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The avian hippocampal formation is known to participate in naturally occurring spatial behavior such as homing in pigeons and cache recovery in food storing passerines, but its participation in the often spectacular migrations of birds remains uncertain. As a first investigation into the possible role of hippocampal formation in migration, the effect of hippocampal formation lesions on the geomagnetic migratory orientation of Savannah sparrows was examined. When tested indoors, hippocampal formation-lesioned sparrows were able to orient in an appropriate migratory direction indicating no necessary role for hippocampal formation in geomagnetic migratory orientation. However, hippocampal formation-lesioned birds displayed significantly less migratory (nocturnal) activity, a result that inspires further study. Accepted: 25 August 1999  相似文献   

The Earth's magnetic field and celestial cues provide animals with compass information during migration. Inherited magnetic compass courses are selected based on the angle of inclination, making it difficult to orient in the near vertical fields found at high geomagnetic latitudes. Orientation cage experiments were performed at different sites in high Arctic Canada with adult and young white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) in order to investigate birds' ability to use the Earth's magnetic field and celestial cues for orientation in naturally very steep magnetic fields at and close to the magnetic North Pole. Experiments were performed during the natural period of migration at night in the local geomagnetic field under natural clear skies and under simulated total overcast conditions. The experimental birds failed to select a meaningful magnetic compass course under overcast conditions at the magnetic North Pole, but could do so in geomagnetic fields deviating less than 3 degrees from the vertical. Migratory orientation was successful at all sites when celestial cues were available.  相似文献   

Results clearly implicate the setting sun as a critical source of directional information in the migratory orientation of the savannah sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis. Savannah sparrows allowed a view of both sunset and stars displayed oriented behaviour in biologically meaningful directions during spring and fall seasons. When the same individuals were denied a view of sunset, and tested under the stars alone, disorientation characterized their behaviour. Furthermore, birds allowed a view of sunset, but tested under ‘overcast’ night skies (no stars visible), displayed well-oriented behaviour indicating the sufficiency of sunset. Experiments in which the migrant's internal chronometer was shifted suggested a fixed-angle (menotactic) response to the sunset cue rather than a time-compensating compass mechanism. I believe stars are valuable to this migrant as celestial reference points. Orientational information gained at the time of sunset is transferred to stars on a nightly basis. The relationship between solar and stellar cues is apparently hierarchical in the savannah sparrow. Information necessary to select the appropriate migratory direction is gained from the primary cue, the setting sun, while maintenance of that heading is dependent on a secondary cue, probably the stars.  相似文献   

The class I and class II genes of the major histocompatibility complex (Mhc) encode dimeric glycoproteins responsible for eliciting the adaptive immune response of vertebrates. Recent work with birds suggests that the number, size, and arrangement of these genes can differ markedly across species, although the extent of this variation, and its causes and consequences, are poorly understood. We have used a 157-base-pair (bp) portion of the second exon of a class II B gene to probe the Mhc in a free-living population of Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Segregation analysis of Mhc bands suggests that class II B genes can be found in two independently assorting clusters, as previously described for domestic chickens (Gallus gallus) and ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) but unlike gene organization in mammals. The Mhc in Savannah sparrows appears large (with many class II B genes) and variable; we found 42 unique genotypes among 48 adults breeding on Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada in 1995. Savannah sparrows are long-distance migrants, and these results support recent predictions that migratory birds should show higher levels of Mhc polymorphism and/or a greater number of genes than sedentary species. Savannah sparrows are also socially polygynous with high levels of extra-pair paternity, suggesting that a history of sexual selection might also influence the size and/or structure of the avian Mhc.  相似文献   

Fitness consequences of male parental care in Savannah sparrows   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The fitness consequences of male parental care are central tolife-history models of reproductive effort and the evolutionof social and genetic mating system However in a 4-year study(1992–1995) of Savannah sparrows (Parsserculs sandwichensis)nesting on Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada, male parentalcare during the nestling stage was only weakly related to offspringquality and survivorship. Females compensated for poor paternalperformance by elevating their feeding rates, and they thusameliorated selection on male parental care. The likelihoodand size of subsequent broods was also unrelated to male feedingeffort, suggesting the absence of some indirect (or ‘female-mediated’)benefits. These results were confirmed by an experiment in whichmale removal resulted in increased female feeding rates buthad little effect on the number or quality of young. In contrast,previous research with multilocus DNA fingerpnnting revealeda strong, positive relationship between a male's parental effortand his subsequent fertilization success. Together, this researchsuggests that the proximate and ultimate targets of male feedingeffort can be disiinct traditional assumptions regarding thefunction of male parental care in birds may therefore be incomplete.  相似文献   

  1. Young migratory birds enter the world with two representations of the migratory direction, one coded with respect to the magnetic field, the other with respect to celestial rotation. The preferred magnetic direction of migratory orientation is malleable early in life: it may be calibrated by celestial rotation, observed either in daytime or at night.
  2. Previous experiments showed that early experience with skylight polarization was necessary for calilbration to occur in daytime. In this study, we performed a direct manipulation of patterns of polarized skylight at dawn and dusk.
  3. Hand-raised Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) were allowed to observe the clear sky for 1 h prior to local sunrise and for one h following local sunset. They never saw the Sun nor stars. The birds observed the sky through bands of polarizing material (HNP'B) aligned with the e-vector axis in one of three orientations with respect of the azimuth of sunrise and sunset: group 1) 90°; group 2) 45° CW; group 3) 45° CCW.
  4. Tested indoors in covered cages in both shifted and unshifted magnetic fields, the autumn migratory orientation of the three groups differed significantly. Group 1 oriented magnetic N-S, group 2 oriented magnetic NW-SE, and group 3 oriented magnetic NNE-SSW. These observed orientation directions are very close to those predicted by the manipulations of polarized skylight.
  5. These results indicated that a fairly simplified, static polarized light pattern viewed a limited number of times only in dawn and dusk snapshots is sufficient to produce calibration of the preferred magnetic migratory orientation direction.

《Animal behaviour》1997,53(2):397-404
Extra-pair paternity can influence mating systems by affecting the fitness costs associated with polygyny. Polygyny is disadvantageous to males when the time and energetic demands of multiple pairings decrease either a male's success at gaining extra-pair fertilizations or his ability to ensure paternity among harem members. In Savannah sparrows,Passerculus sandwichensison Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada, multilocus DNA fingerprinting of 136 adults and young revealed substantial female infidelity: overall, 31 of 92 young (33.7%) in 15 of 24 nests (62.5%) were the product of extra-pair fertilizations. Male mating status was a strong predictor of paternity. Each of seven monogamous females produced at least one extra-pair offspring, but only six of 11 primary females (54.5%) and two of six secondary females (33.3%) were unfaithful. As a result, nearly 80% of the young in nests of polygynous males resulted from within-pair fertilizations, compared with only 40% of the young in nests of monogamous males. Kent Island Savannah sparrows are simultaneously polygynous, and the absence of paternity costs associated with polygyny is surprising. The observed pattern of paternity suggests the operation of female choice, although male control of parentage cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Migrant white-throated sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) were released from boxes carried aloft by balloon and tracked with radar. All birds were released on clear nights when winds were light and opposed to the normal migration direction for the season. Birds were treated in one of two ways: Lens birds were fitted with frosted lenses prior to release; No Lens birds were released without lenses. No Lens birds that engaged in straight and level flight generally headed in the predicted migratory direction and as a group were not oriented with respect to wind direction. Lens birds did not head in the predicted migratory direction, but instead oriented downwind. This orientation behaviour is consistent with the relationship of orientation cues inferred from the field observations described in part I of this paper. The data show that flying birds deprived of all detailed form vision can determine wind direction.  相似文献   

We investigated postfledging parental care in a philopatric population of Savannah sparrows,Passerculus sandwichensis , breeding on Kent Island, New Brunswick, Canada in an effort to understand the factors influencing adult birds' decisions about parental investment in offspring. Brood division was not based on offspring sex: male and female parents were equally likely to care for sons or daughters. The total duration of parental care, from hatching to independence, was similar for sons and daughters (median=23 days), regardless of the sex of the care-giving parent. The duration of parental care also corresponded closely to the time required for juveniles to acquire basic foraging skills. Despite high levels of extrapair paternity, male Savannah sparrows invested as much in postfledging care and were as effective as females in caring for fledglings, based on recruitment of fledglings into the breeding population the following year. Male parents were more likely to care for smaller fledglings and for offspring from early broods (presumably to enable females to dedicate their efforts towards second clutches). Caring for fledglings was costly for parents: survivorship decreased as a function of the duration of postfledging parental care and the number of fledglings cared for. Parental survivorship, however, was not affected by the sex of the fledglings cared for. This study suggests that sex-biased provisioning may be unlikely except in species with strongly sexually dimorphic offspring, biased offspring sex ratios and sex-biased natal dispersal. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

According to Hamilton and Zuk's hypothesis of parasite-mediated sexual selection, host-parasite coevolution maintains variation in male genetic quality and allows for strong intersexual selection in species with high rates of infection. In birds, most interspecific tests of this hypothesis relate the prevalence of blood parasites to some measure of the intensity of sexual selection. Such tests often rely on limited sampling of single populations to estimate species-wide infection rates, and many tests are thus vulnerable to intraspecific (geographic) variation in the evolutionary ecology of disease. Here, we used molecular techniques to examine variation in the prevalence of Plasmodium spp. across 14 populations of Savannah sparrows, Passerculus sandwichensis, in eastern North America. Plasmodium could not be detected in any of 68 island birds, but 34 of 119 (29%) mainland males, and 7 of 43 (16%) mainland females were infected. Among mainland birds, infection was common in southern populations but rare in New Brunswick, Canada. Overall, the prevalence of Plasmodium ranged from 0 to 60% across populations, although only 17.8% of birds were infected in the pooled (species-wide) sample. The extent of this geographic variation suggests that limited sampling of single populations is unlikely to yield accurate estimates of species-wide infection rates. However, among mainland Savannah sparrows, the prevalence of malaria correlated strongly with average male size and the degree of sexual size dimorphism. We speculate that either sexual selection leads to male-biased infection or, conversely, that high rates of infection promote the evolution of strong intersexual selection.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to determine whether naturally occurring fluctuations in the earth's magnetic field influence homing pigeons' initial bearings, three series of test releases (1970, 1972, 1973) at a site 45.7 miles north of the loft were conducted under an experimental design that controlled for most extraneous variables. The mean bearings for each series showed a significant inverse correlation with the K index of magnetic activity, i.e. the bearings were more to the left when K was high. In a single series of releases at a site 43.6 miles west of the loft, the means again showed a significant inverse correlation with K. Since most of the magnetic fluctuations in all four series were less than 70 gamma, it is concluded that the sensitivity of pigeons to magnetic cues probably approaches that already demonstrated for honeybees. A brief discussion of Lamotte's (1974) paper concerning the effect of bar magnets on initial orientation is appended.  相似文献   

Extrapair paternity (EPP) can dramatically increase the opportunity for sexual selection if relatively few males are able to monopolize the majority of fertilizations in a population. Although recent work with birds suggests that EPP can increase the standardized variance in male reproductive success (Is) as much as 13-fold, only a male's within-pair success is typically quantified with any accuracy. In most cases, nearly half of all extrapair young are of unknown parentage. A strong, negative correlation across studies between the proportion of extrapair young for which parentage is known and the apparent effect of EPP on Is (r(s) = -0.71, P = 0.013, N = 13 studies) suggests that the incomplete sampling of extrapair sires has greatly exaggerated the influence of EPP. To achieve a more thorough accounting of EPP and its importance to variation in male fitness, we used a suite of four to six microsatellite loci to identify extrapair young and their sires in a polygynous population of Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Pooling over the 2002 and 2003 breeding seasons, 79 of 116 females (68.1%) produced young outside of the pairbond and 194 of 411 offspring (47.2%) were extrapair. We identified sires for 96.4% of all young (N = 396), including sires for 92.3% of the extrapair young (N = 179), allowing us to partition Is into within-pair and extrapair components. In both years, EPP-related fitness components generated more variation in male reproductive success than the number or quality of within-pair mates. Differences among males in the number of extrapair mates alone accounted for 56.6% of Is in 2002 and for 23.6% of Is in 2003. Nonetheless, in absolute terms, the occurrence of EPP on Kent Island increased the opportunity for sexual selection less than two-fold. Averaging over the two years, Is was only 78% higher than Is,app, the variance in male reproductive success that would have occurred had EPP been nonexistent and males sired all young on their territories. Likewise, across nine socially monogamous species, we found no correlation between the extent of EPP and its effect on the opportunity for sexual selection (Is/Is,app) and only a marginally significant positive correlation between EPP and Is itself. Taken together, our results suggest that the relationship between EPP and sexual selection in birds may be much less strong and much less straightforward than commonly thought.  相似文献   

The magnetic compass of migratory birds has been suggested to be light-dependent. Retinal cryptochrome-expressing neurons and a forebrain region, "Cluster N", show high neuronal activity when night-migratory songbirds perform magnetic compass orientation. By combining neuronal tracing with behavioral experiments leading to sensory-driven gene expression of the neuronal activity marker ZENK during magnetic compass orientation, we demonstrate a functional neuronal connection between the retinal neurons and Cluster N via the visual thalamus. Thus, the two areas of the central nervous system being most active during magnetic compass orientation are part of an ascending visual processing stream, the thalamofugal pathway. Furthermore, Cluster N seems to be a specialized part of the visual wulst. These findings strongly support the hypothesis that migratory birds use their visual system to perceive the reference compass direction of the geomagnetic field and that migratory birds "see" the reference compass direction provided by the geomagnetic field.  相似文献   

Fat reserves influence the orientation of migrating songbirds at ecological barriers, such as expansive water crossings. Upon encountering a body of water, fat migrants usually cross the barrier exhibiting 'forward' migration in a seasonally appropriate direction. In contrast, lean birds often exhibit temporary 'reverse' orientation away from the water, possibly to lead them to suitable habitats for refueling. Most examples of reverse orientation are restricted to autumn migration and, in North America, are largely limited to transcontinental migrants prior to crossing the Gulf of Mexico. Little is known about the orientation of lean birds after crossing an ecological barrier or on the way to their breeding grounds. We examined the effect of fat stores on migratory orientation of both long- and short-distance migrants before and after a water crossing near their breeding grounds; Catharus thrushes (Swainson's and gray-cheeked thrushes, C. ustulatus and C. minimus ) and white-throated sparrows Zonotrichia albicollis were tested for orientation at the south shore of Lake Ontario during spring and autumn. During both spring and autumn, fat birds oriented in a seasonally appropriate, forward direction. Lean thrushes showed a tendency for reverse orientation upon encountering water in the spring and axial, shoreline orientation after crossing water in the autumn. Lean sparrows were not consistently oriented in any direction during either season. The responses of lean birds may be attributable to their stopover ecology and seasonally-dependent habitat quality.  相似文献   

Innate differences in the singing behaviour of male swamp (Melospiza georgiana) and song (M. melodia) sparrows were identified by rearing males from the egg in the laboratory under identical conditions, in complete isolation from adult conspecific song. Isolation-reared males of both species displayed several abnormal song features, including reduced numbers of notes per song, longer durations of notes and inter-note intervals, and fewer notes per syllable. Despite these and other abnormalities, many species differences emerged that matched differences in the natural singing behaviour of the two species. These included differences in song repertoire size, song duration and degrees of segmentation, numbers of notes per song, durations of notes and inter-note intervals, and several measures reflecting the organization of songs into note complexes, syllables and trills. Although learning can influence all levels of organization of the motor patterns of song in swamp and song sparrows, its contribution to the achievement of normal song behaviour appears to be most crucial at the level of the fine structure of the notes and syllables from which the songs are constructed.  相似文献   

Advanced spatial-learning adaptations have been shown for migratory songbirds, but it is not well known how the simple genetic program encoding migratory distance and direction in young birds translates to a navigation mechanism used by adults. A number of convenient cues are available to define latitude on the basis of geomagnetic and celestial information, but very few are useful to defining longitude. To investigate the effects of displacements across longitudes on orientation, we recorded orientation of adult and juvenile migratory white-crowned sparrows, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, after passive longitudinal displacements, by ship, of 266-2862 km across high-arctic North America. After eastward displacement to the magnetic North Pole and then across the 0 degrees declination line, adults and juveniles abruptly shifted their orientation from the migratory direction to a direction that would lead back to the breeding area or to the normal migratory route, suggesting that the birds began compensating for the displacement by using geomagnetic cues alone or together with solar cues. In contrast to predictions by a simple genetic migration program, our experiments suggest that both adults and juveniles possess a navigation system based on a combination of celestial and geomagnetic information, possibly declination, to correct for eastward longitudinal displacements.  相似文献   

The occurrence of extrapair paternity (EPP) in birds is oftenattributed to the action of good-genes sexual selection wherebyfemales "trade up" on male genetic quality by allocating fertilizationsto males with better genes than those possessed by their socialmate. To date, most studies of EPP in birds focus on absolutemeasures of male quality as a criterion for female choice, althoughmultiple mating by females in other taxa is more commonly ascribedto benefits associated with the individual optimization of offspringgenotypes. Here, we examine whether the genetic similarity ofsocial mates predicts female mating patterns in a populationof Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis) where as manyas 70% of adults produce extrapair young (EPY). We considerthe influence of genetic similarity across all stages of a female'sdecision-making process, from pair formation through the decisionto produce EPY, to the allocation of fertilizations to specificextrapair sires. In a 4-year study of 175 males, 206 females,and 506 offspring, females were more likely to produce EPY whenpaired to genetically similar males, but they did not appearto be influenced by the size, age, mass, individual heterozygosity,and genetic diversity of their social mates. In paired comparisons,females were almost twice as likely to decrease their geneticsimilarity to males when producing EPY as they were to increaseit. Nonetheless, females did not select especially dissimilarmales when mating outside the pair-bond nor did they pair disassortativelywith respect to genetic similarity. Relative measures of malequality may influence mating patterns in birds, but only atsome points in a female's decision-making process.  相似文献   

In seasonally migratory animals, migration distance often varies substantially within populations such that individuals breeding at the same site may overwinter different distances from the breeding grounds. Shorter migration may allow earlier return to the breeding grounds, which may be particularly advantageous to males competing to acquire a breeding territory. However, little is known about potential mechanisms that may mediate migration distance. We investigated naturally-occurring variation in androgen levels at the time of arrival to the breeding site and its relationship to overwintering latitude in male and female song sparrows (Melospiza melodia). We used stable isotope analysis of hydrogen (δ2H) in winter-grown claw tissue to infer relative overwintering latitude (migration distance), combined with 14 years of capture records from a long-term study population to infer the arrival timing of males versus females. Relative to females, males had higher circulating androgen levels, migrated shorter distances, and were more likely to be caught early in the breeding season. Males that migrate short distances may benefit from early arrival at the breeding grounds, allowing them to establish a breeding territory. Even after controlling for sex and date, androgen levels were highest in individuals that migrated shorter distances. Our findings indicate that androgens and migration distance are correlated traits within and between sexes that may reflect individual variation within an integrated phenotype in which testosterone has correlated effects on behavioral traits such as migration.  相似文献   

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