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New findings in the nervous system of invertebrates have shown how a number of features of central pattern generator (CPG) circuits contribute to the generation of robust flexible rhythms. In this paper we consider recently revealed strategies that living CPGs follow to design CPG control paradigms for modular robots. To illustrate them, we divide the task of designing an example CPG for a modular robot into independent problems. We formulate each problem in a general way and provide a bio-inspired solution for each of them: locomotion information coding, individual module control and inter-module coordination. We analyse the stability of the CPG numerically, and then test it on a real robot. We analyse steady state locomotion and recovery after perturbations. In both cases, the robot is able to autonomously find a stable effective locomotion state. Finally, we discuss how these strategies can result in a more general design approach for CPG-based locomotion.  相似文献   

The use of mobile robots is an effective method of validating sensory–motor models of animals in a real environment. The well-identified insect sensory–motor systems have been the major targets for modeling. Furthermore, mobile robots implemented with such insect models attract engineers who aim to avail advantages from organisms. However, directly comparing the robots with real insects is still difficult, even if we successfully model the biological systems, because of the physical differences between them. We developed a hybrid robot to bridge the gap. This hybrid robot is an insect-controlled robot, in which a tethered male silkmoth (Bombyx mori) drives the robot in order to localize an odor source. This robot has the following three advantages: 1) from a biomimetic perspective, the robot enables us to evaluate the potential performance of future insect-mimetic robots; 2) from a biological perspective, the robot enables us to manipulate the closed-loop of an onboard insect for further understanding of its sensory–motor system; and 3) the robot enables comparison with insect models as a reference biological system. In this paper, we review the recent works regarding insect-controlled robots and discuss the significance for both engineering and biology.  相似文献   

We present a new method which allows a swarm of robots to sort arbitrarily arranged objects into homogeneous clusters. In the ideal case, a distributed robotic sorting method should establish a single homogeneous cluster for each object type. This can be achieved with existing methods, but the rate of convergence is considered too slow for real-world application. Previous research on distributed robotic sorting is typified by randomised movement with a pick-up/deposit behaviour that is a probabilistic function of local object density. We investigate whether the ability of each robot to localise and return to remembered places can improve distributed sorting performance. In our method, each robot maintains a cache point for each object type. Upon collecting an object, it returns to add this object to the cluster surrounding the cache point. Similar to previous biologically inspired work on distributed sorting, no explicit communication between robots is implemented. However, the robots can still come to a consensus on the best cache for each object type by observing clusters and comparing their sizes with remembered cache sizes. We refer to this method as cache consensus. Our results indicate that incorporating this localisation capability enables a significant improvement in the rate of convergence. We present experimental results using a realistic simulation of our targeted robotic platform. A subset of these experiments is also validated on physical robots.  相似文献   

Designing effective behavioral controllers for mobile robots can be difficult and tedious; this process can be circumvented by using online learning techniques which allow robots to generate their own controllers online in an automated fashion. In multi-robot systems, robots operating in parallel can potentially learn at a much faster rate by sharing information amongst themselves. In this work, we use an adapted version of the Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm in order to accomplish distributed online robotic learning in groups of robots with access to only local information. The effectiveness of the learning technique on a benchmark task (generating high-performance obstacle avoidance behavior) is evaluated for robot groups of various sizes, with the maximum group size allowing each robot to individually contain and manage a single PSO particle. To increase the realism of the technique, different PSO neighborhoods based on limitations of real robotic communication are tested and compared in this scenario. We explore the effect of varying communication power for one of these communication-based PSO neighborhoods. To validate the effectiveness of these learning techniques, fully distributed online learning experiments are run using a group of 10 real robots, generating results which support the findings from our simulations.  相似文献   

We study cooperative navigation for robotic swarms in the context of a general event-servicing scenario. In the scenario, one or more events need to be serviced at specific locations by robots with the required skills. We focus on the question of how the swarm can inform its members about events, and guide robots to event locations. We propose a solution based on delay-tolerant wireless communications: by forwarding navigation information between them, robots cooperatively guide each other towards event locations. Such a collaborative approach leverages on the swarm’s intrinsic redundancy, distribution, and mobility. At the same time, the forwarding of navigation messages is the only form of cooperation that is required. This means that the robots are free in terms of their movement and location, and they can be involved in other tasks, unrelated to the navigation of the searching robot. This gives the system a high level of flexibility in terms of application scenarios, and a high degree of robustness with respect to robot failures or unexpected events. We study the algorithm in two different scenarios, both in simulation and on real robots. In the first scenario, a single searching robot needs to find a single target, while all other robots are involved in tasks of their own. In the second scenario, we study collective navigation: all robots of the swarm navigate back and forth between two targets, which is a typical scenario in swarm robotics. We show that in this case, the proposed algorithm gives rise to synergies in robot navigation, and it lets the swarm self-organize into a robust dynamic structure. The emergence of this structure improves navigation efficiency and lets the swarm find shortest paths.  相似文献   

Rolling in Nature and Robotics: A Review   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1 Introduction It is important to distinguish between a true rolling robot and one with just large wheels and a reaction point with the ground. It seems suitable to define a rolling robot as one that rolls on its entire outer surface rather than just external wheels and does not need to react any of the rotating torque against the ground. Thus they tend to be spherical or cylindrical in form and have a single axle (or no axle) and a completely active outer surface – i.e. a surface that is com…  相似文献   

Recent findings in neuroscience suggest an overlap between brain regions involved in the execution of movement and perception of another's movement. This so-called "action-perception coupling" is supposed to serve our ability to automatically infer the goals and intentions of others by internal simulation of their actions. A consequence of this coupling is motor interference (MI), the effect of movement observation on the trajectory of one's own movement. Previous studies emphasized that various features of the observed agent determine the degree of MI, but could not clarify how human-like an agent has to be for its movements to elicit MI and, more importantly, what 'human-like' means in the context of MI. Thus, we investigated in several experiments how different aspects of appearance and motility of the observed agent influence motor interference (MI). Participants performed arm movements in horizontal and vertical directions while observing videos of a human, a humanoid robot, or an industrial robot arm with either artificial (industrial) or human-like joint configurations. Our results show that, given a human-like joint configuration, MI was elicited by observing arm movements of both humanoid and industrial robots. However, if the joint configuration of the robot did not resemble that of the human arm, MI could longer be demonstrated. Our findings present evidence for the importance of human-like joint configuration rather than other human-like features for perception-action coupling when observing inanimate agents.  相似文献   

Comparison of human and humanoid robot control of upright stance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is considerable recent interest in developing humanoid robots. An important substrate for many motor actions in both humans and biped robots is the ability to maintain a statically or dynamically stable posture. Given the success of the human design, one would expect there are lessons to be learned in formulating a postural control mechanism for robots. In this study we limit ourselves to considering the problem of maintaining upright stance. Human stance control is compared to a suggested method for robot stance control called zero moment point (ZMP) compensation. Results from experimental and modeling studies suggest there are two important subsystems that account for the low- and mid-frequency (DC to 1 Hz) dynamic characteristics of human stance control. These subsystems are (1) a “sensory integration” mechanism whereby orientation information from multiple sensory systems encoding body kinematics (i.e. position, velocity) is flexibly combined to provide an overall estimate of body orientation while allowing adjustments (sensory re-weighting) that compensate for changing environmental conditions and (2) an “effort control” mechanism that uses kinetic-related (i.e., force-related) sensory information to reduce the mean deviation of body orientation from upright. Functionally, ZMP compensation is directly analogous to how humans appear to use kinetic feedback to modify the main sensory integration feedback loop controlling body orientation. However, a flexible sensory integration mechanism is missing from robot control leaving the robot vulnerable to instability in conditions where humans are able to maintain stance. We suggest the addition of a simple form of sensory integration to improve robot stance control. We also investigate how the biological constraint of feedback time delay influences the human stance control design. The human system may serve as a guide for improved robot control, but should not be directly copied because the constraints on robot and human control are different.  相似文献   

The concept of Intelligent Mechanical Design (IMD) is presented to show how a mechanical structure can be designed to affect robot controllability, simplification and task performance. Exploring this concept produces landmarks in the territory of mechanical robot design in the form of seven design principles. The design principles, which we call the Mecha-Telligence Principles (MTP), provide guidance on how to design mechanics for autonomous mobile robots. These principles guide us to ask the right questions when investigating issues concerning self-controllable, reliable, feasible, and compatible mechanics for autonomous mobile robots. To show how MTP can be applied in the design process we propose a novel methodology, named as Mecha-Telligence Methodology (MTM). Mechanical design by the proposed methodology is based on preference classification of the robot specification described by interaction of the robot with its environment and the physical parameters of the robot mechatronics. After defining new terms, we investigate the feasibility of the proposed methodology to the mechanical design of an autonomous mobile sewer inspection robot. In this industrial project we show how a passive-active intelligent moving mechanism can be designed using the MTM and employed in the field.  相似文献   

For both historical and technological reasons, most robots,including those meant to mimic animals or operate in naturalenvironments,3 use actuators and control systems that have high(stiff) mechanical impedance. By contrast, most animals exhibitlow (soft) impedance. While a robot's stiff joints may be programmedto closely imitate the recorded motion of an animal's soft joints,any unexpected position disturbances will generate reactiveforces and torques much higher for the robot than for the animal.The dual of this is also true: while an animal will react toa force disturbance by significantly yielding position, a typicalrobot will greatly resist. These differences cause three deleterious effects for high impedancerobots. First, the higher forces may cause damage to the robotor to its environment (which is particularly important if thatenvironment includes people). Second, the robot must acquirevery precise information about its position relative to theenvironment so as to minimize its velocity upon impact. Third,many of the self-stabilizing effects of natural dynamics are"shorted out"4 by the robot's high impedance, so that stabilizationrequires more effort from the control system. Over the past 5 yr, our laboratory has designed a series ofwalking robots based on "Series-Elastic Actuators" and "VirtualModel Control." Using these two techniques, we have been ableto build low-impedance walking robots that are both safe androbust, that operate blindly without any model of upcoming terrain,and that add minimal control effort in parallel to their self-stabilizingpassive dynamics. We have discovered that it is possible toachieve surprisingly effective ambulation from rather simplemechanisms and control systems. After describing the historicaland technological motivations for our approach, this paper givesan overview of our methods and shows some of the results wehave obtained.  相似文献   

With the development of intelligent bionic robots and the improvement of military application,a single robot cannot meet the requirements of the tasks of the current era.The more complex tasks require not only that the robot be able to pass through the field barriers and the amphibious environment,but also that the robot be able to collaborate in a multi-robot system.Consequently,research on the multi-robot control system of spherical amphibious robots is very important.Pres-ently,the main research on amphibious robots is to improve the functions of a single robot,in the absence of the study of the multi-robot control system.Existing systems primarily use a centralized control methodology.Although the transfer of central node can be achieved,there is still a problem of Byzantine fault tolerance in military applications,that is,when the amphibious multi-robot system is invaded by the enemy.The central node may not only fail to accomplish the task,but also lose control of other robots,with severe consequences.To solve the above problems,this paper proposed a decentralized method of spherical amphibious multi-robot control system based on blockchain technology.First,the point-to-point informa-tion network based on long range radio technology of low power wide area network was set up,we designed the blockchain system for embedded application environment and the decentralized hardware and software architecture of multi-robot control system.On this basis,the consensus plugin,smart contract and decentralized multi-robot control algorithm were designed to achieve decentralization.The experimental results of consensus of spherical amphibious multi-robot showed the effectiveness of the decentralization.  相似文献   

SLAM is a popular task used by robots and autonomous vehicles to build a map of an unknown environment and, at the same time, to determine their location within the map. This paper describes a SLAM-based, probabilistic robotic system able to learn the essential features of different parts of its environment. Some previous SLAM implementations had computational complexities ranging from O(Nlog(N)) to O(N2), where N is the number of map features. Unlike these methods, our approach reduces the computational complexity to O(N) by using a model to fuse the information from the sensors after applying the Bayesian paradigm. Once the training process is completed, the robot identifies and locates those areas that potentially match the sections that have been previously learned. After the training, the robot navigates and extracts a three-dimensional map of the environment using a single laser sensor. Thus, it perceives different sections of its world. In addition, in order to make our system able to be used in a low-cost robot, low-complexity algorithms that can be easily implemented on embedded processors or microcontrollers are used.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the concept, design and implementation of a series of autonomous mobile soccer robots, named Musashi robots, which are designed referring ISO safety standards and have mechatronics modular architecture. The robots are designed to participate in the RoboCup Middle Size League. Using a modular design philosophy, we show that the selection of a proper moving mechanism, a suitable vision system and a mechatronics modular architecture design can lead to the realization of a reliable, simple, and low cost robot when compared with most car-like robots that include many kinds of sensors and have a complex design structure.  相似文献   

Arthropods exhibit highly efficient solutions to sensorimotor navigation problems. They thus provide a source of inspiration and ideas to robotics researchers. At the same time, attempting to re-engineer these mechanisms in robot hardware and software provides useful insights into how the natural systems might work. This paper reviews three examples of arthropod sensorimotor control systems that have been implemented and tested on robots. First we discuss visual control mechanisms of flies, such as the optomotor reflex and collision avoidance, that have been replicated in analog VLSI (very large scale integration) hardware and used to produce corrective behavior in robot vehicles. Then, we present a robot model of auditory localization in the cricket; and discuss integration of this behavior with the optomotor behavior previously described. Finally we present a model of olfactory search in the moth, which makes use of several sensory cues, and has also been tested using robot hardware. We discuss some of the similarities and differences of the solutions obtained.  相似文献   

Recently, various kinds ofbiomimetic robots have been studied. Among these biomimetic robots, water-running robots that mimic the characteristics of basilisk lizards have received much attention. However, studies on the performance with respect to different geometric parameters and gaits have been lacking. To run on the surface of water, a water-running robot needs suffi- cient force with high stability to stay above the water. We experimentally measured the performance of the foot pads with different geometric parameters and with various gaits. We measured and analyzed the forces in the vertical direction and rolling angles of five different foot pad shapes: a circular shape, square shape, half-spherical shape, open half-cylinder shape, and closed half-cylinder shape. Additionally, the rolling stabilities of three kinds of gaits: biped, trotting, and tripod, were also empirically analyzed. The results of this research can be used as a guideline to design a stable water-running robot.  相似文献   

Animals exhibit astoundingly adaptive and supple locomotion under real world constraints. In order to endow robots with similar capabilities, we must implement many degrees of freedom, equivalent to animals, into the robots’ bodies. For taming many degrees of freedom, the concept of autonomous decentralized control plays a pivotal role. However a systematic way of designing such autonomous decentralized control system is still missing. Aiming at understanding the principles that underlie animals’ locomotion, we have focused on a true slime mold, a primitive living organism, and extracted a design scheme for autonomous decentralized control system. In order to validate this design scheme, this article presents a soft-bodied amoeboid robot inspired by the true slime mold. Significant features of this robot are twofold: (1) the robot has a truly soft and deformable body stemming from real-time tunable springs and protoplasm, the former is used for an outer skin of the body and the latter is to satisfy the law of conservation of mass; and (2) fully decentralized control using coupled oscillators with completely local sensory feedback mechanism is realized by exploiting the long-distance physical interaction between the body parts stemming from the law of conservation of protoplasmic mass. Simulation results show that this robot exhibits highly supple and adaptive locomotion without relying on any hierarchical structure. The results obtained are expected to shed new light on design methodology for autonomous decentralized control system.  相似文献   

Swarm robotics is a promising approach for the coordination of large numbers of robots. While previous studies have shown that evolutionary robotics techniques can be applied to obtain robust and efficient self-organized behaviors for robot swarms, most studies have been conducted in simulation, and the few that have been conducted on real robots have been confined to laboratory environments. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time a swarm robotics system with evolved control successfully operating in a real and uncontrolled environment. We evolve neural network-based controllers in simulation for canonical swarm robotics tasks, namely homing, dispersion, clustering, and monitoring. We then assess the performance of the controllers on a real swarm of up to ten aquatic surface robots. Our results show that the evolved controllers transfer successfully to real robots and achieve a performance similar to the performance obtained in simulation. We validate that the evolved controllers display key properties of swarm intelligence-based control, namely scalability, flexibility, and robustness on the real swarm. We conclude with a proof-of-concept experiment in which the swarm performs a complete environmental monitoring task by combining multiple evolved controllers.  相似文献   

Creating target structures through the coordinated efforts of teams of autonomous robots (possibly aided by specific features in their environments) is a very important problem in distributed robotics. Many specific instances of distributed robotic construction teams have been developed manually. An important issue is whether automated controller design algorithms can both quickly produce robot controllers and guarantee that teams using these controllers will build arbitrary requested target structures correctly; this task may also involve specifying features in the environment that can aid the construction process. In this paper, we give the first computational and parameterized complexity analyses of several problems associated with the design of robot controllers and environments for creating target structures. These problems use a simple finite-state robot controller model that moves in a non-continuous deterministic manner in a grid-based environment. Our goal is to establish whether algorithms exist that are both fast and correct for all inputs and if not, under which restrictions such algorithms are possible. We prove that none of these problems are efficiently solvable in general and remain so under a number of plausible restrictions on controllers, environments, and target structures. We also give the first restrictions relative to which these problems are efficiently solvable and discuss what theoretical solvability and unsolvability results derived relative to the problems examined here mean for real-world construction using robot teams.  相似文献   

This paper deals with a design approach of a gait training machine based on a quantitative gait analysis.The proposed training machine is composed of a body weight support device and a cable-driven parallel robot.This paper is focused on the cable-driven robot,which controls the pose of the lower limb through an orthosis placed on the patient's leg.The cable robot reproduces a normal gait movement through the motion of the orthosis.A motion capture system is used to perform the quantitative analysis of a normal gait,which will be used as an input to the inverse dynamic model of the cable robot.By means of an optimization algorithm,the optimal design parameters,which minimize the tensions in the cables,are determined.Two constraints are considered,i.e.,a non-negative tension in the cables at all times,and a free cable/end-effector collision.Once the optimal solution is computed,a power analysis is carried out in order to size the robot actuators.The proposed approach can be easily extended for the design study of a similar type of cable robots.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an approach to designing decentralized robot control policies that mimic certain microscopic and macroscopic behaviors of ants performing collective transport tasks. In prior work, we used a stochastic hybrid system model to characterize the observed team dynamics of ant group retrieval of a rigid load. We have also used macroscopic population dynamic models to design enzyme-inspired stochastic control policies that allocate a robotic swarm around multiple boundaries in a way that is robust to environmental variations. Here, we build on this prior work to synthesize stochastic robot attachment–detachment policies for tasks in which a robotic swarm must achieve non-uniform spatial distributions around multiple loads and transport them at a constant velocity. Three methods are presented for designing robot control policies that replicate the steady-state distributions, transient dynamics, and fluxes between states that we have observed in ant populations during group retrieval. The equilibrium population matching method can be used to achieve a desired transport team composition as quickly as possible; the transient matching method can control the transient population dynamics of the team while driving it to the desired composition; and the rate matching method regulates the rates at which robots join and leave a load during transport. We validate our model predictions in an agent-based simulation, verify that each controller design method produces successful transport of a load at a regulated velocity, and compare the advantages and disadvantages of each method.  相似文献   

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