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【背景】供试菌株分别是分离自山西省宁武县管涔山的肉色香蘑Lepista irina、斑褶香蘑L. panaeolus和山西省蒲县五鹿山的紫丁香蘑L. nuda 3种野生食用菌的子实体。【目的】获得3种野生食用菌的最佳培养条件。【方法】以菌丝生长速度为指标研究不同碳源、氮源、碳氮比、pH和培养温度等各因素对菌丝生长的影响,根据Box-Benhnken中心组合试验设计原理,采用3因素3水平的响应面法确定使菌丝体达到最快生长速度的最佳培养碳源、氮源和pH。【结果】肉色香蘑在葡萄糖20.9 g/L、土豆196.47 g/L、pH 6.0、培养温度21 °C的条件下,菌丝日均生长速度达到最大,为1.13 mm/d;斑褶香蘑在甘露醇17.4 g/L、酵母膏8.1 g/L、B族维生素0.1 g/L、K2HPO4 2.5 g/L、MgSO4 2.5 g/L、pH 7.9、培养温度25 °C的条件下,菌丝日均生长速度达到最大,为0.73 mm/d;紫丁香蘑在土豆200 g/L、可溶性淀粉20.5 g/L、KNO3 2.1 g/L、K2HPO4 2.5 g/L、MgSO4 2.5 g/L、B族维生素0.1 g/L、pH 7.0、培养温度25 °C的条件下,菌丝日均生长速度达到最大,为2.38 mm/d。【结论】获得了3种香蘑属菌株的最佳培养条件,为后续优质野生食用菌的引种驯化积累了相关数据和资源。  相似文献   

Terrestrial blue-green algae Scytonema millei, Phormidium bohneri and Lyngbya mesotricha survived to 100 % at atmospheric temperatures of 5-36 degrees C and relative humidity 55-100 % in rainy, winter and spring seasons but the survival was 15-25 % in summer when atmospheric temperature reached 48 degrees C and relative humidity was < or =23 %. Microcoleus chthonoplastes maximum survival was =80 % in rainy season followed by a decrease to =1/2 and 1/4 level in winter and spring, respectively; it disappeared in summer but a few cells and/or trichomes enclosed within sheath may be surviving sticking to soil, not evident microscopically, since the population reappeared at the same place with the onset of rain. Terrestrial green alga Rhizoclonium crassipellitum survived only in spring and died at the onset of summer without forming any dormant cell and/or reproductive structure. Only P. bohneri survived better and longer under submerged conditions in liquid medium than air-exposed on moist soil surface in the culture chamber, while the other algae fared almost equally or slightly better air-exposed on moist soil surface (or even on 2 % agarized medium) than when suspended in liquid medium, indicating that air exposure rather than submerged conditions was needed for most of the terrestrial algae to survive. Water stress imposed on growing algae either on high-agar-solid media or in 0.2-0.6 mol/L NaCl liquid media in the culture chamber reduced vegetative survival in all; it resulted in death without any dormant cell remaining. When stored in desiccators over fused CaCl2, M. chthonoplastes died within 1/2 month, R. crassipellitum and L. mesotricha within 1 month, P. bohneri within 1/2 month, and S. millei not even within 1 1/2 month, indicating their survival pattern against atmospheric dryness to be wide; it also explained the M. chthonoplastes absence in summer and S. millei presence throughout the year. At increased atmospheric humidity the desiccation-sensitive algae (e.g., M. chthonoplastes) survived better than a desiccation-resistant alga (here S. millei). All algae survived considerable darkness (S. millei > 1 1/2 month; P. bohneri, M. chthonoplastes and R. crassipellitum >1 month, and L. mesotricha >1/2 month), and low light intensity of 2 and 10 micromol m(-2)s(-1) which explains their prolific growth in shady places. All algae were differently sensitive to wet heat (45 degrees C for 5-40 min) and to UV shock (0.96-3.84 kJ/m2).  相似文献   

The effects of light intensity, inoculum volume, sodium nitrate and carbon dioxide concentrations on the growth of Haematococcus pluvialis were investigated using response surface methodology (RSM). All the four variables exhibited significant effects on growth and can be related (r 0.926, P 0.01) by a second-order polynomial consisting of linear, quadratic and interaction terms. The total quadratic effect (P 0.01) dominates over the total linear effect (P 0.01) but the role of interaction terms (P 0.10) is marginal. The optimum values of these variables were: carbon dioxide 1.54%, sodium nitrate 1.06 g/l, inoculum volume 24.97% and light intensity 2.42 klux; the predicted maximum value for the yield of biomass was 0.51 g/l (dry weight).  相似文献   

The photosynthetic activity of a continuous culture of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris as it is influenced by the CO2 concentration in the aerating air at different light levels is discussed. It is shown that the characteristic of this behavior is mainly determined by the CO2 transport from the air to the algal cell. Therefore the critical CO2 concentration necessary for optimal growth of a particular alga cannot be given in general, as it differs over a very wide range depending on the dispersion system used in the culture vessel. By analyzing experimental data by means of a mathematical model the overall transport coefficient in a well stirred system for the CO2 transport from the air bubble to the algal cell and the “actual” CO2 kinetics, can be calculated within reasonable limits of accuracy.  相似文献   

The growth and total lipid content of four green microalgae (Chlorella sp., Chlorella vulgaris CCAP211/11B, Botryococcus braunii FC124 and Scenedesmus obliquus R8) were investigated under different culture conditions. Among the various carbon sources tested, glucose produced the largest biomass or microalgae grown heterotrophically. It was found that 1 % (w/v) glucose was actively utilized by Chlorella sp., C. vulgaris CCAP211/11B and B. braunii FC124, whereas S. obliquus R8 preferred 2 % (w/v) glucose. No significant difference in biomass production was noted between heterotrophic and mixotrophic (heterotrophic with light illumination/exposure) growth conditions, however, less production was observed for autotrophic cultivation. Total lipid content in cells increased by approximately two-fold under mixotrophic cultivation with respect to heterotrophic and autotrophic cultivation. In addition, light intensity had an impact on microalgal growth and total lipid content. The highest total lipid content was observed at 100 μmol m?2s?1 for Chlorella sp. (22.5 %) and S. obliquus R8 (23.7 %) and 80 μmol m?2s?1 for C. vulgaris CCAP211/11B (20.1 %) and B. braunii FC124 (34.9 %).  相似文献   

The effects of wavelengths of light-emitting diode (LED), nitrate concentration, and salt concentration were evaluated for the two-phase culture of the microalgal species Phaeodactylum tricornutum, Dunaliella tertiolecta, and Isochrysis galbana on cell growth and lipid production. Blue LEDs produced the highest biomass of P. tricornutum at a nitrate concentration of 8 mg/L, reaching 0.97 g dcw/L with a specific growth rate (μ) of 0.047 h−1, followed by I. galbana with 0.79 g dcw/L and μ = 0.040 h−1 and D. tertiolecta with 0.55 g dcw/L and μ = 0.028 h−1. Of the three microalgae, P. tricornutum had the highest specific growth rate of μmax = 0.070 h−1 and lowest saturation constant of Ks = 4.18 mg/L, resulting in fast cell growth. The highest lipid production was obtained under green LED wavelength stress on day 14, reaching 60.6% (w/w) of the dry cell weight among the three microalgae. The main fatty acids produced by the three microalgae were myristic acid (C14:0), palmitic acid (C16:0), oleic acid (C18:1), and arachidic acid (C20:0), which comprised 72.68%–84.16% (w/w) of the total fatty acids content under three stresses.  相似文献   

For non-inhibitory irradiances, the rate of algal biomass synthesis was modeled as the product of the algal autotrophic yield Φ(DW) and the flux of photons absorbed by the culture, as described using Beer-Lambert law. As a contrast to earlier attempts, the use of scatter-corrected extinction coefficients enabled the validation of such approach, which bypasses determination of photosynthesis-irradiance (PI) kinetic parameters. The broad misconception that PI curves, or the equivalent use of specific growth rate expressions independent of the biomass concentration, can be extended to adequately model biomass production under light-limitation is addressed. For inhibitory irradiances, a proposed mechanistic model, based on the photosynthetic units (PSU) concept, allows one to estimate a target speed νT across the photic zone in order to limit the flux of photons per cell to levels averting significant reductions in Φ(DW) . These modeled target speeds, on the order of 5-20 m s(-1) for high outdoor irradiances, call for fundamental changes in reactor design to optimize biomass productivity. The presented analysis enables a straightforward bioreactor parameterization, which, in-turn, guides the establishment of conditions ensuring maximum productivity and complete nutrients consumption. Additionally, solar and fluorescent lighting spectra were used to calculate energy to photon-counts conversion factors.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand and optimize the formation of microalgae biofilms in specific culture conditions. Firstly, the adhesion of six freshwater algae species was compared. Chlorococcum sp. was selected because of the high adhesion biomass productivity (ABP) and adhesion rate achieved. Secondly, the adhesion of Chlorococcum sp. was compared with nine commonly used supporting materials, and glass fiber-reinforced plastic proved to be the optimal substrata. Thirdly, based on response surface methodology experiments, a second-order polynomial model was developed to examine the effect of culture period, initial total nitrogen concentration (ITNC) in manure wastewater, pH and culture volume of the growth chamber on the adhesion of Chlorococcum sp. using glass fiber-reinforced plastic. The experimental and modeling results showed that ITNC, pH and culture volume as well as the interactions between culture period and ITNC, culture period and culture volume were significant on ABP. Optimum culture conditions were predicted at a culture period of 11 days, ITNC of 70 mg L?1, pH of 8 and culture volume of 340 mL, under which the predicted maximum ABP was 4.26 g m?2 day?1. The prediction was close to validation experimental results, indicating that the model could be used to guide and optimize the attached culture of Chlorococcum sp. using glass fiber-reinforced plastic.  相似文献   

Using an analogy with fed-batch heterotrophic growth, the algal photoautotrophic yield Φ(DW) (in grams of dry weight biomass synthesized per micromole of absorbed photons) was derived from the algae batch growth behavior in nutrient-replete medium. At known levels of incident light, the yield Φ(DW) enables the estimate of a maximum productivity, and is therefore critical to compare and select algal cultures and growth conditions for large-scale production. The algal culture maximum growth rate was shown to be an unreliable indicator of autotrophic biomass yield. The developed carbonate addition method (carbonate addition, neutralization, and sealing) alleviated carbon limitations otherwise seen in aerated batch cultures, leading to two to five fold higher yield estimates. The fully defined FLX growth medium with variable ionic strengths (FLX1-100) supported excellent growth in most cultures tested. The chosen experimental methods and versatile FLX medium proved well-suited for small sample volumes and a high number of samples.  相似文献   

The effect of different photoperiods: 24 h illumination and a 12:12-h light/dark (12L:12D) cycle on the growth rate and biomass productivity was studied in five algal species: Neochloris conjuncta, Neochloris terrestris, Neochloris texensis, Botryococcus braunii and Scenedesmus obliquus. The green microalgae examined differ in the reproduction mode. Continuous illumination stimulated the growth of B. braunii and S. obliquus more effectively than the growth of the microalgal species from the genus Neochloris. However, under shorter duration of light of the same intensity (12L:12D cycle), the growth of all the three species of Neochloris was stimulated. Under continuous illumination, the specific growth rate in the first phase of B. braunii and S. obliquus cultures was higher than the growth rate of Neochloris, whereas under the 12L:12D cycle, the specific growth rate of all the three Neochloris species was generally higher than that in B. braunii and S. obliquus. As a result, the light regime influenced algal biomass productivity differently. The maximum biomass productivity was obtained in B. braunii and S. obliquus cultures carried out at continuous illumination. All the Neochloris species produced biomass more efficiently at the 12L:12D cycle, which was two–threefold higher than that of B. braunii and S. obliquus. The unicellular species of the green microalgae from the genus Neochloris, examined for the first time in this study, are promising prospective objects for algal biotechnology.  相似文献   

The biosorption of Pb(II), Cd(II), and Co(II), respectively, from aqueous solution on green algae waste biomass was investigated. The green algae waste biomass was obtained from marine green algae after extraction of oil, and was used as low-cost biosorbent. Batch shaking experiments were performed to examine the effects of initial solution pH, contact time and temperature. The equilibrium biosorption data were analyzed using two isotherm models (Langmuir and Freundlich) and two kinetics models (pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order). The results indicate that Langmuir model provide best correlation of experimental data, and the pseudo-second order kinetic equation could best describe the biosorption kinetics of considered heavy metals.  相似文献   

Both crude exo-biopolymers and mycelial biomass, produced by liquid culture of Cordyceps species, are believed to possess several potential health benefits. As a result of its known biological activities, Cordyceps militaris has been extensively characterized in regards to potential medicinal applications. However, optimized liquid culture conditions for enhanced polysaccharide productivity have yet to be developed, which is a necessary step for industrial applications. Therefore, in this study, the liquid culture conditions were optimized for maximal production of mycelial biomass and exo-polysaccharide (EPS) by C. militaris. The effects of medium composition, environmental factors, and C/N ratio were investigated. Among these variables 80 g, glucose; 10 g, yeast extract; 0.5 g, MgSO4·7H2O; and 0.5 g, KH2PO4 in 1 L distilled water were found to be the most suitable carbon, nitrogen, and mineral sources, respectively. The optimal temperature, initial pH, agitation, and aeration were determined to be 24°C, uncontrolled pH, 200 rpm, and 1.5 vvm, respectively. Under these optimal conditions, mycelial growth in shake flask cultures and 5 L jar bioreactors was 29.43 and 40.60 g/L, respectively, and polysaccharide production in shake flask cultures and 5 L jar bioreactors was 2.53 and 6.74 g/L, respectively.  相似文献   

Response surface methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize culture conditions for the growth of Candida utilis with bamboo wastewater. A significant influence of initial pH, fermentation time and yeast extract on biomass of C. utilis was evaluated by Plackett–Burman design (PBD). These factors were further optimized using a central composite design (CCD) and RSM. A combination of initial pH 6.1, fermentation time 69 h and yeast extract 1.17 g/L was optimum for maximum biomass of C. utilis. A 1.7-fold enhancement of biomass of C. utilis was gained after optimization in shake-flask cultivation. The biomass of C. utilis reached 19.17 g/L in 3 L fermentor.  相似文献   

Six species of green algae were grown autotrophically, photohetrotrophically, and heterotrophically and their fatty acid and sterol compositions determined. Sterol composition was higher in autotrophic than in heterotrophic plants by a factor of from 2 to over 20 in five of the six species studied. Relative amounts of various sterols did not change significantly with cultural conditions. In five of the species studied, autotrophic growth produced a significant increase in the relative proportion of linolenic acid compared to that in heterotrophic or photoheterotrophic growth. This increase was usually accompanied by a corresponding decrease in oleic or linoleic acids or both.  相似文献   

中国南方3种主要人工林生物量和生产力的动态变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于中国南方杉木、马尾松、桉树3种主要人工林的幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林、成熟林、过熟林5个不同年龄各3块1000 m2样地(共计45块)的建立和调查,采用样木回归分析法(乔木层)和样方收获法(灌木层、草本层、地上凋落物)获取不同林型不同林龄径级样木和其它基本数据,探讨了3种人工林各组分各层次林分生物量和生产力的分配特征及随林龄的变化规律,结果表明,林分生物量和生产力与林龄密切相关,增长模型的拟合度均较高,相关显著;杉木、马尾松、桉树人工林的生物量随林龄的增长呈增加趋势,成熟林的生物量分别为192.30、191.53、105.77 Mg/hm2,其中活体植物分别占95.76%—98.39%、75.01%—99.14%、85.60%—97.61%;生物量的层次分配乔木层占绝对优势,并随年龄而增加,其它层次所占比例较小,总体趋势为凋落物草本层灌木层;乔木层的器官分配以干所占比例最高,杉木、马尾松、桉树分别占54.89%—75.97%、49.93%—83.10%、51.07%—98.48%,随年龄的增加而增加,根的比例次之,枝叶所占比例较小,随林龄而下降;灌木层器官分配以枝的相对生物量较大,草本层的地上和地下分配规律不明显;与其它森林类型相比,杉木和马尾松的生物量处于中上游水平,桉树的生物量较低,但3种人工林的生产力均很高,分别为12.37、8.98、21.10 Mg hm-2a-1,均是光合效率高、固碳潜力大的中国南方速生丰产优良造林树种。  相似文献   

Li Z  Yuan H  Yang J  Li B 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(19):9128-9134
High production cost is a major obstacle to the extensive use of microalgae biodiesel. To cut the cost and achieve higher biomass productivity, Chlorella minutissima UTEX2341 was cultured under photoheterotrophic conditions. With the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus concentration of 26.37, 2.61 and 0.03 g L?1 d?1 respectively, a maximum biomass productivity of 1.78 g L?1 d?1 was obtained, which was 59 times more than that cultured under autotrophic condition. The lipid productivity reached 0.29 g L?1 d?1, which was 11.9 times higher than the highest value reported by Oh et al. (2010). The conversion rate of microalgae lipids to FAME was found to be elevated from 45.65% to 62.97% and the FAME productivity increased from 1.16 to 180.68 mg L?1 d?1 after the optimization. 94% of the fatty acid of C. minutissima UTEX2341 was found to be composed of palmitic, oleic, linoleic and γ linoleic and the unsaturated fatty acids were the main parts (79.42%).  相似文献   

The development of clean borderless fuels is of vital importance to human and environmental health and global prosperity. Currently, fuels make up approximately 67% of the global energy market (total market = 15 TW year−1) ( Hoffert et al. 1998 ). In contrast, global electricity demand accounts for only 33% ( Hoffert et al. 1998 ). Yet, despite the importance of fuels, almost all CO2 free energy production systems under development are designed to drive electricity generation (e.g. clean-coal technology, nuclear, photovoltaic, wind, geothermal, wave and hydroelectric). In contrast, and indeed almost uniquely, biofuels also target the much larger fuel market and so in the future will play an increasingly important role in maintaining energy security ( Lal 2005 ). Currently, the main biofuels that are at varying stages of development include bio-ethanol, liquid carbohydrates [e.g. biodiesel or biomass to liquid (BTL) products], biomethane and bio-H2. This review is focused on placing bio-H2 production processes into the context of the current biofuels market and summarizing advances made both at the level of bioengineering and bioreactor design.  相似文献   

Summary An optimal medium for lipolytic productivity of selected bacterial strains contains soybean meal as the nitrogen source and soluble starch, or sucrose or maltose as a carbon source. The temperature of 42°C and pH 8.6 were in general the most suitable for lipolytic productivity but 22°C and pH 8.6 were the optimum temperature for the production of lipase byPs. fluorescens.  相似文献   

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