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贵州独山早石炭世上司组海参化石   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张金鉴 《古生物学报》1993,32(1):105-114
从贵州独山早石炭世上司组海参化石的发现,进一步讨论海参集合体的特点及其意义,海参化石组合特征,并与国内外石炭系海参进行对比,同时描述了上司组海参化石8属12种,包括5新种.  相似文献   

河南固始早石炭世杨山组植物群   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
系统描述了扬山组植物18属25种,其中以石松类及种子蕨和真蕨纲为主,仅少数属楔叶纲;石松类中发现不少叶座较小,叶痕相对较大的鳞木类植物,颇似华夏植物群中的鳞木类;首次报道了我国发现的古芦木孢囊穗.据对植物群综合分析,杨山组的时代为早石炭世中晚期.  相似文献   

作者1977、1978年,在固始县杨山煤矿附近中石炭统庙冲组,采到丰富的海生动物化石,有瓣鳃、介形、(竹蜓)、腹足、腕足、海百合茎等,其中瓣鳃特别丰富,经鉴定,计46种(其中9新种),分属于17属、14科.对庙冲组瓣鳃动物群的研究,将为有关地层的划分对比,岩相古地理图的编制及地层区划等,提供新资料.同时,亦进一步丰富了中国古生代瓣鳃动物群的内容.参加野外工作的还有姜瑗、林德超、刘印环、贺国谦等同志.化石鉴定得到南京地质古生物研究所陈楚震等同志的热心帮助.杨遵仪教授等对文稿提出许多宝贵意见.标本照相主要由成都地矿所张继保同志承担.在此对他们谨致衷心感谢.  相似文献   

黑龙江鸡西早白垩世穆棱组真蕨类植物一新种   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨小菊 《古生物学报》2002,41(2):259-265
描述似里白属一新种—Gleichenitesjixiensissp .nov .。新种的叶为二次羽状 ,末次羽片与羽轴成70°—80°角 ,线形 ,互生。小羽片数目达 40对以上 ,以 6 0°— 90°角从小羽轴上伸出 ,互生 ,线形至长三角形。叶片为厚纸质。中脉明显 ,侧脉两歧分叉。生殖羽片与营养羽片同形 ,略小 ,孢子囊群生于小羽片背面 ,位于中脉两侧每组叶脉的前一支脉上 ,无囊群盖 ,由 8个近乎无柄的孢子囊聚合成圆形的囊群 ,孢子囊环带横生。该种的外部形态特征与化石属的GleichenitesporsildiiSeward和现代里白属的Hicriopterislaevissima (Christ)Ching较为相似。  相似文献   

河南石斛属一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文发表了石斛属一新种,即河南石斛Dendrobium henanense J.L.Lu et L.X.Gao。  相似文献   

河南木兰属一新种   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
舞钢玉兰新种图1MagnoliawugangensisTBZhao,WBSunetZXChen,spnovfig1MdedudataDesrsimilis,sedfloribusterminalibusaxilaribusque...  相似文献   

卢炯林 《植物研究》1992,12(4):331-333
本文发表了石豆兰属(兰科)一新种,河南卷瓣兰Bulbophyllumhenanense J.L.Lu。  相似文献   

辽宁下白垩统九佛堂组伊克昭龙一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
伊克昭龙 (Ikechosaurus)是一类长吻的离龙类 ,以前根据内蒙古的材料建立了孙氏种 (I.sunailinaeSigogneau Russell,1 981 )及高氏种 (I.gaoiL櫣etal.,1 999)。根据蒙古的材料建立的TchoiriamagnusEfimov ,1 979也于 1 983年被原作者归入本属。本文记述了辽宁义县皮家沟九佛堂组新发现的一个近于完整保存的骨架 (中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所标本编号 :IVPPV 1 32 83) ,并建立一新种 :皮家沟伊克昭龙 (Ikechosauruspijiagouensissp .nov .)。新种以下列特征区别于伊克昭龙其他种 :轭骨前伸约至泪骨之半 ;眶间距小于眼眶短径 ;眶后骨与后额骨不愈合 ;髂骨片前突不发育 ,颈区不收缩 ;四肢中桡胫骨与肱股骨之比相对较小。另外其荐前椎数目与孙氏种相同 ,为 2 5枚 ,比鳄龙属 (Champsosaurus)少 1枚 ;坐骨明显比孙氏种短 ;桡肱骨长度之比为 0 .5 8,胫股骨长度之比为 0 .60 ,在所知新离龙类 (Neochoristodera)中属最小 ;前肢腕骨至少 7块 ,后肢跗骨至少 6块 ;指 /趾式均为 2 3 4 4 3。在正型标本中其第二远侧跗骨在左右脚中不对称。提出眶后骨与后额骨的愈合与分离以及轭骨眶后支发育程度不能作为Simoedosaridae和鳄龙科间的鉴别特征 ;股骨内转子与股骨头分离不该作为高氏种的鉴定特征 ;新离龙类?  相似文献   

本文描述了中国河北省小五台山的毛茛科Ranunculaceae银莲花属Anemone一新组--小五台银莲花组sect. Leptothece W. T. Wang &; Bing Liu及其一新种--小五台银莲花A. xiaowutaishanica W. T. Wang &; Bing Liu, 并绘出墨线图。此新组与钝裂银莲花组sect. Himalayicae同具以下形态特征: 垂直的根状茎, 丛生的基生叶, 具1花的聚伞花序, 条形花丝, 具三沟的花粉粒, 具小刺的覆盖层, 钻形花柱, 而与后者相近缘; 但其总苞苞片分裂程度较大, 3深裂或3全裂, 每花只有3枚心皮, 子房强烈两侧扁压, 而与后者相区别; 同时, 根据上述进化特征可见新组比钝裂银莲花组演化水平高, 可能自后者分化而出。小五台银莲花的分布区很小, 只分布在河北小五台山的山涧口附近的一山谷中, 显然是一狭域分布种; 此外, 再根据其上述进化形态特征, 推测其可能是一新特有种。  相似文献   

本文记述湖北宜昌地区奥陶纪大湾组下部的一个三叶虫新种Ovalocephalus eoprimitivus sp.nov.,主要特征是头鞍缺失前颈环横沟。Ovalocephalus Koroleva为泛冈瓦纳的标志分子,在中国奥陶系分布极为广泛。这一新种的时代为弗洛期—大坪期,系该属目前所知地层层位最低的分子。  相似文献   

Acrocyathus是一类块状体或丛状体的四射珊瑚,在北美分布于下石炭统,我国见于上石炭统,但丛状体的在我国系首次发现。在连续切片上,可见两个生长阶段,其繁殖方式有侧芽繁殖和边缘泡沫板内繁殖,系统分类上另置独立的科级分类。根据形态分析,该珊瑚栖息在动水,能量略高及食料丰富的浅水环境。当前标本为一新种:A.jiyuanensissp.nov.。  相似文献   

鲫寄生车轮虫一新种的描述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文记述了寄生在鲫鱼鳃上的车轮虫属一新种——Trichodina paranigra sp.nov.。文中采用Lom(1960)所倡导的统一特定方法及由Van As & Basson(1989)提出的齿体各鉴定特征的定位描述,对本新种的各形态学特征(包括虫体外形、附着盘、齿体、辐线、中央颗粒、核器、口围绕体等)进行了较为详尽的描述,并对本种与相似种进行了比较研究。文中还为齿体定位描述模式图新增了两个参数。  相似文献   

在对中国东北辽宁本溪中三叠统林家组的化石研究中,发现了木贼目瓣轮叶属一个新种——林家瓣轮叶(Lobatannularia linjiaensis sp. nov.)。该种叶轮小,明显分成两瓣,每瓣叶数约10–12枚。叶线形至倒披针形,叶长差别大,叶联合长度占叶长约1/3–3/4。自1927年Kawasaki建立瓣轮叶属以来,该属已至少发现了33种,其中大部分报道于二叠纪,少数见于三叠纪。瓣轮叶属作为晚古生代华夏植物群孑遗分子之一,当前该属新种的发现不仅丰富了瓣轮叶属的分类多样性,而且拓展了对二叠纪-三叠纪之交生物大灭绝及之后复苏过程中瓣轮叶属演化趋势的认识。  相似文献   

Chrysolepidomonas gen. nov. is described for single-celled monads with two flagella, a single chloroplast, and distinctive canistrate and dendritic scales. The type species, Chrysolepidomonas dendrolepidota sp. nov., is described for the first time. The canistrate scales bear eight “bumps” on the top surface, and the dendriticscales have a tapered base with a quatrifid tip. These organic scales are formed in the Golgi apparatus and storred in a scale reservoir. The scale reservoir is bounded on two sides by the R1 and R2 in microtubular roots of the basal apparatus. The cyst (=stomatocyst, statospore) forms endogenously by means of a silica deposition vesicle. The outer cyst surface is smooth, and the pore region is unornamented. Two other organisms bearing canistrate and dendritic scales, previously assigned to the genus Sphaleromants, are transferred to the genus Chrysolepidomonas. They are C.angalica sp. nov. and C. marine(Pienaar) comb. nov. The distinguishing features of Chrysolepidomonas and Sphaleromantis are discussed. A new family, Chrysolepidomonadceae fam. noc., is described for flagellates covered with organic scales.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of Pyramimonas pseudoparkeae sp. nov., a member of the class Prasinophyceae occurring in tidal pools along the east, south and west coast of South Africa, is described. The cell surface is covered by three distinctive body scales whilst the flagellar surfaces possess four types of scales. The structure of these scales is described. P. pseudoparkeae resembles Pyramimonas parkeae Norris and Pearson but differs in the structure of the type 2 body scale. The symmetry and ultrastructure of the cell are described with special attention given to the flagellar apparatus. Preliminary information on the life cycle of this species is presented. This new species is compared with other closely related members of the genus Pyramimonas.  相似文献   

Three new benthic, photosynthetic dinoflagellate species, Prorocentrum norrisianum, Prorocentrum tropicalis, and Prorocentrum reticulatum, from floating detritus and coral rubble of Central America are described from scanning electron micrographs. Species were identified based on shape, size, surface micromorphology, thecal plate ornamentation, and architecture of the periflagellar area and intercalary band. Cells of P. norrisianum are ovate with a cell size of 20–25 μm long and 13–16 μm wide. The theca is delicate, its surface smooth, pores species specific with 95 to 105 pores per valve. Pores are round with a diameter of about 0.1 μm. The periflagellar area is V-shaped, located on the right valve in a shallow depression. It has no ornamentation. The flagellar and auxiliary pores are unequal in size. The intercalary band is smooth. Prorocentrum tropicalis cells are ovoid, 50–55 μm long and 40–45 μm wide in valve view with maximum width behind the middle region, narrow at the anterior end. The periflagellar area, situated in the right valve, is a V-shaped wide triangle with a deeply indented depression; the left valve exhibits a flat ridge. The periflagellar area is unornamented, and the flagellar and auxiliary pores are unequal in size. The valve surface is rugose with evenly distributed valve poroids. Each poroid appears to have a small dome in the center. The intercalary band is rimlike around the cell margin, granulated, and horizontally striated. Prorocentrum reticulatum cells are oblong in valve view; cells are 55–60 μm long and 40–45 μm wide. Thecal surface is reticulated; it is composed of a labyrinth of ridges with alternating depressions that vary in size and shape. Each depression has a narrow, oblong-kidney-shaped opening about 0.6 μm long. The periflagellar area is a deep, V-shaped triangle. The right valve of P. reticulatum is excavated, and contains a large flagellar pore and a smaller auxiliary pore surrounded by a narrow apical collar. The left valve margin exhibits a curved flat ridge. The intercalary band is smooth.  相似文献   

报道苏铁植物大孢子叶化石一新属———中间苏铁属(Mediocycasgen.nov.)。标本采集于辽宁省西部,喀左县杨树沟煤矿后山的早三叠世红砬组。这些标本以前曾被处理为疑问化石(Problematicum)。因当时资料不足,所以没有确定属种名称。但鉴于这些化石在苏铁类早期起源与演化研究中具有重要意义,故对它们作了重新研究。文中除了以喀左中间苏铁(Mediocycaskazuoensisgen.etsp.nov.)为典型种进行描述以外,还对新属、种在苏铁类起源与演化方面的意义作了较为详细的讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract:  An association of a new permineralized flora with preserved anatomy and decalcified trilobite remains is described from early crenulata Zone (mid Tournaisian; Early Carboniferous) calcareous siltstones in a predominantly shale and minor limestone sequence low in the Ruxton Formation of the eastern Clarke River Basin, north-east Queensland. Whereas the trilobites belong to Linguaphillipsia , a common and diversified taxon in eastern Australia, the plants (with the exception of Stauropteris that was earlier identified from the Burdekin Basin) were known previously only from the Mississipian (Lower Carboniferous) of Western Europe. The plants represent a diverse assemblage comprising lycopsids, cladoxylaleans, a variety of fern rachises and seed plants, including stems ( Tristichia -type), Lyginorachis petioles and a new cupule, Ruxtonia minuta gen. et sp. nov., containing Hydrasperma ovules.  相似文献   

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