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Advances in metabolic engineering are enabling the creation of a large number of cell factories. However, high-throughput platforms do not yet exist for rapidly analyzing the metabolic network of the engineered cells. To fill the gap, we developed an integrated solution for fluxome profiling of large sets of biological systems and conditions. This platform combines a robotic system for 13C-labelling experiments and sampling of labelled material with NMR-based isotopic fingerprinting and automated data interpretation. As a proof-of-concept, this workflow was applied to discriminate between Escherichia coli mutants with gradual expression of the glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Metabolic variants were clearly discriminated while pathways that support metabolic flexibility towards modulation of a single enzyme were elucidating. By directly connecting the data flow between cell cultivation and flux quantification, considerable advances in throughput, robustness, release of resources and screening capacity were achieved. This will undoubtedly facilitate the development of efficient cell factories.  相似文献   

Ribosome profiling spectra bear rich information on translation control and dynamics. Yet, due to technical biases in library generation, extracting quantitative measures of discrete translation events has remained elusive. Using maximum likelihood statistics and data set from Escherichia coli we develop a robust method for neutralizing technical biases (e.g. base specific RNase preferences in ribosome-protected mRNA fragments (RPF) generation), which allows for correct estimation of translation times at single codon resolution. Furthermore, we validated the method with available datasets from E. coli treated with antibiotic to inhibit isoleucyl-tRNA synthetase, and two datasets from Saccharomyces cerevisiae treated with two RNases with distinct cleavage signatures. We demonstrate that our approach accounts for RNase cleavage preferences and provides bias-corrected translation times estimates. Our approach provides a solution to the long-standing problem of extracting reliable information about peptide elongation times from highly noisy and technically biased ribosome profiling spectra.  相似文献   

Antibody-based therapeutics are of great value for the treatment of human diseases. In addition to functional activity, affinity or physico-chemical properties, antibody specificity is considered to be one of the most crucial attributes for safety and efficacy. Consequently, appropriate studies are required before entering clinical trials.

High content protein arrays are widely applied to assess antibody specificity, but this commercial solution can only be applied to final therapeutic antibody candidates because such arrays are expensive and their throughput is limited. A flexible, high-throughput and economical assay that allows specificity testing of IgG or Fab molecules during early discovery is described here. The 384-well microtiter plate assay contains a comprehensive panel of 32 test proteins and uses electrochemiluminescence as readout.

The Protein Panel Profiling (3P) was used to analyze marketed therapeutic antibodies that all showed highly specific binding profiles. Subsequently, 3P was applied to antibody candidates from early discovery and the results compared well with those obtained with a commercially available high content protein chip. Our results suggest that 3P can be applied as an additional filter for lead selection, allowing the identification of favorable antibody candidates in early discovery and thereby increasing the speed and possibility of success in drug development.  相似文献   

We have developed a tool for computer-assisted assignments of protein NMR spectra from triple resonance data. The program is designed to resemble established manual assignment procedures as closely as possible. IBIS exports its results in XEASY format. Thus, using IBIS the operator has continuous visual and accounting control over the progress of the assignment procedure. IBIS achieves complete assignments for those residues that exhibit sequential triple resonance connectivities within a few hours or days.  相似文献   

Shotgun proteomics yields tandem mass spectra of peptides that can be identified by database search algorithms. When only a few observed peptides suggest the presence of a protein, establishing the accuracy of the peptide identifications is necessary for accepting or rejecting the protein identification. In this protocol, we describe the properties of peptide identifications that can differentiate legitimately identified peptides from spurious ones. The chemistry of fragmentation, as embodied in the 'mobile proton' and 'pathways in competition' models, informs the process of confirming or rejecting each spectral match. Examples of ion-trap and tandem time-of-flight (TOF/TOF) mass spectra illustrate these principles of fragmentation.  相似文献   



Mass spectrometry is an essential technique in proteomics both to identify the proteins of a biological sample and to compare proteomic profiles of different samples. In both cases, the main phase of the data analysis is the procedure to extract the significant features from a mass spectrum. Its final output is the so-called peak list which contains the mass, the charge and the intensity of every detected biomolecule. The main steps of the peak list extraction procedure are usually preprocessing, peak detection, peak selection, charge determination and monoisotoping operation.  相似文献   

Novel high-throughput measurement techniques in vivo are beginning to produce dense high-quality time series which can be used to investigate the structure and regulation of biochemical networks. We propose an automated information extraction procedure which takes advantage of the unique S-system structure and supports model building from time traces, curve fitting, model selection, and structure identification based on parameter estimation. The procedure comprises of three modules: model Generation, parameter estimation or model Fitting, and model Selection (GFS algorithm). The GFS algorithm has been implemented in MATLAB and returns a list of candidate S-systems which adequately explain the data and guides the search to the most plausible model for the time series under study. By combining two strategies (namely decoupling and limiting connectivity) with methods of data smoothing, the proposed algorithm is scalable up to realistic situations of moderate size. We illustrate the proposed methodology with a didactic example.  相似文献   

This protocol enables quantitation of metabolic fluxes in cultured cells. Measurements are based on the kinetics of cellular incorporation of stable isotope from nutrient into downstream metabolites. At multiple time points, after cells are rapidly switched from unlabeled to isotope-labeled nutrient, metabolism is quenched, metabolites are extracted and the extract is analyzed by chromatography-mass spectrometry. Resulting plots of unlabeled compound versus time follow variants of exponential decay, with the flux equal to the decay rate multiplied by the intracellular metabolite concentration. Because labeling is typically fast (t(1/2)相似文献   

Oligosaccharides attached to Asn297 in each of the CH2 domains of monoclonal antibodies play an important role in antibody effector functions by modulating the affinity of interaction with Fc receptors displayed on cells of the innate immune system. Rapid, detailed, and quantitative N-glycan analysis is required at all stages of bioprocess development to ensure the safety and efficacy of the therapeutic. The high sample numbers generated during quality by design (QbD) and process analytical technology (PAT) create a demand for high-performance, high-throughput analytical technologies for comprehensive oligosaccharide analysis. We have developed an automated 96-well plate-based sample preparation platform for high-throughput N-glycan analysis using a liquid handling robotic system. Complete process automation includes monoclonal antibody (mAb) purification directly from bioreactor media, glycan release, fluorescent labeling, purification, and subsequent ultra-performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) analysis. The entire sample preparation and commencement of analysis is achieved within a 5-h timeframe. The automated sample preparation platform can easily be interfaced with other downstream analytical technologies, including mass spectrometry (MS) and capillary electrophoresis (CE), for rapid characterization of oligosaccharides present on therapeutic antibodies.  相似文献   

Zamboni N  Sauer U 《Genome biology》2004,5(12):R99-12
We introduce a conceptually novel method for intracellular fluxome profiling from unsupervised statistical analysis of stable isotope labeling. Without a priori knowledge on the metabolic system, we identified characteristic flux fingerprints in 10 Bacillus subtilis mutants from 132 2H and 13C tracer experiments. Beyond variant discrimination, independent component analysis automatically mapped several fingerprints to their metabolic determinants. The approach is flexible and paves the way to large-scale fluxome profiling of any biological system and condition.  相似文献   

Fast sampling and quenching procedures for microbial metabolic profiling   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A reliable quantification of intracellular concentrations of intermediates in microorganisms depends on a proper sampling procedure and the subsequent fast inactivation of metabolism via quenching. A single device integrating both operations was developed and simultaneously the quenching procedure on cells was assessed too, without finding negative effects on viability or metabolite leakage. Moreover, supported by an experimental design, the influences of process parameters in its dynamic operation were characterized and optimized. The novel in-situ rapid sampling and quenching apparatus can be employed on any laboratory glass fermenters accessible from the top of the bioreactor.  相似文献   

MOTIVATIONS: Classification of biological samples for diagnostic purposes is a difficult task because of the many decisions involved on the number, type and functional manipulations of the input variables. This study presents a generally applicable strategy for systematic formulation of optimal diagnostic indexes. To this end, we develop a novel set of computational tools by integrating regression optimization, stepwise variable selection and cross-validation algorithms. RESULTS: The proposed discrimination methodology was applied to plasma and tissue (liver) metabolic profiling data describing the time progression of liver dysfunction in a rat model of acute hepatic failure generated by d-galactosamine (GalN) injection. From the plasma data, our methodology identified seven (out of a total of 23) metabolites, and the corresponding transform functions, as the best inputs to the optimal diagnostic index. This index showed better time resolution and increased noise robustness compared with an existing metabolic index, Fischer's BCAA/AAA molar ratio, as well as indexes generated using other commonly used discriminant analysis tools. Comparison of plasma and liver indexes found two consensus metabolites, lactate and glucose, which implicate glycolysis and/or gluconeogenesis in mediating the metabolic effects of GalN.  相似文献   



In plant metabolomics, metabolite contents are often normalized by sample weight. However, accurate weighing of very small samples, such as individual Arabidopsis thaliana seeds (approximately 20 µg), is difficult, which may lead to irreproducible results.


We aimed to establish alternative normalization methods for seed-grain-based comparative metabolomics of A. thaliana.


Arabidopsis thaliana seeds were assumed to have a prolate spheroid shape. Using a microscope image of each seed, the lengths of major and minor axes were measured by fitting a projected 2-dimensional shape of each seed as an ellipse. Metabolic profiles of individual diploid or tetraploid A. thaliana seeds were measured by our highly sensitive protocol (“widely targeted metabolomics”) that uses liquid chromatography coupled with tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry. Mass spectrometric analysis of 1 µL of solution extract identified more than 100 metabolites. The data were normalized by various seed-size measures, including seed volume (single-grain-based analysis). For comparison, metabolites were extracted from 4 mg of diploid and tetraploid A. thaliana seeds and their metabolic profiles were analyzed by normalization of weight (weight-based analysis).


A small number of metabolites showed statistically significant differences in the single-grain-based analysis compared to weight-based analysis. A total of 17 metabolites showed statistically different accumulation between ploidy types with similar fold changes in both analyses.


Seed-size measures obtained by microscopic imaging were useful for data normalization. Single-grain-based analysis enables evaluation of metabolism of each seed and elucidates the metabolic profiles of precious bioresources by using small amounts of samples.



Currently, there exists tens of different microbial and eukaryotic metabolic reconstructions (e.g., Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Bacillus subtilis) with many more under development. All of these reconstructions are inherently incomplete with some functionalities missing due to the lack of experimental and/or homology information. A key challenge in the automated generation of genome-scale reconstructions is the elucidation of these gaps and the subsequent generation of hypotheses to bridge them.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for around 3% of cancers in the UK, and both incidence and mortality are increasing with the aging population. RCC can be divided into several subtypes: conventional RCC (the most common, comprising 75% of all cases), papillary RCC (15%) and chromophobe RCC (5%). Renal oncocytoma is a benign tumor and accounts for 5% of RCC. Cancer and epigenetics are closely associated, with DNA hypermethylation being widely accepted as a feature of many cancers. In this study the DNA methylation profiles of chromophobe RCC and renal oncocytomas were investigated by utilizing the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChips. Cancer-specific hypermethylation was identified in 9.4% and 5.2% of loci in chromophobe RCC and renal oncocytoma samples, respectively, while the majority of the genome was hypomethylated. Thirty (hypermethylated) and 41 (hypomethylated) genes were identified as differentially methylated between chromophobe RCC and renal oncocytomas (p < 0.05). Pathway analysis identified some of the differentially hypermethylated genes to be involved in Wnt (EN2), MAPK (CACNG7) and TGFβ (AMH) signaling, Hippo pathway (NPHP4), and cell death and apoptosis (SPG20, NKX6-2, PAX3 and BAG2). In addition, we analyzed ccRCC and papillary RCC data available from The Cancer Genome Atlas portal to identify differentially methylated loci in chromophobe RCC and renal oncocytoma in relation to the other histological subtypes, providing insight into the pathology of RCC subtypes and classification of renal tumors.  相似文献   



Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine tumor with a steady increase in incidence. It is classified into multiple histopathological subtypes with potentially distinct molecular mechanisms. Identifying the most relevant genes and biological pathways reported in the thyroid cancer literature is vital for understanding of the disease and developing targeted therapeutics.


We developed a large-scale text mining system to generate a molecular profiling of thyroid cancer subtypes. The system first uses a subtype classification method for the thyroid cancer literature, which employs a scoring scheme to assign different subtypes to articles. We evaluated the classification method on a gold standard derived from the PubMed Supplementary Concept annotations, achieving a micro-average F1-score of 85.9% for primary subtypes. We then used the subtype classification results to extract genes and pathways associated with different thyroid cancer subtypes and successfully unveiled important genes and pathways, including some instances that are missing from current manually annotated databases or most recent review articles.


Identification of key genes and pathways plays a central role in understanding the molecular biology of thyroid cancer. An integration of subtype context can allow prioritized screening for diagnostic biomarkers and novel molecular targeted therapeutics. Source code used for this study is made freely available online at https://github.com/chengkun-wu/GenesThyCan.

This paper introduces the genome annotating proteomic pipeline (GAPP), a totally automated publicly available software pipeline for the identification of peptides and proteins from human proteomic tandem mass spectrometry data. The pipeline takes as its input a series of MS/MS peak lists from a given experimental sample and produces a series of database entries corresponding to the peptides observed within the sample, along with related confidence scores. The pipeline is capable of finding any peptides expected, including those that cross intron-exon boundaries, and those due to single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), alternate splicing, and post-translational modifications (PTMs). GAPP can therefore be used to re-annotate genomes, and this is supported through the inclusion of a Distributed Annotation System (DAS) server, which allows the peptides identified by the pipeline to be displayed in their genomic context within the Ensembl genome browser. GAPP is freely available via the web, at www. gapp.info.  相似文献   

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