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Summary In an attempt to discover A and B genome donor(s) to finger millet, Eleusine coracana, or its progenitor species, E. africana (both allotetraploid 2n=4x=36), five diploid species, E. Indica, E. Floccifolia, E. multiflora, E. tristachya and E. intermedia, were crossed to finger millet and its progenitor taxon. Crosses were successful only with E. coracana. Three combinations of triploid hybrids E. coracana x E. indica, E. coracana x E. floccifolia, and E. coracana x E. multiflora were obtained and analysed. Meiotic behaviour was perfectly normal in parental species. The regular number of 18 bivalents in E. coracana, 9 bivalents in E. indica, E. intermedia, E. tristachya and E. floccifolia and 8 bivalents in E. multiflora were invariably noticed. In E. coracana x E. indica hybrids a mean chromosome pairing of 8.84I+8.80II+0.03III+0.10IV per cell was found. About 86.5% of the cells showed the typical 9I+9II configuration, suggesting that E. indica (AA) is one of the diploid genome donors to cultivated species E. coracana. A mean chromosome pairing of 11.08I+7.63II+0.16III+0.04IV per cell was found in E. coracana x E. floccifolia hybrids. Two to ten bivalents and varying numbers of univalents were seen in 55% of the cells. About 45% of the cells showed the 9I+9II configuration. Various evidence suggests that perennial E. floccifolia is a primitive member of the A genome group of Eleusine species, and it may not be a genome donor to E. coracana. In E. coracana x E. multiflora hybrids (2n=26) mean chromosome pairing of 21.45I+1.97II+0.13III+0.04IV per cell was found. About 91% of the cells were observed to have 20–26 univalents. Only a small percentage of the cells contained bivalents or multivalents. This pairing behaviour indicates that E. multiflora lacks genomic homology with the A or B genome of E. coracana. Genomically E. multiflora is a distinct species and a genomic symbol of C is assigned to it. Identification of the B genome donor species to cultivated millet. E. coracana remains elusive.  相似文献   

The electric organ discharges (EODs) of pairs of weakly electric fish, Gnathonemus petersii, were simultaneously recorded to study the significance of the EODs as communication signals. In a 400-litre tank a larger fish (12 to 15 cm) was passively moved within a shelter tube toward a smaller specimen (6 to 9 cm), either in steps or a continuous move. The movement was stopped at that distance when at least one fish significantly lowered or ceased its EOD activity. From this ‘threshold interfish distance’ the spatial range of a ‘communication field’ was found to extend about 30 cm from the fish. At threshold distances an EOD frequency increase caused a temporary EOD activity cessation in the second fish. The spontaneous irregular EOD pattern of the fish displaying the increased EOD rate changed into a regular one with almost equal time intervals between fish pulses.  相似文献   


The effects of melatonin (MT) were examined on the isolated scale melanophores from dorso-lateral (D-L) and band regions of a tropical fish Rasbora daniconius. Our study primarily aimed for further depiction of the signaling receptors involved in MT mediated pigment translocations in the fish. Melanophore Size Index (MSI) was employed as a recording parameter for the responses of melanophores to MT and various antagonists. MT has induced aggregation as well as dispersion in D-L region and aggregation in band region melanophores during summer season. During winter, MT-induced responses were only of aggregatory type in D-L region, while in the band region there was an increase in the sensitivity. The responses of the melanophores to MT were reversible. The aggregation of innervated melanophores induced by MT on the D-L and band regions was partially mediated through the neurotransmitters released under the influence of MT and partially by the specific MT receptors. Luzindole and K185 have completely blocked the aggregatory responses of D-L and band region melanophores. Aggregatory receptors may be of the conventional α-MT type. Dispersion of D-L and band region melanophores induced by MT in the presence of various antagonists and on denervated band region could be the result of activation of β-MT receptors of dispersive nature. Presence of α and β MT receptors is thus indicated in this fish melanophores.  相似文献   

‘Jin Zhui’ is a spontaneous self-compatible mutant of ‘Ya Li’ (Pyrus bretschneideri Rehd. S21S34), the latter displaying a typical S-RNase-based gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI). The pollen-part mutation (PPM) of ‘Jin Zhui’ might be due to a natural mutation in the pollen-S gene (S34 haplotype). However, the molecular mechanisms behind these phenotypic changes are still unclear. In this study, we identified five SLF (S-Locus F-box) genes in ‘Ya Li’, while no nucleotide differences were found in the SLF genes of ‘Jin Zhui’. Further genetic analysis by S-RNase PCR-typing of selfed progeny of ‘Jin Zhui’ and ‘Ya Li’ × ‘Jin Zhui’ progeny showed three progeny classes (S21S21, S21S34 and S34S34) as opposed to the two classes reported previously (S21S34 and S34S34), indicating that the pollen gametes of ‘Jin Zhui’, bearing either the S21- or S34-haplotype, were able to overcome self-incompatibility (SI) barriers. Moreover, no evidence of pollen-S duplication was found. These findings support the hypothesis that loss of function of S-locus unlinked PPM expressed in pollen leads to SI breakdown in ‘Jin Zhui’, rather than natural mutation in the pollen-S gene (S34 haplotype). Furthermore, abnormal meiosis was observed in a number of pollen mother cells (PMCs) in ‘Jin Zhui’, but not in ‘Ya Li’. These and other interesting findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Three populations of the genus Crenicichla, namely Crenicichla iguassuensis, Crenicichla sp 1 and Crenicichla sp 2, from the Igua?u River, were analyzed cytogenetically, and their nucleolus organizer regions, constitutive heterochromatin distribution and chromomycin A3 markings were studied. Karyotype analyses showed a diploid number of 48 chromosomes, made up of 2 metacentric pairs, 2 submetacentric pairs, 7 subtelocentric pairs, and 13 acrocentric pairs for the three Crenicichla species and no sexual chromosome differentiation. Nucleolus organizer regions showed strong interstitial marking on the first chromosome pair, coincident with a constriction presented by Giemsa and positive marking by chromomycin. Although constitutive heterochromatin patterns were also similar, with pericentromeric markings, small differences in the three species could be observed. Crenicichla sp 2 presented some chromosomes with bitelomeric markings absent in Crenicichla iguassuensis and Crenicichla sp 1.  相似文献   

The dietary composition of the antarctic fish Notothenia gibberifrons Lönnberg in a depth gradient was studied, from sea level until 200 meters in South Bay, Doumer Island, West Antarctic. The diet of this species varied across the depth gradient. Stomachs from specimens captured between the surface and 100 m. depth usually contained mobile benthic organisms, principally Amphipods. Those from below 150 m. had eaten almost sesile benthic organisms, principally Bivalvia species. Specimens sampled in the layer between the above-mentioned levels contained a mixture of items, some corresponding to the upper and others to the lower sections. Based on the presented evidence the feeding pattern of this species is discussed.This study was supported by the Instituto Antártico Chileno, and a grant IV-2-1 of the Universidad Austral de Chile.  相似文献   

In 2000, remains of an unknown Triticum species—later named ‘new glume wheat’ (NGW)—were identified in the archaeobotanical material of Neolithic and Bronze Age Greek sites. The presence of NGW was later reported from several other locations across Europe, from the seventh to the first millennium cal. b.c. During the systematic archaeobotanical survey of the multiperiod site of Hódmez?vásárhely–Kopáncs I., Olasz-tanya (5310–2936 cal. b.c.) more than 2,000 cereal remains were recovered. During the morphological analyses, ten spikelet forks showed the distinctive traits of NGW, therefore morphometric analyses were conducted on the remains to reinforce the morphological identification. The results suggest that both approaches—morphological and morphometric—should be applied in parallel to securely separate the NGW remains from Triticum turgidum L. ssp. dicoccum (Schrank) Thell. (emmer) and T. monococcum L. ssp. monococcum (einkorn). All NGW glume bases were recovered from Late Copper Age features (3338–3264 cal. b.c.) of the settlement, which represent the Baden culture of the Great Hungarian Plain. Similarly to other Baden culture sites of the Carpathian Basin einkorn and emmer dominated the crop production of the settlement. The ratio of the NGW remains within the cereal assemblage was measured to be 0.48 %, which suggests that NGW did not have the status of a regular crop; still it may have been part of the accompanying weed flora of the cereal fields during the fourth millennium in the south-eastern Great Hungarian Plain landscape.  相似文献   

Efficient callus formation was achieved from cotyledon, stem, and leaf expiants of the domestic safflower cultivar Centennial on MS salts medium containing 1 mg/L BAP and 1 mg/L NAA. Shoot buds were regenerated from 26% of leaf-derived calli on callus induction medium, although attempts to root regenerated shoots were not successful. Centennial expiants inoculated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens containing NPT II and GUS genes produced kanamycin-resistant calli from which buds were regenerated. Transformation and stable integration of transgenes was confirmed by GUS assay and DNA hybridization in kanamycin-resistant calli, and GUS assay in regenerated shoots.Abbreviations BAP 6-benzylaminopurine - NAA 1-naphthaleneacetic acid - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog (1962) - GUS -glucuronidase - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - NPT II neomycin phosphotransferase II  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The nonfaecal nitrogenous excretion rate in starved sterlet fingerlings and fingerlings fed on different rations was investigated. The weight of the fish and temperature of the water was 43 g and 17.5°C, respectively.
  • 2.2. In the nonfaecal excrements of starved sterlets the ammonia: urea ratio was substantially lower than in teleosts. This ratio was found to be 1.4:1.
  • 3.3. In fed sterlets the urea excretion rate was higher than in starved ones but independent of ration size.
  • 4.4. During the day the urea excretion rate in sterlets was constant.
  • 5.5. The ammonia excretion rate accelerated 2 hr after feeding and reached its peak duration 6–11 hr after depending on the ration size.
  • 6.6. Total ammonia output in the sterlet increased following the increase of ration size up to 8.4% of body wt. Further increases in ration size did not cause the corresponding elevation of ammonia excretion rate.

The two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) is an important pest of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) crops in temperate regions as this spider mite has a very large capacity for population increase and causes severe tomato yield losses. There is no described tomato cultivar fully resistant to this pest, although resistant accessions have been reported within the green-fruited tomato wild species L. pennellii (Corr.) D’Arcy and L. hirsutum Humb. & Bonpl. We observed a L. pimpinellifolium (Jusl.) Mill. accession, ‘TO-937’, which seemed to be completely resistant to mite attacks and we crossed it with the susceptible L. esculentum cultivar. ‘Moneymaker’ to obtain a family of generations consisting of the two parents, the F1, the F2, the BC1 to L. esculentum, and the BC1 to L. pimpinellifolium. This family was evaluated for mite resistance in a polyethylene greenhouse using an experimental design in 60 small complete blocks distributed along 12 double rows. Each block consisted of five F2 plants in one row and one plant of each of the two parents, the F1, the BC1 to L. esculentum, and the BC1 to L. pimpinellifolium in the adjacent row. Plants at the 10–15 leaf stage were artificially infested by putting on them two pieces of French bean leaf heavily infested with T. urticae. After two months, evaluations of infestation were made by visual observation of mite nets and leaf damage. Plants that were free of signs of mite reproduction on the top half were considered as resistant, plants with silky nets only on their basal leaves, intermediate, and plants with mite reproduction on both basal and top canopies were scored as susceptible. Dominance for resistance appeared because all the ‘To-937’, BC1 to L. pimpinellifolium, and F1 plants were resistant. Not all ‘Moneymaker’ plants behaved as susceptible because 35% of plants were intermediate. In the BC1 to L. pimpinellifolium and the F2, most plants were scored as resistant, only 7 % BC1 and 3 % F2 plants were intermediate, and a single F2 plant (0.3 %) was susceptible. With these figures, resistance seemed to be controlled by either four or two genes according to whether segregation in the BC1 or in the F2, respectively, were considered. These results could in part be explained because of appearance of negative interplot interference due to the high frequency of resistant genotypes within most of the generations. Therefore, the family was evaluated again but using a different experimental design. In the new experiment, 16 ‘TO-937’, 17 ‘Moneymaker’, 17 F1, 37 BC1 to L. pimpinellifolium, 38 BC1 to L. esculentum, and 125 F2 plants were included. Each of these test plants was grown besides a susceptible ‘Moneymaker’ auxilliary plant that served to keep mite population high and homogeneous in the greenhouse. Negative interplot interference was avoided with this design and all the ‘TO-937’, F1, and BC1 to L. pimpinellifolium plants were resistant, all ‘Moneymaker’ test plants were susceptible, and 52 % BC1 to L. esculentum and 25 % F2 plants were susceptible, which fitted very well with the expected for resistance governed by a single dominant gene. The simple inheritance mode found will favour sucessful introgression of mite resistance into commercial tomatoes from the very close relative L. pimpinellifolium.  相似文献   

Apple exhibits gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) that is controlled by the multiallelic S-locus. This S-locus encodes polymorphicS ribonuclease (S-RNase) for the pistil-part 5 determinant. Information aboutS-genotypes is important when selecting pollen donors for fruit production and breeding of new cultivars. We determined the 5-genotypes of ‘Charden’ (S2S3S4), ‘Winesap’ (S1S28), ‘York Imperial’ (S2S31), ‘Stark Earliblaze’ (S1S28), and ‘Burgundy’ (S20S32), byS-RNase sequencing and S-allele-specific PCR analysis. Two newS-RNases, S31 and S32, were also identified from ‘York Imperial’ and ‘Burgundy’, respectively. These newS-alleles contained the conserved eight cysteine residues and two histidine residues essential for RNase activity. Whereas S31 showed high similarity to S20 (94%), S32 exhibited 58% (to S24) to 76% (to S25) similarity in the exon regions. We designed newS-allele-specific primers for amplifying S31- and S32-RNasc-specific fragments; these can serve as specific gene markers. We also rearranged the apple S-allele numbers containing those newS-RNases. They should be useful, along with anS-RNase-based PCR system, in determining S-genotypes and analyzing new alleles from apple cultivars.  相似文献   

Clestobothrium neglectum (Lönnberg, 1893) n. comb. is redescribed from specimens previously deposited in The Natural History Museum, London, UK by Dr David I. Gibson obtained from the intestine of the tadpole fish Raniceps raninus (Gadidae) collected from off the western coast of Sweden, near Kristineberg. C. neglectum resembles C. crassiceps (Rudolphi, 1819), the type- and only species currently recognised in the genus, but differs in having fine spiniform-like structures that are likely microtriches covering the posterior fourth of the scolex and all proglottids, a highly folded tegument forming numerous longitudinal ridges on both the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the proglottids giving them a scalloped appearance, a somewhat smaller egg (68 × 35 vs 75 × 40 μm), a U-shaped rather than H-shaped ovary and more testes (70–85 vs 40–50 per proglottid). C. neglectum is also compared to two species with similar scoleces that were previously assigned to Clestobothrium, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Yamaguti, 1934 and B. kivuensis Baer &; Fain, 1958 (considered to be synonymous with B. acheilognathi by Pool, 1987). This is the first report of a species of Clestobothrium Lühe, 1899 (Bothriocephalidae) from a gadid fish.  相似文献   

Hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts of Hydnocarpus pentandra (Flacourtiaceae) seeds were tested for antifeedant, larvicidal, pupal mortality and adult deformations activities against Helicoverpa armigera. Crude extracts were screened at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% concentrations. Bioassay-guided fractionation method was followed to isolate the active fraction from the crude extract. Active fraction was analysed by FT-IR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and GC-MS. Hexane extract presented the highest antifeedant (87.89%), pupal mortality (41.67%) and adult malformation activities at 2% concentration. Seven different fractions were isolated from hexane extract, among which fraction-2 showed the highest antifeedant (81.43%) activity and recorded the lowest LC50 of 792.07 ppm. The fraction-2 contained two cyclopentenyl carboxylic acids, such as hydnocarpic acid (1) and chaulmoogric acid (2) in the ratio of 2:1. These compounds were major constituents in the active fraction of hexane extract of H. pentandra seeds. Fraction-2 can be used for agricultural pest management.  相似文献   

Grigoreva  E.  Ulianich  P.  Ben  C.  Gentzbittel  L.  Potokina  E. 《Russian Journal of Genetics》2019,55(11):1406-1416
Russian Journal of Genetics - Guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) is becoming a popular industrial crop in response to industry demand for the guar gum extracted from seeds’ endosperm....  相似文献   


The life cycle of the Batrachospermales (freshwater florideophyte red such as Batrachospermum, Lemanea) is a shortened variant of the ‘normal’ marine florideophyte life cycle. The perennial Chantransia diploid phase is microscopic and encrusting. Each winter it produces one or more semi-erect haploid gametophytes by vegetative meiosis. Gamete production and fertilization is followed by production of diploid carposporophytes; these produce diploid carpospores which disperse, and regenerate the Chantransia phase. The question of the extent to which the Chantransia phase contributes resources to the gametophyte was approached by physiological-hydrodynamic modelling. These computations suggest that the photosynthetic rates in situ on an area basis are 20 times greater for the gametophyte than the Chantransia phase; this agrees with the observed ratios of peak biomass. The conclusion is that the Chantransia phase has a negligible role in provisioning the growing gametophyte, and that the role of the Chantransia phase is to occupy space with living biomass throughout the year, including exposure at summer drawdown, and (perhaps) by dispersal via production of monospores. A similar conclusion is arrived at on the basis of biomass data for the role of the perennial ‘mushroom’ phase of the semelparous marine Fucalean brown alga Himanthalia elongata in relation to the short-lived but much larger reproductive receptacles.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirteen specimens of Franciscodoras marmoratus (Reinhardt, 1874) were collected in the upper S?o Francisco River (18 degrees 12' 32" S, 45 degrees 15' 41" W, state of Minas Gerais) between September, 1999 and January, 2004 to investigate their parasite fauna. From this total, 45 (39.8%) were afflicted by at least one parasite species. The parasitic richness consisted of six species represented by Hirudinea (n = 20), Monogenoidea (n = 25), Eucestoda (n = 55), Nematoda (n = 1, n = 2) and Acanthocephala (n = 41) found in the dry and wet periods making a total of 144 specimens. Proteocephalus renaudi Chambrier & Vaucher, 1994 was the only species with prevalence higher than 10% and a typical aggregate distribution pattern. The prevalence, intensity and abundance of P. renaudi were not influenced by the total length or sex of the hosts or by the collection periods. The relative condition factor indicated that the health of the P. renaudi hosts was not significantly affected in relation to fish not infected by parasites. The fish stocked in tanks before necropsy were opportunistically infested by Lernaea cyprinacea Yashuv, 1959. The various parasites found indicate that F. marmoratus is omnivorous and a potential definitive host. The parasite species, except for Acanthocephala, have expanded their known geographic distribution to the S?o Francisco River Basin. The parasite community was considered isolationist because of the low endoparasite diversity, infrapopulations with low intensity, lack of evidence of parasite interactions and sparse signs of parasite aggression against their hosts.  相似文献   

This is the first study concerning the features of the reproduction process of the karyologically identified spined loach C. taenia (2n=48). The histology of 71 ovaries, and gonadosomatic index (GSI) of karyologically identified spined loach Cobitis taenia L. from Lake Klawój (Northern Poland) were examined. The absolute and relative fecundity of 25 females was estimated by gravimetric method. The age of fish was determined according to the annual increments of otholits. The spawning of C. taenia from Lake Klawój took place from May to July, at a water temperature exceeding 18.5 degrees C. The GSI values at the beginning of the reproduction period ranged from 7 to 19%. The average absolute fecundity of females was 2078 eggs, with the number ranging from 869 to 3371 eggs. High individual variability in the gonad histology and the GSI values during the reproductive period was observed. Such variability could be the result of beginning the reproduction process in the fish at various times and, probably, due to the various numbers of batches laid and various numbers of eggs per batch.  相似文献   

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