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Scorpionflies have been used as model organisms for the study of alternative male mating tactics as well as sexual conflict and coercive mating. Here we describe the courtship and mating behaviour of the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata at different levels of nutrition. Alternative mating tactics in scorpionflies involve nuptial food gifts, and we expected an effect of nutrient availability and male individual condition on the relative frequency of these mating tactics. Subsequent to female attraction by means of male pheromonal emission (calling) and a conspicuous pairing prelude, the majority of matings were initiated by male secretion of one relatively large salivary mass on which females feed during copulation. Usually, males produced only a single salivary mass per mating, and the copulation was terminated after the female had consumed the salivary mass. Alternatively, in 40% of the copulations, males offered females a dead arthropod as nuptial gift. However, these matings were neither preceded by male calling nor by the pairing prelude. Copulations with no gifts were extremely rare, and forced copulations were absent. The manipulation of the clamp‐like notal organ used by male scorpionflies in coercive matings had no effect on the duration of copulation, suggesting that P. cognata males are not able to enforce longer matings. Copulations involving salivary mass gifts were significantly longer than copulations with prey provided as gifts. Although contrary to our expectations, nutrition had no effect on the relative frequency of the different male mating tactics, it had several effects on courtship and mating. First, well‐fed individuals copulated significantly more often, both with prey and salivary secretions, than individuals with limited nutrient resources available. This was true for both sexes, although the effect was stronger for males. Higher availability of nutrients decreased the time until male and female sexual maturity and increased male calling duration per day. Furthermore, high nutrient availability decreased the duration of the pairing prelude, and consequently pairs started copulating earlier at night in the high nutrient treatment.  相似文献   

Males and females have conflicting interests on the frequency and outcomes of mating interactions. Males maximize their fitness by mating with as many females as possible, whereas choosy females often reduce receptivity following copulation. Alternative male mating tactics can be adaptive in their expression to a variety of mating contexts, including interactions with a relatively unreceptive mated female. Male Rabidosa punctulata wolf spiders can adopt distinctive mating tactics when interacting with a female, a complex courtship display, and/or a more coercive direct mount tactic that often involves grappling with females for copulation. In this study, we set up female mating treatments with initial trials and then paired mated and unmated females with males to observe both female remating frequencies and the male mating tactics used during the interactions. Males adopted different mating tactics depending on the mating status of the female they were paired with. Males were more likely to adopt a direct mount tactic with already-mated females and courtship with unmated females. Already-mated females were considerably less receptive to males during experimental trials, although they did remate 34% of the time, the majority of which were with males using a direct mount tactic. Whereas males adjusting to these contextual cues were able to gain more copulations, the observation of multiple mating in female R. punctulata introduces the potential for sperm competition. We discuss this sexual conflict in terms of the fitness consequences of these mating outcomes for both males and females.  相似文献   

Smith CC  Ryan MJ 《Biology letters》2011,7(5):733-735
In species with alternative reproductive tactics, males that sneak copulations often have larger, higher quality ejaculates relative to males that defend females or nest sites. Ejaculate traits can, however, exhibit substantial phenotypic plasticity depending on a male's mating role in sperm competition, which may depend on the tactic of his competitor. We tested whether exposure to males of different tactics affected sperm number and quality in the swordtail Xipophorus nigrensis, a species with small males that sneak copulations and large males that court females. Sperm swimming speed was higher when the perceived competitor was small than when the competitor was large. Plasticity, however, was only exhibited by small males. Sperm number and viability were invariant between social environments. Our results suggest sperm quality is role-dependent and that plastic responses to the social environment can differ between male reproductive tactics.  相似文献   

The role of sexual selection in the crickets (family Gryllidae) is well known but new forms of courtship behavior continue to be discovered. Here we describe the elaborate mating behavior of the Hawaiian endemic Laupala cerasina (subfamily Trigonidiinae) on the basis of both laboratory and field observations. We found that courtship and mating involve multiple copulations during which repeated spermatophores are transferred. Initial copulations involved the transfer of relatively small ‘microspermatophores’. The final copulation results in the transfer of a considerably larger ‘macrospermatophore’. We tested and rejected the hypothesis that the number of spermatophore transfers results in greater offspring sired by a given male. Matings involving only microspermatophores resulted in no offspring, whereas most matings involving micros and a macrospermatophore, or a macrospermatophore only, produced offspring. A direct examination of the contents of the microspermatophore revealed an absence of sperm, whereas examination of the macrospermatophore revealed the presence of sperm. Given that females consume the spermless microspermatophores, we conclude that the microspermatophores are a form of nuptial feeding of females by males. We discuss possible hypotheses to explain this unusual courtship system.  相似文献   

Polyandry, where females mate with multiple males, means that a male''s reproductive success will depend both on his ability to acquire mates and the ability of his sperm to compete effectively for fertilizations. But, how do males partition their reproductive investment between these two episodes of selection? Theory predicts that increases in ejaculate investment will come at a cost to investment in other reproductive traits. Although evidence revealing such trade-offs is accumulating, we know little about their genetic basis. Here, I report patterns of genetic (co)variation for a range of traits subject to pre- and post-copulatory sexual selection in the guppy Poecilia reticulata, a promiscuous livebearing fish in which males alternate between courtship and sneak matings to obtain copulations. The analyses of genetic variation and covariation for these behaviours revealed a strong genetic predisposition for one tactic over the other. Both mating tactics were also strongly genetically integrated with the level of sexual ornamentation and ejaculate quality. Males that predominantly performed sneak matings were less ornamented but had faster swimming sperm than those that predominantly used courtship. These patterns of genetic variation and covariation reveal potential evolutionary constraints on the direction of selection of pre- and post-copulatory traits, and support sperm competition theory by revealing a trade-off between sexual attractiveness and investment in ejaculates.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that mate choice can lead to an increase in female fecundity if the secondary sexual traits used by females to assess male quality covary with the number of sperm transferred during copulation. Where females mate multiply, such a relationship between male attractiveness and ejaculate size may, additionally (or alternatively), serve to augment the effect of indirect selection by biasing paternity in favour of preferred males. In either case, a positive correlation between male attractiveness and the size of ejaculates delivered at copulation is predicted. To date, some of the most convincing (indirect) evidence for this prediction comes from the guppy, a species of fish exhibiting a resource-free mating system in which attractive males tend to have larger sperm reserves. We show that, during solicited copulations, male guppies with preferred phenotypes actually transfer more sperm to females than their less-ornamented counterparts, irrespective of the size of their initial sperm stores. Our results also reveal that, during coercive copulations, the relationship between ejaculate size and the male's phenotype breaks down. This latter result, in conjunction with our finding that mating speed--a factor under the female's control-is a significant predictor of ejaculate size, leads us to speculate that females may exert at least partial control over the number of sperm inseminated during cooperative matings.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory predicts that mating frequency and long‐term sperm storage affect the relative allocation to male and female function in simultaneous hermaphrodites. We examined the effect of mating frequency on male and female reproductive output (number of sperm delivered and eggs deposited) and on the resources allocated to the male and female function (dry mass, nitrogen and carbon contents of spermatophores and eggs) in individuals of the simultaneous hermaphrodite land snail Arianta arbustorum. Similar numbers of sperm were delivered in successive copulations. Consequently, the total number of sperm transferred increased with increasing number of copulations. In contrast, the total number of eggs produced was not influenced by the number of copulations. Energy allocation to gamete production expressed as dry mass, nitrogen or carbon content was highly female‐biased (>95% in all estimates). With increasing number of copulations the relative nitrogen allocation to the male function increased from 1.7% (one copulation) to 4.7% (three copulations), but the overall reproductive allocation remained highly female‐biased. At the individual level, we did not find any trade‐off between male and female reproductive function. In contrast, there was a significant positive correlation between the resources allocated to the male and female function. Snails that delivered many sperm also produced a large number of eggs. This finding contradicts current theory of sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Life history theory provides a powerful tool to study an organism's biology within an evolutionary framework. The notion that males face a longevity cost of competing for and displaying to females lies at the core of sexual selection theory. Likewise, recent game theory models of the evolution of ejaculation strategies assume that males face a trade-off between expenditure on the ejaculate and expenditure on gaining additional matings. Males of the dung beetle Onthophagus binodis adopt alternative reproductive tactics in which major males fight for and help provision females, and minor males sneak copulations with females that are guarded by major males. Minor males are always subject to sperm competition, and consistent with theoretical expectation, minor males have a greater expenditure on their ejaculate than major males. We used this model system to seek evidence that mating comes at a cost for future fertility and/or male expenditure on courtship and attractiveness, and to establish whether these traits vary between alternative mating tactics. We monitored the lifespan of males exposed to females and nonmating populations, and sampled males throughout their lives to assess their fertility and courtship behaviour. We found a significant longevity cost of reproduction, but no fertility cost. On average, males from mating populations had a lower courtship rate than those from nonmating populations. This small effect, although statistically nonsignificant, was associated with significant increases in the time males required to achieve mating. Minor males had lower courtship rates than major males, and took longer to achieve mating. Although we did not measure ejaculate expenditure in this study, the correlation between lower courtship rate and longer mating speed of minor males documented here with their greater expenditure on the ejaculate found in previous studies, is consistent with game theory models of ejaculate expenditure which assume that males trade expenditure on gaining matings for expenditure on gaining fertilizations.  相似文献   

Polyandrous females are expected to discriminate among males through postcopulatory cryptic mate choice. Yet, there is surprisingly little unequivocal evidence for female-mediated cryptic sperm choice. In species in which nuptial gifts facilitate mating, females may gain indirect benefits through preferential storage of sperm from gift-giving males if the gift signals male quality. We tested this hypothesis in the spider Pisaura mirabilis by quantifying the number of sperm stored in response to copulation with males with or without a nuptial gift, while experimentally controlling copulation duration. We further assessed the effect of gift presence and copulation duration on egg-hatching success in matings with uninterrupted copulations with gift-giving males. We show that females mated to gift-giving males stored more sperm and experienced 17% higher egg-hatching success, compared with those mated to no-gift males, despite matched copulation durations. Uninterrupted copulations resulted in both increased sperm storage and egg-hatching success. Our study confirms the prediction that the nuptial gift as a male signal is under positive sexual selection by females through cryptic sperm storage. In addition, the gift facilitates longer copulations and increased sperm transfer providing two different types of advantage to gift-giving in males.  相似文献   

Since natural populations of guppies, Poecilia reticulata, often differ from one another in social structure, the intensity of sperm competition is likely to vary between localities. Guppies are promiscuous, with female choice for colourful males playing a central role in the mating system. In addition, male guppies use forced copulations to circumvent female choice. Both methods of copulation are used interchangeably by individual males, but the degree to which either is used may depend on the social environment into which males are born. Here we show that male mating behaviour varies according to the rearing sex ratio: when reared in male-biased groups, males performed more forced copulations and fewer courtship displays but showed the opposite pattern of behaviour when reared in female-biased groups. Our prediction, based on sperm competition theory, that stripped sperm number would reflect social structure was not supported by our results. Instead, the overall level of sexual activity (gonopodial thrusts+sigmoid displays) was a better predictor of sperm number in the different groups of males. Rearing density, where sex ratio was controlled, did not significantly affect male mating behaviour or sperm traits. Males reared under the different sex ratios continued to show their characteristic behaviour patterns when placed in equal sex ratio tanks. We conclude, therefore, that males adopt mating strategies to suit their social environment, and that these strategies remain fixed, for short periods at least, if population structure changes. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that sperm production and transfer may have significant costs to males. Male sperm investment into a current copulation may therefore influence resources available for future matings, which selects for male strategic mating investment. In addition, females may also benefit from actively or passively altering the number of sperm transferred by males. In the scorpionfly Panorpa cognata, the number of sperm transferred during copulation depended on copulation duration and males in good condition (residual weight) copulated longer and also transferred more sperm. Moreover, sperm transferred and stored per unit time was higher in copulations with females in good condition than in copulations with females in poor condition. Males varied greatly and consistently in their sperm transfer rate, indicative of costs associated with this trait. The duration of the pairing prelude also varied between males and correlated negatively with the male's sperm transfer rate, but no other male character correlated significantly with male sperm transfer rate. The results are consistent with strategic mating effort but sperm transfer could also be facilitated by the physical size of females and/or females in good condition may be more cooperative during sperm transfer.  相似文献   

In the freshwater planarian Dugesia polychroa (Tricladida, Paludicola), both animals fulfil the male and female role simultaneously in any given copulation. This study presents the first detailed account of the copulatory behaviour, timing and frequency in this species. We also describe an experimental set-up that enables continuous, undisturbed observation of large numbers of animals. D. polychroa pairs copulate repeatedly in the lab (up to eight times in 5 d). Animals that were kept in isolation for longer, were more likely to copulate. The mating behaviour lacks a behaviourally recognizable precopulatory courtship sequence, suggesting that precopulatory assessment is absent or only marginally important. Copulation duration ranged from a few minutes to 2.5 h and showed a distinct bimodal distribution. Two copulation types were recognized: short (<35min) and long (≥35min). Histological analysis showed that sperm transfer is rare during short copulations, but after long copulations all animals had received sperm and sperm transfer was reciprocal in all pairs where both partners could be investigated. Hence, only long copulations are ‘true’ copulations with sperm transfer. Pairs with short copulations (40 % of all pairs) had fewer long copulations, but a higher overall copulatory activity. Copulation rate is constant over 5 d for both copulation types. It does, however, fluctuate with the time of day: most (long) copulations take place at night. Pairs that copulated more often, also produced more cocoons. We argue mat in-copula assessment during the first 30 min of the copulation determines whether copulations are sometimes interrupted before sperm are transferred and that this explains the occurrence of short and long copulations.  相似文献   

Agonistic behaviour between male cellar spiders (Pholcus phalangioides) was investigated to test whether (1) size difference determines which male achieves access to the female, (2) males are able to monopolize access to the female until egg laying and whether (3) female resource value increases before egg laying because of last‐male sperm precedence. We further investigated whether (4) there is variation in time and energy spent on courtship and copulation depending on the degree of sperm competition, i.e. with or without rival present. In three experimental settings we introduced two males of either different or similar sizes, or a single male to a female. The mating units were constantly video‐observed until the females produced their first egg sac. Experience, ownership and female resource value in terms of body size was controlled. Our results show that larger males achieve almost exclusive access to females. Size symmetrical settings resulted in increased fighting activity and duration but dominance did not influence mating success. If copulations were disturbed by the rival male, copulations were terminated earlier in symmetrical settings compared with asymmetrical settings. In 94.8% of trials only one copulation took place, suggesting that the copulating male successfully monopolized access to the female. Males confronted with a rival copulated longer but courted significantly shorter than lone males. Although the last male to copulate sires 88% of the offspring in P. phalangioides, neither fighting nor courtship activity increased before the female laid a batch of eggs. This suggests that males have no indication of the timing of oviposition.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is widely recognized as a pervasive force of sexual selection. Theory predicts that across species increased risk of sperm competition should favor an increased expenditure on the ejaculate, a prediction for which there is much evidence. Sperm competition games have also been developed specifically for systems in which males adopt the alternative male mating tactics of sneaking copulations or guarding females. These models have not yet been tested in a comparative context, but predict that: across species male expenditure on the ejaculate should increase with increasing probability of a sneak mating; within species, sneaks should have the greater expenditure on the ejaculate; and the disparity in expenditure between sneaks and guards should be greatest in species with moderate risk of a sneak mating, and decline toward parity in species with low or high risk. Beetles in the genus Onthophagus are often characterized by dimorphic male morphologies that reflect the alternative mating tactics of sneak (minor males) and guard (major males). We conducted a comparative analysis across 16 species of male dimorphic onthophagines, finding that testes size increased across species with increasing frequency of the minor male phenotype. Minor males generally had the greater testes size, but across species the disparity between morphs was independent of the frequency of minor males. We present data on testes allometry from two populations of O. taurus that have undergone genetic divergence in the frequency of minor males. Consistent with the comparative analysis, these data support the notion that the relative frequency of sneaks in the population influences male expenditure on the ejaculate.  相似文献   

Male swordtails in the genus Xiphophorus display a conspicuous ventral elongation of the caudal fin, the sword, which arose through sexual selection due to female preference. Females mate regularly and are able to store sperm for at least 6 months. If multiple mating is frequent, this would raise the intriguing question about the role of female choice and male-male competition in shaping the mating system of these fishes. Size-dependent alternate mating strategies occur in Xiphophorus; one such strategy is courtship with a sigmoid display by large dominant males, while the other is gonopodial thrusting, in which small subordinate males sneak copulations. Using microsatellite markers, we observed a frequency of multiple paternity in wild-caught Xiphophorus multilineatus in 28% of families analyzed, but the actual frequency of multiple mating suggested by the correction factor PrDM was 33%. The number of fathers contributing genetically to the brood ranged from one to three. Compared to other species in the family Poeciliidae, both frequency and degree of multiple paternity were low. Paternity was found to be highly skewed, with one male on average contributing more than 70% to the offspring. Hence in this Xiphophorus mating system, typically one male dominates and sneaker males do not appear to be particularly effective. Postcopulatory mechanisms, however, such as sperm competition, are also indicated by our data, using sex-linked phenotypes among the offspring.  相似文献   

In species in which individuals alternate between mating strategies, males may respond to elevated predation risk by switching from conspicuous courtship displays to less risky or more profitable sneaky mating attempts. As a consequence, in such species female choice is likely to be undermined more frequently in relatively dangerous localities. We tested this prediction using the guppy, a species of fish in which individual males alternate between courtship (solicited) and forced (unsolicited) copulations according to prevailing levels of predation. We collected females at late stages of gestation from four high- and four low-predation populations in Trinidad and examined them for the presence of sperm in their gonoducts. Due to the patterns of sperm storage in guppies, sperm found in the gonoducts of such late-cycle females can only arise from unsolicited copulations. We anticipated that because female guppies are subject to greater sexual harassment in the form of forced mating attempts in high-risk localities, a higher proportion of females in these populations would contain sperm in their gonoducts arising from recent unsolicited copulations. Contrary to this prediction, only one of the four paired comparisons (from the Quaré River) revealed a significant difference in the proportion of females recently inseminated through forced copulations. The paired comparisons for the remaining three rivers revealed no significant differences in the proportion of females with recoverable sperm in their gonoducts. However, overall, we found that 44.5% (±4.3 SE) of females had sperm in their gonoduct arising from sneaky mating, a figure three times higher than previously reported for this species. We discuss these findings in relation to recent predictions concerning the strength of sexual selection in natural populations.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 78 , 605–612.  相似文献   

Time in copula in the swarming caddis fly Mystacides azurea L. (Trichoptera: Leptoceridae) ranged from 0.33 to 44.5 min. It increased with male age (wing wear) and male dry weight, but was independent of male and female size (forewing length), female wing wear and number of eggs in the females. Older males failed to transfer sperm during copulation more frequently than did younger ones. It is suggested that females benefit by interrupting prolonged copulations if sperm is not transferred rapidly, since being in copula might increase the risk of predation. Alternatively, young and old males follow different mating tactics; old males have a lower chance to acquire new mates and they do better by monopolizing a female, once they get one, by prolonging the copulation.  相似文献   

We suggest an explanation for the bimodal distribution in the number of sperm transferred into the female during mating by males of the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata). While in most matings females receive 20,000 sperm, in others they receive less than 1000. A variety of potential proximate causes for this bimodal distribution including experimental procedures and several physiological and behavioral causes were examined: male body size, female body size, male mating history, socio-sexual environments, duration and number of mounts, and duration and number of copulations. Surprisingly, none of these explained the observed distribution. However, we did find that the total time spent in copulation was significantly less variable among males that transferred more than 20,000 sperm than among males that passed less than 1000 sperm. In addition, males transferring large amounts of sperm resulted in proportionally more sperm inside the female’s spermatheca within a short period of time than males passing less than 1000 sperm. The lack of pattern in male sperm ejaculate suggests definite differences in sperm delivery tactics and may be related to the female condition rather than the male.  相似文献   

We model the optimal copulation duration in the yellow dungflyScathophaga stercoraria, assuming that males optimize their reproductive success per day. The independent state-variables of a male are the actual sperm reserves, the female encounterrate and the time of the day. We used stochastic dynamic programming to predict the optimal copulation duration. The model predicts that copulation duration should increase (i) for larger males, (ii) for males with a better previous diet (iii) for males accepting more females (iv) for males staying away from the dung during a whole day. It also predicts that (v) males on a restricted diet should accept fewer matings, (vi) testes size should shrivel during the day, (vii) the correlation coefficient between copulation duration and sequence number should decrease with increasing initial sperm reserve and with increasing number of copulations performed on a given day.There are two essential differences between our model and a model of Parker (1992). (i) Our model assumes that males optimize per day. Parker's model assumes that males optimize per mating bout, one bout comprising many days. (ii) Since all the important state variables depend only on the moment of the copulation, our model does not assume a long-time memory in dungflies, and it is more flexible than Parker's model. Overall, both models explain the data available equally well.  相似文献   

Male Micrathena gracilis require two copulations, separated by a dismount, in order to inseminate both reproductive tracts of the female. We examined several factors that might influence a male's copulatory success. Web structure influenced male courtship and dismount tactics, but not copulatory frequency. The presence of another male reduced the likelihood of a given male copulating with both tracts, a limitation mediated by sexual responsiveness of the female. Mating status of the female did influence copulatory frequency; males were less likely to copulate a second time with nonvirgin females. In summary, males modify mating activities to reduce predation by females, to reduce intermale competition, and to avoid expending gametes when there is little chance of fertilization. Females influence males by predatory activities, mediated through web structure, and enhancing sperm competition among males.  相似文献   

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