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Males may increase their fitness through extra-pair copulations (copulations outside the pair bond) that result in extra-pair fertilizations, but also risk lost paternity when they leave their own mate unguarded. The fitness costs of cuckoldry for Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) are considerable because warblers have a single-egg clutch and, given the short breeding season, no time for a successful replacement clutch. Neighbouring males are the primary threat to a male's genetic paternity. Males minimize their loss of paternity by guarding their mates to prevent them from having extra-pair copulations during their fertile period. Here, I provide experimental evidence that mate-guarding behaviour is energetically costly and that the expression of this trade-off is adjusted to paternity risk (local male density). Free-living males that were induced to reduce mate guarding spent significantly more time foraging and gained significantly better body condition than control males. The larger the reduction in mate guarding, the more pronounced was the increase in foraging and body condition (accounting for food availability). An experimental increase in paternity risk resulted in an increase in mate-guarding intensity and a decrease in foraging and body condition, and vice versa. This is examined using both cross-sectional and longitudinal data. This study on the Seychelles warbler offers experimental evidence that mate guarding is energetically costly and adjusted to paternity risk.  相似文献   

Extra-pair copulations (EPCs; copulations outside the pair bond) are widespread in birds and may result in extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs). To increase reproductive success, males should not only seek to gain EPFs, but also prevent their own females from gaining EPFs. Although males could reduce the number of EPCs by their mates, this does not necessarily mean that they reduce the number of EPFs; indeed several studies have found no association between EPCs and EPFs. Male Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) follow their partner closely during the period when the pair female is most receptive (fertile period). We show that males that guarded their mates more closely were less likely to have extra-pair young in their nest. This study on the Seychelles warbler is the first to provide explicit experimental evidence that mate guarding is effective in reducing EPFs. First, in territories where free-living males were induced to stop mate guarding during the pair female's fertile period, extra-pair parentage was higher than in the control group. Second, in the experimental group, the probability of having an extra-pair nestling in the nest was positively associated with the number of days during the fertile period for which mate guarding was artificially stopped. Thus, male mate guarding was effective in reducing the risk of cuckoldry.  相似文献   

The existence and nature of indirect genetic benefits to mate choice remain contentious. Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes, which play a vital role in determining pathogen resistance in vertebrates, may be the link between mate choice and the genetic inheritance of vigour in offspring. Studies have shown that MHC-dependent mate choice can occur in mammal and fish species, but little work has focused on the role of the MHC in birds. We tested for MHC-dependent mating patterns in the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis). There was no influence of MHC class I exon 3 variation on the choice of social mate. However, females were more likely to obtain extra-pair paternity (EPP) when their social mate had low MHC diversity, and the MHC diversity of the extra-pair male was significantly higher than that of the cuckolded male. There was no evidence that females were mating disassortatively, or that they preferred males with an intermediate number of MHC bands. Overall, the results are consistent with the 'good genes' rather than the 'genetic compatibility' hypothesis. As female choice will result in offspring of higher MHC diversity, MHC-dependent EPP may provide indirect benefits in the Seychelles warbler if survival is positively linked to MHC diversity.  相似文献   

Nest predation is a major determinant of fitness in birds and costly nest defence behaviours have evolved in order to reduce nest predation. Some avian studies have suggested that predator recognition is innate whereas others have stressed the importance of learning. However, none of these studies controlled for the genetic origin of the populations investigated and the effect of unfamiliarity with the predator. Here we determined whether experience with a nest predator is a prerequisite for nest defence by comparing predator recognition responses between two isolated but genetically similar Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) populations, only one of which had experience of the egg predating Seychelles fody (Foudia sechellarum). Individuals in the predator-free population significantly reduced nest guarding compared to individuals in the population with the predator, which indicates that this behaviour was adjusted to the presence of nest predators. However, recognition responses (measured as both alarm call and attack rates) towards a mounted model of the fody were equally strong in both populations and significantly higher than the responses towards either a mounted familiar non-predator and a mounted, novel, non-predator bird species. Responses did not differ with a warbler's age and experience with the egg predator, indicating that predator recognition is innate.  相似文献   

We describe the development and initial application of a semiautomated parentage testing system in the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis). This system used fluorescently labelled primers for 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci in two multiplex loading groups to genotype efficiently over 96% of the warbler population on Cousin island. When used in conjunction with the program CERVUS, this system provided sufficient power to assign maternity and paternity within the Seychelles warbler, despite the complications associated with its cooperative breeding system and a relatively low level of genetic variation. Parentage analyses showed that subordinate 'helper' females as well as the dominant 'primary' females laid eggs in communal nests, indicating that the Seychelles warbler has an intermediate level of female reproductive skew, in between the alternative extremes of helper-at-the-nest and joint nesting systems. Forty-four per cent of helpers bred successfully, accounting for 15% of all offspring. Forty per cent of young resulted from extra-group paternity.  相似文献   

To understand the behavioural aspects of sperm competition, the costs and benefits to both sexes should be considered. However, few studies have addressed the costs to females of their social mate engaging in extrapair copulations (EPCs). Measures of female mate guarding have concentrated on female solicitation and copulation; however, females may also control access to their mate by maintaining close proximity, as is common in males. I recorded the maintenance of pair proximity behaviour of an urban population of the socially monogamous European blackbird, Turdus merula, over three breeding seasons. There was no evidence that females guarded their mates to prevent them from engaging in EPCs, nor were there any effects of the potential quality indicators of age, body size or male bill colour on the intensity of mate guarding between individuals. The study adds to a small body of literature suggesting that female mate guarding may be found in (facultatively) polygynous species, but not in socially monogamous ones. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Influence of age on reproductive performance in the Seychelles warbler   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Komdeur  Jan 《Behavioral ecology》1996,7(4):417-425
I studied age-related breeding performance of the cooperativelybreeding Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) on CousinIsland, Seychelles, during 14 years. The annual number of youngthat fledged is significantly related to territory quality andnumber of helpers in the breeding group. Accounting for thesefactors and for the partner's breeding experience, annual productionof fledglings by breeding birds increases from 2 to 5 yearsand decreases beyond 5 years of age. Age-related changes inreproductive success within breeding individuals, paired withthe same experienced partner and occupying the same breedingterritory with similar amount of food from 2 to 8 years of age,show that Seychelles warblers have higher hatching success andproduce more hatchlings and fledglings as they become older.This is probably not a response to decreasing residual reproductivevalue caused by decreasing life expectancy as they become older.Primiparous warblers produce the same number of fledglings asmultiparous warblers of the same age, have a similar life expectancyas multiparous warblers, and occupy territories with similaramounts of resources available for reproduction. As all warblershave similar access to food before reproduction and similarforaging efficiency, the low reproductive success in youngerwarblers cannot be ascribed to differences in environment butto the bird's ability to breed successfully (e.g., a resultof previous helping and/or breeding experience). Effects ofsenescence on reproduction begin to occur from age 6 for bothsexes. From that age, eggs have lower hatching success, butfledging success remains the same. Birds that start breedingat a young age on a given quality territory produce more fledglingsin their lifetime than birds that delay breeding. Many old birdsnever fledge young of their own. They have not been able tobreed because of a shortage of breeding territory vacancies.[BehavEcol 7: 417–425 (1996)]  相似文献   

The deleterious effects of inbreeding can be substantial in wild populations and mechanisms to avoid such matings have evolved in many organisms. In situations where social mate choice is restricted, extrapair paternity may be a strategy used by females to avoid inbreeding and increase offspring heterozygosity. In the cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis, neither social nor extrapair mate choice was used to avoid inbreeding facultatively, and close inbreeding occurred in approximately 5% of matings. However, a higher frequency of extra-group paternity may be selected for in female subordinates because this did reduce the frequency of mating between close relatives. Inbreeding resulted in reduced individual heterozygosity, which, against expectation, had an almost significant (P = 0.052), positive effect on survival. Conversely, low heterozygosity in the genetic mother was linked to reduced offspring survival, and the magnitude of this intergenerational inbreeding depression effect was environment-dependent. Because we controlled for genetic effects and most environmental effects (through the experimental cross-fostering of nestlings), we conclude that the reduced survival was a result of maternal effects. Our results show that inbreeding can have complicated effects even within a genetic bottlenecked population where the "purging" of recessive alleles is expected to reduce the effects of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

Pre-ovulation control of hatchling sex ratio in the Seychelles warbler   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Females of some bird species have a high degree of control over the sex ratio of their offspring at laying. Although several mechanisms have been put forward to explain how females might control the sex of their eggs, virtually nothing is known. As females are the heterogametic sex in birds, adjustment of the clutch sex ratio could arise either by pre- or post-ovulation control mechanisms. The Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) exhibits extreme adaptive egg sex ratio bias. Typically, warblers produce only single-egg clutches, but by translocating pairs to vacant habitat of very high quality, most females were induced to produce two-egg clutches. Overall, females skewed clutch sex ratios strongly towards daughters (86.6%). This bias was evident in the first egg, but critically, also in the second eggs laid a day apart, even when all absent, unhatched, or unsexed second eggs were assumed to be male. Although a bias in the first egg may arise through either pre- or post-ovulation mechanisms, the skew observed in second eggs could only arise through pre-ovulation control. Post-ovulation adjustment may also contribute to skewed hatchling sex ratios, but as sex-biased release of gametes is likely to be a more efficient process of control, pre-ovulation mechanisms may be the sole means of adjustment in this species. High fitness differentials between sons and daughters, as apparent in the Seychelles warblers, may be necessary for primary sex ratio adjustment to evolve.  相似文献   

The Great reed warbler (GRW) and the Seychelles warbler (SW) are congeners with markedly different demographic histories. The GRW is a normal outbred bird species while the SW population remains isolated and inbred after undergoing a severe population bottleneck. We examined variation at Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) class I exon 3 using restriction fragment length polymorphism, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and DNA sequencing. Although genetic variation was higher in the GRW, considerable variation has been maintained in the SW. The ten exon 3 sequences found in the SW were as diverged from each other as were a random sub-sample of the 67 sequences from the GRW. There was evidence for balancing selection in both species, and the phylogenetic analysis showing that the exon 3 sequences did not separate according to species, was consistent with transspecies evolution of the MHC.  相似文献   

Harem formation and mate selection were studied in the pheasant in order to determine the advantages of territorial harem defence polygyny to the two sexes. We investigated the factors affecting harem size and the advantage to a female in remaining with one territorial male during breeding.
Female group size declined during late March and early April as females moved from large overlapping ranges into smaller, more widely dispersed breeding ranges. The proportion of female groups accompanied by males increased during this period.
Some males had a disproportionate share of females. Settled females were monogamous but, because a female's nest was generally outside the male's territory, her home range was larger than his territory.
Harem members were usually from the same winter group. Harem size was not related to territory quality in terms of food supply or nesting cover. Females were loyal to one male in more than one year even if his territory position changed. Older, territory-owning males had more females, both adult and immature, than males with newly-established territories. Harem size was not correlated with territory size.
We conclude that the mating system of the pheasant is based on mate guarding which protects females not only from the risk of predation or injury, but also from excessive energy expenditure incurred through being chased by other males. When escorted by a territorial male, females spent three times as much time feeding, one-fifth as much time running, and one-tenth as much time alert, as they did when not guarded.  相似文献   

The green porcelain crab, Petrolisthes armatus, is a common invasive species on inter-tidal oyster reefs in the South Atlantic Bight whose behavior is largely unknown. We assessed the effects of the presence of opposite-sex conspecifics on adult crab spacing at a low density to infer potential mate acquisition behaviors. Adult crabs held in all-male, all-female, and mixed-sex treatments were observed twice daily over five days to determine nearest-neighbor (NN) distances and relative activity. Males in the mixed-sex treatment with the shortest NN distances (NN1) were most commonly (1) closest to females, and, when compared to NN1 males in the all-male treatment, were (2) closer to their NN and (3) had lower activity levels. Female movement did not differ between treatments. Percent ovigerous females at the end of trials were higher in the mixed-sex treatment, reflecting mating activity, which when observed, involved inter-molt females. Mate guarding, rather than pure-searching behavior, was the mating behavior most consistent with observed spacing and movement patterns.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio theory states that if the fitness costs to the parents of producing one offspring's sex relative to the other are higher, parents should discount these costs by producing fewer individuals of the more costly sex. In the co-operatively breeding Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) mothers adaptively modify the sex of their single egg toward daughters, the helping sex, when living on territories with rich resources where helpers increase parental reproductive success, but toward sons, the dispersing sex, when living on territories where resources are scarce and/or no helping benefits accrue. By modifying offspring sex ratio, parents maximize their inclusive fitness benefits. Pairs in high-quality territories gained significantly more inclusive fitness benefits (through helping and reproducing offspring) from the production of daughters than from sons, and vice versa in low-quality territories (through reproducing offspring). Experimental manipulation of the offspring's sex shows that the consequences of sex allocation are adaptive for parents on high-quality territories. On high-quality territories with female production, breeding pairs raising step-daughters gained significantly higher inclusive benefits (through indirect and direct fitness gains) than by raising step-sons.  相似文献   

A potential effect of parasitism on male egg loss while guarding was tested using damselfish Stegastes planifrons . Despite an apparent low energetic cost of the parasite on the male condition, there was a significant positive relationship between egg loss and parasite load. These data provide the first evidence that parasites could play a role in male guarding behaviour. The effect of the parasite could have resulted in low male condition compensated by an increase in filial cannibalism or in a lesser ability to protect the nest from predators.  相似文献   

In male birds, testosterone (T) plays an important role in aggressive and mate-attraction behaviour. In the cooperatively breeding Seychelles warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis, extra-group copulations (EGCs) occur frequently, but are not accompanied by sexual courtship displays as in within-pair copulations. Paternity is nearly always gained by primary males. We investigated whether T levels and sperm storage capability (cloacal protuberance (CP)) in adult primary and subordinate males were related to timing of egg laying, levels of cuckoldry and extra-group paternity (EGP) opportunities. During the sexually active period before egg laying, T levels and CP were only elevated or enlarged (respectively) in primary males, and some suggestion was found that subordinate males do not invest in elevated T levels. The peak in T occurred during the fertile period of the female partner and corresponded to the peak period of male sexual displays and mate guarding, but was independent of cuckoldry risk (density of neighbouring primary males). CP was also enhanced during this period; however, CP but not T remained elevated after egg laying by their mates, and CP but not T was positively related to EGP opportunities (density of neighbouring fertile females). We conclude that T is involved in sexual courtship displays and mate guarding, but not in gaining EGCs. These findings contrast with those in other species where EGP involves elaborate sexual displays.  相似文献   

In cooperative breeding systems driven by kin selection, effective kin-recognition cues are important. Recognition could be achieved by the direct assessment of the genetic relatedness of individuals or by learning through association. In the Seychelles warbler, Acrocephalus sechellensis, female subordinates maximize indirect fitness by preferentially helping genetically related nestlings. Help seems to be based on the continued presence of the primary female who previously fed the subordinate in the nest but it has, so far, been impossible to discount the direct assessment of genetic relatedness. We used a cross-fostering experiment to separate the two possible cues. Adult birds did not discriminate between their own and cross-fostered eggs or nestlings. Cross-fostering resulted in nestlings that were unrelated to the primary female that raised them, but control nestlings were closely related to their primary females. The proportions of cross-fostered and control female offspring that stayed and became helpers on their 'natal' territory were similar. However, for both groups the chance of becoming a subordinate helper was associated with the continued presence of the primary female and not with any other factor tested. Our study provides strong evidence that helping decisions are based on associative-learning cues.  相似文献   

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