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Northeastern Pacific Ocean and northwestern Atlantic Ocean populations of Chorda species, which have not been examined in previous phylogenetic studies, were investigated. All specimens that were collected in Hood Canal, Puget Sound, WA, USA, Pacific coast of North America, showed identical ITS‐5.8S rDNA sequences, and they were included in the clade of Japanese Chorda asiatica. With morphological data added to the molecular data, they were identified as C. asiatica and were concluded to be non‐indigenous populations, most likely introduced with oyster spat together with Sargassum muticum. Specimens collected in New York, NY, USA, Atlantic coast of North America, were genetically closest to C. filum from Newfoundland and were identified as C. filum. The genetic divergence of the North Atlantic populations of C. filum was relatively small compared to that of Japanese C. asiatica considering their broader distributional ranges on both sides of the Atlantic.  相似文献   

1. North‐eastern Spain is a hot spot for the introduction of alien fish species, and its native fish fauna is one of the most endangered worldwide. We used an extensive data set from 2002 to 2003 and historical information from the area to characterize fish diversity and establish conservation priorities in river catchments. 2. Diversity indices were used to characterize fish diversity at the basin scale. An index of conservation status was applied for each species, which considers the occurrence, abundance and endemicity of each taxon. We used indirect ordination methods to test the relationship among basin features and to identify those variables most correlated with each other. To identify physical, biotic and environmental characteristics that seem to make a basin particularly susceptible to invasion, we performed a step‐wise multiple regression to examine the relationship between the number of native, translocated and introduced fish species (including the original native species richness of each basin), and landscape variables. 3. Over a period of approximately 50 years, the mean range size of native fish species has decreased by 60%. The greatest decline occurred in Gasterosteus gymnurus, Anguilla anguilla and Salaria fluviatilis, for which species over 75% of the original distribution area has been lost. The species with the highest conservation index were Gasterosteus gymnurus and Salaria fluviatilis. 4. Basin area and the catchment type explained 70% of variation in native species richness, whereas the number of dams and basin area accounted for more than 80% of variation in the number of introduced species. 5. The original native species richness and the number of introduced species at basin scale were not related, and thus there was no evidence of “biotic resistance” to invasion. The restoration of natural hydrologic processes and the development of specific management tools to protect native species, such as the prioritization of areas for fish conservation and the eradication of local populations of exotic species, are required to restore native fish fauna in these catchments.  相似文献   

The introduction of non‐native species can have long‐term effects on native plant and animal communities. Introduced populations are occasionally not well understood and offer opportunities to evaluate changes in genetic structure through time and major population changes such as bottleneck and or founder events. Invasive species can often evolve rapidly in new and novel environments, which could be essential to their long‐term success. Sika deer are native to East Asia, and their introduction and establishment to the Delmarva Peninsula, USA, is poorly documented, but probably involved ≥1 founder and/or bottleneck events. We quantified neutral genetic diversity in the introduced population and compared genetic differentiation and diversity to the presumed source population from Yakushima Island, Japan, and a captive population of sika deer in Harrington, Delaware, USA. Based on the data from 10 microsatellite DNA loci, we observed reduced genetic variation attributable to founder events, support for historic hybridization events, and evidence that the population did originate from Yakushima Island stocks. Estimates of population structure through Bayesian clustering and demographic history derived from approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), were consistent with the hypothesized founder history of the introduced population in both timing and effective population size (approximately five effective breeding individuals, an estimated 36 generations ago). Our ABC results further supported a single introduction into the wild happening before sika deer spread throughout the Delmarva. We conclude that free‐ranging sika deer on Delmarva are descended from ca. five individuals introduced about 100 years ago from captive stocks of deer maintained in the United Kingdom. Free‐ranging sika deer on Delmarva have lost neutral diversity due to founder and bottleneck events, yet populations have expanded in recent decades and show no evidence of abnormalities associated with inbreeding. We suggest management practices including increasing harvest areas and specifically managing sika deer outside of Maryland.  相似文献   

引进天敌莲草直胸跳甲的遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国从美国引进天敌昆虫莲草直胸跳甲防治喜旱莲子草已有20多年历史.本研究采用随机引物扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析方法,对引入我国的4个莲草直胸跳甲地理种群(广州、重庆、昆明、福州)的遗传多样性情况进行分析,并以美国佛罗里达种群为参照,从分子水平上揭示其种群的遗传分化及其与环境之间的关系.从111条随机引物中选取13条条带清晰、重复性好的引物对5个种群的25个样本进行扩增.结果表明:总多态位点百分率为42.0%,其中美国佛罗里达种群的多态位点百分率显著高于我国的4个地理种群;25.5%遗传分化发生在4个群体间;对各地理种群间的遗传距离采用非加权配对算术平均法( UPGMA)进行聚类分析发现,遗传距离与种群空间分布距离呈正相关.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity of native and introduced populations of Ulva pertusa (Ulvales, Chlorophyta) was examined using genetic markers of chloroplast, mitochondria and nuclear non‐coding region sequences. In the preliminary investigations to genetically identify the species for further analyses, U. pertusa was found only from temperate coasts of the more extensive collection sites including tropical coasts suggesting that it is a temperate species and basically not distributed in tropical regions. For chloroplast and mitochondrial sequences, repeating patterns of short tandem repeat sequences and nucleotide substitutions were used to recognize the haplotypes (genetic types). A total of 48 haplotypes based on combinations of chloroplast and mitochondrial haplotypes were recognized in the 244 specimens collected in the presumptive native range (Northeast Asia) and introduced populations (North America, Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Europe). Among them, 46 haplotypes (H1–H8 and H11–H48) were recognized in Northeast Asia, whereas only 1–5 haplotypes were recognized in the other areas. Nuclear microsatellite sequences were also analyzed. The lengths of the PCR products including the nuclear microsatellite region of 234 specimens were determined, and a total of 17 genotypes were recognized. Among them, 14 genotypes were found in Northeast Asia, whereas 1–7 genotypes were recognized in the other areas. Based on the results, the hypothesis that the native range of the species is in Northeast Asia was supported, and the populations outside this range were concluded to be non‐indigenous populations.  相似文献   

The morphology of pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus populations from five Catalonian waterbodies (north-eastern Spain) that vary in hydromorphometry was examined and compared to a native North American reference site that contained two morphological variants of this species. Populations exhibited significant differences in fin location, body depth and caudal peduncle length, which are known to have functional significance in the hydrodynamics of swimming and hence the foraging mode. Differences were also noted in internal morphological traits functionally related to prey selection. Pumpkinseed populations that fed extensively on zooplankton showed narrow gill raker spacing, and mollusc-feeding populations had longer and wider pharyngeal bones. Discriminant function analysis (DFA) provided significant separation of all populations on the basis of both external and internal morphology, with the main axis of separation being geographical rather than environmental. The secondary DFA axis, however, did separate populations that fed primarily on zooplankton from those that were primarily benthic invertebrate feeders. In this regard, a population that occupied an Iberian steep-sided reservoir with an unstable littoral zone showed similar morphological adaptations to the limnetic morphological variant native in North America, supporting previous studies showing that fish morphology is strongly affected by prey type and feeding mode. The results suggest that pumpkinseeds are able to adapt, morphologically, to the types of habitats and prey present in Catalonian waterbodies, and this may partially explain why they are so successful in areas where they have been introduced.  相似文献   

The whitefly Bemisia tabaci cryptic species complex contains some important agricultural pest and virus vectors. Members of the complex have become serious pests in South Africa (SA) because of their feeding habit and their ability to transmit begomovirus species. Despite their economic importance, studies on the biology and distribution of B. tabaci in SA are limited. To this end, a survey was made to investigate the diversity and distribution of B. tabaci cryptic species in eight geographical locations (provinces) in SA, between 2002 and 2009, using the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) sequences. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the presence of members from two endemic sub‐Saharan Africa (SSAF) subclades coexisting with two introduced putative species. The SSAF‐1 subclade includes cassava host‐adapted B. tabaci populations, whereas the whiteflies collected from cassava and non‐cassava hosts formed a distinct subclade, referred to as SSAF‐5, and represent a new subclade among previously recognized southern Africa clades. Two introduced cryptic species, belonging to the Mediterranean and Middle East–Asia minor 1 clades, were identified and include the B and Q types. The B type showed the widest distribution, being present in five of the eight provinces explored in SA, infesting several host plants and predominating over the indigenous haplotypes. This is the first report of the occurrence of the exotic Q type in SA alongside the more widely distributed B type. Furthermore, mtCOI PCR‐RFLP was developed for the SA context to allow rapid discrimination between the B, Q and SSAF putative species. The capacity to manage pests and disease effectively relies on knowledge of the identity of the agents causing the damage. Therefore, this study contributes to the understanding of South African B. tabaci species diversity, information needed for the development of knowledge‐based disease management practices.  相似文献   

High densities of introduced herbivores can damage sensitive ecosystems, increase the risk of extinction of native biota, and host and spread disease. An essential step in managing large ‘feral’ animal populations is to quantify how they use habitats so that management interventions, such as culling, can be targeted to reduce densities and to minimize migration into areas from which animals have been removed. An effective method to quantify animal movements is by measuring landscape‐scale genetic population structure. We describe the genetic population structure of one of Australia's more destructive introduced mammals – the Asian swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). We collected 524 skin samples from buffalo across their range in the Northern Territory of Australia. Allelic diversity in the Northern Territory population was low compared to those reported from populations in their native Asian habitats. The Australian population is tentatively made of three subpopulations; Melville Island, Eastern Arnhem and Central‐Western Arnhem populations. The Melville Island population is represented by a single cluster, while the Eastern Arnhem population has three clusters and the Central‐Western Arnhem population seven clusters. We found some support for isolation by distance across all the sampled populations, but little evidence for this relationship when comparing the two well‐mixed mainland meta‐populations. Despite their small founder populations and limited genetic variation, the persistence of buffalo in Australia has likely been aided by release from high predation, parasitism and disease typical of their native habitats.  相似文献   

Management and conservation require a comprehensive understanding of species distributions and habitat requirements. Reliable species occurrence data are critical in the face of climate change and other anthropogenic activity, but are often difficult to obtain, particularly for wide ranging species. This directly affects ecological models of occurrence and habitat suitability and, in turn, conservation and management decisions. We used generalized linear mixed‐effects models to identify ecological determinants of occurrence for four macropod species (across a region of tropical northern Australia) using a non‐invasive genetic scat approach with and without additional observation records from visual surveys. We show that genetically derived occurrence data, alone, can be used to develop informative ecological models that describe the inter‐specific habitat requirements of macropods. Furthermore, we show that genetic scat surveys of macropods are cheaper and less time consuming to conduct, and tend to provide more occurrence records (and less false absences) than visual surveys. We conclude that indirect surveys using molecular approaches have an important role to play in modelling species' occurrence, and developing future management practices and guidelines to aid species conservation.  相似文献   

The release of any species into a novel environment can evoke transmission of parasites that do not normally parasitize the host as well as potentially introducing new parasites into the environment. Species introductions potentially incur such risks, yet little is currently known about the parasite fauna of introduced primate species over the long term. We describe the results of long‐term monitoring of the intestinal parasite fauna of an unprovisioned, reproducing population of chimpanzees introduced 40 years earlier (1966–1969) onto Rubondo Island in Lake Victoria, Tanzania, a non‐native habitat for chimpanzees. Two parasitological surveys (March 1997–October 1998 and October 2002–December 2005) identified Entamoeba spp. including E. coli, Iodamoeba buetschlii, Troglodytella abrassarti, Chilomastix mesnili, Trichuris sp., Anatrichosoma sp., Strongyloides spp., Strongylida fam. gen. sp., Enterobius anthropopitheci, Subulura sp., Ascarididae gen. sp., and Protospirura muricola. The parasite fauna of the Rubondo chimpanzees is similar to wild chimpanzees living in their natural habitats, but Rubondo chimpanzees have a lower prevalence of strongylids (9%, 3.8%) and a higher prevalence of E. anthropopitheci (8.6%, 17.9%) than reported elsewhere. Species prevalence was similar between our two surveys, with the exception of Strongyloides spp. being higher in the first survey. None of these species are considered to pose a serious health risk to chimpanzees, but continued monitoring of the population and surveys of the parasitic fauna of the two coinhabitant primate species and other animals, natural reservoir hosts of some of the same parasites, is important to better understand the dynamics of host–parasite ecology and potential long‐term implications for chimpanzees introduced into a new habitat. Am. J. Primatol. 72:307–316, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

High genetic diversity is thought to characterize successful invasive species, as the potential to adapt to new environments is enhanced and inbreeding is reduced. In the last century, guppies, Poecilia reticulata, repeatedly invaded streams in Australia and elsewhere. Quantitative genetic studies of one Australian guppy population have demonstrated high additive genetic variation for autosomal and Y-linked morphological traits. The combination of colonization success, high heritability of morphological traits, and the possibility of multiple introductions to Australia raised the prediction that neutral genetic diversity is high in introduced populations of guppies. In this study we examine genetic diversity at nine microsatellite and one mitochondrial locus for seven Australian populations. We used mtDNA haplotypes from the natural range of guppies and from domesticated varieties to identify source populations. There were a minimum of two introductions, but there was no haplotype diversity within Australian populations, suggesting a founder effect. This was supported by microsatellite markers, as allelic diversity and heterozygosity were severely reduced compared to one wild source population, and evidence of recent bottlenecks was found. Between Australian populations little differentiation of microsatellite allele frequencies was detected, suggesting that population admixture has occurred historically, perhaps due to male-biased gene flow followed by bottlenecks. Thus success of invasion of Australia and high additive genetic variance in Australian guppies are not associated with high levels of diversity at molecular loci. This finding is consistent with the release of additive genetic variation by dominance and epistasis following inbreeding, and with disruptive and negative frequency-dependent selection on fitness traits.  相似文献   

The Kimberley region of Western Australia possesses a poorly studied freshwater fish fauna with high endemism in an aquatic landscape subject to monsoonal floods and dry season isolation. In the first population genetic study of freshwater fish in this region, the authors tested the effects of geographic barriers on genetic structure at multiple spatial scales in east Kimberley populations of the western rainbowfish, Melanotaenia australis , the most widespread and abundant species in the region. Based on allozyme comparisons, hierarchical analysis of F ST revealed increasing genetic subdivision with spatial scale. Minimal genetic structure within creeklines demonstrated that wet season dispersal, rather than dry season isolation, determines genetic structure at small scales. At the scale of sub-catchments, a pattern of isolation by distance along creeklines was evident. Genetic subdivision between adjacent river systems was greater between rivers separated by a plateau than by lowlands. This implies greater connectivity of populations in lowland areas and may explain the greater similarity of the east Kimberly freshwater fish fauna with lowlands to the east than with the more rugged regions to the west. Similarly, greater connectivity between lowland populations may account for the on-average larger distribution of lowland Melanotaeniids.  相似文献   

The Ponto‐Caspian invader Hemimysis anomala was studied in the river Elbe, Czech Republic. The study confirmed further spread of the species: the presence of juveniles and gravid females indicated that H. anomala is established within the Elbe River. Bottom, mid‐water and surface drift samples were collected during 24‐h cycles from July to September 2007. A tendency to remain hidden was the main behavioural strategy of H. anomala in the riverine environment. The mysid was found mainly in the bottom and mid‐water layers, and observed density and mean length of drifting individuals increased with decreasing light levels, being highest at night. Similarly, density and mean length of drifting individuals increased with increasing turbidity. The effect of turbidity on density was particularly apparent during the night samples, suggesting further advantage to night‐drifting individuals. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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