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In this paper interspecific aggression is related to ecological relationships between bird species. Three kinds of relationships are distinguished according to the presence or absence of aggression and the degree to which resources are exclusively utilized: interspecific territoriality (aggression, exclusive use), partial exclusion (aggression, no exclusive use), and tolerance (no aggression, no exclusive use). Aggression by long-toed lapwings (Vanellus crassirostris) is examined within this framework, using quantitative data gathered through observational sampling. Lapwings were interspecifically territorial with one species, partially excluded five species, and tolerated four species. The results indicate that the function of interspecific aggressive behaviour may be related to competition, predation, or both.  相似文献   

Nest survival rates and reproductive rates of females of the Australian paper wasp, Ropalidia plebeiana, in nest aggregations under a concrete bridge were studied. The annual colony cycle commenced in August with the reutilization of old nests and by the founding of new nests, mainly by associations of foundresses. Distribution patterns of the number of foundresses per nest was nearly random on new nests while contagious on old nests. About one-third of the increase in number of nest was achieved by dividing large, old nests and two-thirds by founding new nests. Nest survival rates for old nests (August to April) and new nests (November to April) were 89.6% and 88.8% respectively, far higher rates than those of other polistine wasps so far reported. The numbers of nests and reproductive females increased during a colony cycle by 2.30 and 10.98 times, respectively. Thus, huge aggregations of nests are probably beneficial for this species by enabling the realization of high reproductive rates. We could find no density-dependent effect in nest growth rate or production of female reproductives. Ratio of cells parasitized by ichneumonid wasps was low. Nests in the central part of an aggregation were prasitized at significantly lower rates than nests on the periphery or scattered nests outside a dense aggregation, suggesting a selfish herd effect.  相似文献   

Ascidians utilize both physical (spicules, tunic toughness) and chemical defenses (secondary metabolites, acidity) and suffer relatively little predation by generalist predators. The genus Cystodytes (Polycitoridae) is distributed widely in both tropical and temperate waters. Secondary metabolite composition, calcareous spicules and tunic acidity (pH < 1) may act as redundant defense mechanisms against predation in this genus. To assess the relative importance of chemical and physical defenses against predation in ascidians, we studied purple and blue morphs of Cystodytes from the western Mediterranean (formerly assigned to Cystodytes dellechiajei, but recently shown to belong to two different species), and a purple morph from Guam (USA), identified as Cystodytes violatinctus. Crude extracts, spicules, ascididemin (the major alkaloid of the blue morph) and acidity were used in feeding trials to evaluate chemical and physical defense mechanisms in Cystodytes spp. We performed feeding experiments in the field with a guild of generalist fish (mostly damselfish), and in the laboratory with a sea urchin and a puffer fish. Our results showed that all crude extracts and ascididemin significantly deterred fish predation, but not sea urchin predation. However, neither acidity alone nor spicules at natural concentrations deterred feeding. These results and other studies on sponges and gorgonians suggest that secondary metabolites are the primary means of defense against fish predators. Spicules and tunic acidity may perform other ecological roles and/or target certain specialist predators.  相似文献   

We investigated the distributional dynamics of piscivorous seabirds in relation to the distribution of young fish outside the breeding season in the Skagerrak and Kattegat, using synoptic bottom trawl and seabird surveys. Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla , Common Guillemot Uria aalge and Razorbill Alca torda were significantly correlated with herring Clupea harengus abundance at coarse spatial scales (>20 km). The association between the three seabird species and other abundant fish species like sprat Sprattus sprattus , whiting Merlangius merlangus and Norway pout Trisopterus esmarki was considerably weaker. In the Skagerrak and Kattegat, the location of aggregations of immature herring during winter is relatively stable and predictable. The correlation with herring and the lack of correlation with the abundant, but less stable occurrence of sprat of similar caloric value suggest that the tendency among piscivorous seabirds to depend on predictable concentrations of prey during the breeding season is a common feature during the non-breeding season as well. The results are discussed in relation to ecological and winter habitat characteristics of wintering piscivorous seabirds in the eastern North Atlantic, and in relation to the management and conservation of nursering herring in the Skagerrak and Kattegat.  相似文献   

Thermoregulatory and maternal nesting in Mus musculus (indexed as weight of cotton pulled into the cage) was measured at 5 C and 22 C on mice representing lines from a bidirectional selection experiment for nest size at room temperature. The effects of both selection and temperature were significant across the entire experiment. Nesting on the day of parturition correlated highly with thermoregulatory nesting, and with the number of offspring that survived to weaning, indicating a common genetic basis for maternal and thermoregulatory nesting and a direct correlation of these traits with Darwinian fitness. Amount of cotton used increased soon after mating and remained high with a large amount of variability until about 10 days after parturition, and then decreased sharply. The pattern of changes in nest size during pregnancy resembled changes in progesterone levels reported previously in the literature for mice, and contrasted with models of a smooth symmetric curve peaking at parturition.  相似文献   

Insufficient productivity has driven population declines in grassland breeding waders with high levels of predation limiting productivity in many wetland reserves. We studied hatching and fledging success of Lapwings Vanellus vanellus in two continental river floodplains (Havel and Oder) differing in water regime and density of Red Foxes Vulpes vulpes to assess the effects of increased water tables as a management option. Nest predation rates were high on dry sites as well as on flooded grasslands in all areas irrespective of fox litter density. Carnivores formed the majority of the predators identified and eggshell remains suggested that mustelids took proportionally more nests at low fox densities. At unsuccessful nests on flooded grassland, an increasing incidence of nocturnal disturbances prior to predation indicated an influx of carnivores as the sites dried out. Brood survival depended on the availability of wet features, and productivity was thus linked to water tables in June in one area (Havel). Productivity was insufficient to maintain local populations in all areas and years except for two occasions related to increased water tables. Retaining high water tables throughout the breeding season therefore remains an important management option for waders on continental wet grasslands.  相似文献   

The anamorphic fungal genus Monotosporella (Ascomycota, Sordariomycetes) has been reco-vered from a piece of Early Eocene Indian amber, as well as from the surface of extant resin flows in New Caledonia. The fossil fungus was obtained from the Tarkeshwar Lignite Mine of Gujarat State, western India, and was part of the biota of an early tropical angiosperm rainforest. The amber inclusion represents the second fossil record of Sordariomycetes, as well as the first fossil of its particular order (either Savoryellales or Chaetosphaeriales). The fossil fungus is distinguished from extant representatives by possessing both short conidiophores and small two-septate pyriform conidia, and is described as Monotosporella doerfeltii sp. nov. Inside the amber, the anamorph is attached to its substrate, which is likely the degraded thallus of a cladoniform lichen. The extant New Caledonian species is assigned to Monotosporella setosa. It was found growing on semi-solidified resin flows of Agathis ovata (Araucariaceae), and is the first record of Monotosporella from modern resin substrates.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung 45 Eier und 8 Kükenlebern des Kiebitzes aus den Jahren 1984 und 1986 wurden auf -, -, -HCH, HCB, DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin und PCB untersucht. Hohe Konzentrationen an Dieldrin wurden in den Eiern gefunden, während die Lebern von Kiebitzküken geringer belastet waren. Die geringen Konzentrationen der übrigen Pestizide und die mäßige an PCB entsprachen der niedrigen Trophieebene des Kiebitzes. Die Frage, ob die Belastung mit Dieldrin einen Einfluß auf den Rückgang von Kiebitzpopulationen in einigen Gebieten haben könnte, wird kurz diskutiert.
The burden of Dieldrin and other chlorinated hydrocarbons on the Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus)
Summary -, -, -HCH, HCB DDT, Dieldrin, Endrin, and PCB were determined in 45 eggs and 8 livers of young Lapwings in 1984 and 1986. High concentrations of Dieldrin were found in eggs while those in livers of young Lapwings were lower. The low residues of the other pesticides and the moderate ones of PCB are in accordance with the low trophic level of the Lapwing. The probable influence of the Dieldrin burden on the decline of Lapwing populations in several regions is discussed briefly.

Gefördert mit Hilfe von Forschungsmitteln des Landes Niedersachsen  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Von 1996 bis 2000 wurden insgesamt 43 verschiedene und 58 des Kiebitz jeweils vom 1. März bis 15. Juni beobachtet. Während 79 Ganztagsbeobachtungen mit insgesamt 1109 Stunden wurden 767 Kopulationen registriert. Eine Kopulation dauerte in allen Phasen des Brutgeschäftes durchschnittlich 1,7 s. Die ersten Begattungen wurden acht bis zehn Tage nach Erstbeobachtung der im Revier der und je vier bis sechs Tage vor Legebeginn ab Anfang/Mitte März festgestellt. Die letzten Begattungen waren noch Anfang Juni zu beobachten. Die Kopulationen verteilten sich über den ganzen Tag mit Maxima in den frühen Morgen- und späten Nachmittag- bzw. frühen Abendstunden. Bis zum vollständigen Gelege wurde jedes 40- bis 70-mal begattet. Diese häufigen Kopulationen könnten zur Festigung und zum Erhalt von Paarbindungen beitragen. Auch während der gesamten Gelegebebrütung kopulierten die Brutpartner durchschnittlich zwei- bis dreimal täglich. Hier erfolgten 51,5 % aller Kopulationen bei der Ablösung des brütenden durch das . Mit zunehmender Zahl an Brutablösungen nahm die Anzahl der Ablösungen mit Kopulation zu. Insgesamt wurde im Durchschnitt bei jeder vierten Brutablösung kopuliert. Nur an 18 (13,5 %) von insgesamt 133 beobachteten Bebrütungstagen eines konnte den ganzen Tag über keine Begattung festgestellt werden. Polygyne hielten zu all ihren sexuellen Kontakt. Mit dem Schlupf der Küken wurden die Kopulationen eingestellt. Erneut einsetzende Begattungen während des Jungeführens oder nach Kükenverlust erfolgten im Rahmen der Ablage eines Zweitgeleges. Zwischen Gelegealter und Kopulationshäufigkeit wurde kein Zusammenhang gefunden. Fremdkopulationen (EPCs) wurden nicht beobachtet. Kopulationen während der Gelegebebrütung dienen daher wohl nicht zur Verhinderung von Fremdbefruchtung eines Ersatz- oder Zweitgeleges. Sie sind wohl während der Bebrütung ebenso nicht nötig, um das Follikelwachstum und die Keimdrüsen für ein weiteres Gelege zu stimulieren, da auch nach mehreren Wochen ohne Kopulation innerhalb weniger Tage der Follikelsprung ausgelöst wurde. Offenbar sind Kopulationen während der Bebrütungsphase unabhängig von ihrer eigentlichen Befruchtungsfunktion. Die sehr häufigen Kopulationen scheinen Kommunikationsfunktion im Sinne der Aufforderung zur Brutablösung zu haben und können die Paarbindung stärken und so eine optimale Bebrütung des Geleges ermöglichen.
The copulation behaviour of Lapwings (Vanellus vanellus) throughout the breeding season
Summary From 1996 to 2000 43 male and 58 female Lapwings were observed from March 1st until June 15th. During 79 full day observations over a total of 1109 hours, 767 copulations were recorded. Viewed over the whole breeding period a copulation took on average 1.7 seconds. The first matings (beginning of March) were registered eight to ten days after the arrival of the female in the male territory; four to six days later egg laying started. The last copulations were still being observed in early June. Matings were observed at all times of the day with peaks in the early morning and late afternoon. By the time the clutch was completed each female lapwing had taken part in 40 to 70 copulations. Frequent copulation may promote pair bonding. Over the complete incubation period the partners copulated on average two to three times a day. 51.5 % of copulations occured during brood relief of the male by the female. With an increasing number of brood reliefs the number of male to female reliefs with copulations became more frequent. All in all matings took place on average every fourth brood relief. Over 133 days of observation of an incubating fermale on only 18 days (13.5 %) were no copulations at all recorded. Polygamous males kept up contact to all their mates. The copulations finished on the hatching of the chicks. During chick leading or after the loss of chicks, matings started again for a second clutch. No connection was found between the age of a clutch and the frequency of copulations. Extra-pair copulations (EPCs) were not observed. Therefore matings during the incubation period would not appear to serve to prevent the extra-pair fertilization of a replacement or second clutch. Copulations during incubation time seem to be unnecessary to stimulate follicle growth and the germ glandular for a second clutch, because even after several weeks of abstention, an ovulation could be provoked within a few days. Copulations during the breeding period are obviously not connected to their regular function of fertilization. The very large number of copulations may have a communicative function stimulating turn-taking at brooding and helping to stabilize the pair bond, with a positive effect on the breeding success.

To test the hypothesis that territorial male beaugregory damselfish (Stegastes leucostictus) can assess the degree of threat from egg predators, the aggressive behaviour of both males guarding eggs and males without eggs was recorded when they were presented with either one or five individuals of the wrasse egg predator Thalassoma bifasciatum. Presentations were made in a clear plastic bottle 0.5 m from artificial beaugregory breeding sites in the field. Two measures of aggressive behaviour (downhead threats and time spent within 10 cm of the presentation bottle) were significantly greater for multiple wrasse presentations than for single wrasse presentations, while a third measure (chase attempts) was not. In contrast, chase attempts were significantly greater for males guarding eggs than for males without eggs, but there was no significant difference in the level of downhead threats or bottle proximity time for this comparison. Levels of the three aggressive measures were not correlated with either the amount of eggs or the number of egg clutches present. These results indicate that territorial male beaugregories respond to an increase in the number of intruding egg predators by increasing the levels of low-cost threat behaviour, while the presence (but not the amount) of eggs results in an increase in the amount of higher cost attack behaviour. These experiments, therefore, support the hypothesis that male beaugregories can assess the degree of threat from egg predators, and indicate that they use this assessment to alter the strategies used in territorial defence.  相似文献   

Biogeographic patterns of parasite diversity are useful for determining how host–parasite interactions can influence speciation. However, variation in methodologies and sampling effort can skew diversity estimates. Avian haemosporidians are vector-transmitted blood parasites represented by over 1300 unique genetic lineages spread across over 40 countries. We used a global database of lineage distributions for two avian haemosporidian genera, Plasmodium and Haemoproteus, to test for congruence of diversity among haemosporidians and their avian hosts across 13 geographic regions. We demonstrated that avian haemosporidians exhibit similar diversity patterns to their avian hosts; however, specific patterns differ between genera. Haemoproteus spp. diversity estimates were significantly higher than those of Plasmodium spp. in all areas where the genera co-occurred, apart from the Plasmodium spp.-rich region of South America. The geographic distributions of parasite genera also differed, with Haemoproteus spp. absent from the majority of oceanic regions while Plasmodium spp. were cosmopolitan. These findings suggest fundamental differences in the way avian haemosporidians diverge and colonise new communities. Nevertheless, a review of the literature suggests that accurate estimates of avian haemosporidian diversity patterns are limited by (i) a concentration of sampling towards passerines from Europe and North America, (ii) a frequent failure to include microscopic techniques together with molecular screening and (iii) a paucity of studies investigating distributions across vector hosts.  相似文献   

The Caribbean fruit fly, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew), like many polyphagous tephritids, exhibits a lek polygyny mating system, and juvenile hormone levels and adult diet are known to have important positive effects on male sexual success. Among the potential components of this success are male lek tenure and female response to the sexual signals of lekking males. Male A. suspensa where submitted to four different treatments: (M+P+) application of juvenile hormone analog, methoprene (M) and sugar and hydrolyzed yeast as adult food; (M+P) application of M and sugar as adult food; (MP+) no application of M and sugar and hydrolyzed yeast as adult food; and (MP) no application of M and sugar as adult food. M+P+ males initiated and participated more in aggregations, mated more frequently, and occupied the lek centers more often. They also had fewer unsuccessful mounting attempts than males in all the other treatments. M+P+ males also emitted pheromones and acoustically signaled more often and attracted more females than males in other treatments. Male sexual performance was improved due to methoprene, protein supply, and the interaction of methoprene and protein for most of the parameters. Since the success of the sterile insect technique (SIT), a commonly employed technique to control pest tephritids, requires the release of males that can form leks, engage in agonistic sexual interactions, and attract females, these positive effects of protein and methoprene may substantially improve SIT programs.  相似文献   

Summary In the Marismas of the Guadalquivir (SW Spain), the nesting season of the Mallard extends from late January to late May. The relative importance of different nesting habitats changed throughout this period. Nesting habitats primarily used were those in which the nesting success was highest.
Einfluß des Neststandes auf den Bruterfolg der Stockente (Anas platyrhynchos)
Zusammenfassung Die Brutzeit der Stockente dauert in den Marismas des Guadalquivir (SW-Spanien) von Ende Januar bis Ende Mai. Die relative Bedeutung des Nisthabitats ändert sich während dieser Zeit. Die jeweiligen Neststandorte werden bevorzugt so gewählt, daß der Bruterfolg am höchsten ist.

Biological invasions can have severe and widespread impacts on ecological communities. A few species of ants have become particularly damaging invaders but quantitative data of their impacts on many taxa is still lacking. We provide experimental evidence using artificial nests baited with quail eggs that the invasive Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) can be a significant avian nest predator – Argentine ants recruited to more nests and in higher abundance than the native ant species they displace. However, at a site invaded by Argentine ants, we monitored over 400 nests of a ground-nesting species, the Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis), and found that less than 2% of nests failed as a result of Argentine ant predation/infestation. A review of the literature also suggests that Argentine ants may not be a serious threat to bird nests relative to other predators or parasites. However, invasive ants with the capability of overwhelming prey though stinging (specifically the red-imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta), may have a higher impact on avian nesting success. Received 14 January 2005; revised 28 April 2005; accepted 12 May 2005.  相似文献   

Although most upwelling regions are marked by strong fluctuations in water temperature, few studies have examined how episodic cold-water events affect the physiology and ecology of benthic marine invertebrates. I tested the hypothesis that upwelling-related variation in water temperature regulates the feeding, growth, and energetics of two rocky intertidal predators, the sea star Pisaster ochraceus (Brandt, 1835) and the whelk Nucella canaliculata (Duclos, 1832). Sea stars and whelks were maintained in laboratory tanks at a constant 9 °C, a constant 12 °C, and a treatment that simulated the Oregon coast upwelling regime by cycling between 14-day periods of 12 and 9 °C. Early in the experiments, sea stars and whelks held at 9 °C consumed about 30% fewer mussels (Mytilus trossulus) than those in warmer tanks. Despite lower consumption by whelks in colder tanks, 9 and 12 °C individuals attained the same final size. Similarly, sea stars in 9 °C tanks showed greater growth per gram of mussel tissue consumed than individuals held at 12 °C. These results suggest that reduced consumption under colder conditions was balanced by reduced metabolic costs. Moreover, there appeared to be an energetic advantage to living in the temperature regime characteristic of intermittent upwelling. Sea stars alternately exposed to 12 and 9 °C had a significantly higher growth rate, conversion efficiency, and storage of reserves in the pyloric caeca than individuals in the constant 12 °C tanks. Whelks maintained under fluctuating temperatures tended to grow faster than those held at constant 12 or 9 °C, although this trend was not statistically significant (p=0.069). These results suggest that benthic consumers experiencing cyclic temperatures may feed intensely during periods of warmer water while benefiting from reduced metabolic costs during cold-water intrusions. Because the fecundity of Pisaster and Nucella is a function of energy stored during the upwelling season, interannual variability in upwelling patterns could alter the reproductive output of these species.  相似文献   

An increase in clinical cases of Candidiosis globally as well as fungal resistance to drugs prompted the search for novel anti-Candida albicans agents from plant sources. Leaf extracts of Markhamia obtusifolia were screened for activity against C. albicans in vitro. An acetone extract obtained following serial exhaustive extraction contained mainly the active components with at least four active zones on the bioautogram. Bioassay guided fractionation of this extract led to the isolation of three compounds which inhibited the growth of three C. albicans strains. Based on spectroscopy studies (NMR and MS), the compounds were identified as 3β-hydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid, ursolic acid (1) 3β, 19α-dihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid, pomolic acid (2) and 2β, 3β, 19α -trihydroxy-urs-12-en-28-oic acid, 2-epi-tormentic acid (3). The most active compound was 3β, 19α-dihydroxy-12-ursen-28-oic acid (2) with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value of 12.5 µg/mL for C. albicans isolated from dog and 25.0 µg/mL for C. albicans from cat and ATCC 90028 at 24 h following incubation. However, at 48 h of incubation MICs were > 400 µg/mL for all the three compounds isolated. This study indicated that M. obtusifolia could be a potential source of active principles against C. albicans.  相似文献   

The diet of the starfish, Marthasterias glacialis (L.), consists of a variety of mollusc species, as well as ascidians and barnacles. Starfish densities are maximal where mussels, Choromytilus meridionalis (Krauss), are abundant and in such areas mussels form the bulk of the diet. Laboratory feeding experiments indicate that Marthasterias glacialis select mussels of particular sizes and that the length of prey taken is an increasing function of predator arm length. The time taken to consume each mussel is determined by the ratio of shell length to starfish size. The number of mussels consumed per day increases only slightly with starfish size, but because the prey taken increase in size, energy consumption is maintained at a relatively consistent 1% of predator body energy per day. Using prey selection and feeding rate data for different sized starfish, predictive three dimensional predation surfaces are developed for a natural starfish population feeding on either one or two cohort Choromytilus meridionalis populations. The models indicate that predatory effort should be concentrated on the smallest mussels when a single adult cohort is present, but on recruiting mussels just above the minimum prey size limit where two cohorts are present. Other major predators of mussels, the rock lobster, Jasus lalandii (Milne Edwards), and the whelk, Natica tecta Anton, appear to select similar size-ranges of prey to starfish, despite their differing body forms and feeding methods. Since the juveniles of all three predators can only take small mussels, predator recruitment may well depend upon the successful settlement of strong mussel cohorts. Evidence for such entrainment of predator cohorts to settlements of mussels is presented.  相似文献   

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