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Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) play a major part in the activation of the vertebrate immune system. In addition, they also appear to function as cues for mate choice. In mammals especially, several kinds of MHC-dependent mate choice have been hypothesized and observed. These include choice of mates that share no or few alleles with the choosing individual, choice of mates with alleles that differ as much as possible from the choosing individual, choice of heterozygous mates, choice of certain genotypes and choice of rare alleles. We investigated these different aspects of mate choice in relation to MHC in a lekking bird species, the great snipe (Gallinago media). We found no evidence for MHC disassortative mating, no preference for males with many MHC alleles and no preference for rare alleles. However, we did find that some allelic lineages were more often found in males with mating success than in males without mating success. Females do not seem to use themselves as references for the MHC-dependent mate choice, rather they seem to prefer males with certain allele types. We speculate that these alleles may be linked to resistance to common parasites.  相似文献   

A previous experimental study of great snipe, Gallinago media, has reported an effect on male mating success of the amount of white in their tails. That result is one of a very limited set of existing experimental results supporting a female mate preference for a morphological trait in animals. However, a later observational study did not find any correlation between amount of white and male mating success. If females sample a limited number of males, their preferences need not result in strong relationships between mating success and trait values in males, possibly explaining the failure to find the predicted correlation. Yet, females of lekking species are thought to have ample opportunities for mate sampling. To resolve these contrasting results, we present in this paper (1) a larger correlational study (several leks during 10 years) showing no relationship between male mating success and whiteness of tails (measured in several ways), and most importantly (2) evidence that individual females do not mate predominantly with males with very white tails among those males that each female samples. These results show that females do not prefer males with whiter tails as mates, within the contemporary natural variation in the trait. They also show that there is no sexual selection of the trait at present. This does not necessarily imply that white tails are not a sexually selected adaptation in males, but the mechanisms are likely to have been different from direct mate choice of whiter tails per se. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

In some species, females sequentially mate with different maleswithin a single mating period, store sperm until the eggs areeventually fertilized, and gain no other resources from themales. Halliday hypothesized that, for such species, a femalecould ensure fertilization of her eggs by mating with the firstmale that she encounters; thereafter, she can maximize the qualityof her progeny by sampling further males and by mating onlywith males of higher quality than previously mated males. Thishypothesis predicts that females' choosiness will increase asthe breeding season progresses. We tested this prediction ofHalliday's hypothesis by examining mate choice by female smoothnewts (Triturus vulgaris vulgaris). Males of this species developa dorsal crest during the courtship season. Crest height variesbetween males and is potentially an indicator of male quality.Initially, female smooth newts were equally willing to matewith males with low or high crests. However, in their secondmating, females remated only with high-crested males. Theseresults support our prediction and are consistent with Halliday'shypothesis. If crest height in smooth newts is an indicatorof quality, this change in females' mate choice criterion allowsfemales both to initiate egg-laying very early in the seasonand, subsequently, to mate preferentially with higher qualitymates  相似文献   

Parasites and diseases constitute major evolutionary forcesin many natural populations, and thus having an efficient immunedefense to resist infections is crucial for many organisms.Properties of the immune response may also influence mate choicedecisions in many animals. Theory predicts several advantagesfor females when choosing males with superior immune systems.These benefits can be both direct (e.g. increased paternal careand reduced disease transmission) and indirect (good genes).We have investigated female choice with respect to antibodyresponse to two novel antigens in males of a lekking bird, thegreat snipe (Gallinago media). Because of the lek mating system,female choice probably mainly incurs indirect (genetic) ratherthan direct benefits. Males responded to vaccination with diphtheriaand tetanus toxoids by producing specific antibodies to bothantigens. Triggering the immune system had no negative impacton display activities or survival. Males that were chosen byfemales as mates had on average higher antibody response tothe tetanus antigen than their neighbors. We did not, however,find any covariance between the strength of the antibody responseand male mating success.  相似文献   

Abstract The classic view of choosy, passive females and indiscriminate, competitive males gained theoretical foundations with parental investment theory. When females invest more in offspring than males, parental investment theory says that selection operates so that females discriminate among males for mates (i.e., females are choosy and passive) and males are indiscriminate (i.e., males are profligate and competitive). Here we report tests of predictions using Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. melanogaster , with typical asymmetry in gamete sizes (females > males), and in D. hydei with far less asymmetry in gamete size. Experimental observations revealed that the labels "choosy, passive females" and "profligate, indiscriminate males" did not capture the variation within and between species in premating behavior. In each of the species some females were as active in approaching males (or more so) than males in approaching females, and some males were as discriminating (or more so) than females. In pairs focal males and females responded differently to opposite-sex than to same-sex conspecifics. Drosophila hydei were less sex-role stereotyped than the other two species consistent with parental investment theory. However, D. pseudoobscura females approached males more often than did D. melanogaster females, and male D. hydei approached females as often as males of the other two species, both results inconsistent with parental investment theory. Male D. pseudoobscura and D. hydei were more likely to approach males in same-sex pairs than male D. melanogaster , inconsistent with parental investment theory.  相似文献   

Current theories of mate choice predict that the level of choosiness of males and females will depend on their relative investment in parental care. Males often invest less than females and are expected to be less choosy, especially in lekking species where males contribute only sperm. Our study of the haplochromine cichlid fish Astatotilapia flaviijosephi, a maternal mouthbrooder, provides the first experimental evidence for male mate choice in a lekking species. In this species the number of eggs spawned is positively correlated with female weight, thus making larger females potentially better mates. In the laboratory, we conducted a simultaneous choice experiment where males had the opportunity to associate with, and court, each of two females that differed in size. Males preferred to court the larger female and spent more time courting during experimental trials involving larger females. This selective allocation of courtship effort to more attractive (i.e. heavier) females suggests that there may be constraints on males in fertilizing multiple females, thus compelling them to be choosy.Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

Individual display courts, constructed by lekking male Jackson'swidowbirds, Euplectes jacksoni, were studied with respect tofemale mate choice. The court is a shaped tuft of grass, surroundedby a circular track on which displays and mating are performed.At the base of the tuft there are two cup-shaped recesses. Femalessit in front of, and often pluck at, one ofthese recesses whilemales display at the opposite side for about 1 min before theyapproach and attempt to copulate. The vast majority of femalesvisiting courts with experimentally destroyed or impaired recessesstayed shorter than the average time of male approach, whereasvisits to improved courts lasted longer than visits to intactcourts. All recorded copulations occurred at intact or improvedcourts. The display court is a weak predictor of male matingsuccess compared to other choice cues such as display rate andtail length, but females may require the court quality to exceeda certain stimulus threshold to accept the male. Court qualitycorrelates positively with male lek attendance and tail length.This paper discusses the implications of the results for sexualselection and considers the possibility that display courtsare ‘external sexual ornaments.’ From comparativedata on breeding behavior in related species, the display courtand its associated behaviors are suggested to originate frommale nest-initiation and female nest-inspection within an ancestralstate of resource-defense polygyny.  相似文献   

The evolution of female mate choice, broadly defined to include any female behaviour or morphology which biases matings towards certain male phenotypes, is traditionally thought to result from direct or indirect benefits which females acquire when mating with preferred males. In contrast, new models have shown that female mate choice can be generated by sexual conflict, where preferred males may cause a fitness depression in females. Several studies have shown that female Drosophila melanogaster bias matings towards large males. Here, we use male size as a proxy for male attractiveness and test how female fitness is affected by reproducing with large or small males, under two different male densities. Females housed with large males had reduced lifespan and aged at an accelerated rate compared with females housed with small males, and increased male density depressed female fitness further. These fitness differences were due to effects on several different fitness components. Female fitness covaried negatively with male courtship rate, which suggests a cost of courtship. Mating rate increased with male size, whereas female fitness peaked at an intermediate mating rate. Our results suggest that female mate choice in D. melanogaster is, at least in part, a by-product of sexual conflict over the mating rate.  相似文献   

In the pipefish Syngnathus typhle sex roles are reversed, thatis, females compete more intensely than males over mates. However,competition over mates among individuals of one sex does notnecessarily prevent members of that same sex from being choosy,and choosiness in the other sex does not prevent competitionwithin it. In an experiment we allowed a female pipefish tochoose freely between two males, after which we released themales and let the three interact. Comparisons with earlier resultsshow that both sexes courted partners and competed with consexuals.However, females courted more often than did males, and courtshipwas more frequent in treatments involving large individualsthan in treatments with small individuals. Males competed amongthemselves for access to mates but for a shorter duration thanfemales in the same situation. Males displayed an ornament towardsfemales but not to males during mating competition. Females,however, used their ornament in both contexts. Females did notalways mate with the male of their previously made choice, whichwe interpret as females being constrained by male-male competition,male motivation to mate, or both. Thus, in this sex-role reversedspecies, mate choice in the more competitive sex may be circumventedand even overruled by mate competition and mating willingnessin the least competitive sex. Hence, sex roles should not beconsidered as sexes being either choosy or competitive but ratherthat males and females may exhibit different combinations ofchoice and competition.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists have long been fascinated by extravagant male traits that abound across the animal kingdom and yet convey no apparent benefits to survival. From isopods to elephants, from armaments to ornaments, researchers have spent decades studying male–male competition and female mate choice in an effort to understand the significance of these secondary sexual characteristics. Among socially monogamous species, a frequently proposed explanation for the existence of male ornaments is that they are indicators of male genetic quality subject to female extra‐pair mate choice. However, despite over two decades of extensive research into extra‐pair paternity (EPP), the evidence that females actually choose more ornamented extra‐pair sires is surprisingly scant. Consequently, whether EPP and female choice have contributed to the evolution of male ornaments in socially monogamous species, and what fitness benefits (if any) they signal to females, remains unclear. Progress in this field has been hampered by the challenge of dissociating clear female choice for ornamentation from confounding factors. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Whittingham & Dunn (2016) use an experimental approach in a bird species with very high rates of EPP to tease apart these correlative effects. In doing so, they demonstrate clearly that male ornamentation is subject to female extra‐pair mate choice. Their findings further suggest that EPP can be adaptive for females, and represent an important step forward in validating the role of EPP as an evolutionary driver of ornamental elaboration in socially monogamous species.  相似文献   

To investigate behavioral or morphological traits importantas mate choice cues, we measured selection differentials (s)as the covariances between each trait and male mating success,and directional selection gradients (J3) from multiple linearregression of the standardized traits on male mating success.Data from two leks in four consecutive years were included,and the annual data were analyzed separately. The main findingsare: (1) the distribution of male mating success proved to beless skewed than those found in many other lekking species,(2) only a few traits yielded significant selection gradients,(3) the importance of age on male mating success changed acrossyears, (4) females may use traits with a high variance as matechoice cues, and (5) individual males achieved similar matingsuccesses between years. Attendance and age were the traitsmost consistently correlated with male mating success, but notraits showed significant selection gradients in all years.Our results indicate that variable sexual selection pressuresexisted between years, but the high correlation found betweenthe mating success of individual males in successive seasonsalso indicates that permanent differences in male traits areimportant. Key words: lek, mate choice, sexual selection.  相似文献   

''Good genes'' models assume that females can use a signal such as mating effort to assess a male''s lifetime fitness. Inferring long-term performance from short-term behavioural observations can be unreliable, and repeated sampling may be needed for more accurate assessment of males. Additionally, if sexual advertisement is viewed as a life-history trait subject to trade-offs, reliable comparison of mates should yield information on all life-history components rather than on one trait value in one season. We show that in the lekking black grouse (Tetrao tetrix), a male''s success is best explained by assuming that females are informed of the past history of males up to the beginning of the study (eight years). Much of this extremely lasting ''memory'' can be attributed to females observing long-term outcomes of male–male competition: current territory position is the only momentarily observable variable that has high power in predicting female choice, and it correlates to a male''s past lekking effort on a cumulative lifetime scale. We conclude that females can use territory position as a signal that conveys information of a male''s lifetime performance that combines lekking effort and longevity. Females may thus overcome the problem of male allocations varying in time, without the need to pay costs associated with repeated sampling.  相似文献   

Female mate choice is fundamental to sexual selection, and determining molecular underpinnings of female preference variation is important for understanding mating character evolution. Previously it was shown that whole‐brain expression of a synaptic plasticity marker, neuroserpin, positively correlates with mating bias in the female choice poeciliid, Xiphophorus nigrensis, when exposed to conspecific courting males, whereas this relationship is reversed in Gambusia affinis, a mate coercive poeciliid with no courting males. Here we explore whether species‐level differences in female behavioral and brain molecular responses represent ‘canalized’ or ‘plastic’ traits. We expose female G. affinis to conspecific males and females, as well as coercive and courting male Poecilia latipinna, for preference assays followed by whole‐brain gene expression analyses of neuroserpin, egr‐1 and early B. We find positive correlations between gene expression and female preference strength during exposure to courting heterospecific males, but a reversed pattern following exposure to coercive heterospecific males. This suggests that the neuromolecular processes associated with female preference behavior are plastic and responsive to different male phenotypes (courting or coercive) rather than a canalized response linked to mating system. Further, we propose that female behavioral plasticity may involve learning because female association patterns shifted with experience. Compared to younger females, we found larger, more experienced females spend less time near coercive males but associate more with males in the presence of courters. We thus suggest a conserved learning‐based neuromolecular process underlying the diversity of female mate preference across the mate choice and coercion‐driven mating systems.  相似文献   

Multiple mating and sequential mate choice in guppies: females trade up   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The trade-up hypothesis outlines a behavioural strategy that females could use to maximize the genetic benefits to their offspring. The hypothesis proposes that females should be more willing to accept a mate when the new male encountered is a superior genetic source to previous mates. We provide a direct test of the trade-up hypothesis using guppies (Poecilia reticulata), and evaluate both behavioural and paternity data. Virgin female guppies were presented sequentially with two males of varying attractiveness, and their responsiveness to each male was quantified. Male attractiveness (ornamentation) was scored as the amount of orange coloration on their body. Females were generally less responsive to second-encountered males, yet responsiveness to second males was an increasing function of male ornamentation. These attractive second males also sired a greater proportion of the offspring. There was an overall tendency for last-male advantage in paternity, and this advantage was most exaggerated when the second male was more ornamented than the first. Finally, we found that our estimate of relative sperm number did not account for any significant variation in paternity. Our results suggest that female guppies may use pre-copulatory mechanisms to maximize the genetic quality of their offspring.  相似文献   

The differential allocation hypothesis predicts increased investment in offspring when females mate with high-quality males. Few studies have tested whether investment varies with mate relatedness, despite evidence that non-additive gene action influences mate and offspring genetic quality. We tested whether female lekking lance-tailed manakins (Chiroxiphia lanceolata) adjust offspring sex and egg volume in response to mate attractiveness (annual reproductive success, ARS), heterozygosity and relatedness. Across 968 offspring, the probability of being male decreased with increasing parental relatedness but not father ARS or heterozygosity. This correlation tended to diminish with increasing lay-date. Across 162 offspring, egg volume correlated negatively with parental relatedness and varied with lay-date, but was unrelated to father ARS or heterozygosity. Offspring sex and egg size were unrelated to maternal age. Comparisons of maternal half-siblings in broods with no mortality produced similar results, indicating differential allocation rather than covariation between female quality and relatedness or sex-specific inbreeding depression in survival. As males suffer greater inbreeding depression, overproducing females after mating with related males may reduce fitness costs of inbreeding in a system with no inbreeding avoidance, while biasing the sex of outbred offspring towards males may maximize fitness via increased mating success of outbred sons.  相似文献   

Nocturnal frog species rely extensively on vocalization for reproduction. But recent studies provide evidence for an important, though long overlooked, role of visual communication. In many species, calling males exhibit a conspicuous pulsing vocal sac, a signal bearing visually important dynamic components. Here, we investigate female preference for male vocal sac coloration—a question hitherto unexplored—and male colour pattern in the European tree frog (Hyla arborea). Under nocturnal conditions, we conducted two-choice experiments involving video playbacks of calling males with identical calls and showing various naturally encountered colour signals, differing in their chromatic and brightness components. We adjusted video colours to match the frogs'' visual perception, a crucial aspect not considered in previous experiments. Females prefer males with a colourful sac and a pronounced flank stripe. Both signals probably enhance male conspicuousness and facilitate detection and localization by females. This study provides the first experimental evidence of a preference for specific vocal sac spectral properties in a nocturnal anuran species. Vocal sac coloration is based on carotenoids and may convey information about male quality worthwhile for females to assess. The informative content of the flank stripe remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

The males of lekking species are not expected to be choosy about mating because a reduced reproductive rate due to lost mating opportunities should outweigh any benefits of male choice. Females have traditionally not been expected to be competitive in this system since their reproduction has usually been assumed to be unconstrained by male availability. Here we show that, in contrast to these predictions, males are choosy and females may be competitive in the lekking great snipe Gallinago media. Males preferred by many females often refused to copulate with and even chased away females that the male had already copulated with, whereas females seemed to compete for repeated copulations. We conclude that choosiness may sometimes pay for popular males in those lekking species where females copulate repeatedly. Apparently, evolutionary conflicts of interest between individuals may cause a richer repertoire of behavioural adaptations than, to our knowledge, hitherto realized.  相似文献   

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