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The human recombination strand exchange process   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
S P Moore  A Rich  R Fishel 《Génome》1989,31(1):45-52
A mechanism for the initiation of general recombination that involves the formation of left-handed Z-DNA heteroduplex segments adjacent to right-handed B-DNA heteroduplex segments is discussed. The paranemic nature of this initiation structure allows for homology recognition in the absence of strand cleavage. This model suggests that proteins catalyzing recombination initiation via the formation of paranemic joint should in some capacity recognize Z-DNA. Other studies have shown that both the RecA protein of Escherichia coli and the Rec1 protein of Ustilago maydis have a greater affinity for Z-DNA than B-DNA. Here we have used Z-DNA affinity chromatography to purify a peptide of approximately 120 kilodaltons from a human tumor cell line that catalyzes a simple recombination strand-transfer reaction similar to one developed for the characterization of the RecA and Rec1 proteins. We report details of the characterization of the human strand-transfer activity and identified a potential human recombination complex.  相似文献   

Insertions, duplications, and deletions of sequence segments are thought to be major evolutionary mechanisms that increase the structural and functional diversity of proteins. Alternative splicing, for example, is an intracellular editing mechanism that is thought to generate isoforms for 30%-50% of all human genes. Whereas the inserted sequences usually display only minor structural rearrangements at the insertion site, recent observations indicate that they may also cause more dramatic structural displacements of adjacent structures. In the present study we test how artificially inserted sequences change the structure of the beta-sheet region in T4 lysozyme. Copies of two different beta-strands were inserted into two different loops of the beta-sheet, and the structures were determined. Not surprisingly, one insert "loops out" at its insertion site and forms a new small beta-hairpin structure. Unexpectedly, however, the second insertion leads to displacement of adjacent strands and a sequential reorganization of the beta-sheet topology. Even though the insertions were performed at two different sites, looping out occurred at the C-terminal end of the same beta-strand. Reasons as to why a non-native sequence would be recruited to replace that which occurs in the native protein are discussed. Our results illustrate how sequence insertions can facilitate protein evolution through both local and nonlocal changes in structure.  相似文献   

We utilize a recently discovered, powerful method to classify the topological state of knots and catenanes. In this method, each such form is associated with a unique polynomial. These polynomials allow a rigorous determination of whether knotted or catenated DNA molecules that appear distinct actually are, and indicate the structure of related molecules. A tabulation is given of the polynomials for all possible stereoisomers of many of the knotted and catenated forms that are found in DNA. The polynomials for a substrate DNA molecule and the products obtained from it by either recombination or strand passage by a topoisomerase are related by a simple theorem. This theorem affords natural applications of the polynomial method to these processes. Examples are presented involving site-specific recombination by the transposon Tn3-encoded resolvase and the phage lambda integrase, in which product structure is predicted as a function of crossover mechanism.  相似文献   

Recent dissection of numerous plasmids and transposable elements has given more credence to the modular organization of these genetic and genomic entities. Although many variations on each theme exist, the number of basic functional cassettes is thought to be relatively limited. In this paper, a novel type of mobile cassette is described. A naturally occurring assemblage consisting of two left IS231 ends flanking a D-stereospecific endopeptidase (adp) gene was found in several natural isolates of Bacillus cereus. This 1.9 kb genetic entity was shown to transpose in the presence of IS231A transposase, not only in Escherichia coli but also in Bacillus. The acronym MIC231 is proposed for this mobile insertion cassette trans-activated (teletransposed) by IS231. Using (D-Phe)4 tetrapeptide as substrate, the endopeptidase activity of the MIC231 adp gene could be demonstrated in E. coli and B. subtilis. Interestingly, this D-stereospecific endopeptidase activity was not limited to the original B. cereus isolates but was also detected in all but one of the 69 B. cereus sensu lato strains tested, indicating its important, yet dispensable, biological function. However, inactivation of the MIC231 adp gene in two B. cereus strains did not result in any detectable variation of their activity on (D-Phe)4, suggesting the presence of other distantly related adp gene(s). Thus, although the exact role of MIC231 adp remains elusive, its presence inside a mobile cassette represents the archetype of a novel insertion sequence modular organization.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination, the exchange of strands between different DNA molecules, is essential for proper maintenance and accurate duplication of the genome. Using magnetic tweezers, we monitor RecA-driven homologous recombination of individual DNA molecules in real time. We resolve several key aspects of DNA structure during and after strand exchange. Changes in DNA length and twist yield helical parameters for the protein-bound three-stranded structure in conditions in which ATP was not hydrolyzed. When strand exchange was completed under ATP hydrolysis conditions that allow protein dissociation, a "D wrap" structure formed. During homologous recombination, strand invasion at one end and RecA dissociation at the other end occurred at the same rate, and our single-molecule analysis indicated that a region of only about 80 bp is actively involved in the synapsis at any time during the entire reaction involving a long ( approximately 1 kb) region of homology.  相似文献   

Mechanistic studies of ATP-dependent proteolysis demonstrate that substrate unfolding is a prerequisite for processive peptide bond hydrolysis. We show that mitochondrial Lon also degrades folded proteins and initiates substrate cleavage non-processively. Two mitochondrial substrates with known or homology-derived three-dimensional structures were used: the mitochondrial processing peptidase alpha-subunit (MPPalpha) and the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR). Peptides generated during a time course of Lon-mediated proteolysis were identified and mapped within the primary, secondary, and tertiary structure of the substrate. Initiating cleavages occurred preferentially between hydrophobic amino acids located within highly charged environments at the surface of the folded protein. Subsequent cleavages proceeded sequentially along the primary polypeptide sequence. We propose that Lon recognizes specific surface determinants or folds, initiates proteolysis at solvent-accessible sites, and generates unfolded polypeptides that are then processively degraded.  相似文献   

Previous work has established that integration of the genome of bacteriophage lambda into the chromosome of its bacterial host proceeds via two independent strand exchanges, which make and then resolve a Holliday-structure intermediate. We find that a phosphorothioate substitution at the site of exchange in one strand of a recombination site depresses the yield of Holliday structures much more than a similar substitution in the other strand. Furthermore, we show that the Holliday structures that accumulate in unblocked reactions have all been made by recombination of one particular pair of strands. We conclude that there is a strong bias in the choice of strands that initiate crossing-over. Excision, the recombination reaction that excises the integrated prophage, exhibits the same bias as integration. This proves, at least at the level of strand exchange, that excision is not the simple reversal of integration. We have altered the relative orientation of parts of the phage attachment site, attP, to demonstrate that the strand-exchange bias is determined not by the local environment around the point of exchange in the core of attP but by more distant elements in its arms. This suggests that the order of the strand exchanges is dictated by an asymmetry in the way that the nucleosome-like structure that forms at attP brings the bacterial site, attB, into juxtaposition prior to strand exchange. Finally, we use the altered attP to show that homology between attP and attB is most critical when it is adjacent to the point of strand exchange.  相似文献   

A new insertion method for probing protein functional organization was developed. The method relies on the random insertion of transposon Tn 4430 and subsequent in vitro deletion of the bulk of the transposon after which a 15 bp insertion remains within the target gene. This results in pentapeptide insertions randomly distributed in the target protein. Characterization of 23 pentapeptide insertions in TEM-1beta-lactamase demonstrated the utility of the method. The phenotypes associated with the mutated beta-lactamase proteins equated both with the sorts of local peptide structures in which the pentapeptide insertions occurred and their position in the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Meiosis is undoubtedly the mechanism that underpins Mendelian genetics. Meiosis is a specialised, reductional cell division which generates haploid gametes (reproductive cells) carrying a single chromosome complement from diploid progenitor cells harbouring two chromosome sets. Through this process, the hereditary material is shuffled and distributed into haploid gametes such that upon fertilisation, when two haploid gametes fuse, diploidy is restored in the zygote. During meiosis the transient physical connection of two homologous chromosomes (one originally inherited from each parent) each consisting of two sister chromatids and their subsequent segregation into four meiotic products (gametes), is what enables genetic marker assortment forming the core of Mendelian laws. The initiating events of meiotic recombination are DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) which need to be repaired in a certain way to enable the homologous chromosomes to find each other. This is achieved by DSB ends searching for homologous repair templates and invading them. Ultimately, the repair of meiotic DSBs by homologous recombination physically connects homologous chromosomes through crossovers. These physical connections provided by crossovers enable faithful chromosome segregation. That being said, the DSB repair mechanism integral to meiotic recombination also produces genetic transmission distortions which manifest as postmeiotic segregation events and gene conversions. These processes are non-reciprocal genetic exchanges and thus non-Mendelian.Subject terms: Eukaryote, Genome  相似文献   

Homologous recombination (HR) plays a critical role in the restart of blocked replication forks, but how this is achieved remains poorly understood. We show that mutants in the single Rad51 paralog in Caenorhabditis elegans, rfs-1, permit discrimination between HR substrates generated at DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), or following replication fork collapse from HR substrates assembled at replication fork barriers (RFBs). Unexpectedly, RFS-1 is dispensable for RAD-51 recruitment to meiotic and ionizing radiation (IR)-induced DSBs and following replication fork collapse, yet, is essential for RAD-51 recruitment to RFBs formed by DNA crosslinking agents and other replication blocking lesions. Deletion of rfs-1 also suppresses the accumulation of toxic HR intermediates in him-6; top-3 mutants and accelerates deletion formation at presumed endogenous RFBs formed by poly G/C tracts in the absence of DOG-1. These data suggest that RFS-1 is not a general mediator of HR-dependent DSB repair, but acts specifically to promote HR at RFBs. HR substrates generated at conventional DSBs or following replication fork collapse are therefore intrinsically different from those produced during normal repair of blocked replication forks.  相似文献   

Initiation sites for DNA synthesis in the chromosomal autonomously replicating sequence (ARS)1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were detected at the nucleotide level. The transition from discontinuous to continuous synthesis defines the origin of bidirectional replication (OBR), which mapped adjacent to the origin recognition complex binding site. To ascertain which sites represented starts for leading or lagging strands, we characterized DNA replication from ARS1 in a cdc9 (DNA ligase I) mutant, defective for joining Okazaki fragments. Leading strand synthesis in ARS1 initiated at only a single site, the OBR. Thus, replication in S. cerevisiae is not initiated stochastically by choosing one out of multiple possible sites but, rather, is a highly regulated process with one precise start point.  相似文献   

The resolution of the dimeric intermolecular G-quadruplex/duplex competition of the telomeric DNA sequence 5′-TAG GGT TAG GGT-3′ and of its complementary 5′ ACC CTA ACC CTA-3′ is reported. To achieve this goal, melting experiments of both sequences and of the mixtures of these sequences were monitored by molecular absorption, molecular fluorescence and circular dichroism spectroscopies. Molecular fluorescence measurements were carried out using molecular beacons technology, in which the 5′-TAG GGT TAG GGT-3′ sequence was labelled with a fluorophore and a quencher at the ends of the strand. Mathematical analysis of experimental spectroscopic data was performed by means of multivariate curve resolution, allowing the calculation of concentration profiles and pure spectra of all resolved structures (dimeric antiparallel and parallel G-quadruplexes, Watson–Crick duplex and single strands) present in solution. Our results show that parallel G-quadruplex is more stable than antiparallel G-quadruplex. When the complementary C-rich strand is present, a mixture of both G-quadruplex structures and Watson–Crick duplex is observed, the duplex being the major species. In addition to melting temperatures, equilibrium constants for the parallel/antiparallel G-quadruplex equilibrium and for the G-quadruplex/duplex equilibrium were determined from the concentration profiles.  相似文献   

Iron-sulfur clusters are widely represented in most organisms, but the mechanism of their formation is not fully understood. Of the two main proteins involved in cluster formation, NifS/IscS and NifU/IscU, only the former has been well studied from a structural point of view. Here we report an extensive structural characterization of Escherichia coli IscU. We show by a variety of physico-chemical techniques that E. coli IscU construct can be expressed to high purity as a monomeric protein, characterized by an alphabeta fold with high alpha-helix content. The high melting temperature and the reversibility of the thermal unfolding curve (as measured by CD spectroscopy) hint at a well ordered stable fold. The excellent dispersion of cross peaks in the (1)H-(15)N correlation spectrum is consistent with these observations. Monomeric E. coli IscU is able to provide a scaffold for Iron-sulfur cluster assembly, but has no direct interaction with either Fe(II) or Fe(III) ions, suggesting the need of further partners to achieve a stable interaction.  相似文献   

The involvement of a double strand break in the initiation of homologous recombination was examined in human nuclear extracts. M13 duplex derivatives, containing inserts in the LacZ' region (producing white plaques), were cleaved by restriction enzymes and coincubated in the extracts with a circular plasmid containing the LacZ' region without insert, and unable to produce plaques. Repair was estimated by the ability to produce plaques after transfection into JM109 (recA1) bacteria. Recombination with the plasmid enhances the number of plaques and also the frequency of M13 producing blue plaques. Heterologous insertions in the region surrounding the break were analyzed for their effects on initiation of recombination. The extent of repair by recombination (number of plaques) was compared with the number of blue plaques among the repaired population. Initiation of recombination is inhibited when heterologous insertions are located at 7bp from the break, on the right side as well as on the left side. A low level of recombination is measurable for 27 bp of homology but the maximum efficiency of recombination occurred with homologies of 165 or 320 bp from the break to the heterologous insertion. At 320 bp, the extent of recombinational repair remained at a plateau level but the frequency of blue plaques progressively decreases. We have also analyzed the effect of different sizes of inserts. With longer inserts, a longer length of homology adjacent to the break is required for optimum recombination. However, the size of the insert does not affect the low level of recombination that occurred with a short homology (27 bp). The results indicate that the process is initiated at or near the break, requires homology on both sides of the break and is followed by an elongation from the double strand break to the distal regions of the DNA. Our data provide some support to the double-strand-break repair model established for meiotic recombination in yeast.  相似文献   

Studies on the molecular mechanism of genetic recombination in RNA viruses have progressed at the time when experimental systems of efficient recombination crossovers were established. The system of brome mosaic virus (BMV) represents one of the most useful and most advanced tools for investigation of the molecular aspects of the mechanism of RNA-RNA recombination events. By using engineered BMV RNA components, the occurrence of both homologous and nonhomologous crosses were demonstrated among the segments of the BMV RNA genome. Studies show that the two types of crossovers require different RNA signal sequences and that both types depend upon the participation of BMV replicase proteins. Mutations in the two BMV-encoded replicase polypeptides (proteins 1a and 2a) reveal that their different regions participate in homologous and in nonhomologous crossovers. Based on all these data, it is most likely that homologous and nonhomologous recombinant crosses do occur via two different types of template switching events (copy-choice mechanism) where viral replicase complex changes RNA templates during viral RNA replication at distinct signal sequences. In this review we discuss various aspects of the mechanism of RNA recombination in BMV and we emphasize future projections of this research.  相似文献   

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