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Two new Trichadenotecnum species, T. corniculum and T. germinatum, were described from Japan. These species were considered to compose a monophyletic group newly defined here as the corniculum group. Judging from morphology of male terminalia, the corniculum group was considered to represent the basal most clade of the genus Trichadenotecnum.  相似文献   

Invasive holoparasitic plants of the genus Cuscuta (dodder) threaten African ecosystems due to their rapid spread and attack on various host plant species. Most Cuscuta species cannot photosynthesize and hence rely on host plants for nourishment. After attachment through a peg-like organ called a haustorium, the parasites deprive hosts of water and nutrients, which negatively affects host growth and development. Despite their rapid spread in Africa, dodders have attracted limited research attention, although data on their taxonomy, host range, and epidemiology are critical for their management. Here, we combine taxonomy and phylogenetics to reveal the presence of field dodder (Cuscuta campestris) and C. kilimanjari (both either naturalized or endemic to East Africa), in addition to the introduction of the giant dodder (C. reflexa), a south Asian species, in continental Africa. These parasites have a wide host range, parasitizing species across 13 angiosperm orders. We evaluated the possibility of C. reflexa to expand this host range to tea (Camelia sinensis), coffee (Coffea arabica), and mango (Mangifera indica), crops of economic importance to Africa, for which haustorial formation and vascular-bundle connections in all three crops revealed successful parasitism. However, only mango mounted a successful postattachment resistance response. Furthermore, species distribution models predicted high habitat suitability for Cuscuta spp. across major tea- and coffee-growing regions of Eastern Africa, suggesting an imminent risk to these crops. Our findings provide relevant insights into a poorly understood threat to biodiversity and economic wellbeing in Eastern Africa, and provide critical information to guide development of management strategies to avert Cuscuta spp. spread.

Microscopy and habitat suitability modeling provide an early warning that dodder’s invasion in Eastern Africa poses a threat to important cash crops.  相似文献   

Superb fairy-wren (Malurus cyaneus) females use an incubation call to teach their embryos a vocal password to solicit parental feeding care after hatching. We previously showed that high call rate by the female was correlated with high call similarity in fairy-wren chicks, but not in cuckoo chicks, and that parent birds more often fed chicks with high call similarity. Hosts should be selected to increase their defence behaviour when the risk of brood parasitism is highest, such as when cuckoos are present in the area. Therefore, we experimentally test whether hosts increase call rate to embryos in the presence of a singing Horsfield''s bronze-cuckoo (Chalcites basalis). Female fairy-wrens increased incubation call rate when we experimentally broadcast cuckoo song near the nest. Embryos had higher call similarity when females had higher incubation call rate. We interpret the findings of increased call rate as increased teaching effort in response to a signal of threat.  相似文献   

Paternal kin discrimination: the evidence and likely mechanisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the most important assumptions of kin selection theory is that individuals behave differently towards kin than non-kin. In mammals, there is strong evidence that maternal kin are distinguished from non-kin via familiarity. However, little is known about whether or not mammals can also recognize paternal kin as many female mammals, including primates, mate with multiple males near the time of conception, potentially concealing paternal kinship. Genetic data in several mammalian species with a promiscuous mating system and male-biased dispersal reveal a high skew in male reproduction which leads to co-residing paternal half-siblings. In most primates, individuals also form stable bisexual groups creating opportunities for males to interact with their offspring. Here I consider close paternal kin co-resident in the same social group, such as father-offspring and paternal half-siblings (i.e. animals sharing the same father but who were born to different mothers) and review mammalian studies of paternal kin discrimination. Furthermore, I summarize the most likely mechanisms of paternal kin discrimination (familiarity and phenotype matching). When familiarity is the underlying mechanism, mothers and/or the sire could mediate familiarity among paternal half-siblings as well as between fathers and offspring assuming mothers and/or fathers can assess paternity. When animals use phenotype matching, they might use their fathers' template (when the father is present) or self (when the father is absent) to assess paternal kinship in others. Available evidence suggests that familiarity and phenotype matching might be used for paternal kin discrimination and that both mechanisms might apply to a wide range of social mammals characterized by a high skew in male reproduction and co-residence of paternal kin. Among primates, suggested evidence for phenotype matching can often have an alternative explanation, which emphasizes the crucial importance of controlling for familiarity as a potential confounding variable. However, the mechanism/s used to identify paternal kin might differ within a species (as a function of each individual's specific circumstances) as well as among species (depending upon the key sensory modalities of the species considered). Finally, I discuss the possible cues used in paternal kin discrimination and offer suggestions for future studies.  相似文献   

There is substantial evidence for the dominant role of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in amphibian population dynamics. However, a wide range of other pathogens could also be important in precipitating amphibian population declines, particularly in the face of climate change or other stressors. Here we discuss some examples of zoosporic parasites in the Chytridiomycota, Mesomycetozoa, Perkinsozoa and Oomycota, all of which infect amphibians in freshwater habitats. The pathosystem model provides an excellent basis for understanding host–parasite interactions. Chemotactic zoopores and several families of proteases facilitate infection. Introduction of non-native host may accelerate the dispersal of these parasites. Unlike B. dendrobatidis some of the other zoosporic parasites grow well at or slightly above 25 °C, and their growth rates are likely to increase with global warming. The interactions of parasites with each other and the combined effect of simultaneous infection with multiple species in amphibian populations remain to be carefully studied.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis-related bone damage causes major socioeconomic problems. For efficient use of therapeutic agents, it is necessary to be able to reliably identify patients with high propensity for nontraumatic fracture. Age-related bone loss imposes several architectural changes in bone; one of the few ways to estimate damage due to individual changes, and hence determine the most serious types of damage, is via the analysis of suitable mathematical models. Anatomical sites such as the vertebral body, proximal femur, and distal radius are locations where most age-related fractures occur. The inner porous (or trabecular) bone from these sites, which resemble disordered cubic networks, play a significant role in load transmission at these sites. Analysis of a mathematical model of porous bone is used to show that perforation of elements of the network is the most damaging architectural change to a bone. We also show that an expression for bone strength, derived on this basis, can capture changes in strength caused by the inclusion of other features like thinning of trabecular bone and the anisotropy of the network. We finally argue that bone density, which is currently the most routinely used diagnostic, cannot be a reliable surrogate for bone strength.  相似文献   

The spectacular social courtship displays of lekking birds are thought to evolve via sexual selection, but this view does not easily explain the participation of many males that apparently fail to mate. One of several proposed solutions to this 'lek skew paradox' is that kin selection favours low-ranking males joining leks to increase the fitness of closely related breeders. We investigated the potential for kin selection to operate in leks of the greater sage grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus, by estimating relatedness between lekking males using microsatellite DNA markers. We also calibrated these estimates using data from known families. Mean relatedness within leks was statistically indistinguishable from zero. We also found no evidence for local clustering of kin during lek display, although males tended to range closer to kin when off the lek. These results make kin selection an unlikely solution to the lek skew paradox in sage grouse. Together with other recent studies, they also raise the question of why kin selection apparently promotes social courtship in some lekking species, but not in others.  相似文献   

'In the 15 minutes it will take you to read this article nine people in the USA, and one person in the UK, will have died as a direct consequence of obesity related illnesses.'  相似文献   

Despite widespread acknowledgment that disturbance favors invasion, a hypothesis that has received little attention is whether non-native invaders have greater competitive effects on native plants in undisturbed habitats than in disturbed habitats. This hypothesis derives from the assumption that competitive interactions are more persistent in habitats that have not been recently disturbed. Another hypothesis that has received little attention is whether the effects of non-native plants on native plants vary among habitats that differ in soil fertility. We documented habitat occurrences of 27 non-native plant species and 377 native plant species encountered in numerous study plots in a broad sample of ecosystems in MS (USA). We then reviewed experimental and regression-based field studies in the scientific literature that specifically examined potential competitive (or facilitative) effects of these non-native species on native species and characterized the habitats in which effects were the greatest. As expected, the non-native species examined here in general were more likely to be associated with severely disturbed habitats than were the native species as a group. In contrast, we found that non-native species with competitive effects on natives were more likely to be associated with undisturbed habitats than with disturbed habitats. When longer term studies involving more resident species were given more weight in the analysis, competitive effects appeared to be the greatest in undisturbed habitats with low soil fertility. These results reinforce the notion that invasion is not synonymous with impact. The environmental conditions that promote invasion may limit competitive effects of invaders on native plant communities following invasion.  相似文献   

We report 24 records of giant armadillo roadkill on Brazilian highways in the Cerrado, Pantanal and Amazon biomes illustrating that highways are a threat to this species. However, we also documented the species using underpasses, demonstrating that these structures could help to reduce the risk of roadkill for giant armadillos.  相似文献   



Rana pirica tadpoles show morphological changes in response to a predation threat: larvae of the dragonfly Aeshna nigroflava induce heightened tail depth, whereas larval salamander Hynobius retardatus induce a bulgy morphology with heightened tail depth. Although both predators induce similar tail morphologies, it is possible that there are functional differences between these tail morphs.


Here, we performed a discriminant microarray analysis using Xenopus laevis genome arrays to compare tail tissues of control and predator-exposed tadpoles. We identified 9 genes showing large-scale changes in their expression profile: ELAV-like1, methyltransferase like 7A, dolichyl-phosphate mannosyltransferase, laminin subunit beta-1, gremlin 1, BCL6 corepressor-like 1, and three genes of unknown identity. A further 80 genes showed greater than 5 fold differences in expression after exposure to dragonfly larvae and 81 genes showed altered expression after exposure to larval salamanders. Predation-threat responsive genes were identified by selecting genes that reverted to control levels of expression following removal of the predator. Thirteen genes were induced specifically by dragonfly larvae, nine others were salamander-specific, and sixteen were induced by both. Functional analyses indicated that some of the genes induced by dragonfly larvae caused an increase in laminins necessary for cell adhesion in the extracellular matrix. The higher expression of gremlin 1 and HIF1a genes after exposure to dragonfly larvae indicated an in vivo hypoxic reaction, while down-regulation of syndecan-2 may indicate impairment of angiogenesis. Exposure to larval salamanders caused down-regulation of XCIRP-1, which is known to inhibit expression of adhesion molecules; the tadpoles showed reduced expression of cα(E)-catenin, small muscle protein, dystrophin, and myosin light chain genes.


The connective tissue of tadpoles exposed to larval salamanders may be looser. The differences in gene expression profiles induced by the two predators suggest that there are functional differences between the altered tail tissues of the two groups of tadpoles.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1389-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Multi-modal visuo-tactile stimulation of the type performed in the rubber hand illusion can induce the brain to temporarily incorporate external objects into the body image. In this study we show that audio-visual stimulation combined with mental imagery more rapidly elicits an elevated physiological response (skin conductance) after an unexpected threat to a virtual limb, compared to audio-visual stimulation alone. Two groups of subjects seated in front of a monitor watched a first-person perspective view of slow movements of two virtual arms intercepting virtual balls rolling towards the viewer. One group was instructed to simply observe the movements of the two virtual arms, while the other group was instructed to observe the virtual arms and imagine that the arms were their own. After 84 seconds the right virtual arm was unexpectedly "stabbed" by a knife and began "bleeding". This aversive stimulus caused both groups to show a significant increase in skin conductance. In addition, the observation-with-imagery group showed a significantly higher skin conductance (p<0.05) than the observation-only group over a 2-second period shortly after the aversive stimulus onset. No corresponding change was found in subjects' heart rates. Our results suggest that simple visual input combined with mental imagery may induce the brain to measurably temporarily incorporate external objects into its body image.  相似文献   

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