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Physically challenging signals are likely to honestly indicate signaler quality. In trilled bird song two physically challenging parameters are vocal deviation (the speed of sound frequency modulation) and trill consistency (how precisely syllables are repeated). As predicted, in several species, they correlate with male quality, are preferred by females, and/or function in male-male signaling. Species may experience different selective pressures on their songs, however; for instance, there may be opposing selection between song complexity and song performance difficulty, such that in species where song complexity is strongly selected, there may not be strong selection on performance-based traits. I tested whether vocal deviation and trill consistency are signals of male quality in house wrens (Troglodytes aedon), a species with complex song structure. Males’ singing ability did not correlate with male quality, except that older males sang with higher trill consistency, and males with more consistent trills responded more aggressively to playback (although a previous study found no effect of stimulus trill consistency on males’ responses to playback). Males singing more challenging songs did not gain in polygyny, extra-pair paternity, or annual reproductive success. Moreover, none of the standard male quality measures I investigated correlated with mating or reproductive success. I conclude that vocal deviation and trill consistency do not signal male quality in this species.  相似文献   

Song matching, replying to a song with a similar song, occurs in many songbird species. Almost all investigations of song matching have been of type matching, where one bird's reply is unambiguously similar to the other's song (i.e. the same song type). In many populations, however, neighbours do not share song types, and therefore cannot type-match. We hypothesized that a bird lacking a true type match could still song-match a stimulus song with a song from his repertoire that was similar in some way the birds recognized. We tested this hypothesis in song sparrows, Melospiza melodia, in two playback experiments. We played the subject a stranger song that was similar to one or more of his songs, but a type match to none of them. In the first experiment, we used playback songs that began with two buzzes (‘double-buzz’ songs). In the second experiment, we used songs that began with a slow trill that increased in tempo ('speed-up' songs). Birds replied at rates significantly above chance with their own double-buzz, or speed-up song match to the respective types of playback. The results suggest that birds who do not share true song types, can still song-match each other. This broad-sense form of song matching may also occur in populations with low song type sharing. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

This study addresses the issue of how evolutionary convergence within shared environments shapes some features of bird song while leaving others unaffected, using as an example the songs of 51 North American wood warblers (Parulinae). I combined published information on breeding habitats and evolutionary relationships to show that the structure of warbler songs is correlated with habitat, whereas the structure of the notes that comprise the songs is relatively unaffected by habitat and more closely related to phylogenetic history. The results confirm known relationships between bird song and habitat, including correlations between song frequency and the type and density of canopy foliage, and between the number and arrangement of notes in the song and foliage density and moisture. More importantly, the results suggest that individual notes and whole songs are to some extent functionally independent, because the configuration of notes shows more evidence of evolutionary constraint than does the way notes are assembled into songs.  相似文献   

By capturing territorial Carolina wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) and housing them in portable cages on their territories, I could control each one's location in its territory and distance from neighbours in experiments on the use of song repertoires. Experiment 1 demonstrated that these wrens sang more songs in the centre of their territories than at the edge, but that they did not use more song types or different song types at the centre than at the edge. In experiment 2, in which I played tape-recorded songs at two distances from wrens caged in the centres of their territories, birds responded more strongly to songs at 25m, simulating an intruder, than to songs at 165 m, simulating a territorial neighbour. Birds also switched more frequently between song types and sang more song types per 100 songs in response to the nearer playback. Experiment 3 compared captive wrens 140 m, 80 m, 20 m, or 0 m apart on adjacent territories. As the distance between neighbours decreased, birds sang less, but also switched more frequently between song types, used more song types per 100 songs, and matched songs with neighbours more frequently. There were no differences in the kinds of song types sung at different distances from neighbours. A comparison of the results from experiments 1 and 3 confirms that the use of song repertoires is influenced by distance from conspecifics and not by location in the territory.  相似文献   

The function of bird song is closely linked to sexual selection through female choice and male–male competition, and thus variation in communication success is likely to have major fitness consequences for a singing male. A crucial constraint on signal transmission is imposed by background noise, which may include songs from other species. I investigated whether singing nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) avoid temporal overlap with the songs of other bird species in a playback experiment. I analysed the temporal song patterns of six males, each of which were exposed to songs of other species. The nightingales significantly avoided overlapping their songs with the playback songs, and started singing preferentially during the silent intervals between the heterospecific songs. This timing of song onset produced a greater variability in pause duration compared to the nightingales’ undisturbed solo singing. These findings suggest that birds adjust their song timing to avoid acoustic interference on short temporal scales, and thus are able to improve the efficiency of acoustic communication in complex sonic environments. Moreover, the results indicate that temporal song patterns can be affected by the songs of other species, and thus such influences should be taken into account when studying bird song in the field.  相似文献   

Learned bird songs evolve via cultural evolution, with song patterns transmitted across generations by imitative learning. In Darwin''s finches of the Galápagos Islands, males learn songs from their fathers, and song types can be maintained across multiple generations. However, little is known about the time frame over which specific song types are preserved, in the face of copy errors and corresponding modifications to song structure. Here we investigate cultural evolution in songs of male Geospiza fortis, at Academy Bay, Santa Cruz Island, comparing songs recorded in 1961 by R. Bowman (20 individuals) to those recorded in 1999 by J. Podos (16 individuals). For each individual, we characterized four timing and six frequency parameters, and assessed inter-individual variation in song structure using multivariate analysis. Several 1961 song types persisted into 1999, some with remarkable fidelity. Variation among song types was extensive during both years, and we detected no changes in 10 vocal parameters across the sampling period. These results illustrate temporal continuity in a culturally acquired trait, and raise questions about mechanisms that promote stability in song structure.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(6):1753-1764
White-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys, adults and nestlings were colour-banded and songs of mature progeny recorded to determine whether songs were learned from fathers, age peers or adults other than fathers. Four out of 17 sons and daughters sang the same song types as their fathers, indicating that transmission of song from fathers to their young (vertical transmission) is not the norm. Since juveniles do not sing full (‘crystallized’) songs until they are older, transmission from juvenile to juvenile (horizontal) is unlikely on the breeding grounds but may occur if siblings migrate together and hear each other's song on the wintering grounds. The usual mode of transmission is via other adults (oblique). Birds learn one or two songs prior to or during migration, and upon settling on the breeding area the following year may utter only one theme, that which matches the neighbours' songs during matched countersinging bouts. A bird's song dialect is thus not necessarily an indicator of its birthplace. One wild and one laboratory-reared bird sang songs of a Lincoln sparrow, Melospiza lincolnii, and a strawberry finch, Amandava amandava, respectively. These data and data from field playback studies lend support to the notion that interspecific terrioriality may lead to acquisition of alien song for use in matched countersinging during territorial encounters with allospecific neighbours.  相似文献   

In mammals, complex songs are uncommon and few studies have examined song composition or the order of elements in songs, particularly with respect to regional and individual variation. In this study we examine how syllables and phrases are ordered and combined, ie “syntax”, of the song of Tadarida brasiliensis, the Brazilian free-tailed bat. Specifically, we test whether phrase and song composition differ among individuals and between two regions, we determine variability across renditions within individuals, and test whether phrases are randomly ordered and combined. We report three major findings. First, song phrases were highly stereotyped across two regions, so much so that some songs from the two colonies were almost indistinguishable. All males produced songs with the same four types of syllables and the same three types of phrases. Second, we found that although song construction was similar across regions, the number of syllables within phrases, and the number and order of phrases in songs varied greatly within and among individuals. Last, we determined that phrase order, although diverse, deviated from random models. We found broad scale phrase-order rules and certain higher order combinations that were highly preferred. We conclude that free-tailed bat songs are composed of highly stereotyped phrases hierarchically organized by a common set of syntactical rules. However, within global species-specific patterns, songs male free-tailed bats dynamically vary syllable number, phrase order, and phrase repetitions across song renditions.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in bird song has received much attention in evolutionary studies, yet few consider components within songs that may be subject to different constraints and follow different evolutionary trajectories. Here, we quantify patterns of geographic variation in the socially transmitted “whistle” song of Albert''s lyrebirds (Menura alberti), an oscine passerine renowned for its remarkable vocal abilities. Albert''s lyrebirds are confined to narrow stretches of suitable habitat in Australia, allowing us to map likely paths of cultural transmission using a species distribution model and least cost paths. We use quantitative methods to divide the songs into three components present in all study populations: the introductory elements, the song body, and the final element. We compare geographic separation between populations with variation in these components as well as the full song. All populations were distinguishable by song, and songs varied according to the geographic distance between populations. However, within songs, only the introductory elements and song body could be used to distinguish among populations. The song body and final element changed with distance, but the introductory elements varied independently of geographic separation. These differing geographic patterns of within‐song variation are unexpected, given that the whistle song components are always produced in the same sequence and may be perceived as a temporally discrete unit. Knowledge of such spatial patterns of within‐song variation enables further work to determine possible selective pressures and constraints acting on each song component and provides spatially explicit targets for preserving cultural diversity. As such, our study highlights the importance for science and conservation of investigating spatial patterns within seemingly discrete behavioral traits at multiple levels of organization.  相似文献   

There are several possible explanations for the female preference for male repertoires in birds. These males are older, and have better territories; thus there are functional reasons for females to prefer these males. However, there is an alternative explanation; females may habituate less quickly to song repertoires than single songs. I tested whether females have a non-functional, sensory bias for male song repertoires, by testing female preference for a repertoire in zebra finches (Taenopygia guttata), a species in which males possess a single stereotyped song. Females chose between a male repertoire of four different phrases created from the song phrase of one individual and that of one of those phrases repeated four times (natural zebra finch song). Females were also given a choice between the above repertoire and a song made from the phrases of four related males (''family'' stimulus). I tested female preference by training females to press a button for presentation of a song stimulus, and counting the number of button presses. Females preferred the song repertoire to a single phrase song, and did not differentiate between the repertoire and song phrases from four males. Evidence from the Estrildidae indicates that having a single song is the ancestral state for zebra finches, so the preference is not ancestral.  相似文献   

Many species of animals deliver vocalizations in sequences presumed to be governed by internal rules, though the nature and complexity of these syntactical rules have been investigated in relatively few species. Here I present an investigation into the song syntax of fourteen male Cassin’s Vireos (Vireo cassinii), a species whose song sequences are highly temporally structured. I compare their song sequences to three candidate models of varying levels of complexity–zero-order, first-order and second-order Markov models–and employ novel methods to interpolate between these three models. A variety of analyses, including sequence simulations, Fisher’s exact tests, and model likelihood analyses, showed that the songs of this species are too complex to be described by a zero-order or first-order Markov model. The model that best fit the data was intermediate in complexity between a first- and second-order model, though I also present evidence that some transition probabilities are conditioned on up to three preceding phrases. In addition, sequences were shown to be predictable with more than 54% accuracy overall, and predictability was positively correlated with the rate of song delivery. An assessment of the time homogeneity of syntax showed that transition probabilities between phrase types are largely stable over time, but that there was some evidence for modest changes in syntax within and between breeding seasons, a finding that I interpret to represent changes in breeding stage and social context rather than irreversible, secular shifts in syntax over time. These findings constitute a valuable addition to our understanding of bird song syntax in free-living birds, and will contribute to future attempts to understand the evolutionary importance of bird song syntax in avian communication.  相似文献   

Experiments on the corn bunting were carried out in two localities of different dialects. In the center of the territory of each bird, we played two natural songs: either one local song and one song of the foreign dialect or two local songs coming from a neighbor and from a non-neighboring individual. The following results were obtained: (1) The behavioral responses are always more intense to the local song than to the song of a foreign dialect. Thus, the behavior of the corn bunting is similar to that of species with dialects studied up to now. (2) Eighty percent of the birds tested with the song of the foreign dialect react weakly or not at all. This peculiarity, which is specific to the corn bunting, suggests limited possibilities of generalization in this species. (3) The behavioral responses to the songs of a neighbor and of a non-neighboring individual of the same locality, are aggressive and of the same intensity. This means that the song of a neighbor, emitted from a different place than usual, is perceived by the bird as a threat to its territory.  相似文献   

Juvenile male zebra finches develop their song by imitation. Females do not sing but are attracted to males' songs. With functional magnetic resonance imaging and event‐related potentials we tested how early auditory experience shapes responses in the auditory forebrain of the adult bird. Adult male birds kept in isolation over the sensitive period for song learning showed no consistency in auditory responses to conspecific songs, calls, and syllables. Thirty seconds of song playback each day over development, which is sufficient to induce song imitation, was also sufficient to shape stimulus‐specific responses. Strikingly, adult females kept in isolation over development showed responses similar to those of males that were exposed to songs. We suggest that early auditory experience with songs may be required to tune perception toward conspecific songs in males, whereas in females song selectivity develops even without prior exposure to song. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 2010  相似文献   

Six female song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) and six female swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana) were treated with oestradiol, and their response to song measured by frequency and intensity of copulation-solicitation display. Test stimuli were synthetic songs composed of either song sparrow or swamp sparrow syllables assembled in either song-sparrow-like or swamp-sparrow-like temporal patterns. Female song sparrows responded preferentially to songs containing their own species' syllables and to songs containing their own species' temporal patterns. Swamp sparrows were also sensitive to both syllable type and temporal, pattern, in contrast to male swamp sparrows, which show no preference for swamp sparrow temporal patterns.  相似文献   

Songbirds have shown variation in vocalizations across different populations and different geographical ranges. Such variations can over time lead to divergence in song characteristics, sometimes referred to as dialects. House Wren (Troglodytes aedon) is one such widely distributed bird species that has shown variation in its song characteristics within different populations. Traditionally, such studies have been conducted using manual approaches for classification. In this work we explore the use of machine learning models that can assist in performing classification of bird songs at a conspecific level. Two machine learning techniques, the random forest and a shallow feed forward neural network, are fed with pre-computed sound features to classify vocal variation in House Wren species across different reported population groups and latitudinal areas. A randomized approach is employed to create balanced subsets of sounds from different locations for repeated classification runs in order to provide a reliable estimate of performance. It is observed that such an automated approach is able to classify variations in songs within House Wren with high accuracy. We were also able to confirm the latitudinal variation of House Wren songs reported in previous studies. Given these results, we believe, such a purely data-driven way of analyzing bird songs in general can provide useful hints to biologists on where to look for interesting patterns in order to understand the evolutionary divergence in song characteristics.  相似文献   

The calling song of the field cricket, Teleogryllus taiwanemma, is usually considered to consist of sequences of separate chirps. However, sometimes it comprises a phrase of several chirps in a row, with one long chirp (chirp) and a few short chirps (trills). In this study, I compared the phrase containing only chirps with that containing both chirps and trills by analyzing male songs and conducting playback experiments of male songs to females. The song analyses showed significant differences between chirps and trills for all song parameters except bandwidth. To test whether female preference differed with respect to the two phrases, I performed two-speaker playback experiments. When the same numbers of phrases were presented per unit time, females preferred the song with trills to that without trills. This result may reflect female preference for songs with greater sound density. In subsequent playback experiments, I equalized the total sound duration per unit time (duty cycle) in songs with and without trills. The numbers of females that preferred songs with and without trills did not differ significantly. This suggests that trills can attract females like chirps do, even though the two sounds have different components.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(3):815-820
Adult male Carolina wrens (Thyrothorus ludovicianus) are known to use degradation in the songs they hear to estimate their distance from a singing conspecific. They also sing songs that are structured to prevent degradation owing to acoustic features particular to specific habitats. Here we ask if acoustically isolated, naive young wrens use sound degradation as a cue in choosing songs to learn. All four isolated birds learned significantly more undegraded than degraded songs, showing that song degradation is perceived and used by naive birds. We suggest that the attention given to song degradation by young birds learning songs produces a proximate mechanism to explain the common occurrence of song sharing by territorial neighbours and supports the ranging hypothesis (Morton 1982). Sufficient evidence now exists to suggest that sound degradation, and the ability of birds to use it, should be taken into account in studies using responses to playback of bird song.  相似文献   

Song development in oscine songbirds relies on imitation of adult singers and thus leaves developing birds vulnerable to potentially costly errors caused by imitation of inappropriate models, such as the songs of other species. In May and June 2012, we recorded the songs of a bird that made such an error: a male Prairie Warbler (Setophaga discolor) in western Massachusetts that sang songs seemingly acquired by imitating the songs of a Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla). Another song type in the bird's repertoire was a near‐normal Group A Prairie Warbler song, but the bird used this song in contexts normally reserved for Group B songs. Despite its abnormal singing behavior, the aberrant bird successfully defended a territory and attracted a mate that laid two clutches of eggs. Results of playbacks of the focal bird's heterospecific song suggested that neighboring conspecific males learned to associate the Field Sparrow‐like song with the focal male, and responded to the song as if it were a Prairie Warbler song. Our evidence suggests that the focal bird's aberrant singing evoked normal responses from potential mates and rivals. If such responses are widespread among songbirds, the general failure of heterospecific songs, once acquired, to spread through populations by cultural transmission is probably not attributable to a lack of recognition by conspecifics of the songs of heterospecific singers.  相似文献   

Male songbirds approach females by using their songs. Knowing what females perceive and prefer in male songs is an important aspect of understanding courtship behavior. Male Bengalese finches (Lonchura striata var. domestica) sing complex sequence patterns with their own variety of elements. We tested female preference with phonologically different songs and sequentially different songs using an operant selection task. In the first experiment we presented the father’s song and an unfamiliar song that were phonologically different. Females clearly preferred the father’s song over a novel song. In the second experiment, we used the father’s song and its element order reversed song to test female preference for the difference in element sequence. In the third experiment, we presented different sequence complexity songs edited from the same unfamiliar song elements to test female preference for complex sequence. Females did not show a significant preference in either the second or third experiment. Results show that female Bengalese finches discriminated the difference in song elements, preferred familiar songs, and did not show preference for difference of sequence. This study did not support evidence that female Bengalese finches prefer a complex sequence. However, in future research, we should carefully investigate female preference for choosing mates in a natural context.  相似文献   

Male North American wood‐warblers (family Parulidae) subdivide their song repertoires into two different categories, or modes, of singing (first and second category songs). These two modes are thought to be specialized for interacting with females and males, although the data are inconclusive. I conducted an acoustic analysis of the song types used by yellow warblers (Dendroica petechia) for type I (first category) and type II (second category) singing to ask whether there are consistent structural differences between them which could provide insight into how they might function as separate signals. I found that type I songs are performed closer to the upper boundary of a song performance limit, measured in terms of the difficulty of production, compared with type II songs. By contrast, the performance of specific song types did not depend on whether they were used for type I singing vs. type II singing by different males. In addition, type I songs had a greater amplitude increase across the first two syllables compared with type II songs. There was no relationship between the performance of type I or type II songs and male condition. These results suggest that wood‐warblers might subdivide their song repertoire into distinct categories to highlight the relative vocal performance of their songs.  相似文献   

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