and subjected to chemical characterization. Equilibrium sedimentation ultracentrifugation analysis indicated that the intact fiber has a molecular weight of approximately 183,000. Denaturation and chemical analyses implied that the fiber consists of three polypeptide chains, each of about 61,000 mol wt. Mapping of tryptic peptides and electrophoretic separation of the constituent chains suggested that the intact fiber consists of two identical and one unique polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

N Jones  T Shenk 《Cell》1979,17(3):683-689
A series of adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) deletion, insertion and substitution mutants, some of which are defective for transformation of rat cells, have been isolated. The mutants were selected as variants which lack the Xba I endonuclease cleavage site at 4 map units on the viral chromosome. The deletions range in size from 150-2300 bp and are located between 1.5 and 10.5 map units. The mutants can be propagated in 293 cells (Ad5-transformed human embryonic kidney cells), but are defective for growth in HeLa or human embryonic kidney cells. No viral DNA synthesis was observed in mutant virus-infected HeLa cells. All but one of the deletion mutants tested were defective for transformation of rat embryo and rat embryo brain cells.  相似文献   

K Ito  M Arens    M Green 《Journal of virology》1975,15(6):1507-1510
The major DNA polymerase in a nuclear membrane complex that is capable of synthesizing viral DNA sequences in vitro has been purified about 900-fold from adenovirus 2-infected KB cells. The enzyme was characterized as belonging to the class of mammalian DNA polymerases (DNA polymerase gamma) that can utilize poly(A) with oligo(dT) as template primer.  相似文献   

Virus-specific cytoplasmic RNA was isolated from rat cell lines transformed by fragments of adenovirus type 5 DNA, and the RNAs were translated in cell-free systems derived from wheat germ or rabbit reticulocytes. RNA was isolated from cell lines transformed by the following fragments: XhoI-C (leftmost 15.5%), HindIII-G (leftmost 8%), and HpaI-E (leftmost 4.5%). In addition, the adenovirus type 5-transformed human embryonic kidney line 293.C31 was investigated. The products were immunoprecipitated with serum from tumor-bearing hamsters and analyzed by electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. The results show that all transformed cells investigated contain early region 1a-specific RNAs which can be translated into proteins with molecular weights of 34,000 (34K), 36K, 40K, and 42K. Transformed cells that also contain an intact early region 1b synthesized RNA which can be translated into proteins with molecular weights of 19K and 65K. Minor proteins of 15K, 16K, 17.5K, 18K, 25K, and 29K were also observed, but these proteins could not be mapped unambiguously. Cells transformed by the 8% HindIII-G apparently lack RNA encoding the 65K protein, but they do contain RNA coding for the 19K protein.  相似文献   

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