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Mineral nutrient supply can affect the hydraulic property of roots. The aim of the present work on sheepgrass (Leymus chinensis L.) plants was to test whether any changes in root hydraulic conductivity (Lp; exudation analyses) in response to a growth-limiting supply of phosphate (P) are accompanied by changes in (1) cell Lp via measuring the cell pressure, (2) the aquaporin (AQP) gene expression by performing qPCR and (3) the formation of apoplastic barriers, by analyzing suberin lamella and Casparian bands via cross-sectional analyses in roots. Plants were grown hydroponically on complete nutrient solution, containing 250 µM P, until they were 31–36 days old, and then kept for 2–3 weeks on either complete solution, or transferred on solution containing 2.5 µM (low-P) or no added P (no-P). Phosphate treatments caused significant decreases in root and cell-Lp and AQP gene expression, while the formation of apoplastic barriers increased, particularly in lateral roots. Experiments using the AQP inhibitor mercury (Hg) suggested that a significant portion of radial root water uptake in sheepgrass occurs along a path involving AQPs, and that the Lp of this path is reduced under low- and no-P. It is concluded that a growth-limiting supply of phosphate causes parallel changes in (1) cell Lp and aquaporin gene expression (decrease) and (2) apoplastic barrier formation (increase), and that the two may combine to reduce root Lp. The reduction in root Lp, in turn, facilitates an increased root-to-shoot surface area ratio, which allocates resources to the root, sourcing the limiting nutrient.  相似文献   

Some plant species can increase the mass flow of water from the soil to the root surface in response to the appearance of nitrate in the rhizosphere by increasing root hydraulic conductivity. Such behavior can be seen as a powerful strategy to facilitate the uptake of nitrate in the patchy and dynamically changing soil environment. Despite the significance of such behavior, little is known about the dynamics and mechanism of this phenomenon. Here we examine root hydraulic response of nitrate starved Zea mays (L.) plants after a sudden exposure to 5 mM NO3 solution. In all cases the treatment resulted in a significant increase in pressure-induced (pressure gradient ~ 0.2 MPa) flow across the root system by ~50% within 4 h. Changes in osmotic gradient across the root were approximately 0.016 MPa (or 8.5%) and thus the results could only be explained by a true change in root hydraulic conductance. Anoxia treatment significantly reduced the effect of nitrate on xylem root hydraulic conductivity indicating an important role for aquaporins in this process. Despite a 1 h delay in the hydraulic response to nitrate treatment, we did not detect any change in the expression of six ZmPIP1 and seven ZmPIP2 genes, strongly suggesting that NO3 ions regulate root hydraulics at the protein level. Treatments with sodium tungstate (nitrate reductase inhibitor) aimed at resolving the information pathway regulating root hydraulic properties resulted in unexpected findings. Although this treatment blocked nitrate reductase activity and eliminated the nitrate-induced hydraulic response, it also produced changes in gene expression and nitrate uptake levels, precluding us from suggesting that nitrate acts on root hydraulic properties via the products of nitrate reductase.  相似文献   

The effects of low root temperature on growth and root cell water transport were compared between wild-type Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and plants overexpressing plasma membrane intrinsic protein 1;4 (PIP1;4) and PIP2;5. Descending root temperature from 25°C to 10°C quickly reduced cell hydraulic conductivity (L(p)) in wild-type plants but did not affect L(p) in plants overexpressing PIP1;4 and PIP2;5. Similarly, when the roots of wild-type plants were exposed to 10°C for 1 d, L(p) was lower compared with 25°C. However, there was no effect of low root temperature on L(p) in PIP1;4- and PIP2;5-overexpressing plants after 1 d of treatment. When the roots were exposed to 10°C for 5 d, L(p) was reduced in wild-type plants and in plants overexpressing PIP1;4, whereas there was still no effect in PIP2;5-overexpressing plants. These results suggest that the gating mechanism in PIP1;4 may be more sensitive to prolonged low temperature compared with PIP2;5. The reduction of L(p) at 10°C in roots of wild-type plants was partly restored to the preexposure level by 5 mm Ca(NO(3))(2) and protein phosphatase inhibitors (75 nm okadaic acid or 1 μm Na(3)VO(4)), suggesting that aquaporin phosphorylation/dephosphorylation processes were involved in this response. The temperature sensitivity of cell water transport in roots was reflected by a reduction in shoot and root growth rates in the wild-type and PIP1;4-overexpressing plants exposed to 10°C root temperature for 5 d. However, low root temperature had no effect on growth in plants overexpressing PIP2;5. These results provide strong evidence for a link between growth at low root temperature and aquaporin-mediated root water transport in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Nitrogen (N) availability affects water uptake from the roots, which decreases upon N deprivation and increases upon resupply. The aim of this study was to reveal possible mechanisms of regulation of water transport in roots through physiological and morphological adaptations to N availability.


The effects of continuous N deprivation and following resupply on root morphology, osmotic hydraulic conductivity, and expression of genes for aquaporins (water channels) were examined in rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants. The effect of local N availability was examined by using a split-root system.


N deprivation decreased the expression of root-specific aquaporin genes, whereas N resupply increased their expression. Changes in aquaporin gene expression were correlated with changes in hydraulic conductivity. N deprivation increased dry matter allocation to the roots. In a split-root experiment, the expression of root-specific aquaporin genes was down-regulated in the N-deprived half, whereas it was up-regulated in the N-supplied half.


Our results suggest that expression of genes for root-specific aquaporins underlies the changes in conductivity during continuous N deprivation and resupply. Rice plants seem to adapt to N availability through coordinated adjustment of root proliferation and abundance of aquaporins.  相似文献   

Barley HvPIP2;1 is a plasma membrane aquaporin and its expression was down-regulated after salt stress in barley [Katsuhara et al. (2002) Plant Cell Physiol. 43: 885]. We produced and analyzed transgenic rice plants over-expressing barley HvPIP2;1 in the present study. Over-expression of HvPIP2;1 increased (1) radial hydraulic conductivity of roots (Lp(r)) to 140%, and (2) the mass ratio of shoot to root up to 150%. In these transgenic rice plants under salt stress of 100 mM NaCl, growth reduction was greater than in non-transgenic plants. A decrease in shoot water content (from 79% to 61%) and reduction of root mass or shoot mass (both less than 40% of non-stressed plants) were observed in transgenic plants under salt stress for 2 weeks. These results indicated that over-expression of HvPIP2;1 makes rice plants sensitive to 100 mM NaCl. The possible involvement of aquaporins in salt tolerance is discussed.  相似文献   

Wild barley, Hordeum vulgare spp. spontaneum, has a wider genetic diversity than its cultivated progeny, Hordeum vulgare spp. vulgare. Osmotic stress leads to a series of different responses in wild barley seminal roots, ranging from no changes in suberization to enhanced endodermal suberization of certain zones and the formation of a suberized exodermis, which was not observed in the modern cultivars studied so far. Further, as a response to osmotic stress, the hydraulic conductivity of roots was not affected in wild barley, but it was 2.5-fold reduced in cultivated barley. In both subspecies, osmotic adjustment by increasing proline concentration and decreasing osmotic potential in roots was observed. RNA-sequencing indicated that the regulation of suberin biosynthesis and water transport via aquaporins were different between wild and cultivated barley. These results indicate that wild barley uses different strategies to cope with osmotic stress compared with cultivated barley. Thus, it seems that wild barley is better adapted to cope with osmotic stress by maintaining a significantly higher hydraulic conductivity of roots during water deficit.  相似文献   

Populations of isogenic cells often respond coherently to signals, despite differences in protein abundance and cell state. Previously, we uncovered processes in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae pheromone response system (PRS) that reduced cell‐to‐cell variability in signal strength and cellular response. Here, we screened 1,141 non‐essential genes to identify 50 “variability genes”. Most had distinct, separable effects on strength and variability of the PRS, defining these quantities as genetically distinct “axes” of system behavior. Three genes affected cytoplasmic microtubule function: BIM1, GIM2, and GIM4. We used genetic and chemical perturbations to show that, without microtubules, PRS output is reduced but variability is unaffected, while, when microtubules are present but their function is perturbed, output is sometimes lowered, but its variability is always high. The increased variability caused by microtubule perturbations required the PRS MAP kinase Fus3 and a process at or upstream of Ste5, the membrane‐localized scaffold to which Fus3 must bind to be activated. Visualization of Ste5 localization dynamics demonstrated that perturbing microtubules destabilized Ste5 at the membrane signaling site. The fact that such microtubule perturbations cause aberrant fate and polarity decisions in mammals suggests that microtubule‐dependent signal stabilization might also operate throughout metazoans.  相似文献   

The phenotypic analysis of root system growth is important to inform efforts to enhance plant resource acquisition from soils; however, root phenotyping remains challenging because of the opacity of soil, requiring systems that facilitate root system visibility and image acquisition. Previously reported systems require costly or bespoke materials not available in most countries, where breeders need tools to select varieties best adapted to local soils and field conditions. Here, we report an affordable soil‐based growth (rhizobox) and imaging system to phenotype root development in glasshouses or shelters. All components of the system are made from locally available commodity components, facilitating the adoption of this affordable technology in low‐income countries. The rhizobox is large enough (approximately 6000 cm2 of visible soil) to avoid restricting vertical root system growth for most if not all of the life cycle, yet light enough (approximately 21 kg when filled with soil) for routine handling. Support structures and an imaging station, with five cameras covering the whole soil surface, complement the rhizoboxes. Images are acquired via the Phenotiki sensor interface, collected, stitched and analysed. Root system architecture (RSA) parameters are quantified without intervention. The RSAs of a dicot species (Cicer arietinum, chickpea) and a monocot species (Hordeum vulgare, barley), exhibiting contrasting root systems, were analysed. Insights into root system dynamics during vegetative and reproductive stages of the chickpea life cycle were obtained. This affordable system is relevant for efforts in Ethiopia and other low‐ and middle‐income countries to enhance crop yields and climate resilience sustainably.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are red‐ and far red light photoreceptors in higher plants. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) has three phytochromes (phyA, phyB and phyC), which play distinct as well as cooperative roles in light perception. To gain a better understanding of individual phytochrome functions in rice, expression patterns of three phytochrome genes were characterized using promoter‐GUS fusion constructs. The phytochrome genes PHYA and PHYB showed distinct patterns of tissue‐ and developmental stage‐specific expression in rice. The PHYA promoter‐GUS was expressed in all leaf tissues in etiolated seedlings, while its expression was restricted to vascular bundles in expanded leaves of light‐grown seedlings. These observations suggest that light represses the expression of the PHYA gene in all cells except vascular bundle cells in rice seedlings. Red light was effective, but far red light was ineffective in gene repression, and red light‐induced repression was not observed in phyB mutants. These results indicate that phyB is involved in light‐dependent and tissue‐specific repression of the PHYA gene in rice.  相似文献   

Fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase (FAH) catalyses the final step of the tyrosine degradation pathway, which is essential to animals but was of unknown importance in plants until we found that mutation of Short‐day Sensitive Cell Death1 (SSCD1), encoding Arabidopsis FAH, results in cell death under short‐day conditions. The sscd1 mutant accumulates succinylacetone (SUAC), an abnormal metabolite caused by loss of FAH. Succinylacetone is an inhibitor of δ‐aminolevulinic acid (ALA) dehydratase (ALAD), which is involved in chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis. In this study, we investigated whether sscd1 cell death is mediated by Chl biosynthesis and found that ALAD activity is repressed in sscd1 and that protochlorophyllide (Pchlide), an intermediate of Chl biosynthesis, accumulates at lower levels in etiolated sscd1 seedlings. However, it was interesting that Pchlide in sscd1 might increase after transfer from light to dark and that HEMA1 and CHLH are upregulated in the light–dark transition before Pchlide levels increased. Upon re‐illumination after Pchlide levels had increased, reactive oxygen species marker genes, including singlet oxygen‐induced genes, are upregulated, and the sscd1 cell death phenotype appears. In addition, Arabidopsis WT seedlings treated with SUAC mimic sscd1 in decline of ALAD activity and accumulation of Pchlide as well as cell death. These results demonstrate that increase in Pchlide causes cell death in sscd1 upon re‐illumination and suggest that a decline in the Pchlide pool due to inhibition of ALAD activity by SUAC impairs the repression of ALA synthesis from the light–dark transition by feedback control, resulting in activation of the Chl biosynthesis pathway and accumulation of Pchlide in the dark.  相似文献   

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