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A series of new pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyrazines containing, 1,2,4-oxadiazolyl, thiadiazolyl, imidazothiadiazolyl, thiazolidinonyl, substituents and other different substituents, was synthesized using 1,6-diphenyl-3-methyl-lH-pyrazolo[3,4-b]pyrazine-5-carbonitrile (2) as a starting material. Some of the newly prepared compounds were evaluated for their anticonvulsant activity. Compounds 9a, 13ad and 14a at a dose of 10 mg/kg showed very significant anticonvulsant activity and increased the latency time of PTZ-induced tonic seizures. Compound 9b showed significant effect.  相似文献   

Speculating about pyrazines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Of the various types of alerting signals found in nature, odours are the least well understood. The worldwide distribution of pyrazines in plants, insects, terrestrial vertebrates, marine organisms, fungi and bacteria suggests that they are of special significance. We speculate that these molecules served as natural points of convergence in the evolution of widespread alerting signals, which are used for differing but related intraspecific purposes by various species. In aposematic, self-advertising toxic insects and their mimics, for example, pyrazines function as additional warning signals; preliminary data indicates that their odour can potentiate taste aversion learning in rats and the associative learning of immune suppression in mice. The latter suggests that in addition to their alerting properties, pyrazine odours may act as ectohormones which interact with predator physiology.  相似文献   

The thermally induced difference spectra of myoglobin (Mb) and Glycera dibranchiata hemoglobin (Hbm) derivatives and of cytochrome-c were recorded between 4 degrees and 30 degrees C in the 390-750 nm range. Thermodynamic parameters were estimated and upper and lower temperature limiting spectra were deduced for the various heme protein derivatives' equilibria. The effective iron d-electron population divides the hemes broadly into two different groups of behavior type. In the first group, Hbm(III)N3, Hbm(III), Mb(III)(H2O), and Cytc(III) show equilibria between two spin states. The weakest coupling between the heme and the globin occurs among the second group, for Hbm(II)CO and Mb(II)CO, which in the higher temperature limit undergoes averaging of the carbonyl tilt, while an axially elongated geometry is probably accessed for Hbm(II)NO and Mb(II)NO. Examples of the less common situation of increased absorption intensity and/or low-spin states at higher temperature were found in both groups. In the case of the methyl thioglycolate low-spin adducts of Hbm(III), an acid/base equilibrium involving thioglycolate deprotonation occurs. Apparent enthalpy-entropy compensation is exhibited by all these heme derivatives, and it is suggested that the delta H degrees and delta S degrees values relate to the intimacy of coupling between the heme structure and the solvent-dependent microconformation of the globin.  相似文献   

Alkyl epoxides are important intermediates in the chemical industry. They are also formed in vivo during the detoxification of alkenes. Alkyl epoxides have shown genotoxicity in many toxicology assays which has been associated with their covalent binding to DNA. Here aspects of the formation and properties of DNA adducts, induced by some industrially important alkenes and mono-substituted epoxides are discussed. These include propylene oxide, epichlorohydrin, allyl glycidyl ether and the epoxy metabolites of styrene and butadiene. The major DNA adducts formed by epoxides are 7-substituted guanines, 1- and 3-substituted adenines and 3-substituted cytosines. In addition, styrene oxide and butadiene monoepoxide are able to modify exocyclic sites in the DNA bases, the sites being in the case of styrene oxide N(2)- and O(6)-positions of guanine, N(6)-adenine as well as N(4)-and O(2)-cytosine. In vivo the main adduct is the 7-substituted guanines. The 1-substituted adenines have also shown marked levels, and these adducts should also be targets in biomonitoring of human exposures. Due to its low mutagenicity, 7-substituted guanines are considered as a surrogate marker for other mutagenic lesions, e.g. those of 1-adenine or 3-uracil adducts.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) calculations have been performed on carboxypeptidase A and on its adducts with inhibitors, such as d-phenylalanine (dPhe) and acetate. The catalytically essential zinc ion present in the protein was explicitly included in all the simulations. The simulation was carried out over a sphere of 15 A centered on the zinc ion. The crystallographic water molecules were explicitly taken into account; then the protein was solvated with a 18 A sphere of water molecules. MD calculations were carried out for 45-60 ps. There is no large deviation from the available X-ray structures of native and the dPhe adduct for the MD structures. Average MD structures were calculated starting from the X-ray structure of the dPhe adduct, and, from a structure obtained by docking the inhibitor in the native structure. Comparison between these two structures and with that of the native protein shows that some of the key variations produced by inhibitor binding are reproduced by MD calculations. Addition of acetate induces structural changes relevant for the understanding of the interaction network in the active cavity. The structural variations induced by different inhibitors are examined. The effects of these interactions on the catalytic mechanism and on the binding of substrate are discussed.  相似文献   

Single crystal X-ray structural characterizations of some adducts of silver(I) nitrate and perchlorate with assorted organic poly-ene ligands (nbd = norbornadiene, bicyclo[2.2.1]hepta-2,5-diene; cod = 1,5-cyclooctadiene; cdt ≡ trans,trans,cis-cyclododeca-1,5,9-triene) are reported, all being polymeric in form (with the exception of mononuclear ionic AgClO4:cod (1:2)), with chains comprised of alternating silver and nitrate/perchlorate components substituted or linked by unsaturated donors which complete the coordination spheres of the silver atoms. In AgNO3:nbd (2:1) (a redetermination), pairs of silver/nitrate strands are linked in a one-dimensional polymer by the nbd ligands. In AgNO3:nbd (1:1), meandering silver/nitrate strands containing pairs of independent silver and nitrate units in a crystallographic mirror plane are linked to either side with parallel planes by nbd ligands. In AgNO3:cod (1:1), the cod ligands ‘chelate’ to the silver atoms in a silver/nitrate chain. In AgNO3:cdt (1:2), pairs of ‘unidentate’ cdt ligands are pendant from a silver/nitrate chain, while in the (1:1) adduct, the cdt ligands bridge pairs of silver atoms from an adjacent chain forming a two-dimensional web. A common form of the bridging nitrate group in the above is as an O,O′-NO3-O′,O″ bis-chelate, the pair of the bis-oxygen chelates having a common oxygen atom.  相似文献   

Syntheses and room-temperature single crystal X-ray structural characterizations are recorded for a variety of silver(I) oxyanion (perchlorate, nitrate and trifluoroacetate (‘tfa’) (increasing basicity)) adducts, AgX, with a number of pyridine (‘py’) bases, L, functionalized in the 2-position with N- or O-donor groups, namely 2-amino-, 2-amino-6-methyl-, 2-aminomethyl-, 2-hydroxy-, 2-methoxy- and 2-acetyl- pyridines, ‘2np’, ‘nmp’, ‘amp’, ‘ohp’, ‘mop’, and ‘acp’. A variety of stoichiometries and associated structural types are defined: [Ag(chelate)2]X, L/X = amp,acp/ClO4, [XAg(chelate)2], L/X = acp/tfa, of 1:2 AgX:L stoichiometry; for 1:1 stoichiometry, although a discrete mononuclear complex [(chelate)Ag(O2NO)] is defined for AgNO3: acp (1:1), all others are polymers, successive silver atoms being linked by N,N′-bridging ligands singly (L/X = 2np/ClO4 (?HAgHTAgTHAgH?), amp/ClO4, NO3 (?HTAgHTAg?) (‘H’ ≡ head, ‘T’ = tail)) or pairwise, ?L2AgX2AgL2Ag? (L/X = 2np/tfa, nmp/NO3). More complex polymeric arrays are found with L/X = ohp/NO3, tfa, where interaction with the metal takes place via the O-donor only, the py functionality being protonated, and in adducts of more complex stoichiometry AgNO3:mop (2:3) and AgNO3:2np (3:4).  相似文献   

Two new pyrazines, aconicarpyrazine A (1) and aconicarpyrazine B (2), together with five known heterocyclic compounds: adenosine (3), uridine (4), hypoxanthine (5), nicotinamide (6), and uracil (7), were isolated from the parent roots of Aconitum carmichaelii. The structures of these alkaloids were elucidated by spectroscopic analysis, including 2D NMR techniques. This is the first report of pyrazines in a species of Aconitum.  相似文献   

Syntheses, spectroscopic characterization and single crystal X-ray studies are reported for a number of complexes of copper(II) salts with simple monodentate nitrogen bases. The 1:4 adduct of copper(II) sulfate with 3,5-dimethylpyridine (m2py) CuSO4·4m2py, takes the form [(O3SO)Cu(m2py)4], the Cu-O vector of the square-pyramidal coordination environment being disposed on the 4-axis in tetragonal space group P4/n. The complex CuCO3·Cu(NCS)2·4py is a linear polymer, taking the form ?O·Cu(py)2·O·C{O·Cu(py)2(NCS)2}·O·Cu(py)2? (etc.), all atoms lying in the mirror plane of space group Pnma, excepting the pair of ‘py’ (pyridine) ligands disposed to either side. In Cu(OH)I·3/4I2·2py·1/2MeCN ≡ [{(py)2Cu(OH)}4](I3)3I·2MeCN a novel cubanoid tetranuclear cation is found (2-symmetry). The EPR spectra of the above compounds show a trend in the anisotropy of the g-values that correlates well with the crystal structures. Obtained only in small quantities but supported by single crystal X-ray studies are the adduct of Cu(OH)Cl with pyrrolidine (pyrr), Cu(OH)Cl:pyrr (1:3), which takes the centrosymmetric binuclear form [(pyrr)3Cu(μ-OH)2Cu(pyrr)3]Cl2, the copper atom being disposed in a distorted trigonal bipyramidal array, and the adduct 3CuCl2·CuO·4quin, [Cu4Cl6O(quin)4]Cl2, which contains the familiar Cu4Cl6O core with monodentate quinuclidine (quin) attached to the copper atoms; this compound crystallizes in the cubic space group .  相似文献   

Recognition and repair of DNA-cisplatin adducts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The rates of decay of the electron adducts of thymine, thymidylic acid and of uracil at pH approximately 8-5 and at wave-lengths of 340 or 350 nm in the presence of t-butanol as scavenger for OH radicals are not influenced significantly by the addition of 0-1 M NaClO4. It follows that the decay reactions do not take place between negatively-charged species. The best explanation seems to be an efficient reaction of the electron adducts with the t-butanol radicals formed by reaction of OH radicals with the t-butanol.  相似文献   

Catechol estrogen adducts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Reaction of estrone-3,4-o-quinone with ethanethiol and glutathione leads to the formation of 4-hydroxyestrone-2-thioethers. Incubations of [1-3H]hydroxyestrone with rat liver microsomes and NADPH in the presence of glutathione results in the formation of 4-hydroxyestrone-S-glutathione with no release of tritium in the water indicating GSH addition to C-2 of 4-hydroxyestrone.  相似文献   

The design, synthesis and biological evaluation of a series of pyrazol-3-ylamino pyrazines as potent and selective JAK2 kinase inhibitors is reported, along with the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of lead compounds.  相似文献   

The structural profile for the interactions between serine proteases and organophosphorus (OP) compounds can be deduced from recent NMR and X-ray crystallographic data. Using the rationale proposed for serine proteases, dynamic data on the inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by OP compounds is also consistent with structural constraints and an impairment of the proton switch mechanism during phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Doxorubicin (trade name Adriamycin) is a widely used anticancer agent which exhibits good activity against a wide range of tumors. Although the major mode of action appears to be normally as a topoisomerase II poison, it also exhibits a number of other cellular responses, one of which is the ability to form adducts with DNA. For adduct formation doxorubicin must react with cellular formaldehyde to form an activated Schiff base which is then able to form an aminal (N-C-N) linkage to the exocyclic amino group of guanine residues. The mono-adducts form primarily at G of 5'-GCN-3' sequences where the chromophore of the drug is intercalated between the C and N base pair. The structure of the adducts has have been well defined by 2D NMR, mass spectrometry and X-ray crystallography. The formation of these anthracycline adducts in cells grown in culture has been unequivocally demonstrated. The source of formaldehyde in cells can be endogenous, provided by coadministration of prodrugs that release formaldehyde or by prior complexation of anthracyclines with formaldehyde. Since the adducts appear to be more cytotoxic than doxorubicin alone, and also less susceptible to drug-efflux forms of resistance, they offer new approaches to improving the anticancer activity of the anthracyclines.  相似文献   

Studies of the fluorescence of N-(1-pyrene)maleimide and N-(1-pyrenyl)iodoacetamide with actin from rabbit skeletal muscle tropomyosin revealed the presence of excimer fluorescence characterized by a broad emission band at 480 nm with a shoulder at 505 nm. Monomer fluorescence decay exhibited different lifetimes, viz., about 3, 22 and 87 ns for the pyrenemaleimide adduct; about 2.5, 11 and 51 ns for the aminolyzed maleimide adduct: and about 2.5, 15 and 74 ns for the pyrenyliodoacetamide adduct. Almost identical excimer fluorescence lifetimes were found for all adducts; about 9, 35 and 65 ns. Excimer fluorescence was sensitive to changes in ionic strength and pH of the medium while monomer fluorescence did not change. The protein denaturants guanidine hydrochloride and urea caused dissociation of the two tropomyosin subunits and partial disappearance of excimer fluorescence, but not as effectively as the hydrophobic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate. The sensitivity of excimer fluorescence to changes in the micro-environment make these pyrene derivatives very useful probes for studying conformational changes and binding interaction of tropomyosin with other contractile proteins. The unique location of the excimer probe at tropomyosin Cys-190 and its characteristic long lifetimes could make it useful in time-resolved anisotropy studies and fluorescence energy-transfer experiments.  相似文献   

Atylamines and nitroarenes are very important environmental and occupational pollutants. Genotoxic effects of arylamines are believed to be initiated by the formation of DNA adducts. DNA adducts of arylamines have been found in experimental animals and in exposed humans, and are predominantly formed with the carbon 8 of 2'-deoxyguanosine. Reference standards are necessary to develop methods for the quantification of DNA-adducts. Therefore, we have synthesized the 2'-deoxyguanosin-8-yI adducts of 2-methylaniline, 2-chloroaniline, 4-chloroaniline, 2,4dimethylaniline, and 2,6-dimethylaniline. The products were characterized by 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, MS and UV. The corresponding 2'-deoxyguanosine-3' -monophosphate adducts were synthesized for the quantification of DNA adducts by the 32P-postlabelling technique. A GC-MS method was developed for the analysis of the new adducts as an alternative to the 32P-postlabelling. DNA was spiked with the synthesized adducts and treated with 0.3 m NaOH overnight at 110 °C in the presence of a deuterated internal standard. We observed up to 80% recovery from about 1 adduct in 108 to 1 in 105 nucleotides.  相似文献   

In comparison with the fluorescence emission spectra of 7-methylbenz[a]-anthracene-nucleoside adducts, the fluorescence emission spectra of hydrocarbon-deoxyribonucleoside adducts containing a methyl substituent in the "bay region" lack spectral resolution at room temperature and appear at substantially longer wavelength. This spectral resolution is improved when spectra are measured at 77 K and an irreversible spectral shift to shorter wavelength, accompanied by improved resolution, results from mild acid hydrolysis. These spectral properties peculiar to the "bay region-substituted" adducts presumably result from an intramolecular interaction between the hydrocarbon fluorophore and the attached nucleoside brought about, in the examples studied here, by the presence of the 12-methyl group in 7,12-dimethylbenz[awanthracene (DMBA) and in 7-hydroxymethyl-12-methylbenz[a]anthracene. This interaction suggests that the site of nucleoside attachment is in close proximity to the 12-methyl group and that binding occurs, therefore, through the intermediacy of a 3,4-diol-1,2-oxide, i.e. a "bay region" diol-epoxide in each case.  相似文献   

Recently it has been shown that pyrazines are associated with many aposematic, chemically defended insects. We have demonstrated that naive hatchling chicks, when offered drinking water to which 2-methoxy-3-isobutylpyrazine is added, develop a neophobic 'alerting' reaction. The birds are not only capable of forming a conditioned aversion to the pyrazine when it is paired with quinine sulphate but they can also detect it from a distance probably by olfaction. This suggests that birds, a major group of insect predators, can interpret pyrazines as alerting or warning signals. The relationship of pyrazines with other alerting signals, and their evocative qualities are discussed.  相似文献   

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