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The contribution of the linker region to maintenance of condensed chromatin was examined in two model systems, namely sea urchin sperm nuclei and chicken red blood cell nuclei. Linkerless nuclei, prepared by extensive digestion with micrococcal nuclease, were compared with Native nuclei using several assays, including microscopic appearance, nuclear turbidity, salt stability, and trypsin resistance. Chromatin in the Linkerless nuclei was highly condensed, resembling pyknotic chromatin in apoptotic cells. Linkerless nuclei were more stable in low ionic strength buffers and more resistant to trypsin than Native nuclei. Analysis of histones from the trypsinized nuclei by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis showed that specific histone H1, H2B, and H3 tail regions stabilized linker DNA in condensed nuclei. Thermal denaturation of soluble chromatin preparations from differentially trypsinized sperm nuclei demonstrated that the N-terminal regions of histones Sp H1, Sp H2B, and H3 bind tightly to linker DNA, causing it to denature at a high temperature. We conclude that linker DNA exerts a disruptive force on condensed chromatin structure which is counteracted by binding of specific histone tail regions to the linker DNA. The inherent instability of the linker region may be significant in all eukaryotic chromatins and may promote gene activation in living cells.  相似文献   

Complementary recognition in condensed DNA: accelerated DNA renaturation.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The functional consequences of DNA condensation are investigated. The recognition of complementary strands is profoundly modified by this critical phenomenon. (1) Condensation of denatured DNA greatly accelerates the kinetics of DNA renaturation. We propose a unifying explanation for the effects of several accelerating solvents studied here including polymers, di- and multivalent cations, as well as effects seen with the phenol emulsions and single-stranded nucleic acid binding proteins. Optimal conditions for renaturation at or above the calculated three dimensional diffusion limit are theoretically consistent with a limited search space in the condensed phases. (2) In addition to these effects on association of two single strands, similar condensation acceleration effects can be seen in strand exchange experiments with double stranded DNA without proteins. These may model a mechanism of recombinational protein function.  相似文献   

The lengths of the DNA molecules of eukaryotic genomes are much greater than the dimensions of the metaphase chromosomes in which they are contained during mitosis. From this observation it has been generally assumed that the linear packing ratio of DNA is an adequate measure of the degree of DNA compaction. This review summarizes the evidence suggesting that the local concentration of DNA is more appropriate than the linear packing ratio for the study of chromatin condensation. The DNA concentrations corresponding to most of the models proposed for the 30-40 nm chromatin fiber are not high enough for the construction of metaphase chromosomes. The interdigitated solenoid model has a higher density because of the stacking of nucleosomes in secondary helices and, after further folding into chromatids, it yields a final concentration of DNA that approaches the experimental value found for condensed chromosomes. Since recent results have shown that metaphase chromosomes contain high concentrations of the chromatin packing ions Mg2+ and Ca2+, it is discussed that dynamic rather than rigid models are required to explain the condensation of the extended fibers observed in the absence of these cations. Finally, considering the different lines of evidence demonstrating the stacking of nucleosomes in different chromatin complexes, it is suggested that the face-to-face interactions between nucleosomes may be the driving force for the formation of higher order structures with a high local concentration of DNA.  相似文献   

The stability of a 16-mer DNA triple helix containing a 3-N(ferrocenemethyl)-thymidine residue in the third strand has been investigated in comparison with the unmodified triplex of the same sequence. A complete physico-chemical characterization of the two triple helices on changing the pH by means of calorimetry, circular dichroism and molecular modeling is therefore reported. The thermodynamic parameters were obtained in the pH range 5.5-7.2 by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). For both triplexes the T(m) and Delta H degrees (T(m)) values increase on decreasing the pH. In the pH range 7.2-6.0 the triplex containing the ferrocenemethyl nucleoside is less stable than the unmodified one, whereas the modified triplex becomes more stable at pH 5.5. Such difference in stability at each pH value is overwhelmingly enthalpic in origin. CD spectra show conformational changes on decreasing the pH for both the triplexes. By spectroscopic pH titration the apparent pK(a) values of the cytosines in the two triplexes could be estimated, with the cytosines in the TFO containing the ferrocenemethyl residue having lower apparent pK(a) values. These results are consistent with the calorimetric data, showing a decrease of the thermodynamic parameters in the pH range 7.2-6.0 and an increase at pH 5.5 for the ferrocenylated triplex with respect to the unmodified one. The thermodynamic and spectroscopic data are also discussed in relation to molecular models.  相似文献   

Two-wavelength Feulgen microspectrophotometry was used to determine the DNA content of mitotically-active ganglionic cells of first-and thirdinstar larvae of Drosophila melanogaster. The measurements revealed that the DNA values differ, on the average, by a factor of approximately two, with the metaphase cells of the first-instar larvae having about four times the haploid amount of the spermatozoon, and the metaphase cells of the third-instar larvae having about eight times the haploid amount. The increase from 4C to 8C in the course of development without any pronounced modification of the heterochromatic—euchromatic ratio is interpreted as evidence of an increase in the number of chromosomal strands. It is suggested, accordingly, that these mitotically-active chromosomes are multistranded or polynemie.This study was supported by a Research Grant (GM 10499) from the National Institutes of Health, U. S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

By combining single-molecule magnetic tweezers and osmotic stress on DNA assemblies, we separate attractive and repulsive components of the total intermolecular interaction between multivalent cation condensed DNA. Based on measurements of several different cations, we identify two invariant properties of multivalent cation-mediated DNA interactions: repulsive forces decay exponentially with a 2.3 ± 0.1 Å characteristic decay length and the attractive component of the free energy is always 2.3 ± 0.2 times larger than the repulsive component of the free energy at force-balance equilibrium. These empirical constraints are not consistent with current theories that attribute DNA-DNA attractions to a correlated lattice of counterions. The empirical constraints are consistent with theories for Debye-Hückel interactions between helical line charges and with the order-parameter formalism for hydration forces. Each of these theories posits exponentially decaying attractions and, if we assume this form, our measurements indicate a cation-independent, 4.8 ± 0.5 Å characteristic decay length for intermolecular attractions between condensed DNA molecules.  相似文献   

A physico-chemical model of a self-maintaining unity or protocell is constructed on the basis of reaction and diffusion processes. The surface motion of the protocell is taken into account explicitly by a so-called Stefan condition, which leads to a nonlinear feedback to the reaction and diffusion processes. The spatio-temporal dynamics in the neighbourhood of the steady states is investigated in the framework of linear stability analysis with the use of an expansion in terms of spherical harmonicsY l m . It is shown that modes with l2 become successively unstable with increasing nutrient supply. The leading instability with l=2 initiates a process of the nonlinear dynamics which is interpreted as the onset of division. A stabilizing effect of surface tension is also discussed.  相似文献   

Nanoscopic structure of DNA condensed for gene delivery.   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
Scanning force microscopy was used to examine DNA condensates prepared with varying stoichiometries of lipospermine or polyethylenimine in physiological solution. For the first time, individual DNA strands were clearly visualized in incomplete condensates without drying. Using lipospermine at sub-saturating concentrations, discrete nuclei of condensation were observed often surrounded by folded loops of DNA. Similar packing of DNA loops occurred for polyethylenimine-induced condensation. Increasing the amount of the condensing agent led to the progressive coalescence or aggregation of initial condensation nuclei through folding rather than winding the DNA. At over-saturating charge ratios of the cationic lipid or polymer to DNA, condensates had sizes smaller than or equal to those measured previously in electron micrographs. Polyethylenimine condensates were more compact than lipospermine condensates and both produced more homogeneously compacted plasmids when used in a 2-4-fold charge excess. The size and morphology of the condensates may affect their efficiency in transfection.  相似文献   

C Bustamante  B Samorì  E Builes 《Biochemistry》1991,30(23):5661-5666
The effect of daunomycin upon DNA condensed states induced by poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) was studied by circular dichroism (CD) and circular intensity differential scattering (CIDS). The CD spectra of these aggregates showed psi-type anomalies and intensities 10-100 times greater than those obtained with the dispersed DNA solutions in the absence of PEG. Increasing concentrations of daunomycin, added to the DNA solution prior to its aggregation, led, in the presence of PEG, to CD and CIDS signals which gradually decreased in magnitude and eventually inverted sign. The coincidence of the transition point of both signals and a careful characterization of the CD spectrum at the transition point clearly indicated that the inversion observed corresponds to an inversion of the handedness of the aggregates. The latter result suggests that the structure of the aggregates at the inversion point should resemble that of a nematic liquid-crystalline structure. The characteristic B-DNA spectrum obtained in this case further suggests that the packing process does not affect the secondary structure of the DNA molecules and that small changes in their local structure can induce dramatic changes in their long-range tertiary packing. The results obtained in this study represent a confirmation of a recent theory of psi-type CD in which the anomalous signals are interpreted as a manifestation of the long-range chirality of the aggregates.  相似文献   

Among new condensed quinolines and quinazolines the design of which were inspired by anti-cancer DNA-binding alkaloids such as camptothecin and batracyclin, DNA binding tests identify the 8-methoxy-7-piperazinylpropoxyindeno[1,2-b]quinolin-11-one tetracyclic system as a new motif for DNA recognition.  相似文献   

On the toroidal condensed state of closed circular DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The influence of double helix torsional elasticity on the compaction and structure of circular DNA compact form is studied theoretically in the case when the compact (globular) form has torus shape. For closed circular DNA the topological invariant, the linking number, yields a strict connection between conformation of the double helix considered as unifilar homopolymer and elastic energy of torsional twisting. The contribution of torsional elasticity to the free energy of the toruslike globule is calculated. This contribution is shown to be proportional to the square of superhelical density. Allowance of the torsional elasticity decreases the equilibrium radius of the toruslike globule formed by circular DNA. Closure of linear DNA into a ring widens the stability range of the relatively short DNA compact form and tightens it for long DNA.  相似文献   

Condensed and dispersed chromatin fractions were isolated from human placental nuclei. The DNA of each fraction was purified and characterised by isopycnic centrifugation, thermal fractionation on hydroxylapatite (HAP) and sequence complexity studies. The DNAs had identical buoyant densities in neutral CsCl (1.698 g/cm3) and similar melting profiles on HAP. Analytical ultracentrifugation in Ag+-Cs2SO4, however, showed that satellite DNAs were present in the condensed fraction DNA (DNAC) but were not visible in the dispersed fraction DNA (DNAD). In addition, DNAC was found to be enriched in highly reiterated sequences (20% reassociated by C0t 10?3) which can be correlated with the presence of satellite DNAs, whereas DNAD contained only 3% of these fast reassociating sequences. In contrast DNAD contained 30% intermediate sequences (reassociating between C0t 10?3 and C0t 100) which represent only 10% of DNAC. The reassociated highly repeated sequences of DNAC showed the presence of two components in both CsCl density gradients and HAP thermal elution studies. This suggests that either there are sequence relationships resulting in partial mismatching between the different highly repeated DNA sequences in this fraction, or that highly repeated sequences are associated with less repetitious DNA. The results are discussed in terms of possible differences in genetic activity between the chromatin fractions.  相似文献   

Fungal chromatins are reported to exhibit unusually short nucleosomal DNA repeat lengths. To test whether this is a phylogenetic feature of fungi or rather is correlated with an apparent absence of condensed chromatin in the organisms studied, we have examined the chromatin organization and the complement of basic nuclear proteins in the fungus Entomophthora, an organism which exhibits marked chromatin condensation. Micrococcal nuclease digestion of Entomophthora chromatin revealed a nucleosomal DNA repeat length of 197 +/- 1.2 base pairs (bp). This repeat length is 20-40 bp longer than that reported for any fungus. Entomophthora nucleosomes exhibited an HI-like protein which was much less basic than the HI histones reported for higher eukaryotes but which was similar in basicity to the HI histone reported for the fungus Neurospora. However, the nucleosomal DNA repeat length of Neurospora chromatin is reported to be unusually short, whereas that of Entomophthora was found to be typical of the repeat lengths observed for chromatins of higher eukaryotes. Thus, repeat length, at least in fungi, would not appear to be directly determined by the basicity of the fungal cognate of histone HI.  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetric (DSC), circular dichroism (CD) and molecular mechanics studies have been performed on two triple helices of DNA. The target duplex consists of 16 base pairs in alternate sequence of the type 5′-(purine)m(pyrimidine)m-3′. In both the triplexes, the third oligopyrimidine strand crosses the major groove at the purine–pyrimidine junction, with a simultaneous binding of the adjacent purine tracts on alternate strands of the Watson–Crick duplex. The switch is ensured by a non-nucleotide linker, the 1,2,3 propanetriol residue, that joins two 3′–3′ phosphodiester ends. The third strands differ from each other for a nucleotide in the junction region. The resulting triple helices were termed 14-mer-PXP and 15-mer-PXP (where P=phosphate and X=1,2,3-propanetriol residue) according to the number of nucleotides that compose the third strand. DSC data show two independent processes: the first corresponding to the dissociation of the third strand from the target duplex, the second to the dissociation of the double helix in two single strands. The two triple helices show the same stability at pH 6.6. At pH 6.0, the 15-mer-PXP triplex is thermodynamically more stable than the 14-mer-PXP triplex. Thermodynamic data are discussed in relation to structural models. The results are useful when considering the design of oligonucleotides that can bind in an antigene approach to the DNA for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

In mammals, DNA methylation is catalyzed by DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) encoded by Dnmt1, Dnmt3a and Dnmt3b. Since, the mechanisms of regulation of Dnmts are still largely unknown, the physical interaction between Dnmt3b and chromatin was investigated in vivo and in vitro. In embryonic stem cell nuclei, Dnmt3b preferentially associated with histone H1-containing heterochromatin without any significant enrichment of silent-specific histone methylation. Recombinant Dnmt3b preferentially associated with nucleosomal DNA rather than naked DNA. Incorporation of histone H1 into nucleosomal arrays promoted the association of Dnmt3b with chromatin, whereas histone acetylation reduced Dnmt3b binding in vitro. In addition, Dnmt3b associated with histone deacetylase SirT1 in the nuclease resistant chromatin. These findings suggest that Dnmt3b is preferentially recruited into hypoacetylated and condensed chromatin. We propose that Dnmt3b is a 'reader' of higher-order chromatin structure leading to gene silencing through DNA methylation.  相似文献   

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