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Many unpalatable butterfly species use coloration to signal their distastefulness to birds, but motion cues may also be crucial to ward off predatory attacks. In previous research, captive passion-vine butterflies Heliconius mimetic in colour pattern were also mimetic in motion. Here, I investigate whether wing motion changes with the flight demands of different behaviours. If birds select for wing motion as a warning signal, aposematic butterflies should maintain wing motion independently of behavioural context. Members of one mimicry group (Heliconius cydno and Heliconius sapho) beat their wings more slowly and their wing strokes were more asymmetric than their sister-species (Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius erato, respectively), which were members of another mimicry group having a quick and steady wing motion. Within mimicry groups, wing beat frequency declined as its role in generating lift also declined in different behavioural contexts. In contrast, asymmetry of the stroke was not associated with wing beat frequency or behavioural context-strong indication that birds process and store the Fourier motion energy of butterfly wings. Although direct evidence that birds respond to subtle differences in butterfly wing motion is lacking, birds appear to generalize a motion pattern as much as they encounter members of a mimicry group in different behavioural contexts.  相似文献   

Mating displays often contain multiple signals. Different combinations of these signals may be equally successful at attracting a mate, as environment and signal combination may influence relative signal weighting by choosy individuals. This variation in signal weighting among choosy individuals may facilitate the maintenance of polymorphic displays and signalling behaviour. One group of animals known for their polymorphic patterning are Batesian mimetic butterflies, where the interaction of sexual selection and predation pressures is hypothesized to influence the maintenance of polymorphic wing patterning and behaviour. Males in the female‐limited polymorphic Batesian mimetic butterfly Papilio polytes use female wing pattern and female activity levels when determining whom to court. They court stationary females with mimetic wing patterns more often than stationary females with non‐mimetic, male‐like wing patterns and active females more often than inactive females. It is unclear whether females modify their behaviour to increase (or decrease) their likelihood of receiving male courtship, or whether non‐mimetic females spend more time in cryptic environments than mimetic females, to compensate for their lack of mimicry‐driven predation protection (at the cost of decreased visibility to males). In addition, relative signal weighting of female wing pattern and activity to male mate selection is unknown. To address these questions, we conducted a series of observational studies of a polymorphic P. polytes population in a large butterfly enclosure. We found that males exclusively courted active females, irrespective of female wing pattern. However, males did court active non‐mimetic females significantly more often than expected given their relative abundance in the population. Females exhibited similar activity levels, and selected similar resting environments, irrespective of wing pattern. Our results suggest that male preference for non‐mimetic females may play an active role in the maintenance of the non‐mimetic female form in natural populations, where males are likely to be in the presence of active, as well as inactive, mimetic and non‐mimetic females.  相似文献   

Predation exerts strong selection on mimetic butterfly wing color patterns, which also serve other functions such as sexual selection. Therefore, specific selection pressures may affect the sexes and signal components differentially. We tested three predictions about the evolution of mimetic resemblance by comparing wing coloration of aposematic butterflies and their Batesian mimics: (a) females gain greater mimetic advantage than males and therefore are better mimics, (b) due to intersexual genetic correlations, sexually monomorphic mimics are better mimics than female‐limited mimics, and (c) mimetic resemblance is better on the dorsal wing surface that is visible to predators in flight. Using a physiological model of avian color vision, we quantified mimetic resemblance from predators’ perspective, which showed that female butterflies were better mimics than males. Mimetic resemblance in female‐limited mimics was comparable to that in sexually monomorphic mimics, suggesting that intersexual genetic correlations did not constrain adaptive response to selection for female‐limited mimicry. Mimetic resemblance on the ventral wing surface was better than that on the dorsal wing surface, implying stronger natural and sexual selection on ventral and dorsal surfaces, respectively. These results suggest that mimetic resemblance in butterfly mimicry rings has evolved under various selective pressures acting in a sex‐ and wing surface‐specific manner.  相似文献   

In a related paper, we demonstrated that mimetic Heliconius butterflies have converged in wing-beat frequency and degree of asymmetry in the wing motion, whereas sister species are dissimilar in these same traits. Warning signals of sympatric, distasteful species converge in evolutionary models in order to educate their predators more efficiently that the signal is associated with unprofitable prey. Barring other constraints, the behaviours of the different co-mimetic pairs should ultimately converge on that behaviour which minimizes the energetic cost of flight. We estimated the energetic cost of each mimic''s flight behaviour in order to predict the difference in height of each fitness peak and the direction of convergent selection qualitatively. Following adjustments for body mass, mimetic Heliconius melpomene and Heliconius erato required more aerodynamic power than Heliconius cydno and Heliconius sapho. This difference was attributed to the slower flight speeds and higher wing-beat frequencies of H. melpomene and H. erato. Consequently, H. melpomene and H. erato expended more energy per unit distance per unit body mass than H. cydno and H. sapho. However, differences in body mass may equalize energy budgets and stabilize the sympatric coexistence of the two pairs of co-mimics.  相似文献   

Recent studies indicate that relatively few genomic regions are repeatedly involved in the evolution of Heliconius butterfly wing patterns. Although this work demonstrates a number of cases where homologous loci underlie both convergent and divergent wing pattern change among different Heliconius species, it is still unclear exactly how many loci underlie pattern variation across the genus. To address this question for Heliconius erato, we created fifteen independent crosses utilizing the four most distinct color pattern races and analyzed color pattern segregation across a total of 1271 F2 and backcross offspring. Additionally, we used the most variable brood, an F2 cross between H. himera and the east Ecuadorian H. erato notabilis, to perform a quantitative genetic analysis of color pattern variation and produce a detailed map of the loci likely involved in the H. erato color pattern radiation. Using AFLP and gene based markers, we show that fewer major genes than previously envisioned control the color pattern variation in H. erato. We describe for the first time the genetic architecture of H. erato wing color pattern by assessing quantitative variation in addition to traditional linkage mapping. In particular, our data suggest three genomic intervals modulate the bulk of the observed variation in color. Furthermore, we also identify several modifier loci of moderate effect size that contribute to the quantitative wing pattern variation. Our results are consistent with the two-step model for the evolution of mimetic wing patterns in Heliconius and support a growing body of empirical data demonstrating the importance of major effect loci in adaptive change.  相似文献   

In bats, the wing membrane is anchored not only to the body and forelimb, but also to the hindlimb. This attachment configuration gives bats the potential to modulate wing shape by moving the hindlimb, such as by joint movement at the hip or knee. Such movements could modulate lift, drag, or the pitching moment. In this study we address: 1) how the ankle translates through space during the wingbeat cycle; 2) whether amplitude of ankle motion is dependent upon flight speed; 3) how tension in the wing membrane pulls the ankle; and 4) whether wing membrane tension is responsible for driving ankle motion. We flew five individuals of the lesser dog-faced fruit bat, Cynopterus brachyotis (Family: Pteropodidae), in a wind tunnel and documented kinematics of the forelimb, hip, ankle, and trailing edge of the wing membrane. Based on kinematic analysis of hindlimb and forelimb movements, we found that: 1) during downstroke, the ankle moved ventrally and during upstroke the ankle moved dorsally; 2) there was considerable variation in amplitude of ankle motion, but amplitude did not correlate significantly with flight speed; 3) during downstroke, tension generated by the wing membrane acted to pull the ankle dorsally, and during upstroke, the wing membrane pulled laterally when taut and dorsally when relatively slack; and 4) wing membrane tension generally opposed dorsoventral ankle motion. We conclude that during forward flight in C. brachyotis, wing membrane tension does not power hindlimb motion; instead, we propose that hindlimb movements arise from muscle activity and/or inertial effects.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones, whereby divergent lineages come into contact and eventually hybridize, can provide insights on the mechanisms involved in population differentiation and reproductive isolation, and ultimately speciation. Suture zones offer the opportunity to compare these processes across multiple species. In this paper we use reduced‐complexity genomic data to compare the genetic and phenotypic structure and hybridization patterns of two mimetic butterfly species, Ithomia salapia and Oleria onega (Nymphalidae: Ithomiini), each consisting of a pair of lineages differentiated for their wing colour pattern and that come into contact in the Andean foothills of Peru. Despite similarities in their life history, we highlight major differences, both at the genomic and phenotypic level, between the two species. These differences include the presence of hybrids, variations in wing phenotype, and genomic patterns of introgression and differentiation. In I. salapia, the two lineages appear to hybridize only rarely, whereas in O. onega the hybrids are not only more common, but also genetically and phenotypically more variable. We also detected loci statistically associated with wing colour pattern variation, but in both species these loci were not over‐represented among the candidate barrier loci, suggesting that traits other than wing colour pattern may be important for reproductive isolation. Our results contrast with the genomic patterns observed between hybridizing lineages in the mimetic Heliconius butterflies, and call for a broader investigation into the genomics of speciation in Ithomiini ‐ the largest radiation of mimetic butterflies.  相似文献   

The swallowtail butterfly Papilio polytes is known for its striking resemblance in wing pattern to the toxic butterfly Pachliopta aristolochiae and is a focal system for the study of mimicry evolution. Papilio polytes females are polymorphic in wing pattern, with mimetic and nonmimetic forms, while males are monomorphic and nonmimetic. Past work invokes selection for mimicry as the driving force behind wing pattern evolution in P. polytes. However, the mimetic relationship between P. polytes and P. aristolochiae is not well understood. In order to test the mimicry hypothesis, we constructed paper replicas of mimetic and nonmimetic P. polytes and P. aristolochiae, placed them in their natural habitat, and measured bird predation on replicas. In initial trials with stationary replicas and plasticine bodies, overall predation was low and we found no differences in predation between replica types. In later trials with replicas mounted on springs and with live mealworms standing in for the butterfly's body, we found less predation on mimetic P. polytes replicas compared to nonmimetic P. polytes replicas, consistent with the predator avoidance benefits of mimicry. While our results are mixed, they generally lend support to the mimicry hypothesis as well as the idea that behavioral differences between the sexes contributed to the evolution of sexually dimorphic mimicry.  相似文献   

The neotropical butterflies Heliconius melpomene and H. erato are Müllerian mimics that display the same warningly colored wing patterns in local populations, yet pattern diversity between geographic regions. Linkage mapping has previously shown convergent red wing phenotypes in these species are controlled by loci on homologous chromosomes. Here, AFLP bulk segregant analysis using H. melpomene crosses identified genetic markers tightly linked to two red wing-patterning loci. These markers were used to screen a H. melpomene BAC library and a tile path was assembled spanning one locus completely and part of the second. Concurrently, a similar strategy was used to identify a BAC clone tightly linked to the locus controlling the mimetic red wing phenotypes in H. erato. A methionine rich storage protein (MRSP) gene was identified within this BAC clone, and comparative genetic mapping shows red wing color loci are in homologous regions of the genome of H. erato and H. melpomene. Subtle differences in these convergent phenotypes imply they evolved independently using somewhat different developmental routes, but are nonetheless regulated by the same switch locus. Genetic mapping of MRSP in a third related species, the “tiger” patterned H. numata, has no association with wing patterning and shows no evidence for genomic translocation of wing-patterning loci.  相似文献   

Sexual dichromatism and sexual dimorphism of body size are reasonably well studied in butterflies. Sexual size dimorphism of color pattern elements, however, is much less explored. The object of this study is Heliconius, a genus of butterflies well known for the coevolution between mate color preferences and mimicry. Given the sexual role of wing coloration, we investigated the existence of sexual size dimorphism in the wing color elements of a mimetic pair—Heliconius erato phyllis Fabricius and Heliconius besckei Ménétriés—and analyzed the allometric patterns of these traits. Correlation between size of elements in the dorsal and ventral wing surfaces were also estimated. In both species, three out of four elements were larger in males, but the non-dimorphic element was not the same. With regard to the allometric patterns, our most important finding was that smaller males of one species have proportionally larger yellow bars. This is the first study specifically concerning quantitative sexual dimorphism in the coloration of this well-known genus of butterflies and it opens new prospects to investigate sex-related natural selection and sexual selection of color pattern elements.  相似文献   

The pattern of wing venation varies considerably among different groups of insects and has been used as a means of species-specific identification. However, little is known about how wing venation is established and diversified among insects. The decapentaplegic (Dpp)/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling pathway plays a critical role in wing vein formation during the pupal stages in Drosophila melanogaster. A key mechanism is BMP transport from the longitudinal veins (LVs) to the posterior crossvein (PCV) by the BMP-binding proteins, short gastrulation (Sog) and twisted gastrulation2/crossveinless (Tsg2/Cv). To investigate whether the BMP transport mechanism is utilized to specify insect wing vein patterns in other than Drosophila, we used the sawfly Athalia rosae as a model, which has distinct venation patterns in the fore- and hindwings. Here, we show that Ar-dpp is ubiquitously expressed in both the fore- and hindwings, but is required for localized BMP signaling that reflects distinct wing vein patterns between the fore- and hindwings. By isolating Ar-tsg/cv in the sawfly, we found that Ar-Tsg/Cv is also required for BMP signaling in wing vein formation and retains the ability to transport Dpp. These data suggest that the BMP transport system is widely used to redistribute Dpp to specify wing venation and may be a basal mechanism underlying diversified wing vein patterns among insects.  相似文献   

A new genus of Tabanidae mimetic of flies is described: Muscotabanus new genus, Muscotabanus rafaeli new species, based on 12 females collected in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. It is presented a discussion for separating the new genus from Diachlorini species which resemblance with sarcophagids flies. It is characterised by striped thorax, banded abdomen, long slender palpus subequal antenna length, labella predominantly membranous, except for a narrow sclerotised plate, basicosta bare, wing hyaline and stigma brown.  相似文献   

In this work, we develop an artificial foldable wing that mimics the hind wing of a beetle (Allomyrina dichotoma). In real flight, the beetle unfolds forewings and hind wings, and maintains the unfolded configuration unless it is exhausted. The artificial wing has to be able to maintain a fully unfolded configuration while flapping at a desirable flapping frequency. The artificial foldable hind wing developed in this work is based on two four-bar linkages which adapt the behaviors of the beetle's hind wing. The four-bar-linkages are designed to mimic rotational motion of the wing base and the vein folding/unfolding motion of the beetle's hind wing. The behavior of the artificial wings, which are installed in a flapping-wing system, is observed using a high-speed camera. The observation shows that the wing could maintain a fully unfolded configuration during flapping motion. A series of thrust measurements are also conducted to estimate the force generated by the flapping-wing system with foldable artificial wings. Although the artificial foldable wings give added burden to the flapping-wing system because of its weight, the thrust measurement results show that the flapping-wing system could still generate reasonable thrust.  相似文献   

We examined the timing of the crepuscular lekking flight of male ghost swift moths in southern Sweden with respect to variations in: (i) the quality of the visual mating signal; and (ii) the behaviour of potential vertebrate predators (mainly bats). The moths'' display flights started ca. 57 min after sunset, and occurred during 20–30 min at incident light intensities between 10.0 and 2.0 lux. Owing to the falling and more shortwave ambient light after sunset, the brightness contrast between the moth wings and the background (grass) increased steeply at the time of display onset. The silvery white male wing colour thereby seems to maximize conspicuousness, and may be a secondary adaptation that facilitates visibility at low light intensities. The display timing itself is probably determined by other factors, possibly predation. By displaying only for a short period at dusk, the moths seem to avoid most birds, which normally do not forage at these light levels, and gleaning bats, which typically do not start to feed until the light intensity has fallen even further. Nevertheless, aerial-hawking bats were often (54% of the evenings, n = 22) seen at the leks, and one species (Eptesicus nilssonii) frequently fed on the displaying moths (22% of the moths observed, n = 83). H. humuli represents an ancient clade among the Lepidoptera. By restricting its sexual behaviour to a short time window at dusk, when predation risk may be minimized (but still high), it may to some extent compensate for the lack of sophisticated predator defence systems such as aposematic or mimetic coloration, manoeuvrable flight, and ultrasonic hearing, which predominate among the more recent Lepidopteran clades. However, the time window solution restricts the moths'' activities considerably and the lack of defence still carries a considerable cost in terms of predation.  相似文献   

Insect wings are great resources for studying morphological diversities in nature as well as in fossil records. Among them, variation in wing venation is one of the most characteristic features of insect species. Venation is therefore, undeniably a key factor of species-specific functional traits of the wings; however, the mechanism underlying wing vein formation among insects largely remains unexplored. Our knowledge of the genetic basis of wing development is solely restricted to Drosophila melanogaster. A critical step in wing vein development in Drosophila is the activation of the decapentaplegic (Dpp)/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling pathway during pupal stages. A key mechanism is the directional transport of Dpp from the longitudinal veins into the posterior crossvein by BMP-binding proteins, resulting in redistribution of Dpp that reflects wing vein patterns. Recent works on the sawfly Athalia rosae, of the order Hymenoptera, also suggested that the Dpp transport system is required to specify fore- and hindwing vein patterns. Given that Dpp redistribution via transport is likely to be a key mechanism for establishing wing vein patterns, this raises the interesting possibility that distinct wing vein patterns are generated, based on where Dpp is transported. Experimental evidence in Drosophila suggests that the direction of Dpp transport is regulated by prepatterned positional information. These observations lead to the postulation that Dpp generates diversified insect wing vein patterns through species-specific positional information of its directional transport. Extension of these observations in some winged insects will provide further insights into the mechanisms underlying diversified wing venation among insects.  相似文献   

The extensive wing pattern diversity observed among sympatric unpalatable mimetic butterflies is difficult to explain. Diversity is a paradox because selection by predators is expected to drive local species to use the same aposematic patterns. Habitat segregation among mimicry complexes has been suggested as a hypothesis to explain how diversity could be maintained. However, very few studies have tested this hypothesis. To test whether mimicry complexes are associated with particular habitats, I sampled a diverse assemblage of ithomiine butterflies from eastern Ecuador comprising nine discrete mimicry complexes. Butterflies were sampled in four habitats varying along a gradient of succession. A total of 43 species and 902 individuals were sampled. Ithomiine species richness and abundance were lowest in open habitats, and habitat preferences were documented for many species. Mimicry complexes exhibited significant habitat differences supporting the role of habitat segregation in maintaining mimetic diversity. However, there was obvious overlap among mimicry complexes, particularly involving the two numerically dominant patterns at the site. The pattern of segregation appears to be driven by common species, with relatively little evidence that the distribution of rarer species matches that of the more abundant species. Thus, habitat segregation is likely to play a role in the evolution of mimetic diversity as a result of segregated abundant model species, but the effect is probably weak and other factors are also important.  相似文献   

Visual patterns in animals may serve different functions, such as attracting mates and deceiving predators. If a signal is used for multiple functions, the opportunity arises for conflict among the different functions, preventing optimization for any one visual signal. Here we investigate the hypothesis that spatial separation of different visual signal functions has occurred in Bicyclus butterflies. Using phylogenetic reconstructions of character evolution and comparisons of evolutionary rates, we found dorsal surface characters to evolve at higher rates than ventral characters. Dorsal characters also displayed sex-based differences in evolutionary rates more often than did ventral characters. Thus, dorsal characters corresponded to our predictions of mate signalling while ventral characters appear to play an important role in predator avoidance. Forewing characters also fit a model of mate signalling, and displayed higher rates of evolution than hindwing characters. Our results, as well as the behavioural and developmental data from previous studies of Bicyclus species, support the hypothesis that spatial separation of visual signal functions has occurred in Bicyclus butterflies. This study is the first to demonstrate, in a phylogenetic framework, that spatial separation of signals used for mate signalling and those used for predator avoidance is a viable strategy to accommodate multiple signal functions. This signalling strategy has important ramifications on the developmental evolution of wing pattern elements and diversification of butterfly species.  相似文献   

Differences in habitat use can bridge early and late stages of speciation by initiating assortative mating. Heliconius colour pattern races might select habitats over which each pattern confers a relative fitness advantage because signal efficacy of wing patterns can vary by environment. Thus habitat preferences could serve to promote the evolution of mimetic colour patterns for mate choice. Here I compare colour pattern genotype and phenotype frequencies to environmental variation across the H. erato hydara x H. erato erato hybrid zone in French Guiana to determine whether races exhibit habitat preferences. I found that genotype and phenotype frequencies correspond to differences in land cover moreso than to other environmental factors. Temporal shifts in colour pattern genotypes, phenotypes and land cover also were associated at individual sample sites, which further suggests that H. erato races differ in habitat use and that habitat preferences may promote speciation among Heliconius butterflies.  相似文献   

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