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Population theory predicts that the reddened environmental noise, especially in combination with high population growth rate, reddens population dynamics, increases population variability and strengthens environment–population correlation. We tested these predictions with axenic populations of ciliated protozoa Tetrahymena thermophila. Populations with low and high growth rate were cultured in a stable environment, and in environments with sublethal temperature fluctuations that had blue, white and red spectra (i.e. negatively autocorrelated, uncorrelated, or positively autocorrelated, respectively). Population size and biomass of individuals were determined at 3-h intervals for 18 days.
Dynamics of all populations were reddened, suggesting that internal mechanisms can redden the population spectra. However, population dynamics were reddest, variability highest, and environment–population correlation strongest in the red environment as predicted. Contrary to theoretical predictions and previous empirical findings, population growth rate (rmax being equal to 0.05 and 0.3 h−1) had no effect on population dynamics.
Mean cell size and variability of cell size were affected by the presence and type of environmental noise suggesting that the physiological consequences of variability depend on colour. Environmental variability decreased mean population size and biomass and the decrease was strongest in rapidly fluctuating blue and white environments. The latter finding implies that rapid fluctuations are physiologically stressful, an effect that is not accounted for in the basic population models.  相似文献   

The effect of red, white and blue environmental noise on discrete-time population dynamics is analyzed. The coloured noise is superimposed on Moran-Ricker and Maynard Smith dynamics, the resulting power spectra are less than examined. Time series dominated by short- and long-term fluctuations are said to be blue and red, respectively. In the stable range of the Moran-Ricker dynamics, environmental noise of any colour will make population dynamics red or blue depending the intrinsic growth rate. Thus, telling apart the colour of the noise from the colour of the population dynamics may not be possible. Population dynamics subjected to red and blue environmental noises show, respectively, more red or blue power spectra than those subjected to white noise. The sensitivity to differences in the noise colours decreases with increasing complexity and ultimately disappears in the chaotic range of the population dynamics. These findings are duplicated with the Maynard Smith model for high growth rates when the strength of density dependence changes. However, for low growth rates the power spectra of the population dynamics with noise are red in stable, periodic and aperiodic ranges irrespective of the noise colour. Since chaotic population fluctuations may show blue spectra in the deterministic case, this implies that blue deterministic chaos may become red under any colour of the noise.  相似文献   

Light scattering studies on the giant squid axon were done using the technique of optical mixing spectroscopy. This experimental approach is based on the use of laser light to detect the fluctuations of membrane macromolecules which are associated with conductance fluctuations. The light scattering spectra were similar to the Lorentzian-like behavior of conductance fluctuations, possibly reflecting an underlying conformational change in the specific membrane sites responsible for the potassium ion conductance. The amplitude of the spectra measured, increased when the membrane was depolarized and decreased on hyperpolarization. The spectra were fit to the sum of two terms, a (1/fcomponent and a simple Lorentzian term. Spectra from deteriorating axons did not show sensitivity to membrane potential changes. It is shown theoretically that fluctuations due to the voltage-dependent variable, n, of the Hodgkin-Huxley formalism are identical to the voltage fluctuations. The derived power spectrum is that of a second order system, capable of showing resonance peaking only if the voltage dependence of the potassium rate constants is included in the analysis. The lack of resonance peaking in the observed light scattering spectra, indicates that the data are best described by a damped second order system.  相似文献   

The analysis of structure factors in 3D cryo-EM Coulomb potential maps and their “enhancement” at the end of the reconstruction process is a well-established practice, normally referred to as sharpening. The aim is to increase contrast and, in this way, to help tracing the atomic model. The most common way to accomplish this enhancement is by means of the so-called B-factor correction, which applies a global filter to boost high frequencies with some dampening considerations related to noise amplification. The results are maps with a better visual aspect and a quasiflat spectrum at medium and high frequencies. This practice is so widespread that most map depositions in the Electron Microscopy Data Base (EMDB) only contain sharpened maps. Here, the use in cryoEM of global B-factor corrections is theoretically and experimentally analyzed. Results clearly illustrate that protein spectra present a falloff. Thus, spectral quasi-flattening may produce protein spectra with distortions when compared with experimental ones, this fact, combined with the practice of reporting only sharpened maps, generates a sub-optimal situation in terms of data preservation, reuse and reproducibility. Now that the field is more advanced, we put forward two suggestions: (1) to use methods which keep more faithfully the original experimental signal properties of macromolecules when “enhancing” the map, and (2) to further stress the need to deposit the original experimental maps without any postprocessing or sharpening, not only the enhanced maps. In the absence of access to these original maps data is lost, preventing their future analysis with new methods.  相似文献   

We have recorded fluorescence-excitation and emission spectra from single LH2 complexes from Rhodopseudomonas (Rps.) acidophila. Both types of spectra show strong temporal spectral fluctuations that can be visualized as spectral diffusion plots. Comparison of the excitation and emission spectra reveals that for most of the complexes the lowest exciton transition is not observable in the excitation spectra due to the cutoff of the detection filter characteristics. However, from the spectral diffusion plots we have the full spectral and temporal information at hand and can select those complexes for which the excitation spectra are complete. Correlating the red most spectral feature of the excitation spectrum with the blue most spectral feature of the emission spectrum allows an unambiguous assignment of the lowest exciton state. Hence, application of fluorescence-excitation and emission spectroscopy on the same individual LH2 complex allows us to decipher spectral subtleties that are usually hidden in traditional ensemble spectroscopy.  相似文献   

We have recorded fluorescence-excitation and emission spectra from single LH2 complexes from Rhodopseudomonas (Rps.) acidophila. Both types of spectra show strong temporal spectral fluctuations that can be visualized as spectral diffusion plots. Comparison of the excitation and emission spectra reveals that for most of the complexes the lowest exciton transition is not observable in the excitation spectra due to the cutoff of the detection filter characteristics. However, from the spectral diffusion plots we have the full spectral and temporal information at hand and can select those complexes for which the excitation spectra are complete. Correlating the red most spectral feature of the excitation spectrum with the blue most spectral feature of the emission spectrum allows an unambiguous assignment of the lowest exciton state. Hence, application of fluorescence-excitation and emission spectroscopy on the same individual LH2 complex allows us to decipher spectral subtleties that are usually hidden in traditional ensemble spectroscopy.  相似文献   

The blue to UV-A region of the spectrum, spanning the region of about 320–520 nm, strongly influences the growth and development of plants and fungi. Photomorphogenesis in plants is, to a great extent, controlled by phytochrome, but there are unique contributions of the blue region, which cannot be duplicated by any amount of red light. Phototropism is, with few exceptions, a purely blue light response. In fungi, the blue region dominates the photocontrol of growth and development, though some red light effects have been reported. Many blue light action spectra fit the definition of cryptochrome, a pigment class defined by its UV-A and blue peaks. The action spectrum, if measured to sufficient resolution, displays several minor maxima or shoulders in the blue region which call to mind the vibrational levels of carotenoids and flavins. Recent molecular genetic studies, as well as photobiological work, have shown that some cryptochromes are related to the DNA repair enzyme photolyase, while others appear genetically and spectroscopically distinct. In this review, we have applied established criteria from photobiology, in particular, comparison of action spectra with absorption spectra, to these recent results. It is apparent that photolyase homologs such as CRY1 can explain the blue light portion of the action spectrum for hypocotyl elongation, assuming participation of the oxidized flavin. In fungi, the photoreceptor question remains open. Identification of the nph1 gene in Arabidopsis may soon lead to a photoreceptor for higher plant phototropism. Also, we present a possible solution to the most recent version of the long-standing flavin-carotenoid controversy, the zeaxanthin hypothesis for higher plant phototropism. In conclusion, there appear to be at least three classes of cryptochromes.  相似文献   

What are the mechanisms responsible for generating the erratic fluctuations observed in natural populations? This question has been at the centre of a long debate in contemporary ecology. The irregularities in the patterns of population abundance were initially mostly attributed to environmental factors. In the mid-1970s, however, it was proposed that these fluctuations may be generated intrinsically, by the underlying nonlinearities inherent in population processes. More recently, the focus of this argument has turned increasingly towards the statistical properties of population fluctuations, with many studies showing that ecological systems tend to be dominated by low-frequency or long-term dynamics, termed ''red'' noise. Currently, the source of the ''redness'' in ecological time-series is hotly debated, with the general consensus being that environmental variables are the major driving force. Here we show that three classic laboratory populations known to display irregular fluctuations also have reddened spectra. Furthermore, the dynamics of these populations show very well-defined generic scaling properties in the form of power laws. These results imply that long-term influences in ecological systems can be the product of intrinsic dynamics.  相似文献   

Techniques of time series analysis are applied to the dynamics of the phytophagous miteTetranychus urticae Koch and its predatorTyphlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt in six experimental mini-orchards, sampled weekly during two years (van de Klashorst et al., 1992). Autocovariance and crosscovariance functions characterize local and global behaviour in the time domain. Spectral density function and cross amplitude spectrum provide important information of the system's behaviour in the frequency domain. Because of a strikingly different behaviour, the total record was cut into two distinct periods. During the first period, all local systems oscillate with a frequency of four cycles per year and all in phase, resulting in a strongly periodical global behaviour at a high mean level. Since the mean local power spectra coincide with the global power spectrum over a wide range of frequencies, it is concluded that the total system of six orchards is homogeneous. During the second period, all local power spectra are mutually different, more or less smoothed with no apparent peak pointing to a periodical component. The resulting global power spectrum is almost flat at a low mean level. The system is heterogeneous with a quasi-stable global behaviour.From the cross-amplitude spectrum it became clear that the dynamics of the two species within the orchards remained strongly coupled over a wide range of frequencies.Since the experimental circumstances had not been intentionally changed, the origin of the drastic change in behaviour could not be identified. If high rates of dispersal have been the synchronizer during the first period, it is not clear why asynchrony suddenly occured in the second period.A comparison of the overall record with the results of Nachman's (1987) stochastic simulation model suggests that the change could possibly be of stochastic origin.  相似文献   

1. The spectral colour of population dynamics and its causes have attracted much interest. The spectral colour of a time series can be determined from its power spectrum, which shows what proportion of the total variance in the time series occurs at each frequency. A time series with a red spectrum (a negative spectral exponent) is dominated by low-frequency oscillations, and a time series with a blue spectrum (a positive spectral exponent) is dominated by high-frequency oscillations. 2. Both climate variables and population time series are characterised by red spectra, suggesting that a population's environment might be partly responsible for its spectral colour. Laboratory experiments and models have been used to investigate this potential link. However, no study using field data has directly tested whether populations in redder environments are redder. 3. This study uses the Global Population Dynamics Database together with climate data to test for this effect. We found that the spectral exponent of mean summer temperatures correlates positively and significantly with population spectral exponent. 4. We also found that over the last century, temperature climate variables on most continents have become bluer. 5. Although population time series are not long or abundant enough to judge directly whether their spectral colours are changing, our two results taken together suggest that population spectral colour may be affected by the changing spectral colour of climate variables. Population spectral colour has been linked to extinction; we discuss the potential implications of our results for extinction probability.  相似文献   

Action spectra for delayed light production by several algae were determined from 250 to 750 mµ incident light. In the visible portion of the spectrum the action spectra resemble those reported by previous workers for photosynthesis and light emission. Blue-green algae had a maximum at 620 mµ, red algae at 550 mµ, whereas green and brown algae have action spectra corresponding to chlorophyll and carotenoid absorption. In the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum delayed light is emitted by algae down to 250 mµ incident light. The action spectra of the different algae are not alike in the ultraviolet portion of the spectrum. This indicates that pigments other than chlorophyll must be sensitizing or shielding the algae in the ultraviolet region.  相似文献   

External forcing of a discrete time ecological system does not just add variation to existing dynamics but can change the dynamics. We study the mechanisms that can bring this about, focusing on the key concepts of excitation and suppression which emerge when analysing the power spectra of the system in linear approximation. Excitation, through resonance between the system dynamics and the external forcing, is the greater the closer the system is to the boundary of the stability region. This amplification means that the extinction of populations becomes possible sooner than expected and, conversely, invasion can be significantly delayed. Suppression and the consequent redistribution of power within the spectrum proves to be a function both of the connectivity of the network graph of the system and the way that external forcing is applied to the system. It is also established that colour in stochastic forcing can have a major impact, by enhancing resonance and by greater redistribution of power. This can mean a higher risk of extinction through larger fluctuations in population numbers and a higher degree of synchrony between populations. The implications of external forcing for stage-structured species, for populations in competition and for trophic web systems are studied using the tools and concepts developed in the paper.  相似文献   

Changes in the energy spectra of short-wavelength (k s ≈ 35 cm?1) plasma density fluctuations in the local region of the plasma column (r/a = 0.5–0.6) of the L-2M stellarator were studied by the method of collective scattering of 150-GHz radiation. The plasma was heated at the second harmonic of the electron gyrofrequency, the microwave heating power being in the range of 90–170 kW. A sector limiter was introduced in the peripheral plasma (r/a ≥ 0.8), and the Shafranov shift of the magnetic axis was varied by varying the vertical magnetic field. The results of measurements were averaged over 9–16 discharges. It is found that an increase in the heating power and/or the introduction of the sector limiter in the plasma lead to an increase in the energy of density fluctuations, which correlates with a decrease in the plasma energy lifetime. In the spectra of fluctuations, a broad spectral band in the range of 3–50 kHz was observed in which the spectral density was one order of magnitude higher than in the rest of the spectrum. Analysis of the Fourier spectra showed that the introduction of the sector limiter in the plasma resulted in an increase in both the spectral density of fluctuations in the range of 3–50 kHz and the fraction of quasi-coherent structures in turbulent density fluctuations.  相似文献   

1. Blue-green algae, red algae, and purple bacteria all show the emission of delayed light. 2. The action spectra for the production of delayed light by three species of blue-green algae have one broad band with a peak at 620 mµ. 3. The action spectrum for production of delayed light by the red algae has one peak at 550 mµ with a shoulder from 600 to 660 mµ. 4. The emission spectra of the delayed light from both the blue-green and red algae were the same as from the green algae, Chlorella. 5. The action spectra for the production of delayed light by the different species of purple bacteria tested consisted of one or more bands not resolved between 800 and 900 mµ. 6. The emission spectrum of the delayed light from the purple bacteria was largely at wave lengths longer than 900 mµ.  相似文献   

Fluctuations in tension during contraction of single muscle fibers.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We have searched for fluctuations in the steady-state tension developed by stimulated single muscle fibers. Such tension "noise" is expected to be present as a result of the statistical fluctuations in the number and/or state of myosin cross-bridges interacting with thin filament sites at any time. A sensitive electro-optical tension transducer capable of resolving the expected fluctuations in magnitude and frequency was constructed to search for the fluctuations. The noise was analyzed by computing the power spectra and amplitude of stochastic fluctuations in the photomultiplier counting rate, which was made proportional to muscle force. The optical system and electronic instrumentation together with the minicomputer software are described. Tensions were measured in single skinned glycerinated rabbit psoas muscle fibers in rigor and during contraction and relaxation. The results indicate the presence of fluctuations in contracting muscles and a complete absence of tension noise in eith rigor or relaxation. Also, a numerical method was developed to simulate the power spectra and amplitude of fluctuations, given the rate constants for association and dissociation of the cross-bridges and actin. The simulated power spectra and the frequency distributions observed experimentally are similar.  相似文献   

Populations adapt to novel environmental conditions by genetic changes or phenotypic plasticity. Plastic responses are generally faster and can buffer fitness losses under variable conditions. Plasticity is typically modeled as random noise and linear reaction norms that assume simple one‐to‐one genotype–phenotype maps and no limits to the phenotypic response. Most studies on plasticity have focused on its effect on population viability. However, it is not clear, whether the advantage of plasticity depends solely on environmental fluctuations or also on the genetic and demographic properties (life histories) of populations. Here we present an individual‐based model and study the relative importance of adaptive and nonadaptive plasticity for populations of sexual species with different life histories experiencing directional stochastic climate change. Environmental fluctuations were simulated using differentially autocorrelated climatic stochasticity or noise color, and scenarios of directional climate change. Nonadaptive plasticity was simulated as a random environmental effect on trait development, while adaptive plasticity as a linear, saturating, or sinusoidal reaction norm. The last two imposed limits to the plastic response and emphasized flexible interactions of the genotype with the environment. Interestingly, this assumption led to (a) smaller phenotypic than genotypic variance in the population (many‐to‐one genotype–phenotype map) and the coexistence of polymorphisms, and (b) the maintenance of higher genetic variation—compared to linear reaction norms and genetic determinism—even when the population was exposed to a constant environment for several generations. Limits to plasticity led to genetic accommodation, when costs were negligible, and to the appearance of cryptic variation when limits were exceeded. We found that adaptive plasticity promoted population persistence under red environmental noise and was particularly important for life histories with low fecundity. Populations producing more offspring could cope with environmental fluctuations solely by genetic changes or random plasticity, unless environmental change was too fast.  相似文献   

There has been a long debate on the source of temporal fluctuations in natural population densities. The difficulty is that unpredictable irregularities might be attributed either to external environmental factors or to chaotic dynamics of populations, or even to the interaction of these two factors. Some years ago Cohen (1995) pointed out that real time series follow redshifted Fourier power spectra, while the simplest chaotic population dynamical models are mostly blueshifted. Since then, the controversy has focused on comparisons of Fourier spectra originating from different models and data. Here, we show experimentally that estimation process by human observers shifts power spectra to the red. This result implies that because of estimation distortion, real population data must be less redshifted than many recorded time series suggest.  相似文献   

Transepithelially recorded current and voltage fluctuations are filtered by the impedance of the electrical equivalent parameters of the preparation, in series or in parallel, with the noise source. Fluctuations in voltage and current are assumed to be caused by fluctuations in conductance of the apical membrane. In order to obtain an estimation of the intrinsic noise amplitudes, calculations are presented to correct the transepithelial fluctuations. The influence of different model parameters on the recorded noise spectra is investigated. It is shown that the shape of the transepithelially recorded noise spectra may differ from the intrinsic ones, e.g. “peaking” in the power spectra may be explained by the assumption of a positive (referred to cell inside) e.m.f. at the basolateral membrane or a polarization impedance in series with the epithelium. Furthermore it is demonstrated that the ratio of voltage to current noise power may differ from the squared magnitude of the impedance.  相似文献   

We have devised an artificial sampling approach generating "absorption flattening" (AF) on the UV-Vis spectrum of a solution of a chiral compound: Tris (ethylendiamine)cobalt(III) chloride (Lambda-Co(en)(3)Cl(3)). We have observed a concomitant red shift of the CD maxima. Related CD and absorption spectra have been calculated from spectra recorded on diluted homogeneous solutions, thus monitoring the effect of AF on both types of data. Experimental data are in good agreement with calculated spectra. Simulations with suitable bandshapes show that the red shift of the CD spectrum is due to AF. On the basis of these results, we conclude that AF is an important cause of distortions in CD spectra for inhomogeneous samples. Plans to compensate or at least to take into account this effect are presented.  相似文献   

The visible circular dichroism (CD) spectrum of an R-phycoerythrin (Porphyra tenera) is composed of several positive bands. The protein in aqueous buffer very slowly exhibits changes in the CD spectrum of its chromophores, a band at 489 nm undergoes an increase in intensity and a red shift. When the band reached a 493 nm maximum, the spectrum became very stable. The aggregation state of the protein did not change during this spectral conversion. The chromophore CD spectrum was also obtained in the presence of a low concentration of urea or sodium thiocyanate, and the identical change in the CD was noted, but the change was much faster. The visible absorption and CD in the far UV spectra were unaffected by urea. Unchanged visible absorption and protein secondary structure (61% alpha helix) contradicted by comparatively salient alterations in the visible CD spectra suggested very subtle structural changes are influencing some of the chromophores. For a second R-phycoerythrin (Gastroclonium coulteri), the CD of the chromophores had a negative band on the blue edge of the spectrum. This is the first negative CD band observed for any R-phycoerythrin. Treatment of this protein with low concentrations of urea produced a change in the visible CD with the negative band being completely converted to a positive band. Fluorescence studies showed that the treatment by urea did not affect energy migration. Deconvolution of the CD spectra were used to monitor the chromophores. The results demonstrated that the same aggregate of each R-phycoerythrin could exist in two conformations, and this is a novel finding for any red algal or cyanobacterial biliprotein. The two forms of each protein would differ in tertiary structure, but retain the same secondary structures.  相似文献   

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