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Summary Field trials were conducted in the forest zone of southern Nigeria on three soil series, gravelly loamy sand Ibadan soil (Oxic paleustalf), gravelly sandy loam Egbeda soil (Oxic paleustalf) and sandy loam Alagba soil (Oxic paleustalf). The trials were carried out to study the effects of planting on flatversus various mound sizes and NPK fertilizer on performance of white Guinea yam (Dioscorea rotundata) cultivar Laoko.Mound size appeared to have a more pronounced effect on tuber yield than fertilizer even on land which was in the second and third year of cropping after bush fallow. The average tuber yield for the three locations without fertilizers was 7.83 tons/ha on the flat compared with 9.44 tons/ha on large mound (about 30 cm height). With fertilizer application, tuber yields were 7.43 tons/ha on the flat and 11.30 tons/ha on large mound respectively. Total yield reduction on flat may in part be related to physical soil impedence. Planting on large mounds also resulted in longer tubers and shorter harvesting time.  相似文献   

Severity of storage rots in different sections of white yam tubers (Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) was investigated. Yam samples with rots were collected from a yam barn and from selected markets in Accra, Ghana, to identify the most predominant pathogens associated with the rots. Nine fungal spoilage microorganisms, including Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Botryodiplodia theobromae, Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium oxysporium, Fusarium sp., Penicillium brevi‐compactum, Penicillium sp. and Rhizopus stolonifer and a bacterium species Erwinia carotovora were identified. The mean incidence of occurrence of the organisms on rotten tissues ranged from 1.2% to 28.5%. Of the 10 microorganisms isolated, B. theobromae, F. oxysporium and R. stolonifer were the most frequently encountered spoilage microorganisms in the markets. E. carotovora, Fusarium solani and Penicillium sp. were relatively sparse (incidence not exceeding 3%) compared to the other yam spoilage microorganisms. The surface area and weight of necrotic tissue induced by the spoilage fungi in the various zones of the tubers over a 28‐day storage period were assessed. All the spoilage microorganisms produced rots in the yams, although to different degrees. The severity of the rots increased in weight and area over the period when the tubers were in store but were normally not significantly different in the zones of tubers. There was, however, a linear progression of rots in the various zones of the yam tubers. Although there was generally no significant (P ≥ 0.05) difference in the severity of rots induced by the different microorganisms in the tubers, R. stolonifer commonly induced more rot in the zones of the tubers compared to B. theobromae and F. oxysporium.  相似文献   

The cultivated yam species Dioscorea rotundata (2n=40) has been considered by most authors as a tetraploid species with a basic chromosome number of ten. In this paper, we analysed the segregation of two isozyme loci and six microsatellite markers in the progeny of a self-fertilised monoecious plant. For the eight markers, segregation patterns could be explained by only two genetic models: diploidy or tetraploidy with two null alleles. Given the nature of studied markers, the most parsimonious hypothesis was that the parental plant was diploid. These results, data from a diversity survey and results of other authors led to the conclusion that D. rotundata is a diploid species.  相似文献   

Callus cultures were established from node and internode segments of Dioscorea floribunda Mart. & Gal. Both Murashige and Skoog's and modified White's medium supported callusing as well as organogenesis when supplemented with either 2,4-D or NAA in combination with BAP or Kn. On development of shoot primordia, calli were transferred to unsupplemented, half strength MS basal medium. This procedure led to the increase in formation of shoots. Several crops of shoots were obtained from single differentiating callus cultures by excising the shoots and subculturing the residual part. Seventy percent of plantlets survived rooting and transfer to soil.When they were maintained in half-strength MS basal medium and 0.5 mg1-1 of NAA, 70% of plantlets formed aerial tubers at nodes. These tubers produced both roots and shoots and could be detached from the mother plant.  相似文献   

Okigbo RN 《Mycopathologia》2003,156(2):81-85
Bacillus subtilis (Enrenberg) Cohn was investigated for its antagonistic properties against surface mycoflora of yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) tubers in storage. Yam tubers inoculated with a spore suspension of B. subtilis in potato dextrose broth using a knapsack sprayer showed a drastic reduction in the range and number of mycoflora, including pathogens of the tuber surface in contrast to the control tubers, during the five-month storage period in a traditional yam barn. However, B. subtilis maintained a high frequency of occurrence during the same period. Botryodiploidia theobromae Pat, Fusarium moniliforme Wollen and Reink., Penicillium sclerotigenum Yamamoto, and Rhizoctonia sp. were displaced completely on the treated tubers. The antagonism of B. subtilis was so effective that the normal tuber surface mycoflora was greatly reduced throughout the storage period of five months by a simple initial application of the antagonist.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Several endogenous viral elements (EVEs) have been identified in plant genomes, including endogenous pararetroviruses (EPRVs). Here, we report the first characterization of EPRV sequences in the genome of African yam of the Dioscorea cayenensis‐rotundata complex. We propose that these sequences should be termed ‘endogenous Dioscorea bacilliform viruses' (eDBVs). Molecular characterization of eDBVs shows that they constitute sequences originating from various parts of badnavirus genomes, resulting in a mosaic structure that is typical of most EPRVs characterized to date. Using complementary molecular approaches, we show that eDBVs belong to at least four distinct Badnavirus species, indicating multiple, independent, endogenization events. Phylogenetic analyses of eDBVs support and enrich the current taxonomy of yam badnaviruses and lead to the characterization of a new Badnavirus species in yam. The impact of eDBVs on diagnosis, yam germplasm conservation and movement, and breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Yam (Dioscorea esculenta) starch was modified by carboxymethylation. The effect of reaction parameters, amount of sodium hydroxide (NaOH), amount of sodium monochloroacetate (SMCA), and reaction time on the degree of substitution (DS) of carboxymethyl yam starch (CMS), was studied using the Box–Behnken experimental design. Physicochemical and potency to be a tablet disintegrant of CMS were evaluated. CMS with DS in the range of 0.08–0.19 were obtained. The results from regression analysis indicated that the most important factor in controlling DS was the amount of NaOH followed by SMCA content and reaction time. However, high concentration of NaOH and SMCA lowered the DS. The optimal conditions to achieve the highest DS (0.19) were found to be at molar ratios of NaOH and SMCA to anhydroglucose unit of 1.80 and 2.35, respectively, and with the reaction time of 4.8 h. The swelling power and viscosity of CMS increased with an increase in the degree of modification. CMS showed satisfying tablet disintegrant properties. The tablets containing 1.0–4.0 % CMS disintegrated faster than 5 min. Hence carboxymethyl yam starch can be used as an excellent tablet disintegrant in low concentration.  相似文献   

Yam mosaic virus (YMV) causes the most-widespread and economically important viral disease affecting white yam (Dioscorea rotundata) in West Africa. The genetic basis of resistance in white yam to a Nigerian isolate of YMV was investigated in three tetraploid D. rotundata genotypes: TDr 93–1, TDr 93–2 and TDr 89/01444. F1 progeny were produced using TDr 87/00571 and TDr 87/00211 as the susceptible parents. Segregation ratios indicated that a single dominant gene in a simplex condition governs the resistance in TDr 89/01444, while the resistance in TDr 93–2 is associated with the presence of a major recessive gene in duplex configuration. Segregation of progeny of the cross TDr 93–1×TDr 87/00211 fitted a genetic ratio of 2.48:1 resistant:susceptible, which can be expected when two simplex heterozygotes are crossed, indicating the possible modifying effect of the susceptible parent. A triple antibody immunosorbent assay (TAS-ELISA) was used for virus detection in inoculated plants. Slight mosaic symptoms appeared on most resistant individuals, while asymptomatic resistant genotypes with high ELISA (A405) values were observed in all crosses. Such a heterogeneous response suggests the influence of additional modifier genes that segregate in the progeny. The finding that resistance can be inherited as a dominant or recessive character has important implications for YMV resistance breeding. Received: 15 August 2000 / Accepted: 12 April 2001  相似文献   

Yam is an important crop which serves as a source of income to small-holder farmers as well as a foreign exchange earner. Among the constraints faced by yam farmers are pests and diseases, especially deterioration caused by microbes during storage. Since over dependence on pesticides is being discouraged, neem seed and ginger extracts were evaluated as potential control agents against rot-causing fungi. The study was conducted in the Spanish laboratory, at the Faculty of Agriculture, University for Development Studies, Nyankpala Campus. Isolations were made from rotted yam tubers sampled from the Tamale Central market with potato dextrose agar (PDA) as the growth medium. Growth inhibition of the isolates was determined by growing pure cultures on PDA plates amended with 2?ml each of ethanol and aqueous extracts of neem seed and ginger as well as carbendazim. A pathogenicity test proved that Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, A. ochraceus and Penicillium digitatum isolated from the rotted tubers were responsible for the rot. A. niger had a significantly higher (p?<?0.05) occurrence (40%) than the others. Growth inhibitions by carbendazim and ethanol extracts of neem seed and ginger were comparable but significantly higher (p?<?0.05) than the aqueous extracts of neem seed and ginger as well as the control. However, the aqueous extracts of neem seed and ginger had a significantly higher (p?<?0.05) inhibition than the control. For instance, growth inhibition of A. niger by carbendazim, ethanol neem seed and ginger extracts were 70.5, 69.6 and 65.5%, respectively, while inhibition by aqueous neem seed and ginger extracts were 33.9 and 24.8%, respectively. Since aqueous extracts of neem seed and ginger significantly inhibited (p?<?0.05) growth of the rot-causing fungi, they can be used as surface protectants of stored tubers.  相似文献   

A yam potyvirus was isolated from Dioscorea alata samples collected in Nigeria. The virus was not transmissible mechanically but was transmitted by Aphis craccivora to four cowpea cultivars (Ife Brown, IT84S-2114, IT82E-10 and TVu2657), and from which it could be mechanically transmitted between the cowpea cultivars. In infectivity- tests using cowpea extracts, the virus had a dilution end point of 10-4, a thermal inactivation point of 60–65°C and longevity in vitro of 2 days at room temperature. The virus coat protein had an estimated molecular weight of 32 100 daltons. The virus was identified as an isolate of Dioscorea alata virus (DAV; syn. yam virus 1) due to its biological characteristics and its serological reaction with antiserum raised against DAV. The virus is not related to yam mosaic virus, but distantly related to blackeye cowpea mosaic virus and cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus.  相似文献   

Dormancy is a mechanism that regulates the timing of sprouting (germination) of affected plant parts as well as ensures that the food quality of edible parts is maintained in storage until the following growing season. In yam, however, little is known about the control of tuber initiation or tuber dormancy. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of selected plant growth regulators (PGRs) on tuber initiation and dormancy, using an in vitro system. In two replicated experiments, 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (ethephon, an ethylene source), abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellin (GA3) – and their inhibitors silver nitrate, fluridone and 2-chloroethyl-trimethylammonium chloride, respectively – were added at two concentrations to the culture medium prior to explant culture. Dates of micro-tuber initiation and sprouting (end of dormancy) and tuber number were recorded. In the control (no PGR) in Experiment 1, micro-tubers were initiated at the base of the stem after 176 days and sprouted 235 days later, that is 411 days after culturing. Most PGR treatments had only small effects (±30 days) on the duration of dormancy and the time of micro-tuber initiation. However, in GA3 micro-tuber initiation occurred after 76 days, about 100 days earlier than in the control, whereas fluridone affected the position of micro-tubers and duration of dormancy. With fluridone treatments, tubers were found at the base of the stem (normal position) and on lower and upper nodes. Lower node tubers sprouted within 225 days of culturing compared with about 420 days after culturing at other nodal positions and in other PGR treatments. These data suggest an important role for ABA and gibberellic acid in yam micro-tuber initiation and the induction of dormancy.  相似文献   

The effects of jasmonic acid (JA) applied in the medium and its methylester (MeJA) applied either in the medium or as a vapour, on shoot growth and microtuber formation were evaluated in three important food yam species (Dioscorea alata, D. cayenensis, and D. rotundata). Single nodes with leaves, derived from in vitro-multiplied material, were used as explants. When delivered at higher concentrations (10 or 50 μm) both JA and MeJA suppressed node formation. Microtuberisation was supported in all three species by adding either JA or MeJA to the medium. Significant promotory effects were observed only when photoperiod, salt compositions and sucrose concentrations known to favour microtuberisation processes in yams were used. MeJA applied as a vapour strongly inhibited microtuber differentiation in D. alata on all media tested but in D. rotundata and D. cayenensis yams MeJA, also applied in the vapour phase, exhibited slight promotory effects on microtuberisation. Received: 28 January 1998 / Revision received: 7 October 1999 / Accepted: 7 January 2000  相似文献   

Tuberization in many terrestrial orchids represents the most important physiological process for reproduction and survival. An in vitro controlled and reproducible tuberization and plant regeneration system was designed for Habenaria bractescens. Multinodal segments were incubated on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different concentrations of N6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) and sucrose. After 45 days, the explants developed root tubers in vitro in 8 of the 12 media assayed. MS medium with 87.6 mM sucrose plus 4.4 μM BAP was one of the most effective for stimulating root tubers. Plants derived from in vitro root tubers were successfully transferred to the greenhouse without any acclimatization. The morphology and anatomy of the regenerated underground organs were examined to find identifying and distinguishing features. The protocol to regenerate root tubers of H. bractescens will be useful to study the basic aspects and control of tuberization and to carry out restoration programs.  相似文献   

Several DNA‐based marker systems are available for genetic fingerprinting of plants but information on their relative usefulness for yam germplasm characterisation is lacking. The efficiency of RAPD, AFLP and SSR markers for the assessment of genetic relationships, and for cultivar identification and discrimination among 45 West and Central African white yam cultivars belonging to 22 morphotypes/cultivar groups was investigated. Dendrograms were produced based on band pattern scores using the UPGMA method. Results showed that each of the three techniques could unequivocably identify each cultivar, but that techniques differed in the mean number of profiles generated per primer (or primer pair) per cultivar, referred to as genotype index (GI). The order of merit based on this criterion in this study was AFLPs (GI = 2.56), SSRs (GI = 0.39) and RAPDs (GI = 0.35). Yam genotypes classified in the same cultivar group based on morphology were often genetically different, emphasising the need for molecular fingerprinting in yam germplasm characterisation. AFLPs showed the highest efficiency in detecting polymorphism and revealed genetic relationships that most closely reflected morphological classification.  相似文献   

Summary A physical map of chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) of aerial yam, Dioscorea bulbifera L. was constructed using three restriction endonucleases, PstI, SalI, and SmaI. In addition, a clone bank of the BamHI-digested fragments were generated, and the locations of most BamHI fragments on the map were also determined. The ctDNA of D. bulbifera was found to be a circular molecule with a total size of ca. 152 kb involving two inverted repeats of ca. 25.5 kb, and small and large single copy regions of ca. 18.5 and 83.4 kb, respectively. The genes for the large subunit of the ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcL) and the ATP-synthase subunits and (atpB/atpE) were mapped.Contribution from the Plant Germ-plasm Institute and the Laboratory of Genetics (No. 504), Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan. The work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid (No. 60400005) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

Development of DNA microsatellite markers in tropical yam (Dioscorea sp.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We developed new simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in different species of yam (Dioscorea sp.). A microsatellite‐enriched bank was created from Dioscorea alata, Dioscorea abyssinica and Dioscorea praehensilis. Sixteen polymorphic loci were characterized. Several of these markers are transferable to species of other Dioscorea sections.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The control of dormancy in yam (Disocorea spp.) tubers is poorly understood and attempts to shorten the long dormant period (i.e. cause tubers to sprout or germinate much earlier) have been unsuccessful. The aim of this study was to identify and define the phases of dormancy in Dioscorea rotundata tubers, and to produce a framework within which dormancy can be more effectively studied. METHODS: Plants of 'TDr 131' derived from tissue culture were grown in a glasshouse simulating temperature and photoperiod at Ibadan (7 degrees N), Nigeria to produce tubers. Tubers were sampled on four occasions: 30 d before shoot senescence (149 days after planting, DAP), at shoot senescence (179 DAP), and twice during storage at a constant 25 degrees C (269 and 326 DAP). The development of the apical shoot bud was described from tissue sections. In addition, the responsiveness of shoot apical bud development to plant growth regulators (gibberellic acid, 2-chloroethanol and thiourea) applied to excised tuber sections was also examined 6 and 12 d after treatment. KEY RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Three phases of tuber dormancy are proposed: Phase I, from tuber initiation to the appearance of the tuber germinating meristem; Phase II, from the tuber germinating meristem to initiation of foliar primordium; and Phase III, from foliar primordium to appearance of the shoot bud on the surface of the tuber. Phase I is the longest phase (approx. 220 d in 'TDr 131'), is not affected by PGRs and is proposed to be an endo-dormant phase. Phases II and III are shorter (<70 d in total), are influenced by PGRs and environmental conditions, and are therefore endo-/eco-dormant phases. To manipulate dormancy to allow off-season planting and more than one generation per year requires that the duration of Phase I is shortened.  相似文献   

Nodal cuttings of D. alata L. Barzo fuerte and Florido, as well as of D. abyssinica Hoch, were cultured in vitro in order to assess the influence of the photoperiod on the production of microtubers. For both species, the highest number of microtubers was obtained under 16 and 24-h photoperiods, whereas larger microtubers were generally produced at 8-h photoperiod. In D. alata, further increase in microtuber size was observed in a culture medium where NH4NO3 was omitted. This effect was less noticeable in D. abyssinica.  相似文献   

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