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Many animals possess multiple ornaments or behaviours that seem to have evolved via sexual selection. A complete understanding of sexual selection requires an explanation for such multiple traits. The dabbling ducks (Tribe: Anatini) exhibit considerable variation among species in the number of displays in the male courtship repertoire. I tested five hypotheses concerning the evolution of the variation in display repertoire size of dabbling ducks: (1) species recognition, (2) courtship habitat, (3) sexual selection intensity, (4) display media tradeoff and (5) time constraints on pair formation. I tested these hypotheses, using an explicit phylogenetic hypothesis developed from DNA sequences for the dabbling ducks, with two types of statistical comparative methods (discrete and continuous character). The variation observed in male courtship display repertoire size in dabbling ducks was consistent with the courtship habitat and sexual selection intensity hypotheses. Specifically, the size of the display repertoire was larger in species that exhibit courtship exclusively on water and larger in species with dimorphic plumage. These results suggest that ecological (habitat) as well as social (sexual selection) factors may be important in driving the evolution of displays in the dabbling ducks.  相似文献   

Benoy  Glenn A.  Nudds  Thomas D.  Dunlop  Erin 《Hydrobiologia》2002,481(1-3):47-59
During the breeding season, migratory waterfowl are attracted to wetlands characterized by high macroinvertebrate availability. Many of these prairie potholes are fishless and this apparent void is filled, at least partially, by tiger salamanders. Based on gut contents from 98 tiger salamanders and published diet data from over 1500 ducks, we show that there is general overlap in diet between both larval and adult tiger salamanders and 10 duck species. Furthermore, when the ducks were split into foraging guilds and compared with tiger salamanders, prey type overlap was 1.7 times higher and prey size was 1.8 times higher with dabbling ducks than diving ducks. Field surveys show that tiger salamander density is more highly correlated with diving duck density across potholes than dabbling duck density. Tiger salamanders have higher diet overlap with dabbling ducks than diving ducks whereas tiger salamanders have higher spatial overlap with diving ducks than dabbling ducks suggesting that these consumers coarsely partition diet and habitat resources. It has been reported that tiger salamanders have specialized diets that are associated with foraging preferences for benthic habitats. This view is too narrow: in southwestern Manitoba, Canada, tiger salamanders are more general consumers with diets more like dabbling ducks that forage mostly in planktonic and littoral habitats. Our results suggest that dabbling and diving ducks are, to different extents, liable to the effects of indirect interactions, specifically competition for common prey, with tiger salamanders.  相似文献   

Natural and anthropogenic Iberian wetlands in southern Europe are well known for supporting large numbers of migratory Palaearctic waterbirds each winter. However, information on the geographical origin of dabbling ducks overwintering in these wetlands is scarce and mostly limited to data from ringing recoveries. Here, we used intrinsic isotopic markers to determine the geographical origin of male and female Northern Pintails Anas acuta and Eurasian Teal Anas crecca in Extremadura, inland Iberia, a key site for overwintering dabbling ducks. Additionally, we fitted six Northern Pintails with GPS‐GSM tags to complement the data derived from stable isotope analysis. Most (> 70%) first calendar‐year Northern Pintails were assigned to regions above 55°N, flying 2600–5600 km from their main natal regions to Extremadura. Mean values of δ2Hf varied significantly between male and female Northern Pintails, suggesting that the sexes had different geographical origins. Data from tagged adult Northern Pintails supported the isotopic data, one male flying more than 5000 km to the coast of the Pechora Sea (Russia). Most (> 70%) first calendar‐year Eurasian Teal were assigned to the region between 48° and 60°N, travelling 1500–4500 km to arrive in Extremadura. Male and female Eurasian Teal showed marginal differences in mean values of δ2Hf. In migratory dabbling ducks, pairing typically occurs on the wintering grounds, and ducks in their first winter can breed the following spring. For Northern Pintails, pair formation in Extremadura could occur between individuals with different geographical origins, which could contribute to the genetic variability of their offspring.  相似文献   

Bright coloration in male birds is typically thought to be drivenby sexual selection (female choice or male-male competition).Bird species often vary in the intensity of bright coloration,but few studies have addressed this cross-species variation.Potentially this variation could result from either variationin female preferences or in the relative costs of male traits. Speciesof dabbling ducks vary in the presence of bright male plumageand bill coloration. I tested the transference hypothesis forornament evolution in dabbling ducks using a phylogenetic studyof character evolution. The transference hypothesis makes threepredictions: (1) a costly male ornamental trait is the ancestralcondition, (2) a less costly male ornamental trait is the derivedcondition, and (3) gains in the less costly trait are associatedwith losses or absence of the more costly male trait. All threeof these predictions were satisfied in this study of the evolutionof plumage dimorphism and bright bill coloration in the dabblingducks, given that bright plumage coloration is more costly thanbright bill coloration.  相似文献   

Abstract: Staging areas and migratory stopovers of wetland birds have the potential to function as geographic bottlenecks; entire populations within a flyway may be affected by the quality and quantity of available wetland habitat at stopover sites. Although approximately 90% of playa wetlands in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) region of south-central Nebraska, USA, have been destroyed, the area still provides essential stopover habitat for >10 million waterfowl each spring. We evaluated community patterns and species associations to assess importance of assembly rules in structuring wetland bird communities during migration and to better facilitate multispecies conservation and management strategies. We surveyed 36–40 playas twice weekly in the RWB and observed approximately 2.6 million individual migratory wetland birds representing 72 species during 3 spring migrations 2002–2004. We evaluated spatial and temporal species co-occurrence patterns of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and shorebirds using null model analysis. Goose species co-occurrence scores did not differ from random in any year of the study, suggesting that goose species frequently use the same habitats during migration. Co-occurrence patterns among dabbling ducks were not different than expected by chance in any year; however, when we evaluated co-occurrence at a weekly scale, dabbling ducks co-occurred less often than expected during weeks of peak migration (high abundance), indicating that dabbling duck species spatially segregated at high densities. Diving duck co-occurrence patterns did not differ from random in any year, suggesting that diving duck species used the same habitats during migration. Shorebird species co-occurred less often than expected in 2002 and 2004, and during weeks of high shorebird abundance, indicating that shorebird communities were distinctly structured during those times. Most association values among lesser snow geese (Chen caerulescens) and dabbling duck species were positive, indicating dabbling ducks did not avoid wetlands with snow geese, a concern for waterfowl managers. However, we frequently observed snow geese and dabbling ducks using different microhabitats within a wetland, which indicate species associations and co-occurrence patterns may have occurred at a finer spatial scale than we measured. This approach of co-occurrence analysis will allow wildlife managers charged with multispecies management at migration stopover sites to make informed conservation and management decisions based on community structure rather than historic single-species approaches.  相似文献   

Although postcopulatory displays are widespread in animals, little is known about their function or the intended receiver. The postcopulatory displays of dabbling ducks are among the best described for any animal group. We documented the presence of initial and additional postcopulatory displays in nearly all dabbling duck species. We then reconstructed the evolution of postcopulatory displays in dabbling ducks using a phylogeny derived from mitochondrial DNA sequences. The display immediately following copulation (the initial display) is highly stereotyped in most species and shows extreme phylogenetic conservation. In contrast, the performance of additional displays is less stereotyped and less phylogenetically conservative. We review the possible functions of postcopulatory displays. Using evidence from display orientation, display form and phylogenetic reconstruction, we suggest that the most likely functions of postcopulatory displays in dabbling ducks are pair bond maintenance, individual identification, or signalling a successful copulation. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Dominance hierarchies play an important role in avoidance and/or solving conflicts in gregarious species. In dabbling ducks (Anas species), dominance allows for feeding‐site monopolization in winter quarters where resources are generally limited. In addition, male social rank should theoretically favour access to mates. Dominance rank can be associated with morphological traits, and is often correlated with aggressiveness, a behavioural trait generally related to high testosterone levels. In this study, we investigated the existence of a winter group structure based on dominance relationships and tested for a linear hierarchy, in three species of captive male dabbling ducks (mallard Anas platyrhynchos, pintail A. acuta and wigeon A. penelope). We then analysed the relationship between dominance ranks, morphological parameters and testosterone levels measured in early (Oct.) and mid‐winter (Dec./Jan.). We found that the three male groups of the three species exhibited a linear hierarchy. Testosterone levels differed during winter and between species. Morphologic measurements, body mass and body condition were not correlated with individual dominance ranks, whereas dominant males had higher testosterone levels than subordinates. The slopes of the relationships were similar between species and winter period, but the y‐intercepts differed between species and between early and mid‐winter phases. The linear hierarchy found in the three species indicates that dominance relationships strongly structure dabbling duck groups in winter. Lack of correlation between rank and morphological characters, but correlation of rank with testosterone levels suggests that social rank is more dependent on behavioural traits such as aggressive behaviour. The differences between species and winter periods are discussed in relation to migration and wintering phenology.  相似文献   

We studied the possible role of resource limitation and interspecific competition in assemblages of dabbling ducks on breeding lakes in Finland and Sweden with observational and experimental data. After initial vegetation mapping and yearly censuses of ducks in 1985–1990, we collected observational data in 1991–1994 from 28 lakes with natural populations of mallard Anas platyrhynchos and teal A. crecca. Mallard and teal co-occur over vast areas in the Holarctic and they are the only breeding dabbling ducks on many oligotrophic lakes. Both species are migratory in our study regions, teal arriving later in spring than mallards. Log-linear model analysis of observational presence/absence data revealed a positive, not a negative, association between the species. This association was independent of habitat diversity as well as of lake size. Mallard-teal interaction was also studied in a cross-over introduction experiment in 32 other lakes in two years. Wing-clipped mallards were introduced to breeding lakes before the arrival of teal to induce resource limitation and interspecific competition, hypothesized to reduce lake use by teal. The density of mallard pairs on experimental lakes was 2.9–8.0 times higher than on controls, but there was no negative response by teal to the treatment. This is the first combined observational-experimental demonstration of lack of interspecific competition in waterfowl. Our results indicate that heterospecific attraction may affect species co-existence in dabbling ducks. Received: 28 October 1996 / Accepted: 13 January 1997  相似文献   

Parents may use several cues to assess offspring value; however, most studies of parental care have examined only one or a few cues, and often in just a single species. This approach has produced conflicting results, with limited generality, and it remains unclear which cues animals use to adjust parental care. We examined nest desertion in response to natural clutch reductions by predators to determine which of several cues female dabbling ducks use to assess offspring value. Of 3562 duck nests monitored between 1996 and 2001, 30.5% of clutches were partially depredated, of which females deserted 37.7%. Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos (N=754) and gadwall, A. strepera (N=221) females were more likely to stay with proportionately larger remaining clutch sizes, older clutches and nests with eggs missing rather than with eggshell evidence of depredation. The proportion of the clutch remaining had the greatest influence on the likelihood that a nest would be deserted, indicating that females assess clutch value primarily using the remaining clutch size relative to the initial clutch size. On average, females deserted nests when 37-45% of the clutch remained (3-4 eggs) and continued to provide care when 73-75% of the clutch remained (6-7 eggs). Nest initiation date was not an important cue influencing desertion. Northern pintail, A. acuta (N=33) females behaved similarly, although we could not determine which of several cues relating to clutch size they used because multiple models fit the data well. Our results indicate that several factors influence clutch value and that ducks are able to use multiple cues to finely adjust their level of parental care following partial clutch depredation.Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Staging areas and migratory stopovers of wetland birds can function as geographic bottlenecks; common dependence among migratory wetland bird species on these sites has major implications for wetland conservation. Although 90% of playa wetlands in the Rainwater Basin (RWB) region of Nebraska, USA, have been destroyed, the area still provides essential stopover habitat for up to 10 million waterfowl each spring. Our objectives were to determine local (within wetland and immediate watershed) and landscape-scale factors influencing wetland bird abundance and species richness during spring migration at RWB playas. We surveyed 36–40 playas twice weekly in the RWB and observed approximately 1.6 million individual migratory wetland birds representing 72 species during spring migrations 2002–2004. We tested a priori hypotheses about whether local and landscape variables influenced overall species richness and abundance of geese, dabbling ducks, diving ducks, and shorebirds. Wetland area had a positive influence on goose abundance in all years, whereas percent emergent vegetation and hunting pressure had negative influences. Models predicting dabbling duck abundance differed among years; however, individual wetland area and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km of the study wetland consistently had a positive influence on dabbling duck abundance. Percent emergent vegetation also was a positive predictor of dabbling duck abundance in all years, indicating that wetlands with intermediate (50%) vegetation coverage have the greatest dabbling duck abundance. Shorebird abundance was positively influenced by wetland area and number of wetlands within 10 km and negatively influenced by water depth. Wetland area, water depth, and area of wetlands within 10 km were all equally important in models predicting overall species richness. Total species richness was positively influenced by wetland area and negatively influenced by water depth and area of semipermanent wetlands within 10 km. Avian species richness also was greatest in wetlands with intermediate vegetation coverage. Restoring playa hydrology should promote intermediate percent cover of emergent vegetation, which will increase use by dabbling ducks and shorebirds, and decrease snow goose (Chen caerulescens) use of these wetlands. We observed a reduction in dabbling duck abundance on wetlands open to spring snow goose hunting and recommend further investigation of the effects of this conservation order on nontarget species. Our results indicate that wildlife managers at migration stopover areas should conserve wetlands in complexes to meet the continuing and future habitat requirements of migratory birds, especially dabbling ducks, during spring migration.  相似文献   

Scientists, conservation planners, and resource managers who estimate energetic carrying capacity of foraging habitats for wintering waterfowl require accurate data on food availability and use. We estimated seed and tuber abundance in moist-soil wetlands commonly used and foraged in by dabbling ducks (Anas spp.) in and near the Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV). To identify foods potentially used by dabbling ducks, we surveyed food-use literature from studies conducted in or near the MAV and compared estimated seed decline rates from core samples to predicted decline rates using published and measured estimates of decomposition. We inferred seed use when observed declines in mass exceeded that predicted by decomposition. In our analyses, we identified 15 taxa of moist-soil seeds apparently used and 6 taxa apparently not used by dabbling ducks. From our analyses and literature review, we identified 25 taxa of moist-soil seeds and tubers commonly consumed and apparently used by dabbling ducks in or near the MAV. Removal of seeds apparently not used by dabbling ducks resulted in a 30.9% (SE = 1.3) reduction in estimates of seed and tuber mass in managed moist-soil wetlands in the MAV. When we retained 3 seed taxa reported by previous studies as consumed by dabbling ducks, but which did not decline faster than predicted in our experimental wetlands, seed and tuber estimates were reduced by 26.8% (SE = 1.3). Inclusion of seeds not consumed by dabbling ducks in models of carrying capacity would result in overestimation of existence energy days by the Lower Mississippi Valley Joint Venture and underestimation of moist-soil habitat requirements in the MAV. We suggest scientists conduct food-use and selection studies by collecting actively foraging ducks in the MAV to confirm our results and increase accuracy of carrying capacity estimates for dabbling ducks in autumn and winter. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Density dependence, population regulation, and variability in population size are fundamental population processes, the manifestation and interrelationships of which are affected by environmental variability. However, there are surprisingly few empirical studies that distinguish the effect of environmental variability from the effects of population processes. We took advantage of a unique system, in which populations of the same duck species or close ecological counterparts live in highly variable (north American prairies) and in stable (north European lakes) environments, to distinguish the relative contributions of environmental variability (measured as between‐year fluctuations in wetland numbers) and intraspecific interactions (density dependence) in driving population dynamics. We tested whether populations living in stable environments (in northern Europe) were more strongly governed by density dependence than populations living in variable environments (in North America). We also addressed whether relative population dynamical responses to environmental variability versus density corresponded to differences in life history strategies between dabbling (relatively “fast species” and governed by environmental variability) and diving (relatively “slow species” and governed by density) ducks. As expected, the variance component of population fluctuations caused by changes in breeding environments was greater in North America than in Europe. Contrary to expectations, however, populations in more stable environments were not less variable nor clearly more strongly density dependent than populations in highly variable environments. Also, contrary to expectations, populations of diving ducks were neither more stable nor stronger density dependent than populations of dabbling ducks, and the effect of environmental variability on population dynamics was greater in diving than in dabbling ducks. In general, irrespective of continent and species life history, environmental variability contributed more to variation in species abundances than did density. Our findings underscore the need for more studies on populations of the same species in different environments to verify the generality of current explanations about population dynamics and its association with species life history.  相似文献   

Mytilus galloprovincialis is one of three smooth shelled blue mussel species belonging to the Mytilus edulis species complex. Naturally occurring and introduced populations of M. galloprovincialis are widely distributed throughout many regions of the globe. Mytilus galloprovincialis includes morphologically indistinguishable Northern and Southern hemisphere mtDNA lineages that have been separated for ~1 my. To distinguish recently introduced Northern M. galloprovincialis from resident Southern M. galloprovincialis in New Zealand, we developed a 16s rRNA RFLP assay. We compared RFLP assignments of 178 mussels with those generated from a 16s rRNA sequence-estimated phylogeny. All mussels were correctly assigned by the RFLP to their sequence-based phylogenetic placement. This assay allows the rapid identification of Northern and Southern hemisphere M. galloprovincialis and will provide an important tool for monitoring human mediated introductions of otherwise cryptic lineages.  相似文献   

Abstract: Researchers have successfully designed aerial surveys that provided precise estimates of wintering populations of ducks over large physiographic regions, yet few conservation agencies have adopted these probability-based sampling designs for their surveys. We designed and evaluated an aerial survey to estimate abundance of wintering mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), dabbling ducks (tribe Anatini) other than mallards, diving ducks (tribes Aythini, Mergini, and Oxyurini), and total ducks in western Mississippi, USA. We used design-based sampling of fixed width transects to estimate population indices (Ǐ), and we used model-based methods to correct population indices for visibility bias and estimate population abundance (Ň) for 14 surveys during winters 2002–2004. Correcting for bias increased estimates of mallards, other dabbling ducks, and diving ducks by an average of 40–48% among all surveys and contributed 48–61% of the estimated variance of Ň. However, mean-squared errors were consistently less for Ň than Ǐ. Estimates of Ň met our goals for precision (CV ≤ 15%) in 7 of 14 surveys for mallards, 5 surveys for other dabbling ducks, no surveys for diving ducks, and 10 surveys for total ducks. Generally, we estimated more mallards and other dabbling ducks in mid- and late winter (Jan-Feb) than early winter (Nov-Dec) and determined that population indices from the late 1980s were nearly 3 times greater than those from our study. We developed a method to display relative densities of ducks spatially as an additional application of survey data. Our study advanced methods of estimating abundance of wintering waterfowl, and we recommend this design for continued monitoring of wintering ducks in western Mississippi and similar physiographic regions.  相似文献   

Abstract Aim An analysis is presented to examine whether variation in breeding waterfowl estimates can be explained by weather patterns prior to annual surveys. Location The location of the study is north‐western Ontario, Canada. Methods Annual, systematic survey data for breeding waterfowl are available from the 1950s to the present for north‐western Ontario. Regional monthly climate data for this area were compiled using weather data derived from interpolated annual climate surfaces. These data were analysed using stepwise multiple linear regression for each species and for waterfowl functional groups to assess whether monthly climate data accounted for some of the variation in waterfowl numbers. Results For all dabbling ducks pooled, 12% of the variation in annual abundance was explained by April temperatures, with more dabbling ducks observed in years when April was relatively cool. For diving ducks, 23% of the variation in pooled abundance was explained by April temperatures and February precipitation, where more diving ducks were observed in years when February had relatively less precipitation and April was cool. Patterns for individual species varied. Main conclusions Mean monthly weather data for months prior to surveys explained some of the variation in numbers of waterfowl observed in annual surveys. This suggests that future incorporation of weather data into waterfowl population models may help refine population estimates.  相似文献   

Pairing of northern hemisphere dabbling ducks normally occurs in wintering sites. Mate choice occurs when some individuals congregate in courtship parties, in which females mainly choose mates according to male behavioural dominance. The sex ratio of some species is more male-biased at northern than at southern wintering sites, and the age ratio is adult-biased in northern areas. A possible mechanism responsible for this spatial segregation of sex and age classes is behavioural dominance, with males usually dominating females and adults dominating yearlings. Due to this latitudinal segregation of sexes during winter, presumably more males would remain unpaired in northern sites utilized by the more dominant birds than in southern sites utilized by the less-dominant birds, and this is paradoxical. I argue that some females having wintered and paired in southern sites may switch mates at stopover sites during northward migration. This hypothesis provides an explanation as to why, in spite of females being paired when initiating northward migration, some species show an increase in courtship activity during spring at stopover sites, as in common teals (Anas crecca) in southern Spain. In contrast, populations that do not migrate, e.g. mallards (A. platyrhynchos) in southern Spain, do not exhibit an increase in courtship activity during spring.  相似文献   

Positive interactions are important in influencing communities. Facilitation is one such influence in which a species makes the environment more suitable for others species. Ecological engineers are powerful facilitators as they physically modify habitats in a way that alters resource availability. We studied the effect of beaver flooding on breeding success of a dabbling duck, the teal. Our long-term (1988-2001) study was conducted in a boreal area where dabbling ducks face resource limitation. We focused on two aspects of facilitation: resource enhancement and habitat amelioration. We found that pond use by teal broods systematically increased upon beaver flooding. Beaver ponds harboured more resource, i.e. aquatic invertebrates than undisturbed waters, and invertebrate abundance was reflected as enhanced teal brood density. Beaver inundated shores were shallower than those of other waters, making their habitat structure more favourable to ducklings. Consequently, teal brood mortality was lower in beaver ponds than in waters unaffected by beaver. In boreal areas beaver facilitate teal breeding by enhancing both resource abundance and habitat structure.  相似文献   

Increasing concerns exist about possible decreased wintering duck abundance and hunting opportunities in the southern regions of the Atlantic and Mississippi flyways of North America. Researchers suggest these decreased abundances of ducks may be related to winter warming and related climatic phenomena. Accordingly, we tested predictions that duck abundance was increasing more at northern than southern latitudes, and that trends were related to average winter temperatures (Dec–Jan). We tested predictions using National Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count (CBC) data collected during December 1969 through January 2019 from 31 states in the United States and 6 Canadian provinces that comprise the Atlantic and Mississippi flyways for 16 species of dabbling and diving ducks (Anatinae). We found support for the prediction that CBC trends in duck abundance vary with latitude, and mean winter temperature explained nearly half the variation in CBC trends for 12 of 16 species. For some species, trends were negative in warmer regions and positive in colder regions. For others, trends were stable or slightly positive in warmer regions but more positive in colder regions. These results provide empirical evidence supporting climate-influenced winter range changes by important game duck species and suggest challenges and opportunities for waterfowl population, habitat, and hunting management in North America and the northern hemisphere. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Because management practices that promote the production of plant foods may differ from management practices that promote the production of aquatic invertebrates, a thorough understanding of the diet is needed to develop management strategies for various stages of the annual cycle for dabbling and diving ducks. Diet of dabbling (tribe Anatini) and diving (tribe Aythyini) ducks during breeding, autumn migration, and winter has been documented. Our goal was to estimate and compare the diet of blue-winged teal (Spatula discors), gadwall (Mareca strepera), mallard (Anas platyrhyncos), lesser scaup (Aythya affinis), and ring-necked duck (Aythya collaris) during spring migration in the Mississippi Flyway in the United States and evaluate variation among species. We collected 919 ducks for diet analysis from multiple wetlands at 6 sites across 4 states during the spring migration of 2006 and 2007. We collected ≥10 individuals of each species at each of the 6 study sites except we collected only 1 gadwall at the Scioto River site and 2 lesser scaup at the Cache River site. We detected that the proportion of plant and animal material in foods of each spring migrating duck species was in general intermediate of that found in wintering and breeding birds. Furthermore, the proportion of plant and animal material in the diet of species varied even among closely related species, indicating species are partitioning food sources along a protein-carbohydrate gradient during spring migration. We recommend that resources for ducks be managed to provide diverse wetlands to support the varied diets of even closely related species. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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